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P-10C vs. SPSMG9, which is better? Rainbow Six Siege - Duration: 12:44.What's up guys, Rogue-9 here and good news, I have finally completed my analysis of the
weapons available to Clash and since I was so slow in getting this done I even managed
to include the changes since the last patch, which significantly affected her ability to
switch from shield to guns.
I guess every cloud has a silver lining and all that, right?
As always, I have compared the in-game stats of the guns and conducted additional tests
to find out about the hidden stats behind each of the weapons.
So, when playing clash, should you be running the P-10C pistol or the SPSMG9?
What are their individual strengths and weaknesses?
Let's go and find out, shall we?
But before we get into that, I want to say a quick thank you to Massdrop for sending
me one of these Sennheiser PC37X Gaming headsets to try out!
Those of you who follow my Twitch streams will have seen me wearing this headset for
the last couple of weeks and I've been really happy using it.
Sennheiser is of course known for making great quality speakers and great speakers translate
into great sound quality.
Light and comfortable to wear even over long time periods, I would say that this headset
is a great all in one solution for anyone looking for a mic and headphone combo but
don't just take my word for it.
The item currently has 428 reviews on the Massdrop website, with a near perfect rating
of almost 5 out of 5 stars.
So if you're in the market for a new headset, I can definitely recommend the PC37X and if
you use the link in the description below it shows Massdrop that you came from me!
And with that, let's talk about Clash.
As a shield operator, she of course only has access to sidearms but unlike any other operator
in the past; she has access to a 2-shot burst fire machine pistol as well as the regular
semi-auto pistol used by most other operators.
In the past, having the choice between a pistol and a machine pistol was never a real choice.
Machine pistols have always been vastly superior up until the recent recoil changes but with
Clash her options have been designed from the ground up to be far more balanced.
Let's start things off simple by examining in-game info for both guns.
The P-10 does 40 points of baseline damage versus 30 for the SMG9.
When suppressed, the P-10 will deal 34 points while the SMG9 does 25, which is around about
a 15% reduction for both guns.
Fire rate is semi-auto but of course from past tests, we know that it will be around
450 RPM under combat conditions (although I have managed to clock in up to 486 RPM when
clicking just about perfectly).
The fire rate of the SMG9 is listed as 980 but the gun does not have a full auto mode.
Instead, you have to fire two-shot bursts and when I tested this in-game, I found that
the rate at which you can put out these burst is exactly the same at which you can fire semi-auto pistols.
Since every pull of the trigger gives you two shots that would suggest that the true
maximum fire rate for semi-autos is 490 RPM.
This fits in perfectly with my near perfect run of 486 RPM but to me this remains a theoretical
value since getting a perfect clicking sequence while also trying to fight a moving target
is extremely difficult for most players, especially when using a regular console controller.
What does this mean for all of my later calculations?
Instead of the maximum 980 RPM listed in-game, I will instead be using a more realistically
achievable fire rate of 900 RPM and that's still pretty decent by most standards.
Next up… urgh ok, let's do this.
<<For the sake of the sanity of the viewer, analysis of the Mobility stat has been cut
from the final presentation.>>
… So, I know that spending 32 minutes on this might be considered excessive but I hope
that clears it up once and for all!
Moving on!
Capacity of the P-10 is a pretty average 15+1 and the SMG9 can hold 20+1 giving the latter
a bit of an advantage.
In terms of attachments, both weapons have access to the Muzzle Brake, suppressor and
laser while the SMG also gets the choice of the Flash Hider if that's the kind of thing
that floats your boat.
Both weapons also have pre-attached red dot sights which (although not magnified) will
offer a somewhat better sight picture than the iron sights.
At least that is the case for most weapons in Rainbow Six and I assume it is probably the same here.
And now, let's dig a little deeper into some of the less obvious stats so that I can
finally get into the meaty part of this discussion.
I'll put all of the important numbers on screen for you now and then I will go over
the implications one by one.
As always, I tested and analysed the damage drop-off, reload speed, fire rate, hip-fire
spread, ADS time and specific to Clash also the switch time from shield to gun.
When comparing the P-10 and SMG9, the damage drop off rates don't really tell us anything
that we couldn't already have guessed from the baseline stats.
The P-10 is more powerful for each shot than the SMG at pretty much all ranges despite
the earlier pistol drop-off range of 12-22m.
The SMG9 compensates for this though by firing two shots at a time which effectively doubles
its damage output as long as both shots land on target.
I have calculated the full battery of "damage per second", "shots to down/kill" and
"time to down/kill" stats and as always, you can look those up in my online spreadsheet.
The summary of that analysis when comparing the two guns is that while the shots to kill
are always higher for the SMG9, the time to kill is always lower because of the doubled
up fire rate; all this of course assuming that all shots will hit the upper body.
