Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 2 2018

Welcome back to Jebus Gaming guys

And as you can see, we're at a storage facility because we just won our very first storage unit at the auction we paid

$150 for the unit. It looks to be absolutely full of boxes

Heavy-duty boxes all kinds of amazing thing. I even see appliances and tons of stuff

So we're gonna go see if we make a ton of money or have a total bust

But anyway, it should be a ton of fun exploring it. Let's go explore

What did I get myself into there's so much stuff in here let's start digging

All right guys first thinkers

Right there we got let's see exactly

Those look like some heavy-duty cutters, right?

You might be jumper cable not too sure actually no, they're not

Hmm my mom works for a plumbing company pretty sure somebody's be able to tell me what this is there

But there's all kinds of screwdrivers

And other tools in there see if there's anything in the zippers


Allen wrench set put that in the tool bag

What else we got in here

Pair of pliers add it to the tool bag

Anything else tool related

Well app top charger, that could be a very good sir - yeah, there's clothes. These clothes will probably


we got a

decent and

They're pretty worn by the nice pair of Nikes, but did she warn to sell so I'll go the donation pile as well a pillow?



friend jacket and I really should that's a good brand ran out, but

Jacket, well keep it up here until we figure out more about it

Rising so

Yeah hydrogen water if you will find somewhere computer stuff in here a


and iron

That looks like a pretty old cheap one. Oh, but still maybe ten bucks, you know

Some art gloss which I'll probably end up keeping since we need them for diving and stuff

We had some kitchen stuff that we could probably at home honestly, so that's kind of cool up some dishes

Of course yeah, I can't open it brand new some fuck chili

Some trash bags with who so I'm disinfecting white a

Pan but it's really dirty

Aluminum foil. What is this?

And then clock looks like an alarm clock

Yeah, we'll go through it off

We got a whole

Thing of DVDs here, let's see if they're cases or not. No, these are in here

Let's see. There's anything good Stevie Wonder the police?

Let's see

they look like older DVDs, so

maybe I got some value - who knows we have this looks like I

Don't even know

Soldering iron. No, baby. I don't know. I'm not a total person pad off you can't tell so

GOI much

More clothes

More condoms on there seriously this guy was getting busy two more in there

This is a ladies man here

We have another wire here

Period your buds. I don't know if they're good quality. I just cheap ones open even the rocks. Well your face it's dreads

Oh, yeah, guys I say it's hot it is hot

You don't understand

No air in here, so we're feeling the hall 105 degrees. There's another pair of Nikes

Those ones look use as well. So yeah, they're pretty beat up though doesn't go in the donation pile as well find the unit

Why is it that like legitly maybe happy, alright, I mean

It's something useful that's where sharing is not expensive obviously, but it's useful mom looks like a mattress topper and a bunch of clothes

Levi make sure we'll check the pockets

Oh, yeah, here we go. Yeah some North Creek $30 jeans

They're brand new probably get 10 15 bucks for those so I'm definitely gonna have to go through the clothes

Some of them might be new to some of them might be old and dirty. So we definitely got to go through it

Well that mattress topper is definitely going in the trash. That's disgusting. Look at that microwave

That is a nice looking microwave actually. Yeah, it's pretty clean

That's actually pretty sweet fine right there

I might have to take a break in a few minutes guys - they're glad to get some of this stuff to the car

And then go back with just off a lot of boxes a lot of mystery boxes back there

So we'll be back in a bit once we get some stuff to the car. See you then. So guess what guys they have?

No elevator, so we had to take all that down three flights to stay by hand. So I am dying

Exhausted but let's finish going through it

Looks like a lot of cleaning supplies

Yeah, look at this

Gosh obviously I plug somewhere in here. I don't see anything, you know plug this up right now, but we got a fin this

Sketchbook Hey look

Only use a couple pages. All right

Might be broken. Oh no

The plastic cards broken

an eye on LP 2 CD

Turntable, hmm

That's definitely interesting that's going to keep pile

Dialing wires keep them will use this box for stuff later heat right now

Top this one

To our shower, you know, this is really although oh no

Huh, what is this a something

collection peanuts collection

Peanuts collection is whenever is talking about Charlie Brown, but it requires a damn key


