Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 1 2018

Greek mythology is filled with fantastic stories and legends about incredible people, and while

many of the names found within these ancient stories are a little too archaic for day-to-day

use, the vast array of characters means that there's still a lot of inspiration for baby


Since some of the even the most obscure ancient names have been updated, their modern incarnations

could make a perfectly charming name for your own little hero or heroine.


Sibylla was a prophetess in Greek legend, and she was an ancient figure even by ancient

Greek standards.

The original Sibylla was rumored to have lived somewhere in Turkey some time in the 5th century

BC, spouting her prophecies while in the grip of an ecstatic frenzy.

By the next century, the name had morphed into the title of sibyl, and was given to

all oracles who made prophecies and relayed messages from the gods.

Sibyls were also respected by the Romans and even revered as prophetesses by early Christians.

As a name, Sibyl became popular in the Middle Ages, although it eventually fell out of fashion.

Today, Sibyl's lull in popularity once again makes it a unique name with a long history.


In Greek mythology, Zeus was the chief deity who wielded thunderbolts and sent storms,

rain, and wind to the earth.

While the name Zeus might be a rather unorthodox choice for a baby name, there's an adorable

variation derived from the name that feels a little more modern in spite of its ancient


Zeno is an shortened version of Zenon, which ultimately comes from Zeus.

The father of men and gods alike, Zeus is the all-seeing, all-powerful deity, symbolized

by the eagle and the thunderbolt.

He rewarded good behavior, punished the bad, and was seen as a protector of cities, the

home, and the hearth.

Even in the ancient world, parents were naming their children after the father god: several

Greek philosophers bore this version of his name.


There are several women from Greek mythology who bore the name Ariadne, but the most famous

was a princess, the daughter of King Minos who fell in love with the Athenian hero Theseus.

She was instrumental to the famous myth of King Minos and the Minotaur, gifting the hero

Theseus with a ball of thread and a sword that would allow him to enter the Labyrinth,

kill the beast, and find his way out of the maze again.

But she was poorly repaid, abandoned by the hero, and left brokenhearted.

She eventually caught the attention of Dionysus, god of winemaking and grapes, and was whisked

away to marry him.

A favorite subject of artists and composers, some scholars also suggest she was worshipped

in her own right, as a goddess of weaving and spinning.


The name Thalia is derived from the Greek word "to blossom," and it's a slightly modernized

version of a name with ancient origins.

Thalia pops up a couple of times in Greek mythology, most popularly as one of the nine

Muses, a group of sisters who were the goddesses of the arts.

As a Muse, Thalia was the patron of comedy and pastoral poetry, often portrayed as wearing

boots, and holding either a mask, a trumpet, or a wreath of ivy.

Thalia was also the name of one of a group of Greek Graces, and was worshipped as a goddess

of things rich and luxurious.

The name was used again for one of mythology's fifty Nereids, and she's also mentioned as

the daughter of Hephaestus, a nymph who turns the ash from her father's forge back into

fertilizer for new growth.


Leda has been an inspiration for generations of artists, for good reason: she's the mythological

mother of the most beautiful woman in the world, Helen.

According to legend, Zeus fell madly in love with Leda but could not seduce her away from

her husband.

Instead of appearing in his normal form, he took the shape of a swan to get close to her

while she bathed.

The result of their pairing varies, but usually includes Helen, along with twins Castor and


Some legends say they were hatched from eggs, and while there are a number of stories about

the divinity or mortality of her children, Leda's encounter with the swan always stays

the same.

Leda's story was a popular subject in art through the ages, with artists like Leonardo

da Vinci painting the scene.

While his students' similar works remain intact, Da Vinci's original interpretation has been

lost to history.

Fortunately, this beautiful name hasn't been.


As powerful as the gods were, when it came to the fate of every living man and woman

in ancient Greece, that was the realm of the Moirai.

Homer referred to the three individual goddesses as a single power called Moira, and it was

these three who manipulated the threads of every life.