And before moving on, one more thing to note here is the comparison of each gun to other guns in its class.
Compared to other pistols, the P-10 is about the weakest you can find with the exception of the Polish RG15.
And just like with the RG15, I believe that the attached red dot sight is there to balance
out the disappointing damage output.
Comparing the SMG9 to other machine pistols gives us the same result; in terms of pure
damage output and time to kill stats, the SMG9 is by far the weakest machine pistol
in the game and it's only redeeming factor is that the forced burst fire mode actually
makes the gun far more controllable than the other MPs after the recent nerf.
So the bottom line is that while the SMG9 provides slightly better damage output than
the P-10, both of Clash's guns are pretty bad compared to the weapons available to other operators.
I've already mentioned capacity and there's nothing much to add here, so over to reload speed.
The 2.2s taken by the P-10 for a full reload is bang on average for semi-auto pistols and
the 1.9s tactical reload is only just above the 1.8s semi-auto average.
As you might expect, the slightly clunkier SMG9 reloads a bit slower with 2.7s full and
2.2s tactical reloads.
Interestingly, the averages for machine pistols are 2.8s and 2s respectively, giving the new
gun a relatively good full reload but disappointing tactical reload.
Fire rate has already been discussed and ADS time is pretty straight forward as well.
200ms is the standard time for pistols, while 300ms is the standard for both primary and secondary SMGS.
Nothing unusual here but it is worth noting that, with times to down of between 200 & 300ms
for both guns against various distance and armour combinations, a 100ms advantage for
the P-10 goes an awfully long way in balancing out the TTK advantages of the SMG9.
In fact, in most cases, ADS+TTK added together will in fact be longer for the SMG than for
the P-10 (full details in the spreadsheet).
Now going over to the shield switching time: from a comparison perspective, there is not a lot to say really.
It takes 2s to switch from gun to shield and 1s to switch from shield to gun no matter
which weapon you choose.
This is only the case since the recent patch.
Before that you were able to shoot faster than the switching animation but since that
has been fixed, it's simply 1s for both guns and that is irrespective of whether or
not you hip-fire or ADS after the switch.
For recoil management, the results are quite curious since the baseline recoil for the
P-10 is significantly worse than that of the SMG9 but once you use the best possible recoil
reducing attachments, the P-10 actually overtakes the SMG9.
So in conclusion, since there is no point in running a naked gun, the P-10 will always
be better when going in loud but will be more difficult to handle than the SMG9 when both
guns are suppressed.
And with that we go over to our final couple of criteria: Like all pistols, the P-10 will
provide Clash with a 5% movement speed bonus when equipped, while the SMG9 has no effect on speed.
5% may not sound like a lot but in a game where movement speed can decide gunfights,
every little bit counts, so this can definitely go in the plus column for the P-10.
Last and probably least important, let's take a quick look at the hip fire spreads.
Hip firing is really not viable in most situations in Rainbow Six but heck, let's look at it
anyway for completeness sake.
When standing still, the spread for both guns is 100% identical.
Stationary and kneeling or prone, the P-10 has a slight advantage but once you start
moving, the pistol becomes significantly worse.
And since movement is so important, I would actually give the SMG9 the win here despite
being at a slight disadvantage when keeling or lying down.
Conclusion time and if we tot up the wins for each weapon, the P-10 has better reload
times, ADS times, recoil when loud and movement speed, while the SPSMG9 has better damage
output, ammo capacity, recoil when suppressed and hip-fire spread.
Each gun wins in four out of eight categories, giving us a numerical draw.
Can we simply weight each category equally, no probably not but from a purely empirical
perspective, I find it hard to claim that for instance damage output is more important
than recoil or ADS time.
So it's quite hard for me to judge.
Beyond this, I would say that irrespective of the wins and losses here, the performance
of the two guns in all categories is actually pretty closely matched.
The days when operators were introduced with a practically redundant pistol option and
a vastly superior machine pistol are well and truly gone.
It appears that a lot of thought and effort has been put into balancing P-10C and the SPSMG9.
And as much as I feel that this is kind of a cop out, I would personally conclude that
both guns are pretty much equally viable options and the choice will boil down to personal
preference for each player.
What are your thoughts on these guns?
Do you have a favourite out of the two?
Let me know in the comments section below!
Many thanks to everyone who has sent in clips to be featured in my videos.
I have had a great time going over your highlights and will be looking into spinning out a new
video series that will allow me to feature more of your awesome clips.
So, feel free to keep 'em coming!
Send me an email at with a link to a YouTube video of your clip and
please also include a brief description of what I'll be looking for.
Your operator, number of kills and any special occurrences in the clip would be great to
know so that I can gather the clips as efficiently as possible!
And with that, as always: thank you so much for watching, I hope you enjoyed the video
and I will see you in the next episode!
