Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 2 2018

Our story begins like no other…

A certain Zike of the Zoom variety had been pondering to himself about a certain plot point in Luigi's Mansion

How in the lost levels did Mario get captured by King Boo?

He's adventured through countless ghost houses containing way more boos than fifty

And has physically triumphed over way bigger boos

So how did he lose?

This led him to do some digging that would help him uncover...

『Mario's Story in Luigi's Mansion』

To figure out the puzzle of what exactly happened to Mario

We need to gather evidence from the instruction booklet and game

The former tells us that Luigi had received an unexpected message informing him that he had won a huge mansion

Along with a map that leads there

He got excited and phoned Mario, telling him the great news

And they both agreed to meet each other there to celebrate

The booklet also tells us that Mario had arrived first

Upon starting the game, we see Luigi walk up to and enter the mansion

Once inside, there's no sign of Mario, and he meets up with Professor E. Gadd

Who testifies that he had seen "[Mario] walk up to the mansion without eve, stopping to chat…and never returned."

After Luigi tells E. Gadd that he'd won this mansion in a contest he never entered

E. Gadd claims that the "mansion [had] appeared just a few days ago!" and that "The spirits have fooled [him]!"

Later on, we learn what became of Mario, King Boo had trapped him inside a portrait

However, this capturing doesn't seem to be as simple as Mario entering the mansion

And BAM, he's a portrait

A lot of his belongings are scattered throughout the place

Which implies he was in here for a quite a while before he was securely caught

But something's off; when Luigi arrives, all the doors are locked

So how did Mario make it to various parts of the mansion?

It's quite possible that for some reason, the doors weren't locked when he arrived

Anyways, Madame Clairvoya, a friendly fortune-telling ghost helps Luigi in observing Mario's lost belongings

So we'll use her as a reference

First up is Mario's cap, which is found in the washing machine of the Laundry Room

Luigi observes that "It's been laundered recently"

Which is backed up by Clairvoya, who says that "It's so clean… AS IF SOMEONE JUST WASHED IT."

Adding on, Luigi notes that he washes his cap by hand

Whereas Mario washes it using a washing machine, exactly where we found the cap

The second item is Mario's letter, we find it folded up in a little birdhouse in the Courtyard

Which oddly resembles Mario and Luigi's own mail box back home

Clairvoya reads the letter to us as "Look out for Boos, Luigi!"

And then remarks that the letter "Must have been written in quite a hurry."

The third item is Mario's star, we find it in the Observatory on the second floor

However, unlike the previous items we've discussed, this one seems to have been magically sealed inside the room itself

As Luigi needs to destroy a moon in order for the star to appear

Since Luigi makes contact with this star and doesn't turn invincible

We can be sure that this star isn't a superstar, but a power star, most likely from Super Mario 64

In that game, we can see Mario summon these stars and apply their energy to locked doors in order to unlock them

Making it likely that he used that same technique to hide the star in that room

The fourth item is Mario's glove

Luigi remarks that it's still sweaty

Clairvoya says it's "still damp with the sweat of the living."

The fifth and final item is Mario's shoe

Luigi says that "It smells…like Mario's feet"

Whereas Clairvoya comments "The sole is so worn, as if he's walked a thousand miles!"

These last two items are found in locked chests

Which are only revealed when all the ghosts in the room have been vanquished

Implying that the ghosts hid these items themselves

One last detail about Mario's belongings, is that he can be seen fully equipped with his cap, glove, and shoe

Despite having lost these items within the mansion

This lets us know that for some reason, he brought spares...

Now let's talk about the first toad we meet

He exclaims "You finally made it!"

"Princess Peach asked me to come here to look for Mario. He left when he heard that you'd won a mansion."

If Peach and the toads had seen Mario depart

Then that means Mario was likely at Princess Peach's Castle before he left

Which completely explains why Luigi had to phone him and arrange a meet-up, since they were in two different places

That's all the evidence we've got!

It's time to reveal the truth behind the capturing of Super Mario!

A few days prior to the incident, the leader of ghosts, King Boo had created a mansion out of thin air

He wished to exact revenge upon the Mario Bros. for defeating his boo brethren in their past adventures

To do this, he needed some way to lure them in

So he sent over an envelope which contained a disingenuous message congratulating them on having won a mansion

His plan was for the brothers to read it and arrive at the mansion together

But as fortune would have it...

Only the younger brother was home at the time

Luigi was skeptical of the message at first, since he hadn't entered in any contests

Despite this, he excitedly called Mario - who was staying over at Princess Peach's castle - to tell him the news

Luigi: Mario?

Mario: Hey Luigi! Yohoo!

They both agreed to meet each other there to celebrate

But little did Luigi know, his brother had other plans

Mario didn't have a map, so viewed the mansion from afar in order to gauge where it was

Having experience with ghost houses, he grew suspicious of the mansion he and his brother had supposedly won

And decided he would check it out for himself first, a mistake he would come to regret

He took with him a power star for extra strength

Pieces of paper and a pencil to take notes

And spare clothes, so he could stay overnight at the place in the event it wasn't actually haunted

With these items in tow, he traveled directly up to the mansion with such focus...