The first goddess spun the thread, the second measured it, and the third cut it.

This makes the Moirai some of the most powerful figures in Greek mythology, as they held life

in their hands.

They were responsible for setting people on their path in life, and their decisions were


Choose this name for your little one, and you're choosing something that also has ancient

Irish roots and a long, long history.

For more infomation >> Beautifully Rare Baby Names Inspired By Greek Mythology - Duration: 5:23.


Dispersi - Frantumato - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> Dispersi - Frantumato - Duration: 2:36.


THANKFUL - A Thanksgiving Fable for Children by Oliver Herford - Duration: 0:56.


(Evergreen Tales theme music playing.)

It was a hungry pussy cat Upon Thanksgiving morn,

And she watched a thankful little mouse That ate an ear of corn.

"If I ate that thankful little mouse, How thankful he should be,

When he has made a meal himself, To make a meal for me!

"Then, with his thanks for having fed And his thanks for feeding me

With all his thankfulness inside How thankful I shall be!"

Thus mused the hungry pussy cat Upon Thanksgiving Day.

But the little mouse had overheard, And declined (with thanks) to stay.

(Evergreen Tales theme music playing.)

For more infomation >> THANKFUL - A Thanksgiving Fable for Children by Oliver Herford - Duration: 0:56.


| UNBOX | Doa Lỗ không còn khó với mũi này - Duration: 13:30.

Anh em nhớ đăng ký để nhận thêm nhiều video thú vị nhé

Anh em nhớ đăng ký để nhận thêm nhiều video thú vị nhé

For more infomation >> | UNBOX | Doa Lỗ không còn khó với mũi này - Duration: 13:30.


ARCANJO MIGUEL - A mudança de Consciência é intensa - Duration: 11:47.

For more infomation >> ARCANJO MIGUEL - A mudança de Consciência é intensa - Duration: 11:47.



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Mermaid Secrets of the Deep - FULL SEASON 13 - THE MERMAID SONG | Theekholms - Duration: 36:07.