You can easily cut this. Yeah, we can definitely cut this one

You know, let's put this definitely in the key part of that. Who knows exactly

What do we got where's the same front and MBNA America

Open new CDs, let's see if we got anything of interest though lean beyond

Where yeah, hey my deep

Nothing not having interested in maybe selling to the staff like five bucks or who knows

Hair scissors and hitting lucky charms get high. I'm keeping it whole bunch. That looks good

Their estimate looks like he's probably gonna be sure half so

Oh gosh, I'm excited. It's gonna be the jackpot if they're strong enough. This is like tough leather

Like off shiny my arm is our holy crap

They're books but they're let's see we were there old Charlie Brown books

Wow, these are old let's see. These are very old looking Oh,


Holy crap, they get those checked out. No

Copyrighted 57 they're printed in 65. It's still

Those are old that could be worse than money that could definitely definitely be worth something. That's so far

That's the jackpot. This looks is gonna be brand new

Dusty Jerris ceramic

Austere, looks like it's just basically a stove top of a mini stovetop

So definitely this goes to support we were saying earlier maybe like a dorm room clean out or a parting to clean out something

Those lines but if that feels complete, so we'll definitely take that

this is complete - at least it feels like it a

16-piece don't wear dinnerware set so

Don't tell me what that's worth, but that can definitely be worse than money. I

Have here

Sound like a CD burner. No, I don't know what that is

No idea guys, let me know in the comments we got some more DVDs in here though, it looks like we got

an to watch the born collection and collateral

Then call the chargers, so guys

It'll be second. We might have to take another break because this box look look it could be full of old VHS stuff

I'm not sure so Oh

I'm humming. I'll leave so

Yeah, we're gonna is what we're to do. We're gonna go ahead and take another break get this stuff

Throw it away some of it in the car. I will do you right back for the next part guys?

I have a heat stroke out here. Oh

Man moving so much stuff. It's so hot. I can't believe they don't have an elevator

It's 2018 not on our side. They don't they have of course. We had to buy the one on this side with no elevator

Yeah, maybe that's what we honey. Let it go cheap. Probably they knew better


Nice Lynch. Okay, this is just a

That'll actually hook grab a glass is not broken at all. But the tool answer right in here

So the only thing could be also let me get them

There's something under these clothes oh

Look at that

That lamps definitely. It's got a wood bottom

That's all you know, that thing is gonna be old. It looks really nice, too


That could definitely definitely be worth something but I'm gonna leave them in here for now because that car in trunk is so floor

I know I don't think we could fit them. We're gonna go up to this

You see we got anything hidden under the clothes and nothing in here at all, but closed so

donations stuff

Let's look at one more time, this is look at it

Let's let's move it out the way and look at the one below it to see if we got all

Closed then we still have all these boxes. We're gonna have to save till next or tomorrow

It might be the same video but a lot

It looks like we got a tool not just credit cards in theirs it

Obviously we can't take that but what are there's something else with it?

Look, I'm so tired of both of you books can be worth money. Don't get me wrong, but

Books are heavy


We're just gonna leave this stuff in the air steal DVD a few random things

We're have to leave this stuff in there for now

I get this old TV in the trash and get those clothes in the donation bin, and I guess we'll finish up tomorrow

It'll box TV. No, ho no box TV. There's a lot of lifting and no money. So that looks like it sucks

But anyway, that's what we got so far. See you next time. Alright guys next day

We're back as you can see we got the majority cleaned out

We still have a bunch of boxes here to go through got a couple fantasies in the air

Which honestly I'm not gonna sell that one. At least now, we're gonna keep that one if it still works, but

Still 100 damn degrees outside

no a/c still no elevator or at least for clean and

Refreshed. Let's go through this


More detail to clean it out today. We're gonna get it all out by today. So tragedies, let's go Ken

It looks like a drying fan

In the living room and you guys want to talk about it?

