Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 1 2018

What is good youtube Warstu here

with a video and spider-man far from home

so it's been a while since I've covered

this subject on this channel but it's

something we are eager to cover so make

sure to subscribe to never miss anything

of Marvel base videos so spider-man far

from home is currently filming and it's

coming out next year in July but expect

the first trailer for the next

spider-man movie to drop around December

maybe January at the very latest so we

know that a sinister six is coming but

who is behind everything now in my

opinion it's got something to do with

ant-man and the wat so Sonny mentions

have an employee who is willing to pay

billions for Hank pinned new quantum

realm technology who is the mystery man

or mystery female is this a setup future

ant-man and wasp villain I don't know

but I think it's more related towards

the spider-man world but there's no

proof so we know about what we know

about Sonny is that he's a black market

arms dealer

now if Marvel Studios wanted a chance to

further integrate spider-man universe

into MCU then this would be a great way

to do it and how they could do it is the

mystery buyer could be Norman Osborn as

both an abra sea of spider-man and also

the Avengers also as a industrialist is

just insanely rich it would just make

logical sense for him to want to acquire

Hank Pym a lab there's also a lot of

money to be made in Hank Kim's

technology so who is not Norman husband

he is the Green Goblin we have seen him

multiple times before in other

spider-man movies with different

spider-man actors it's worth saying who

bought the Avengers Tower during a

spider-man homecoming what I can't build

him missing from the New York skyline in

the Marvel Cinematic Universe is the

Oscorp building Norman Osborn and his

family are key players in Peter Parker's

life especially when he is fully embrace

the heroic role of spider-man whilst in

a spine on homecoming he's not there yet

the head of Osborn family who be later

became the Green Goblin and there are

other characters within the Osborn clan

who were also left out of pit of pikas

early days in the MCU it could easily

add it so it was rumoured back in 2012

that the Oscorp building was

it's being corporate in 2012 in the

Avengers film largely which took place

in New York

however negotiations between Sony and

Marvel Studios could not reach an

agreement in Swan so in spider-man Harry

Osborn was best friends with Peter

Parker and a conflict between the fans

II turn them against each other in one

story or another and obviously we've

seen the the James Franco variation of

it the second incarnation of the ring

Goblin swear revenge upon his best

friend as justice for his fallen father

now I think this will be pretty cool

storyline if they were to go down this

route because we know someone's behind

the sinister six I'm not saying they

have to show up in this movie but there

could be a cheeky snake a cheeky

post-credit scene towards the Green

Goblin potentially coming but this was

said during the Home Coming press

conferences interviews homecoming there

are certainly characters I don't think

that we're going to see right at the

minute I don't know how many times we

could do Green Goblin

so this was said during the first

spider-man movie see I'm talking about

spider-man 3 they could kind briefly

show it is who it is and another lead

did also hint to that so we know they're

doing the sinister six so I won't rule

out the Green Goblin being behind all

the villains from spider-man far from

home who else could it be

it could be Doctor Octopus aka dr.

Octavius so a while ago there was a

reddit leak for the full thing and

everyone discredited because they called

it spider-man field trip spying on far

from home spider my field trip the idea

the island ology is the same so this

said that Mysterio's employer is

apparently a major villain from the

comics who is prominently in spider-man

movie going forward no word on who is

yet casted they'll have a minor role in

this movie sonia iron for a list us so

could this a less to be Norman Osborn or

Doctor Octopus very likely because this

leak also did say that vulture and

Scorpio would appear in this movie and

they appear to be in it's movie so guys

let me know who do you think is behind

everything now we know the statistics

has come in we know Hydra man's come in

we know there's a bunch of villains in

this movies probably too many but

spider-man to handle himself

hence wide anus of shield are also

appearing in this movie

there's rumors that spider-woman might

potentially be in this movie so guys let

me know I think this does clarify that

the Green Goblin or Doctor Octopus will

appear in this movie because there was a

leak such a long time ago about it and

eventually Doctor Octopus and Green

Goblin are gonna have to appear now it

doesn't matter what Amy Pascal said

about during homecoming because you have

to remember she said the same thing

about venom venom inspired minor in part

the same universe so if she was wrong

about this is she wrong about green gob

insurance movie of course I do think at

the same time if green lock goblin was

gonna be in this movie they would have

advertised it I mean it is hard for them

to Castle but like it did say in the

potentially revealed confirmed Lea that

they won't play a major part in this

movie that have a tiny role and they'd

keep it secret so I do believe one of

these characters could actually show up

in the movie so guys let me know in the

comment box down below who bought the

Avengers tower and who is the secret

buyer in ant-man the wasp and is it

really to do with a spider-man verse in

the MCU or is it just to do with a

future ant-man and the one movie set

anyway guys like always please like

subscribe and share the video and I will

catch you in another video later on

which will finally be my Adam warlock in

the vengers for video like always guys I

will catch you in another video of


okay sure Oh

For more infomation >> Spider-Man Far From Home Plot LEAK REVEALED?! Green Goblin Is Coming Mystery Leader Of Sinister Six! - Duration: 5:53.


How Bad Accounting Cost Dispensary $500k and Cannabis License - Duration: 49:41.

Do you think that the IRS would believe that your dispensary is buying cannabis from the Home Depot

The Alterman's did stay tuned for the Alterman case

Now that's dope

There are three court cases that really shaped the accounting

landscape for cannabis companies and those cases are the CHAMPS case, the Olive case and most recently the

Alterman's case in this series. We'll be deep diving into each one of these cases

And today we're going to discuss the Alterman's case. Now the dope CFO just recently held a webinar

Discussing this case. So I am going to flip to that webinar and you can take a look at what we discussed

surrounding the Alterman's.

I hope that you guys are able to find a lot of value in this case

This is something that is happening in this industry, and we need to be aware of it so that we can avoid having

These issues with our clients. In this workshop

we're just going to discuss how poor accounting is a downfall for cannabis owners, and were going to see the epitome of

you know poor accounting and what it does to these cannabis companies. And so just

high level the case results for Alterman. They were audited for tax years 2010 in 2011

and this audit happened in 2014, and it was just finalized this year. Under payment of taxes was nearly

$400,000 and

their accuracy

Related penalties were $78,000 dollars. That's nearly

$500,000 in just

taxes and penalties that this company had to pay

based on this audit

And and maybe I'll say a couple of high-level things right at this point

Before we jump in deeper, so in the cannabis world

Just in the last ten years. They've been kind of three big cases in the first case was a CHAMPS case

which you can google CHAMPS and

That was actually kind of a victory for cannabis and cost of goods sold

and that's what so many people are actually doing incorrectly now and

Aggressively and in the Champs it basically said it was okay to have a second line of business within your MD

Non cannabis line and if you tracked it separately and if it was actually a substantial real business

you could get some more deductions on your tax return so many many people took that case and just

Took it way way way too far, and we're doing things incorrectly and actually the next case Olive

If very similar they tried when they were actually in core, they tried to say

Oh, we were doing this like CHAMPS was and we have a separate line of business, but they hadn't tracked it separately

They hadn't done anything

Separately and they lost but now this third case that just came out in 2018

Just this month was also a definite loss for the CEO against the IRS

The IRS is demonstrating that they are going to really look with a hard hard look at exactly how you're doing accounting

And how you're separating the businesses and whatnot. And if you're not doing it, right they have no qualms about

Hitting you up with massive penalties and interest and the court just upheld

Those huge fees one other point. I like to tell my CEOs

I kind of talked about this idea of sitting on a ticking time-bomb and not having any idea. So these Alterman's back in

2010-11 and they were probably just nice people and they had their dispensary it started to grow and helping people

They're probably really good people and they got a tax preparer and who did not a good job

I mean at the very first just by not telling him they were keeping good accounting records

and so they filed their tax returns then they may have thought they were just doing absolutely fine until

2014 when the audit happened and the first results were handed down and then from

2014 to right now four years of litigation and battles back and forth

So here we are eight years later eight years later and they're getting half a million verdict handed down

This is kind of I I googled and searched for them. I couldn't find them. I believe they're already out of business

if they're not out of business, this probably will put them out of business and I think this is

likely for them to have further of its on further years because the IRS is gonna just

Obviously jump back in if they know they're already doing it wrong

so these people are probably not in the greatest shape right now as a result of this audit and and ruling

Yeah, yeah, and so just you know

to piggyback off of that

What do you think that this is worth like we're talking about they have these huge fees not to mention their business is completely shut

Down not to mention

They had to go back and forth in litigation for over four years over these mistakes that they've made

So that's why what we're doing as accountants is so important to these cannabis owned owners

That's why it's so important that they have accurate books and records

It's not the same as messing up for your local chiropractor or your local real estate agent. It's not the same

They're facing a huge penalties and they're also highly regulated and being audited a lot more frequently than your average

Company owner and also one other thing the loora looral Alterman is the wife in the case

She was I just did an interview for a magazine on this exact. We just went through the same opinion. Damn

he the reporter actually had called and talked to Laura Laurel Alterman and she actually

Wasn't even aware that there had been a ruling

Like ten days after this is the whole internet knows but she doesn't know and it just again tells me she's relying on absolute

Not good consultants accountants or attorneys. Then the fact that she had no idea. She'd even lost what has

owned five hundred thousand dollars is scary to think about

Yeah, especially since your business is gone and which brings up another interesting

Point about cannabis CEOs in the real world and we all know this

When when there's multi-million dollar businesses?

generally the CEOs in the United States of America have worked their way up and have big degrees and and

They get hired they do a start-up or whatever

But they've had years of experience in training in cannabis many people got the star

out of either getting investors who wanted in or out of the black market and so you will find many many CEOs that don't have

a lot of business skills starting

multi-million dollar companies

and so that's yet one more reason why they really need need us as accountants and advisers because they're

You know, I find with most of my clients

I'm actually fulfilling partially some of the CEO role because they just don't they just don't have an experience

Now we're gonna go into the case a little bit more and we're going to show you guys how all this could have been avoided

And how you can avoid this for your client, but first we're going to introduce ourselves

And also I want to just housekeeping if you have any questions during this presentation at the bottom of the zoom screen

You should see like a Q&A button. So click on the Q&A and put your questions inside of the Q&A box

That way we don't miss any of your questions. We'll just start by introducing ourselves

Ok, so Andrew, you can introduce yourself

Hey there, i'm andrew Hunziker and Naomi and I founded dope CFO together

And I've been cpa and CFO for almost 20 years. I

volunteered with a stable of experts with economic development of central organs

That's a big startup community here and in the state of Oregon, so I've worked with a lot of startups in cannabis and hi-tech

Before that and oil and gas before that

Awesome and I am Naomi Granger. And so I'm a CPA and MBA

I live in Las Vegas, Nevada. My background is big for accounting. I worked in public accounting for over 12 years

I made it to senior management level in public accounting before I decided that I wanted to do something different

I wanted more freedom and flexibility in my life, and I decided to go out and try to

Form my own business where I can do it my way

I'm CFO to multiple cannabis companies and I've spoken and mentored hundreds of different

Professionals and then I'm an avid traveler. I just spent the month of March in India

Traveling all through India and before that I was in Hawaii before that. I was in Mexico and so I

Live the work play life

So I was serious when I left public accounting that I wanted to have more freedom and flexibility in my life

So that's it about me

So then we're just going to get into first like what makes accounting for cannabis so different

The first thing is there's four different verticals


So it starts with kind of farming and then growing the pot and the the cannabis and then from there you get into extract

Which you can sell separately and or goes into edibles or other products like that and then eventually the M dispensary

I like that picture. It's him

So that's the I think probably the most two common companies are formed our dispensaries and farms

But they're both pretty much multi-million dollar enterprises in year one

They both take a lot of employees and help they can both do lots of revenues in

In year one or two and as we go through this I'll highlight some things as I'm looking through the case as well

Just some things to note that we see with a lot of our clients

so in this case, one of the first things you'll notice is

The son Jack was kind of working in the dispensary and also doing accounting

That's very common to find a relative or somebody doing accounting that has no accounting background over experience

So that's the first telltale sign that they need our help

And another thing that makes this a little bit more complicated is just text code IRC 280e

Which we will go into depth how this impacted the alterman's cannabis is still schedule 1 controlled

substance and based on that

They have to follow this text guideline

Which has a lot of different nuances about it as far as doing your cost accounting doing your accrual accounting

And they as as they were dispensary they were also

280e says you basically can't deduct anything except cost of goods sold. And then that takes you into the code section 471 and

That's very specific on what you can or can't deduct as well on the cannabis side. So

That's the first piece of the puzzle for a dispensary is how much can you get into cost of goods sold?

