Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 3 2018


For more infomation >> Ya Hussain Ya Hussain | Muharram Qawwali | MUJHE RANG DO YA HUSAIN - Duration: 6:13.


[ENG] Why LuHan loves L'Oreal Men Expert - Hydra Power - Duration: 0:40.

The reason that I love L'Oreal Men Expert - Hydra-Power

because it enriched with French mountain water,

hydrates skin without tightness,

I am feeling so good when i used it, it can be fast-absorbing to the skin

and non-greasy

Refreshing without burden, the moisturizer effect is very powerful

24 hours non stop hydration is very useful to me

Full of Hydra-Power

We deserve it

For more infomation >> [ENG] Why LuHan loves L'Oreal Men Expert - Hydra Power - Duration: 0:40.


Both Eminem and Yahoo Finance Embrace Bitcoin in Wins for Crypto Adoption | Hodler's Digest - Duration: 7:20.

Like fiddy's front tooth the crypto market was mostly green this week, Bitcoin went above

$7k for the first time in 20 days, despite all the FUD coming from China and the rejection of 9 Bitcoin ETFs

The good news is that the kids, who no longer like 50 cent but this guy, are much more likely

to HODL than the general population.

A survey carried out by Coinbase shows that 18% of U.S students respondents either are

currently hodling or used to-- that's two times more than the average american surveyed.

17% of students surveyed said they were crypto-literate, while only 9% of the general population said

they knew anything about crypto or blockchain.

This survey is particularly hopeful as it shows that while the older generation may

believe the FUD, the younger one will be Bitcoin believers

The bad news,

Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong said recently that mass adoption would take some time, also

this guy.

This week, Yahoo Finance supports crypto, the wolf of FUDstreet, Joseph Lubin doubts

Tether price manipulation, and North Korea is getting into Blockchain.

Ladies and gentlemen, it's your weekly HODlers' Digest

We're filming here in San Francisco right next to the Palace of the Fine Arts


Yahoo finance users and HODLers have a reason to celebrate, but might be advised not use

their email account.

You can now buy and sell Crypto on Yahoo Finance (only on the IOS app for now).

Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin are now integrated on its platform.

And, Statistics are available for other cryptos, like Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum Classic, and EOS,

but they currently do not have buy and sell options.

This development has been welcomed enthusiastically:

In April this year, Yahoo Japan confirmed plans to buy 40% of BitARG Exchange Tokyo

and send executives to set up the exchange, set to launch in 2019.

But be careful out there guys, it was recently reported that Yahoo has been scanning people's

emails for data to sell to advertisers-- but if you still have a Yahoo mail account in

2018 surely it's Youhoo that is to blame, no?

Former fraudster, money launderer and penny stock trader Jordan Belfort thinks there are

a lot of scams around Bitcoin, and doesn't think the SEC will get involved with Bitcoin

"The central banks don't want it, they've worked so hard to stop money Laundering, there

is just no way."

World governments don't want it either.

In terms of regulatory problems, Belfort believes we've only seen the tip of the Iceberg.

He highlighted Tether as a particular problem, but he doesn't believe Bitcoin itself is

a scam

According to the Wolf, 95% are legit, but it's the 5% that are criminals that will

take the whole thing down.

The Wolf of Wallstreet 2: welcome to FUDstreet,

Coming soon to theaters near you.

Be sure to subscribe to one of our favorite crypto YouTube channels

Hackdroid Crypto!

Similar to Cointelegraph, their channel covers blockchain startup reviews, token project overviews, mining,

and crypto news!

Ethereum co-founder and all around crypto wizard, Joseph Lubin doubts manipulation accusations

against Tether, a rare voice of dissent, it must be said, in an industry that appears

to believe the worst of the stablecoin.

After the publication of a study by the University of Texas in June, Tether fell under suspicion

for Bitcoin price manipulation in 2017.

The paper claims "purchases with Tether are timed following

market downturns and result in sizable increases in Bitcoin prices."

But Lubin is unconvinced of manipulation accusations against the token.

He said that "based on our analysis, we do believe that [Tether] are backed 1:1 by

U.S. dollars in bank accounts" Although he added that it is "still not

100% solid in terms of a story, from my perspective."

In June, a law firm did an unofficial audit of Tether's accounts where it was discovered

that Tether could back each token 1:1 with U.S. dollars.

But the firm noted that it is, "not an accounting firm and did not perform the above review

and confirmations using Generally Accepted Accounting Principles."

Is Lubin right about Tether?

Or do you believe the accusations regarding price manipulation?

Let us know in the comments.

Mt. Gox is not an actual mountain, and yet for those burned by the hack, it certainly

felt like they climbed one attempting to recoup their investments.

Well, now it seems they might have reached the summit.

Mt Gox can now file rehabilitation claims, so it is likely most of the 24,000 victims

will eventually get their funds back and even see returns on their 4 year long forced/unintentional


It is all thanks to a group of Mt. Gox creditors who successfully mounted an effort to pull

the exchange out of bankruptcy proceedings and into civil rehabilitation.