We had our house is painted and painted to come they put like this stuff in there. So help it dry quick

It doesn't look like one you would use to cool yourself

But this year does so we're keeping this one. That's for sure

You'll never have enough and I'm assuming it would work

Let's stare go through the boxes

Take this in the first

See if you got stuff worth keeping

Another VHS put in there at the rest

first aid kit

That expired in 2008

The gasoline knsa oh that's picture frame. There's nothing in it actually, so that's cool. I

Keep reading these for your semen. I try to go out on one knee like yet and I'm gonna work the long

Look at that

An old like Ford toy car, that's kind of cool, too


There we go, this looks like a bunch of car stuff which means it's probably really old and useless at this point the parts

It's there cells but definitely we put the flashlight. That's for sure

Some of the tools I mean a hammer you can't go wrong with a hammer. So Jack

That is

Home jack their stuff

Obviously nerds and stuff aren't gonna be any good really, but the tools well definitely should still be fine

So we'll hold on to that. Oh my gosh

Holy crap, there's two levels. Look at this

Now the thing is they better not be cases. Let's pick one at random. Let's say this one

CD the case is old and breaking apart, but it's in there. So

That's gotta be what would you say? I got 100 CDs even in like 50 cents or a dollar or piece

I mean that's 50 to $100. All right. They've just been CDs

That's pretty sweet

Holy crap guys a

Yankee hat, that's cool. But it looks like we got another whole box of them


That's insane. So this thing's literally full to the brim with

CDs. I mean we gotta be sitting on a higher net 50 to 200 CDs right now. Absolutely

Insane but we're gonna do for now is try to get all this stuff to the cart. Stan was really out of luck

And then come back and keep going through the rest

All right guys, so just moved all that to the car and mandes he is killing hundreds

Like I said, we pick the hottest days of the summer to do this

100 agrees. Oh, we got six more boxes, and these ones are all taped up. So fingers crossed

That means there's good stuff in vintage divas Gaming. We're gonna die ting with the tape

Yeah, looks like it might be books or records or something I don't know


Another thing that I just I

Have no expertise on there in there though. Look at that. The records are in there

Just like the comic books like a lot of old stuff that could potentially be worth big money or could potentially be completely worthless

We're not sure so we're definitely have to have a lot of this stuff appraised because we have no clue

what we're looking at with Oh

Band-aid UI bandit anybody boy, we're completely full

of records

Look at that


Hey Yankees blare I

Don't know that's all Yankees jersey, but they're all in there. So another thing we're definitely not that looked out

As many of them I guess

All right, one box and wreckers okay fine getting downstairs that's records again, it looks like this

One's records too. I give you something out of freaking huge music collector

Look at that completely stocked full of Records again

We'll try to do a recap of this stuff once we get home, but for now they close at 6:00

So we got to make sure we get everything out of here a hundred percent today

More records


Look, it is only gonna open I'm look all records all around grades. Let's keep the tape in it

They're always all records so six boxes

jam-packed their records, which can be

Amazing or could be a bunch of heavy trash. I have no idea so

Fingers crossed we got something good. But anyway time to move these heavy ass boxes down quantity ready three flights of stairs

So see you then. All right guys completely cleaned out. Unfortunately. There's a lot of mystery right now

We're sitting on six huge heavy boxes of Records bag of old vintage comics books and two

Boxes full of CDs so we could be sitting on a gold mine or a bunch of heavy trash bird

There's a music place about 15 minutes from our house. I think buys records so we're gonna hit them up

Bring all the stuff in there see if it's worth anything

That's the only shot of getting rid of it. And until then we don't really know if we made any money

So let's go do it. Alright guys, so we just took all our records to a music store and came back

This is actually the next day and unfortunately a lot of it wasn't highly sought-after or a lot of those in bad conditions

They couldn't take very much of it. But we did manage to get 20 40 60 80 100


for about a box and a half of them and we still have about five boxes that we'll probably

We're gonna let my grandparents go through it. They've been dying to see and let them go through see what they want

And then after that, we'll see what we can sell locally, but this I mean almost already paid off the unit already

So let's get back home and get the records in and we'll go from there

Alright guys, so a few more days have passed by and the profits have just kept going up

so last thing you saw in the video was at six hundred and ten dollars, so

Let's go from there

the rest of the record collection actually sold for

More than the ones the record store picked out which I mean makes sense because there's a lot more

Well, we got another one hundred and eighty dollars for the records

But the entire record collection is now gone and total that was worth about

$300 which is RS toppled the price of the unit and the pilot closed. We did come across a North Face jacket

Which sold for?

