Jharkhand administration first listen to me, then arrest : Updesh Rana
कालूराम बिखरनिया ने गाया सीरवी समाज की कुल देवी आईमाताजी का वो भजन_जगो-जागो जामण रा जाया - Duration: 15:19.श्री आईमाताजी का 603 व अवतरण महोत्सव जिडीमेटला बडेर {मन्दिर } 15 वार्षिक सम्मेलन हैदराबाद { तेलंगाना }
श्री आईमाताजी का 603 व अवतरण महोत्सव जिडीमेटला बडेर {मन्दिर } 15 वार्षिक सम्मेलन हैदराबाद { तेलंगाना }
श्री आईमाताजी का 603 व अवतरण महोत्सव जिडीमेटला बडेर {मन्दिर } 15 वार्षिक सम्मेलन हैदराबाद { तेलंगाना }
श्री आईमाताजी का 603 व अवतरण महोत्सव जिडीमेटला बडेर {मन्दिर } 15 वार्षिक सम्मेलन हैदराबाद { तेलंगाना }
श्री आईमाताजी का 603 व अवतरण महोत्सव जिडीमेटला बडेर {मन्दिर } 15 वार्षिक सम्मेलन हैदराबाद { तेलंगाना }
श्री आईमाताजी का 603 व अवतरण महोत्सव जिडीमेटला बडेर {मन्दिर } 15 वार्षिक सम्मेलन हैदराबाद { तेलंगाना }
YouTube Channel Intro | Pendu Bachy - Duration: 0:08.-------------------------------------------
What To Do When You're Bored With Life? Prasoon Joshi With Sadhguru - Duration: 15:48.Some people actually wrote emails to me that you know what what does one do when
one encounters of field feels that what he's doing everyday is meaningless and
he's seen the truth so called truth or at least has a glimpse of it or a sense
of it and after that you are supposed to perform perform the mundane which you
which are not interested in we have you been disinterested in that not everybody
can go into a jungle and leave everything and follow what one one's
heart is telling you how does one strike this balance between realization of
truth realization of what is is to be done with life what's this what life
expects you to do let me correct that question a bit you said leave everything
and go to the jungle no you left everything and come to Mumbai everything
is in the jungle not in Mumbai exist centrally in terms of life jungle is
full of life Mumbai is is a very dumb down life because you're so strongly
identified see the people have come together how many words of population
number 20 million 20 million people 20 million people in such a concentration
in one place they didn't come together because they've fallen in love with you
each other they can't live without each other no they come together only for
survival after survival a few other things may be happening but essentially
in search of survival this is exactly what I'm saying
survival has been raised to heaven simply because you are so strongly
identified with the physicality now once again all this looks philosophical no
it is all of us have grown up from being a small infant to who we are right now
isn't it did anybody drop like this did any of you drop as you want I'm sorry
for your mother's so you clearly know this is something you're gathering
whether you gather a decent amount or an indecent amount is left to you but it is
it is gathering for sure is it not simple fundamental for a human
intelligence to know what I gather whether it's my clothes or things our
body cannot be me is it is it something that you need some kind of a genius to
know this I'm asking just basic intelligence is able to know this but
you deny yourself that and try to live well if you live so foolishly how can
you avoid suffering suffering is not a consequence of the situation's of life
suffering is a consequence of ignorance people have gone about philosophizing
how ignorance is bliss ignorance is bliss is like don't do whatever I say
right now nobody need to do this okay if somebody falls off the balcony or
jumps off the balcony it will feel wonderful till you hit the
have you ever done skydiving it's not fantastic no but this this again they
actually it's it's an interesting thing you touched upon a lot of people and and
this is not near-death experience but flirting with death and what is this
fascination with flirting with dead butterflies in the stomach
yeah like the butterflies in the stomach because life is not enough for no human
being life is enough you understand they're trying to handle it in different
ways they want to be something more somebody thinks more money will do it
they'll run after it once they go into it the situation's will catch up and
keep them going forever somebody will think go on conquest somebody will go
shopping somebody these are all different ways people are trying to
enhance themselves someone will run after knowledge someone will run after
love in some way you want to be little more this longing this longing to expand
is constantly there in every human life philosophies have been open to contain
it don't desire for too much keep it low whatever these philosophies only work
either when you're sick or when you're very old when you're something is
happening in you you want more no question about it
now this more this longing to expand is a limitless longing however much you
