Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 4 2018

Title: Breakfast music playlist video: Morning Music - Modern Jazz Collection (For Sunday and Everyday)

For more infomation >> Breakfast music playlist video: Morning Music - Modern Jazz Collection (For Sunday and Everyday) - Duration: 3:18:20.


Emotional vs Rational Thinking - Find out the Winner! (SHOCKING TRUTH!) - Duration: 9:37.

do you think rationally or do you think

emotionally today I'm going to help

bridge the gap between these two forms

of thinking and tell you why this is so

relevant to your life and what you

should do in order to start making

decisions more effectively and how you

should think under different


hey self Alfred do you think rationally

or do you think emotionally and which

one is actually better for you let me

break it down for you in this video

whenever we look at human beings it's

important to remember that we are

emotional creatures first and then we

are rational or logical thinkers and

which emotions do we actually trigger

under different situations it's very

important to keep these under

consideration because it affects the

decisions we make in day-to-day life

for example let's start off with the bad

side of things the negative aspects we

feel a certain way and that reflects our

reality on the outside for example I

have a negative thought about the

outside that I feel that my relationship

is not working out and therefore it's

true that the relationship is not

working out again I am acting based on

my emotion and developing a negative

interpretation that things are not

working out in the relationship and I

start to believe that the more I think

in that fashion

what is wrong with that form of thinking

you need to tell me that remember that

every time we act based on such emotions

our negative emotions are designed to

help us avoid pain we do not want to go

through pain and for that reason we

start to rationalize it that because I

am feeling this way that's the way

things actually are that I am not

convinced that I love this person that

it's not reflecting in the way I go

about putting effort

into this that's important to consider

we develop emotional reasoning and in

reality that may not reflect how things

actually are in the relationship but we

choose to believe them over a period of

time so getting back to the point should

we think rationally or should we think

emotionally and which one serves us

better the fact of the matter is this if

I am someone who thinks about how I go

about making a decision it's always

going to be my emotional decision that

comes first and then I rationalize it if

you read this book called start with

white by simon Sinek I'll link it up

down on the description box for you go

and buy that book it's it's a tremendous

read in that book he tells us that we

act based on emotion and we justify that

act with our logic or reasoning remember

that our emotional brain the amygdala

and hippocampus play a much bigger role

in decision-making than a rational brain

or it acts eighty thousand times faster

than the frontal cortex which is

involved in decision-making so if I were

to if I wanted to buy a car I really

wanted that car so badly and nothing was

going to stop me that desire is coming

from my emotion now I may justify it

with logic and tell myself you know what

that car has amazing specs that car

gives 15 miles for the liter

I'm a justified oh it's a really

good-looking car I mean it's going to

impress a lot of people I may justify it

with n number of reasons but the reality

is that it's an innate desire an emotion

that is triggering my decision to buy

that car and humans are not very good at

describing emotions think about it how

do you describe the feeling of love you

tell someone that you love that person

but it's your rational brain that is

telling you that the feeling of love is

being expressed now it's very difficult

to put it into words that's what I'm

trying to tell you

that whenever we feel a certain way we

feel angry we feel loved we feel hate or

we feel pride or joy it's very difficult

to verbalize these emotions it's

difficult to express why we feel a

certain way in words so that internal

emotion is difficult to express and this

emotion acts 80,000 times faster than

any kind of thinking that is coming from

here the prefrontal cortex this the site

of decision-making that is going to help

you justify your decision for choosing

to buy or go through with a certain

emotion remember that if we are to

create more powerful decisions decisions

that are going to benefit us in the long

run we need to make wiser decisions that

are going to be either skeptical or

decision is that where we spend a little

bit of more time thinking about what we

are going to do now there are a lot of

people who act based on their gut what

is that

it's just acting based on emotion we

make emotional decisions all the time

and we justify it later with this

thought process that you know what I

behaved in this fashion and I justify it

with words

I tell myself that's why I decided to

buy that card that's why I chose to love

that person it's this constant cycle

that we get into so remember that if you

are going to make a decision either be

skeptical about the decision you're

going to make question the decision a

little bit but make sure it's a

definitive decision in the end so go

through with a decision after thinking

about it for a little while and then

make the decision because when you jump

to a conclusion you make a decision

immediately what happens is you're

acting based on emotion and most of the

time unless you're someone who is a

really good thinker someone who can

think accurately if you're not someone

who can think accurately you act based