What cost can you actually deduct even under 280e and then?

The next question is some of the other things about the non cannabis activities. How can you deduct some of those costs? Okay

Alright, and so then we're going to get into the actual case now just a little bit about the case

First of all, they are a dispensary in Colorado and they sold marijuana

This is if you actually read the rulings they describe it as marijuana merchandise and non marijuana merchandise

They didn't have any services that they offered and then they started a grow site in 2010

so that was another thing that happened in Colorado where you had to grow seventy percent of what you sold and

Then now we can get into what did they do wrong? And this is a long list there was

Record-keeping I'm just going to go through the list and we can go piece by piece. There was a lack of a check register

Incomplete credit card statements no monthly or annual reporting. He only provided the balance sheet and the P&L took their tax accountants

I didn't have any support they didn't have any cost assigned to their inventory when they did their inventory counts lack of

Recording physical inventory count so they did the count

They didn't record it and they didn't assign any cost to the account

They had untrained bookkeepers zero

Beginning of your inventory every single year year over years is hard to believe that somebody can completely sell out at December

31st and have nothing for new year and then they were using cash method of accounting which is a no-no so we can go

piece by piece through this if you would like

Yes, so there and also Rachel's got a question in the chat about who's responsible for paying these huge penalties

This is a prior slide if the business is out of business. I believe the individual owners

So yeah, when you read the case the IRS because they're illegal they show it as a disregarded entity or a sole proprietorship. Which means

The tax burden goes to the owners. Yeah, and it's even if you look at the title of the case

It's Laurel Alterman and her husband William Gibson and against the IRS

So the husband held four innocent spouse support of innocent spouse protection to I guess I don't know how how that plays out

Yeah, I would not be surprised if this is already in divorce as well which often happens when there's a big case

We're gonna QA down the call of these slides available. And is that would that be in the queuing the recording?

There's not a recording and we're not sending the actual slides out

But there is a recording of the presentation so we talk just about cash accounting

So remember into a de it says it's real clear

If you deal on a drug like heroin or whatever pot you are required to file tax return

It doesn't so Twiggy is not saying what's legal or illegal because you could literally be selling heroin and they're just saying, okay

It's fine. If you sell heroin, you got a still file a tax return and you can't deduct anything

But then it turns out you can deduct cost of goods sold if you're doing inventory account incorrectly

So you can't use cash accounting him. That's kind of what they were doing

They're using cash method of accounting and recording no beginning or ending inventory and they were just saying cost of goods sold was

Purchases but we all know that's kind of cash basis

we just oh

Everything I purchased I sold it all but we know in the real world that doesn't happen when you're a retailer you buy

Inventory and you sell some of it and there's always some leftover

At the end of the year and that's how you do a cruel accounting

But they were they really they weren't doing any kind of accounting at all. They were just

Yeah, even just the complete lack of record-keeping even to just say

No to accrual accounting, but yes, all your cannabis clients need to be doing accrual accounting

Other businesses can do many other things. So this everything we're talking about is

Much more strenuous for cannabis. Yes businesses can do do what they want

Yeah, and Amy that should answer your question. So this is something that is specific and required for cannabis companies

They must do accrual accounting in order to qualify for any

Deductions and I'm just going to go into a little bit more

Detail on some of these bullets in the case

it said lack of record-keeping they didn't record the hours for the employees that worked in the grou versus the


So they didn't know how to sign those to non cannabis related things and cannabis related

Sales, and they couldn't determine if the receipts were for non marijuana or merchandise or marijuana merchandise

They just had receipts but there was no way to know what the receipt was for or what the purchase was formed

for the sales as well as

Purchases and then they had confusing labeling in the G&L. They had these purchased notations or they labeled them as

Meds see and so it was unclear if that was cannabis related are non cannabis related. Let me point out before you go on

I'm still in record keeping and I'll highlight of some of this as I talk if you wanna look it's interesting

40-page grueling to read and it reads pretty quick but on page ten

it says

Alterman provided IRS with receipts that corroborated some of the expenses paid and

Some of the purchases made but none of these were in the record the record included the general ledger it what's kind of weird

They were they were actually recording some things in the general ledger and some things they weren't recording and then some things that they were

recorded in the general ledger

like Naomi said it who knows what it said so they had some purchases of pot so they bought some pot and

some of those purchases they said were bought at Home Depot and sumit Lowe's and

That's where that's obviously crazy and the IRS

The judge said yeah, he found it very unlikely that they were buying pot at Home Depot or Lowe's

But that just shows you the level

That's not even accounting. That's not bookkeeping. That's not even record-keeping that's not even data entry negligence. Yeah, that's

Just I mean, they almost would have been better to record. Nothing. Actually. They might have gotten

Gotten better than what this yeah

So that wasn't kind of funny with some of the stuff is very humorous by the way as you read it

They one claim they made was that they were some chicken soup

but no, they could find no records of any sales or

Inventory or anything related to chicken soup

They said that the employees spent a lot of time trimming the plants and the employees testify that they didn't do that at all

Yeah, it's a trimmings a big labor-intensive activity at most growth sites. They did have agro activity but their employees

Stated yah in the case that they actually didn't do any trimming

So I think we may even go back at a high level to go real at a high level of what they did

So they were already doing very very poor accounting. And so the first if you are a dispensary and

You want to claim two separate like you don't have to do this. You could just be one business. You're a dispensary. You sell pot

But you could if you want to try to develop another business and it would help you tax wise to do that

But you could just be one business or two businesses in your location

If you're gonna be two businesses one being a cannabis and one being a non cannabis

There's a couple requirements to do that. And which some of these people like the Alderman's didn't get one

The business has to be substantial enough to stand on its own. It's got to be a real business

You can't sell a million dollars a pot and ten thousand dollars of pipes and paraphernalia and say oh, yeah

We've got another business and we're gonna deduct a whole ton of expenses on this business

Even though it only brings in 1% of the revenues, so it needs to bring in something

I think 10% is like a nice starting point that you could show

It's a real substantial business

And then the second thing is you have to be able to show separate accounting for that whole business

You can do that in QuickBooks. We a class accounting and you can record all your

Cannabis purchases and sales and cost of goods sold in one class and your non cannabis

revenues and expenses and the other one and you including you'll have to do some allocations of

Labor and rent and utilities and all that depending on reasonable and documented

factors such as the amount of square footage the non canvas stuff is filled in or the amount of labor that

Business takes so you have to do those two things if you want and if you do those two things, yes

You can deduct some things that are not allowed under 280 even advertising you can get some real business deductions

So it's worthwhile to do so, it's worthwhile to tell these CEOs, you know

If you're gonna do this, you should do it, right you're gonna save tax dollars

Not to mention you're gonna have better

accounting which makes your business more valuable and you can sleep better at night because you don't have to worry about

the IRS coming in five years later and

Becoming a nightmare in your life. So that's only one area. Let's just pretend they weren't even doing that

Let's just say they were just simply selling pot

They still had a major mess up because to sell pot you can deduct cost of goods sold

but you still have to do good record-keeping you still have to show your cost accounting and all that and so again,

They weren't even doing that part right either in this next slide. I just kind of put a screenshot

This is an actual screenshot out of the case, which shows that you know

They're showing their beginning inventory balances zero every single year year over year

They didn't have any ending inventory only in 2010. No cost of labor

No cereals nothing and the mineral states that they're using the cash method of accounting

Yeah, and the and even this twelve thousand number they talk about that in the case

They switch tax CPAs back and forth a couple times. Neither of them did much of a job and some of these numbers

Like even the numbers that are here, they had trouble finding like purchase these four hundred seventy six thousand

Where'd that number come from where this twelve thousand?

Was a number somewhere in the general ledger and they just put it in there as ending inventory

But it just yeah didn't have much much support at all. So the IRS said clearly they were not doing inventory accounting correctly

So again, this has nothing to do with the Champs case and non cannabis

This is just purely cannabis accounting like you're not doing inventory correctly

there was no records of any physical inventory counts and and that I mean

They're lucky. They still actually allowed them a fairly sizable deduction for cost of goods sold. We have a question

It says if there is a separate inventory management company with a separate set of books selling to several different

dispensaries of the same owners each with a separate set of books

is it okay for the inventory company to have the same address as one of the

Dispensaries if they're renting out the back portion of the building to package and sell raw product. That is a super complicated

You know, I will tell you right off

Most that's the kind of crap that's been going on poor tax people and poor

Attorneys telling people to play games and think of the old form over substance

Does your question look like a shell game to you? We've got eight different companies

We're selling out of the back of our shop and we're all the same owners and we've all got different sets of books or selling

Stuff back and forth. That's probably not gonna get you any kind of benefit at all

so first of all, the inventory management company if they're selling pot

they've got to have a wholesale license or

Their agro license to sell each of these dispensaries and then each dispensary would have to have a separate license

So assuming all these people have different licenses with the same exact set of owners

I'm not sure what benefit you're gonna get out of this because you would be if they're all the same owners are either filing a

Consolidated return I must it would depend how the entities are set up. I don't think those kind of games really work

Let's set up

now that said

What does work?

If you have a dispensary

you can set that up another company that's non cannabis like say a property management company and you buy the land in real estate and

You rent the equipment or you if you have a real business with a real purpose and it's not just oh I'm putting these

Cannabis companies and different names and moving stuff back and forth. It's it's got to have have real validity

I think whatever you're doing you can't set up

Structures and whatever just to avoid tax

so at the end of the day if that's the purpose of this complex structure you set up and

Someone can come in and look at it. Why on earth did they do this?

