Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 1 2018

Hey. Ando again from Happy Life Martial Arts.

I'm here today at the Academy in Beverly Hills.

This is home to Rigan Machado Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and

Martin Wheeler Systema. I'm here today to get

few tips on the Systema approach to throwing a punch.

It's a little different than other styles, so I think you'll find it interesting.

Okay. As promised, I'm here with a true

force of nature. This is Menamy the Tsunami.

How are you sir? <I'm good. <Top of

the world. So, you are a black belt in

Judo, you're a black belt in Brazilian

Jiu-Jitsu, you're a certified instructor

in Jeet Kune Do, and you're a certified

instructor in Systema. Is all that right?

<That's all right. <My god, you're old.

I mean, you've been around. So, when you came

to Systema, you must have seen something

that was worth staying for. And I know

Systema is one of those styles that

people love to make fun of on the

internet, particularly people who never

tried a Systema class. So, what can you

offer to people out here an approach to

punching and maybe they haven't thought

of that would make them realize that

Systema people aren't completely crazy.

<Okay, so let's talk about the power of

striking because that's what really drew

me into Systema, the power. <The power.


so let's look at it from two different

components one is external or the

physical, okay, the other being internal,

which means really emotional and

spiritual. you have to look at all the

components we have as a human being when

you talk about power okay okay so not

just muscles people think about speed

and power lifting weights getting a

heavy bag you're talk about emotional

and spiritual issues right I'm intrigued


so let's start with the physical. okay what

prevents you from creating a powerful

strike is your tension.

my tension yes tension is like the

mother of all evil in any performance

okay as you mother of all evil tension

is the mother of all evil right okay so

why is tension a problem exactly

tension walks us a break when you talk

about hitting or punching okay so you

mean it looks like you're about to yeah

maybe a little later okay cool now let's

get into some mechanics yes okay in

order to have that relaxation you need

to have a good posture and structure of

your body

mm-hmm so would you consider like the

way most people kind of line up is this

good posture is is bent posture right

okay so that's more like a boxing

posture yes right which is you know you

can use it as well sure but let's we've

got boxing versus maybe Systema, okay.

okay you trying to cause trouble that's

fine yeah just just to look at how we

hold ourselves up okay this is how

boxers do. okay so, simply put, boxing

has rules and Systema does not. okay okay

so I'm gonna explain that. in boxing,

there are only two fighters so let's say

you and I face up

yes right what time about time right and

then what happens is my focus is only on

you yes nothing else it doesn't matter

what happens around you or around me

right so naturally I get my I have my

chin down

my hands are up I use my shoulder to

guard myself the jaw is your primary

target yes

yes as well as your stomach in boxing so

you naturally control right right and

from here this is a position of

limitation restricted the position and

then it requires a lot of hand speed

mm-hmm and muscle strength to generate

the power mm-hmm

so that's boxing in general. now, Systema

lies outside the ring, so when you think

about the environment you may face

multiple opponents including weapons

okay in that environment let's say if I

fight right you relaxing and then your

friends show up right and they surround

me and then I can't fight like this

right I have to know what's going on so

so I stay posture doesn't help you

outside of the ring because you're

curling up your awareness your curling

up your body you're putting tension all

your focus it's one direction but now

you're completely vulnerable all around

you you're not seeing what's going on

you're not prepared to move in those

other directions you're just stuck on

one funnel exactly all right

yes yes that's correct so so that's what

happens now then you need to open up

mm-hmm right so you can see and feel

what's around you what's going on which

happens to be your natural being stance

and that's how you walk you're not going

to be walking around like this right

right crazy so so that's where the power

really comes from being natural with

yourself so so that's why you want to

open up which means you have your

natural stance your feet shoulder-width

your shoulders open your head is up and

your spine is you know straight aligned

with your hips knees and ankles

and all these joints should not be rigid

okay they should be relaxed free and

mobile very good so very much like

internal styles and Chinese arts they

would find this in common right yeah

yeah sure sure

You don't see Tai Chi people starting off...

