Thứ Bảy, 29 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 29 2018

"Ist Eviction in BIGG BOSS 12 FULL EPISODE | REVIEW | By Dabangg Singh | Salman khan

For more infomation >> "Ist Eviction in BIGG BOSS 12 FULL EPISODE | REVIEW | By Dabangg Singh | Salman khan - Duration: 2:50.


Услышано в Одессе. Прикольные одесские фразы и выражения! Выпуск #52 - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> Услышано в Одессе. Прикольные одесские фразы и выражения! Выпуск #52 - Duration: 2:44.


HOW TO DRAW A VAMPIRE | Halloween Cartoon Drawing | BLABLA ART - Duration: 10:47.

How to draw a Vampire

Don't miss any Blabla Art episode

Subscribe! :)

For more infomation >> HOW TO DRAW A VAMPIRE | Halloween Cartoon Drawing | BLABLA ART - Duration: 10:47.


RC Bruder Toys COMBINE harvester in the MUD! - Duration: 14:23.

Bruder combine | World of Bruder toys | Kids action

For more infomation >> RC Bruder Toys COMBINE harvester in the MUD! - Duration: 14:23.


Unerwünschtes Martinshorn - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> Unerwünschtes Martinshorn - Duration: 2:41.


Иван Гончарук - Човен (Cover - Один в каное) - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Иван Гончарук - Човен (Cover - Один в каное) - Duration: 1:03.


UKRYTY W LESIE GRZYB (Żabson - Ukryty w Mieście Krzyk PARODIA) | Na Pełnej - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> UKRYTY W LESIE GRZYB (Żabson - Ukryty w Mieście Krzyk PARODIA) | Na Pełnej - Duration: 3:36.


ΟΤΑΝ Η ΛΟΓΙΚΗ ΑΠΟΤΥΧΑΝΕΙ #1! | Soc One - Duration: 5:27.

For more infomation >> ΟΤΑΝ Η ΛΟΓΙΚΗ ΑΠΟΤΥΧΑΝΕΙ #1! | Soc One - Duration: 5:27.


【咀嚼音】サクサクモッツァレラチーズチップ揚げて食べる。 - Duration: 7:40.

For more infomation >> 【咀嚼音】サクサクモッツァレラチーズチップ揚げて食べる。 - Duration: 7:40.


The Numbers Song With Bob The Train | Counting Numbers 123 & Learning Videos For Children By Kids Tv - Duration: 1:04:24.


I'm Bob the train

Look at all those numbers

Come let's play with them




And 4




And 8


And 10

Hooh isn't this fun




And 4




And 8


And 10

One more time let's go..




And 4




And 8


And 10

I love to play with numbers

Come with me sing with me

And dance to the numbers song

Did you enjoy that come back soon to play with Bob the train

For more infomation >> The Numbers Song With Bob The Train | Counting Numbers 123 & Learning Videos For Children By Kids Tv - Duration: 1:04:24.


Scary Pumpkin | Halloween Nursery Rhymes | Videos For Children | Farmees - Duration: 1:00:38.

There's a scary pumpkin In the dark dustbin

The moon is turning All white

Who's that spooky girl Behind the flaming skull

The clock is ticking scarily tonight prepare for fright..

It's Halloween

It's Halloween

It's Halloween Stay in the Light

It's Halloween

It's Halloween

It's Halloween It's the zombies' delight

It's Halloween

It's Halloween

It's Halloween What you doing tonight

It's Halloween

It's Halloween

It's Halloween Prepare for Fright

The fog still lingers You're counting on your fingers

The ghouls behind you Right

The moon's disappeared It's just what you feared...

The undead will rise tonight prepare for Fright..

It's Halloween

It's Halloween

It's Halloween Stay in the Light

It's Halloween

It's Halloween

It's Halloween It's the zombies delight

It's Halloween

It's Halloween

It's Halloween What you doing tonight..

It's Halloween

It's Halloween

It's Halloween Prepare for Fright...

For more infomation >> Scary Pumpkin | Halloween Nursery Rhymes | Videos For Children | Farmees - Duration: 1:00:38.


【狂気】千葉雄大、彼女にとんでもない仕打ちwwwwww - Duration: 2:58.

