Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 2 2018



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Soundcloud Müzik İndirme Eklentisi - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Soundcloud Müzik İndirme Eklentisi - Duration: 1:41.


#ينبعاوي : عبدالمحسن رويسي / موال (معنى سكر الصب من لماك فغنى) مع الكلمات ← ⒸⒸ - Duration: 12:35.

For more infomation >> #ينبعاوي : عبدالمحسن رويسي / موال (معنى سكر الصب من لماك فغنى) مع الكلمات ← ⒸⒸ - Duration: 12:35.


What is Psychodynamic Therapy? - Duration: 12:35.

In the 1870s, thermodynamics were a hot topic.

No pun intended.

It explained energy and heat in a way that made sense and it

drastically advanced the field of physics.

Everybody was talking about it and everybody wanted a piece of it.

And one particular scientist at the University of Vienna named Ernst Wilhelm Von Brücke

thought to himself,

"Well wait a second, if these laws dictate our entire world, then aren't all living

beings, including humans, just bodies of energy that would also abide by these laws?"

Ernst published his theory in 1874, which was a significant year because it was the same

year that he began advising a bright, young, first-year medical student.

Albert Einstein.

I'm just kidding, it's Sigmund Freud.

Freud really liked Von Brucke's theory, so he stole it and took it a step further.

He surmised that not only do the laws of thermodynamics apply to the human body,

but they also apply to the human psyche.


Psychodynamic theory was born.

A lot of early psychologists became founders and devotees to this theory, including Freud

himself and Carl Jung.

And it became the basis for the first talk therapy techniques, including Psychoanalysis.

If you're interested in learning more about psychoanalysis, then check out my video for

more on that.

Around the same time, a boy named Alfred Adler was born to a

Jewish grain merchant and his wife.

Alfred developed rickets at a young age and was not able to walk

until he was four years old.

His healthy older brother was showered with attention, while his mother had

very little patience for Alfred's needs.

At one point he developed pneumonia and the doctor told his father, "Your boy is lost."

But Alfred beat the odds.

He recovered from his afflictions, grew strong, and became

fiercely competitive with his older brother.

Little did Alfred know, his illness and sibling rivalry would lead him to develop an entirely

new form of mental health treatment...

Psychodynamic Therapy.

Before we dive in, let's answer a very important question.

What do we mean when we say "Psychodynamic Therapy"?

Often Psychoanalysis and Psychodynamic Therapy are used as interchangeable terms, but they're

quite different.

And a lot of people - like Anna Freud and Melanie Klein - developed different flavors

of this technique, based on different interpretations of the human psyche.

But Alfred Adler stands out as the first and most prominent psychodynamic theorist whose

impact continues to this day.

As such, today I'll be focusing on Adlerian techniques to describe Psychodynamic Therapy.

To better understand Psychodynamic Therapy, let's talk about what it believes.

Psychodynamic Therapy believes that striving for superiority is the core motivation for

all human beings.

Which...kinda sounds dark.

But superiority doesn't necessarily refer to trying to dominate other people or wanting

a leadership role or having other people admire you.

Instead, superiority means rising above what you currently are and striving to live a more

perfect and complete life.

That sounds...pretty nice!

Adler proposed that human beings truly believe that the perfect and complete life is attainable

and so we create our own fictional goals for our lives and believe that those personal

goals are the entire purpose of life.

If you realize these goals, you realize your "ideal self".

So logically, a person's life will be greatly influenced by these goals that they perceive

to be the purpose of life.

However, Adler proposed that striving towards our ideal self will bring up inescapable feelings

of inferiority, or not being good enough.

He termed this common human experience the "inferiority complex".

As we know from his story, Adler had a lot of personal experience with inferiority.

But he didn't think that that was a bad thing.

Adler believed that those feelings of inferiority have driven every improvement humanity has

developed to better deal with our world.

Like computers or indoor plumbing.

See, the belief is that areas where you feel inferior influence

where you choose to become superior.

And wherever you choose to become superior becomes your "lifestyle".

For example, let's say that you felt less intelligent than others at a young age.

You might strive to become intellectually superior.

Your routine, habits, and interactions will then change to

achieve that goal of intellectual superiority.