Well to avoid tax that answer I think usually is not gonna work


And now I'll just get into some of the findings

at the the result of this case is they found that they were under reporting revenue by about

Twenty five thousand dollars in two thousand ten and eight thousand and two thousand and eleven the IRS reduced their cost of goods sold allowed

Originally, they reduced it from two thousand ten from four hundred and sixty four thousand down to three hundred and eighty eight thousand

But then at the end they conceded and gave them about four hundred and fifty thousand but then in 2011

they tried to reduce it from two hundred and fifty three thousand of what they claimed down to one thousand dollars and

Then the IRS conceded and allowed them to take two hundred and thirty two thousand, but you know

What if they wouldn't have conceded like they would have only had a thousand dollars of cost of goods sold

Which doesn't even make sense, they disallowed all business expense deductions except for depreciation

They assess them a twenty percent accuracy related penalties

Which came to the seventy eight thousand dollars of penalties

And say and I will say something right there cuz and then if you go to page

twenty five and you see the actual opinion it says right there at the top the

Taxpayer bears the burden of proving by a preponderance of the evidence

That the IRS is determination and notice the deficiency are incorrect. This is the burden of persuasion

So again good books and records. You got the client as the burden of proof now, let's get into what they should have done

Okay, so the marijuana and the non marijuana business should be recorded as separate

Businesses and and Andrew kind of touched on some of these earlier. They need to be doing accrual accounting

They need to be doing cost accounting

They need to have a perpetual data room set up that

Supports all of their numbers in their books and they need to have monthly quarterly and annual

reporting done and even further than that because there's like there's a footnote number 18 on page 27 and

It said these people were selling ultimately was selling t-shirts and hats

But the t-shirts and hats had the name alter med LLC on them

So the IRS said the alternate LLC hatton t-shirt was advertising for the medical marijuana

And so even though they were selling hats and t-shirt if they can claim that it's advertising for your dispensary

You may lose that deduction. Anyway, so you gotta be really really careful of how you're selling and making sure you're actually selling some

Cannabis things and non cannabis things that aren't simply an ad for your cannabis business

because if if they're just an ad for your cannabis business that kind of

Fits the theory of this isn't really a separate business. This is one business and and you're using the those kind of things

So that's one about three separate businesses. Make sure you set up a non marijuana business and

Keep it as separate as possible and do be creative. Like I have a dispensary owner that's holding community events

They added a coffee shop

they're doing lots of different things with their space and they're doing

Educational stuff and so you can have lots of ways to make other money and he's and they're actually making real money

Which is good to you. It's it's good for you to have another business. Those are the results

That's kind of like the high-level summary of this case. And we do have a training program for accountants to help them avoid

These with their clients. I just wanted to introduce that to you guys

And then after that we'll go into the Q&A and we'll open up your line if you have specific questions

And you can ask them on the line. Yeah, we are we am. So are you done on the case part?

Yeah, did you have more to add I was gonna say one final thing. I'll tell you at the end

It's around the so at the very end of the deal of the clause about negligence that they were finding them basically negligent

They had a negligence penalty for failure to keep good records

negligence includes any failure by the taxpayer to keep adequate books and records or

substantiate items properly

negligence is a pretty bad thing and I'm saying questions pop in so I'll go ahead and and

Introduce the course you guys pop your questions in and and then we will answer all those questions at the end

Andrew and I do have a training course if I'm called accounting for cannabis and it's an online training once you log in you justyou

Can log in and you get access to the portal a lot of times we get this question

Do you need to be a CPA and no you don't have to be a CPA in order to do cannabis accounting?

We have a lot of bookkeepers a lot of accountants a lot of EA's a lot of attorneys

Different things and are in our group and they're able to build their business that way

Is it legal the answer to that is yes partially, but that's what makes it special so

Because it's federally illegal we have the 280e issue that we've discussed and that's what was the main issue with the ultimate case

But as an accountant

You can legally have them as a business without any problem without getting in trouble

And will you lose your professional the AICPA says check with your state?

Each state has their own guidance on what accounting professionals can do in

Servicing this niche within that state and so what our program does is. We it it helps

Accountants who want to get into this niche or who want to grow a cannabis accounting firm it helps you provide world-class

Service to your clients and the way that we help you provide world-class service is through our cannabis tailored working papers

We have a chart of accounts that we provide in the program

We have the flower calendar that helps with inventory so that you don't get

Zero inventory at the beginning of every year no purchases and we walk you through how that needs to be

done and we also have the

Allocation percentages and allocation work papers so that you can understand how to properly do your cost

Accounting kaien is going to have to pay taxes regardless

But we want to save them and make them pay the least amount of taxes

so doing the cost accounting right is the way to get them to pay the least amount of

Taxes and then we also have the month end process so that we show you

What you should be doing on the last day of the month the first day of the month and you know

Throughout the entire month so that you can service

That client and so if this is something if you think that this is a system

That you think will add value to both your client and your bottom line. We just have one question for you

And that's are you ready to become a dope accounting professional?

So if there's anybody on this call who would like to delve deeper and learn more about cannabis accounting?

We do have a special offer

You can just follow this link bit ly slash dope CFO and schedule a call with us

and we'd love to talk to you when we think that was great and I

Will go and jump give you a break for a second. There was a couple of questions that popped up

at the bottom of the screen Amy

Asked how does it grow or price their plant inventory? I know in retail

It's the purchase price, but if they're growing from seed, what's the process?

Amy that is the crux of the matter for a grower and or an extract maker and that's the cost accounting that's

Taught in our program and it's not simple

so with with cannabis to grow from a seed to an actual product is

Anywhere from a hundred and twenty days to a hundred and eighty days the farm I worked out

It was a 180 day cycle that includes veg

Growing watering harvesting drying curing testing at the lab

And finally you end up with a package of pot labeling and all that to take to the dispensary

How much does it cost to grow a pound of pot?

Well, you start with a seed or a clone which is either free or very close to free very very cheap

That's your raw material. So in a canvas company at any ending reporting period your raw materials are usually very low on the growth side

same with finished goods because the second that you've been working on spot for 180 days growing it and trimming it and

Testing it lab and all the stuff and you end up with this package to pound a pot you

Immediately take it to this mystery if possible and sell it generally on a grow site

You have very little raw materials

very little finished goods in inventory at any period where almost all your inventory is is in whip working process and

The way you value work in process again, it starts with your fire calendar

So you need to know they may have thousands of plants and 50 different strains

And so for every strain you need to know exactly how much completed us

So if their cycles 180 days say you've got ten plants that you planted yesterday say, it's June 30th today

I know it's not June 30th

Tell Friday we're gonna go counter inventory and we counted all these plants and these one plants we counted yesterday

Well their work in process, but they're just still seed in the dirt and they're not worth very much

So they're there one day out of 180 days percent complete and then we got another plant

What about a bunch of plants that are at the very very very end?

we've already

Trimmed them and dried them and cured them that we're picking him up from the lab tomorrow and July 1st that pots ninety-nine percent

Complete and so for each plant and strain you have to estimate the yield per strain. So maybe half a pound per plant

So maybe a pound and a half you do estimates than that

And by the way, these are all coming from the operations farmers guys telling you how many plants they have

They count them all what the estimated yield by strain and then also how much complete they are

And then from there you go into cost accounting once you have all that data, and you can actually start allocating

Direct and indirect cost and that could be things like direct labor and direct labor

utility security

nutrients oil supplies testing

there's many many costs that you you can allocate in the inventory and cost to get sold and

By the way, the IRS says if you are doing this all correctly and with GAAP accounting

You can add even more costs like scrap and rework and depreciation in the cost of goods sold

So yet another reason to benefit the CEO by doing good cost accounting. So that's the process. It's not simple most companies

Don't do it anywhere near correctly and that was the whole reason

I haven't started helping these companies at first and then people started asking me for help because there's not a lot of guidance out there

Big accounting is basically not here. So there's no industry guides. There's no people that grew up being trained in this industry

QuickBooks doesn't have a chart of accounts. It's all hit and miss right now

someone else asked about

Helps actually setting up the book separate entities and picking entity types all our students and you whether you join our course or not

We're not attorneys. Yes, many cannabis companies have many entities

It's sometimes is a good idea for them to have various entities there BLL CS or C corpse or subsidiaries

we don't help them set it up like their LLC or pick their entity type we can give them advice and do tax planning and

Say well for example

The law just changed on C corpse C corpse have a lower tax rate that lower tax rate goes to cannabis companies

so it may be worth looking into if you're a

dispensary as an LLC of converting to a C Corp

So those are questions that you can do a tax planning

our group does a lot of we have a lot of tax people in our network that all of our students are a part of

They're 70 of us or all over the US with every skill set we have


CPAs many firm big four we have tax prep firms attorneys in fees a

Lot of those questions answered but you as your as the business provider would actually set up and help them set up the books with

The chart of accounts we teach you our process, but we're not we don't actually go in and do the work for you

Yeah, we show you how to set up the books, but these are big businesses

So they understand that they need an attorney in place when they're setting up their legal entities

They need a tax professional in place when they're doing legal entities

They're not going to think that the accountant should be doing everything for them

They know that it mean if it's going to be done, right? They have to have the right people in place

So they're you know

It was a good point and most of these people have already got attorneys in place many of them pay some of these attorneys

outrageous fees to help them with their licensing

They'll have an attorney to set up their organization structure and entities, but they'll also use attorneys to help them fill out the application

So if any state that has an application for cannabis if your dispensary in, Oregon

You have to go to the website and download all these documents to fill out and it's time-consuming and complex

But we as accountants can also do that role because if you want to you can help with that

But many attorneys are charging ten thousand to thirty thousand dollars to a client just to basically fill out these forms

It's I've actually done this myself because I helped the first farm. I worked at do all these forms and it wasn't that complicated

And then we just have one more question from Tess

She's saying can you please quickly go over the accounts or what account should go under classes?

So Tess, I'm not sure how familiar you are with QuickBooks. So it does class counting. So every count goes under class

So you have a chart of accounts of whatever software you use and that's your main chart of accounts. And so say it's

Rent expense, for example when you pay the rent bill

Say it's a thousand dollars of rent. You can just code that all the rent expense if you're not using class accounting

But what class accounting allows you to do in QuickBooks at least and that's where most of our clients are

You can pick you might have a class for your cannabis

Part of the shop and another class for the non cannabis part

so you say it's

50/50 ones half the side and ones the other half you would have two classes set up in QuickBooks

Permanently and every time you pay the rent bill five hundred dollars would go to your cannabis class

Five hundred dollars would go to your non cannabis class and you do the same forever. You could do the same for utilities

There's those costs are usually allocated on square footage same for security cameras

But then cost like say you have Joe and Fred or in the backroom all day long

taking pounds of pot and they're packaging them into pre-rolls and cute little packages and labeling them and all they do is

Help get inventory ready for sale. Well, you could put all of their

Cost allocated and cost of goods sold again using classes. So that's just a function in QuickBooks

sandy says what forms license applications so every state that

you that has legal cannabis has a whole entire process and like

California has a website where you go if you want to apply for a legal far more legal

Dispensary and they have many many forms to fill out and requirements and they check owners and it's just a long long process includes

fingerprinting sometimes and your SOPs and

Diagrams of your actual property so they're getting a lux which is the land use

Compatibility state and for your county the state won't give you a license unless your county approves and every county has different rule

There's a lot of work and detail work. We can help our DCA's order ceo's with that if they need it as well

Okay, and then Joe was asking a question. He's an EA that works in bookkeeping and payroll

I've been wanting to start offering outsourced CFO services

I haven't started yet because I don't know how to structure it and haven't cost accounting since college

Would your program give me the tools that I need to be successful or should I build some experience first?