have grown still there is a long if this longing finds a fundamental physical
expression we call this sexuality if it finds an emotional expression we call
this love all these things are just to include and expand if it finds a
psychological expression as I said it's a the conquest our ambition or greed or
shopping if it finds expression in a conscious way then it's called a
spiritual process or a better word is yoga the word yoga means
to unite Union what is Union me that means what is individual right now in
your experience in reality you're not an individual in reality in a massive life
you are floating just like a bubble like a soap bubble but in your experience
because of the psych psychological construct within you you are
experiencing yourself as an individual if this individual has to find
fulfillment he has to become universal how do I become universal there are
fantastic parables in our culture you heard about that Krishna is playing
outside you show that things he's he may be eating mud she says open your mouth
and she sees the whole cosmos with in his mouth this is a parable to tell you
that he is living in such a state of inclusion which found expression in a
different way in the Kurukshetra about the vishwaroopa darshana what all this
is trying to say is he is not living as an individual he is living as a
universal entity this this is being said to somebody because it's possible for
that somebody also to be them to become that becoming this does not mean it's an
attainment it's only a realization this is why enlightenment is rare never refer
to as an attainment it is always a realization because it's already there
it's just for you to realize see one must understand this we are not changing
the framework of reality we're just realizing what is the reality
so realization is the thing it is not an attainment it is not an accomplishment
it is not like you went and sat on top of a mountain now people withdraw let's
say you I'm sure most of you go on a vacation you fit up with what's
happening in Mumbai when you go for a vacation you generally want to go to a
quieter place edge of a jungle but there must be a resort
because your body has become like this you cannot live in the jungle believe me
most of you if if I make you live in the jungle for five days you've finished you
won't be able to take it I've had this experience of you know for weeks on end
I'm by myself eating off the jungle and living off the forest it takes a
different physicality and mentality and above all an inner strength to be there
just the body itself is not ready because it's gotten used to a certain
level of comfort which is an unnatural level of comfort everything people are
allergic to trees it's becoming a big thing in United States whoever you ask
the allergic to trees allergic to grass allergic to sunlight I think it's
beginning to happen here also because people are living in enclosed incubators
you know maintaining an approach that kind of temperature for their comfort so
when you live like this the physical seed the seed that your parents gave you
the seed which is carried for many millions of years your weakening this
when you live like this the next generation will be definitely weaker
than the way you are physically as it is if you compare yourself to any
generation of the past we are the weakest generation ever physically never
before human beings have been this week in their body never before it's been so
that they can't eat a full stomach and digest whatever they eat today everybody
has to count how much they're eating if they eat little more there are problems
so we are the weakest generation ever we have done this to ourselves and this is
the seed we're going to pass it on to the next generation in the next
generation because the nature of physicality is the five elements the
more you are in contact with the five elements the stronger and more rubber
robust this body will be creating a robust body is an important part of
spiritual process because if your body has become an issue right now right now
your back is aching I'm talking about enlightenment are you
interested even if God appears you'll say my back aches should go
just just look at all the prayers ninety-nine percent of the prayers and
on this planet or give me this give me that save me protect me isn't it there
is nothing beyond no other higher dimension is happening you're trying to
root your survival through heaven it's a very inefficient way of doing it but
that but the majority of majority of temples are like that majority of our
people are praying like that the prayers have become transactional in nature I do
not want to be judgmental about it because people seems to be relating with
God in a very transactional way and I I think maybe this is just a way to
