Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 3 2018

And we both know that these aren't friendly waters.

Well, we ain't going for a swim.

If you get as far as the car, I'll be impressed.

You know, there's room for two on this.

I built it that way.

These waters are moving slower than a one-legged dog.

Could take weeks before it drains.

Might never if the levees broke.

I've got ample rations and my white whale.

I'll make do.

If I had a drink, this would practically be paradise.

Of course, I had paradise,

but I was drawn into a fool's errand

at a time when fools routinely die,

and if you have something -- say,

an estate with God's wine cellar -- you keep it.

You don't go out helping to find

the instrument of your last safe place's demise.

No. [Chuckles]

I'm not getting in -- on --

whatever that thing is.

I'm finally starting to get it. Get what?

It's time to stop being foolish.

You know, this is me using my head.

This is me getting out of a dangerous situation.

You could, too.

Come on.


But as soon as I find June and Charlie,

I'm coming straight back here for you

in something a little less handmade.

I hear.

But I won't count on it.

You know, you're gonna run out of food before this water goes down!

How cute that you even consider tomorrow or the next day.

I just hope that thing falls apart near the shoreline!

For more infomation >> 'A Friendly Conversation' Sneak Peek Ep. 413 | Fear the Walking Dead - Duration: 1:40.


How to Learn English Fast | American Dialogues | English with Steve Ford - Duration: 6:33.

hello hello hello everybody my name is

Steve Ford and welcome to your English

lesson today I have a great lesson about

asking people for favors have you ever

needed a favor could have been something

like borrowing money maybe asking

someone to house it or babysit for you

take care of your kids for a while

whatever the reason is I have a great

English lesson for you so that you can

ask for a favor in a more polite way or

in a more direct way I was wondering if

I could ask you for a huge favor

shoot I'm all ears I've got a favor to


run that by me again so if you want to

be more polite when you're asking that

favor a little more indirect you could

have a little intro and you could use

this speaking and you could also use

this when you're writing so you could

say I was wondering if that's your

introduction I was wondering if if you

want to be even more indirect but I

don't think this is very common it's too

indirect you could even make it longer I

was wondering if it would absolutely be

possible to not it's too long but I was

wondering if and then ask your favor you

could also say do you think there's any

chance that listen to my intonation how

polite I'm being do you think there's

any chance that I'm not demanding it I'm

not saying hey do you think there's any

chance that yeah give it to me now no

I'm trying to be more polite in my

intonation do you think there's any

chance that of course you could be more

direct and say I've got a favor to ask

can you do me a favor I need your help

so let's say that you are the person

that is being asked the favor well what

can you say if you

are receptive if you are open to doing a

favor in a more formal way you could say

by all means most definitely

what did you have in mind if you want to

be more friendly less formal you could

say something like shoot I'm all ears

fire away now maybe somebody asks you

for a favor that you don't think is

reasonable it happens some people they

have the nerve to ask for a favor for

things that are just ridiculous in a

more formal way to show disbelief to

show I can't believe you are asking that

favor you could say something like I beg

your pardon

oh yes so formal I beg your pardon

opens doors I beg your pardon I beg your

pardon less formally you could save run

that by me again come again what now if

you agree to do a favor you could say it

in a more formal way it'll be a pleasure

I'm more than happy to do that

mmm I really like that one I'm more than

happy to do that I'm more than willing

to help out and then in a less formal

way you can say no worries I can do that

for you

now if you want to refuse to do a favor

you could say I'm sorry I won't be able

to oh that's so nice

unfortunately I have a previous

commitment you could also say it in a

less formal way sorry I'm all tied up no

can do

okay so try to go back and study that

vocabulary those lines those expressions

that I taught you according to their

function asking for a favor

saying that you are receptive to a favor

etc and what we're going to do now is

I'm going to do a dialogue with you and

you want to try and remember some of the

things that I've taught you here today

so are you ready let's go hello hey Dave

how's it going same old same old

yourself actually I was wondering if I

could ask you for

a huge favor should I'm all ears well

you remember I told you I was gonna be

taking two weeks off this summer uh-huh

my wife and I are gonna be traveling to

Spain and we need someone to take care

of our parrot

oh sure I'd be more than willing to help


he's pretty low maintenance as far as

pets go I bet just a little bird suit I

guess oh and I almost forgot we also

have a cat

no worries I've taken care of cats

before I can do that for you guys of

course there's also the dog and the fish

but don't worry

really the only high-maintenance is my

mother-in-law run that by me again we

have a dog fish no I got that part I

didn't understand the high-maintenance

part I actually thought I heard you say

mother-in-law she's a real sweetheart

your mother-in-law

no the pit ball look you're more than

welcome to stay at our place while we're

gone I can even leave the keys to my BMW

if you'd like to take it for a spin no

can do Jason I just remembered I'm gonna

be all tied up I have to work well let

me know if your plans change if you

happen to know anybody who'd like to

house-sit while we're gone just let me

know will do see ya

okay everybody I hope that you can use

this vocabulary in different kinds of

situations the next time that you need

to ask someone for a favor or

when somebody asks you for a favor in

English if you would like to watch more

videos you can do that here and if you'd

like to subscribe to my channel you can

also do that here if you would like to

subscribe to my website and contact me

you can do that down below this video

and I look forward to seeing you in our

next lesson bye for now

For more infomation >> How to Learn English Fast | American Dialogues | English with Steve Ford - Duration: 6:33.


音乐鬼才,15分钟的编曲,吓死宝宝了 【甜甜的 + 你被写在我的歌声里】by JOeru & DOM 林陶然 - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> 音乐鬼才,15分钟的编曲,吓死宝宝了 【甜甜的 + 你被写在我的歌声里】by JOeru & DOM 林陶然 - Duration: 1:52.


微信公众号 -订阅号or服务号 该如何选择?- 马来西亚微信 ( - Duration: 2:53.

微信公众号 -订阅号or服务号 该如何选择?- 马来西亚微信 (

For more infomation >> 微信公众号 -订阅号or服务号 该如何选择?- 马来西亚微信 ( - Duration: 2:53.