on emotion you invest in a store

that may give you great returns or it

may leave you bankrupt so think about it

a lot of us act based on emotion when we

act based on emotion we are not thinking

of the consequences we are not thinking

about the possibilities of what could go

wrong what may not work out so thinking

rationally plays a very important role

so if you can think about different

situations first of all understand if

you're a person who acts primarily based

on emotions or you act logically you're

a little skeptical you take your time

with making certain important decisions

that makes a big difference because when

you think accurately you think about the

end result what is this going to do for

me what are the possible losses I may

suffer what are the benefits I may get

then you put yourself in a position to

make better decisions and when you make

better decisions that sets up a good

habit of decision making a

decision-making habit that is based

around accurate thinking so that's very

important to consider so think about

that are you someone who acts based on

rational thoughts or are you acting

purely based on emotion remember the

emotional pathway we make decisions

based on emotion first and then we

justify it with logic later on we can

never truly describe the inner emotions

that we feel but are the words we use

the way we act it comes close to helping

us to understand why we act a certain

way why we choose to buy certain things

why we choose to be around certain

people why we hate certain aspects of

things that are going on in our life

that is a very critical thing that you

need to start thinking about starting

today so preferably make your decisions

in a skeptical fashion take your time

and then make a decision versus making

an emotional decision that could lead

you into trouble spend a little bit of

more time and

and things will work out absolutely

great for you so if you found this video

useful make sure you leave it a thumbs

up and tell me what you thought about it

down in the comment section below ask me

a question about what you want to learn

and what you want to improve upon in

your life because each and every day I

am posting videos just for you to have

you perform better have you motivated

and empowered in every single area of

your life and have you become the best

version of yourself that's the goal of

this channel and we are doing it every

single day that's why I'm conveying my

knowledge to you so that you can benefit

from it and make significant change in a

positive fashion in your life so if this

is your first time here make sure you

subscribe and hit Belle notifications

you don't want to miss even a single

video coming out of my channel check out

all of my videos because they are

designed to make a big difference in

your life this is Vikram signing off and

I will see you in the next session

For more infomation >> Emotional vs Rational Thinking - Find out the Winner! (SHOCKING TRUTH!) - Duration: 9:37.


이달의소녀탐구 #387 (LOONA TV #387) - Duration: 1:00.

#NowPlaying "LOOΠΔ - favOriTe" (It looks like lunch time at school)

(And coincidentally, the members out there are Chuu, Choerry and YeoJin)

(Suddenly Yves appeared!)

'Why are they so excited?'

(They are so enegetic today, and It looks awkward even to LOOΠΔ TV PD!)

(Do you know the reason why they keep taking a pose like that?)

(Because of HeeJin's commercial which became a hot issue recently!) HeeJin: Focus

JinSoul: You can try, YeoJin!

YeoJin: Focus~!

JinSoul: Oh, come on~

YeoJin: Focus~!

(The fans watching it would be focused on her definitely!) YeoJin: Focus~!

(The fans watching it would be focused on her definitely!)

HeeJin: Stop it~

(It's JinSoul's turn!)

(It's JinSoul's turn!) JinSoul: Focus~

HeeJin: She doesn't know what is 'Focus'

(Maybe she doesn't really know it...)

HeeJin: I'm sure! She doesn't know it!

JinSoul: Choerry doesn't know it~

Choerry: I know, I know!

HeeJin: Definitely she doesn't know it!

Yves: I can do!

Yves: Please, I can do!

Yves: Let me try~!

(Attention all the advertisers, this is Yves!)

(This is the dignity of the original) HeeJin: Just try to be chic and cool as much as you can

(Okay, HeeJin. We're getting focused!)

JinSoul: Okay, let's try it together!

(Now you can understand LOOΠΔ TV #375.5, right?)

For more infomation >> 이달의소녀탐구 #387 (LOONA TV #387) - Duration: 1:00.


[Official MV] SoRi ft.BASICK "Touch" FULL MV - Duration: 3:08.

(Close distance, sound of your breath)

(Do you want it, you can tell me)

(I'm getting bored by your mannerism)

(Be honest for once, I hate the cliches)

You know what you gotta do tonight

(Such opportunity is rare)

Truth becomes a weapon keep in mind

(You and me between us)

Something something something

Touch touch touch touch body

I want more. Oh can you bring me?

Touch touch touch touch body


(Approaching, MIDNIGHT)

(Illuminating MOONLIGHT)


(You can do it, Touch touch, you can have me)

My body my mind you can touch

(you had my mind and my body)

Baby don't worry it's never too much

(To me there was nothing excessive about you)

(Only a few millimeters between you and I)

(I cannot stop at this point)

uh better come closer baby

Cuz i just wanna get to know ya deeper

You know what you gotta do tonight

(Oh, my shiver isn't anything new)

Truth becomes a weapon keep in mind

(Still between two of us) Something something something

Touch touch touch touch body

(I want more and more)

Oh can you bring me?

Touch touch touch touch body


(Approaching MIDNIGHT) (yeah we got the whole night)

(Illuminating MOONLIGHT) (don't worry we'll make it all right)

(Until the SUNRISE) baby it's just you and I)

(You can do it, Touch touch, You can have me)

(So ecstatic, so fatal)

(So sweetly melt away)

(If you're close by all the sudden, touch my body.)