While some of the defrauded customers can still keep pressing for criminal charges against

former CEO Mark Karpeles, the bankruptcy estate funds are now managed by an independent trustee,

who will oversee the civil reimbursement process.

Now to the strangest nation on god's green earth: North Korea!

According to a report from South Korea's state-run , North Korea has attempted to mine


According to a local news outlet, the mining attempt – which was reportedly conducted

on a "on a small scale" between May and July 2017 – seems to have been unsuccessful.

KDB's research team also reported that North Korean tech firm Chosun Expo is allegedly

now in the process of developing a BTC crypto exchange, without any further details provided.

There were also reports this week that North Korea plans to host an international 2 day

conference on blockchain and crypto in Pyongyang this October.

Apparently, it will bring together experts from around the world and North Korean business

officials, you know the guys who run all those great businesses in perhaps the most heavily

sanctioned sovereign state in the universe.

Well, Kim, we have our Blockshow in Singapore coming up in November, so October might be

a little busy for us.

Our prediction for keynote speaker in Pyongyang: John Mcafee, the man who just doesn't give

a (beep).

Like if you think the children are

the future. Like subscribe and HODL if you think that

they should have a better taste in rappers, like Eminem; who actually referenced

Bitcoin on his latest album: Kamikaze, with the lyrics: "Remember everybody used to bite

Nickel, now everybody doing bitcoin."

For more infomation >> Both Eminem and Yahoo Finance Embrace Bitcoin in Wins for Crypto Adoption | Hodler's Digest - Duration: 7:20.


Yandere Dev interview ISSUES (Beg For Jay channel is DYING!) Kate Yelkovan situation BLACKLISTED? - Duration: 10:18.