That he hadn't noticed Professor E. Gadd just a little ways away

Upon entering the mansion

Mario discovered that all the lights were turned on, all the doors were unlocked, and there weren't any ghosts in sight

King Boo created this set-up as a ruse to let the brothers' guards down

However, his initial plan of cleanly capturing both of them at once fumbled due to Mario's early arrival

Assuming Luigi wasn't far behind, he and his minions laid hidden and waited for their chance to trap them both

Mario, fully unaware of the predicament he'd been caught in, explored rooms of the mansion with a more relaxed demeanor

He eventually entered the Laundry Room, which was a short distance from where he first entered

At this point, he had mistakenly deemed the place safe, and felt comfortable enough to wash his spare clothes

He set down his shoe and glove beside the washing machine, put his cap inside of it, and turned it on

King Boo at this time must've realized that Luigi wasn't coming anytime soon

So he made quick preparations to capture Mario while he was still vulnerable

He locked the doors to the foyer, shrouded the entire inside of the mansion in darkness, and seconds later, made a beeline for Mario

With quick reaction time, Mario narrowly avoided King Boo, and escaped the Laundry Room

Leaving behind a cap in the washing machine and his other belongings which the boos then took and locked away in chests

Mario's instincts led him along the hallway wall to the foyer doors

And after a few faulty attempts at budging them open, he quickly realized an easy escape wasn't possible anymore

He instantly dashed through the unlit hallway, desperate to get away from King Boo

A thought weighed in on his mind as he ran

If he did get caught, what's to stop the ghosts from pulling the same trick on Luigi as they did him?

Wishing to avoid this worst case scenario, Mario brought out paper and a pencil, and hurriedly wrote down the message:

This way, he could ensure that his brother wouldn't mistakenly believe the mansion was safe, just as he had

Mario folded the letter up, reached the end of the hallway, and stepped foot into the courtyard

He needed a place to hide the letter

A place the boos wouldn't look, but Luigi would

Luckily, a mail box shaped quite similar to their own back home was visible

He threw the letter in and kept running, not giving King Boo any time to catch up

Mario ran upstairs to the second floor

And in an effort to lose the ghosts, he dashed through Astral Hall and hid in the Observatory

This was a hopeless effort however, as King Boo has total mastery of this mansion

And it wasn't long before Mario heard the ghosts approaching

He took out his power star, saddened by the fact it ended not being useful since he was at first caught off-guard, and now, cornered

Accepting his fate, he put faith in his brother, and imbued the power star's energy with the room

Sealing it in such a way that no ghost could ever steal it

Seconds later, King Boo had arrived, and successfully trapped Mario inside a portrait

Storing him deep down in the secret alter beneath the mansion

Completely unaware that his ghosts failed to hide Mario's cap, letter, and star

Which would turn out to be of use to the very same person that would eventually undo all his actions and seal him away

For more infomation >> Mario's Story in Luigi's Mansion - Duration: 8:35.


Bus lanes in Warsaw - Duration: 16:23.

According to data of Polish Central Statistical Office for 2016,

only in 11 Polish cities the total length of dedicated bus lanes exceeded 5 kilometers.

Longest bus lanes were naturally separated in four largest Polish cities (Warszawa, Kraków, Łódź, Wrocław).

This mean of organizing traffic is also often used in connection with lack of alternative public transport

- for example, a rail transport

that would move on separate track.

That tendency you will see in bigger share of bus lanes in Kielce, Białystok and Rzeszów.

However, bus lanes prove to be equally necessary in cities with tram transport,

even they can operate in parallel to dedicated track.

Due to the variety of routes and applications,

we will focus on the largest Polish bus lanes network in Warsaw.

We will talk about how they actually work in this episode.

Let's watch!

Transport in Warsaw (Poland)

Bus lanes in Warsaw

In total, there are 33 sections of bus lanes

having 66 kilometers in length in whole city.

We will see them, among others, in most important transport corridors of the city,

more often in east-west axis, where we have a limited number of bridge crossings.

Most routes of this type run through the Śródmieście area (City Center district),

connecting them with neighboring districts,

although there are also longer routes,

such as those leading to Śródmieście from Targówek

or on Aleje Jerozolimskie via Włochy and Ochota.

On WZ (east-west) route and its eastern extension leading from Marki,

we have longest sequence of bus lanes.

The entire route is about 7.8-kilometers-long

and was the answer on congested road traffic system.

At Targówek, buslane was separated with horizontal and vertical markings

on 3-lane cross-section leading towards Śródmieście.

Despite buslane separation,

most stops were additionally placed in bays.

This measure was done not without reason,

because route is used by accelerated and express lines

not stopping at all stops

and regional or long-distance buses.

On the busiest section in front of Wileński railway station,

13 lines of Warsaw Public Transport are using buslane

with over 60 departures per peak hour.

We reach intersection at Wileński Square by mentioned bus route.

This is the key intersection for entire WZ route.

We also have a solution directly related to the separate lane.

It is a bus sluice

- a solution in traffic lights with a vehicle accumulation zone in front of the intersection

secured by an additional line of signals.

The first task of the sluice is to ensure that buses can take different lanes at inlet of intersection

in order to be able to leave it in a given direction.

This task is carried out by bus signal before actual phase of traffic at the intersection

- just a signal for buses allowing entry into sluice and it starts earlier than it is possible to leave the intersection.

This is not the only task of this sluice -

solution also controls inflow of car traffic towards Śródmieście.

Signal for buses on sluice is much longer in relation to signal on general traffic lane.

On the other hand, we have lanes with a directional signal to turn left,

which are available for drivers for a much longer time.

In this way, drivers are encouraged to choose an alternative route

and part of car traffic is moved out of WZ route

leading through the Old Town.

Near Vilnius Square, buses change buslane located on outside of the road

onto a shared bus and tram roadway marked centrally with respect to axis of Solidarności Avenue.

This solution has many advantages,

bus traffic is not interrupted by parking cars or turning to the right,

so basically buses are going without collision points or are protected by traffic lights.