right they're looking

for the same alignment and natural

position just right so from there when

you have that good structure or posture

of your body you have a good platform to

launch a strike from okay okay so if my

posture is broken okay then I put stress

on my body

mm-hmm and then create tension mm-hmm

so that's another reason that you want

to have a natural comfortable stance

that you don't put stress on your body

so even when you're committing to a

punch about putting myself into this

position now I'm using tension to hold

myself up right and the court need even

if I snap back and really fast there's

still a moment that one kind of stuck

right before I can get it back it's that

and if you're ready you're gonna take

advantage of that right okay I would

have hit it with the whole surface over

the fist so that it has more impact into

your body you're not cutting in with the

knuckles you're looking at this as a

blunt force right - I mean it's not that

you can't write you can you know you can

hit it like that but it can't get nasty

and there's more chance about hurting

your fists as well okay and and one

thing is our striking is not really

intended to destroy or damage a person

say that again

our striking is not really intended to

destroy or damage a person so our strike

is based on healing not on an aggression

or destruction your striking in Systema

is based on the concept of healing not


so you're giving me a violent massage

your gives me yeah an acupressure

treatments in a spa with a big strong

punch because ultimately you're trying

to what why is that how's this going to

the emotional side of things right

that's right so can we talk about that

little leg I can't stop

oh yes this letter doesn't create yes

okay so what I punch okay so you want to

relax your huh okay

particularly your shoulder because

that's where tension comes out a lot

right make your arm conduit over your

energy okay all right if there's any

excess tension in your arm your energy

gets blocked okay so so when I shoot it

it doesn't go into the body clean mm-hmm

okay see almost like you're stopping

yourself it's like a hose with little

kinks in it a little bent bends in the

hose then the water pressure is getting

diverted and held back so you're trying

to keep that hose open as full-out as

you can sighs I catch up exactly right

exactly right

so because it's really the energy going

into your body your energy going in am i


my hand is

going in my fist is not going into you

by okay so you're sending your energy by

relaxing by releasing your arm without

interaction okay okay yeah so if I would

hit okay all right now I must say for

all the people who hate on Systema and I

know it's easy when you're looking at

videos especially if you don't know what

the exercises that they're doing I've

never been hit harder than Martin

wheeler here in his systemic program and

but it's kind of a thick guy so

sometimes I might be thinking well

that's just because he's a little bigger

than me but how much do you weigh? <120 <120!

is that right. Wow

so I'm-- <Well we'll get milkshakes

right after this.

