Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 2 2018

My name is Lya Battle

originally, I'm an educator and

Now I just run a free-range

Rescue called Territorio de Zaguates

we don't believe in euthanasia and everybody who comes in through our gates is here until it's adopted and if not

They'll just stay here

So we just pulled up to

Teta 30 days ago at this super excited everyone's I already

Trying to shoot and the puppies are excited, too. They're waiting and looking at us from underneath the fence

So about 12 years ago, maybe more I

Realized that dogs that didn't get adopted

had only

two options, they

continue living on the street and

We know what kind of life that was or they would end up in a shelter where if he's lucky he won't be put down

But he'll be caged for

the rest of his life and that just

Just didn't seem right

And so I

Decided I would I would hold on to as many dogs as possible

hopefully one day they find a home but then I mean you realize that there's lots of dogs that need help and you can only

Keep so many at your place

so we decided to move them up here this

this farm used to belong to my grandfather and

It seemed perfect. So was a place where dogs could again be dogs and

That's what we've been doing ever since start with about

120 dogs and we're up to a

thousand and more

I think we're different here because we decided it's going to be a


Operation. I mean we can have one more one. Less. We don't put them down for anything

I mean, it doesn't matter what's wrong with a dog or how much treatment

He's gonna require she's gonna require he's gonna get it. Even if they're terminal. We have a lot of dogs here in the terminal and

Yes, they will eventually die, but it doesn't have to be today. They can still go for a walk

they can still flash around in the river one more time and

that's I

Think that's everything. So I

Guess we're crazier than most others

Once you have enough space you don't have to give them a an expiration date

You just realize how many other ones still need help?

The dog pack just ran by me

It's so surreal to be surrounded by this many happy dogs

It's like a dream come true

And I know there's a lot of dogs here that won't find a home and that's fine, I mean, I think that's our ultimate

Purpose here to be a home for those who can't have a home

This is Marcel

This is Libby, and thats an angry dog.

and we are shooting an amazing video

But people are becoming more aware

Of how important adoption is at the beginning we might have given out one or two a month

I'd say we are up to about five to ten a week

So I think by now we could say thousands

All animals in creation deserve a place in this planet and they all would have it if it wasn't for human beings

But dog is extra unfair because dogs. Hello


Human beings

Did this to dogs we made them dependent on us, so it's not fair. We created this

species they decided that they have to belong to a family and

then they don't find it and all they get is rejection on the streets and I

Love you too

swept under the rug is a perfect perfect expression

It's so easy

to ignore this and to

just focus on more important things who says this isn't important who says the life and

The livelihood of creatures that are here because of our fault

It's something that we can just dismiss

There are so many extremely sad stories here that we keep hearing about every single dog

And every dog that comes here has a happy ending

They are loved and they are cared for and they get a meal

Twice a day and you know that no one's going to hurt them anymore


So we we try to focus on the dogs and most need us dogs that are

Not going to be picked up by anybody else

We know a lot of people don't understand what we're doing

But here at least they're fed, they're cared for and you know, they might not look the best on the outside

But they have healed from whatever



Damage has touched them. And so what if they're scratching and so what if they're hairless and so what if they're missing a limb?

They're happy and I think that's that's the only thing that they what what else does a dog?

Aspire to happiness and a plate of food, and I think we cover that here

We try to have at least three caretakers on location

24/7 we have Jose who is always here in Saturday

He's awesome - Marcela would be our longest time volunteer

She doesn't get a salary and she puts all her free time into this project

We all have our own jobs and the rest comes in from donations

So their food their medication their veterinarian expenses

Those are always a first the guys are super sweet

They know that very often. They have to wait for their paycheck and they do

because obviously our main

Target here are the dogs first and foremost of them. Hi. Hi Jujito

We're in dire needs of everything

I mean everything to these guys is a lot so old towels, old t-shirts

old tennis balls

They go a long way


Is of excess here

So, thanks

We live in a world where

We need more compassion

Because it is a dark world, but it can become lighter with more and more people joining together and spreading this

Beautiful energy of kindness and love towards all beings

And to undo the damage that others have put upon them

I've learned that there's much more than you see

that skin deep there is something about the presence of

An animal in your life something like a dog even if you don't consciously

Make that connection

Emotionally you start to feel that and you start to feel the honor

that is the love of an animal and

That will heal you that will break whatever barrier is your soul has built around pain or around

Whatever you're protecting and they will heal you


Everybody needs healing

So you watch this video now, you're saying to yourself what can I do how can I make a difference?

well first and foremost

There's something that you can do right here for this place and you can go to the GoFundMe link and you can donate

You can also follow this address right here

We're gonna put it down there in the description and you can send anything that you can to help that's towels. That's t-shirts

That's extra dog supplies. It's cages

It's dog food anything you have lying around the house for your dog that your dog doesn't need anymore. They can use here

So you can do that, too

Those are the two things right now you can do and other than that, please just share the message

That's all we're asking you to do. We need to adopt we need to adopt and not shop

That's so massive because you have a huge problem on our hands in the Western culture. Let alone in the rest of the world

Just carry forward the conversation share this video share any video like it and just when you hear about anyone that doesn't know that

Adopting and not shopping is the way to do it

Inform them. Alright guys, love and light to all of you. Thank you for being here. It's so amazing

It's so sad, but we're so happy and greatful that places like this exist.

our hearts to yours.