千葉雄大が、2放送のスペシャル番組『妄想ふくらむフグ女たち』(日本テレビ系)に出 。交際女性との別れ方を明かした。 久本雅美ら、今回登場したスタジオの女性タレン は、千葉の女性との別れ方について「何の前触れもなく別れそう」「LINEをしてくれ くなる」などと妄想

これに対して千葉本人も「思い当たる節はある」とし、別れ際のLINEの返事も「うん 「あぁ」「分かった」と、つれない言葉で返すと明かすと、女性陣は「やっぱりかー」「 らほら!」などと騒然

また別れるタイミングも「パッキリですね、いきなり」と未練なく断ち切ると明かした。 そこで実際、どう女性を振るのか、加藤綾子を相手に実演してもらうことに。千葉は、 び出した加藤に「別れよう」と一言

「なんで?」と聞かれても「ちょっと、ほんともう無理」とそっけない返事をするのみ。 して「じゃあ」とイスから立ち上がると、「待って、行かないで」と腕にすがりつく加藤 ばさっと振り払い、立ち去った

この冷たい仕打ちにスタジオからは「え~」「怖い」と嘆く女性の声が飛び交い、加 も「食欲なくなった」と思わず素に戻りショックを受けていた。すると千葉は「『どこが いになったとかじゃないんだけど』とか言っちゃうと、逆に失礼なのかな」とあえて冷た すると言及

また「具体的な(別れたい)理由があれば言いますけど、トーン的には今のトーンですね と再現したときの態度と同じと明かし、女性陣を驚かせていた。 2018年9月28 7時30分 RBB TODAY 千葉 雄大(ちば ゆうだい、1989年3月9日 - )は、日本の、ファッションモデル

愛称は「千葉くん」、「ばーちー」「ばーち」。宮城県多賀城市出身。宮城県仙台第三高 学校卒業。ジャパン・ミュージックエンターテインメント(イー・コンセプト)所属。2 07年10月、Toppaモデルオーディションでモデルに選ばれた

大学生時代に町田市内のスターバックスでアルバイトをしていた。『CHOKi CHO i』の専属モデルとして活動していたところ、同誌をたまたま見かけた現事務所の者にス ウトされた

2009年9月に事務所に所属、その数週間後に行われたオーディションで『天装戦隊ゴ イジャー』のアラタ / ゴセイレッド役に抜擢されるwiki ああそうですかと か言いようがないな 女からしたら、イケメンになら何をされても本望だろう

58: >>4 まあね この人はただ求められてるキャラを演じてるだけだ 可愛いふりして腹黒、辛辣、みたいなとこまで芸風じゃん 中間おすすめ記事 形のナルシストは自分が1番好きなんだよなー 女に興味ない奴の態度は大体こんな感 1 相手に未練が残らないように別れようという配慮だろこれ 問題ないな りとDV顔だと思う 2 別れ方は嫌われるくらいの方が後腐れなくていい 女が を振る時は大体こんな感じなんだから女から文句を言われる筋合いはない 男が「振る したってもう少し優しく振ってあげた方がいいんじゃね?」と言うなら 分かるが たいかね そのほうが助かるのに 気のあるような振りしてなぁなぁで浮気するより っさり別れる方がいいと思うんだけど

傷つけたくないといいながら、自分が傷つきたくないだけのクズの俺よりよほど潔い まあ振られたことないんだから 振られる側の気持ちなんて考えたことなし想像でき いんだろw むしろ正解が知りたい でも中途半端な期待持たせるよりはいい で まぁ、振るときは相手の未練を打ち砕くぐらいこっぴどく振った方が良い 一番良いの 女性から別れ話を持ち出させるように持っていくことだけど 60: >>57 っぱり諦めてくれるならいいが何するかわからん女なら怖いな 千葉の場合は相手が女 じゃなくて男性だろ 付き合えただけでもありがたく思え 最高な別れ方じゃん いになったところ言ったてそんなすぐに改善できないんだし イケメンだと酷い扱い受 てもそれがいいとか分けのわからんマニアがいるからな 良い別れ方はあるけどな ひどい別れ方しか想像できない人はつまんない恋愛しかしてないんだろ 8 男の可 い顔ほど中身は冷酷よ 9 別れ方が下手だな 別れてくれと泣きながら土下座し 彼女をドン引きさせるのが正解 ハッキリ言わないと怒られるのが定説 105: >>97 相手は怒るのもいるけど、もう会わないからねぇ この人コミュ障っ いしなあ まあ、ムダに期待を持たされても辛いだけだから、これくらい冷たくされた うがいいけど 別れる理由くらいは言って欲しいね ただ好きじゃなくなった、でも かに好きな女性が出来た、でも正直に 振られた理由が分からないままだと、それもま 振った相手におかしな希望を持たせるんじゃない? そういう態度できるヤツが羨まし わ・・・ 優しすぎても未練が残ると批判するんだろ 綺麗な別れ方なんてないんだ ら男が悪者になってるのがさりげない思いやりだわ おすすめ記事1001: 厳選記事 2020/01/01 00:00:00 ID:newsmatomemory【衝撃 】に納豆3パック食ってた結果wwwマジかよwww 引用元:

For more infomation >> 【狂気】千葉雄大、彼女にとんでもない仕打ちwwwwww - Duration: 2:58.


EFSANE HİKAYE (Truva Şehri ve Achilles) - Duration: 4:24.

For more infomation >> EFSANE HİKAYE (Truva Şehri ve Achilles) - Duration: 4:24.