However, during routing of connections on a shared tram and bus area,

special attention is paid to capacity of stops

or intersections with traffic lights.

Viennese stops in the Old Town and intersection near metro Ratusz-Arsenał are particularly sensitive points of this route,

where up to 57 departures take place in one direction,

so departures take place almost every minute.

In case of stops at Metro and a nearby intersection with traffic lights,

we are already close to the capacity limit of this facility.

However, we have a case in Warsaw,

where trams have a separate track between the roadways

and buses run parallel to it with their separate bus lanes, on the outer lanes of roadways.

Dual corridor of public transport in Aleje Jerozolimskie is working not without reason.

We have a huge tram traffic there

- up to 45 departures during rush hour in one direction

and as big as no bigger bus traffic.

Meanwhile, if it was a common lane with double stops before intersections with traffic lights,

such an object within one hour would be able to handle a maximum of 65 vehicles in one direction.

The current geometry and timetable for tram route in Aleje Jerozolimskie

is able to handle around 9,000 passengers in one direction,

WTP bus lines over 5000 people

and other two car traffic lanes around 3000

- assuming that in the car we have on average in Warsaw, 1.3 people.

Therefore, public transport is able to carry more than 4 times more people along this corridor,

occupying a similar width of the road lane!

Problem in Aleje Jerozolimskie are turning vehicles.

Before the intersections, buslanes often disappear and change in lane for right turning,

but allowing buses to go straight.

In particular, problem concerns intersections with traffic lights,

where vehicles turning right on green light

give way to pedestrians crossing the road in parallel.

As a result, traffic of buses going straight is blocked for some time.

Traffic is also interrupted by vehicles parked on sidewalks along the edge of road

and the fact that buslane is often treated as a great place for unloading the delivery.

Due to these factors,

traffic flow of buses is not at highest level here.

Bus lane designated on Łazienkowska Route looks very spectacular.

In both directions special lanes have about 7 kilometers in length.

It is also not without flaws, because there is a place where route escapes into basin under Niepodległości Avenue,

but it does not have enough cross-sectional area to maintain bus lanes on both of its streets.

The problem is also vehicles joining route from lateral inlets

and trying to change traffic lane into general car traffic.

In area of Metro Politechnika, in turn,

all bus lines go to surface and entrance of a large intersection with central island,

where long congestion forms during rush hour.

In such places precious timetable minutes are lost unnecessarily,

gained on sections with separated lanes.

In spite of all bus lanes provide transport speed during peak hours of over 20 km/h.

However, this route has a much greater potential

if it would be provided continuity of separate lanes

and increases separation from individual traffic.

Most representative section with separate bus transport

in Warsaw is route of Krakowskie Przedmieście and Nowy Świat streets.

It is basically a pedestrian zone with authorized traffic mainly of buses and taxis.

However, route for vehicles is not available all year round

- traffic is switched off here on weekends of the summer season.

At the same time, this sequence plays an important transport role

- providing access to Old Town,

main campus of University of Warsaw

and many restaurants and premises located in this area.

However, limited vehicle traffic allowed to preserve the tourist character of this place.

Road sections for buses are also separated during implementation of huge infrastructural investments.

Currently, two projects are underway that required the launch of such routes.

Construction of subsequent stations of second metro line (M2) by the opencast method

under Górczewska Street made it impossible to conduct normal car traffic on surface.

In order to preserve any traffic and accessibility to areas along this street,

a decision was made to separate bus route.

In connection with modernization of railway line No. 447 between Warsaw and Grodzisk Mazowiecki,

buslane also appeared in direction of Center

in Aleje Jerozolimskie from western city border to West Railway Station.

Instead of trains, a substitute bus transportation was started.

With it, it was deemed necessary to designate separate lanes for buses

to protect passengers from waiting in multi-kilometer car congestion.

This fear was not without justification,

because this route is main entrance to city from west and south.

In Polish conditions, it is a huge problem to respect limitation of traffic on such a lane.

There is a lot of dodgers using bus lanes to bypass congestion,

as you'll see on the materials from one of the Warsaw bus drivers.

Some time ago there was idea for automatic control of vehicles

moving on Warsaw buslanes.

To serve this purpose an ANPR cameras were planned to install,

recognizing vehicle license plates

and then numbers would be compared to base of vehicles admitted to traffic on such lane.

Organizationally, however, such a solution becomes more and more difficult,

because the number of users allowed on buslanes is growing.

Therefore, it would be difficult for the city to develop complete base of all allowed vehicles.

The control would still be point-driven and the drivers could learn the topology of cameras.

Police also works in points, but in spite of everything they can appear everyday in different place.

This is basically the only method that in current Polish conditions

allows you to control the movement of vehicles on buslanes.

As you have seen, there are many ways to designate bus lanes.

They can be separated on the outside of the road,

centrally in its axis

or in general on a road intended only for traffic of this type of vehicles.

These routes sometimes have stops in bays

or are shared with tram transport

- it depends on traffic they are supposed to handle.

Each time the main reason for separating bus lanes is inadequate road infrastructure in relation to size of private motorization,

at the same time causing significant delays in public transport traffic.

Traffic congestion on most important routes in the city is a sign

that it is necessary to provide more efficient transport

that will enable more people to achieve their travel destinations.

An effective way for increasing transport corridors capacity

may be designated bus lanes on roadways.

It is simply a matter of rational and more economical management of a limited space of cities.

Meanwhile, thanks for your attention and see you next time!


For more infomation >> Bus lanes in Warsaw - Duration: 16:23.


O restaurante MAIS MÁGICO da HOLANDA, uma tarde conosco - vlog - Duration: 10:54.