Previously a mermaid secrets of the deep

hi I'm ray dia I rescue Triton from this

area yesterday is he okay

he's going to be fine he's your covering

up the healing pool now it are supposed

to be another room right with you though

I'm the only one

the mo maintained to save her - but

there was too many regular donors the

mermen what mermen about it a melon or


what's your name I'm apex you're safe


I'll take you to the island yeah blonde

hair he said his name was a pax apex a

legend why am I not surprised

well I can't take you back to the

healing post right he'll be relieved to

see you okay

my sister I think I've ever stayed very


you see now the oceans rising



I see

I knew it there are mermaids over there

oh I'm ready yeah hi I'm osya and I'm

Lula what are you doing way out here all

up I think I'm looking for you I Steve

Trident Emma after a separation from

remember ladontay and the said she was

with her sister that's me you're both

yes you go first

I am one of Emma's sisters I was with

her and Troy scouting for cooler waters

when he ran into the megalodons you said

you saved them so they're okay yes

Triton is just not be joyful and mm on

that island over there

she said you stay and wait for you she

knew you were alive but she didn't

mention a second system that's because

she didn't know I was falling them I

just couldn't stay in Atlantis miss out

on an adventure you should have stayed

you almost got yourself killed

I say do you remember I do love your

adventurous spirit the megadose are more

active with the rising water

temperatures they have to be extremely

careful that's another reason we need to

find a new place to live

the megalodons are threatening Atlantis


the truth of the matter is there's no

new place to go climate changes

everywhere there has to be some place

this is a big planet and if we don't do

something I mean all like everybody

won't we have an educated force

Julianne's will change their behaviors

who has created the problem and you

would we'll fix it they just need us all

US dollars to make them understand take

forever and we don't have a ball sense

changes are already been made valid and

plastic straw Australia Bangladesh Kenya

and others ban plastic bags have a great

start but is just the beginning we must

keep the momentum going

I get it if each one we teach about this

teaches someone else and so on and so

forth then before long everyone will be

part of a new global collective


so who is there to talk about this way


together we reverse climate change in a

kitchen right we'll pick up Emma on the


what about straight you should get back

to Alicia's tomorrow he's ready to stop

running to start educated

ghost nets dolphins look out I have to

help them

let's work together you pull out it out

pull up

let's get that for offered okay let's go

the nits are too strong the Dolphins

will die if they can't surf us I'll let

them loose you pullin up the way where I

cut them what are you going to cut the

strong necklace by shark bite - you do

the trick it's very sharp and powerful

be ready to pull the net away while


you did it you really did it

who are you where did you come from how

did you change your tail like that I'm

ready I'm Athena you're the mermaid

princess princess Radia yes

but I preferred if you just call my

radio you are amazing how you changed

your tail like that and save the

Dolphins Hey

I didn't do myself we did it together

you're the one her spawn at first if it

weren't for you those Dolphins would

have died today

you're amazing it was team I don't

understand why these ghost nets are

floating around out here they're killing

all sorts of marine life I got Connie

one just the other day I was so lucky to

get out of it it's even fury hating

those humans are abandoning the maps the

must cost them less to make new ones

than untangle and reuse the old ones

it's a constant struggle I spent so much

time rescuing see friends and sometimes

when I find

I'm too late I know but we beat that

today except all those dolphins what's

so good about that you're right we have

to focus on our successes in life and

keep fighting the good fight let's take

this not too lanham barrier right the

only good net is a berry

let me relish to say play

that's amazing

I've always wanted to have legs like

that I never thought it was possible


you're right you mean I could have legs

so if I thought I could have legs

yes if you lose all your organs at


I really want legs I want to help you

pull that net up in Marion I want

never forget that you have the ability

to read anything you really want to

thank you for now let's finish this mess

it's the round and draws a line

it's been true for the longest time just

all day

either fake or the big line I think we

need some help with this one

but sure

that never hurt any see friends ever


but what is it and I hear something

something is calling out to me do you

hear that howl how I don't hear anything

what does it sound like it sounds like


where'd you go

I guess the length of the mermaid

princess is full of surprises I hope to

see her again I applied I wonder how

fast I can run on these

hey that's why it's so good to see you


are you okay thank you for coming that's

a go sit over here and I'll explain

a lot of happens until I saw you thank

you for hearing my how long coming and

what's going on in our quest to restore

balance to all levels plan

I was drawn to they were hunted to the

brink of extinction but now they are

making their comeback

I'm happy for them but why did you bring

me here I was hoping you said some of

the healing potion they made together we

both agree that the potion was too

volatile and we shouldn't use it to

intervene with the natural evolution of

life yeah I know it's just that as I

studied the wolves trying to learn how

they're making a comeback coexisting

with humans I thought maybe merpeople

could coexist with humans too and

finally come out of hiding I got very

attached to this one wolf he was

poisoned and I couldn't let him die

I'm so sorry apex there's such a big

heart you don't deserve to lose a friend