$45. It was a really nice one with fur one

I probably could have got a little bit more, but honestly, we just wanted to move stuff as fast as possible

I have a little cheat sheet here. I'm just trying to read make sure I get everything. We also had a bunch of other

Miscellaneous quotes we saw four five and ten bucks randomly

but it ended up 30 bucks for those coats a couple of them didn't sell so we just doing a donation bag and

That's another thing

I want to mention the donation we had was gigantic and it had tons of coats

Probably 25 pairs of jeans a bunch of shirts

So we're also not just making money, but we're helping out people get a ton of nice clothes

Which is also always great. The giant fan I said was a drying fish that we wouldn't keep we kept it

It's in there and it's freaking amazing

It makes the whole area so much colder love that I think retails at 40 bucks

But not retail sells used at 40 retails like 60. We probably could have got 30 bucks for that, but I'm keeping it

It's nice and cool

Lastly the toilet paper we're using that too

but total out of everything eight hundred and

Sixty-five dollars on a hundred and fifty dollar unit. Is that beginner's luck or what?

but honestly

This is one of the most fun things I've ever

Freakin done as far as treasure hunting goes and I cannot wait to do it again. Forget the cheat sheet

I want to do it again so bad guys

Let me know what you think of the video down in the comments below

It was the most fun one I've ever ever done

You think we should do more of these they only happen at the end of every single month

But I want to try my best do it at least one unit every single month from now on

So thank you so much for watching the video

If you did enjoy make sure you leave it a big fat thumbs up if you're not already

Hit that subscribe button for awesome videos every single day. We're always treasure hunting in some shape or form always

Thank you so much for watching the video and until next time peace out


For more infomation >> I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit And Found Crazy Epic Stuff! HUGE PROFITS! Storage Unit Best Finds - Duration: 23:57.


Kristin Gets A Bikini Wax For The First Time • Ladylike - Duration: 9:06.

- Oh no, we're doing the inside of the book jacket.

- Today we will be giving Kristin

and her lovely friends Brazilian waxes.

- [Amanda] One, two, three.

(wax strip snaps)

(logo whooshes)

- So the other day, it was revealed on group chat, by me,

that I have never gotten a bikini wax before.

But I am very scared, and also very sweaty,

so we decided that we were gonna bring in my friend Cesca.

- Hi, Cesca. - Hi.

- Who loves bikini waxes.

- That is not a lie.

- And we also decided to bring in my friend, Devin,

who doesn't like bikini waxes,

but who is a good friend and who has volunteered

to be here to hold my hand,

and also, spiritually, my vagina area.

- I say yes to too many things.

- I like it because it feels so smooth after.

The alternative is shaving and it's such an ordeal,

for what, 12 hours of gratification,

and then you get stubble.

- You only get 12 hours?

- Yeah, and then it's like stubbly already,

and it's like, well what's the point?

- It's like your vulva is Cinderella.

(Cesca laughing)

- It's like riding a roller coaster.

It's like scary, you scream, but then it's fine.

It's like the thrill of waxing

and then you get, like a reward.

You don't get that in roller coaster rides.

- I used to wax.

I would be like, yeah,

I'll spend $50 on this painful experience.

And then I discovered that I have baby fine hair.

And shaving for me, is my technique.

Why I'm here, I don't know.

Imagine lava on your vagina.

And then imagine God just putting, like, paper towels

and then just, kah, kah, kah!

It's a lot you guys.

I'm not sure you know.

- Is this in real life,

or is this like a movie that you watch?


- I wanted to get waxed because some people do love it,

and some people absolutely despise it,

and I've never experienced it.

I don't do anything.

And like, for me, it's because I don't

really feel like it's necessary.

I will do like a little bit of shaving on the sides.

I'll clean up the edges of the plate

before I give it to the guests.

All grooming is valid.

It's just that sometimes, it's time for a new experience.

With friends.

- Have you ever experienced like your eyes

just welling up with tears?

- I mean, when I was like 13, I did that a lot.

- Get ready.

- I'm optimistic.

How bad could this possibly be?

People do it all the time.

- We have to be realistic.

It's a little painful.

- How bad can that be?

(happy piano music)

- My name is Amanda.

I've been doing this for about ten years.

- I'm Andrea Galdamez.

I have been an esthetician for three years.

- My name is Lena Terrell.

I've been an esthetician for three years

and me and my mom do mobile beauty around Los Angeles.

- Hello. - Hi!

- Y'all are gonna be waxing us, in mere moments.

Does this hurt a lot? - Yes.

- Okay, I did not ask you.

- It's gonna be very uncomfortable.

- There's a little bit of pain associated, for sure.

- They're not lying, I'm not lying.