welcome back and in today's video we did

the yandere dev interview yesterday

there was a little bit of discrepancies

with that one of my videos was taking

down and will I live stream after this

let's find out today as the rip so

yesterday we did the non-dairy default

interview that was exciting if you

haven't checked that out we do need some

more eyes on that I'll put the link in

the description but then this happened

over on the ribs illa discord server

somebody said hey Zilla don't want to

bother you with pointless facts however

there is something I noticed during the

interview video last night and there

were some rat Greg there were

similarities between Y and EV answers

and things he said to his fans already

so I got to looking at these hmm over

the past two years a group of people

have been doing some pretty effed up

things to me no way no matter who you

are if you get treated the way you've

been treated and then finally yes it

does seem like a lot of his answers were

copy and pasted and that the only real

direct answers was just the ones where

when he was asked about somebody that

was criticizing his work he said

stalking and harassing people is foul

behavior seeking to publicly shamed and

humiliated and when he when he said some

amazed it publicly showed me someone's

thought behavior publicly ridiculed

someone whose foul behavior and and then

I realized that that was just a bunch of

rip repetition as well it does seem like

his answers were just regurgitated copy

and pasted answers that he gives just

about any one else meaning that the

question about him telling a member of

his fan base to go kill themselves and

the other just

horrible words that he did say cannot be

sincere he he does it he doesn't even

apologize for those things but giving us

excuses that's very upsetting it makes

me feel like he is very disingenuous

with his responses very sad very sad I

got an email from YouTube and it says

hey RevZilla at YouTube we want to make

our site a great for creators and

viewers all around the world one of the

ways we try to do this is by prohibiting

the use of unrelated misleading tags

your video youtuber uses its subscribers

to look for victims was identified as

violent in this policy now for this to

be identified in the very first place it

does it has to be turned in by someone

so we can only assume that this was

actually done by beg for Jai himself as

the title was not misleading as he has

her members of his own community but

it's okay because we spread awareness

that's all that matters I did change the

metadata around on that video and then

put submitted the appeal so you should

see that video back up very soon but

this is what's important it does appear

that beg for Jai is losing subscribers

he is losing views how much is he losing

well he's not gaining let's go check

socialblade it does appear that the

videos that did come out from brittany

simon and myself and many other people

that did post their own personal videos

as well he is losing subscribers by the

hundreds daily and as as we speak today

he has lost 86 he was closer to the

40,000 range now he's getting closer

back to the 30,000 range though make no

mistake I'm not celebrating the fact

that his channel is dying I'm

celebrating the fact that we have risen

awareness for a certain specific topic

and we are and by doing that we're

saving a lot of people a lot of pain a

lot of hurt

I hope that he going forward takes a

closer look at his actions and maybe

reevaluate sever ething and I hope it

makes him a better person but our job

seems to be done on this one now look

for that video back and in other news I

had changed a playlist title it was

called bad youtubers and it just didn't

sit right with me after sleeping on it

barely sleeping on it I realized that

was a little bit too damning to

condemning of so I changed it to

exploring youtubers and it's some

youtubers have serious issues others has

a severe lapse in judgment if you know

anyone like this tweet at Ziller age

does not matter the size Channel when it

comes to two serious things like this so

I'm feeling a little bit more

comfortable with that but I do apologize

with that it just seems like you can't

just call people bad youtubers some

people do have severe lapse in judgment

some people do make mistakes and mess up

like that and I just wanted to make it a

little bit more obvious that my

intention was not to dam anyone but

rather to explore and bring to the light

of what what wrong they did do moving on

in another playlist that I created

called raising awareness there's a video

in there it is called a suicide story

Kate yuk open story now this story is a

very important story on the RevZilla

channel because there are people out

there young girls that are going through

situations that they're just too young

to understand and be abuse that they are

going through they may think it's normal

and unless these stories are told they

otherwise would not know now I've had a

series of people trying to get the video

taken down

and I think I know who it is I've been

reached out to but other people their

attempts always are found as fraudulent

but I think it's interesting in the

specific parts of the video specifically

the ones where Thomas is in there

that's where the discrepancy the party

has and it looks like it's possibly

Thomas's family or friends I don't think

it's Thomas himself as I believe he is

in prison friends and family of of Kate

have reached out to me and really

thanked me for making this video and if

you guys haven't seen it I warn you it's

triggering very sad and if you're easily

you know if if you're emotional you

definitely please don't watch that video

it is triggering our voices are the

strongest thing that we have and by

telling other other people these stories

you can save a lot of other people it

was one of the most probably the most

difficult video that I've ever had to

make but it's it's something that's got

to be done but another thing I made a

video called

this is animal abuse raising awareness

for a very really bad pet store that

with some really bad practices hurting

animals out in Strongsville Ohio it does

not have as many views as I would like

we need some more eyes on that so if you

could check out this is animal abuse

share this story we want to get bring

awareness to this because if you see

animal abuse you are required to report

it so report it immediately by dialing 9

1 1 and they will point you to the

direction that you need to be that being

said and as interesting as says there's

always something more interesting to

read that's right you guys that I want

to know what you think so why don't you

go ahead leave your creative bitter

interesting responses the comment box is

always brothers and sisters I will see

you in the next video I know M&M dropped

that new album yes it was fire it brung

me back to youth he went back to his old

ways he went back to the M&M that we

know and love

watch as Eminem takes the world over

once again

kamikaze ripped a new one a lot of

rappers that just really didn't already

like but it's really good to see him

coming back and as far as live-streaming

goes I'm gonna try to do a live stream

after this video if I do not do it today

I will do it tomorrow I know I've just

been feeling really bad and all weekend

but I know that we got to get these live

streams out there I love hanging out

with you guys and I miss you guys

because I know that you're rapping if

you're not Ripa dragon how do you become

a move with the dress code all you do

subscribe to notifications turn on be in

the conversation every single video cuz

I'm gonna be there Greg the cat is going

to be there and the rest of the rep

squad community is going to be there as

well and I expect to see you there too

because this channel loves you

hey hey whoa whoa check this out if you

go to the merch store track they're on

the YouTube channel right there it is

get your official rip squad - you gotta

get that mug yeah we got leggings we all

got a couple hoodies gonna have some

more designs out this month but you

gotta get that mug you gotta have the

rep bunk okay Oh check this up you can

see that it's design quality is

unparalleled from anything else that you

have ever seen it's will protect you

from the Illuminati that's right you can

even get a stick or get that sticker

For more infomation >> Yandere Dev interview ISSUES (Beg For Jay channel is DYING!) Kate Yelkovan situation BLACKLISTED? - Duration: 10:18.


The Real Reason Why Hollywood Stopped Casting Miranda Cosgrove - Duration: 5:09.

Miranda Cosgrove first found fame at 10 years old with her film debut as Summer Hathaway

in 2003's School of Rock.

The following year, she scored her iconic role as scheming younger sister Megan Parker

on Nickelodeon's Drake & Josh, before landing a starring role on the network's iCarly in


After branching out into the music biz with her 2010 hit "Kissin' U," the actress-turned-singer

successfully returned to film, voicing Margo in Despicable Me.

As she said goodbye to her alter-ego, Carly Shay, in 2012, Cosgrove was on top of the


She even went on to advocate for marine-life conservation with the Oceana organization,

even taking it all the way to Capitol Hill.

So, why has she been so quiet lately?

Here's why Hollywood stopped casting Miranda Cosgrove.

Some musical missteps

While she enjoyed a few minor hits, Cosgrove's music career failed to reach the same explosive

level of Disney Channel counterparts Miley Cyrus, Demi Lovato, and Selena Gomez.

Her most successful singles were undoubtedly 2009's "About You Now", which reached number

47 on the Billboard Hot 100, and "Kissin' U," which peaked at number 54.

Her 2010 freshman album, Sparks Fly, debuted at number 8 on the Billboard 200, but Cosgrove's

last single, "Dancing Crazy," barely cracked the Hot 100 in 2011 before falling off the


A tragic incident

The slow-burn momentum of Cosgrove's music career was dramatically cut short following

an August 2011 tour bus crash that ended her Dancing Crazy Summer Tour in North America.

"Miranda Cosgrove of Nickelodeon's iCarly fame, was injured on her summer tour bus during

an accident early Thursday morning."