For more infomation >> 1100 Dogs Running Free!! ♥ Territorio De Zaguates Sanctuary- Land Of The Strays - Duration: 14:51.


Kiratto Pri☆Chan 22 Vostfr (Pub) (@PrettyTrad) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Kiratto Pri☆Chan 22 Vostfr (Pub) (@PrettyTrad) - Duration: 0:31.


How to Become a Great Guitar Player! 🔷 - Duration: 3:40.

Hi, I'm Bobby crispy here are my 10 tips on how to become a great guitar player

Okay, so number one learn how to read music

That way you understand how music works and you're not condemned to just reading tabs

You can find music books at any guitar store even at the library

Ok number two

Practice on an acoustic guitar as much as possible

that way you build up strength in your fingers and

Then play on an electric guitar

Number three

Listen to as many styles of music as you can

Like I listened to classical jazz blues

metal rock

And so forth and that's what a play as well. That's when I play guitar as well

It's like having more tools in your toolbox

Okay, a great guitarist finds influence and all music styles

Okay number four make sacrifices so you have time to practice I'm stead of hanging around the mall or playing video games I

Mean how have you been woken up early instead of wait, so I've have time to practice

When I was a teenager a sustained Friday nights a night, so I have time to practice

But then again, I was a geek in high school so never get invited to parties

Okay number five be consistent with your practicing practice for at least an hour a day

Okay, it's better to practice a little bit each day. Then to practice several hours day one day a week

Yes would be consistent

Okay number six

tryna learn songs by ear

So you develop a good year for music?

Okay that self-explanatory

Number seven work on a daily schedule

like ten minutes of warming up

ten minutes of reading music

ten minutes of practicing scales

You do that before you get in your guitar playing and do that every day

Okay number eight play off the motion

Because that's what everybody can relate to

guitar players non guitar players as well as musicians and non-musicians

That's a common denominator

Emotion. That's what everybody can relate to you

Okay number nine

practice in a quiet environment

So you can focus better

bass or not in front of the TV the computer

You know the less distractions the better

Okay, and one last point

Just keep in mind the definition of a great guitar player can vary from

person to person

If one interpreter make great speed

another finger picking

another classical

Playing with emotion or rhythm? No, it's all about finding your niche

Okay, and don't forget to stay positive, okay, you can do it no never give up

Okay, that's about it. Ah

One last note. I've just hit twenty five million views on my youtube car videos

That's great. Thanks everybody for watching. I couldn't have done it on my own

that would take about

236 years if I did that on my own

Okay, that's it thanks for watching and bye for now

For more infomation >> How to Become a Great Guitar Player! 🔷 - Duration: 3:40.


OMG! Gigi Gorgeous Comes Clean About Something...💄 | Dear Diary | MTV - Duration: 4:32.

- Hey guys it's Gigi Gorgeous and I am

going back in time girl and I am reading entries

from my diary.

I haven't looked at this thing in forever,

so let's get started.

August 20th, 2007, dear diary,

oh my god I need to tell someone what I have just done.

Uh oh.

So you know how I have no money because I'm only 13

and have no choice but to be broke because I can't

work for another two years legally in Canada?

And you know the way I love makeup more than,

dot dot dot dot dot, pretty much anything?

Well tonight I resorted to something bad.

Like really bad.

A couple of hours ago while my mom was in the kitchen

downstairs I ran into her room and raided her makeup drawer.

I literally grabbed whatever I saw.

I'd been thinking about taking her makeup for a really

long time because I used to watch her do it and I was like

my god she has so much I'm so jealous.

So I was just like oh my god, I gotta get this done quick,

what if she comes upstairs for something,

like if she sees me in her bathroom

she's gonna be like what are you doing there?

I just felt really guilty and I guess

I had to go to my diary and write about it.

Dear diary, I'm really sad right now.

Starting with that?

I'm hoping someday I'll read this and laugh,

but right now, no it really hurts.


So my mom just found my stash of products

under my brother's and my bathroom sink.