Highly collectible Indochina piaster banknotes - Duration: 6:37.

sorry hello people are you going today

my name is Glenn and today I have some

banknotes from French Indochina and if

you don't know where French Indochina

trees it's here it's Cambodia Laos and

Vietnam and they actually used these

banknotes up into well up until roughly

1954 when are they issued their

independence currencies and a caveat for

that is North Vietnam which well

basically used banknotes since 1946 they

were first as a rebel type set out

pretty pretty crappy just like printing

at home and in 1951 he got better

banknotes from China but here I have a 5

PS ters so here is the denominational 5

P esters and it's pretty basic and if

you get the 5 pastors from Laos and

Cambodia and they're pretty much the

same color and same design and it this

one was issued by the Institute the

emissions it attached to Cambodia do

house at to Vietnam and it just says the

same that's most likely in to make on we

have which actually goes through all

three countries me we have a banana

plant that's probably it looks like palm

and on the reverse so during the 50s at

this time they actually issued well the

stand other standards were the same but

this is the Vietnam issue they had a

Laos issue and they Cambodia issue and

this is named on so far don't you know

Vietnamese at the top a Cambodian and

Lao and can actually find these no did

he ever issue so that's the $5 quite

like that banknotes here I have the one

dong so it's a pretty small Bank now

showing the declining value of the P

esta MP esta and this guy is the former

emperor MP MP I think that is nine

months and he was over from life

yourself ambient game game poo but I

have the kit I'll do a correction video

lighter anyway so this one has my

watermark on the back as the Vietnamese

Cambodian and Lao being that Han no idea

what that means if any Viennese

speaker's right here I'd like to know

what actually that means and it says

mok-dong so pay one dong

and what's the water markings from a

lion tiger I mean online as you can see

is a tiger there which represented South

Vietnam and here I have a older issue

this one is probably in 1930 sometime

issued by the Bank of Indochina

they also issued banknotes for Pacific


so not just Indochina and it has Athena

probably daddy say so

a European front and the one four seven

is the end of the serial number there

and this one's pretty pretty damaged

what's the watermark it woulda Marcius

looks like mercury you can see so they

say it looks pretty sad or pulsing and

here we have Buddha SEPA and he says the

four face Buddha set for at ankle and up

here you can hardly see it actually has

Lao and here he has now Cambodian

anyway you can get two different issues

you can get one with old layout and one

with the modern Lao

and it has Chinese air so mu n-- that's

in Cantonese and there's viennese on the

bottom so not bad actually I like these

old banknotes it's actually very hard to

get though and they're quite expensive

so these ones are not for sale

these are for my collection hopefully

you have some in your collection because

a few years ago these actually popping

out of Vietnam like it was no tomorrow

but now I think that he stopped and

those viennese instead of just selling

for any price they can they realize they

can get more money from but they're

quite damaged so here I'd be a high bank

not a hundred piastres this is a roughly

40s or 50s series has mercury and as you

can see there's a winged hat i believe

thats mercury and not homies and the

watermark is some guy that you can see

there is no security free paper is

pretty thin though and on the back he

has a person so here you see Cambodian

up top and then lower down the bottom so

as I said there's actually two versions

when we've old now on one with you you

now this one has new low so all modern

now then it has Chinese as well so

Chinese air and a person with some

elephants it has who printed it down the

bottom and it's just a nicely designed

banknote this is not the highest

denomination I believe they have 500 and

1,000 piastres as well but this is a

higher still have actually got in my

collection so anyway if you like a

banknotes of French Indochina please

give this video a thumbs up leave a

comment down below what you think of

these banknotes because your feedback is

welcome and please subscribe to my

channel if you haven't already so I can

show you more about banknotes everyday

have a good day people in keep

collecting bye bye

For more infomation >> Highly collectible Indochina piaster banknotes - Duration: 6:37.


HOW TO UNDERSTAND YOUR CAT BETTER - Funny cats videos 2018 - Duration: 10:51.

Please Don't forget to: LIKE | COMMENT | SHARE | SUBSCRIBE for the Upcoming New Funny Videos

For more infomation >> HOW TO UNDERSTAND YOUR CAT BETTER - Funny cats videos 2018 - Duration: 10:51.


PETS / Домашние животные / Les animaux domestiques - Duration: 0:57.

Hello, my friends!

Today I would like to speak about pets.

There are a lot of people who like animals.

Such animals are called pets.

More often there are cats, dogs, hamsters, white mice,

fishes, different birds, for example, parrots and others.

They know their masters and love them.

And all the pets need their master's care and love.

Dogs can be good friends to lonely people.

There is opinion, that cats can cure some illnesses and remove bad mood.

Dear, friends! Do you have any pets?

For more infomation >> PETS / Домашние животные / Les animaux domestiques - Duration: 0:57.


Tamil Beauty Tips for Face at Home | Natural Beauty Tips for Face in Tamil - Duration: 2:02.

Tamil Beauty Tips for Face at Home | Natural Beauty Tips for Face in Tamil

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