According to a statement released by her publicist, the then 18-year-old Cosgrove broke her ankle

when the bus she was riding in, hit a parked semi truck.

Following her doctor's orders, Billboard reported the singer was then forced to cancel her 25

remaining tour dates.

Two years after the accident, Cosgrove and her mother sued her former tour bus driver,

the semi truck driver, and both transportation companies for unspecified damages resulting

from the accident.

According to TMZ, Cosgrove alleged the accident had left both she and her mother,

"… disfigured and disabled [and they] lost their normal lives."

TMZ reported that Cosgrove claimed as much as $2.5 million in lost ticket sales and promotions,

as well as suffering from a, quote, "virtual career collapse."

Hitting the books

After iCarly wrapped in 2012, Cosgrove took a break from Hollywood to study film at the

University of Southern California.

"I really like all the classes and just the whole thing, cuz I did homeschooling since

5th grade, so it's pretty different for me"

The actress later told Bustle,

"It was always important to me.

I still wanted to be able to go to college.

[…] I'm slowly trudging along until I finish."

In 2017, Cosgrove shed a bit more light on her pivot away from Hollywood when she admitted

on LIVE with Kelly and Ryan that she had switched majors.

"I understand you're studying film at USC."

"I was studying film, and now I switched to psychology."

Of course that doesn't mean that Cosgrove is giving up the entertainment biz entirely,

but it clearly indicates that she has interests outside the industry.

Post-Nickelodeon flops

The transition from child star to grown-up actress has not been easy for Cosgrove, as

her post-Nick projects continue to flop.

NBC's 2013 pilot for Girlfriend in a Coma never got picked up after lead Christina Ricci

exited the project following a table read.

Then, 2017's single-camera workplace comedy Spaced Out was cut by NBC during its final

round of picks.

Finally, in 2015, Cosgrove scored a TV gig that was actually picked up to series: NBC's


"Hello all!"

"Forgive the surprise."

"Shay what are you doing here?"

"I'm moving back home."


"But I told you I was coming here today to move back home."


But unfortunately, the series' formulaic and dated content attracted poor reviews and low

ratings, and the freshman sitcom was canceled after just one season.

Meanwhile, on the big screen, Despicable Me has turned into a successful franchise, but

Cosgrove's other film efforts haven't fared nearly as well.

"Is it weird doing animation like sitting in a booth all day and not really acting with

other people…"

"It's a little weird.

You can wear pajamas if you want to.

Pretty much every time I go in I wear sweats."

The 2015 horror flick The Intruders went straight to DVD and earned just 21 percent on Rotten


Georgia Straight film critic Steve Newton noted,

"Unfortunately, the iCarly star's photogenic qualities far outweigh her acting chops here."

"Well, I should probably..."


Rosey-Rose...sorry again for the intrusion"

Turning it around

While the Despicable Me franchise is a nice safety net for Cosgrove to fall back on, she

doesn't seem to be moving out of her acting comfort zone just yet.

According to IMDb, Cosgrove has just one project slated for 2018, a network sitcom called History

of Them, where she'll play the show's narrator.

That sounds to us like it's either another "safe bet" sitcom attempt, or maybe just something

that won't cut into her study time, but still keeps her in the game.

"If you weren't an actor or musician, what would you be?"

"I love to draw.

Maybe I'd try to be an artist."

While Cosgrove seems to be in a holding pattern career-wise, we're confident that when she's

ready, she'll be able to re-capture the energy of her earlier, multi-faceted attempts at


For more infomation >> The Real Reason Why Hollywood Stopped Casting Miranda Cosgrove - Duration: 5:09.


Yaa Hussain Ummat Ka Salaam Aaqa Ke Naam | Mere Hussain Tujhe Sallam - Duration: 5:01.

Yaa Hussain Ummat Ka Salaam Aaqa Ke Naam

For more infomation >> Yaa Hussain Ummat Ka Salaam Aaqa Ke Naam | Mere Hussain Tujhe Sallam - Duration: 5:01.


End to End Solution for your creative business - Duration: 1:37.

(cheerful music)

-: So the end-to-end solution is really around

that we can offer our services right

from their bookkeeping side of things.

So doing your bank reconciliations,

your accounts receivable, accounts payable, payroll,

and then we sort of move into that sort of the reporting,

the cash flow forecasting, the budgeting,

and that's where that end-to-end solution comes into play.

So, we can offer all those services,

and we can sort of package that up for a customer

and give them that sort of service.

They don't have to go anywhere else.

'Cause what we found, I guess,

is working with some businesses is

they may have had a bookkeeper doing one thing,

and then asked doing the virtual CFO thing,

and they'd sort of didn't know

who to speak to if they had this problem,

so what we do is offer them an end-to-end solution

that is one person that they can call on one person

to answer any questions that they have

from an accounting perspective.

The other thing, I guess, is, yes,

we offer an end-to-end-solution, but at the same time,

we can sort of package that service up to be specific

to what they really want today.