I'm 170 and what I find impressive is as

impressive as Martin's punches are, you're

smaller than I am and your punch really

does still pack a wallop. That's a great

punch even if it wasn't on the solar

plexus which is I would always think a

dirty trick in Systema. I always see that

oh well of course that hurts but can you

give me a shot someplace else

yeah oh okay double great hold on the

one on your heart I get it yeah yeah

just give me the army okay okay yeah

that's good yeah lovely

yeah definitely now I know that's hard

to feel in a video they're actually it's

impossible to feel but um these really

feel a lot heavier than you think they

really penetrate and move me so if

there's energy coming out of you I'm

definitely receiving it what other thing

is uh you know I don't want to pass

through you there's nothing behind it so

I want my energy going into your body so

that's interesting is a lot of people

like in karate might save you're

breaking boards you're never focusing on

the board you're going through

or but you're saying don't really think

about this just put more into me right

right because I'm dealing with your body

and and and it's a human body so there

are a lot of things going on inside the

body okay so you don't treat human body

as a board or any object or even the

wall right so that's why when you hit it

when the energy going into the body the

energy effect inside of your body okay

so I see a lot of push-ups in Systema

training everywhere I like it's just

push-ups push-ups push-ups now you

already said that you're not focusing

muscular strength so what is the

connection between all these push-ups

and punching okay so the way we do the

push-ups is a knuckle push-ups hmm and

it trains your striking structure so

you're not trying to build a big

knuckles necessarily no no maybe comes

with it but that's not the purpose of it

okay it's just to get your stretch of

right this is the exact structure over

your hand when you hit so this is

demonstrating alignment when you hit

something you're just trying to register

you bring pressure on your skeleton to

make sure that's lined up right right so

when you put your weight on push-up

positions and you are already aligned

your hands are like mm-hmm

so this is exactly

to hit so are you saying if people just

do knuckle push-ups that they're doing

sistema there must be more to it than


there's way more to it than that

and when you do the push-ups or any of

the exercises you do you have to link

your breath to the movement okay

and this breathing part is a whole

another thing it's you know I can't get

into it today

we'll shoot another video okay we'll do

it thanks for asking me back thank you

for me so when I see you do a push-up

like for instance I don't see you guys

pump out like sets of like 25 and 50 you

do like one pushup

right so you can do one push-up with for

example okay you can take 60 seconds to

go down to do the push-up and 60 seconds

going up oh you know however you want to

do it you can be very very imaginative

about how you train but here when I go

down slowly like this I'm training every

movement of are going down now you're

not trying to get a pump right now

you're doing the opposite you're trying

to let go of tension as you do this yes

yes so I'm I'm tweeting let go of all

the unnecessary muscles mm-hmm so I can

only use necessary ones hmm so I'm

trying to find out where I can let go

know what you can't let go and then you

can fight then you can find you can

separate certain six inch sections of

your body what you can use what you

don't need to use mm-hmm so oh the body

doesn't go out all the muscles don't go

along with it

so you're not wasting energy again this

is my efficiency you're not if you have

to fire your muscles so it's got to be

some level of tension just to move your

arm but you're trying to train your body

right now to educate if you say I only

need this very thin layer of fibers to

fire up this particular punch don't use

anything else then a slow-motion push-up

you would recommend maybe people instead

of doing 100

today do one good one make it last a

minute two minutes right minute down a

minute up and just keep telling yourself

to relax

exactly exactly you know I mean it may

be too long to begin with so you can

start with a ten seconds you know just

go down with 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 and so

forth you know if you're comfortable

with my friends are tough out there they

can handle it if you guys do not it let

us know if a minutes too much to let him

know that 10 seconds is not acceptable

we get we couldn't shoot higher than

that ah maybe we'll do a challenge on

this yeah yeah see how long you can make

your push up less that'd be interesting

if you want to tag minami and myself in

a video showing how long you can make

one push up without stopping there right

so it's a one push up descent as low as

you can go without touching your body to

the ground so just toes and knuckles and

then all the way back up how long can

you make that one push up laughs exactly

and the key is constant movement right

yeah no speeding up right just cause

that same move the same speed okay so no

herky-jerky right exactly that's what

your body still needs to be trained a

little more oh I like do you accept this

challenge I'll have to see if I accept

this challenge so can you speak to the

emotional component right so let's get

into the internal aspect of it so when

you face a when you face a threat or

fight when you get into a fight your

emotion elements yes okay so fear and

and the frustration all these are very

common emotions you feel but when these

emotions are high you're weakened your

powers taking away okay so let me

explain well you may think anger might

be on your side because when you're

angry you feel like you have more

powerful right but it's not because you

create a lot of tension all over your

body and I've already talked about the

tension right sure so the anger or fear

or anything you're feeling if that's

adding to your crouch if that's adding

to your attention you're just robbing

power away from what you couldn't

deliver exactly exactly you know you can

experiment it with yourself by you know

feeling anger you know getting into the

past and whatever makes you to be really

angry and you know try to relieve that

moment and you get angry angry and then

you feel the tension coming up your body

right it's the same thing with

frustration or or fear okay when you're

fearful you know you tense up right so

all that is in the way of releasing your

your energy right so good systemic class

is not just a workout it's a therapy

session because you've got to dig deep

into whatever's making you angry or

frustrated or your egos getting damaged

and you need to be able to clear all

that stuff out so you can have that pure

intention of a solid strike yes yes yeah

yeah well that so so let's talk about

the flip side right which is so if I

release my say negative energy

okay and if I relax and even be happy

mm-hmm let's say be happy there you go

happy life ahead of you I got this right

and laughing enjoying the moment yeah

I'll get all that relaxes you okay let

your body go and then you have more

powerful because everything there's

nothing really stopping you mm-hmm

I think Mike Tyson said something that

there's nothing more dangerous than a

happy fighter or something like that. I'm sure

someone will get it right. But that makes

sense. If you can find joy, I mean as

crazy as it sounds, if someone's stabbing

you, but even at that moment, you could

find peace and calm, or joy of still being

alive, and a joy of creating a solution

to this problem, as opposed to

feeling like a loser, and feel like

you're getting killed, and scared, and

just withdrawing, you know you still may

die, but at least you're gonna go out

swinging with a positive, creative-- like,

hey, I'm still fighting. Instead of saying,

Oh, crap." Does that make sense? <Yeah.