(Suspenseful feeling)

(Between you and I Something something something)

Touch touch touch touch body

(I want more)

Oh can you bring me?

Touch touch touch touch body


(Approaching, MIDNIGHT)

(Illuminating MOONLIGHT)


(You can do it, Touch touch, you can have me)

For more infomation >> [Official MV] SoRi ft.BASICK "Touch" FULL MV - Duration: 3:08.


Light Streak Filter Effect 5min Premiere Pro Tutorial by Chung Dha - Duration: 4:54.

Hey filmmaker Chung Dha here welcome to

another quick tutorial we're going to

teach you how to do a light streak

effect in five minutes it's a cool

effect for dream sequence a flashback

sequence or you can even alter it to

make a anamorphic streak effect we have

already a clip loaded here and we're

going to hold down alt and drag this up

to copy it and mainly on the top layer

we're going to add all the effects the

bottom one we can for now turn it off by

hitting this eye icon and the first

effect we're going to need is luma key

I've actually made or made a quick list

just dragging it into a list making

easier to or quickly to grab all the

effects instead of just typing and

searching for them so luma key get this

on to here so you can get and see it

getting darker but it's not getting the

because actually it's made dark

areas more transparent and we're going

to drag the next effect which is

directional blur after that we are using

lumetri color and the last one is tint

so these four effects we need and first

thing I'm going to change is this

opacity blend mode to screen and now the

next one is luma key so luma key is

going to make dark areas more

transparent and going to only need like

the bright area so we're going to change

the cutoff to 50% so we can see already

like more areas of the dark areas

actually cut and cut off and now to

directional blur directional blur is

going to add like a blur which is in a

direction and we're going to make this

blur line 100 so we get this nice cool

streak effect and we can actually now

turn on the bottom layer to see this

trick effect going however it's not that

strong yet so we're going to base a

correction inside of lumetri color and

we're going to add the white and going

to 150 we can see it's being brighter

however it's not really extreme right

yet we can actually hold down alt and

drag this layer on top

you actually make it more stronger if we

now play it you can see it follows the

light and you can see like more

interesting flashback sequence happening

and what's also more interesting about

this effect is we're going to delete the

top one we can actually now go to tint

we can change this color to like a color

that we want maybe like pinkish if it's

like a dream sequence and you like to

like a blue and then hold down alt drag

these up to get this interesting effect

so it doesn't have to be vertical so we

can delete this and we're going to

change the angle here so we can make

this to the direction of the directional

blur to like 45 angle and drag these up

so we get these direct diagonally

streaks it's also quite interesting but

these are like blue streaks and have

them in different color also I think

like diagonally more interesting be just

the standard white streaks so we can see

that here so you have this streak effect

for that and now to anamorphic streak

effect it be at the angle of 90 degrees

and now change this color of course to

blue and we don't want these big-ass

effect going on or these extreme light

leaks going on so we're going to make

this a little bit less we can change

this cut off to like 90 or 80 degrees or


I think 90 be good and just now drag

these up so we can get these

and the morphic light streak effect so

that was within five minutes so hope you

guys find this a quite useful tutorial

if you want to see more upcoming

tutorials please hit that subscribe

button here below and also make sure to

hit that Bell icon so you're always

updated when I post a new video see you

guys the next time bye bye

For more infomation >> Light Streak Filter Effect 5min Premiere Pro Tutorial by Chung Dha - Duration: 4:54.


Murió integrante de Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Duration: 2:26.

 Conway Savage, pianista de Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds, murió el domingo pasado debido a complicaciones con el cáncer cerebral que padecía

 La noticia fue confirmada por la banda a través de un comunicado en su página oficial y en redes sociales

  CONWAY SAVAGE Our beloved Conway passed away on Sunday evening. A member of Bad Seeds for nearly thirty years, Conway was the anarchic thread that ran through the band's live performances

He was much loved by everyone, band members and fans alike. Irascible, funny, terrifying, sentimental, warm-hearted, gentle, acerbic, honest, genuine - he was all of these things and quite literally "had the gift of a golden voice," high and sweet and drenched in soul

On a drunken night, at four in the morning, in a hotel bar in Cologne, Conway sat at the piano and sang Streets of Laredo to us, in his sweet, melancholy style and stopped the world for a moment

There wasn't a dry eye in the house. Goodbye Conway, there isn't a dry eye in the house

Love, Nick and the Bad Seeds. A post shared by Nick Cave (@nickcaveofficial) on Sep 3, 2018 at 1:26am PDT  Savage abandonó los escenarios en 2016 debido a un tumor cerebral que decidió tratarse, por lo que el año pasado se sometió a una intervención quirúrgica

TE RECOMENDAMOS: La música debe dar mensajes positivos: Dulce María Ofrecen vigencia a la Época de Oro  El pianista se unió a Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds en 1990 y formó parte de la agrupación durante 26 años, al mismo tiempo que hacía una carrera de solista

 LG ​ ​ ​

For more infomation >> Murió integrante de Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Duration: 2:26.