Essentially, your lifestyle becomes one of an intellectual and other people will start

to describe you as introverted, bookish, or smart.

So take a moment and think about your own lifestyle.

You live your life the way that you do because you find it important.

The reason you are not in the gym for hours every day is probably because being extremely

physically fit isn't your ideal self.

Or maybe you do go to the gym every day, in which case...good for you.

Psychodynamic Therapy also heavily focuses on childhood experiences and family environment

as the root of many mental health issues and disorders.

Adler developed the idea of birth order, which is the theory that your position in your family

will influence your inferiorities and also your lifestyle choices.

You know, the whole "eldest child is type-A, middle child is the rebel, youngest child

is the baby" thing.

When I first heard about birth order, I was super into the idea because it seemed to fit

so well with my own family.

But the evidence for a birth order effect on personality is actually pretty weak.

It may seem accurate within a family, but when scientists look at whole populations,

they don't really see an effect.

Psychodynamic Therapy also examines a person's level of social interest.

Social interest is the desire and capacity to coordinate and work with other people for

the greater good.

"The greater good."

"Shut it!"

See, unlike, psychoanalysis, which focuses on internal conflicts, Psychodynamic Therapy

is more concerned with interpersonal conflicts.

Adler understood that humans are inherently social beings and so, to be healthy, a person

must have real involvement and investment in society.

In childhood, social interest can be nourished in a family environment of respect, trust,

support, and understanding.

Or it can be squashed in an atmosphere of competition, mistrust, neglect, domination,

or abuse.

Children from the latter kinds of families are more likely to strive for their ideal

self at the expense of others through selfish means.

Okay, so now that we know what Psychodynamic Therapy believes,

let's look at how it's done.

Unlike psychoanalysis where the client lays down on a couch and the therapist is just

out of view, Psychodynamic Therapy happens face to face.

It's also the first form of therapy to implement the empathetic therapist, which is now

standard practice in modern counseling.

See, the therapist is not a detached, emotionless blank slate like in psychoanalysis.

Instead, the therapeutic relationship becomes an integral part of treatment.

The therapist has positive regard for the client and shows genuine interest in their


The first few sessions will typically just focus on gathering info on the client's

concerns and building that therapeutic relationship.

The primary goal of Psychodynamic Therapy is to make the unconscious...conscious.

The therapeutic relationship with the therapist can reveal how the person

interacts with their friends or family.

The therapist then engages in consciousness raising by sharing their observations with

the client.

Suddenly, unconscious emotions, desires, and relationship patterns become visible.

And when the client examines themselves, they're more able to make

changes in problematic areas.

Consider this client who received divorce papers from his wife a few weeks ago.

After discussing the issue over a few sessions, the therapist begins to challenge him and

engage in consciousness raising.

Counselor: It sounds like you're saying your wife hasn't been emotionally present

for you in the way you would like her to be.

Robert: Yeah, I mean.

She's there, but...I don't know.

We've both made a lot of mistakes.

Counselor: I notice that whenever we talk about Rachel's responsibility in the divorce,

you seem to have difficulty criticizing her behavior.

Have you noticed that yourself?

Robert: No, I'd never thought of it like that before.

But I think you're right.

I mean, that makes a lot of sense.

Counselor: And what do you think makes you stop short of being critical?

By making the client conscious of his reluctance to criticize his wife, it opens up a new conversation

and may spur the client to further examine the dynamics of his relationship with his

soon-to-be ex-wife.

Another tool used in session is contingency control.

This is a way of reframing a selfish goal in a humorous way so that the client can mock

it rather than feel condemned by the therapist.

For example, if you are a perfectionist, the therapist might have you imagine yourself

as a mad scientist with frizzy hair, bent on taking over the world by building a giant

lego robot.

But the scientist can't achieve this goal because they're too focused on the color

and type of lego to begin with.

Not only is it funny, but the client can understand how silly it is to allow something so small

dictate such an elaborate plan.

Another technique used by Psychodynamic Therapy is choosing.

This technique allows clients to step outside of their comfortable lifestyles so they can

pursue new lifestyles.

One tool that's commonly used is the "as if".

Let's say a client says that she would really like to ask out her next-door neighbor

on a date.

But she says that she's shy and says, "I'm not really the kind of person to start a conversation".