[ENG] SNSD-Oh!GG - 'GIRLS FOR REST' [소녀포레스트] EP01. 앙티브에서 시작된 Oh!GG의 쉼표 여행 - Duration: 6:36.

[Girls For Rest] [This V LIVE includes indirect advertisement]

A relaxation after a long time in a strange city.

The environment that I see for the first time make me feel new.

Being here itself makes me happy.

Slower than usual, I take time to look at myself.

Full of curiosity and excitement,

the memory of our trip that was like a sweet dream.

A great memory that will be remembered for a long time.

Girls For Rest.

[Antibes, vacation spot in southern France that Europeans love] Like the hot sun,

the resort city of Antibes in southern France is full of warm relaxing atmosphere.

With the warm all round year,

[The warm climate] this place is blessed with blue sky and ocean.

[Full of relaxation] People living in this city

[Getting away from the busy daily lives] are full of smiles.

[This city gives new vibes] Our daily lives were always

busy, fast, and complicated.

[Stories of girls who went to the dreamy vacation spot of Antibes] This place is

completely different from our

daily lives.

[It's starting now] We were there.

[It's a relaxing dinner time in Antibes]

No one's here. Oh, there she is.

[Sunny, Hyoyeon, and Taeyeon] Sorry.

Let's sit here.

Let's take pictures.

[Yuri is here] Hey.

[What is Yoona doing?]

[Chef Yoona is working in the kitchen] There's no tong.

[Taking a peek] There's no tong.

[Good. Yoona is cooking] It's cold.

[Sneeze] I'm sorry.

[The one who sneezed]

I was watching furtively. You surprised me.

[Let's get ready]

[Quietly] It's a secret cake.

[She's prepared something in secret]

[Cake is here - I should take it out, right? - Yes.

[Birthday away from home] They are preparing Yoona's b-day party]

[Yoona who is loved, is busy preparing dinner]

[Looking good]

[Working hard]

[Hyoyeon and Yuri are having fun taking selfies] 1, 2, 3.

[The angle] [Make me look pretty] 1, 2, 3.

[Lagging] I'm sorry.

[Angry] Hey, Hyoyeon.

[She doesn't know camera] What does M stand for?

Mother. S is for sister.

[She's studying English from camera] - What's A? - F is father?

Adult. P is parking.

[They don't know camera] What should I do?

[Gibberish][They're good partners] - Park first. - Parking.

[Let's take a picture next time] Isn't there valet parking?

There's no V.

[Polite] Let me set it for you.

[French staff is good at Korean] I thought that you're French. You know Korean?

[This dinner is full of sham experts]

Do you want me to do this?

[DJ Sunny will play music] You want some music? I've brought a speaker.

[Amazed] Is that a speaker?

[Sunny's prepared a speaker]

[It's shining]


- Thank you. - Why?

[This time] - I just said this. - It's time for met to brag.

You made these.

[Taeyeon has something to brag about] Show us.

Show us.

I made this today.

[Yoona is here] You're going to open it before Yoona is here?


[It's OK. She will understand] Yes.

[She's busy cooking]

[What did Taeyeon make] It's nothing intense.

- Croissant. - How does it look?

[Representing France, croissant] You didn't burn it, did you?

[And for dessert, macaroon] Macaroon.

[Touched] - Isn't it amazing? - I thought that you'd make some macaroon.

[Sweet desserts] - I can bake this. - Blueberry?

[The mood has been lifted] Blueberry.

[Very proud] As many as you want,

[Please help yourself] Help yourselves.

[Wanna-be patissier] - It's blueberry macaroon. - How did you make this?

[Taeyeon made croissant and macaroon] As many as you want.

[This is not the end?] And...

[There's one more] Creme brulee.

I made this as well.

[The highlight dessert] [It's the best when it's cool and soft] You're the best.

I love creme brulee.

[Taeyeon made the French pudding, creme brulee] - You've done a great job. - Good job.

I want to try macaroon.

[They're not showing much reaction] Try this. Macaroon and croissant.

Macaroon is a bit...

[Yuri is not happy with how it looks] Hey.

[Very strict] - Try it. - What the.

[Let me try it] Just try it.

That's the taste. Even the crumbs are good.

[This is not the reaction][Very perplexed] - This is good. You... - It's good. Very sweet.

It's good.

[This is not true]

It's good.

[What the] I did everything from kneading to adding the coloring.

[Where did it go wrong?] The outside is excellent.

- Right? Isn't it good? - It's very good.

[She's soulless] You're the best. Taeyeon.

Yuri, mean it.

[I won't watch this reaction]

[Very difficult to get macaroon into the shape] She's done a very good job.

It's very difficult to make that shape.

[Good job, Taeyeon] It goes to the side.

Yuri, didn't I do a good job, eating only the outside?

[It seems that there's too much creme] What are you doing?

You said that it's good.

[I saw you] I did a great job taking only the outside, right?


[Stunned] - What are you doing? - It's good.

Be honest. Isn't it good?

[Hyoyeon / Macaroon columnist] I like it because it's not too sweet.

- But there's too much love in the blueberry filling. - What about it?

[Taeyeon / Novice patissier] You want me to be honest?

- Too sweet? - No.

[Yuri / Vituperator] It's wrong from the outside because...

[Shocked] It's...

[You're so mean] She's made it for the first time.

[Very bitter and cold world of tasting] We're not taking that into consideration.

What is this? "Wednesday Food Talk".

[What the] It is.

It's good.

[I'm joking] It's good.

[the dessert is bittersweet like macaroon] - You're... - So mean.

Let's wait and see.

[To be continued in the next clip. Go!] It's here.

[Yoona's food has arrived in the right timing]

Yoona the mom.

For more infomation >> [ENG] SNSD-Oh!GG - 'GIRLS FOR REST' [소녀포레스트] EP01. 앙티브에서 시작된 Oh!GG의 쉼표 여행 - Duration: 6:36.


Ballers 4x05 Promo "Doink" (HD) - Duration: 0:53.

SPENCER STRASMORE: You wanna sell Sports X back,

or do you wanna grind it out to be

what you imagined it could be?

LANCE KLIANS: Don't be a dummy, Joe.

This world was never gonna work out for a guy like Spencer.

JOE KRUTEL: We're a troop of soldiers.