like that I'm sorry I called you here

radio I guess I wasn't thinking clearly

I was impulsive in just wishful thinking

the potion thank goodness come on let's

go save his hind legs of paralyzed and

his heart rate is dropping please give

him some of the potion right away

it's working I think he's gonna be okay

thank you radio

come on radio we have a lot to catch up

on she's so happy that files are posted

why is it so good but I was in the

middle son when you called I have to get

back I don't have time for catching up

I got a bounce you owe me one

okay I do owe you one radio

Radia where have you been you vanished

from the beach and left me there I've

been worried about you I'm sorry I

didn't mean to frighten you

it was an emergency I had an old friend

to help was the howling sound your

friend did you make it in time is your

friend okay

yes thankfully it was a sick wolf very

well we have some potion he's gonna be


are you okay you look a little wobbly

maybe you need to rest

you're burning up actually I gotta drop

a potion on my hand I use them sometime

it'll wear off soon I hope

the dizziest

comes in waves its passing now I know we

need ice cream they'll cool me down

God what's over us

everything here is really good ouch

stuck in my foot

grab rainbow sprinkles

could I try the Belgian chocolate

this is so good

oh my god what happiness did you get

stop you're being so annoying but I'm my

business I don't know who you think you

are but you don't talk to your friends

that way

you're just being mean and you're

hurting my feelings too if you don't

have something nice to say don't say

anything at all whatever

sweet happen how come on the way

that was weird you just totally bullied

me and made me really angry I have no

idea what got into you I'm so sorry

let's give it a drop of potion I got in

my hand let's do something a while will

Mandy right interview this happened

before when I was fighting the dragon

I told Ava so small Joel were you

forgive me yes apex the legend the one

who speaks at the Oracle yeah how about

Tim I'm so grateful you stood up

yourself I know it can be hard at times

and then you know I kind do need a rest

self-care is so important

let's get back to the ocean and have a

relaxing swim that sounds like a great

idea after we enjoy this ice cream

okay you should have brought your

sunscreen in the towel for you're gonna

hit him in a beach like that all day

wait there is something down there on

the beach

well the sand this sand trap but there

is something down there yeah I can't

come on let's go check you let's go find



apex wait you did you get your hearing

exits what are you doing

I can't hear any music these hearing

aids next and they're not working really

well but yeah I got them fixed Radia

what are you doing here I don't know

I think the potion messes my spin vortex

and made it go in line with your

vibrations what are you doing here I'm

giving a golf lesson you want to join us

thanks but I'd like to there's a good

water portal at holy cow there have been

a lot of unexplainable things happened

lately I think the hot weather is

messing the cortex here we go let's try

this hold on

Thanks apex I've had a crazy day I

really made it back from the ocean

this water portal will take you there


ruined ice before jumpin I want OHS

goldfish you please chew it up for me

and hand me a club

but she really do this I don't know but

I'm not gonna say no to her okay

a hole-in-one

unbelievable it's in the hole

and just like that she's gone you think

she could find my ball I don't know but

I think you might need to live around


fun let's go finish our putts


dive down to the crystal bowl of your

idiocy and hold it in your hands turtle

Susan used to like you want me to come


okay I'll go get it where could be well


Oh something happened but I think the

crystal ball so down another message I

could feel it

I'm sorry I tricked you it had to be

done now the universe knows that you are

the mermaid princess face your deepest

fear that you are powerful beyond

measure and let your light shine

oh no another oak is dead we just

brought the tractor for safekeeping last

year I can't believe is his happening

this is the grandmother oh she will

secure the charms as long as she is


hey radio I can't believe she's gone but

we have to be strong and carry on there

is work to be done

wait how do I get here what happened

there's no time to waste okay the charms

they've been released all over the world

and we have to find them otherwise

they'll get into the wrong hands and the

buckets for destruction

that would've happened she is yet

another unknowing victim of global war

unfortunately she died much sooner than

she should have matured she once held

and now loose we have to get them back

before they cause chaos okay

we'll have this separate I'll fly on an

airplane and you'll have to go through a

portal much like online daily I will go

to New York and give we're into our

mermaid friends Jack and Rihanna they

will be waiting for you at a portal

entrance in the Central Park okay it

sounds like another big one later into

the portal at my base I will meet you

there in a few hours I have to get the

key to the portal okay let's get after


clearance has been granted

Wow it still is so strong the power of

that tail gives you is the strongest in

the universe

here's the key and don't touch it until

you are right at the edge of the portal

instance it is very powerful and it

might cause you go through at a speed

that might to harm to you and the

porthole got it will you be there yes

but there are many traps hello Kate

so we might not see each other Jack and

Briana fkp here let me show you what

Jack and Rihanna play she could


keep this key around your neck for


it knows where to go resist the

temptation we'll look at it as it will

make your passage through the portal

more violent just follow your heart and

you'll get there in one piece

good luck



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For more infomation >> Mermaid Secrets of the Deep - FULL SEASON 13 - THE MERMAID SONG | Theekholms - Duration: 36:07.