So they may only want that bookkeeping side of things today,

and then as they grow and develop,

they may sort of say, "Okay, let's just bolt

on the management reporting once a quarter,

and then let's bolt on the cash flow forecasting."

So, we can, as their business grows,

we can then offer additional services as their time arises.

And even in that sort of style space,

where we can sort of say, "Well, I want

the bookkeeping services today,"

but then they may need the financial model, so.

Yes, we offer an end-to-end solution,

but we can do pieces of the puzzle, as well.

(cheerful music)

For more infomation >> End to End Solution for your creative business - Duration: 1:37.


Nhẫn - Ry2c 「Video Lyrics」 - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Nhẫn - Ry2c 「Video Lyrics」 - Duration: 3:29.


Why every startup needs a numbers person - Duration: 2:33.

(light music)

-: There's a lot of challenges within,

I guess especially Australia, around your compliance.

If you're over $75,000 in income you've got to have GST

and all those compliance rules.

If you then start employing people then you've got,

you know, PAYG and super and things like that.

So, start-ups and any type of business owner,

they don't understand all those sort of things.

So, they know what they know

and they know the business that they know

and they're focusing on those things.

And they don't understand the number side

and that's where we can come in and we can help them

and we can educate them around you know making sure

that when they're doing bank reconciliations

that they're reconciling things correctly.

When they start employing people

they're making sure they've got contracts in place,

making sure they're doing the right thing

from a compliance perspective.

We just sort of help them and guide them along they way.

It doesn't mean that we have to do their work for them,

we can sort of say, let me educate you, let me train you,

let me show you the ropes.

And then we can then sort of hand it over to you.

And then when you sort of get to the stage where

you can afford to have a bookkeeper in your business,

then you, you know, you start paying us to do that for you.

You read a lot of books or you listen to a lot of podcasts,

and they all say to you,

do what you do best and outsource the rest.

And that's, especially with accounting, you know,

as a business owner as a start-up owner,

you're focusing on what you're actually doing today

and you need to try the new technology

or you want to create the best PR agency for your business.

You need to be focusing on that, you can't be working

at 12 o'clock at night, you know, creating invoices,

sending invoices, chasing updaters, paying bills.

That's not where your efforts need to be,

they need to be on actually driving your business

to where it needs to go.

We've come across businesses where,

I guess they haven't been reconciling accounts

or they haven't even actually

done accounts for a number of years.

Get someone in early to help you

set everything up correctly

and even from that risk mitigation perspective

and compliance perspective, you know, ask questions,

especially if you're gonna hire staff there's.

You know, Australia's very hard around staff

and making sure you're paying them the right wadges,

especially if there's wards that need to be paid.

It's not just, I guess, the numbers as well.

What we do and how we can actually help businesses

is you know offer them advice around making sure

they have the right assurances in place

and then we work with other third parties

to make sure they've got, you know, professional indemnity

or public liability insurance.

Working with someone early in your business

is definitely the advice I'd give you today.

(light music)

For more infomation >> Why every startup needs a numbers person - Duration: 2:33.


Running, Coffee and Co-working spaces, with Elan Pamensky - Duration: 2:03.

(bright tonal music)

-: Probably, it's a little bit of philosophy, and I guess

it's sort of, it's what I am, and it's who, it's, I guess,

it's sort of the person that I am today,

so if you can even ask my wife,

she'll tell you those are probably my,

sort of three passions in life.

If you look on my Instagram or social media,

I'll be posting pictures of coffee, or co-working spaces,

or running or whatever and things like that.

Think running sort of taught me a lot

about business as well, because, I mean,

I'm a marathon runner, so life's a marathon,

your business journey is a marathon,

the marathon running and the determination

and the willingness to get up early every single day

to try and to work hard to achieve your goals,

and I think in your business journey,

you're also training for something else

everything you've, you set your goals,

whatever they are, your three-month, your six-month,

your twelve-month, your five-year goals.

It's just a marathon, it's not a sprint,

you've got to slowly get there,

and you're gotta try and you gotta work hard,

and that's why I've found that running

is I guess my leverage outside of work, it's my release

from work, but it's also taught me a lot about,

I guess my business and, even in the businesses

that I work with today.

From the coffee side, I've just got I guess

a huge passion for coffee,

probably have two or three every single day,

and I love to meet people over coffee,

so whether it's at the co-working spaces

where I sort of work, or near the office at a coffee shop,

it's just an easy place to have a conversation,

and then on the co-working space, so I sort of base myself

out of a few co-working spaces.

I find that sort of creative community, I guess,

invigorating for a business.

It's easier than you sort of working from home

or from a sort of dedicated office,

when you're working amongst people,

they like sought you, if you're having a bad day,

and there's other people around you

that are having a good day,

that can sort of reinvigorate you.

Yesterday I was at a co-working space helping some

of the members with zero, so I was giving them

a training course around zero, and how they can actually

benefit from zero, so I guess the community can offer

me something back and then I can actually go there

and offer them something back in terms of my skill set

and what I do today.