- Okay, okay.

Another thing I wanted to ask,

because of how we scheduled this,

I am gonna start my period any second now.

Is that gonna impact how much pain I'm in?

- So you're gonna be more sensitive than normal.

Our hair system is ruled by the hormones.

Some people say less or more,

so, it just depends on what day.

- So would you time it, like, with your cycle?

- I always recommend to get waxed

a couple of days after it, 'cause that's when it's easiest.

- Great timing, we did it.

- I haven't gotten waxed in, like, maybe four years.

Has anything changed in the waxing community,

technology wise?

- Did you do a hard wax or a soft wax?

- The ones with the strip.

- Oh.

- That's what I'm doing.

- Me and Andrea, we don't use the strip, but Amanda does.

- Just to be clear, one wax is not better than the other,

it's also just kinda what the artist,

or esthetician, just specializes in.

Now, what's changed, definitely,

is preventative care for ingrowns.

There's a lot more access to products

that really help with that,

'cause that is probably the number one reason.

I would say people stop waxing,

'cause it kinda defeats the purpose

of getting the wax, when you get all these gross ingrowns.

- So how does this work?

- So you're gonna get on the table

and I'm gonna have you hike your dress up,

and I'm gonna apply a cleanser first,

and then I'm gonna condition your skin,

and then we're gonna apply the first strip of wax.

- Okay, getting worse.

- Yeah, so we're gonna start in one area

and we're just gonna keep applying the strips

until it's all gone.

And then afterwards, I use a soothing lotion

that feels really good, that cools it down.

Hopefully we'll be done really soon.

- How long does it take?

- Usually I can get it in 10 to 15 minutes.

- So it's just gonna be like a bad episode

of television, basically.

- You might get a little sweaty,

but baby powder soaks it right up.

- Let's rip out some hair down there.

(whimsical bells chiming)

- Is it time?

- Yes, it's time. - Oh, my god.

- The setup, it makes it look like I'm giving birth to pain.

Obviously, we're not gonna have our party makers

on camera, so we have created these

little, pre-censor boxes.

So that no one will ever see.

- I feel like we should just go around

and just talk about what we named our vaginas.

- [Kristin] We could, but--

- I'll start.

My vagina's name is Lois Lane.

- Oh.

- Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.

I named her in college.

- I'm gonna start cleansing.

- Okay Kristin, so I'm gonna have you

hug both of your knees into your chest.

- So much is happening right now, oh my god.

- [Amanda] Conditioning your skin.

- Oh wow, that cleansing was fast.

- [Amanda] I'm gonna do one area at a time.

- Okay, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, everyone,

we haven't talked about whether or not

we're getting it all off or just a strip?

I'm getting the least painful option.

So, we're just doing the sides and the top.

- I think the goal is to do a full Brazilian,

but we're gonna start with the sides and the top,

and we're gonna see how far we get

before I throw in the towel.

- I'm just getting as much of it off as possible

until we end this shoot.

- The strip is going on, the strip is going on.

It's on.

- Should we hold hands?

- No, I'm good.

(all laughing)

Here you go.

- [All] Yay.

- [Devin] Okay.

Holy shit, I already feel it.

- [Amanda] One, two, three.

(Kristin groaning) - Ow!

- No, we're doing the inside of the book jacket.

Oh no, I'm a little worried about this part.

- [Estheticians] One, two, three.

- Ah!

- I'm okay.

This part is a little bit more painful, right?



(plucky keyboard music)

- Me and Cesca are gonna finish out our Brazilians.

What percentage would you say I've done?

- I'd say you're about 15%.

- Okay, so we're gonna do a speed run.

'Cause that sure felt like more than 15%.

Apparently, it's going to take a whole calendar year

to clean out the forest.

So my legs are butterflied out right now.

So we're doing like the valley

between thigh county and lady bit municipal center.

Honestly, it's like getting just

a really, really big eyebrow wax,

just a massive, inconveniently placed eyebrow.

We're moving into, ow!

(Kristin laughing)

- If I laugh, it's not a scream.

Now we're doing the other valley.

- No, we did the un (screams) canny valley.

Cesca, how are you doing over there?

- I'm good, I'm just retreating into my quiet space.

Basically, I've just been looking and seeing,

'cause there are painful parts of the lady pocket.

Oh, there you go.

- [Lena] Alright love, you're done.