Toy Guns Box of Toys Toy Weapons Nerf Pistols for Kids Mega - Duration: 10:51.

Toy Guns Box of Toys Toy Weapons Nerf Pistols for Kids Mega

For more infomation >> Toy Guns Box of Toys Toy Weapons Nerf Pistols for Kids Mega - Duration: 10:51.


藤原さくら × mabanua / "Sunny Day"(スタジオライブ) - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> 藤原さくら × mabanua / "Sunny Day"(スタジオライブ) - Duration: 3:56.


入手難易度最高至尊聯名!Supreme x Nike Air Streak Spectrum 開箱 | 鞋餓份子 - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> 入手難易度最高至尊聯名!Supreme x Nike Air Streak Spectrum 開箱 | 鞋餓份子 - Duration: 4:22.


Star Wars: Wie funktionieren THERMALDETONATOREN? - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> Star Wars: Wie funktionieren THERMALDETONATOREN? - Duration: 4:02.


Bhajan Ko Lekar "Anup Jalota" Ne Kiya Khulasa | Jai Ganesha Jai Gopala - Duration: 1:49.

Bhajan Ko Lekar "Anup Jalota" Ne Kiya Khulasa | Jai Ganesha Jai Gopala

For more infomation >> Bhajan Ko Lekar "Anup Jalota" Ne Kiya Khulasa | Jai Ganesha Jai Gopala - Duration: 1:49.


বলিউডের জনপ্রিয় যে ১০ তারকা বাস্তবে চাচাতো ভাই বোন |Famous Cousin Brother & Sister in Bollywood - Duration: 2:42.

Alltoppersbd present

For more infomation >> বলিউডের জনপ্রিয় যে ১০ তারকা বাস্তবে চাচাতো ভাই বোন |Famous Cousin Brother & Sister in Bollywood - Duration: 2:42.


Dance Moms: Fallon Forgets Her Costume (Season 4 Flashback) | Lifetime - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Dance Moms: Fallon Forgets Her Costume (Season 4 Flashback) | Lifetime - Duration: 1:11.



For more infomation >> HİÇ AKLIMDAN BİLE GEÇMEZDİ | PES 2019 MYCLUB 1.BÖLÜM - Duration: 10:07.


Harry Potter in Olivander's wand shop | Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (1080p Blu-ray) - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> Harry Potter in Olivander's wand shop | Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (1080p Blu-ray) - Duration: 3:46.


Emax Diş Kaplama - Daha İnce Ve Daha Zarif - Duration: 1:15.

Emax Tooth Coating

actually emax but hani

sometimes we have very problematic teeth

we have teeth that are extremely over-colored

such teeth

We know it will be difficult to close with emax

then it is more opaque

so if you actually look

according to the need of the patient

whether it's emax or zirconium


in process

patients are starting to use human teeth

For more infomation >> Emax Diş Kaplama - Daha İnce Ve Daha Zarif - Duration: 1:15.


Thăm Phòng Làm Việc Của Thiệu Nhất Nguyên - Duration: 19:25.

For more infomation >> Thăm Phòng Làm Việc Của Thiệu Nhất Nguyên - Duration: 19:25.


Siempre Juntos (Soy Luna) -BEFORE AND AFTER| Dance With Skates - Duration: 3:00.

Hello to all friends all over the world, I'm Giorgia Dancing!

And today I'm here in this brand new video

to show you all my improvements since last year.


For more infomation >> Siempre Juntos (Soy Luna) -BEFORE AND AFTER| Dance With Skates - Duration: 3:00.


Ultimate Tongue Twister Battle w/ Kira Kosarin, Jace Norman & More! 😝| #NickStarsIRL - Duration: 4:35.



So this is just a memory game, not a tongue twister? OK.