And she just started screaming at me, like screaming,

exclamation mark.

I didn't know what to say and I just burst into tears.

If makeup makes me happy then why

can't she just accept that?

This is embarrassing.

I work in McDonald's all day, which was my first job

so I would always request working at the window drive thru

because I could get some fresh air and talk to people

and not be like in the back with the steam like

flipping fries.

My skin started breaking out from all the oil,

but that's besides the point.

If I want to spend all my money to make myself

look fabulous then I think I should be able

to do that, right?

It is a free country.

I guess I'm just gonna start hiding it somewhere else.

I'm like a member of Ocean's 8.

Along with me finding a new hiding place

I think she did as well because she's like

I don't want her stealing any more of my stuff.

I just became a better criminal.

Night night diary, XO.


I don't think that it came across in this diary entry

but the reason that I wrote it was because I felt

really guilty that I had stolen some products from her

and then I was hoarding a bunch of stuff

but also I feel like it did come across

that I was really passionate about, you know,

beauty and taking care of my skin and looking

great with makeup.

July 10th, 2009.

So I'd be 15 at the time.

Dear diary, so remember a few months ago

when my mom found all my products under my sink

and freaked out?

Well I think she's finally coming around to my passion!

I'm so so happy.

Aw that's cute.

Mom came to me this morning and asked me

to do her makeup tonight, like can you believe?

I'm dying.

She's always so glam, but seriously,

tonight has been the most beautiful

I've ever seen her look.

Which is really really true, I remember her

walking out the door, and I was like

oh she looks like a vision.

I might be biased though.

And oh my god you should have seen my dad's face

when he saw her, it was like he fell in love

with her all over again, it was so cute.

Such a good day, night XO.

It was just like, oh my god,

she is seeing my talent, she's recognizing

what I want to do and she's asking me to help her.

I knew she could get glam I knew she had that down

but for her to ask me I was just like oh my god.

I felt like on cloud nine.

If I were to tell myself one piece of advice back then

I would just literally say be more confident

in who you are and just don't hide anything,

don't be ashamed.

I think if this me saw me now, I don't even know

if they would believe it.

I think I would have just been like oh my god

is she Heidi Montag from The Hills?

Like just like, obsessed with The Hills back then

so I probably would have related it to that.

I wish I could go back in time and like

see myself, like be a fly on the wall

of like my life.

I would go back in a heartbeat and like be friends with me

and push me to do even crazier stuff.

For more infomation >> OMG! Gigi Gorgeous Comes Clean About Something...💄 | Dear Diary | MTV - Duration: 4:32.


Coralies - El Viejo (Videoclip Oficial Full HD) - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> Coralies - El Viejo (Videoclip Oficial Full HD) - Duration: 4:00.


TRIBAL99- CORAÇÃO DE LEGO - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> TRIBAL99- CORAÇÃO DE LEGO - Duration: 3:48.


Seashell Stickers! ✨ Roblox Speed Design - Duration: 7:55.

Drawing out one to start for my reference

Making circles for the base seashell lineart

Erasing ends of circles

Lining the bottom of the shells at the opening

Drawing little dots in the spaces

shifting background colour to an unlike colour

Base colouring in shells

Colouring in dots

Colouring in dots *(don't need to watch 4 minutes of that)*

adjusting lineart colours

Cleaning up base colouring

*adjusting folders in background*

Seashell base shading

*my vision fails me again*

Blurring the shading slightly

Dots slight shading

Base highlight layer (airbrush)

"Reflect" thin highlight layer (small pen, slight blurring)

Blurring and final adjustments ^~^

Thank you for watching! Item links in desc~

For more infomation >> Seashell Stickers! ✨ Roblox Speed Design - Duration: 7:55.


These Are Good For The Nuts As Well. Are you Jewish?!! ((LEVEL UP)) - Duration: 1:09:04.


((BOSNIAN)) Where are you from?

((BOSNIAN)) Where are you from?

((BOSNIAN)) Where are you from?

((BOSNIAN)) You speak Bosnian?

((POLISH)) How are you?

((POLISH)) I'm good

((POLISH)) I learn Polish

((POLISH)) I learn Polish now

((POLISH)) You learn Polish?

((POLISH)) Yes

((POLISH)) You learn Polish?

((POLSIH)) Yes

((POLISH)) Why?

((POLISH)) Why

((POLISH)) Because..

((POLISH)) Because I like learning other languages...and

((POLISH)) But Polish is very difficult

((POLISH)) Yes, yes..I think..

((POLISH)) I think Polish is very difficult, but..

((POLISH)) interesting

((POLISH)) It's difficult

((POLISH)) Difficult, difficult

((POLISH)) Have you ever been to Poland before?