For more infomation >> O restaurante MAIS MÁGICO da HOLANDA, uma tarde conosco - vlog - Duration: 10:54.



Welcome to mr. Any treats, I'm Missy

And today we are making this spider-man cake with a cityscape wrapping around the bottom in a cool webbing effect along the top

This past June I made the spider-man cake for a little boy who was turning five

I was super excited about making this because I still had not made a spider-man cake to date I have however

Created a tease his cherry flavored spider-man ice cream sandwiches. They were so good

They lasted all of 10 minutes in my house. No joke

But this cake takes the cake

Spidey am I interrupting something?

Everything's good, okay

Alright, everything is good first. I began by cutting spider-man's head out of this template that I had created

I will leave a link down in the description box for you if you'd like to use this template as well

I began by rolling out some red fondant and cut around my template using a fondant cutter knife thingy. I

Smoothed out the edges because I wanted him to have more of a rounded look to him instead of just rough cut off edges. I

Removed his eyes from the template but kept his head and that sounds odd and we're going to need it in just a second

I cut each of the eyes out of black fondant and then went back and double check to make sure the piece is lined up


We surely do not want spider-man to have one big eye and one little eye

To create the white area in his eye. I just removed the outer black lines and cut them out of white fondant

Okay, so I now need to assemble these bad boys and the way that I did it was by placing the outer black line on

Top of the black portion of the eye and stuck the white portion to the open hole in the middle with just a little bit

of water

Once these were done I needed to stick them to his head

So I grabbed that Spidey template from before and laid it on top of Spidey's head and then of course glued the eyes

Water into the eyeholes. I

Grab my leaf veining tool and drag the smaller end of it to transfer the web lines to his head

You don't want to use too much pressure here or you'll go through your fondant and too little pressure or your lines won't show up

Do an in-between pressure?

So once all the lines were traced I have used my food writer marker to fill in those lines and to finish off. Mr

Spidey now, I know some of you thought that I was using a real marker when I did my flower cookies a while back

But I promise you these markers are essentially food coloring just in marker form

It just adds so many more possibilities to all the things that we can create to make the web on top

I first had to measure the diameter of the cake which was about 31 inches and

Then with a toothpick I made the little lines along the edge about two inches apart now

I know the lines are not exact and I did end up with lines that were just a little off, but you couldn't even tell

Unless of course you're wanting to take out a tape measure at a party. I

Marked the center of the cake and then lightly drew lines from the marks on the edge to the center all the way around

So to give you guys a clearer look of the lines that I had created

I had to change the filter to black and white which surprisingly worked

To make the great lines that are going to lay over those lines. I used my handy little fondant extruder

That's made to give you even snaked out pieces

This thing saved me a lot of time, especially with this cake

Using that black and white filter again

I applied some water to the lines and stuck those little snake pieces to that line

And then I use my ruler to make a nice straight line

So just for a cool visual effect I had to spin the cake which was awesome

I applied Spidey to the center of the cake with water and he is looking so good

Now those little dips that you see in between the lines of most spider webs

I just used the same gray fondant snaked out pieces and laid them how I wanted them

and then after that

I just cut each one down to size just to make sure that each piece was custom-made

For the little space in between each set of those lines

I need two rolls of those little dips and gave the cake another spin. I mean come on it is so cool to

Create that really cool cityscape that's along the bottom I cut strips about two inches wide out of black fondant

Somewhere a little smaller because we don't want all of our buildings to be the exact same size and that wouldn't be a realistic

Cityscape and we want to get as realistic as we can with this cake

Cutting some of the tops at an angle to kind of give them their own presence

I added little white blocks to the windows and being sure to stagger them every which way you know, because


Then I lied all those buildings up along the bottom edge of the cake with some water and our spider-man

Cityscape cake is done. I am in love with this cake and I think spider-man would approve

Thank you guys so much for watching

If you are new here, don't forget hit that subscribe button and turn on notifications as I make a new 20 treat every week

I love you guys, and I will see you next time when we make another cool and trendy treat together. Bye guys


For more infomation >> SPIDERMAN CAKE! - MISS TRENDY TREATS - Duration: 6:08.



For more infomation >> GRINGO FALANDO PORTUGUÊS! - Duration: 14:01.


#BANDORULES | Mega Bando Fight | FPV FreeStyle #FPVMAFIA - Duration: 3:57.

Hi guys, today we are going to rip one of the best spot here in Rome, Italy

Now I'm going to show it

I'm going to fly from here I can cover the entireeeeeeee zone

it's time to change side

...let's check the DVR to see who failed!

Damn...I'm feeding all the bugs...but...

For more infomation >> #BANDORULES | Mega Bando Fight | FPV FreeStyle #FPVMAFIA - Duration: 3:57.


Słowa Ducha Świętego „Dzieło w Wieku Prawa" - Duration: 17:33.

For more infomation >> Słowa Ducha Świętego „Dzieło w Wieku Prawa" - Duration: 17:33.


LOFOTEN - The Island You HAVE to Visit in NORWAY! - Duration: 10:15.

(light ethereal music)

- So far on our Lofoten trip,

we've seen many of the incredible views.

But what if there was one that no one knew about?

My name is Cody Buffinton.

I'm an adventure-seeking world traveler,

and today we are traveling to the small island of Vaeroy.

(energetic pop music)

Now, Vaeroy is actually part of the Lofoten Islands

and Vaeroy means 'weather island,'

referring to its harsh weather climate.

It is very foggy today,

so hopefully this clears it a little bit.

We have 10 hours on this island

before we take a ferry back here later tonight.