(bright musical tones)

For more infomation >> Running, Coffee and Co-working spaces, with Elan Pamensky - Duration: 2:03.


Get help on your Startup Journey - Duration: 3:54.

-: Where we would sort of add our services

would be around the financial modelling side of things.

So, when businesses are talking to investment firms,

or family offices, or VC's,

or whatever they're trying to I guess raise capital,

they would need some sort of financial model.

And that financial model will be a, sort of,

three way financial model,

so it would actually help them

or give them their, sort of, profit and loss

for a pair of time, their balance sheet,

and then ultimately the cash flow.

That model's normally a driver base model.

So, based on their key drivers within their business.

So, those sort of key variables

that actually drive revenue to their business

and then the key drivers that drive cost to their business.

So, whether their drivers are, I guess,

number of products or numbers of widgets,

or whatever that is within their business,

we'd build that model around those sort of key assumptions.

Of how many widgets that would sell,

how many widgets would actually turn off,

and then we'd develop their, sort of,

revenue model from that side of things.

And then we'd look at their costs and we'd develop a model.

You know, if that widget cost them 50 cents,

we'd then build that cost base into them

from a cost of sales perspective

and a gross margin perspective.

And then their just normal day to day operating expenses

and people and we'll build a people model.

And that will then feed into

their balance sheet and cash flow.

Those sort of models will be,

normally, three or five year models.

So, we'll give anyone looking at their business

an indication of where that business can go

and where it can actually, how it can actually grow in scale

and, you know, what it needs to actually get to,

you know, their three or five year targets.

So, we would work with the business owners,

help in developing those models.

And we work very closely with them because it's,

sort of, for them it's that key piece of information

that they would use even for their next year as a budget

and help them track and make sure,

are they on track to actually achieve those numbers?

Because when they're talking to investors at a later stage,

the investor will say, "well, you know,

you gave me these numbers,

how are you on track to actually achieve,

are you on track to actually achieve those numbers?"

So, it becomes a key piece of information.

An example of that is we've worked with a business

when we started Cloud CFO, which was five years ago,

and we helped them build a financial model

and actually last Friday I got a call from the founder

and she sort of said, "can you kinda come back again?",

she just wants to make some more tweaks to her model.

So, I think every couple of years she'll call me

and say can I come in, she wants to update her model,

she's looking at getting a next round of funding,

can I help her with that?

So, it's a very much not...

It's just a continuous process

that you just need to continue develop and work with them.

And that's where we, sort of,

help and aid start ups from that perspective.

The other avenue is really around, I guess,

through what we've done and work we done, we've been doing,

we've met a lot of investors and people you won't even--

like, invest in start ups and things like that.

So, we would help and make those introductions.

So, I've got a couple of businesses who've,

you know, where the founders have actually been successful

and they've sold out of investments

and they've started new businesses.

And they're always looking at new investments,

so I would then, you know,

be able to make those introductions

or actually work on a programme called Springboard,

which is a female-led accelerator programme,

where I've worked with

a number of start ups on that programme

and through that programme I've met other start up founders.

And what you find is start up founders are always willing

to actually help other start up founders

and they're willing to offer advice and mentorship

and I can just make those connections as well.

So, even if it's just a coffee,

chats that one start up founder

can offer advice to another start up founder,

who's just starting out,

I feel happy that I've actually made that connection,

introduced those people

that they can actually then help each other on their,

sort of, start up journey.

For more infomation >> Get help on your Startup Journey - Duration: 3:54.


Single Attitude Status Quotes | New Latest Attitude Status - Duration: 0:34.

Attitude Whatsapp Status

For more infomation >> Single Attitude Status Quotes | New Latest Attitude Status - Duration: 0:34.


[INT] What They Say About Plastic Surgery in Korea [ENG SUBBED][CC] - Duration: 2:15.

Like it's about ---won?

It's not as much as i think tho

Total ---won?

I had change all exclude my height

What is the most worrying thing about Korea Plastic Surgery?

What kind of plastic surgery that you've been done?

Two jaw surgery

Korea face contour

Square jaw reduction




face contour

anti aging

anti aging?

yes i have smile line wrinkles on my mouth

Is your face smaller?

I have pointed jaw

and it cut like this

wow! it cut a lot

"Your face is smaller"

I have heard about this recently

Two jaw surgery has always been smaller right?

(I'd better done Two jaw surgery than face contour)

Is Korea face contouring really hurt??

It's not like suffering

Well it's different one and each other

But for me it's not hurt at all

For me it's a little bit hurt

The hurtest is eye

number 1 is eye, number 2 is face contour

Is the swelling occurred a lot?

One day after surgery

it's really swelling a lot

After 3 days

it's getting better

After 1 week

i can return to my daily activities

it's really recover so fast

If it's less hurt, i will cut all

Do you get satisfy at photo shoot?

Back then i was so frustating when others take my photo

like "is it my real looks?"

i was so inferiority

I had cut 1cm at photoshop

And i just want that looks

i was just thinking about that

after surgery, it's turn out very well

after surgery, is there anyone who can't recognize yourself?

me nope

I have one!

who is she?...