- I'm done. - You're done?

- Oh, look friend, I haven't seen you in awhile.

- I feel like every person is different, obviously,

but I feel like every person I've talked to

is like, this is horrible.

And you will regret every second, you idiot!

I was like, okay, fun advice, thanks everyone.

But actually, like, this was fine.

- I think they're just also really good.

- Yeah it could be that y'all are just really good.

- Did you go full Brazilian?

- I just took everything off.

- Wow!

- Well, the thing is, I was doing so well,

it was just kinda like I might as well get the extra credit.

- [Amanda] Okay, I'm gonna have you hug your knees

in again, one more time, just some finishing touches.

- Oh.

Oh, and now, this, oh, yep, yep.

Oh, it wasn't bad.

- I'm so proud of you.

- Honestly like, sometimes you just gotta try new things.

- Okay, I'm gonna put some soothing lotion on.

- [Kristin] Oh, we're done?

- Yep, we're done.

- Yay! - Yay!

I'm done, I did it!

We did it.

(all cheering)

We did it, oh my gosh!

Y'all, thank you so much.

But like I was pleasantly surprised at how easy that was.

You guys were really good. - Really good hands.

- I mean, I know it was a long journey,

but I appreciate y'all got through it.

I feel pretty good.

- I feel clean, feel fresh.

- Kristin getting waxed for the first time.

Lady tested,

- [All] Lady removed!

(upbeat music)

- Hey, Unsolved is on a new channel.

And now your part.

- [Together] Subscribe here.

- That was my part.

(logo whooshes)

For more infomation >> Kristin Gets A Bikini Wax For The First Time • Ladylike - Duration: 9:06.


Dance Moms: Mackenzie's Solo - "Cry" (Season 4) | Lifetime - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> Dance Moms: Mackenzie's Solo - "Cry" (Season 4) | Lifetime - Duration: 2:30.


WWE Backstage Exposé - Was Randy Orton vs. Brock Lesnar A SHOOT?! - Duration: 4:36.

At SummerSlam 2016, the first true pay-per-view

of the brand split era, WWE still managed to put on a Raw vs SmackDown match for the

main event - with SmackDown's Randy Orton taking on the pointy elbows of Raw's Brock


But the finish of the match confused fans and wrestlers backstage alike, as Brock viciously

continued to beat down Orton with stiff elbow strikes.

Had Lesnar finally lost it?

Was this all really preplanned?

I'm Oli Davis, and was Randy Orton vs Brock Lesnar a shoot?

Orton vs Lesnar was announced for SummerSlam over a month before the pay-per-view, but

they were both then drafted to opposing brands two weeks later.

Randy made his long-awaited return from injury as Chris Jericho's guest on the Highlight

Reel at Battleground, where Orton said he'd beat Brock the following month "no enhancements

needed" [QUOTE] - a jab directly aimed at Lesnar, just weeks after his UFC 200 victory

over Mark Hunt was overturned for failing a drug test.

This was most likely a 'worked shoot' line, a preplanned reference to a real life


But the mixture of reality and fiction continued when some speculated Randy wasn't cooperating

with Brock during their SummerSlam main event, accusing Orton of not jumping with Lesnar's

German Suplexes.

With that in mind, the bloody finish to the match - where Randy was busted open hardway,

requiring ten stitches, and Lesnar confusingly declared the winner via technical knockout

- it's easy to see why Chris Jericho thought their pro wrestling match had momentarily

turned real.

According to F4WOnline and Pro Wrestling Sheet at the time, Jericho "truly believed Brock

had attacked Randy Orton during the main event".

Jericho said this was "bulls***" when Lesnar walked through the curtain after the

match, leading the two to have a backstage altercation - where Brock pushed Y2J and "Jericho

rushed in and tried getting face-to-face with The Beast.

We're told Brock kissed him on the forehead at that point … then said, 'kiss me back,


But Jericho didn't back down and stepped up ready to fight, with backstage officials

- Vince McMahon and Triple H included - swarming in to break them apart, with McMahon shouting

at Chris "It's a work!

What's wrong with you?!"

Jericho is no stranger to backstage scuffles, with him apparently decking none other than

Bill Goldberg after a Raw show in April 2003.

Orton would later speak about the match and backstage incident to Sports Illustrated:

"Basically, what happened is Jericho saw what was going on in the ring and wanted answers

as to whether my best interests were in mind as far as my health and safety.