transmit energies and it may be because so many people if collectively doing
this and this is not which is happened by design this has happened organically
how do you explain that there there was a desire in this culture there was a
desire as to how to do if you go back into the ancient prayers you will see
the only prayer is see you must understand this first of all of the
three the Trinity the Trinity that we whole drama Vishnu and Mahesh there are
only two temples for Brahma the Creator that speaks volumes about our gratitude
there were not many temples for Vishnu if they have come up in the last 600 to
800 years but before that there were thousands of temples for Shiva why would
anybody want to worship a destroyer that's one guy who must you must avoid
isn't it you would want to express your gratitude the create gratitude to the
creator and make deals with the maintenance aspect of life destroyer you
must avoid no only destroyer and the prayers for always were oh my they were
destroying me the way I am so that I can become like you because the aspiration
is not to reach God but to become divine becoming divine means you have broken
the limitations which are set up by the compulsive nature of your physicality if
you break those limitations then always you're seen as divine and this is the
tradition which still people are doing unconsciously the moment you say
somebody is a saying somebody has said somebody is a yogi you know him you
don't know him a whole town will come and touch his feet because the moment
you say that he's broken some limitation of his physical nature immediately
people think he's worth bowing down to worshiping whatever and above all there
is something to receive from that so essentially the whole culture was
designed to be spiritually oriented spiritually oriented need not
necessarily mean going into the jungle or whatever it simply means that you are
living a full-fledged life see your physicality will not go away it's here
it will not go it is just that the compulsions
of physical nature are gone and you are exploring the other dimensions of who
you are what I would like to say is anyway we're here and it is also a fact
anyway we will die is it okay
it's not my Rochelle bless you with a long life but even with blessing you
will die yes maybe others have told you if I bless you you will not die I'm
telling you even if I bless you you will live a little die but you will die now
before you fall dead is it not important is it not important that at least you
know this piece of life in its entirety you may not know the cosmos doesn't
matter but at least this piece of life in its entirety full breadth and scope
of what this is you must experience if you leave this place without even
experiencing this life you're not only an unfulfilled life you're a wasteful
life so whatever social philosophies we will all leave that aside just look at
it in terms of life do not call your job your family your entertainment your
holidays as life life is here what is throbbing here is life this is
just activity this is just Arrangements we make all these arrangements we made
only for the well-being of this life isn't it so if you go away without
experiencing the full depth and dimension of this life it is a wasted
life so spiritual process means just this you want the full cake you are not
willing to eat a cut
Five Little Pumpkins | Momo Beats | Halloween Songs For Children | Kids Cartoon Videos - Duration: 2:08.Five Little Pumpkins
Amazon Festival Sale 2018 | Amazon Great Indian Festival Sale 2018 | Amazon Sale 2018 - Duration: 2:37.Amazon Festival Sale 2018
Amazon Great Indian Festival Sale 2018
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Five Little Skeletons | Halloween Nursery Rhymes for Kids | Kindergarten Cartoon by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:00:23.Five Little Skeletons
It's Halloween Night | Nursery Rhymes And Kids Songs | Spooky Halloween Cartoons by Kids Tv - Duration: 56:28.It's Halloween Night Not a soul in sight
I hear Footsteps Who's that coming?
I see a ghost!
Oh no!!!
I see a ghost!
I see a ghost!
It's Halloween Night not a soul in sight
I hear Footsteps who's that coming?
I see a zombie!
Oh no!!!
I see a zombie!
Look Out!
I see a zombie!
It's Halloween night not a soul in sight
I hear Footsteps who's that coming?
I see a vampire!
Oh no!!!
I see a vampire!
I see a vampire!
It's Halloween night not a soul in sight
I hear Footsteps who's that coming?
I see a witch!
Oh no!!!
I see a witch!
save me!
I see a witch!
It's Halloween night not a soul in sight
I hear Footsteps who's that coming?
I see a skeleton!
Oh no!!!
I see a skeleton!
I see a skeleton!
होय ! टोलनाके आम्हीच बंद केले. - Duration: 6:02.-------------------------------------------
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