We're pulling to Skull Island.

- Skull Island right ahead, land ho.

- We're driving up this cliff overlooking this town

into the fog.

It sounds like we're in Game of Thrones in that one scene

where all the crows are just going crazy.

(crows cackling)

(light pop music)

Everywhere we look is some insane-looking scenery.

This is the craziest scenery we have seen so far.

And it looks like we're about to go

straight through a mountain.

We've gone through some tunnels before,

but they actually had, (laughing)

they couldn't go any farther,

so they were like, "Let's blast it,"

and we're about to go through the tunnel

through this mountain; look at this.

So, this is the scenery we're looking at right now.

And then, right over here, that little hole right there

is the tunnel we're about to go through.

And this is the scenery we're looking at.


So, we've just been informed by these guys

that this tunnel is actually military

and it's only open on Thursdays

to go up here for some reason.

I don't even know why it would be open,

but it's for military.

And they said we can walk up there,

so we're gonna go check it out right now.

Over here is the beach where you have to walk.

It seems like there's not a whole lot

that you can drive on this island.

We've literally only driven five minutes total

on this whole island

and it seems like we gotta walk the rest of it.

So, first we're gonna go check out

what this supposed military tunnel/bunker thing is.

Josh, what are you hoping to find, some kind of secret lab?

- Some sort of alien extraterrestrial.

- [Cody] That's what I'm thinking.

I'm thinking it's like Area 52.

- Yeah.

There's no light!

- [Cody] Well, yeah. (laughing)

It looks like, for some reason, it's open on Thursdays.

It says, "Entrance forbidden right now."

I don't know what it is though currently.

Why only Thursdays and what can you do in there on Thursday?

That's what I wanna know. (laughing)

- I don't even know. - That's crazy.

What it seems to be is that this island

is pretty uninhabited other than that main little town,

which probably has a couple hundred people at most.

So, this whole side of the island over here

is not paved really,

other than that path that is closed today,

so we have to hike along the whole tops of the mountains

to get to the whole side of the island,

which is a pretty big portion.

So, it looks like we're gonna be doing some hiking.

We're getting there.

It's a very muddy trail right now,

which, it's not a huge problem, just takes a little longer.

We found that this road, this path right here,

comes out right here.

So, if it's not a Thursday,

all you do is climb this little bit,

and it looks like now we're walking the trail,

the road, all the way up.

Found this little sign, which says, "Eagle house.

"The most unusual sport practiced by the Vaeroy islanders

"was to sit in an eagle house and catch eagles,

"with their bare hands."

Imagine just sitting here

and somehow an eagle doesn't see you, (laughing)

and you sneak up on an eagle and catch it with your hands.

I can't even imagine that.

- Dude, the eagle can see everything,

so I don't think they caught any eagles.

- I don't believe it. - Yeah.

- But it says two crown were paid per eagle,

however much two crown is.

- Back in the day, who knows?

- [Cody] That could be like--

- Three meals per crown.

- (laughing) Yeah, I like that guess.

- (laughing) Yeah.

- My guess is that two crowns would be two-night stays

at the local tavern and a full meal every day.

- [Josh] That'd be badass.

- It's two crown.

The view of the valley from up here,

you can see the road we've taken,

almost kinda like the Trollstigen,

but it looks like we might be pretty close to the top.

(smooth pop music)

You can tell we've made it

because there's a path that leads out to the Instagram spot.

So, as of right now, it's a little cloudy.

It's a little overcast, a little foggy.

Foggy's actually the right word.

But we don't have to be anywhere for a while,

so we're gonna sit up here and wait for the fog to clear.

You can see how it might look amazing in a little bit.

Josh, get 'em away from here.


Hey, it worked.

- [Josh] That's all it took, one big puff.

- This beach right here is the one we wanted to go to.

I don't think we actually can, now that I see it.

It looks pretty much untouched,

like no one has ever been there,

because you really need a boat to get there

or if you're a really good swimmer

maybe you could get there.

But there's no roads, it doesn't seem.

I don't know how we would get down this to get there,

so you probably need a boat.

So, coming to Vaeroy,

this is pretty much the main thing to do.

Unless you're riding a bike around,

there's not a whole lot else to do.

This is a pretty small island.

And this is like, when you see pictures of Lofoten,

this is like one of the pictures.

But what they don't tell you

is you have to take a ferry here

and then the ferry to go back and forth back home,

it's like 11 hours in between.

And in between, the only thing to really do

is bike around and see this.

So, there's a lotta time left between there.

So, it's like, do you come here?

Is this worth it for you to be stuck here for 11 hours?

Maybe, maybe not.

So, that's why Josh and I are creating these videos

and I'm creating this Norway guide,

so I can help you guys understand this,

because most people don't show you where you start the hike.

And sometimes, if it's not Thursday, like today,

you can't just drive up, so you have to walk up.

All these little things are some of the struggles

that we go through while traveling

that don't always get shown and whatnot,

so that's why I'm creating these videos

and I'm creating this whole Norway guide,

which goes into even more detail.

Is the view getting better, Josh?

- [Josh] I think so.

- [Cody] A little bit.

- [Josh] This is it!

(light ethereal music)

- [Cody] We lucked out being up here for probably,

I don't know, half an hour, 45 minutes.

Met these guys.

You guys are from Norway?

- Yes. - Yes.

- [Cody] What part of Norway?

- Southeast, yeah.

- [Cody] What town?

- Halden.

- [Cody] Houten?

- Halden. - Halden.

- It's on the border to Sweden.

- [Woman] You should learn a really Norwegian phrase.