((POLISH)) Not yet...but

((POLISH)) I learn Polish and Bosnian

((POLISH)) I want to...

((POLISH)) I want to go to Poland

((POLISH)) But do you want to go for vacation or for a long time?

((CZECH/POLISH)) Do you speak any other languages?

((POLISH)) English, Polish, Czech

((POLISH)) It's similar

((CZECH)) Hello

((BOSNIAN)) Nice to meet you

((POLISH)) Goodbye

***I JUST HAD AN ORGASM =^_^=***


((HEBREW)) Hello!

((HEBREW)) How are you?

((HEBREW)) Everything is good


((HEBREW)) I learn Hebrew now

((HEBREW)) Why?

((HEBREW)) Because...I like learning other languages

((HEBREW)) So..I want to learn Hebrew and other languages

((HEBREW)) I...

((HEBREW)) Hold on for a sec

((HEBREW)) I know just a little Hebrew

((HEBREW)) A lot?

((HEBREW)) Really?

((HEBREW)) Cool to death

((HEBREW)) No, no

((SPANISH)) You speak Spanish as well?

((SPANISH)) I speak

((SPANISH)) Where are you from?

((SPANISH)) Where are you from?

((SPANISH)) You were born n Spain?

((SPANISH)) Not very good

((SPANISH)) What do you speak better?

((HEBREW)) I know just a little bit

((HEBREW)) Chinese

((HEBREW)) Chinese, Japanese..

((ITALIAN)) How are you today?

((ITALIAN)) I want to practice Italian

((ITALIAN)) How are you today?

((ITALIAN)) Today

((ITALIAN)) How are you today?

((ITALIAN)) Everything is good

((ITALIAN)) Because..

((ITALIAN)) Because I'm learning other languages

((HEBREW)) Learning with the people

((SPANISH)) Speaking with the people

((SPANISH)) With the people, it's very....

((SPANISH)) I believe that.....the best method is speaking with the people

((HEBREW)) I don't have..

((HEBREW)) My brother

((ITALIAN)) Brother

((SPANISH)) Brother

((HEBREW)) My brother

((ITALIAN)) Now..I'm learning Bosnian

((BOSNIAN)) How are you, good?

((BOSNIAN)) Good day

((BOSNIAN)) I understand a little

((BOSNIAN)) A little?

((FRENCH)) I speak French very well

((FRENCH)) I speak French as well

((FRENCH)) You speak French too?...that's good

((FRENCH)) You speak French, English..other languages?

((FRENCH)) What else?

((SPANISH)) Since you speak Spanish. It's easy to learn Italian. It's very similar

((HEBREW)) I'm a teacher

((HEBREW)) Teacher?

((HEBREW)) Yes

((HEBREW)) I want to visit Israel one day


''It's very good for the nuts''

((ITALIAN)) Really?

((ITALIAN)) Can you understand Italian?

((HEBREW)) My name is Moses and you?

((HEBREW)) Nice to meet you

((HEBREW)) We need to find him a name in Hebrew

((HEBREW)) It's so good!

((HEBREW)) Let's get to work!

((HEBREW)) Let's get to work

((ITALIAN)) Where are you from?

((ITALIAN)) I'm from Naples

((ITALIAN)) I also want to go to Naples

((ITALIAN)) Beautiful good

((ITALIAN)) Beautiful woman, good food

((HEBREW)) All good

((HEBREW)) Beautiful

((MANDARIN)) Are you Chinese?

((MANDARIN)) Do you speak Mandarin?

((MANDARIN)) Yes, I speak

((MANDARIN)) Where are you from?

((MANDARIN)) Where are you from?

((MANDARIN)) Hong Kong

((MANDARIN)0 This is Happy hour

((CANTONESE)) How are you today?

((CANTONESE)) How are you today?



((MANDARIN)) Your speech is not bad

((MANDARIN)) How long have you lived in China for?

((CANTONESE) I haven't been to China

((CANTONESE)) I just studied in America

((MANDARIN)) Not bad

((MANDARIN)) You see, I don't really speak Mandarin. I speak Cantonese

((MANDARIN)) I know

((MANDARIN)) There's all kinds of dialects in China


((MANDARIN)) You guys hold on for a minute

((MANDARIN)) Thanks

((MANDARIN)) Hello. Long time no see!

((MANDARIN)) Hi. Long time no see

((MANDARIN)) How have you been these days?

((MANDARIN)) Not bad

((MANDARIN)) This is a Chinese menu?

((MANDARIN)) What is the best to eat?

((MANDARIN)) What's the best?

((MANDARIN)) The best, do you eat spicy?

((MANDARIN)) Yes, I eat spicy

((MANDARIN)) We don't eat meat, so..