I know it's hard, but we gotta get after it!

Hey, Kurt Cobain. What were you just saying?

That we should've left with Lance.

What the fuck, dude?


It takes a lot more than just wins to succeed in L.A.

If he wants Kisan, then just give him Kisan.

You might wanna accept the fact

that you're gettin' too old for this shit, bro.

♪ I'm not havin' it Nope, I'm not havin' it ♪

I think it's time to drill down that sweet child of mine.


There's no need for the advice, future hall-of-famer.

But I got some for you... Careful with my moms.

♪ I'm not havin' it Nope, I'm not havin' it ♪

For more infomation >> Ballers 4x05 Promo "Doink" (HD) - Duration: 0:53.


'Colman Domingo on Car Chase' Making Of Ep. 412 BTS | Fear the Walking Dead - Duration: 2:50.

Grace: We're in beautiful Bastrop, Texas.

It's Hill Country, and it's gorgeous.

But in our world, it's just after a hurricane,

so it's hard to find areas like this

where the trees are a little bit ripped up

and things are gutted.

Suschitzky: This is a really cool episode.

We've got a car chase between our heroes and the MRAP.

And there's a very special director this episode,

which is Colman Domingo!

When you're working on a show like this,

the first thing you need to do

is we storyboard the hell out of it.

We want to make sure we get every single piece

to make it as dramatic and as fun and as daring.

Some of it will be filmed with a very high-speed camera rig

called a pursuit vehicle.

The pursuit arm is going to help us illustrate

the speed and the dynamic of this chase.

And Al is deathly ill, driving at the wheel,

so things are spinning out of control.

Suschitzky: Just at the last moment,

the MRAP swerves around this huge refrigerator,

and as our truck is trying to get around it,

a tire bursts and forces the car to spin off the road.

To achieve the blowout,

we set up a detonation charge on it with special effects.

Riley: It's a shaped charge,

and we put it into this little 3-D printed cone.

Set off by the button the stunt performer will be pushing

that's mounted to the steering wheel.

It's a little electrical charge,

blows a hole in the side wall of the tire.


And action.

Here we are at the scene with our walker,

who's submerged in mud.

Armstrong: Althea is there all alone.

She is succumbing to this illness.

And in the background, he kind of senses wounded prey

as he pulls himself out of this mud pit

and drags himself around.


-And break! -[Growls]

Ultimately, she gets pulled down, wrestling with him,

fending for her life,

coming in and out of consciousness.

-[Growls] -We used some really cool lenses

that are gonna accentuate that visually,

give the sense of her point of view

of things starting to go really woozy.

-[Growls] -[Grunts]

She's really down on her luck.

[Grunts] -[Growls]

It was definitely a very physical scene.

Maggie didn't want to kick Casey.

-Action. -[Grunts]

I assured her she had to.

Give him a kick! Give him a kick!


Kicking and kicking and kicking and kicking.

One more. This sells it! [Grunts]

She finally kicks the jack under.

We're pushing a real stunt man under a propped-up vehicle

in the middle of a wheel change.

Pause, put in the dummy,

we have a blood bag in its skull,

and then drop the car.

Man: Four!

We get a nice, big, walker splat.


Welcome to the apocalypse.


For more infomation >> 'Colman Domingo on Car Chase' Making Of Ep. 412 BTS | Fear the Walking Dead - Duration: 2:50.


My Book, Grieving, + Finding a Renewed Sense of Purpose - Duration: 19:06.