The therapist may task the client with acting "as if" they are that assertive person

who does make the first move.

She doesn't have to become that person, she just has to act like it.

If the client follows through, she'll probably find out that it works - even if she doesn't

get the date - and that by acting in this way, she transforms fiction into reality.

With all of these techniques, the therapist can help the client understand their unconscious

desires, inferiorities, and lifestyle, develop a healthy social interest, improve interpersonal

relationships, and achieve realistic goals.

And treatment doesn't go on indefinitely, either.

Psychodynamic Therapy is relatively short-term.

While there is no set limit to sessions, it typically involves one session a week for

anywhere from three months to a couple of years.

All right, so now we know what Psychodynamic Therapy believes and how it's done.

But, does it work?

Unfortunately, not much research has been conducted on the

actual effectiveness of Psychodynamic Therapy.

And it depends on which study you look at.

It's definitely more effective than no treatment.

And it's been found to be about as effective as psychoanalytic therapy in a few studies.

Newer treatments like behavioral and cognitive methods appear to consistently outperform

Psychodynamic Therapy.

But, some recent research shows that, when you control for therapist loyalty, the effectiveness

is about the same as most other modern therapies.

However, Psychodynamic Therapy has not gone through the rigorous process of becoming an

"evidence-based practice" like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.

This means that its techniques haven't been studied enough to show their effectiveness.

So it's kind of hard to give it a strong endorsement.

Regardless of whether Psychodynamic Therapy is the right choice for treatment, it has

undoubtedly changed the therapeutic landscape.

It introduced new concepts like the empathetic therapist and short-term care, while also

building the foundation for newer treatments.

So that's nothing for little Alfred to feel inferior about.

Thanks for watching this episode of Micah Psych.

Achieve superiority by subscribing, act "as if" you're a fan by hitting the like button,

and you can raise my consciousness by leaving a comment for me down below.

Until next time, I'm Micah.

Think about it.

For more infomation >> What is Psychodynamic Therapy? - Duration: 12:35.


【干员入门】彩虹六号GROM干员介绍与购买推荐 - ATSiege - Duration: 6:23.

For more infomation >> 【干员入门】彩虹六号GROM干员介绍与购买推荐 - ATSiege - Duration: 6:23.


『MV LYRICS』SI AMANO #thuongnhau - Shyn x T.I.P-B [Prod. BP Bounce] || KkShi Lyrics - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> 『MV LYRICS』SI AMANO #thuongnhau - Shyn x T.I.P-B [Prod. BP Bounce] || KkShi Lyrics - Duration: 4:28.


FIFA ONLINE 4 MANAGER - จังหวะทำเกมรุก 4-3-3 ยันหว่าง V.2 [ขอแรงแรง][NRS Gamer] - Duration: 9:17.

For more infomation >> FIFA ONLINE 4 MANAGER - จังหวะทำเกมรุก 4-3-3 ยันหว่าง V.2 [ขอแรงแรง][NRS Gamer] - Duration: 9:17.


Hoodrich Pablo Juan Type Beat "HEAT" [prod by STICKUPBEATZ] Moneybagg Yo Type Beat 2018 - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> Hoodrich Pablo Juan Type Beat "HEAT" [prod by STICKUPBEATZ] Moneybagg Yo Type Beat 2018 - Duration: 2:32.


Nightcore - End Of Time - Duration: 2:38.

(Please refer to the screen for the lyrics. Thanks.)

For more infomation >> Nightcore - End Of Time - Duration: 2:38.


Wrong Puzzle Suprise Eggs Oddbods Pj Masks Miraculous Ladybug - Duration: 10:42.























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For more infomation >> Wrong Puzzle Suprise Eggs Oddbods Pj Masks Miraculous Ladybug - Duration: 10:42.


Tak, mam okres. A co? | Weź poczytaj #6 - Duration: 4:46.

For more infomation >> Tak, mam okres. A co? | Weź poczytaj #6 - Duration: 4:46.


reageren op ... top 25 sleeping pranks ! - Duration: 13:31.

For more infomation >> reageren op ... top 25 sleeping pranks ! - Duration: 13:31.


Unexpected SURPRISE For My Parents | CANADA → KOREA | 5주만에 다시만난 고양이 반응! 캐나다 → 한국 - Duration: 14:59.