((MANDARIN)) What does he eat?

((MANDARIN)) We don't eat meat


((MANDARIN)) Two months ago

((MANDARIN)) 2-3 months ago

((MANDARIN)) 5 months

((MANDARIN)) Last year

((MANDARIN)) Your memory is very good

((MANDARIN)) Just visiting family

((MANDARIN)) Family


((MANDARIN)) What's up?

((MANDARIN)) They said that you can speak Chinese very well

((MANDARIN)) I can speak. Where are you from?

((MANDARIN)) I'm from Shanghai

((MANDARIN)) Oh, you are from Shanghai?

((SHANGHAINESE)) Shanghai language


((MANDARIN)) Have you ever been to Shanghai before?


((MANDARIN)) You studied Chinese here?

((MANDARIN)) Right, I studied here

((MANDARIN)) You speak very well

((MANDARIN)) Thank you

((MANDARIN)) Really

((MANDARIN)) Excellent

((MANDARIN)) Thank you

((MANDARIN)) What's your name?

((MANDARIN)) My English name is Jennifer

((MANDARIN)) My Chinese name is Wangcheng

((MANDARIN)) Pretty

((MANDARIN)) I came to America 37 years ago

((MANDARIN)) How is it? What are your impressions about America?

((MANDARIN)) I like the air here

((MANDARIN)) There's not so many people. You know in Shanghai there are many people

((MANDARIN)) Yes, I know

((MANDARIN)) There isn't very many people, moreover I feel very free

((MANDARIN)) Very free

((MANDARIN)) It's very free here

((MANDARIN)) All the Chinese people really feel that way

((MANDARIN)) Yea, all of them like living here

((MANDARIN)) Especially, the air. I hear the air in Beijing has a bit of a problem

((MANDARIN)) The air isn't good there and isn't good in Shanghai as well

((MANDARIN)) Shanghai is similar to Beijing?

((MANDARIN)) It's similar to Beijing's

((MANDARIN)) Last year I went to Shanghai. As soon as I got off of the plane I felt discomfort here

((MANDARIN)) You coughed a lot?

((MANDARIN)) Yea, coughing

((MANDARIN)) Oh yea?

((MANDARIN)) The air is bad

((MANDARIN)) But..

((MANDARIN)) I just wanted to come back lol

((MANDARIN)) Your family

((MANDARIN)) My husband is from Beijing

((MANDARIN)) I have a daughter and son

((MANDARIN)) They were both born here

((MANDARIN)) Oh, they were both born here?

((MANDARIN)) My daughter is 26 years old and my son is 24 years old

((MANDARIN)) ''Bullshit''


((MANDARIN)) Did you learn Chinese at school or?

((MANDARIN)) By myself

((MANDARIN)) Self-taught

((MANDARIN)) Self-taught


((MANDARIN)) Do you know how to speak any other languages?

((MANDARIN)) What?

((MANDARIN)) Do you know any other languages?

((MANDARIN)) Can I what?

((MANDARIN)) Do you know how to speak any other languages?

((MANDARIN)) Other languages?

((MANDARIN)) I can speak Shanghainese and um...Mandarin

((MANDARIN)) English..I don't know any others

((MANDARIN)) When I travel to children can understand the people

((MANDARIN)) If I go to China, they go with me

((MANDARIN)) How is their Chinese?

((MANDARIN)) They can speak, but can't read nor write

((MANDARIN)) How about their speech?

((MANDARIN)) Their speaking is OK, but reading characters is another thing. It's complicated

((MANDARIN)) She was surprised

((MANDARIN)) Where is she from?

((MANDARIN)) She's from Laos

((MANDARIN)) Oh, Laos

((MANDARIN)) You speak very well

((MANDARIN)) Thank you

((MANDARIN)) This place is diverse

((MANDARIN)) This restaurant is very diverse

((MANDARIN)) That's right. There's Japanese...

((MANDARIN)) But what about Japanese speakers?

((MANDARIN)) I can't speak Japanese

((MANDARIN)) I thought you could speak Japanese, because.

((MANDARIN)) I can only say one thing

((JAPANESE)) Thank you

((MANDARIN)) Accent is not bad

((MANDARIN)) Your accent isn't bad

((MANDARIN)) My accent?

((MANDARIN)) When you speak Japanese

((MANDARIN)) Your accent isn't bad

((MANDARIN)) It doesn't matter

((MANDARIN)) Thank you

((MANDARIN)) See you again next time

((CANTONESE)) See you next time

((MANDARIN)) Goodbye

((HMONG)) How are you?

((HMONG)) I speak Hmong as well

((HMONG)) I speak Hmong as well

((HMONG)) Do you speak Chinese?

