Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 4 2018

微信小游戏,强力推荐这5 款超好玩! - 马来西亚微信 (

For more infomation >> 微信小游戏,强力推荐这5 款超好玩! - 马来西亚微信 ( - Duration: 2:49.


Qeema Wash karne ka Asan Tariqa || How to wash Ground Meat ||How to Clean Ground Beef By Sehar Syed - Duration: 4:34.

Please SUBSCRIBE Cooking With Sehar Syed

For more infomation >> Qeema Wash karne ka Asan Tariqa || How to wash Ground Meat ||How to Clean Ground Beef By Sehar Syed - Duration: 4:34.


カネボウ スイサイ 新木優子主演 suisai WEBドラマ秋編「毎日、思ってた」 CM - Duration: 9:10.

I can always tell if a guy is lying.

Not just things like cheating,

but even little things.

So, how?

A woman's intuition.

Yes, men and women do express things differently.

How do I put it?

Women are more subtle creatures,

but with men, you can see it in their face.

Are you talking from personal experience, Mirei?

That's funny.

What about you, Yuko?

You probably pick up quickly on what your boyfriend is thinking.

Yes, you definitely do!

The clients will be here soon.

You've been together a while, haven't you?

You and Osamu can communicate just by looking into each other's eyes, can't you?

Okay, lunchtime is over.

And sometimes he meets you after work, doesn't he?

You always walk over that bridge.

You're so lovey-dovey.

Yes, well.

Why are you embarrassed?

It's sweet.

I like this welcome display,

and let's have this dessert.

And the dress changes here and here!

Should we have another one?

Hey, Fuu!

Oh, okay.

Really? You think we should?

Oh, what about this?

The display type A is over there

and to the right is type B.

I see. I'm going to have a look.

To be honest, I have no interest in all this.


It's okay. Lots of men are like that.

Ah, there are so many times

I just can't keep up with women.

She's my partner,

But will we be okay if we can't even communicate on such basic stuff?



Oh, hi.

You know, I never know what you're thinking.


Is that how it seems?

Do you love me?


Why don't you answer me?

Why are you asking all of a sudden?

You're like a doll, Yuko.

You just clam up on important things.

What's the matter?

You don't tell me what you're thinking

so I have to ask.

But Osamu, you don't usually tell me either.

So I don't know how you feel.

So it's going to end with us sounding each other out.

We're just doubting each other.

Maybe you and I need a bit of space.

How long have you felt this way?

Every day.


Are you awake, Osamu?

I'm going to leave in the morning once the trains start running.



Osamu, what's this doing here?

Did you buy this for me?

And it's all come to this.



I got it because you've been using it.


I've always admired your beautiful skin.

So I bought it for myself.

I know…it's weird, isn't it?

No, it's not weird.

Not weird at all.






It's like this morning

is for us,

just for us.

I want to be here forever and ever.

I don't want us to have a break.

I want to know what you're thinking.

It's okay, you don't have to tell me.


I love you.

I've always,

always loved you.

Every day I've imagined a world with just us,

where we truly understand each other,

and share our dreams.

Our world, with just the two of us,

is deeply connected at the core.

And feelings will seemingly just gush.

I want to believe that.

For silky, smooth skin.


Autumn version

"Imagining, every day"

For more infomation >> カネボウ スイサイ 新木優子主演 suisai WEBドラマ秋編「毎日、思ってた」 CM - Duration: 9:10.


Mobile Legends WTF Moments 87 - Duration: 10:31.

For more infomation >> Mobile Legends WTF Moments 87 - Duration: 10:31.


Hellboy vs Prince Nuada First Fight | Hellboy 2 The Golden Army (2008) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:58.

I will kill you, Abraham.

And anyone else if that is necessary.


Then why don't you just start with me, Your Royal Assness?

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Who put those there?

And your weapon of choice?

Five-fingered Mary.

You move and I'll kill your Abraham first.

Red, you mustn't harm the Prince.


lf you hurt him, you hurt the Princess.

You've gotta be kidding me.

Will you give me the crown piece?


The piece. - No.


Red, I'm so sorry, but they're linked.

What's going on?

Red. Liz.

Red, behind you.

You may have mused in the past, "Am l mortal?"

You are now.

Abraham, many people have died for this crown.

He will, too.

If you want to save him and see her again,

you will find the missing piece and bring it to me.

Jesus, Abe, pull the damn thing out!

l cannot.

Every time I touch it, every time I come close to it,

it moves closer to his heart.

I don't know what else to do.

The wound will not heal until the spear is removed.

We're running out of time.

Then we go after the Prince.

And we make him take it out.

Hey, Liz.

You were asking me.

Don't talk.

No, no, let me tell you.

I know what's important.

It's you.