So,you may not be laughing when

you actually fight, but you can also

accept what's happening to you

so you don't get upset

over it, which creates a lot of tension.

<So, I'm not just relaxing

physically, but relaxing psychologically.

<Psychologically. Whatever happens is okay.

If you can't accept that, then you don't

get as much tension coming up in you.

<Beautiful. that's hopefully right and

then you can retain your pop because the

power is already within you within me

it's a matter of how you let it up but

your own tension is keeping you there

keeping it there inside yes sir

so it's a matter of you know relax and

how you learn it out so all these

emotions all this negatively charged

emotions work against you by

creating tension you and take your Paulo

away pretty good yeah laughs more hit

harder that's it

happy hit happy hits Wow

so I got more than I bargained for today

I thought you're just gonna tell us to

keep the wrist straight and stay cool

stay relaxed but you gave us a lot to

think about here and I hope that the

people who make it to the end of this

video you should get a piece of pie for

that but hopefully you got a lot more

Menamy, if somebody wants to keep up with

you and what you're doing, where can they go?

<You can go to Systema Los

and you can find more

information there. And you know,

I'm also teaching at The Academy here, so

you can find me here. <All right. So,

come on out, make a weekend of it, stay

forever, whatever you like.

Thank you very much, sir, one more time.

<Thank you. <Yeah, absolutely. And until next

time, my friends, keep smiling and keep

fighting for a happy life.

For more infomation >> Systema Punch Tips for Power with Menamy Mitanes - Duration: 21:15.


Lionel Messi 2018/2019 ▶Iam Started • Skills & Goals | HD - Duration: 6:01.




















For more infomation >> Lionel Messi 2018/2019 ▶Iam Started • Skills & Goals | HD - Duration: 6:01.


ASMR Eating "RED RADISH" Challenge Mukbang Party - Duration: 3:14.

ASMR Eating "RED RADISH" Challenge Mukbang Party

For more infomation >> ASMR Eating "RED RADISH" Challenge Mukbang Party - Duration: 3:14.


Włó Wypowiedzi po meczu z MRGARDEN GKM Grudziądz (Napisy) - Duration: 7:03.

For more infomation >> Włó Wypowiedzi po meczu z MRGARDEN GKM Grudziądz (Napisy) - Duration: 7:03.


DU OCH JAG HAR ETT VAL - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> DU OCH JAG HAR ETT VAL - Duration: 5:02.


Центральный парк Новосибирска - Аттракционы Новосибирска - Куда пойти / сходить - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> Центральный парк Новосибирска - Аттракционы Новосибирска - Куда пойти / сходить - Duration: 2:33.


Spacerakun & Sendeljer - No Hard Feelings (ft. TDM) - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> Spacerakun & Sendeljer - No Hard Feelings (ft. TDM) - Duration: 2:56.


OOTW End Summer | Hazel me - Duration: 3:07.

Hi guys welcome to my channel Hazel Me

In this video I'm going to show you the

five outfits I wore during this week

it's still hot here in Barcelona so they

are kind of summery outfits. Let's go to

the video! So one Monday I wore this

super cute summer outfit. I love this

dress! As it has quite a deep neckline

I wore this hot pink lace bra that is

super comfortable and cute and it is

okay if it shows up. The fabric of the

dress is super nice and I think that

this cross style is super flattering for

many body types.

Finally I'm wearing this gold silverish

sandals that are perfect for many

outfits and I wore plenty of times this

summer! On Tuesday I wore this simple

black outfit with this baseball cap and

this black dress that looks like a big

t-shirt. It's super comfortable and

casual and for shoes I wore these cute

black sandals that have some feathers on them

Wednesday was quite hot as well and I

opted to wear this cute top that crosses

in the back and I think it's super flattering

I paired it with this cute short skirt.