((HMONG)) What's your name?

((HMONG)) My name?

((HMONG)) My name is mouse

((HMONG)) Goodbye


((MANDARIN)) Where are you from?

((MANDARIN)) Where am I from?

((MANDARIN)) I'm from China

((MANDARIN)) Where at in China?

((MANDARIN)) Fujian, China


((FUZHOUNESE)) I learn Fuzhounese

((MANDARIN)) Oh my God

((MANDARIN)) Then you can speak with them


((MANDARIN)) Do you have Fujianese friends

((MANDARIN)) Not very many

((MANDARIN)) You don't have a lot?

((MANDARIN)) You have more friends than me

((MANDARIN)) I'm gonna go see if your food is ready

((MANDARIN)) Give them a tip

((MANDARIN)) You should speak some Fujianese so I can record you.

((FUZHOUNESE)) What's your name?

((FUZHOUNESE)) What's my name?

((FUZHOUNESE)) Why do you want to know?

((MANDARIN)) Why do you want to know?

((MANDARIN)) Practice. Yes, it's OK

((MANDARIN)) Everybody is from Fujian?

((MANDARIN)) Is everyone from Fujian?

((MANDARIN)) Hold on for a minute

((MANDARIN)) Speak some Fuzhounese

((MANDARIN)) Fuzhounese?


((FUZHOUNESE)) Hello, hello

((FUZHOUNESE)) I learn Fuzhou language because I like talking with Fujian people

((FUZHOUNESE)) I want to go to Fujian

((MANDARIN)) Do you know how to speak Chinese?

((MANDARIN)) Mandarin

((MANDARIN)0 What do you want me to say?

((MANDARIN)) You are awesome

((MANDARIN)) What about Japanese?

((MANDARIN)) I can speak Japanese

((JAPANESE)) There aren't many Japanese people

((MANDARIN)) English?

((MANDARIN)) Cantonese))

((CANTONESE)) I can speak Cantonese as well

((MANDARIN)) How many languages can you speak?

((MANDARIN)) That's my secret

((MANDARIN)) How come you are so awesome?

((MANDARIN)) Who is your teacher? I want to call him

((MANDARIN)) I don't have a teacher

((MANDARIN)) You are self-taught?


((MANDARIN)) Wow, that's great

((MANDARIN)) I have a plethora of books at the house

((MANDARIN)) Thank you

((MANDARIN)) He's awesome

((MANDARIN)) Oh, my God

((MANDARIN)) Did I scare you?

((MANDARIN)) Right

((MANDARIN)) He had asked me something in a language that I thought I couldn't understand at first lol

((MANDARIN)) How long has this restaurant been open for already?

((MANDARIN)0 This restaurant has been open for a long time. More than 10 years

((MANDARIN)) Is this your first time?

((MANDARIN)) Yes, this is my first time

((MANDARIN)) Come more often

((MANDARIN)) I certainly will

((MANDARIN)) Teach me Fuzhounese

((MANDARIN)) Teach me more

((MANDARIN)) I don't speak Fuzhounese as good as you

((MANDARIN)) Impossible


((MANDARIN)0 I speak more Mandarin

((MANDARIN)) Oh yea?

((MANDARIN)) I'm serious. I don't understand them when they are speaking that language

((MANDARIN)) Because they speak better than I do

((MANDARIN)) I won't be able to help you. They can be your teachers

((MANDARIN)) Good idea

((MANDARIN)) Thank you

((MANDARIN)) You like it?

((MANDARIN)) Yes, I really like it

((MANDARIN)) Is it good?

((MANDARIN)) Yes, it's good

((MANDARIN)) Do you know how to speak Dongbei language?

((MANDARIN)) No, I don't know how to speak

((MANDARIN)) Then you don't have a Dongbei girlfriend? She could teach you

((MANDARIN)) But I'm not interested


((MANDARIN)) We're ready

((MANDARIN)) You're ready

((MANDARIN)) You're gonna finish eating that? Don't waste it

((MANDARIN)) Confucius says that I can be taught by anybody

((MANDARIN)) Right?

((MANDARIN)) Do you know that confucious says

((MANDARIN)) Confucius says? Oh my God..I don't know much of what he said

((MANDARIN)) What he's saying is Confucius, but what you are saying is...


((MANDARIN)) You guys didn't learn this?

((MANDARIN)) What he's learned is legit. Awesome.

((MANDARIN)) You are really awesome

((MANDARIN)) We admire you

((MANDARIN)) Maybe my Fuzhounese isn't as good as yours

((MANDARIN)) Do you know some friends?

((MANDARIN)) I know one

((MANDARIN)) Girlfriend?


((MANDARIN)) Are you serious?