So I've been a CFO for a long time and it's kind of tricky so it depends what you mean by CFO services

So a lot of sometimes CFO - a lot about capital raising and they build pitch decks and five forward-looking financial models

And so I've done a lot of that kind of stuff for CEOs and helping structure debt versus equity

Whether or not you've been trained or are comfortable in that I'm not sure you could offer that or not our call our program doesn't


New skill sets. So for example, we don't teach people how to prepare tax returns. So we have different skill sets in our group

So some people in our group are tax preparers, and so they're learning the Cannabis stuff related to tax and their niche

But yes, you can expand in other niches. We do have bookkeepers that are kind of doing some CFO services

So, for example, I have a rolling cash forecast I use of my clients

It's pretty simple that they can understand and I show one of our bookkeepers

Our program has been using it with success and she's not a CFO but her CEO really likes it. So you can yeah

But if you want to be the outsource accountant or bookkeeper, if you just want to provide those higher-level services

Then we do teach that we teach you the cost accounting

we have a

detailed to our training on cost accounting and we teach you the ins and outs of cannabis accounting so you can at least get

Started and then maybe progress and move up to

Offering valuations and CFO level services and sometimes people that's just a title

You might be using CFO services, but meaning something else

But if you want to just out haven't be an outsourced bookkeeper or accountant

That's what the training will teach you and then also in our network - we people partner with each other including us

so maybe there's a

Tax preparer that lands a client but that client also needs bookkeeping and CFO

So the tax preparer my partner with two people in our group me and Naomi have gosh

I think we've partnered with like six students down different deals and we have we have three bids right now that all involve students -

Future clients and just four different pieces and then I saw that a couple people have raised their hand tomorrow

Do we want to I think Willie raise their hand another person

Yeah, we could try

Our Rachel says does your program refer clients or how do we find them before in a state where cannabis is still illegal?

I'm guessing Rachel you're in Idaho and maybe just kidding but there

So it's not part of our program to refer clients

But that said out of the 68

Students we have I think of referred

Prospects and actual clients to maybe eight to ten of them so far and so I do that


Just did I get a lot of people coming at me now me and I mainly bit

Larger clients now that are like ten million dollars or more in sales

And so if we get someone smaller come to us we saying he says she's ready for a referral. So Rachel's in, Texas

Yes, we've got one of our most successful students summer is on the college. She's from Texas

So maybe summer can answer that with that and cannabis is not illegal in, Texas

I had a Texas client in Austin. So there's three licensed cannabis companies in Texas right this second

So it's limited Medical approved like many states, but it's a great state to get involved there

I think in one of our last q and A's we googled cannabis groups in, Texas

And there was a ton of them so you can immediately become involved in digital and and real world

cannabis groups and start getting your footing

Yeah, and also so to answer her question, how do we find them if you're in a state where cannabis is illegal?

so in the training program

We do have a full-on marketing portion where we show you

25 different ways that you can find these cannabis owners and you can go to the different states websites the different trade shows online

Methods that where you can find these owners one of my clients is in Hawaii. Another of the other clients are in, Oregon

I've never met them. I live in Nevada where it is legal, but my clients are not local to me

so you can absolutely it's a 100 percent remote business so you can absolutely

Have clients who are in a state outside of where you are currently located and summer

I think I just pleaded your question and tomorrow saying to summer do you want to do you want to unmute summer and let her?

Just talk about that question related to being in a Texas state and also just her experience to the program summer

By the way is our very first student who ever joined the course

Back in January and she lives in Dallas, Texas, which is where I worked at Price Waterhouse in the 90s

Yeah, it's not enough. You want to unmute summer. Let her tie summer. Oh, she's still muted. You did I?

It's totally doable in Texas and you have to think about Texas like you said there's only three dispensaries and they're only dispensing for

Intractable epilepsy, but the states that surround us are no medical

I mean it's coming on board in the states that surround us as well because Louisiana is about to start selling Arkansas time

issues Oklahoma's voting tomorrow go, Oklahoma, you measure

yeah, so

At some hotel you have clients in other states. Yeah, uh-huh, Oregon

Yeah, so you don't have to be restricted to Texas? No, you're not restricted and I'm a

50% partner in a CPA firm and we have another niche

That my partner works on and that's with attorneys and they're everywhere they're, California

Arkansas I mean and we just we do zoom a lot

We do these zoom meetings with them if they want to, you know, see our faces or something like that

But anymore it's just because we're niching. It's just a quick phone call or you know

The clamps up maybe once a month, we'll have a one-hour meeting with a client just to go over everything something like that

So yeah that with technology today. You don't have to be in the same city anymore. Yeah, you can do it all all remote



That's kind of another part of our program and and the more

Because I think a lot of us are introverts and the more I get in that class

It's like I used to I've transitioned over the last two years of being partial remote and then coming

Occasionally and now like I flat out tell CEO they want even if they live down the block they're not gonna ever see me

Unzoom because it's just

Generally, we can do anything that we need to do over a phone call or resume call

I like them to get out of that whole mindset

That's not well, but we don't provide them our time and where and when how we work

We just give them deliverables begin what they want good accounting good cannabis

Accounting peace of mind more money in their pocket the things they actually really want they don't really want someone to come

Interrupts them for half a day at their office. Yeah

That's always the time to drive especially around Alice. Oh


Sandy says what's your opinion on getting inexpensive virtual office addresses?

For marketing so Ivan try to be namely 10 something like that

Were you I'm not sure where you would put that in your marketing

I would just use a phone number and a link a link to your LinkedIn profile or something like that, Andrew

Did you have any more questions of summer summer? Are you are you happy with the program so far?

When summer joined we couldn't say there was an awesome Network because it was just me and Naomi

He talked it up though, I mean I really

Liked sadm the first 10 came really quickly and

Came out of our Naomi and I I mean, theoretically actually Naomi's almost the first cuz I was in the fall of last year

I was helping many many people through our other program that we were in and

People that just found me about how do I do this for cannabis?

So I was helping people for free for a good long time until I realized I didn't have time to do that anymore

And then that's kind of when we evolved in

So in January, I don't know in the first 10 days. We had about 10 people so it all yeah

it happened pretty fast and then you know I commend you on your

It's just exploded the group is just grown and grown and grown every month

So and it really is you have a lot of people from different backgrounds accounting audit attorneys bookkeepers

We all have different experiences and we're it's a very open about sharing, you know a sharing group if we can help

You know, we're gonna if I can help you with something

I will a couple of times I've been called on to jump on him

you know to review some returns real quick for a bookkeeper who was gonna have a meeting with a CEO and

you know more than happy I had the time it's more than happy to do it at some are you that's a great point you

Have definitely helped some people and I really feel that's kind of the Karma in our group

We're all helping each other and it really people notice who who is like helping out and that's a huge deal

It's the same and I am too

There's nothing in my student things says I'm gonna help you all everyday, but I have taken calls with CEOs

I'm answering comments daily in our group in both in both groups - we're all trying to help each other and learn

Together and like right now a good example is the whole CBD issue and sandiana has done a ton of research

On that and it's been very helpful

I have to and it's there's just a lot of confusion in CBD right now, and I'm to be honest a little confused myself

But we'll we have a lot of good knowledge in our groups

I'm pretty sure we'll come to the the best answer before probably anyone else. So namely there's another question Thank You summer

Thank you, sir. Okay. Amy is well before we go into that question Rachel's question about referring clients

We also are working on a certification program for

students who have completed

The course and have landed their first client and then they see that they need additional help or support in the certification program

We're still ironing it out

I don't know if you guys have noticed Andrew and I have been getting a lot more publicity and we're getting our blog up

We're getting on podcast and different periodicals with that. It's gonna come a lot of referrals in our

Certification program we will offer referrals to students will offer more one-on-one support

review work

If you don't feel confident enough about you know

The work that your board product and you want us to look at your work papers. We will offer all of that

So all of that's getting ironed out, but that's just something that's coming down in the pipelines

And then amy is saying how important is it to have a cannabis-related URL or a business name for marketing?

I would not put cannabis in my business name at all only because there's still a lot of banks in merchant service providers and

Different businesses that aren't cannabis friendly and so even though you are not selling the cannabis

Having that in your name may cause problems down the road

So I would just have something you know

Very simple in your business name and leave the cannabis out for now and I gotta say I'm thank you for everyone - coming

I have to jump off because I actually have a three o'clock call but Naomi if you take all the final questions, that'd be awesome

Thank everyone for coming. Yeah, it looks like that's all of the questions Rachel's. Just asking are there any CPE credits available?

Not at this time, but we are actually working on it

It's about a three-month process to get those done

So we will be offering that in the future and that'll be part of certification as well. Looks like that's everything

So if you guys are interested in learning more make sure you schedule call with us

Go to bit ly slash dope CFO, and we would love to talk to you guys

What did you think

comment below and let us know if you've seen anything like this on any of your clients and if you're an accountant and you want

To learn how to service the cannabis needs so that you can prevent other

dispensaries from ending up like the alterman's make sure you check the description box and

schedule a call with dope CFO and don't forget to subscribe and click the

Notifications bill so that you can be notified about our next video on cannabis. Accounting. Take care

For more infomation >> How Bad Accounting Cost Dispensary $500k and Cannabis License - Duration: 49:41.


Paw Game Challenge From Alaska Fursuits! - Duration: 9:47.

Hi I'm Jester

Hi I'm Spunky

Hello! And today we're going to have a furry fun paw game where we only use our furry paws

Spunk: Stop

Jester: Damn it I was doing so good!"

Jester: Almost

Has really bad reverb. Like echos. But we're Loling hardcore!

Jester: Close?? Yeah??

Jester: He's so much better than us. That's not fair. He's had practice.

Xusho *Think* : I never practice this XD


For more infomation >> Paw Game Challenge From Alaska Fursuits! - Duration: 9:47.


Cómo cambiar la bujía de encendido en RENAULT CLIO 2 BB, CB Hatchback [INSTRUCCIÓN AUTODOC] - Duration: 2:30.

Open the hood.

Disconnect the high voltage wires from the spark plugs.

Use a drive socket No.16. Remove the spark plugs with a spark plug wrench and place them on a work surface in the order of installing in the engine.

Apply a thin layer of special grease on the thread surface of new spark plugs.

Use a drive socket No.16. Screw new spark plugs and tighten them.

Connect the high voltage wires to the spark plugs.

For more infomation >> Cómo cambiar la bujía de encendido en RENAULT CLIO 2 BB, CB Hatchback [INSTRUCCIÓN AUTODOC] - Duration: 2:30.