- [Cody] Okay, what's a Norwegian phrase?

- Yeah, you know, like when it's rain--

- Rain cats and dogs?

- [Josh] All right, how do you say that?

- What do we say; we say--

- (speaking foreign language)

- (speaking foreign language)

- [Cody] Oh god, you're gonna have to really sound that out.

(both laughing)

- [Both] (speaking foreign language)

- [Cody] (speaking foreign language)

- Yeah.

- Yeah, that's really good!

- Got it!

Say it again.

- (speaking foreign language)

(women laughing)

Something, something--

- [Woman] It's so good!

- Was that good? - Yeah, it's good. (laughing)

- [Woman] (speaking foreign language)

- (speaking foreign language)

- [Cody] (speaking foreign language)

- (speaking foreign language)

- [Cody] I might've rolled the wrong R.

- It's close, it's close.

- Yeah, it actually is so good.

And it fits Norway because it always rains here.

- [Cody] One question that I was always wondering

is do Norwegians just speak in English to each other?

- What?

- [Cody] Do Norwegians speak in English to other Norwegians?

- Yeah, we do. (laughing)

- Oh, yeah, we do, but that's a funny English.

Maybe we use the British accent way too much

to just mock it or something.

- [Cody] And how do Norwegians know English so well?

Everyone knows English.

- I guess it's because we watch--

- The schools.

- Yeah, schools and everyone watch series.

- [Cody] Well, thank you, Sofia and Inga.


- Yeah, Inga.

- [Cody] I say the-- (laughing).

I pronounce it a little weird.


Thank you for all the knowledge though.

(woman laughing) - Of course.

(Cody laughing)

- [Cody] We've been saying Bodo wrong.

It's not the city of Bodo.

What is it?

- Boo-duh. - Boo-duh.

- [Cody] Boo-duh.

So, that O with the cross is like a 'uh.'

- Yeah. - Yeah, uh. (laughing)

It's the same with Tromso.

- Oh, so it's Troms-uh.

- Troms-uh. (woman laughing)

- When you have the O, it makes a 'uh' sound.

Good to know.

We've been saying everything wrong.

Bear with me, it's very hard to speak this language.

We then parted ways with our Norwegian friends

and headed back to the ferry to end the night.

Now, would you spend the whole day here

to experience this incredible view?

Like I mentioned before, I have a complete guide

to help you plan your trip to Norway.

And right now, I have a free preview of that guide,

link below, because I wanna give you a video

of the five things that you need to know

before going to Norway.

Check that out on the end screen

or in the description below.

And that is it for today, Rogue Nation.

Until next time, explore the world.

(light ethereal pop music)

For more infomation >> LOFOTEN - The Island You HAVE to Visit in NORWAY! - Duration: 10:15.


What If America Joined North Korea And Became A Super Power? - Duration: 6:14.

The United States of America has beef…and to be fair, it always has had beef, but the

menu is seasonal.

The flavour of the decade seems to be North Korea, with the pair constantly sparring in

a war of words and heavy red button discussions.

But, what if the two nations laid aside their differences and joined forces.

Hello and welcome back to Life's Biggest Questions, the channel that answers as many

semi insane questions as we do semi legit ones.


Because aren't we all just a little bit curious…and…I don't know, sometimes

its more fun to answer wacky questions.

I am your host Rebecca Felgate and today I am asking What if America Joined North Korea

and became a super power.

Before we get into this video, why don't you tell me – other than your own home country

– what is your favourite nation.

Mine is Canada.

While you are down there, why don't you hit that thumbs up button and share this video

with a friend.

Okay, so…..

I mean lets face it, The United States of America annexing North Korea is outrageous

and ridiculous… but lets play along for…

I don't know… lols.

I say annexing, because this really is the only way this could go.

Alone, there is categorically no way this could go any other way.

North Korea could not defeat the United States in battle, nor could they simply decide they

were at one with the United States.

The only way this would happen is if for some tactical reason, the US wanted North Korean

land and they decided to colonize…which in this day an age, is pretty downright crazy.

None the less….

Despite being a relatively poor country with a Gross Domestic Product of just 28.5 billion

dollars – North Korea is resources rich, they just don't know how to use it.

North Korea has a great mineral reserve with large stocks of iron, gold, magnesite, zinc,

copper, limestone, molybdenum, graphite and Uranium.

The Economist estimates the countries wealth is as high as 10 trillion dollars in value,

which is not to be sniffed at.

If the US did want to absorb the Democratic Republic of North Korea, then it certainly

would solidify its super power status.

At the moment, China leads the world in domestic mine production, but with

North Korea, the USA could take the edge.

So… let's circle back to China…if the USA and North Korea joined forces, China would

NOT be pleased.

Much of the Korean war was a power struggle between Western and Eastern influence.

If the USA suddenly had an extra 120 and a half thousand square kilometres of land in

the East…well not only China, but Russia would feel pretty strongly about it.

North Korea shares boarders with both China and Russia and while relations are civil,

neither super power wants the Unites States on their door step.

Tensions would be high and could well erupt…which is not what anyone wants.

While a joining of America and North Korea would alleviate the concern of missiles from

the hermit nation, it would aggravate a much realer threat.

Aside from Russia and China feeling sore about a union, South Korea would probably feel pretty

weird about it too.

If anything, they want a unified Korea and having the States taking over the North is

probably just as bad for their independence as it is being sat next to a dictatorship.

South Korea and the Unites States are allies but how long would that last if they saw each

other every day?

You know who I also feel wouldn't get along – the United States Citizens and the North

Koreans – they could not be more culturally different…and that isn't to mention the

fact that North Koreans have been fed propaganda their whole lives teaching them Americans

are evil.