As soon as you stop focusing it's like-- I'm gonna mess up.

Hey, guys, Daniella here and we're gonna try some tongue twisters.

[bell ringing]

- I got this! - Oh, here we go!

Let's see how I do.

Gary carries fairly hairy scary cherries, Gary carries fairly hairy scary cherries,

Gary carries fairly hairy scary cherries.


Gary carries fairly hairy... fairy cherries?

Scary cherries.

Gary carries fairly heavy...

Hairy, fairly cher--


Kid Danger's dinner date dripped dippy doughnuts.

Whatever that means.

Kid D--


Kid Danger's dinner date... dipped roses?

Oh, ro-- where did I get roses?

Kid Danger's dinner date... dipped drizzy doughnuts.

Soaky doughnut-- what was it?

- Drippy doughnuts. - Drippy doughnuts.

Kid D--

Kid Danger's dinner date dripped soaky doughnuts.

That's so wrong!

Zig-zag jig bag, zig-zag jig bag, zig-zag jig bag!

Zig-zag what bag?

Jig bag.

zig-zag jig bag, zig-zag jig bag, zig-zee-de-dwer--


[music playing]

Here we go.

The teeny genie gave me a linguini bikini,

the teeny genie gave me a linguini bikini,

the teeny genie gave me a linguini bikini.

The teeny genie gave me a linguini bikini, next!

Ben bought better bitter butter, Ben bought better bitter butter,

Ben bought better bitter butter.

Ben bought better bitter butter, Ben bought better bitter butter.

My dog chews choose shoes and choo-choos, My dog chews choose shoes and choo-choos,

My dog chews choose shoes and choo-choos.

My dog chews choose shoes and tea-choos.

Oh, that's not it.

Let's let leprechauns lift llama lard.

Let's not let them do that.

Let's let leprechauns lift llama lord.

Is that what it is?

Lard, llama lard.

Ugh... just-- just next one, I don't even--

Ten teeny tiny tin teeth, ten teeny tiny tin teeth,

ten teeny tiny tin teeth.

[music playing]

♪ Ten teeny tiny tin teeth ♪

♪ Ten teeny tiny tin teeth ♪

♪ Tin, tin, tin, tin, tin, tin, tin, tin Ten tiny tin teeth ♪

♪ Ten teeny tiny tin teeth ♪

These tongue twisters got me schvitzing!

Tongue twisters-- tongue twisters got me schvitzing!

♪ Ten teeny tiny tin teeth ♪


You guys gave me tongue twisters, you knew what you were getting!

Ten teeny ti-- oh!

Ah, dang it! Wait, wait, alright.

Ten teeny... no!

Tinny tiny-- what is it?

Ten teeny tiny tin teeth, ten teeny tiny ten-- oh!

Dang it!

I wish for an Irish wristwatch, I wish for an Irish wristwatch.

I-- I wish for an Irish wristwatch.

I wrist-- I--

I wished for an Irish wish--



Lincoln Loud licked eleven leathery lemons.

Lincoln Loud licked eleven leathery lemons.

Lincoln Loud licked eleven leathery lemons.

Lincoln Loud licked eleven leathery lemons.

Lincoln Loud leaked--

Lincoln Loud licked eleven leat--

That one's gonna haunt me.

Knights fight bright lights with tight kites.

Knights fight bight kites--

What? With--

Oh... OK.

Knights fight... bright light-- I-- it's the words that are messing me up.

Bright lights with tight kites.

Knights fight bright kites with tight--

Oh my God!

Green greedy green beans, green greedy green--

Green greedy green beans.

Green greedy green speed.



Green greedy--


Sam shaved-- Sam shaved several shy sheep.

Sam shaved several shy sheep.

Sam shaved several shy sheep.

I did it!

Sam saved-- oh... oh, poop.

Sam saved several--

Shy-- oh, jeez, that is difficult.

Alright, I can't do it, I failed.


[music playing]

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