hey everybody so I haven't done a Sunday

spiel or a life update in a while and I

miss them I think I stopped doing them

because I was writing the book and I

just felt um inspirationally tapped

out and I feel like I need to restart

this it's something I need to to bring

back and this week feels like a really

good week to bring it back because I've

been thinking a lot first and foremost

let's just talk about the facts my book

is done it is not only written it is has

audio recorded its final and it's on its

way to the printing press actually it's

at the printing press and it's available for

pre-order it's called a life full of

glitter this is it

and I'm really proud of it at first I

was petrified of you know was it good

enough was it you know worth it and it's

you know it's funny I'll tell you guys a

story that made me made me feel really

strongly that what I've written was was


my it's hard I'm gonna cry I'm just

grabbing random things on my desk now my

grandma passed away and she was just a

really important and special person in

my life that's the easiest way to say it

I and you'll read about this in the book

if you purchase the book or borrow the

book or somehow get the book I didn't

have like the easiest childhood growing

up and I definitely wasn't the most well

behaved kid I was not lovable I wasn't I

was it was really hard to love me you

know I talked to my friends sometimes

because her child like a little tyrant

and I was like that was like me as a kid

you know you you loved me but you didn't

necessarily liked me as a parent and um

I was bad I got in a lot of trouble and

there was only one person in my life who

I really felt loved me through

those times in my life where I was hard

to love not that they didn't love me but

just never doubted me I guess

and that was my grandma now I didn't

right about her in the book because I

wanted I didn't feel like I could tell

her story if that makes sense and

there's a lot to our relationship that

is personal and it isn't something I

want to share on the Internet and it's

not something that she signed up to have

shared on the internet so out of

respect she's not mentioned in the book

but just sitting there and thinking

about her passing at first it was really

hard actually it's still kind of hard

not so much that she'd been super

supportive recently because you know

she'd been sick and kind of bedridden

for the last couple of years but it was

just like for me and this is like such a

greedy thing for her she's gone on to

somewhere better where that is I'm not a

hundred percent certain but she's not in

pain anymore and she's not suffering and

she's not tired and exhausted and

overwhelmed she knows she's at peace but

me I feel like I've lost someone who was

my only 100% consistent cheerleader in

my life from the day I was born until

the day she passed she was on my team

and I didn't realize that that would

affect me so much and you start to think

about things you start to think about

the things that she's going to miss that

she's not gonna see me get married she's

not gonna see me have a kid she's not

even here to get to read the book it's so stupid but she's seen all

these parts of my life when I wasn't

good enough for most people and now as

my life has changed

she's not going to get to see me finally

live up to the type of woman she

always knew I was and that's painful I

mean she's seen some of the changes but

she I don't know if she knew and I just

want to make her so proud I just want

her to know that without her I wouldn't

be here and I might have given up on

myself before I had the change of heart

that really helped me develop into the

strong woman I am today because there

was a time in my life I was incredibly

weak uh she held me through that moment

she was an angel she literally was oh

man tears tears are flowing it was funny

though because I was really kind of

struggling through all of this and it

felt still so cheesy but I went back and

read the chapter I wrote on

challenges in my book and I as I read

it I was like man I'm pretty smart and

it's just weird but it's just like I

felt her there with me like like the

reason I did it is because she was

just reminding me that like just because

she passed doesn't mean all the progress

and change that I've made in my life

were gone it's just that she was gonna

see them from somewhere else now a lot

of other really crazy things happened

but my grandma married my grandpa they

were together for just about 50 years

yes no maybe

I can't remember exactly there was a

major milestone anniversary that my

grandpa when he got sick with cancer

may not wasn't going to make it to

and so he bought her a ring and this

ring was gorgeous now he passed away she

wore the ring my grandma got remarried

and the ring was lost

well we cleaned out her apartment we

found the ring and my stepmom put the

ring on so much tears in this video and

it was supposed to be gifted to me the

ring and she wanted me to have it you

know she would always say these things

before she had passed and my stepmom

took a picture of the ring on her hand

and said you know here's here's the ring

and I just had this feeling that she was

supposed to wear the ring and when I

came home she said the same thing and

they just felt like my grandma was

trying to communicate that that my

stepmom who you guys all know and love

Sheri was gonna be that cheerleader

that she had been for me and that night oh

my god I'm so crying today I had a

conversation with with Sheri and I told

her how hard it's been in my life never

really having a mom my mom got

terminally ill when I was really really

young and because of that I never did

the mom things and she passed away when

I was about 18 years old so I never had

anyone to call I've never you know my

grandma taught me make up I never had

that mother figure and my grandma played

that role a lot and when my grandma kind

of lost consciousness I I not consciousness

but the ability that really

a conversation I felt that mother-figure

kind of slip away from me so I had this

conversation with my stepmom and she she

said you know I'll be your mom you can

call me and we both bust out into tears

just like crying and she kind of said

like I can't I couldn't just offer to be

your mom like that's like a weird thing

for a stepmom to do and I've always felt

you know that close to you but I just

didn't feel like I could be that person

in your life and and I felt awkward

asking you and it just felt like this

ring my grandmother's ring led us to

have that discussion it's like before my

grandma passed everything magically

worked out so that she could go and that

the people around her could be at peace

and it was a really sad time but it's

really beautiful in how it's all

unfolded oh my gosh I'm crying so much

yeah of course the day I wear so much

makeup is the day I decide to bawl on

camera anyway oh gosh oh gosh so

watching her pass but having the issue

with my not issue it's not an issue

with the gift the gift of my stepmom

becoming more active in my life I just

became really recommitted to what I want

in life and what I want in life is not

to be rich not to have a million

dollars not even to be famous but I want

people to have a warm place to go and

just find strength

now I don't have a building and I

don't have coffee it's not a Starbucks

but I can do that with words and I think

that's the gift I've been given going

back to my book when I went back and

read that chapter I just I just felt

that again I just felt like this is what

I'm supposed to do it's scary because

it's completely foreign to promote

myself in my executive career when I was

in in software I didn't do that really

well back if I did one thing terribly in

my career it was that I did not play

politics and I did not promote myself

internally enough and now I'm here with

this book and it was literally my child

and I have this strong feeling that it's

supposed to be what I'm doing and and I

don't even know how to do it right I

guess I'm sharing this with you to tell

you that like I don't have it all

figured out I don't know exactly what

I'm doing but I know where I'm heading

and sometimes that's enough sometimes

that's enough sometimes life gives you

this great vision of what could be and

then leaves you hanging on how thanks life

that's how I feel right now I have this

vision of where my life can be all the

good I can do and I'm seeing that happen

but how I'm gonna get there I guess I'll

just keep writing and sharing and

talking and someone's gonna listen

eventually some of you are already


but if it's five people or if it's

fifty I mean that's not the point

so oh my gosh that is that just uh so

you guys know the book comes out on

September 15th there is a link to order

it down in my bio so now this week I

head into this fury of activity I'm kind

of terrified because for the past the

past two-and-a-half weeks I've been