Also, not that we can ever cater to a white supremacist, but I imagine they would be pretty

livid about the situation too.

Would North Korea be a 51st state, further still than Hawaii and Alaska….or would it

be an unincorporated territory of the Unites States like Puerto Rico – in either case,

North Koreans could freely move into the US if they wanted, although most probably couldn't

afford to.

And speaking of money – would the profit of the natural resources outweigh the financial

burden of having a responsibility to ensure the well being of the country?

Okay, but like, once again, how would this even work, anyway?

Kim Jong Un suddenly forgets his God Given dynasty and agrees to yield to Donald Trump?

I severely doubt it.

Would the US simply go in for a long distance Anschluss and over throw the dictator, declaring

the land their own?

They cant to that either…the UN would have a lot to say about it.

Sure, the States could steal the land, but it would render them the top super power for

all of ten minutes until every other country in the world calls them out and a war is started.

Or maybe not…maybe it would spark a land grab free for all…colonization 2.0, without

all the months at sea.


Look – it just isn't going to happen.

The United States would never be allowed real influence in the east, else China and Russia

would kick off.

It would be unprecedented and while it may seem beneficial in terms of hot property in

an areas of the monopoly board the States doesn't occupy much of, it would likely

cause more harm and upheaval than good.

The only way that the United States and North Korea could join forces would be to agree

on a few fundamental issues.

Perhaps they could band together as allies, although this would ruffle feathers…or they

could agree to be part of a global pact of world peace, making our global population

the true superpower.

So what do you guys think would happen if America and North Korea joined forces to become

a super power.

Would you be freaking out that you live in an episode of stranger things as the would

has turned upside down….

Orrrr would you be happy?

What would this mean for the rest of the world?

Let me know your thoughts in the comments section down below.

For now, like…share.

For more infomation >> What If America Joined North Korea And Became A Super Power? - Duration: 6:14.


Restauradores - Lisboa, Portugal 2018 - Duration: 18:19.

One of the busiest place in Lisboa. Centrally located close to the business and turist areas.

Padaria Portuguesa is one of the best coffee shop franchise in the big cities in Portugal.

Pigeons are such a plague in Lisbon ...

A new coffee shop in town! Let's take a look.

Looks like a "Pastéis de Belém" competitor.

One of the most "tourist trap restaurant" in the city center in my opinion. Expect high prices here.

Expensive restaurants in these street. Just give a try.

We don't see them so many nowadays. Shoe cleaning for a reasonable price.

A bycicle ride: best way to see the sights in the city center. Economic and clean.

One of the most luxurious hotels in the city center: Hotel Avenida Palace.

"Calçada Portuguesa": a unique way to beautify the sidewalks.

Here you can send a postcard back home. :)

Hop in, Hop off bus: the coolest way to know the city.

Wanna try a Tuk Tuk ride?

For more infomation >> Restauradores - Lisboa, Portugal 2018 - Duration: 18:19.


Mother, 28, attacked with chainsaw says thug shouted 'here's Chucky' - Duration: 9:41.

A mother-of-one who was attacked by a neighbour with a chainsaw in a street in Yorkshire has said the thug shouted 'here's Chucky' as he approached her

Jessica Appleby has claimed that the street in Barnsley has 'Britain's worst neighbours' and that the shocking attack, which was caught on camera, started after a two-year feud

She said her chainsaw-waving neighbour, Stewart Palmer, brandished the noisy power tool in May last year and shouted he was the doll from the horror movie Child's Play

Ms Appleby told the Sun: 'I've never felt so vulnerable in my life, I thought what's next?'The 28-year-old mother has said that she has been repeatedly hounded by her neighbours because she doesn't fit in with the 'lifestyle on the street'

In May last year Stewart Palmer brandished the noisy power tool and attacked Ms Appleby

He was jailed for 24 months in July.Speaking about the attack, Ms Appleby said: 'I am ashamed that I didn't just back off but at the same time if I hadn't have done what I did I would still be there and if they hadn't of put me in a box I would have over time because I didn't want to be here anymore

  'I was just an easy target, I was the only single mother on that street.' She has claimed that in one incident a group of around 12 neighbours pulled her through her window during a Christmas party

After Palmer was jailed for the attack, Ms Appleby's partner Dean Brown told how the family, including Ms Appleby's young son Archie, could have been seriously injured if he had not managed to block the doorway

Mr Brown said: 'It shook me up for a while because he nearly got in the kitchen.'If I hadn't have kicked him and shut the door he would have cut us all up with that chainsaw

I had to look after her and her son. I did what I had to do.'Ms Appleby wrote on Facebook that she had been 'terrorised day in day out' when she lived on the street in Barnsley and the chainsaw incident led to her moving house

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Woman in her 60s becomes the 102nd person to be killed in. Share this article Share A series of three videos - shot by Ms Appleby and a neighbour - shows the confrontation quickly escalating from an argument in her front garden to a fist fight

Footage shows Palmer - wearing an Ellesse zip-up top - approaching the woman's window as a child shouts 'you just spat at me' from inside

The young mother and model charges out of the house through a side gate to confront him, repeatedly saying 'get off my property' as she tries to push him away

Mr Brown then comes out and the two men begin fighting.  Footage filmed by the next-door neighbour shows the fracas unfolding, with the two women trading blows whilst witnesses egg them on and children in the background are heard crying

Others run in to break it up but struggle to separate the two duelling women, and soon the two men start fighting again

Eventually the situation begins to calm down but the two couples continue to exchange accusations over the garden fence