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LA DOLCE VITA - Roberto Leoni Movie Reviews Eng sub - Duration: 6:46.on one of these summer evenings
that in Rome are almost languid, exhausting
in a small square in the historic center
miraculously free from street vendors and tourists
where you can even felt like a confidential murmur
the chatter of a fountain
and also a sudden Ponentino breeze (typical Roman wind)
I could not help remembering sweet life times
a sweet life of which I have only been able to see the last fires
when subtracting at night
the convertible of the rich friend cousin
unconscious and happy we ran for a sparkling Rome
and I confided these memories
of this baroque but magnificent Rome
with the deserted squares the fountains that sang
and foreign girls strolling stunned by such beauty
I told these little notes to a group of young filmmakers
to my great surprise among five of them
only two had seen La dolce vita
the other three full of elaborate concepts
full of busy film situations
they had not seen this film by Fellini
which is one of the greatest masterpieces of cinema
it is even among the top ten of the films of all time
an artist like Fellini who won 5 Oscars
4 for films and one for career plus 12 nominations
he won the Palm d'Or, he is a monument of
Italian culture, custom and intelligence
ignored by these guys who claim to make films
but which films do they want to make?
one can not disregard La dolce vita
it's a film that marks an era
that separates two ways of making movies
neorealism ends with La dolce vita
another kind of cinema is born
a European international cinema
that no longer looks at the navel of Italy
telling, however, eternal facts as neorealism did
but opens Rome and Italy to the whole world
telling the story of a man who is a man for every season
a man at all times and at all latitudes
each of us is like Marcello Mastroianni in the movie
who oscillates between great intentions
and daily compromises
who would like to escape in a love dream
with Anita Ekberg
and instead returns home to the woman waiting for him
waiting for him loyal maybe even desperate
attempting suicide because he is never there
but then she really loves him
and that after all is the woman he deserves
because of all his great purposes
Rome as it happens in all the big cities
destroys you because it makes you enter a vortex
of events of facts of people
and if you are not absolutely conscious of yourself
if you're not a martyr of yourself
an ascetic who wants to work on his work
the city distracts you, takes you away, loses you
exactly as happened to so many arrived in Rome
to make movies, to make shows or to make literature
dispersed in small daily rivulets
but someone has succeeded, not by chance, for example
Tullio Pinelli who is the writer of Federico Fellini
he is clearly a provincial who came to Rome
provincial way of saying because he comes from Turin
he was even a count and when he met Federico
he is almost 50 years old when he writes La dolce vita
and Federico is 30 years old
and there is this strange association
among a cultured Piedmontese lawyer of a noble family
who has been a cavalry officer
and a gypsy vagabond like Federico
that brings many dreams and many ideas in his head
and these ideas are elaborated by a script master
that is Tullio Pinelli, who preserves, however,
with great sensitivity and great artistic value
all the fantastic and dreamlike potential
and extraordinary films are born like La strada
like La dolce vita like 8 1/2
wonderful films to which also collaborates
another genius of writing that is Ennio Flaiano
and Ennio puts that biting humour from Abruzzo
that disenchanted and slightly pungent way
which serves to give so many moments
of La dolce vita a sweet bitter taste
so it's an epochal film to watch
that I do not want to tell but that is an odyssey
it stands on two floors on this young man
in some respects we even say naive
but that actually pretends to be cynical
Marcello wandering through Rome
attracted by a thousand mirages
cinema, noblemen, money, success
and each of these mirages turns out
to be a very poor thing behind the scenes
as his teacher and mentor Steiner reveals to him
he even represents for Marcello
the maximum of what a man can achieve in life
learned, elegant, prepared, a beautiful wife
an extraordinary home, hip friends an immense culture
he commits suicide because
he does not hold the impact of this world
the small dark evil that was in Federico
his melancholy that led him to depression
is witnessed by this character
but all this does not take away anything
to the extraordinary and bombastic carousel of images
think of via Veneto rebuilt on the set
for the time it was a cyclopean enterprise
just extraordinary with the paparazzi and the stars
Federico had the glance and the strength
to understand exactly what that moment was like
a big carnival that unfortunately then
with the first economic crises it would be over
thank you
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If Kids Were In Charge? - Duration: 2:30.What are you doing?
You bad boy, you know you're not allowed to make slime.
I'm sorry, I'll clean it up!
You never clean it up, go to your room!
You guys are mean.
You guys never let me make slime.
All my friends are aloud!
(Riley) I don't care about your friends.
What's wrong with that child?
I don't know, he never listens.
Man, my parents are so mean.
At least they didn't take my squishy's away!
Did you hear that?
Ugh, will you go check on him?
I forgot I had this down here.
I thought we told you no making slime!
That's it. You're grounded!
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