But for going out at night or whether

the weather is not as hot I

would pair this top with black high-waisted

skinny jeans

for shoes I wore the same silver sandals as Monday

On Thursday I wore this super cute pants

which I paired with a simple white tank top.

I love this pants!

I think they are super nice

they are high waisted linen pants

very comfortable because they are so loose

and for shoes I wore these summer heels

whose color is perfect for this outfit

finally on Friday I wore this long dress

the print makes it perfect for spring or summer

I think it's super nice to go

out to dinner if you are wearing heels as I did

but you could also wear it to go to the beach

for example if you wore it with flip-flops and a cute straw hat

so those are the five outfits I wore during this week.

I hope you liked the video if you did give it a thumbs up and

comment down below which was your favorite outfit of the week

please subscribe to my channel and see you next time

For more infomation >> OOTW End Summer | Hazel me - Duration: 3:07.


無淚集團 NoTearsCrew - 心碎 Broken Heart (Alan, Lil Trip) - Duration: 4:11.

自己一人躲在房間 呼吸不到外頭新鮮

看著空靈訊息來電 什麼時後回我身邊

哦 躺在我旁邊的應該是你


把你性感肉體show me


抽根菸 配啤酒 你不懂

錶在走 時間過 兩點鐘



想起你不知要打給誰 躲在房間一個人買醉

Oh I don't wanna know I don't wanna know

碎掉心很痛 不想你離開我



Oh baby can you see me see me


我說的你都聽不清楚 你做的我都不想動怒

就這樣播了一個下午 慢慢把我丟進我的墳墓

二十四小時都盡力保護 你卻不知我對你的照顧

這世界哪裡還有往前走的道路 到最後 I ain't gonna call you my boo

刮風大雨裡 翻著舊相機

你在演的戲 早不是秘密

我們之間沒意義 please can you leave

我已經下定決心 stop asking me



Escape the planet to the moon

I don't trust you ain't true

想起你不知要打給誰 躲在房間一個人買醉

Oh I don't wanna know I don't wanna know

碎掉心很痛 不想你離開我



Oh baby can you see me can you see me


夜晚自己一個人靜 逃出你無情的遊戲

照個鏡子看看自己 發現根本不需要你

I don't want you be my baby Cuz you've been hurt me so deep

可我早已沒力氣 要我怎麼努力學習

記憶 重新

喚起 在腦海裡

丟進海底 Yea

情意 動心

秘密 藏進心裡

全都忘記 yea

想起你不知要打給誰 躲在房間一個人買醉

Oh I don't wanna know I don't wanna know

碎掉心很痛 不想你離開我



Oh baby can you see me can you see me


For more infomation >> 無淚集團 NoTearsCrew - 心碎 Broken Heart (Alan, Lil Trip) - Duration: 4:11.


Nuovi Honda BF250 my 2019 su Jeanneau Cap Camarat 9.0 - Honda Convention 2018 - Duration: 3:05.

Ostia, Honda meeting, here to try out the new v6, six cylinders per engine,

250 horsepower, two engines on this jeanneau cap camarat 9.0

Let's go try it out and see how it performs,

especially these brand new 500 horsepower. Being that we are here at the Honda convention to test these engines

let's quit the chit chat and go and do it.

There's a choppy sea, long waves, not the best sea

to reach the top speed but a very difficult sea to test these engines under strain, on this jeanneau cap camarat 9.0.


safety cable strapped on to my wrist, put into gear, give a bit of gas and let's go have some fun. Follow me.

This video I could not have not done, in fact it's dedicated to Andrea and Andrea knows exactly who I'm talking about.

Cup camarat 9.0

a great boat, powered by these fantastic engines, brand new, six cylinders, Honda.

The engines were well bodied and great at reacting even with

this swell and these long and aggressive waves.

I had a lot of fun, we had a lot of fun navigating this cup camarat with 500 horsepower.

So, all the technical and commercial info can be found in the description down below,

to know more about these fantastic new engines, ready for sale by september 2018.