And, at this point, Palmer walks away.But another clip shows him with a roaring chainsaw, charging up to the house before the video cuts out

A spokesman for the CPS confirmed Palmer was jailed for the shocking attack.The spokesman said: 'Stewart Palmer was jailed on July 20 at Sheffield Crown Court for 24 months

'He was charged with affray, having an offensive weapon and criminal damage to property

'The footage is the latest to show shocking extremes of violence in Britain, with critics saying the country is turning into the 'Wild West'

   A week in Wild West Britain: From mobs filmed kicking police officers to London's 102nd murder inquiry The chainsaw footage emerged at the end of the depressing week yob attacks, murders and beatings around the country

The Bank Holiday weekend saw 373 people arrested during London's Notting Hill Carnival, with police seizing 69 weapons including 49 knives, acid and a taser

Video then emerged of a woman being repeatedly punched and kicked in the head on a train after an argument on the way home from the event turned violent

Worse was then to come on Tuesday when a mob was filmed shouting at and kicking two police officers who were trying to arrest a resisting suspect in McDonald's in Hackey, east London

The footage, in which police were forced to taser two men, sparked a debate about the lack of respect officers receive and general disdain shown to authority

As if to underline the concerns, on Wednesday, two suspected burglars brandished a gun at police and tried to break their accomplice free from the back of a patrol van

The gang had been disturbed while breaking in to a phone shop in Peckham, south-east London, in the early hours of Wednesday

One of them was taken to his house for a search but when the police van left two men pulled up alongside on a moped and brandished a gun

Today a woman in her 60s became the 102nd victim to be killed in London this year as the violent crimewave continued

Police were called to the woman's home in Bickley, in Bromley, south east London, but she was pronounced dead at the scene

   Speaking yesterday, the commissioner of the Met Police, Cressida Dick, denied parts of the capital are 'no go areas' for police, but admitted that locals do sometimes cheer for criminals being tackled by her officers

She added: 'A couple of weeks ago officers were under enormous attack and were being filmed and people were screaming and shouting and cheering when somebody got away who appears to have had a gun

This is wrong.''But people I think should understand that most officers, most of the time, don't encounter that

This isn't everybody in Hackney. This isn't the way things are across London.'There are no "no go areas"

Police officers are able to go about their business very well.'

For more infomation >> Mother, 28, attacked with chainsaw says thug shouted 'here's Chucky' - Duration: 9:41.


Ekonexo - Haz que tus decisiones cuenten - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Ekonexo - Haz que tus decisiones cuenten - Duration: 1:03.



For more infomation >> 👉ESTE TEXTURE PACK ESTA DIBUJADO A MANO 😱 - PENCIL PACK MINECRAFT - Duration: 8:17.


You have raised yourself if you relax well, - Duration: 19:27.

You have raised yourself if you relax well,

For more infomation >> You have raised yourself if you relax well, - Duration: 19:27.


MŚL Oberstdorf 25.01.1998 - relacja z zawodów (j. niemiecki/polskie napisy) - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> MŚL Oberstdorf 25.01.1998 - relacja z zawodów (j. niemiecki/polskie napisy) - Duration: 1:09.


Browser Extenstions That'll Help You Grow (Top 3) - Duration: 2:51.

Have you ever heard of browser extension? That's like Chrome, Firefox, Internet

Explorer things like that but add-ons or extensions to help you out with

something that's on your computer. Now what are YouTube browser extensions that

can help you grow? Coming up.

Hello Creator! What's going on? My name is Ra'liyah Blythe and welcome

back to the channel. If you're new here and you need someone to help aid and

assist you with growing your YouTube channel and your editing skills then

subscribe to the channel right there. Make sure to hit that notification bell

so you can get notified for when I upload my videos. We're gonna start off

with number one which is Tube Buddy. The whole motto is work less create more. Tube

Buddy helps you do that and Tube Buddy offers a lot! Every YouTuber needs Tube

Buddy. It helps you save time with a lot of different things and a lot of

features you never really thought needed until Tube Buddy happened and you're

like oh my gosh I need these things. Really look into Tube Buddy. I really

recommend it. It's a free browser extention. There is a paid option where you can

upgrade your license. If you don't upgrade your license then you start off

with starter. You can either have a pro license, a star license, or a legend

license. Obviously the higher license the more you'd have to pay but the more

options the better that you get to do things the more things you can do the

more Tube Buddy offers. I have a link in the description where you guys can

get Tube Buddy once this video is over but get Tube Buddy. Another one is Keywords

Everywhere. You can compare and research keywords kind of like your tags. See how

much money you can make with it using the keyword from Google. See if your

keywords are trending on different platforms it's really really helpful. You

can see if it works well as tags too. It's free and simple to use. The third

one is vid IQ. SEO information can be worked upon. It's

a keyword research tool, a tag helper, data analysis, it's a lot in vid IQ. It's

free but pricing varies depending on your license just like Tube Buddy. It

gives out a ton of information, a ton of YouTube channel channelytics.

It's a lot of information that it gives you. Out of the three I really recommend

Tube Buddy, vid IQ, and then Keyword Everywhere. Like the video if it helped.

And Creator comment down below what browser extensions that you use? I'll

look into it and I'll probably use it as well. Maybe I'll recommend some more in

the future. And if you're interested in videos just like this one then subscribe

to the channel right here and click the video at the top where I talk about my

new Youtube Starter Kit (link in the description) and click on the video down

below right there which is a video that is picked out just

for you. My name is Ra'liyah Blythe and I help assist and aid creators. Thank you

so much for watching. Bye!

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