I could turn my back on the world, all of it,

as long as you stay with me.

I'll stay with you.

You're the best man I've ever met.


"Be near me when my light is low

"When the blood creeps

"And the heart is sick and all the wheels of being slow"

For more infomation >> Hellboy vs Prince Nuada First Fight | Hellboy 2 The Golden Army (2008) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:58.


Comment réduire la congestion? | Programme Rad | Élections Québec 2018 | 05 — 23 - Duration: 8:40.

For more infomation >> Comment réduire la congestion? | Programme Rad | Élections Québec 2018 | 05 — 23 - Duration: 8:40.


Poha || instant breakfast poha recipe in 5 minutes - Duration: 3:11.




For more infomation >> Poha || instant breakfast poha recipe in 5 minutes - Duration: 3:11.


Robert Fontamillas - Former Lay Minister, Philippine Independent Church - Duration: 7:35.

I am Brother Robert Fontamillas.

I am from Odiongan, Romblon.

I was a Lay Minister of the Aglipayan Church

or otherwise known as Philippine Independent Church or Iglesia Filipina Independiente.

I became a Lay Minister in barangays.

Every week,

I bring and officiate the mass in four barangays,

namely: Anahaw, Bating, Maliliko, and Pinaypayan. That would take the entire day to finish.

We conduct Bible studies every night in every barangay.

Not only in those I mentioned but in others barangays as well.

In the faith we received, we believe in idols and saints.

My faith is half-hearted because of the teachings I believe in.

I ask why we have saints?

I respect the idols but for me, I don't want to kneel before them

because my faith regarding those was not firm. I want to correct my belief.

I will search for the truth about that.

When we pray we also call to saints.

My doubts with regards to veneration of idols

came when I read what was written in Exodus

that idols made by men with likeness of anything that is in heaven above,

or that is in the earth beneath, should not be worshiped.

So I continued seeking the truth with regards to that because that shouldn't be done.

That is one of my reasons I doubted what the Aglipayans do.

Whenever I preach before our members, I really avoided teaching about idols.

I also avoid preaching about the middle station called the purgatory

because that is not written in the Holy Scriptures.

I don't want my preaching become an avenue in teachings things that I know are wrong.

That time, no one has invited me to attend Evangelical Missions of the Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ)

but I got to read PASUGO (God's Message) magazines.

Time came that I was able to listen to the teachings of the Church Of Christ and someone invited me.

I compared everything.

Although I already saw the truth, days and times passed by until

I finished my four years of service to the Aglipayan Church.

During those years that I preach, the Church Of Christ was already in my heart.

I see based on my examination and comparison between and all other religions,

that the Church Of Christ is above all of them.

When I examined the Church Of Christ,

I got to peacefully read what is written in the Holy Scriptures

especially about the teaching that I compared with the Church about false idols and saints.

I did not even ask the minister

Because it is already clear to me that veneration of the idols should not be done.

I threw away that belief.

When I was already inside the Church Of Christ, the prayers and

the worship service are rendered to the Father.

The only Mediator is the Lord Jesus Christ to Whom God gave the right

and administration to everything as Lord and Savior.

There are no other mediators, not Mary, nor the saints.

Christ is the only Mediator.

As a member of the Church Of Christ now,

I observed that in worship services,

every teaching taught to the flock is based and solely based in the Bible.

I saw the holiness of the worship service.

Men are separate from women. We wear proper garments.

There's holiness in the singing of hymns.

Hymns are really sung before the worship service.

Being a member of the Church Of Christ greatly benefited my spiritual life

because I am happy to be here and

I already know about truth.

I am thankful, primarily to God,

and to the Word fulfilled in the flesh, the Lord Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior because

I was redeemed with His blood.

This paved way for salvation which should be shared with others.

To my former colleagues, lay ministers, and members to whom I preached

ponder about Christ's redemption. He humbled Himself.

Ponder about that because if we won't, we will not receive salvation.

We'll receive that through our membership inside the Church Of Christ

Because this is the Church that will appear for our sake, the Church that God promised.

I am Brother Robert Fontamillas,

a former lay minister of the Aglipayan Church or Philppine Independent Church.

I am now a proud member of the Church Of Christ.

For more infomation >> Robert Fontamillas - Former Lay Minister, Philippine Independent Church - Duration: 7:35.


Troll Gái Xinh | Pha phản dame kinh điển nhớ đời của Vĩnh #TGX - Duration: 7:38.

For more infomation >> Troll Gái Xinh | Pha phản dame kinh điển nhớ đời của Vĩnh #TGX - Duration: 7:38.


Night out vlog with Gauravzone and Bhai Gazab..❤️ - Duration: 12:44.