grieving and I've literally been just

sleeping a lot like I basically

assimilated to being retired I would go

see my grandma for a couple hours each

day and then I would sleep because it

was really exhausting I don't know how

to explain it but when you're mourning

someone it's it's like your whole body

is worn out and you've done nothing and

then I would sleep and then we would go

to dinner or we would cook dinner we

would do something like that and then it would be

time for bed and somehow the whole day

would get away from me and I would do

absolutely nothing so it's terrifying to think that next week is

Fashion Week and I'm going to be so busy

that I don't even know how I'm going to

breathe and I've spent the last week

living like literally like I'm retired

it's um it's you know jumping back in

headfirst well at least at least I will

be busy and won't have a lot of time to

just sit and stew but maybe I need that

we'll see and maybe I'll end up crying somewhere

after a few drinks since I'm up what we

will see I'm really excited about this

Fashion Week I did something you know


a lot of girls you know when Fashion

Week comes around you like reach out to

the designers and try to get invited and

I didn't do any of that this year and I

was kind of nervous because um I was

afraid I wasn't gonna get invited to

anything because I'm not I don't know I'm not that cool

oh I mean I'm cool my own mind but I'm

not like cool like you know that type of

cool but I ended up getting invited to some

really cool things and some things that

I legitimately wanted to go to and it

took a lot of the anxiety of like trying

to campaign for myself to for something

that maybe wasn't my dream scenario or

you know maybe I wouldn't value as

much as someone else and it kind of just

worked out for the better so I think I'm

gonna do that in the future me while I'm saying I need to

promote myself but I'm enjoying not

promoting myself in this situation

man this is a contradictory spiel yeah so I dunno if you

guys are going to Curvy Con I'm going

in fact I got another random thing to

talk about on my Instagram I'm giving

away a ticket to Curvy Con so if you're in

New York and you really want to go and

you don't have a ticket there's a link

to my Instagram down below on it'll link

you to the post and how you can enter

I'm just throwing that out there not

required to but I figured if you are

trying to go you can go that way

whoo so yeah that's my life I'm grieving

I'm busy and I found a renewed passion

for what I want to do I just want people

to wake up and hate themselves less be

part of that now to the doing the fun

part well guys that was a lot of crying

a lot of babbling some real talk I don't

know what else to say I hope each and

every one of you has an amazing rest of

your week and I hope that somehow this

touched you in some way it sounds creepy

when you say something

touches you it just sounds creepy I know

that's like the normal you say it but I've

always thought that that sounds creepy

this is not related to the topic at hand

I'm going back on track

I hope that it

that someone else out there who's

grieving was helped by this or one of

you buys my book I know I mean I really would

like people to buy my book because I

can't write FYI I can't write more books

unless you guys buy books so I want to write more books and I'm like please

enough people buy my book so I can write

more and which I never thought I would

say because of how hard it was to write

the first book PS I don't make a ton of

money off of it that's a misconception

yeah I wish I wish I was gonna be a

millionaire from writing a book unless

you're JK Rowling let's be real not how

it goes

okay I'm literally babbling guys I need

to peace out because I'm just I'm stuck

in a mental thought and I'm going nowhere but

that's what these conversations are

about that's what the spiel is all for just

keeping it real on a Sunday night and

spielin not glockenspielin spielin

as in talking chatting conversing havin

a conversation yakety yakety gift of

gab Girl Talk some other words I ran out

of synonyms I'll check you guys later


For more infomation >> My Book, Grieving, + Finding a Renewed Sense of Purpose - Duration: 19:06.


'I Got Some Advice For You' Ep. 5 Teaser | Ballers | Season 4 - Duration: 1:02.

SPENCER STRASMORE: You wanna sell Sports X back,

or do you wanna grind it out to be

what you imagined it could be?

LANCE KLIANS: Don't be a dummy, Joe.

This world was never gonna work out for a guy like Spencer.

JOE KRUTEL: We're a troop of soldiers.

I know it's hard, but we gotta get after it!

Hey, Kurt Cobain. What were you just saying?

That we should've left with Lance.

What the fuck, dude?


It takes a lot more than just wins to succeed in L.A.

If he wants Kisan, then just give him Kisan.

You might wanna accept the fact

that you're gettin' too old for this shit, bro.

♪ I'm not havin' it Nope, I'm not havin' it ♪

I think it's time to drill down that sweet child of mine.


There's no need for the advice, future hall-of-famer.

But I got some for you... Careful with my moms.

♪ I'm not havin' it Nope, I'm not havin' it ♪

For more infomation >> 'I Got Some Advice For You' Ep. 5 Teaser | Ballers | Season 4 - Duration: 1:02.


'June's Struggle w/ Herself' Inside Ep. 412 BTS | Fear the Walking Dead - Duration: 4:22.

[Radio static]

I never shoulda left you at that bus, John.

[Radio static]

[Voice breaking] Things are pretty tough right now.

Elfman: June finds herself at that cliff of survival.

She's starting to feel that panic set in

of who to be, how to be, what to do.

How did you know?

How did you believe?

Chambliss: This whole episode is really about June struggling with

who I am now versus who I was before.

She's worried that she's gonna kind of creep back into

the person she was who didn't trust other people.

You know me, John.

When the going gets tough, I run.

[Radio static] Having that hope static come through on the walkie

and watching those tapes,

it's her only lifeline at that moment.

I'm sorry I used up all the battery on your camera.

Hey, I get it.

We've seen Al throughout the season

generally being in control.

But in this episode, she's not in power.

You okay? -[Sniffles] Yeah, just...

low blood sugar. Goldberg: Al gets sick.

This is a very vulnerable position for her.

My van.

And then, really, the unthinkable happens to Al --

her SWAT van gets stolen.

We don't even know who took it! It doesn't matter. We're stopping that son of a bitch.

I don't know that Al's thinking so clearly.

It's just "must get van back."

[Tires squealing]

She's just so close to the van. I mean, it's everything.

[Gun cocks] Quinn: Drop the gun.

Quinn is a survivor. He doesn't necessarily have bad intentions.

It really isn't about good or bad or anything like that.

It's about hungry or not hungry.

Please. I just need the medicine.

This isn't a conversation.

What you're doing right now...

I've been there.

Chambliss: Quinn is really this mirror for June.

He's someone who's in a position that's very similar to

the position she was in when we met her.

[Gunshot fires]

Goldberg: When we see June confront him,

it's sort of like she's confronting her old self.

Go! You know what it's like out there.

And you said you'd just be the guy that pulled the gun on me.

You didn't believe me when I tried to say otherwise!

Chambliss: When she finds herself sending Quinn

out into this desperate landscape,

she's letting her fears prevent her

from being the person she wants to be.

She can't trust herself yet.

She is not stable in this environment

when the going gets tough.

Al, do you copy? I've looked everywhere.

I can't find it. Where is the medicine?

There isn't any.

I just wanted to get the van back.

Elfman: That's a betrayal

to only find out there is no antibiotics

and feel so betrayed by Althea.

Why is that van so important?

It isn't just... other people's stories.

It's the people I knew.

People I loved.

Grace: She needs the stories in that van to live on.

Those people were the best thing about her.

For Al, it's something that is worth risking her life for.

You want to go, go.

Al, we're here. We're alive.

June provides a very kind of powerful insight to her,

She says, "Don't make the present

less important than the past."

Grace: When Al chooses to strike out on her own

and walk away from the truck,

I think she's really struggling.

It hasn't been entirely comfortable

how close she's gotten to some of the people in this group.

I don't think she's prepared to accept

how much she needs to be with them.

[Gunshots fire]

[Brakes squeal]

She's struggling with wanting to be a part of it.


On some level, she knows she won't survive on her own.


For more infomation >> 'June's Struggle w/ Herself' Inside Ep. 412 BTS | Fear the Walking Dead - Duration: 4:22.


'Do You Copy?' Talked About Scene Ep. 412 | Fear the Walking Dead - Duration: 1:16.

[Engine idling]

You messing with me, Cipro?

June: What are you talking about?