For more infomation >> Unexpected SURPRISE For My Parents | CANADA → KOREA | 5주만에 다시만난 고양이 반응! 캐나다 → 한국 - Duration: 14:59.


[ASMR DAON] [ENG SUB] a man who saw a drunken girlfriend with a man Part 2 Role play ASMR - Duration: 11:02.

Wake up?

Don't you know where this is? Here is your house.

Don't you remember yesterday?

You don't remember.

I knew it.

Yeah, this is how you always say you don't remember.

I don't know. Wash your clothes.

You should wash. Can't you really remember what you did yesterday?

Don't you know what you did? You threw up yesterday.

You threw up on my back.

So I was so angry that I tried to leave what your vomit intact.

I was going to have you do the laundry.

But it smelled so bad.

So I did the laundry.

How can you do that on your boyfriend's back?

Aren't you nervous?

Aren't you nervous? Do you want to die?

You're not nervous these days.

Do it that way in front of me.

Okay, that's what you do all the time.

Hey, what was he yesterday? What was he yesterday?

That man. He says he's your friend.

Your friend.

Don't pretend to be asleep.

Hey, I know you aren't sleeping, get up.

Get up.

Who was he yesterday?

Tell me quickly.

So, who is he?

Who is he?

Hey, there's something I always say.

There is no friend between men and women.

Do you think there will be friends between men and women?



Moreover, do you drink until that time?

Are you really crazy?

Are you crazy?

Are you crazy?

Are you out of your mind?

Your mind just ran away, didn't it?

I'm annoyed again because I've been thinking about it since morning.

Hey, that's all right. Your stomach is okay?

Your stomach is okay?


what can I cook for you?

You say your stomach isn't okay, and I can boil the soup simply.


it would be better not to eat if your stomach is not so good. You may feel like you're going to throw up.

Don't eat it.

Okay, I won't eat either, don't eat.

You get worse when you eat something like this.

No, you shouldn't eat.

What do you look is so good?

Do you want to die to me? I haven't untied my anger yet.

What is 'untied'?

It didn't solved.

Can you see I'm tongue-tied? It's all because I'm mad at you.

I'm so angry at you that I can't even pronounce properly.

Hey, don't lie to me.

I saw your friend yesterday and he was just your favorite style. He's tall, he's short, he's just your style.

Yeah. So, did you drink only with him, except your boyfriend?

Your boyfriend is here, but you don't even call me.

That's all right. You always do it that way. You only treat me this way.

No, don't.


Oh, you're a pervert.

Oh, look at that pervert look. It's completely insidious.

I think you fired around 3,000 shots alone.

Your eyes are like the eyes of a hunter after a target. That's what your eyes look like now.

I feel like a deer.

It's completely insidious.

It's always like this. When I try to get angry, you always open your eyes like that and don't let me get angry.

You're a pervert.

Go away.

I'm mad at you today. No, I've been angry since yesterday.

Don't do it.

Don't do that.

Don't act like that on an empty stomach. You've had a drink, don't do it.

Don't do it.

Don't. If you want to, brush your teeth.

Please brush your teeth.

Then I'll do it for you.

What did you do?

I told you to brush your teeth.

I feel like I'm going to sulk at you for another week.


You didn't listen to me. I'm going to sulk at you for another week.

I don't know.

I won't tell you.

I'm not telling you.


why are you turning your back?


I'm sorry.

Turn around.

Turn around. Come on.

I got something for you. Turn around quickly.

The next time you get caught drinking with a man, you really die. Okay?

Really you die to me.

It's making me crazy.

For more infomation >> [ASMR DAON] [ENG SUB] a man who saw a drunken girlfriend with a man Part 2 Role play ASMR - Duration: 11:02.


World War 3 - Battlefield z Polski - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> World War 3 - Battlefield z Polski - Duration: 4:19.


Egg and vegetables fried rice - Duration: 3:52.

I forgot about the carrots.

Hey guys, my name is Marian!

Last night I made boiled rice as a side dish.

It probably happens to you also, I have leftover plain rice.

Let's see what you can do with the leftover rice.

I'll show you how to make eggs and vegetables fried rice.