CBD Pain Relief Rub - Arthritis Relief Using CBD Cream - Duration: 1:00.

hi my name is Kevin a few weeks ago I

ordered CBD capsules and icy rub on

from the CBD gurus on her website and

boy it's made a huge difference as far

as sleeping a heck of a lot better at

night and waking up totally refreshed

and focused for my business and also

getting rid of the arthritic pain that I

had in my knees and my hips made a huge

difference the rub on gets right into

the joints

I can't say enough about these products

I strongly encourage you to go check

these guys out in their website and all

their products they have a whole array

of different products and the way you

can take them and if you have the luck

that I've had you'll be very very


For more infomation >> CBD Pain Relief Rub - Arthritis Relief Using CBD Cream - Duration: 1:00.



For more infomation >> TOP 1 DE MALADE AVEC MON POTE SUR MOBILE - Duration: 5:53.


D'Souza rips into CNN & NBC for being #FakeNews - Duration: 3:16.

Ingraham: Joining me now for reaction is "The Federalist's" Mollie Hemingway,

who's also a Fox News contributor, Howie Kurtz, host of Fox News'

"Media Buzz," which airs at 11 AM on Sundays, and Dinesh D'Souza,

filmmaker whose new film, "Death of a Nation," is in theaters now and

will be in a special showing all weekend long over Labor Day.

Dinesh, let's start with you here. This is wild. I mean, "This is CNN," the

James Earl Jones booming voice, and at one time, back in the 80s when

CNN started, it was considered a gold standard of this new type

of journalism. Where does it stand now after this Lanny Davis story

complete bungle by the network?

D'Souza: Well one can almost think back nostalgically to the 80s.

when CNN would have shows like "Crossfire," where they would have

a liberal, a conservative. Pat Buchanan on one side, Michael Kinsley on the other.

That's not the CNN of today. Now it's one thing to spin the news and interpret it

in a manner that is consistent with your own ideological agenda.

It's a completly different thing to have a story in which you are reporting facts,

the facts are exposed as false, and you dig your heels in and say that

they're true anyway. I mean, this is taking fake news to a new level,

and it is setting, you may say, almost a new standard of deception

that I think will haunt CNN for a while.

Ingraham: Yeah Dinesh, your movie is "Death of a Nation,"

this is like death of journalism.

Now Dinesh, CNN is not the only network under fire

for botching a huge story, getting it wrong. But according to now

new reports, the top brass at NBC tried to put the kibosh on

Ronan Farrow's real bombshell story on Harvey Weinstein's sexual predation,

basically forcing Ronan Farrow to take the story to "The New Yorker" magazine,

where, everybody knows by now, he ultimately won a Pulitzer Prize.

And tonight, rumors are also swirling that NBC News chairman Andy Lack

is on the hot seat. Dinesh, this is unreal. Harvey Weinstein had a lot of power.

D'Souza: I think if the CNN story was a lie of comission, the NBC story

is a lie of omission. Now just think about how powerful their ideology

would have to be, because remember, this is actually not a lie that would have

helped Trump. This actually is a lie to cover up a principle,

the principle of sexual harassment, the principle of sexual abuse, which is

actually a principle on the left. And so, essentially, this principle could only be

trumped by a greater principle on the left, and the greater principle

on the left here is, "We have to protect our own team." They're very powerful

people on the left, George Soros, Harvey Weinstein, and it is an unwritten

rule, in a sense, of progressive journalism that these people are

untouchable, and that you have to run defense for them, and run protection

for them. I believe that's what was going on at NBC.

For more infomation >> D'Souza rips into CNN & NBC for being #FakeNews - Duration: 3:16.


The Devil was Once an Angel ~ (Jeff the Killer Love Story) [CC] - Duration: 9:53.

Hello people behind screens, I'm Jac and we're back and today we are not going into Tumblr

we are going into Wattpad which is something that I

used to used

I wrote fanfiction.

it was bad but we're not gonna talk about that, we are going to talk about this and

I should say this is not um

meant to

bully anyone, you know, we all have a past and so ya know, just laughing

at something I'm sure they will also regret

years in the future

So this is called

The Devil was Once an Angel, a Jeff the Killer Love Story by wickedangel98

"Years before Jeffrey was burned alive, he became acquainted with a girl who he thought

knew nothing about him.

Little did he know, the girl, Juliet, was an angel sent down from the heavens to perform

'the experiment'

Juliette learns of his parents murder she commits a terrible deed to avenge Jeff.

Her evil act gets her stuck with Satan's apprentice, a perverted Grim Reaper.

Juliet was the newest neighbor in Jeffrey's neighborhood.

She was brand new, moving in one day after him"

He moves in.

Very next day, she moves in and

he decides too" to is spelled wrong

"from watching the guys from up above she knew there was nothing more that a guy like

when a girl makes him a sandwich" not only is it grammatically incorrect,

this makes it seem like the angels are a little misogynistic

So she trespasses into his house, it's 7:00


The whole family comes down and

she's just there and Jeff is like 'who the hell are you?'" which is like, a

proper reaction and his mom's like 'oh don't be rude,'

So Jeff is very skeptical of her

but her, Jeff, and his little brother all walk to school together and as they're walking

there, "three guys pretending to be thugs confronts them.

'Hey looks like we got ourselves some new bait.

Let me introduce myself.

I'm Randy, the blond one is Keith, and the big boned guy is Troy'

Juliet looks at Jeffrey and Liu" Liu is spelt weird "and says 'are we just gonna let those

hooligans talk to us like that?'

Randy interrupts her.

"shut up little lady.

We ain't wanting no fights with a girl

However, we will fight these two dorks if

they don't give us their money" Exclamation point, period "'hell, no!

We aren't giving you our money' screams Jeffrey without a" this is a, this is a hot mess

"Screams Jeffrey and then a horrendous fight as these three 'thugs' start to hit them

Jeff pulls out a knife and stabs Randy and Keith while Troy, the tubby one, ran off"



That's a lot that just happened.

so basically, they all agreed to hush up about it,

Juliet like shows up to his house after school and

she asked, she asked his mom 'tell me about Jeffery and she's like, 'I don't know him

very well

He keeps to himself'

She asked her to get to know him for her.

His mom asks the stranger who tresspassed into their house

to get to know her son for her.

So Liu is worried about his brother.

You know, she's sort of friends with Liu at this point.

None of them are acknowledging the stabbing and she kind of wants to get closer to Jeffery


Chapter 3: Will You Stay With Me?


then what happens is

the cops show up to Jeffrey and Liu's house and Juliet is there and

they're like, alright, you boys were involved in a fight,

you know, and Jeffrey's like 'it's me!' and Liu is like 'No,

it's me!

I have scars to prove it!' and they haulLou and Jeffrey's like 'no!' but his mom is like

'oh there's nothing we can do.

It's very upsetting but he needs to pay the price'

He's going 'it's all my fault

It's all my fault'

'Jeffrey what happened yesterday wasn't your fault, you defended all of us and those bullies

weren't going away without a fight'" It kind of was your fault, you pull the knife

on them.

You stabbed them, you could have just used it to like to scare them

They start flirting, you know, he calls her a tease, and then Jeffrey's mom comes


She says "'Juliet, it's time for you to go home.

Me and Jeffrey have to go present shopping for the neighbors birthday party."

So her small little boy was just arrested.

Instead of going to the police station she is about to go shopping with Jeffrey for

a birthday party.


We are getting some sweet Jeffrey's point of view "As

Jeffrey walked down the steps from his room, he went to a window in the house and watched

Juliet walk home.

'Why do I have the sudden urge to want her around more?'"

He has a crush on her now and "Jeffrey feels embarrassed while walking the store with his

cheery mother.

He starts thinking about Juliet and her crush.Kill him kill him kill him kill him."

Oh, yeah.

She um told her she has a crush on someone.

So his immediately-immediate thought is to kill him.

Oh God, so then he's, he's talking to his brother.

He's like, while he's in jail, it's just like so 'so let's talk about Juliet!

I like her, but she doesn't like me.'

'How do you know she doesn't like you?'

'She said that she has a crush on someone else' and Lou is like 'oh well, you know

I have a bunch of classes with her and I'm the only one she ever talks to" and he's like

"you know who it is tell me tell me tell me" and Liu is like "I

think it's me" He gets super

fucking angry, Jeffrey, he's like "You think I'm crazy?!


I'll show you crazy!" and he starts like kicking over garbage cans in the middle of a police

station so the police officers obviously like

get him out of there

and he goes to Juliet's house and he starts banging on the door like,

What if,what if her mom opens?

What are you gonna do?

'Your daughter's a slut!'

Juliet opens the door to see him all beat up.

She's like what happened?

He goes, he's like, 'Why didn't you tell me you like lie?'


he's smiling.

'So why didn't you tell me you like Liu?'


I don't like Liu more than a friend if that's what you're implying.'

'Oh shut up,

he's the only other guy you talked to on the first day of school.

Liu told me maybe I shouldn't trust you.

There i was standing up for you.

They blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.

He's angry!

He's yelling!


"'Jeffery wait!'

She called out but he was already gone and she was on the floor crying.

Did that man

ever think that one minute that maybe he's the one I like?

I didn't even like anyone at the time.

It was just to protect Liu's secret and now he wants me gone, if he truly wants me away.

I'll stay away

Agonizing Love: It was a Friday afternoon Jeffrey was confused and horrified he

noticed Julie hadn't been to school in four days. Why is she not going to school?

and then there's like a voice in his head, apparently he's like 'you like her, you

like her so much you wanna hurt her' she should be punished' and he's like 'nope

she deserves an apology, I should've asked first her side of the story' that's his sane

side. He's like 'no, I should apologize 'yes you should but then the voices go 'you're

going to take some broad's side over mine?

destroy her' so he like, wants to hurt her now. Jeffrey's thinking

'Oh fuck, I'm so terrible. Juliet, don't leave me just yet' it's been like two

days boy 'I'll be there soon enough' so he decided to go to the party and just

enjoy it. Her mom and her are talking very

cryptically about their angel experiment. She goes off to the neighbors and she

sees the three thugs but this time they've crashed a small child's birthday party

and they're ganging up on Jeffrey. 'We aren't gonna let you get away this time

punk, how selfish of you to let your little brother go to jall. You must be

really stupid to think it wasn't over.' Randy, the main thug yelled."' so the

quotation marks are off, they're real thugs now. They've been stabbed, they're

legit. So Jeffrey he beats them up, you know, and then Keith lights Jeffery on

fire. That's where we're gonna stop today this video is getting a bit long so if

you won't want me to keep reading the story you should tell me by liking this

video, comment what you thought of

god, what was the title? The Devil was One an Angel

and don't forget to Like and subscribe check out my description box for all of

my social medias

For more infomation >> The Devil was Once an Angel ~ (Jeff the Killer Love Story) [CC] - Duration: 9:53.