((MANDARIN)) Don't lie to me. Look at me

((MANDARIN)) Internet friends

((MANDARIN)) Oh, friends on the internet

((MANDARIN)) Did you meet them here in America didn't go to China,right?

((MANDARIN)) In the Chinese chatrooms

((MANDARIN)) You don't don't use our chatrooms, do you?

((MANDARIN)) It has so many people

((MANDARIN)) I've never heard of that before

((MANDARIN)) I haven't been there before


((MANDARIN)) You are awesome

((MANDARIN)) Do you play video games?

((MANDARIN)) What game?

((MANDARIN)) You mean internet language?

((MANDARIN)) I haven't played it


((MANDARIN)) I mean, internet language

((MANDARIN)) For example..

((MANDARIN)) You mean the way they speak on the internet?

((MANDARIN)) He meant the name of a game

((MANDARIN)) Oh, the name of a game

((MANDARIN)) Let's chat again. I gotta work

((MANDARIN)) Nice to meet you

((MANDARIN)) Thank you

((MANDARIN)) See you next time

((MANDARIN)) Goodbye

((MANDARIN)) Goodbye

For more infomation >> These Are Good For The Nuts As Well. Are you Jewish?!! ((LEVEL UP)) - Duration: 1:09:04.


רואה חשבון מומלץ בהרצליה 055-991-4434 | התקשר עכשיו - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> רואה חשבון מומלץ בהרצליה 055-991-4434 | התקשר עכשיו - Duration: 1:16.


Child eating soup standing up - Duration: 1:18.

For more infomation >> Child eating soup standing up - Duration: 1:18.



This is back to school

And everybody is back to work

But it's not really the case for us

I'm chilling my hammock on the San Blas islands, nearby Panama

Jeremy is observing fishes while snorkeling

From these heavenly beaches

We are going to tell you our Central America crossing

Which hasn't been easy

The new episode rocks !

Change of scenery, we are in Guatemala

We are in El Salvador

In Honduras

From Nicaragua

Costa Rica

Panama's canal

This is rain season

More than 3000m high, 3023 exactly

Nice job beauty !

It's recording !

Come a bit closer !

In Guatemala, the ascents are very, very, very steep

We are happy to climb up in the mountain, but it costs us a lot of efforts

Check this out ! When she's tired she's not mischievous facing camera anymore

Awesome pass !

It is struggling to stabilize



We're even more happy because we started from the sea level

We truly climbed 2700m positive elevation in a row

Whithin 65, 70km

In Guatemala, evacuations keep going on after the El Fuego volcano eruption

We are getting around the volcano El Fuego which is smoking just behind us

Next to it is the Acatenango volcano which reaches 4000m

We are rushing this step to leave the area

Go through Antigua and continue the journey to El Salvador

It is very impressive considering what happened here the last few days…

From then, everything goes faster for us

The volcano has erupted, our plans change straight away

Our parents are coming to visit us in Costa Rica and so, we have to welcome them when they land at the airpor !

We've made a new friend, Christian

with whom we shared the road for a while

But clearly, Salvador, Honduras, let's accelerate it

We arrive at the Nicaragua and Costa Rica's boarder after 5 days of crossing that were not easy

For many reasons obviously

The riots, the road-blocks… We have been through villages totally shut-down

By truck blocks, it was very impressive

Let's go !

Do you need a hand ?

Great job !

How are you doing ?

Great !

All the streets are block down, it's deserted

Usually it's a city very touristic, where there are lots of people everywhere

But now, there's nobody

So we had to rush and cycle more than 80 km per day

It was very hot, humid, lots of wind too

We had face wind all the time and even had a huge storm after Managua

It didn't prevent us from meeting great people, sleep at some people's house

that open their doors for us

We didn't want to make any tourism here

as there are people dying everyday

We didn't want to visit a country under the control of a repressive government

So let's make a fresh start here in Costa Rica

where our familly is going to join us in two weeks. It will warm our heats !

Alaska Patagonia !

Behind me, you can see a factory that produce palm oil

Actually, we're cycling through huge palm oil fields since kilometers and kilometers

It never ends

This is the non glamour side of Costa Rica we wanted to share with you today !

It's better to use a buffalo rather than a machine ?

Yes it's cheaper

Okay, cheaper

From the fruit, we obtain oil. And from the heart, another type of oil

It's very small

The bare necessities of life will come to you !

They'll come to you !