Let's see what ingredients you need:

leftover rice, I have 80-90 grams (before cooking),

scallions, to sprinkle on top of the fried rice,

two eggs,

two carrots,

two onions,

garlic, as much as you want,

two chili peppers,

a teaspoon of turmeric powder,

a teaspoon of chili flakes,

cayenne pepper (or chili powder),

soy sauce

and a pinch of salt because the soy sauce won't be enough.

Fried rice is a stir fry,

that's why I'll first prepare all the ingredients,

because it will cook fast.

Add the onion and the chili peppers first.

Add the minced garlic.

Add the spices and the carrots.

Add the eggs.

Add the leftover rice when all things are almost cooked.

2-3 minutes later!

At the start of the video I wanted to say that when I feel sick, now I have a cold,

I make mistakes.

I forgot about the carrots.

What can I do? I will taste it. Look at it.

It would have been better if I didn't forgot about the carrots.

This fried rice is straight out of hell.

It's hot.

Now you know what you can do with leftover rice, you don't need to throw it away,

you can make eggs and vegetables fried rice.

Don't forget the vegetables.

If you liked this recipe, don't forget to press the thumbs up button,

subscribe and turn on notifications to see the next recipes.

Maybe next time I won't have a cold and I won't make mistakes.

For more infomation >> Egg and vegetables fried rice - Duration: 3:52.


Vy víte co #3 - Potom - Duration: 7:30.

Detective Jones: Put it down!

Jara: No YOU put the gun down!


Eat Clown Jara: Ehh .. Inside .. want to .. shoot... They


Frantisek Shuma (clone of Jara): aAaAAa! What's going on here ?! Dušek !!

Jára: What took you that long ?!

He almost killed me!

Time is relative ...

Jára: What?

- I did not ask for tha ... - Come on, we have to go.

Guten tag!

aAaaAAaa Hello mein friend!

eEeEEhHh dieser eine, that it is him?

* Yes *

aAaAHhhH Gut, sehr gut

Ehh I had to do something now, eeEHh go, I'll find you guys

Jára: WTF ??!

In time, I'll explain ...


You know what - Part Three - Then

I want to talk to Hemnes

Detective Jones: What? With whom?

Hemnes: What would you like to know?

Why are you killing innocent people?

Hemnes: Innocent?

They're not innocent ...

For example...

Here Detective Jones ....

He was smuggling drugs in his corporate car

He picked up dirty money and got bribed

Is that what you think is an innocent man ?!

You did not answer my question ...

why are you killing innocent people?

I ran out of the juice ... like I can not refill?

Juice? What do you mean?

Like you do not have fuel in the time machine?

I am the time machine ... aand You are trapped

What was that?

Come on! THIS WAY!

They are coming from all sides!

So now you will do what I do!

Detective: Wait for me!

Use this and sack his eyes!

We are back in a moment, stay with him

I'm glad to see you again.

Me too, but tell me why did you come back so soon?

You know...

It's worse than we expected

mhmm, butterfly effect

eEh the future has changed

I had to get back in time

You mean it's too late and there's an alternative future?

Nein, eeh not yet


soon may be...

So you're the famous detective Jones?

Yes it's me

You are a great man, I admire you

I was reporter on television Nova

I wanted to make a reportage with you once

But unfortunately, somehow ... didn't get to that

Now that we're the two of us together

- We could take a picture, what do you think? - Sure

That's absolutely cool, this is what I always wanted. You are a great man.

nah it's fine

So I turn it on

Perhaps it will work, there we go... a selfie

- So let's say cheese! - Cheese!

- It's going to be on instagraam! - Hemnes: ON THE INTERNET NO!

what are you doing?? Jeez my hand!

Why did you do that?







Continuation You know when

For more infomation >> Vy víte co #3 - Potom - Duration: 7:30.


Dance Moms: Chloe's Solo Isn't Finished Yet (Season 4 Flashback) | Lifetime - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> Dance Moms: Chloe's Solo Isn't Finished Yet (Season 4 Flashback) | Lifetime - Duration: 1:54.


Ottoman Wars: Skanderbeg and Albanian Rebellion DOCUMENTARY - Duration: 14:50.

For more infomation >> Ottoman Wars: Skanderbeg and Albanian Rebellion DOCUMENTARY - Duration: 14:50.



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