You said mile marker 27?

I'm at mile marker 27.

Could've swore I just passed 20, though.


Check again.


I'm looking at it right now.

I'm telling you. Mile marker 27.



[Walker growling]





Are you there?



Do you copy?

For more infomation >> 'Do You Copy?' Talked About Scene Ep. 412 | Fear the Walking Dead - Duration: 1:16.


tay • caramelo 🍬(shot by @dcn.xfvku) - Duration: 1:18.

For more infomation >> tay • caramelo 🍬(shot by @dcn.xfvku) - Duration: 1:18.


how to backup android apps before factory reset | app backup and restore| android app backup - Duration: 1:30.

If you want to make up your Android app, be a factory factory set or if the factory factory

reset is going to try or reset the factory, then you should watch the video after that,

If you do not lose them all, then definitely watch the video after the last call, then

you open this app and here you can see the backup and restore it.

After you go on it, you can back up all the app by making a backup or by making a check,

and after backing it you can see here is the option of the restorer to go to the terrace

and go to the terrace Save the app to your other memory card and move it to the memory

card in the memory card and the statement and remove that memory card, then you have

all the apps that you have already created in this Has had to be found that you Apike

file by which the latter can easily install the memory card

For more infomation >> how to backup android apps before factory reset | app backup and restore| android app backup - Duration: 1:30.


Holistic Weight Loss Tip #3 - Bite Size Video Series [recorded LIVE] - Duration: 5:08.

Hello this is Joliane from Divinely Rooted

mind/body/spirit detox specialist

today I will be sharing my tip number

3 for holistic weight loss now stay

tuned until the end of this video where

I will be picking an oracle card that

matches today's tip, we're going to jump

right in! If you're watching the replay

just type replay below so that I know

that you're here, the tip number 3 is

B R E A T H E now we're so used to going go go

go and left right doing this there's so

much pressure to get so much things

accomplished that sometimes we're so in

our head and we forget to reconnect or

connect with our body, BREATHE, take the time to

breathe a few times here and there

during the day or practice some

different breathing techniques which

there's a lot on YouTube or one of them

one that I really like is the five five

seven technique which basically you take

five you count to five when you inhale

you hold for five and then you exhale for

seven so that's one reason to keep but

there's so many but sometimes it's just

about having one nice big sigh just to

release with you've been holding on to

so breathing throughout the day nice

deep breath in or also breathing in

between bites of food because we're so

used to going so fast that sometimes when

we're eating most of us are eating too

fast so don't forget in between each

bite to the nice deep breath to calm

your central nervous system down and

that will activate digestion and you'll

digest actually better so that's a

simple easy trick for holistic weight loss

if you enjoyed this video don't forget

to click the like button, the heart or

click the share button if you believe

that other people can benefit from this

little tip now let's pick today's oracle

card that match that will

match our tip of the day so let's see

now I love to do angel cards because it

reminds me it actually gives me divine

guidance it gives me it gives me little

messages that is that have been helping

me on my health and healing journey so

by doing this with you I'm hoping that

you also get a my clear message see we

got our card coming up oops we've got

two prayers for today's tip, okay so our

first card is healing heal and healer I

love this message because you said

healing energy surrounds you and this

situation oh what a beautiful message

because all of us can always benefit

from divine healing energy and yes

if you see anything by looking at this

card if you feel something if you have

tingles or whatever message that comes

by looking at this image just let me

know in the comments and the second card

that we got is debt paid off since this

year the old weight and habits of that

is listed from you and your lifestyle

now this is funny because, you

can be taking the message literally but

for the people watching this video that

can also mean what you've been holding

on to if you think about that like the

weight that you're holding on to your

body imagine the weight lifting off and

the habits taking away from you in your

life so this is a great message lots of

life and things changing so I just love

these messages

so if you right looking at these images

see anything else just let me know in

the comments these parts can mean

different things for the people for

different people so if you're watching

this video let me know if you're relate

with this message so I hope that you

enjoyed today's tip if you'd like to

work with me head over to FREE CALL WITH JOLIANE .COM

and you can have a

conversation to see if we are a great fit

I hope that you have an amazing rest of

your day and I will come back very soon!

take care

For more infomation >> Holistic Weight Loss Tip #3 - Bite Size Video Series [recorded LIVE] - Duration: 5:08.


Curtain comes down on 2018 Asian Games with closing ceremony - Duration: 2:40.

After more than two weeks of sporting action featuring the best athletes from across the

continent,... the curtain came down on the 18th Asian Games on Sunday with a glittering

closing ceremony.

South Korea finished with 49 golds to rank third in medal table behind China and Japan.

That's 16 short of the country's target, but there were still plenty of reasons to celebrate.

Won Jung-hwan reports.

For the past 16 days,.... Jakarta and Palembang, the co-host cities of the 2018 Asian Games,

hosted more than eleven-thousand athletes from 45 nations competing for 465 gold medals

in 40 sports.

On Sunday,... the Games came to a triumphant close in Jakarta.

If the opening ceremony wowed the audience for the richness of Indonesia's heritage,…

the closing ceremony was more modest in scale, but extravagant in its liveliness.

It was a celebration of athletes from different countries that highlighted the culture of

not just Indonesia but other Asian nations as well.

Bonding the nations together was the power of music.

K-pop superstars iKON and Super Junior took to the stage, turning the evening into a spectacular

concert that was well received by the crowd.

But before the singers stole the show, some of the athletes came out to say goodbye to

fans in Indonesia and thank them for their support.

While there wasn't a formal parade of athletes at the closing ceremony,… the two Koreas

marched in together just like they did at the opening ceremony.

The two flag bearers, South Korean Suh Hyo-won and North Korean Choe Il of the North, came

in hand-in-hand to big cheers.

South and North Korea competed as one in three sports -- canoeing, rowing and women's basketball.

And they far outstripped expectations,... winning four medals, including a gold in women's

dragon boat racing and a silver in women's basketball.

Sending a congratulatory message to Indonesia for successfully hosting the Asian Games,…

South Korean President Moon Jae-in highlighted the performances by the joint Korean teams.

He said he believes the deep sound of Arirang, Korea's most popular folk song, will bring

the two together again.