You will also find all our contacts, to contact us, book an appointment and come

see us soon, Barche Bellandi, lake Garda. From Ostia it's all, good wind and always look out for the weather.

For more infomation >> Nuovi Honda BF250 my 2019 su Jeanneau Cap Camarat 9.0 - Honda Convention 2018 - Duration: 3:05.


Could Everything We Know About String Theory Be Wrong? - Duration: 5:53.

The elusive 'theory of everything'.

A theory that could resolve the most fundamental roadblock in our understanding of how the

universe behaves... and tie everything neatly up with string....

It's been 50 years since string theory was first proposed, and new work call into question

not only essential parts of the theory itself, but also our working understanding of the


Let's start at the beginning.

We have two primary ways to describe how all the 'stuff' in our universe behaves: one

big and one small.

The first is Einstein's theory of general relativity, which tells us how gravity interacts

with space and time to form the world around us.

That's the big.

Then there's the small: the Standard Model, which works on the quantum level.

This says that all matter is made up of building blocks called elementary particles*.

You can break us down into molecules, then into atoms, then into the subatomic particles

like electrons, neutrons, and protons.

Smaller still are those elementary particles, divided into two broad categories, quarks

and leptons, of which there are different kinds.


The standard model works mathematically in most cases, but it only incorporates three

of the four fundamental forces of our universe.

There's the strong, the weak , and the electromagnetic forces.

And then...there's gravity.

Gravity is the odd one out, the ugly duckling of the Standard Model, because it doesn't


Each of the other three forces has a carrier particle--photons carry the electromagnetic

force, gluons carry the strong force, and W and Z bosons carry the weak force.

But we haven't discovered a carrier particle for gravity, which we would call the graviton...

if we could find it.

This means the mathematical calculations of the Standard Model and those that underpin

Einstein's theory of general relativity don't match up with each other.

If we could find some way that they could work together, we'd have a theory of...everything.

It's this misalignment--and desire for unity--that gave birth to string theory.

So how does string theory tie our ideas of the universe together?

Instead of picturing elementary particles as distinct points, string theory posits that

all elementary particles can be pictured more like a vibrating string.

Each particle is technically the same string, it's just vibrating in a different way,

the way that a string on a musical instrument can play different notes ...including that

elusive note, gravity.

Ok that sounds pretty tempting.

Of course, there are issues.

The level on which we would be able to observe strings vibrating is wayyyy outside our current


Famous string theorist Brian Greene says we'd need to build a particle collider the size

of the galaxy to be able to directly observe strings in action.

Since observation is off the table, how about math?

Well, the math tells us something pretty freaky.

The equations that make string theory work require that the universe has at least ten


We're only able to observe four of these--the three dimensions of space with time as a commonly

proposed 4th dimension.

The extra dimensions required by string theory is where parallel universes start to come

into play.

Since strings are so small, the math tells us that they would not just be vibrating in

the large dimensions we know of, but in other tiny dimensions too.

If we know the shape of those tiny dimensions, we might be able to predict and then observe

properties of elementary particles--like their charge or spin--that would be attributed to

those extra dimensions.

Which would mean we're seeing evidence of the other dimensions!!

But the problem with that is that once scientists tried plugging in different potential shapes

for these extra dimensions, they found that most of them worked.

The more they tried, the more of them fit, which meant that they had wayyyyy too many

possibilities to consider and they lost hope that finding out the shape of the dimensions

could help us observe their existence.

Until, someone proposed that perhaps there wasn't just one right shape for each of

the extra dimensions--but they're all right in each of their own universes.

Meaning there are OTHER UNIVERSES.

Potentially over 10^500 others, each ever-so-slightly different from our own.

And yeah, I'm still talking about theoretical physics, not science fiction, although it's

a pretty thin line if you asked me.

That's where we all were up until a few weeks ago, when controversial new mathematical

papers may have blown all of this apart.

And this big upset involves dark energy.

We think we've observed that our universe is slowly expanding.

Our explanation for this is...dark energy.

And there are lots of theories about what it is and how it behaves to make the universe

expand, but we don't have anything nailed down on that front yet.

These recent papers provide new evidence that the math of string theory may actually prohibit

the existence of alternate universes in which dark energy is stable.