⚡️August Favorites ⚡️(TØP, Youtuber books & More) - Duration: 12:23.

hey guys! whats up! its Sammie and welcome back to another monthly favorites first

off let me just apologize for the very obvious microphone I would normally hide

this under my hair there's a lack thereof because I'm wearing a wig today

so therefore he out in the open he here we using him as an accessory he's here

to stay okay okay it is the end of Vlogust and officially the first day of

September or close to the first day of September and that is a super great

because that means I can get back to making quality over quantity because I

just finished Vlogust if you dont know what that is I uploaded every single day last month

except for on weekends because I'm not that good at my job *lol*

so if you have not seen all my videos from last month I will put a playlist

linked probably in the description for you to go and check out all those videos

without further ado let's jump into the favorites I am gonna start with Beauty

favorites because I have a few of them will start with face and then we'll move

on to hair because I actually have both it's been a new product month I'm gonna

be fully open and say that these two products were sent to me but I'm not

getting paid to talk about them but thank you so much Octoly for letting me

be a part of the #OctolyFam and getting you know free things I cannot

afford to buy these products on my own but if I could I would buy them because

they are so great okay first one I actually super super super love Guerlain

it's one of my favorite cosmetic brands and I have had the awesome amazingness

to work with them so many times in the past but I have the Gurlain Lor I think

that's how you say it I don't know anything about French primer and it has

this it's just primer with like little gold specks in it and oh is he a lovely

boy I am wearing it right now underneath my makeup it's lovely I've never used a

primer before and this month I just started using all of the primers so okay

I've used a primer before but not like a good one I've used like a wet and wild

one this primer is super amazing it makes my skin feel really good it says

*French* Radiance concentrate with pure gold it's

a makeup base I don't know if that's different from a primer but I like this

this is really firming it's really nice I like to wear this when I'm wearing

less foundation because it just makes my skin overall look more healthy I'll put

a link in the description to everything I mention in this video obviously so you

can check it out yourself my next favorite is this Becca first light

priming filter ooh he purple and I have a lot of like weird

yellow discoloration on my face especially around my mouth and around my

eyes so I really like this boy he's very

brightening he makes everything look good I have tried a couple things

actually from Becca this month and I like the brand I think it's a good brand

I've never really gotten into high-end like things like this before but I'm

into it he cool now this product I did not know what it was when I ordered it I

was just like oh it's an under eye brightening thing but I actually really

liked it I have it under my eyes right now with a little bit of some geurlain

foundation over the top of it is the Becca under eye brightening corrector

and it's just this like salmon shimmery under-eye base it's basically like an

under eye primer for your concealer that like helps make things look less like hi

I am my youtuber and I don't sleep for five hours at a time does that make

sense yeah I like this I think it's super cute packaging and I think it's a

super good product the last product is a Laura Mercier *what*

translucent glow powder now I am someone who has super super super dry skin

although you probably won't be able to tell that right now because I am

sweating sweating cats and dogs I don't think that's the saying... I'm sweating a lot

because it's a 108 degrees out and I turn my air conditioning off

to film this video this is just like a powder that it looks like this you put

it on your face and it's really nice especially for under the eye I also have

a mini like travel-size one that came with it and I like to keep that in my

bag to just like touch up my face throughout the day it does not make my

face look gross and cakey like most setting powders do because I'm so dry

that if I put anything dry on my face it's like Yikes but no this is nice I

really like it moving on to hair products so I was going through my

wallet and I found a gift card for habit salon, Habit salon is a really

really really really bougie expensive like way too much money hair salon in

Phoenix Arizona and I went there like once with my friend she got the gift

card she moved away I still have the gift card I went in there and I was like

I wonder what is on it, It has 120$ on it that wasn't

even enough to get anything done to my hair oh can I get like a treatment like

a blowout like a trim and they were like no like everything is over 200 dollars

in the salon so me and my mom went crazy in the like hair care part in the front

of this lawn where you buy stuff and I bought a hair oil and so did she

so we got three things for $120 I kept two of them the first thing I got is

this orbe gold lust nourishing hair oil he good he nice he makes my hair

smell really good and he's fun he doesn't smell though as good as this one

he just kind of smells like clean like Garnier Fructis dare I say this is a

fifty dollar hair oil I don't think it's worth fifty dollars but I think it's

really good at doing what hair oils do if you know me you know that I have a

thing for cotton candy scented things and this bad boy makes my hair smell

like cotton candy it's supposed to be acai

scented but this is the acai

Brazilian dry oil it's for after a Brazilian Blowout

I think this is were like thirty five dollars I just like to put it on my hair

and just like it makes it feel so good I like how I'm like put it on my hair like

this is not a wig but yes this is a really nice oil I don't know where you

can get these good like like I said it's I got these at a salon in Arizona but

fun I should do the food favorite and then put them back in the fridge because

it's 1000000000 degrees in here and dairy free yogurt is getting

rotten this is not a new discovery I've been loving the silk Dairy free yogurt

alternative for a super long time but the peach mango flavor

oh you need to give it a go he is Delic- I'd recommend you give them a go even if

you're not vegan I'm vegan hi! five year vegan, today I made a bunch of

meat-eater angry on Twitter and they came for me

it's just a vegan yogurt it's Vegan certified *lmao what* free gluten free

dairy free and it's also nut free which is really good if any of you guys

but not allergy it's made from soy milk they also have one that's made from

almond milk or cashew milk err I don't know the other that chocolate one is

disgusting but the peach mango is really good and I recommend it

I've always liked salads but I've never liked salad dressing I've always been a

like hi can I have a dry salad with salt and pepper please

but I found a dressing I like oh he's so good this is the TessaMaes organic

green goddess dressing and marinade on the side it's dairy free gluten free

sugar free vegan it's just like let me shake her up because she looks pretty

disgusting it's basically just like a super vegetable flavor dressing which is

probably why I like it on salad because it doesn't take away from the salad

flavor what's in it lemon juice sunflower oil vinegar salt pepper

mustard yeah it's just like a super seasoned dressing I really like it would

100% recommend it!

random favorites let's go okay so for random favorites I do

have a couple little cheeky random favorites let's go into my music

favorites first because I have quite quite a couple of them I have two so

this is my ukulele he is a cute boy I got a new strap for him that is such a

cute little strap it's so rainbowy and great I've actually had this for a super

long time I got this in 2016 it's actually a vintage camera strap but I

fastened him onto my ukulele this is temporary I'm gonna get like a uke

bungee to fix this situation but for now I'm using a piece of string it's fine I

looked up a tutorial but look at him he's so precious I love him so much if I

can find a similar strap on like Amazon that's maybe not like vintage and old

I'll link in the description but I posted photos on Instagram and people

already asked where I got it I felt super bad cuz it's like ah it's old but

I'll try to find something similar on like Etsy although if I find something

similar on Etsy there's probably only one of them yeah I don't know where you

can get this just Google Rainbow camera strap I don't know my next favorite is

twenty one pilots new song well actually there is a new song it's called

My Blood and it just got released literally the day I'm filming this but I

don't have an opinion on that yet I like it obviously but I don't like have a

super like oh my god it's the best song ever but levitate is so good I have

tried to learn the whole rap I can get around

halfway through its super fast super good super love it

it's great I recommend you looking it up another music favorite I recently

discovered this artist and he is unlike any other music I've ever listened to

but also gives me like before twenty one pilots was famous twenty one pilots

vibes his name is hobo Johnson and I discovered this weird song I was just I

was on Spotify just listening to like panic! at the disco radio on shuffle and it

just came up and I was immediately like hey this is music I like I'll put a link

to his soundcloud in the description if you want to check him out because I

think he's really cool you were probably noticing that the audio in this video is

V good that is because I bought a new mic I randomly bought this just randomly

on Amazon it 2am thinking like it's not gonna be good let's just try it this is

the purple panda mic and it's literally I think it's 23 dollars on



And its just a LAV, and it just clips here if i had some

tape I could like tape it to my chest and then put my shirt over it but your

girl ain't that high-tech yet I just got this like three days ago filmed a couple

videos with it which you will not have seen yet but look at that, so precious it's

not really precious it's a little velvet bag this is just a little basic lav

Mic it came with a GoPro adapter which I really appreciate because I have a

GoPro and it came with a DSLR adapter so that you can plug it into your computer

and your DSLR which I appreciate super-good I don't know if it's like the

best of the best of lav mics but it's pretty similar to the ones that I've

used at YouTube space audio quality wise so therefore I think it's good the last

favorite is a book I picked up, and read this month it is Almost Adulting all

you need to know to get it together sort of by Arden Rose Arden Rose is a

youtuber here on YouTube she does like Beauty lifestyle fashion content I've

actually met her before at VidCon 2016 I think so she's really sweet this is a

really great book I actually got it secondhand a used bookstore called

Bookmans for $9.50 on the back it says it retails for $18.99

so yeah that's like a good deal I'd say I probably would have

bought it if I didn't see it secondhand just because like books are expensive and I

only use them like once or twice and then there's nothing to do with them and

there's just super freaking cute things like the average grocery list of 18 year

old Arden two bags of flaming hot cheetos trail mix milk blue sour straws red

sour straws fruit by the foot like it's so cute and it's such like a quirky

relatable book I would recommend it if you're in like your late teens early 20s

and the cover is so freaking like this is if I if I published a book I was

gonna say if I wrote a book if I published a book this is what I'd so

want the cover to look like it's so cute like there's a pain med little pain meds

bottle off to totally be the thumbnail so yeah those are it for my favorite

this month and I hope you enjoyed this video if you did please remember

subscribe by clicking the subscribe button if you actually like this video

please remember to like it by clicking a thumbs up if you were subscribed already and you

have not yet click the bell below to turn on my notifications so you're notified

when I post you can actually enjoy my content join the party! so thanks for

watching and I will see you guys in my next video! bye guys!


For more infomation >> ⚡️August Favorites ⚡️(TØP, Youtuber books & More) - Duration: 12:23.


Vlog # 14 - Hare Observation - Early Morning ASMR Whisper Style! Hihihi ! :D - Duration: 1:32.

ASMR - Whisper Hare observation video :D

For more infomation >> Vlog # 14 - Hare Observation - Early Morning ASMR Whisper Style! Hihihi ! :D - Duration: 1:32.


Melyra - Saving you from reality (crowdfunding) - Duration: 0:54.

What's up guys, I'm Fe Schenker

Melyra's guitar player and today I'm here to tell you

about the crowdfunding campaign for our new album:

Saving you from reality

In this crowdfunding campaign you'll be able to get

digital copies, physical copies, t-shirts

and some other itens exclusive for those who support us.

You can get as many prizes you wish

shipping and handling are already included on the prizes' prices

so there are no surprises at the check out.

And if you can't contribute with money, that's ok

you can help us sharing this video and our crowdfunding campaign

If you have any questions, please contact us

on facebook, twitter, instagram or our site,

So, don't waste your time, get to the campaign site and check it out

and help us to give birth to our baby.


For more infomation >> Melyra - Saving you from reality (crowdfunding) - Duration: 0:54.


Top 10 Cursed Games You Should Never Play - Duration: 11:10.

Hello and welcome back to the Most Amazing Top 10 channel on the internet.

I am your host, Rebecca Felgate and today we are talking about the Top 10 Cursed Games

You Should Never Play… before we get going – what is your favourite game?!

10 - Charlie Charlie So the Charlie Charlie Challenge is adapted

from a Spanish paper and pencil game called Juego de la Lapicera – the Pencil Game.