Like i rarely meet that person, they can't recognize me

When do you feel the surgery is done so well?


When i make up and it turns out so pretty

Well, women are like that, aren't we?

When i get a picture and it turns out well

If you can turn back before the surgery, will you keep do it?

I must do it

Me too

I have no regret about doing Korea plastic surgery

When you know about the result, can you not to do it?

Even if i was born again, i will do it too

For more infomation >> [INT] What They Say About Plastic Surgery in Korea [ENG SUBBED][CC] - Duration: 2:15.


Accountant versus a Chief Financial Officer - Duration: 1:37.

(soft new age music)

-: What we say to businesses is yes you still

need your accountant, especially with what we do today,

so we say that our services stop at that accounting stage,

so we don't do tax returns, we don't do FBT returns,

and you need an accountant to do that,

and they'll help you with structures,

and all those sort of things.

But what we find working with a lot of our clients

is their accountant sees them once, maybe twice a year,

as a virtual CFO, we're working with our clients

on a regular basis, we're there either once a month,

once a week, and we're always in constant contact

with them, so we're fully aware and understand

what's actually happening within thier business,

so that's where we see that unique proposition

of what a virtual CFO is, and where your accountants

serve today, so we're really working through

that operational, all day to day activities

of the business, where your accountants are looking

more, I guess more at the high level

and just that annual, look at your annual results,

and maybe have a monthly meet, not even a monthly

meeting, just that six monthly meeting to review

your structure and whether, ask any questions,

things like that.

So yes some accountant firms are a bit more progressive

and they're starting to move into that virtual

CFO space, because I think they're looking at it

from a revenue standpoint, but the virtual

CFO is very different to what an accountant is

because they're doing that more operational,

day to day activity, and they're a lot more involved

in the business than your accountant is.

(soft new age music)

For more infomation >> Accountant versus a Chief Financial Officer - Duration: 1:37.


Why you need a CFO on your Startup team - Duration: 3:17.

(energetic music)

-: My role for a start up team

can sort of vary across different businesses,

so, as a example, for one of the businesses,

I would sit on the board.

I would present the financials

to the board and the investors.

I would really be that financial soundboard for them,

so, like this morning, I was on a conference call

with one of the start-up businesses,

and we're having a conversation around cash flow.

And for them, it was really asking me advice around how

we should be managing cash flow,

what we should be doing around making decisions.

I'm really that sounding board for the,

I guess, the operating management team as well,

as well as the investors as well.

From their prospective, they're making sure

that there's proper diligence,

proper checks and balances processes in place

to help them have confidence

that the management of that start-up are actually doing

what they should be doing, and there's proper,

as I said, checks and balances, within the team.

Sort of the key role is that I was fillin' in as a CO.

A CFO of a start-up would be really around,

one would be the management and reporting side of things,

so that would be your monthly management reporting,

how the business is actually performing for that month,

and there you would look at your performance against

your budget, against your prior year.

So, the management and, I guess, the board

can actually see whether they are on track or off track,

and then from there, they can actually

make key decisions about the business.

Whether, if they're off track, then you know,

are there costs that we need to cut back?

Or, were our sales lagging?

If they're on track, how can we accelerate that growth,

and what do we need to do to accelerate the growth?

Maybe we need to put some more

money in and things like that,

so that's sort of conversation that sets in.

And then, the other side, I guess,

is the cash flow side of things.

Especially in the starter space where money is very sparse,

and the way these sort of businesses are, you know,

every penny counts; it's just making sure that

we can understand the clear runway

from the business perspective.

How much cash do they have?

How long does that cash actually last them?

What's their cash burn rates?

And then looking at methods and ways

that we can actually reduce cash,

so things like travel policies.

Are we travelling too much,

or can we maybe defer some salaries?

If there's management, and they're getting paid salaries,

they may wanna say, "Well, we won't get paid

"for a couple of months."

And just looking at different key variables

within their business and how that can potentially

withdraw cash or get paid faster

from customers and things like that.

So one of the things, I guess, I do with clients,

is around, especially in the starter space, where there's,

I mean, the government gives you a lot of incentives

when you're developing new products,

and one of those incentives is around

research development grants, and I would assist businesses

in that sort of side of things.

I'd help them prepare the relevant information

that they need, and then they'll go to their

expert around preparing their

research and development grants.

So, that's just one of the key services

that I would do for businesses.

And, then finally, I guess, just around contracts

and reviewing contracts.

If customers had large contracts

with suppliers or customers or whatever that is,

then I would help review those contracts,

make sure from the financial perspective

that everything seemed sound, and weigh their milestones.

Every action made, we should be tracking those milestones.

For more infomation >> Why you need a CFO on your Startup team - Duration: 3:17.


Make Love Increase the Spiritual Side and Positive Emotion - Duration: 4:29.

Make Love Increase the Spiritual Side and Positive Emotion

A study claims that hormones released during lovemaking can increase one's spirituality

and trust in the Creator.