Which means one of a couple of things: either string theory is wrong.

Or we're wrong about our universe.

Maybe it didn't explode in a Big Bang, it's not expanding, and it will eventually contract

in what some physicists call a 'Big Crunch'.

Or maybe there's an entirely new way of fitting the existence of dark energy into

our string theory calculations that no one has tried yet.

String theorists are divided about these new claims.

Many are not at all convinced of the papers' claims and think the existing theories work

just fine.

So while there are no hard answers, this latest work has sparked a renewed urgency to understand

dark energy, how it behaves and how it might inform our theories about the behavior of

our universe and the potential existence of others.

Still with us?

We know string theory often presents more questions than answers, but we want you to

keep untangling the universe with us, so subscribe to Seeker for more videos to come on topics

like this and let us know what you want to talk about.

And check out this video here on quantum retrocausality.

Thanks for watching, I'm Maren.

For more infomation >> Could Everything We Know About String Theory Be Wrong? - Duration: 5:53.


DESHALB hat MALWANNE die PILLE abgesetzt! - STORYTIME - Duration: 11:22.

For more infomation >> DESHALB hat MALWANNE die PILLE abgesetzt! - STORYTIME - Duration: 11:22.


【整蠱】21禁!!! 二人共處一室強行被逼睇AV ??!! W/ Saya - Duration: 7:51.

For more infomation >> 【整蠱】21禁!!! 二人共處一室強行被逼睇AV ??!! W/ Saya - Duration: 7:51.


ESP32 E-Paper Display Review ( Waveshare 2.9") - Duration: 6:37.

Dear friends welcome to another video tutorial!

In this video, we are going to learn how to use this 2.9" E-paper display with the ESP32 board.Let's get started!

Hello, guys, I am Nick and welcome to a channel that is all about DIY electronics


In this channel, I share everything about the projects I build to help you develop similar

projects or inspire you to start making things because it is easy, fun and creative.

Subscribe to the channel now if you do not want to miss any future video.

A few weeks ago, I made a video about this small 1.5" e-paper display and I built a

simple thermometer with it in another video.

You can watch those videos by clicking on the cards here.

I really like e-paper displays and when I discovered this big 2.9" inch e-paper display

I ordered one to test it.

The display costs around 23$, you can find a link to it below.

Compared to the 1.54" inch display which costs around 20$ the bigger display offers

better value for money, but still expensive for most projects.

The reason I like to use e-paper displays is that they have some unique characteristics.

E-Paper or Electronic paper are displays that unlike traditional LCD or OLED displays does

not emit light but reflect light.

It is like the ink on the paper.

This characteristic makes e-paper displays very comfortable to read, and they have excellent

readability under direct sunlight.

Another great thing about e-paper displays is that they can hold static text and images

for months without electricity!

Yes, that's correct, the display can show text and images even when it is off!

That makes e-paper displays ideal for low powered projects!

Unfortunately, there are some disadvantages as well.

The price of e-paper displays is still very high.

Another significant disadvantage is that e-paper displays take a lot of time to update, as

much as 2-3 seconds.

So, they are only helpful for static text and images and not animations.

Let's now see how to use this 2.9" E-Paper display with the ESP32 board.

The display offers a resolution of 296x128pixels and it uses the SPI interface to communicate

with the microcontroller.

You can use any 3.3V microcontroller you wish.

I prefer to use the ESP32 board which is inexpensive and very powerful.

I am using this DOIT ESP32 development board.

There is a newer version of the board, this one, which offers more pins, which works as

fine with the display as well using the same pins.

It is a 3.3V display so Vcc must be connected to the 3.3V output of the ESP32 Board.

The next pin is GND and it goes to GND.

The third pin is named DIN and it goes to Digital Pin 23.

The fourth pin is CLK and it goes to Digital Pin 18.

The fifth pin (CS) goes to digital pin 5, the 6th pin to digital pin 22, the 7th pin

to digital pin 21 and the last pin to digital pin 4.

That's it; we are now ready to load a sketch to the ESP32 and watch the display in action.

If we power up the project, we can see that it successfully drives the display.