Basically the premise of the game is to balance pencils on top of one another with no and

yes written in squares.

Teenagers then call upon an alleged Mexican demon called Charlie.

Players of the game say something like, Charlie Charlie are you here?

The pencil then moves and people freak out.

Why do the pencils move… clearly because a demon has been summoned… not because of

friction and gravity.

There are a lot of videos of people playing the Charlie Charlie game and it almost always

entails screaming and running.

Many youtubers filmed themselves doing the challenge and garnered millions of views.

Is it real….

well according to Mexican historians there is no demon called Charlie… but I don't

know, any game that encourages summon a demon makes me feel sketchy.

9 - Sad Satan Sad Satan is allegedly a cursed video game

found on the dark web.

Youtube channel obscure horror corner lived up to their name when they shared a scary

screen play of the game on their youtube channel and honestly it looks really intense.

It also sounds intense and I don't like that.

The player is walking down a dark ally and horrible radio signals start coming through.

During the game play, from time to time a blank screen would appear with strange markings.

Reddit users decoded the font and said that it was saying things like "kill, kill, kill"

and "I can track you."

Finally, at the end the game cuts to a black screen in which the phrase "Suffering Doesn't

End" appears.

Doesn't sound good to me.

I'll probably give playing this one a miss.

8 - The Three Kings I first heard about three kings when I investigated

the No Sleep SubReddit, and apparently it is actually a very popular game these days….

I don't like the sound of it though!

What you is play in a large room, preferably a basement with no light source.

You are supposed to set up the space with two full length mirrors, three chairs and

an item from your childhood.

Once you are done with the set up, you are suppose to go to bed and set your alarm for

3.30 am.

At exactly 3.30, you are supposed to get up.

You can only play if, when you go back to the large room you prepared, nothing has changed.

If anything has moved or changed, then this is a warning not to play.

You must sit in one of the three chairs at exactky 3.33 am with a lit candle.

Once seated, look straight ahead into the darkness and never look into the mirrors nor

the candle.

At this point you should see or hear a presence – some people say that you will begin to

have a conversation with a king, a queen or a fool.

Its complicated but apparently when playing this game it is possible to get stuck in an

alternate dimension.


7 - Midnight Man According to a creepypasta I read, The Midnight

Game dates back to an old pagan ritual and essentially is a game to summon a spirit.

The game is played by a person writing their name on a piece of paper, pricking their finger

to produce a small drop of blood on the paper, lighting a candle and taping the paper with

your name on it to a wooden door.

It has to be wooden, just so you know.

Timing is important in this game – you have to knock on the door 22 times, with the last

knock at the stroke of midnight.

The person then opens the door, blows out the candle, closes the door and relights the


This apparently mean the Midnight man is now in your house.

Your job is to then avoid being caught by the midnight man, who will try to scare you

until 3.33am.

Sounds like all the fun I'd rather not be having!

6 - Polybius Polybius is a legendary arcade game and nobody

know if stories about it are true or simply the stuff of gaming urban legend.

The story seems to have emerged in the year 2000 in Portland, Oregon and suggests some

kind of government conspiracy.

Basically the story goes that a black box arcade game started showing up in arcades

across the city – the game didn't have any branding, it was simply black and mysterious,

but people were intrigued and played it anyway.

The game seemed to involve geometric patterns and eye wateringly bright,colourful shapes.

It seemed like the game was hypnotising people, making them sick or, in some cases, making

them disappear.

After gamers played, men in black suits were seen servicing the machine, which led to rumours

that it was part of the CIAs MKUltra mind control pursuits.

Storytellers named the game Polybius after a Greek historian who said you should never

report what you can't verify.

Whether or not the story is true, it has become part of pop culture, with the Simpsons placing

a polybius machine in the background of a scene in 2006 . Would you play it?

5 - Pokemon Lavender Town – Pokemon has a lot of wildly popular games….

But did you know that part of Pokenmon Red and Green might be cursed?

The music that plays in Lavender Town in the game not only matches the weirdly trippy purple

graphics, but allegedly sparked an alarming number of child suicides in Japan.

The music is undoubtedly spooky, horror blog Bloody Disgusting hailed it as one of the

most terrifying childhood memories for gamers.

The music has a number of jarring chords but is weirdly calm…I think we can all agree

we wouldn't want to listen to it on a loop for too long.

According to a creepypasta that surfaced in 2010, the music compelled 100 Japanese children

to kill themselves, leaving others with weird behavioural outbursts and others with physical

ailments such as nosebleeds and headaches.

Sicknesses and suicides became known as Lavender Town Syndrome.

Legend has it that the high pitch binaural beats tapped into the brains of children in

a way that could affect their moods.

Whether or not this is true, it seems Pokemon were worried.

They rerecorded the music for the 2017 Pokemon Go Halloween…maybe pokemon bosses were trying

to lift the curse.

I like a board game, but you wouldn't catch me playing with an ouiji board any time soon

– that is coming in at number 4.

Ouija boards are messed up!

I am sure you know what they are – but for those that don't it is a board with letters

of the alphabet on it, as well as yes and no in the top corners, numbers, the word goodbye

and assorted symbols and graphics surrounding it.

The board is used to communicate with spirits – although originated as an American parlor


Some spiritual believers will tell you that playing with an ouiji board to contact the

dead can lead to demonic possessions, which doesn't sound ideal.

Ooh, maybe we should do the Top 10 scary Ouija Board stories!

3- Bloody Mary Ah, Bloody Mary is a classic game from all

of our childhoods, but that doesn't mean I would recommend playing it…ever!

Bloody Mary is said to appear in a mirror when her name is chanted - back in old old

folklore, the ritual was used to show a woman a glimpse of their future husband's face…although

if they saw the grim reaper or a skull instead, it would mean they would likely die before

they got the chance to marry.

In modern times, the legend goes that if you summon bloody Mary, she will scratch out your

eyes, steal your soul, drink your blood…or at the very least…scream at you.

There is a similar game and legend called Hanako San in Japan.

Speaking of Japan, next up, you should never play Hitori Kakurenbo at number 2 – this

is basically a Japanese Hide and Seek game , but you play it alone…or alone with a


What you need is a stuffed animal with arms and legs…and it has to have a name…. for

example twinkle.

You cut twinkle open, remove the stuffing, replacing it with rice and some fingernail


You then sew the bear back up, wrapping left over thread around the toys body.

– then you put the stuffed toy in the bath and say – for the first game I am it – then

count to ten with your eyes closed - then you are supposed to stab the toy and say I


The you announce that the toy is going to be it….and you have to go and hide.

For some reason it is important you hide with a glass of salt water, and if you feel scared,

put some in your mouth.

When the game is over and the toy hasn't found you in an hour, you go back, spit salt

water on it and burn the toy.

It all sounds like a lot of hassle to me.

I'd rather play Catan.

1 - Blue Whale Blue Whale is an awful social media game that

seemed to originate in 2016 and encourages players to induce self harm and later commit


How horrendous.

The so-called game takes place over 50 days, with each day a new challenge.

The game was linked to 130 teenage deaths in Russia alone – with one girl, 15 year

old Yulia Knostantinova posting a picture of a blue whale on her Instagram before jumping

to her death.

The spate of deaths were not just in Russia alone, countries across the world have reported

deaths of young ones as a result of the sick game.

So guys that was the Top 10 Cursed Games You Should Never play…have any of you ever played

one of these games?!

I hope not!

Please don't.

Stick to what you love – like Chess, or the sims, or even fornight….

Games without demons ! Quick comments from the Top 10 Scary Demons

Caught on Camera - Virgil Van Dijik said: its only a matter of time before you hit 5

mil subs?

Shout out to Angie Fitzpatrick's kid!

She wrote: My boy is 5 and we love watching you and danny, I turn it on and when he hears

your voice he yells mommy Becka fellgate no matter where he is.

He also calls Danny "daddy Burke" because Danny is also the name of his father lol.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Cursed Games You Should Never Play - Duration: 11:10.


Las cinco posiciones sexuales más peligrosas | Del 1 al 5 | El Espectador - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Las cinco posiciones sexuales más peligrosas | Del 1 al 5 | El Espectador - Duration: 2:21.


الإرادة بداخلك أنت ◆ كيف تقوي الإرادة في نفسك ◆ كن صاحب إرادة وحقق أهدافك - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> الإرادة بداخلك أنت ◆ كيف تقوي الإرادة في نفسك ◆ كن صاحب إرادة وحقق أهدافك - Duration: 2:53.


Jessi respondendo se sente saudades da época do Unpretty Rapstar [Legendado PT-Br] - Duration: 0:04.

For more infomation >> Jessi respondendo se sente saudades da época do Unpretty Rapstar [Legendado PT-Br] - Duration: 0:04.


Remar Games - A look at Iji 0.3 (with captions) - Duration: 5:48.

Hi there! It's been ten years since Iji's original release in September of 2008,

and over the years it's been sporadically updated all the way to 1.7.

So I thought I should talk about a couple of things regarding its development that you've

probably never seen before.

The oldest version of Iji's source code is the alpha demo you can find in Scrap Pack 2

on my homepage, but we're about to dig a lot deeper than that.

This is the second oldest surviving version of Iji, version 0.3 from February of 2006.

It has the original title screen with this bad Photoshop background and giant face,

three complete sectors with the first boss, and interestingly it also has

the original version of Sector Z.

Sector Z was already implemented here and could be entered without collecting any posters

since they didn't exist yet.

However reaching the entrance is more difficult than in the final game.

You have to leave the left part of the Sector to gain five levels, get blown across this

gap by this Soldier to return to the only Strength upgrade station in the Sector,

use it to get a Strength of 5, kick this Soldier over to the left platform, and wait for her

to fire a rocket to break the wall.

In the final game there's an invisible object that makes the Soldier immediately fire a

rocket as soon as she reaches the top of the slope, not to mention there are several hints

to this secret.

If you want to explore Sector Z for yourself and see all the other things that weren't

finished yet, including the REALLY awful writing, there's a download link in the description below.

As you can see, Sector Z is already a bit different.

In fact it's almost completely made up of graphics and enemies from various NES games.

The mushrooms here work like red nanofields, and as in the final game, you can poke the

enemies to get a few different messages.

Of course, you can kick them too.

After Super Mario Bros. comes Metroid, and immediately there's a secret room to the left.

This room spoils what the next game is going to be, but there's nothing else of interest here.

The energy dots left behind by the Geemers are the same as the mushrooms, they're just

reskinned red nanofields.

You can also touch these enemies which makes Iji say "eww, creepy".

Oh, and there's no sound since that was one of the last things added to the game,

along with the cutscenes, music, voice acting and stuff.

I usually add the sound and music last in my games, but once I get to that part of development,

I already have a clear idea in my head of what the game should sound like.

Next up is Zelda: The Adventure of Link.

I really like these games if you couldn't tell already.

The lift here is just a regular lift.

Unfortunately the mysterious door here can't be opened, so it's just a run through a

whole lot of Bots to get to the end.

If you touch them Iji says "eww, squishy".