I had my family there, sitting front row, and Chris knew that, as well.

He was just coming up to check on his boy, that's what it boiled down to, and I think

that's awesome."

"You hear all these things about how they were going to fight, but I don't think Jericho

wanted to fight Brock, I'm just going to throw that out there...

It was blown way out of proportion, and Jericho just wanted to check on one of his fellow

boys in the locker room."

But Jericho himself told Chael Sonnen's podcast:

"[Brock and I] did have a little bit of a brouhaha, shall we say....

I just thought the finish of that match was very brutal and very violent, and I just didn't

know if Randy was OK.

I was checking on Randy, my friend.

We've always been pretty close."

And if that's not enough for you Brock vs Randy truthers, the Wrestling Observer reported

the bloody finish to their SummerSlam match was also 'a work':

"Original plans had the match being a one-sided destruction for Lesnar, with Orton down on

the ground bleeding.

That was to come off like Lesnar 'went against the script' and really hurt Orton, causing

confusion and the end of the match due to referee stoppage.

"Orton did as he was supposed to do - stay down and act like he was knocked out.

WWE trainers and the referee looked confused because they really were.

This confusion led to the referee stoppage due to blood and Orton's condition, which

was really the only way for the referee to end it."

So there you have it, not a shoot, but then, that's exactly what someone who'd just

had a shoot fight would say…

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I've been Oli Davis, and that was wrestling.

For more infomation >> WWE Backstage Exposé - Was Randy Orton vs. Brock Lesnar A SHOOT?! - Duration: 4:36.


15. AZK: 12 Rubriken INFOGIGANT – Ivo Sasek | 02. September 2018 | - Duration: 26:32.

For more infomation >> 15. AZK: 12 Rubriken INFOGIGANT – Ivo Sasek | 02. September 2018 | - Duration: 26:32.


Ganze letzte Hans-Beimer-Folge 1685 vom 02.09. #Lindenstrasse - Duration: 29:22.

For more infomation >> Ganze letzte Hans-Beimer-Folge 1685 vom 02.09. #Lindenstrasse - Duration: 29:22.


Abaia, Monster Eel of Doom - Melanesian mythology - Duration: 1:37.


From the Melanesian mythology, it is an eel like-like monster that lives in the bottom

of freshwater lakes in the Fiji, Solomon and Vanuatu Islands.

The Abaia seems to be the guardian of the lake and considers everything in the lake

to be under its care.

Thus, anyone that even attempts to harm or disturb the lake will be killed by it.

The Abaia kills by causing terrible rain storms that floods the village or area.

One of its stories goes like this, one day a man found a lake which has a lot of fish.

He started fishing there and eventually caught a lot of fish from it.

Little did he know that that lake was the home of the Abaia.

Happy, the man told his village of the bountiful lake.

People went there the next day and started fishing.

Apparently a woman managed to get hold of a huge eel but the eel escaped with its strength

and size.

That eel was Abaia himself.

So, Abaia got angry because his habitat has been disturbed and his underlings were caught.

He retaliated by causing a great rain to fall that night causing waters from the lake to

rise and flooded the village drowning everyone in it.

The only one who survived to tell the tale was an old woman who didn't take part in fishing

nor ate anything from that lake.

For more infomation >> Abaia, Monster Eel of Doom - Melanesian mythology - Duration: 1:37.


5 Phrases Sociopaths Use To Kill Your Confidence - Duration: 4:35.

5 Phrases Sociopaths Use To Kill Your Confidence

Do you know about sociopath?

It is a personality disorder in which the sufferer does not have conscience and moral

behavior anymore.

In any kind of social setting, sociopath is considered as toxic person who will bring

chaos, disaster, and negative impact.

One strategy sociopath's use for attacking is through the words.

Here is 5 phrases they usually use to kill your confidence.

#1 - You are the one

This is the most basic expression that sociopath, narcissists, and psychopaths say in the beginning

of their cycle.

They want to make sure they earn support, trust, and attention before they start attacking


This also makes you think that you are the only person who needs help from them.

They constantly convince you that there is no one else that can replace you.

However, it is all lies.

They will use you throughout the course of their manipulation.

The main purpose is simply to keep you attached with the sociopaths . Most of the time, the

strategy works well, and it is devastating for those who are affected.