I have loaded a simple sketch which at first it displays some text, and then some bitmap

images I have loaded.

As you can see, the display works fine and once every few seconds it displays a new quote.

If I unplug the board from power you can see that the display does not go blank.

It retains the bitmap image intact without using any power at all!

That's why I love e-paper technology so much!

Let's now go to the computer to see the software side of the project.

We are using the GxEPD library in this example.

As you can see, at the setup function I am displaying some text, and then I display some

bitmap images one after another.

The bitmap images are converted to data arrays using the Image2LCD software.

I will show you how.

Let's add another bitmap image to the project.

We are going to use a free image editor.

At first, we create a new document and we enter the resolution of the display here.

296 pixels width and 128 pixels in height.

Next, we design the bitmap file we want to load to the display.

I will create another Elon Musk quote file.

When ready we select File -> Save As and we save the file a bitmap file.

Now we have to load another software in order to convert the bitmap file we just created

to a data array that the GxEPD library can use.

We load the Image2LCD software.

We open the bitmap file we created and it appears on the screen.

We select vertical scan here, and we enter the resolution of the display here: 296 here

and 128 here and press this small button here.

Next we deselect this checkbox and check this one.

Then we press save, and the software will create a data array.

Now, all we have to do is to copy this array and paste it into the BitmapGraphics.h file

like this.

Now we can use this bitmap image in the project.

If we upload the sketch to the ESP32 board once more, we can see, that it displays the

new bitmap just fine.


You can find the code of the project the Image2LCD software in the description of the video below.

I really like this e-paper display because it is bigger and it needs no power when it

is not updating.

I am thinking of creating a simple project with it.

If you are a long time viewer of the channel, you know that I love quotes.

So, I am going to build a simple device which will remind me of the new quote once a day

using this display.

It can be battery powered since the display will be updated once a day.

I think it will be cool.

Stay tuned!

I would love to hear your opinion about this e-paper display.

Do you like it, and are you going to use it in any of your projects?

Please post your comments below.


If this is your first time here, I would love to have you subscribed.

In this channel, I post videos about DIY projects twice a month.

I love making things, and I believe that anyone can make things, anyone can become a maker.

That's why I created this channel, to share my knowledge with the community and learn

from the community.

I hope you will join us.

I will see you in the next video!

For more infomation >> ESP32 E-Paper Display Review ( Waveshare 2.9") - Duration: 6:37.


Lullabies Lullaby For Babies To Go To Sleep Baby Song Sleep Music-Baby Sleeping Songs Bedtime Songs - Duration: 2:04:42.

Baby Lullabies

For more infomation >> Lullabies Lullaby For Babies To Go To Sleep Baby Song Sleep Music-Baby Sleeping Songs Bedtime Songs - Duration: 2:04:42.


இந்த போலீஸ் சொல்றத ஒரு நிமிஷம் கேளுங்க | TAMIL NEWS - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> இந்த போலீஸ் சொல்றத ஒரு நிமிஷம் கேளுங்க | TAMIL NEWS - Duration: 1:41.


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For more infomation >> Zu Michel Gammenthaler auf die Bühne !?| Comedy aus dem Labor | SRF Comedy - Duration: 5:31.


SEO | Заняття 9 | Соціальні сигнали - Duration: 5:33.

For more infomation >> SEO | Заняття 9 | Соціальні сигнали - Duration: 5:33.


YouTube | Заняття 6 | Створення відео - Duration: 4:34.

For more infomation >> YouTube | Заняття 6 | Створення відео - Duration: 4:34.


WEINSBERG's Love Letter to Camping - CSD 2018 - Duration: 1:20.

We started camping last year and I'm already hooked.

It's spontaneity, freedom, the camping community.

You're flexible. You can follow the sun.

Really the best I can imagine.

My perfect travel companion???

You're my perfect travel companion. Yeah right.

No WEINSBERG yet, but that's why we're here.

And to try out some beds. See how it feels.

I'll buy one on Tuesday.

Feel good atmosphere, spacious, with enough beds...

It works, how it should.

And still for a really fair price.

I like the orange.

The ICE intrigues me. The couch with the big TV - very innovative.

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