I'm very happy to be here with Sophie and Jeremy

here in Panama in my village named Aserrio

It was a real pleasure to have you here and be able to share so much

We're about to cross the bridge of the Americas

And enter South America

It's a huge chapter that ends

According to us, the Panama's canal is a symbol very strong

On the other side, there's land until the arctic, the arctic ocean

And just behind me, there's land until the Horn Cap

It's huge

We're so happy, and even more to share this with our friends

It's the first time we share the road with friends

It warms our hearts

They will stay with us 3 weeks

It's super hot

I supported myself

Tomorrow, we'll sail in direction of Colombia

For more infomation >> ALASKA PATAGONIE : Episode 9 CROSSING CENTRAL AMERICA - Duration: 10:25.


How To Wash And Care For Your Synthetic Wigs To Help Them Keep Their Beauty - Duration: 5:45.

Hi ladies it's Lee at Woman In Disguise

and today we are going to talk about how

we care for our synthetic wigs and it's

just some real basics first, because one

of the questions I get asked a lot is

how often should I wash it, and so the

rule of you know rules that we apply to

our own hair we can apply to the wig. So

first of all, we don't want to wash it

after every wear. We want to think about

when it looks and feels like it needs to

be washed versus saying, "hey I wore it

I'm gonna wash it". Because washing just

like washing our own hair can help dry

it out and reduce the beautiful look of

the hair and also longevity of the hair.

So my rule of thumb is that I tend to

think about washing it every five to six

wears with the caveat depending on what

activities I did with my hair. So if I'm

wearing her too out for you know a few

hours to go to business meetings it's

primarily internal settings, maybe the

wine night, happy hour with the girls, I'm

going every five to six wears. I might

change that up if I use some of my wig

specific hairspray. It might need it more

often. Now if I wear her out dancing and

I'm up, out there, and I'm starting to

sweat a little, and really you know

really become active in the week I will

probably choose to wash her, and get her

her cleaned up right away, but again kind

of use that rule of thumb, but like with

your own hair, go with look and feel. The

second thing is you want to use products

that are specifically designed for your

synthetic wig like the beautiful shampoo

and conditioner that we offer through

Woman In Disguise. It's just really

important that you make sure that you're

not using the wrong product that can

actually strip strip the fibers, make

them not look as nice, take away some of

the nice flow of the hair, and so have to

use products that are designed

specifically for your wig. So once those

are out, it's easy sailing. You're


wish that every part of your beauty

routine was as simple as it is caring

for your synthetic wig. So I'm gonna take

her off, and we'll go in and we'll put

her through the steps of how you wash

her. First what you want to do is, and

I just use my bathroom sink, fill my sink

with lukewarm water. Don't use hot water,

and then I'm gonna add just a few drops

of shampoo and again this product lasts

such a long time, and our shampoo

smells so good. It's just such a nice

easy way to clean her, you put that

shampoo in, we're gonna swish that water

around a little bit, and then let's just

place her in there and you'll notice

what I'm doing is I'm just moving her

around a little bit getting her fully

wet and allowing that soap to do its job.

What I don't need to do is rub her, start

to rub the hair around, what I do is kind

of have a hands-off approach now and let

her soak for about two to three minutes.

Once you're done letting her soak and

just enjoy this nice lukewarm bath we'll

rinse her with lukewarm water, and then

we're gonna repeat those same steps

filling up the sink but we're gonna add

conditioner this time and allow her to

soak and be conditioned for that two to

three minutes. Now once we're done

waiting for that conditioner time again

we take the lukewarm water and we do a

nice easy rinse of her, and then you can

see I have my towel set up and I just

like to use a regular bath towel where I

can actually set her in there and I'm

just gonna fold the towel over and do a

nice firm press. Really important here is

that we don't want to do anything that

rub the fibers together because again

that's what makes it look frizzy and it

reduces wear of the wig because that's

hard on the fiber, so we're just pressing

down. And now once I pressed it

down, I've kind of got out, worked the excess

water out, I'm gonna set her on her wig

stand, and another rule of thumb don't

use your mannequin heads to actually dry

your wig. Two main reasons. First of all a

wig stand allows air to flow through so

it's much faster drying, and second a

wig stand is not going to have the same

effect as a mannequin head in terms of

having the wig shape, or you know and

kind of adopt the shape of the mannequin

head especially when it's wet. So you

want to use an actual wig stand. I

usually set it on a towel because you

will still have some dripping happening

during that drying process. So once you

put her on her wig stand what you want

to do is use your fingers when your wig

is wet, please don't use combs, brushes,

anything, just use your fingers again it

really preserves the health and life of

the fiber of the hair and you do some

shaping and styling and you let her dry.

Now here we are she's all dry she's

ready to go. I do a little shake just to

kind of shake it out and then you can

put her back on and start the styling,

and there you go it's that easy to wash

and care for your synthetic wig. So I

hope you found this helpful, please

subscribe to our YouTube channel,

send in ideas questions you have, we'd

love to answer all of them, thank you.

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