#2 - You are misunderstanding me

After manipulating you that you are the one, sociopaths will try to drain your confidence

by a tactic called gaslighting.

This tactic includes common phrase such as you are misunderstanding me which makes the

partner confused.

Soon, it also makes the partner lose its focus and confidence.

Your mind will be distracted, and you will think as the sociopath want you to think.

It is undeniable that the sociopath or narcissists will tell you that you are wrong and they

are right even though you are right from various point of view.

#3 - I hate drama

Even though the sociopaths who make drama, they will reflect it to you.

They will make your confidence drained since no one wants to be yelled as drama queen.

They say they hate drama, but they create annoying drama that no one can't enjoy at


It is weird, but it is what they usually do.

#4 - You need me

It is another phrase that makes you feel helpless.

In fact, you are usually in need for sociopath because you have been tricked earlier.

It is quite difficult to make you realize because you feel being responsible for what

happen to them.

You start recalling that the toxic people have helped you earlier, and you will find

it difficult to say you don't need them.

However, you definitely need to resist the temptation of needing such toxic people.

#5 - You are ignorant and stupid

This phrase is usually expressed when you try to resist the attack from any sociopath.

They want to lead you into miserable path, and they do not want you to realize it.

That is why they mention you are stupid.

By telling you are stupid, there is no way that you can be correct.

You are always wrong, and it is what makes narcissists even more powerful.

Additionally, they also try to play victim along with those wordsmith technique to convince

you to be their object.

Well, that's all of the 5 Phrases Sociopaths Use To Kill Your Confidence.

So, what do you think about this?

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 5 Phrases Sociopaths Use To Kill Your Confidence - Duration: 4:35.


PŚ/TCS Innsbruck 04.01.1998 - relacja z zawodów (j. niemiecki/polskie napisy) - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> PŚ/TCS Innsbruck 04.01.1998 - relacja z zawodów (j. niemiecki/polskie napisy) - Duration: 1:19.


15. AZK: 12 Rubriken INFOGIGANT – Ivo Sasek | 02.09.18 | - Duration: 26:32.

For more infomation >> 15. AZK: 12 Rubriken INFOGIGANT – Ivo Sasek | 02.09.18 | - Duration: 26:32.


PŚ/TCS Ga-Pa 01.01.1998 - relacja z zawodów (j. niemiecki/polskie napisy) - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> PŚ/TCS Ga-Pa 01.01.1998 - relacja z zawodów (j. niemiecki/polskie napisy) - Duration: 1:12.


PŚ/TCS Bischofshofen 06.01.1998 - relacja z zawodów (j. niemiecki/polskie napisy) - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> PŚ/TCS Bischofshofen 06.01.1998 - relacja z zawodów (j. niemiecki/polskie napisy) - Duration: 1:21.


Toy Guns Toys for Kids !!! BOX Full OF TOYS-Learn Colors Johny Johny Yes Papa Rhymes Songs- Toy show - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> Toy Guns Toys for Kids !!! BOX Full OF TOYS-Learn Colors Johny Johny Yes Papa Rhymes Songs- Toy show - Duration: 3:10.


Control Combo - Duration: 2:07.

Hey fellow Tubers this is Kieran and Welcome

to this week's tutorial, basically with

this all I'm doing is showing you a

basic footwork exercise just too

learn to move the ball with different

parts of your foot, a lot recently I've

been getting a lot of questions working

over on street soccer international

about how to practice control so we'll

go through this it's just a little

simple exercise just to bring you back

around and learn to move the ball with different parts of the foot

we've this it pretty simple pretty basic

the top area of the sole where your toes are

out and you're just going to move the

ball out in out in as many times as you

want go out and release it so it comes

over to right foot you scoop around the

ball with the sole until you drag it back

with the sole and then stop sort with the toes

and then the last part is you're just

gonna perform like a hocus pocus from

that sole round the ball into a hocus pocus

so yeah it's just a basic little

control exercise it's something I've been playing around a lot with

and with the Academy kids that I'm coaching trying to

get them to understand different parts of the foot

moving around the ball

just basically getting to grips with how

you can control the ball in the end it's

your body that manipulates the ball not

the ball and if that manipulates you so

you've got to figure out and feel

comfortable with it all the time I hope

you enjoyed this if you have please like

comment share subscribe I'll be back

next week with another video

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