As the curtain came down in Jakarta,... athletes will start preparing for the next Asian Games

in Hangzhou in 2022.

It will be the third Chinese city to host the competition, after Beijing in 1990 and

Guangzhou in 2010.

Won Jung-hwan, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Curtain comes down on 2018 Asian Games with closing ceremony - Duration: 2:40.


Whats On August 13 | ACCTV - Duration: 5:01.

- Whoa, it gets cooler!

This is National Science Week

so if you're seeking a kids' science show

that will bend your mind.

- Whoa!

- Then there's a programon ACCTV NOW for you.

(alarm ringing) (woman gasps)

- Whoa!

♪ Shaking off concoctors ♪

♪ Super simple science ♪

♪ Stuff is here ♪

♪ For you ♪

- But right now, we are going to have our own

science experiments in the studio

which is something I find deeply troubling and worrying.

- Well, it appears I'm the most sciency guy

in the office today.

- I've often thought that about you.

(laughs) - Thank you.

- Mm-hmm. - I think.

Anyway, we've got two science experiments

that are gonna blow your mind.

- Ooh.

- So, for the first stuff, we have a balloon

and a water bottle.

(balloon squeaks) (laughs)

So Charlotte, can you pour the water out of the bottle

but make it a steady stream for me?

- Mm-hmm. - Awesome!

- Whoa! - Whoa!

(water splashing)

It's fully bending.

- Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

What is this?

What's happening?

- Oh, well, what we're going to do

is we're gonna make sound waves out of water.

- So what's that?

- Ah, so that's a speaker.

What we're going to do is run water through it.

So what that's gonna do is it's gonna

make the water dance, essentially.

And the TV is here so that we can see it.

- Ah, beautiful!

- I'll turn this speaker on but when that happens,

there's gonna be a spray of water.

- Ah, should I be this close, or?

- Ah, maybe we should step back.

- Okay. - You know what?

Let's make some room. - Yeah, all right.

- All right, are you ready to see water go backwards?

- I am! - All right, let's do this.

- Okay.

(machine rumbling)

That's amazing!

- That's awesome!

- Whoa, that was so cool!

- I know, right?

- Yeah, thank you. - Awesome, no worries.

- Goodbye.

Get out. - Bye!

- Get out of here, this is my show, Jason.

Welp, that was pretty cool but I've got a doco

this week that is ice cold.

Thank you, Outcast.

Snowboarders and Skiiers for Christ bring

the Good News of Jesus to the snowy destinations

and have been doing so for over 20 years.

Almost as old as me.

You might not be aware of SFC or what they're about.

- Like, ah, you just, snowboard

and you're a Jesus follower and, you know,

Snowboards for Christ, man.

- So this is a retrospective documentary

looking at the history of the group from foundational years

to the international movement it is now.

- Oh wow, this thing really has gone out from

that vague memory of sitting in Reuban's bedroom

and sort of planning out a few things we could do

and getting excited, to the fact that there's dudes

all around the world running these SFC chapters.

- They've worked hard over the years to make

a functioning organization out of a bunch of mates

who love the snow and Jesus.

- Structure wasn't in my bloodline.

Still is not.

I'm still trying to figure that out.

I do a lot of Wikipedia on that.

Is Wikipedia what you would use for that?

- Another great documentary is Daughters of Eve.

It's a series with intriguing insights

and detailed dramatic recreations.

- And here is this great Canaanite

general who is about to be undone by a woman.

A clever woman.

- The focus is a historical study of some of the most

powerful women in the Bible.

Every week is a new story with a new woman.

So stay tuned to ACCTV and you can watch them all.

Okay, so this weekend, there is going to be

a rush to ACCTV NOW.

(crowd shouting)

Because the new Signed, Sealed, Delivered episode

is coming this Saturday.

It's called Home Again and we have

a little sneak peek for you right now.

- Special delivery! (laughs)

- That's the brand new Signed, Sealed, Delivered

that's going to be available to watch

on ACCTV NOW this weekend.

But if you are following at We Love Good TV

on social media, you would've already heard.

Make sure you follow us right now on social media

for the latest updates.

Well, I hope you have a great week.

I'll be here playing with some water.


♪ Yeah, yeah ♪


- Mm, okay, great. - Amazing!

- Seamless. - Ah.


♪ Zero to hero just like that ♪

For more infomation >> Whats On August 13 | ACCTV - Duration: 5:01.


Learn the Color Red / Baby & Toddler first Words - Easy Kids Songs - Duration: 1:10.

Red Red

Strawberries are red.

He is wearing a red T-shirt.

The planet is hot and red.

Lots of red roses.

The fire extinguisher is red.

Cherries are red.

Can you see the red jelly beans?

What else is red?

For more infomation >> Learn the Color Red / Baby & Toddler first Words - Easy Kids Songs - Duration: 1:10.


95-year-old breaks his own record as world's oldest scuba diver - Duration: 0:20.

95-year-old breaks his own record as world's oldest scuba diver

A 95-year-old man has broken his own record as the world's oldest scuba diver.

British World War Two veteran Ray Woolley took the plunge to explore a shipwreck off

the coast of Cyprus.

Woolley spent nearly 45 minutes under water, and said he hopes to break the record again

next year.

For more infomation >> 95-year-old breaks his own record as world's oldest scuba diver - Duration: 0:20.


Incendio devora el Museo Nacional de Rio, uno de los más antiguos de Brasil - Duration: 2:29.