Minnesota State Fair attendance likely to top 2 million - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> Minnesota State Fair attendance likely to top 2 million - Duration: 2:47.


「NGT48」なぜ中井りか公演復帰「胸いっぱい」ファンに感謝!? - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> 「NGT48」なぜ中井りか公演復帰「胸いっぱい」ファンに感謝!? - Duration: 3:05.


"Vom Burnout zum Balkon" Interview Birgit Schattling FOLGE 12 Quint-E Podcast 🎙 Beatrice Bürger - Duration: 32:22.

For more infomation >> "Vom Burnout zum Balkon" Interview Birgit Schattling FOLGE 12 Quint-E Podcast 🎙 Beatrice Bürger - Duration: 32:22.


Mi Carolina - Duration: 4:32.

For more infomation >> Mi Carolina - Duration: 4:32.


ROBLOX Wild Savannah - Getting Female Leopards Hunger FULL! - Duration: 10:41.

alright bud you see all of these buffs?


now chewing asmr lol

still goin-

why are you here?

dont know why but this took me more than 9 minutes


also sorry for all the lag obs is acting up :C

For more infomation >> ROBLOX Wild Savannah - Getting Female Leopards Hunger FULL! - Duration: 10:41.


XCOM 2 RED - Duration: 3:37.

Dressed in a disguise

And your hunger burns me up inside

I know you

Lead me to the dark

Into the woods be safely who you are

Follow you

Leading me on, I stand by him

Leaving behind this world we're in

I know it's wrong but I give in

Warm and paralyzed

without a touch, linger and hypnotize me

Push harder

Wish you'd trap me in

the water's frozen, I can not dive into

go faster

Leading me on, I stand by him

Leaving behind this world we're in

I know it's wrong but I give in

Run faster


the path is longer, longer than ever

run faster


it's longer than ever

Lead me to the dark

This hunger burns

Leading me on, I stand by him

Follow me

Leaving behind this world we're in

Follow me

I know it's wrong but I

I know it's wrong but I

I know it's wrong but I

Give in

For more infomation >> XCOM 2 RED - Duration: 3:37.


Video shows kayak rescue near New Smyrna Beach - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> Video shows kayak rescue near New Smyrna Beach - Duration: 1:44.


Kalabhairava Mahatyam | Kalabhairava Mahima | Kalabhairava Temple | Kalabhairava Temple Rajahmundry - Duration: 0:40.


For more infomation >> Kalabhairava Mahatyam | Kalabhairava Mahima | Kalabhairava Temple | Kalabhairava Temple Rajahmundry - Duration: 0:40.


Dakota Johnson se preparó para 'Suspiria' mientras filmaba '50 Sombras de Gray' - Duration: 2:42.

  La dura preparación de Dakota Johnson para el filme erótico Cincuenta Sombras de Grey no se compara con las demandas físicas de Suspiria, una película de terror en la que gran parte del miedo proviene de su habilidad para bailar como una mujer poseída

  Suspiria, una nueva versión del clásico de culto de la década de 1970, está ambientada en una escuela de baile en Berlín a la que llega el personaje de Johnson, Susie, una joven inocente de los maizales de Ohio, y descubre extraños poderes

  Las mujeres mayores de la academia se impresionan por su baile instintivo y violento y rápidamente le dan el papel principal en una próxima actuación, aunque el espectador sospecha que tienen algo más siniestro en mente

"Fue increíble descubrir que podía hacer eso con mi cuerpo, pero fue mucho trabajo, mucho entrenamiento", dijo Johnson en Venecia, donde Suspiria compite por el León de Oro

  TE RECOMENDAMOS: Dakota Johnson asiste a terapia después de 'Suspiria' 'Suspiria' lleva terror a Venecia  ​"Trabajé durante seis meses antes de filmar

Estaba filmando otra película en Vancouver, la tercera entrega de 50 Sombras, e iba antes o después del trabajo a entrenar", agregó

  La actriz de 28 años tiene otro filme de terror en proceso, llamado Bad Times at the El Royale, con Jeff Bridges y Chris Hemsworth

 "Pienso que pasé por una fase un poco horrorosa recientemente", dijo Johnson. "Estoy interesada en hacer todo tipo de filmes

Me encanta el cine y me encantan las películas, así que no sé qué haré después. Pero las que están saliendo son un poquito 'diferentes'", agregó

El Festival de Cine de Venecia  se celebra hasta el 8 de septiembre.   DIGL ​ ​

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