There's no relation between them and the Blits in the final game, as those were inspired

by the tiny bugs that crawl on you in Metroid: Zero Mission.

This is a really long room.

This part of the Sector, the Hero part, is pretty much identical

to what you see in the final game.

The NES parts of Sector Z were eventually replaced by graphics from Castle of Elite

and Retrobattle, which were my most recent games at the time.

The reason I decided to replace them was mostly because it felt a little cheap somehow.

Like, Iji does have some obvious references, but in my later games I thought that if you

want to reference someone else's work, you should do it in a way that fits into the world

itself, and preferably something that you have a very personal attachement to.

Oh, and if you touch these drones it just says "incompatible technology for cracking".

Moving on, we get to another section that's basically the same as in the final game.

The pulsating gamma effect only works when the game runs in fullscreen, and isn't visible

in this recording, but it makes the platforms a bit harder to see.

It also slows the game to a crawl if your computer doesn't like it for some reason.

As with the polygon drawing and other effects, I didn't know about this back when I made

the game as my 850 MHz Windows 98 computer could run the game at around 300 FPS due to

the native DirectDraw support.

And that's the original Sector Z.

And the original embarrasing clear sector graphics.

Also present in the source for version 0.3 are the first two rooms ever built for the game.

This is devtest, which is a pretty small room that kept changing as I added more features.

To access this level in 0.3, press 9 on the main menu.

As you can see I really liked the idea of kicking enemies through windows and stuff.

The lower half of the room just has a ton of enemies, so I could see how many the game

could handle at once.

This is devtest2 which just consists of more playing around with enemies and glass windows.

You can reach it by pressing 0 on the main menu.

Whenever I felt discouraged due to how tedious and painful it was to make this game, I would

sometimes hop into these levels just to play around until I got some motivation back,

which sometimes took several months.

Sector 4 hadn't been made yet, but contains another small test area introducing the

Komato Troopers fighting with the Tasen.

It wasn't very difficult to do, the enemies just fight each other as if they were fighting

the player, and use a similar system to see each other.

You can jump into the holes on either side here to move on to Sector 5.

Sector 5 and the remaining levels are just variations of the same placeholder.

Later versions of the game that still exist as separate source files are basically the

same thing as 0.3, but with more and more sectors completed.

You can see the scouts don't have their sprites loaded properly here.

And that's all I had for this video. Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Remar Games - A look at Iji 0.3 (with captions) - Duration: 5:48.


Hoopla: Streaming on TVs & Echos - Duration: 4:25.

Hoopla can now be used on most video streaming devices, including Roku, AppleTV, Chromecast, and FireTVs.

So if you check out a movie or TV show from Hoopla, you can watch on a full size tv screen,

not just a tablet or laptop.

You can also listen to audiobooks and music through Echo devices.

In this video I'll demonstrate just how simple it is to set up and use Hoopla through one of these devices.

In this video I'm demonstrating using a FireTV, but other streaming devices work similarly.

There's a demonstration of how to set up a streaming service on Roku in our Kanopy video.

I'll put a link to that video in the information box.

Step one is to go to and search for Hoopla Digital App.

Select Hoopla Digital, which should be the first item on the list.

Then choose the correct Fire device, if you own more than one, and click deliver.

Now go to your FireTV and select Hoopla from the home screen.

The first time you open Hoopla it will prompt you to enter a four digit code to confirm your account.

So it's a good idea to have a phone, tablet, or laptop handy so you can go to the website

and follow the instructions on the screen.

I'll enter the code into Hoopla with my phone, which already has my Hoopla account information saved.

If you're using a device that doesn't have Hoopla set up on it, you will be prompted

to login to your Hoopla account with email and password during this step.

Now you can use your remote browse or search for something to watch.

I'll search for the actor Chris Evans.

When you select a title it will give you a synopsis.

Hit borrow to check it out, which uses one of your monthly credits and starts your three day checkout period.

Then click play to start viewing.

Please disregard the poor video quality, which is caused by video recording a TV screen.

In person Hoopla's video quality is the same as Netflix, Hulu, or any other streaming service

Hoopla also offers an Alexa skill.

If you have an echo, echo dot, or other echo device with the exception of the echo tap,

you can use it to listen to music or audiobooks checked out through Hoopla.

First you have to enable the Hoopla skill for your account.

Go to your Alexa app or go to and login to your amazon account.

Then go to Skills and search for Hoopla.

Notice the commands on the listing.

Those are the commands you will need to use to access Hoopla titles.

Click Enable, then login to your Hoopla Account

Now Hoopla is ready to use on your echo.

Here's a short demonstration of how it works.

Command: Alexa, Tell Hoopla to list my titles.

Echo: Currently, you have a total of two titles borrowed and two are audio titles available for playback on Alexa.

The first title you can play is an audiobook title, A Man Called Ove by Frederick Backman.

Would you like to play it?

Command: No.

Echo: The next music title that I found was Divided By Deluxe by Ed Sheeran.

Would you like to play it?

Command: Yes.

[music plays]

Command: Alexa, next track.

[different music plays]

Command: Alexa, stop.

The Hoopla Alexa Skill is fairly new.

They may add more options and a larger variety of recognized voice commands in future,

right now it will only work if you say things the correct way.

However, once you get the hang of how to ask, it does provide a convenient handsfree option.

If you have any follow up questions or suggestions for future tutorials, please leave me a comment down below.

Don't forget to subscribe to this channel for more information on how best to use library resources.

And as always, thank you for watching.

For more infomation >> Hoopla: Streaming on TVs & Echos - Duration: 4:25.


Las reformas, medio para consolidar a México como potencia, afirma Peña - Duration: 1:57.

 CIUDAD DE MÉXICO ( Hoy, el presidente Enrique Peña Nieto enviará al Congreso su sexto y último informe de gobierno y previo a esto difundió un espot donde señala que las reformas impulsadas bajo su mandato constituyen un medio para que México se consolide como una potencia

 "Las reformas son un medio, no son un fin en sí mismo para asegurar que el país tenga condiciones para consolidarse como una gran potencia porque sin duda ese es el destino para México", afirma Peña al final del espot de dos minutos de duración

 Al hablar de la reforma político-electoral, Peña destacó una mayor transparencia al igual que más participación femenina en dicha actividad

 La finalidad de la reforma financiera, afirma Peña, es asegurar que más mexicanos tengan acceso al crédito y una mayor competencia entre las entidades del sector

 Al hablar de competencia económica el mandatario saliente destacó la necesidad de un órgano regulador para que "el mercado provocara la competencia de distintos participantes"

En materia de telecomunicaciones, Peña destacó un ahorro equivalente a 130 mil millones de pesos por el servicio de larga distancia


For more infomation >> Las reformas, medio para consolidar a México como potencia, afirma Peña - Duration: 1:57.


Putin's Speech at Talent and Success Foundation - Duration: 3:54.

Good afternoon, colleagues,

Today we will discuss the results of work of the Talent and Success Foundation and the Sirius Educational Centre, which was created three years ago to help gifted children develop their talents, abilities and creativity.

Over this time, the centre has welcomed more than 23,000 school students from the around the country.

All of them completed the course of study, and their classes were taught by the best teachers and mentors.

Before our meeting, just now – some colleagues attended these meetings – I was able to communicate both with the children and their teachers

I enjoyed the communication a great deal.

The kids are talented, interested and result-oriented.

I feel that this is our golden genetic pool.

Everything must be done not only to support these kids (that much goes without saying) but to look for and support such kids all over the country,

and there are lots of them, to create venues around the country on the basis of such centres as Sirius, which would increase the education quality in the country in general.

From the very beginning Sirius built close and productive cooperation with its partners – hi-tech companies, state corporations, and leading research centres and universities.

This allows Sirius students to get involved in promising projects, to be in demand.

Today we also met with heads of many companies that work here.

I believe that without direct contact between their workers, those who achieve major practical results, and their future employees, it would be impossible to reach our goal.

On their part, industrial and hi-tech companies appreciate how useful this format is for picking promising, well-trained kids.

We can see a truly good and promising result here.

The most important thing is that kids that achieve success uncover their talents at home, in their Motherland.

It is vitally important for them to see that this is possible and that they are in demand.

Just recently, at one of the last meetings some of my colleagues raised the question of what is the future going to be and whether it is possible to be successful and realise one's talents here.

I would very much like to have the research centres and laboratories develop here under the guidance of world-renowned scientists

We saw that rudiments of such organisations are already forming in Sirius and I hope that this trend will develop further.

We will aspire to create an environment for specialists in the most diverse fields and the most promising directions of research so that they could work here to the best of their ability.

Simultaneously, in parallel, there must be work carried out to train future employees so the kids from Sirius and the future university have an opportunity to get directly involved in the work of the laboratories I mentioned.

In order to achieve these goals, we agreed to continue working on creating a material and technical base for Sirius.

We will talk in greater detail about this later.

For more infomation >> Putin's Speech at Talent and Success Foundation - Duration: 3:54.


NO MORE TIME : Wunder360 S1 - IndieGoGo campaign [sub-eng] - Duration: 3:48.

Hello every body and welcome to this new video I'm in a hurry.

I do not want to steal a lot of time because we do not have time.

As you read the title: Wunder360 S1.

I wanted to talk to you about this camera, but they did not send it to me

even if they should have sent it like a couple of months ago, but they didn't.

And since the indiegogo campaign with incredible discounts is ending, it will be on other 12/13h,

for those interested in an economic camera, and that gives a lot of stuff, which I'll read you now because I'm on the indiegogo page

to read you some details, this camera gives a lot of stuff.

If you want to see some small details, in description is the link of my review of the Wunder360 C1, which would be this here. ok?

The chipset is the same. And since the chipset is the same, video quality, photos, some things like real-time stitching,

many things of the Wunder360 C1 will also be there in the S1, but in addition there will be a very important thing, which is 3D scanning.

Because this camera, with two lenses, in the sense not two lenses to do the 3D, but with a lens on one side and one on the other,

can do 3D scanning and can make a three-dimensional map of the environment in which we are recording.

This is very interesting, but as I told you, unfortunately I did not try it.

I'm reading all these things here, mapping, obviously stabilization, of course the reframe, go and see the videos of the Wunder360.

Plus they added things, if I can find them. You can find all the details on the indiegogo page of the project, link in description.

The price is $ 139, but go see them on the site.

Could it be worth it? I can not tell you now.

But I'm doing this video just because the campaign of indiegogo with the discounts is ending and maybe it's worth it.

However, besides the holokit, then cardboards and these things, remote control has been unlocked

to take photos from a distance without using the smarthpone, there is live streaming on compatible platforms.

Here I see OBS Broadcaster so it could be very interesting. There is protection for the lenses.

It was unlocked, a while ago, as they reached $ 700k, the compatibility with GSV, and at $ 800k,

if they can reach them, there will be USB compatibility to use this camera as a webcam.

It will be ... very interesting. All these things they added are very interesting

and I honestly would have liked to try this camera, but boh.

Those of the Wunder360 have disappeared, they did not send it to me and they did not say anything.

But I'm doing this video because the time is running out.

In the description you will find all the links. If anyone is interested, buy the Wunder360 S1 and let them know that I sent you.


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