  Un enorme incendio devora el Museo Nacional de Río de Janeiro, uno de los más antiguos de Brasil, sin que por ahora se hayan reportado víctimas

 El siniestro inició hacia las 19:30 locales, por causas por el momento desconocidas, cuando ya había cerrado las puertas al público, indicaron los medos brasileños

  Imágenes aéreas de TV Globo mostraron el majestuso edificio, en la zona norte de Río de Janeiro, devorado por enormes llamas, sin que la acción de los bomberos desplegados en el lugar lograra sofocarlas

  Fundado en 1818 y creado por el rey Juan VI, el Museo Nacional es uno de las más antiguos e importantes de Brasil

(Reuters)  ​ Fundado en 1818 y creado por el rey Juan VI, el Museo Nacional es uno de las más antiguos e importantes de Brasil y cuenta con más de 20 millones de valiosas piezas

 "Hoy es un día trágico para Brasil. Se han perdido 200 años de trabajo, de investigación y conocimiento", afirmó el presidente Michel Temer en un comunicado de prensa

  El incendio "es una tragedia para la cultura", dijo a TV Globo el director de otro museo, el Museo Histórico Nacional, Paulo Knauss

  El portal el Museo señala que en su acervo había una colección egipcia y otra de arte y artefactos grecorromanos, así como colecciones de paleontología que incluyen el esqueleto de un dinosaurio hallado en la región de Minas Gerais y el más antiguo fósil humano hallado en el actual Brasil, bautizado Luzia

Hasta el momento se desconocen las causas del incendio. (Reuters)   alec

For more infomation >> Incendio devora el Museo Nacional de Rio, uno de los más antiguos de Brasil - Duration: 2:29.


Search Engine Optimization Tutorial: Part 1 - Duration: 8:57.

Hi Everyone, I am Prasun Shakya, Digital Marketing Specialist.

I am back with my first part of the weekly tutorial on Search Engine Optimization.

If you have watched all my previous tutorial on Internet Marketing, I am sure you already

have the basic understanding of SEO and its importance.

If you have not watched my previous tutorial, I suggest you watch all of my previous tutorials

to have the basic understanding of Internet Marketing.

Before going ahead, I want to explain to you what is Search Engine Optimization in Short.

Well, Search Engine Optimization is a set of activities that you perform to increase

the number of visitors to your website via search engine.

Suppose you have decided to start a physical store as well as e-commerce website for cosmetics

in your local suburb.

Since you are new, and people are not aware of your store, you want to have keyword such

as cosmetics store near me rank in Search Engines.

For this, you need to perform various activities for Search Engine Optimization so that when

people search for term "cosmetic store near me" in search engines, your website is displayed

in the first page and people will then either visit your website or visit your store if

it is close by.

To start with the tutorial, you need to understand some of generals terms in SEO.

They are SERP (Search Engine Result Page), Bot, Anchor Text, Title Tag, Meta Description,

Meta Tags, Backlinks and Landing Page. If you are still confused about those terms, you need to review

my tutorial on Internet Marketing before proceeding with this tutorial.

Before performing any task for search engine optimisation, you need to understand your

business goals as this will allow you to measure value, keep the focus on the task and lead

everyone to one unified direction.

You cannot win a battle without realising what you want to achieve through the battle.

One example is I own a shop that sells tea bags.

My company's primary goal is to open an online tea shop, and my additional goal is

to export tea to other parts of the country.

When you are clear about your goals, you will have a strong vision of why you need an SEO


So go ahead, think about your primary goal and your additional goal.

I recommend you to get a pen and paper to write your primary and additional goals for

the business.

Once you are happy with your goal then only proceed ahead with setting SEO goals.

Here are few things to keep in mind to set your SEO goals,


Set achievable goals, start small and go on from there.

Probably for a tea shop, decide on the easy long tail keyword which has the high number

of searches.

I have used keyword search tool KWFinder to find keyword such as a tea shop near me.

This particular keyword in Sydney had 50 searches and SEO difficulty as 33 which is easier to


Also, when using a keyword like tea shop near me will also help us to rank keyword tea shop

which has 320 searches per month and SEO difficulty as 38 which means it is easier to rank.

Whereas if you choose keyword such as Green Tea which has 1600 searches per month but

SEO difficulty of 57 which means it would be hard to rank and even if you rank those

keywords, you need more resources to maintain the ranking.


Be clear on what you want to achieve through SEO: Suppose through SEO your primary goal

is to increase visitors in your physical store and the secondary goal is through online store

then you need to target keyword such as near me to increase visitors in your physical store.


Keep the budget in mind: You can set goals that are achievable and not get discouraged

by unattainable goals.

I have previously said that SEO is a long run game.

You cannot expect to have return within a few days by doing SEO.

Hence, plan your budget for a long run and target keywords that has higher searches but

lower SEO competition.


Use tools such as SEMrush that provide you with data regarding your competitor's traffic

or compare keyword so that you can tweak your SEO accordingly.

It is going to benefit you as you are targetting keywords that your competitor are already

doing well.


You need to Practice Patience.

SEO is a long game, and you have to practice patience to win it in the end.

Unchanging Truth About SEO

To understand how SEO works, picture a group of ants walking to find food.

They follow a particular path, but if the road is blocked or does not have anything,

they return with nothing.

When they see something, they bring it to their anthill.

Here, ants are the bots that crawl to your website, and the anthill is the search engine,

where bot brings the information.

Therefore for an SEO, there is un denying truth that Bots require path i.e.HTML Links.

Some of the other facts regarding SEO are


Search Engine Algorithm

The algorithm is a formula that a search engine uses to determine its ranks.

The search engines use the algorithm to achieve its primary goal to provide the most relevant

information to their customer.

Therefore, you need to be up to date regarding any new changes in the algorithm of search



Unchanging truth about Text

Search engines always look into how much text are there on your site, how it is formatted

and what's the context.

For a useful text in your website, you need to make sure that you have a careful selection

of keywords.

Many successful site owners have a list of top priority keywords that they use for their


Plus it is crucial to check keywords to make sure if they are appropriate or not.

HTML Page title always carries excellent importance as it gets maximum exposure in the search

engine result pages.

Meta Description is displayed as the description under the page title.

It bolds the keyword that the user is searching for in the meta description.

A meta description should be compelling, keyword rich and unique for every page for visitors

to visit your website.


Unchanging Truth about Linking

No matter how quick a search engine provides a list of relevant information to the user,

search engine still relies on human help to gather information about your website.

Let's take an example where linked a keyword named "digital consultancy"

to your website, the bot consider that your content is about digital consultancy.

Furthermore, it goes in deep of your content to get more information around that keyword.

Thank you for watching my first part of my tutorial on SEO.

Next week, I am going to cover one of the essential topics on SEO such as on-page factor,

Site Factors, Off Page Factors.

If you have any feedback, please comment below.

If you like my video, please subscribe, like and share my tutorial.


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