According to research conducted by Duke University in North Carolina, USA, the release of the

hormone oxytocin not only tightens the bond between a woman and her newborn child.

At the same time, such conditions also stimulate one's religious feelings.

This study used a group of adults who got the boost of the oxytocin hormone, which then

experienced a spiritual increase.

This effect also lasts up to a week later.

Whereas in the control group that had falsified medical action or placebo, they reportedly

did not experience any spiritual improvement at all.

Those who get a hormonal boost are noted to emit positive emotions during the experiment.

Patty Van Cappallen, a social psychologist who is also the leader of this research, said

in previous studies it has been found that each spiritual and meditation condition has

a relationship with health and well-being.

"We are interested in understanding that biological factors can enhance a person's spiritual experience,"

Van Cappallen said, as quoted by the Independent.

"Oxytocin also appears to be part of our body that is related to spiritual beliefs."

The results, published in the Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience journal, explain

that oxytocin is produced naturally in the hypothalamus or part of the brain which consists

of a number of nuclei with various functions that are very sensitive to steroids, glucocorticoids,

glucose and temperature.

In previous studies, this hormone was also indicated to play an important role in increasing

empathy, trust, social ties and altruism or attention to the welfare of others without

paying attention to oneself.

The group that received oxytocin recorded more felt the spiritual side was very important

in life.

They also feel more meaningful and have a purpose in life.

Not only that, participants who release the hormone oxytocin are also more able to respond

positively and realize that all life is related and there is awareness of something bigger,

which connects humans.

This research also found many positive emotions such as admiration, gratitude, inspiration,

love, hope, interest, and calm.

However Van Cappallen reminded, that these findings do not apply flat.

"Because of the spiritual side," Van Cappallen believes, "it is complex and can be influenced

by various factors."

Well, that's the Make Love Increase the Spiritual Side and Positive Emotion

. Really cool information isn't it.

Leave us a comment down below and let us know what your thought of this video.

Don't forget to give us account subs and watch more amazing videos on our channel.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Make Love Increase the Spiritual Side and Positive Emotion - Duration: 4:29.


Why Cloud CFO - Duration: 2:03.

(light piano)

-: What sets us apart from other bookkeeping

or virtual CFO type businesses.

One is that we're a full service firm.

We don't just do the bookkeeping.

We don't just do the virtual CFO.

We can do a mixture of everything.

Pretty much everything that we do is in the cloud.

So, whether we're using Xero as the accounting system,

or NetSuite as the accounting system,

we can share information, we can share screens,

or we're having conference calls on Zoom or Skype.

The other thing is really around our customer service

and how we actually work with our customers.

So we work very closely with our customers

on a day to day basis.

If we have to work on weekends

to help our customers get things done

because they've got key deadlines, we'll get things done.

So we'll make sure that we can help them

because we know that they're working 24-7

or whatever they're doing.

We want to make sure we can get information to them

when they need it and how they need it.

An example of that was, I was working with this one startup,

and he sort of was going through some capital raising,

and he just needed some information.

So he was sort of travelling overseas,

and just with time differences,

he needs to have a conversation with me.

So I got on a Skype call with him on a Saturday night

at 7:00 because he needed me to be there,

and I needed to help him,

and that's what we do for our customers.

Another example is, we have a client who we just so far

just offer plain bookkeeping services.

At one stage, they needed a financial model done.

So we were able and had the ability

to actually give them that service.

So, rather than them having us doing the bookkeeping

and having to go somewhere else to find

someone else to do the financial model,

they knew that they could just then come to us

as sort of that one stop shop.

I think that's sort of critical

to what we do today and where we are today.

We want to be that sort of growth engine for them,

and we want to be their business advisor,

their financial advisor.

We want to help them on that growth path.

I want to take them on their journey to get them from

zero to that billion dollar valuation,

and if that means that we have to just

add in that bit of extra work, we'll do it for them.

(light piano)

For more infomation >> Why Cloud CFO - Duration: 2:03.


JLPT N5「文房具の読み方」 【日本語能力試験 N5】 - Duration: 5:23.

For more infomation >> JLPT N5「文房具の読み方」 【日本語能力試験 N5】 - Duration: 5:23.


[JOKEPLAY] MÙNG 2 THÁNG 9 CỦA TEAM BỰA - Duration: 21:15.


For more infomation >> [JOKEPLAY] MÙNG 2 THÁNG 9 CỦA TEAM BỰA - Duration: 21:15.


Shameless 9x01 Promo "Are You There Shim? It's Me, Ian" (HD) - Duration: 0:31.

- Gallaghers have always attracted crazy, sir.

I love you!

WOMAN: (SINGING) Hey hey, you.

I come bearing gifts.

Debs won't need any.

My boss said I pee too much.

So tomorrow, I'm not going to pee at all.

A sexual epidemic has been traced to this PTA.

I did you all a favor.

My penis might have actually helped you to heal.

I'm gonna kill you.

I'm close to getting the bail money.

My work here is not done.


WOMAN: (SINGING) Hey, hey, you.

Hey, hey, you.

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