For more infomation >> Night out vlog with Gauravzone and Bhai Gazab..❤️ - Duration: 12:44.


Asesinan a Félix Aguilar Caballero, edil electo de Nopalucan - Duration: 1:05.

 El alcalde electo del municipio de Nopalucan, ubicado en la zona de Ciudad Modelo, Félix Aguilar Caballero, fue asesinado esta noche mientras circulaba a bordo de su vehículo sobre la carretera Nopalucan-Soltepec, a la altura de la comunidad de Ixtlayuca

 El subsecretario de la Secretaría de Seguridad Pública del estado, José Tlachi Meneses, declaró que el homicidio podría estar ligado a un conflicto relacionado con el asalto a trenes

 Las primeras investigaciones revelan que el ataque ocurrió alrededor de las 19:30 horas cuando Aguilar Caballero salía de una reunión en Nopalucan con la actual administración municipal y circulaba en la carretera hacia Soltepec


For more infomation >> Asesinan a Félix Aguilar Caballero, edil electo de Nopalucan - Duration: 1:05.


DIY DISNEY DRESSES || Disney Kids Wardrobe - Duration: 9:00.

hey everyone thanks so much for checking out Once Upon a Potts today we are

talking all about adorable Disney outfits for your little girl so if

you're watching this video there's a good chance that one you already have a

little bit of a Disney obsession - you might be a parent three you might have a

daughter and four you might be looking to fill

their closet with adorable Disney does without breaking your bank so I'm going

to show you kind of how to navigate this whole crazy Disney wardrobe with the

items that are in my own daughter's closet and showing you how to kind of

DIY and replicate some fun things along the way today I'm going to be showing

you some items not only from Etsy shops but also from ebay from the parks

themselves and some DIYs so first off I'm going to start at the highest end of

the spectrum and get back down to the DIY part so the highest one I'm going to

show you is actually from an Etsy shop called hoot and holler clothing and we

got these Kennedy and I got these as gifts from a family member and they are

exquisite they're beautifully made I'm so excited to show them to you so take a

look at the work on these can you see the appliques you see and then over here

we have bloom here and of course mrs. Potts and chip such a cute one and with

the embroidery in the Disney font right and then here's one of our favorites

because it has all the princesses this dress is beyond perfect for the parks

because it really encompasses all of the princesses on there in this beautiful

applique work can you see that it's truly exquisite what that artist over a

hoot and holler does is incredible however these dresses are not cheap they

do retail for I think between 80 and $100 a piece they are works of art I

mean I am she's going to be putting these on dolls or teddy bears or

something we're gonna be keeping on holding onto them for you know forever

but beautifully done work out there be sure to support some smaller shops if

you can afford it if it's in your budget grab these

they're so beautiful so thank you to cousin Joe they send them to us okay so

that next tier that I'm gonna get to are the items from the Disney shops and

parks themselves here are some of my favorites take a look at the Snow White

costume from the Disney Store I'll step back a little bit so you guys can see

it's so cute I mean and there's the little bow that comes with it that

apples along the bottom and then here is Cinderella with the skirt and they all

usually come with some sort of headpiece and there are shoes that match so these

dresses do typically retail between $20 $19.99 5 depending on the detail

actually I can tell you this one was 1995 the snow white one was 1995 they do

pop up at the Disney Store Outlet often and you can usually get some sort of

discount if you have your annual Pass Holder discount or if you're in the

parks for those there's also you know chase member rewards and all that kind

of stuff so there's always a opportunity to get a discount or just keep following

me when Kennedy outgrows them you can buy them off of me here so the next

source for great Disney gear is surprisingly eBay we are going to Toy

Story land next month and my daughter and her little besties are gonna be

dressing up as Buzz and Woody when we go see toy stories visit Toy Story land and

look at how adorable this dress is I mean here I'll step back so you can see

again isn't it the cutest I mean I can't get

over how cute this dress is and how well-made it is to here oh this is all

embroidered here and like all the little lining to replicate buzzes wings

it's so cute right $14 thank you very much free shipping this was a great

bargain I am super excited for her to be wearing this I think it's adorable

detail great finds on eBay go check them out okay so let's go ahead and get to

the nitty-gritty because this is really kind of the bulk of this video so what I

wanted to show you is how I kind of DIY our own Disney dresses and our family so

what I've found is my favorite thing to do is I will go on either Amazon or what

I'm about to show you is from Old Navy and just find some great solid color

pieces that are high-quality so for example I went to Old Navy and got this

adorable little tutu dress so it has the chiffon underneath it's super

lightweight and really comfortable there are little snaps because this is the

toddler version but or the infant version there's toddler version too

which I have they're just so cute and comfy and the perfect canvas to dress

them up with some Disney accoutrements so what I did was I actually found this

amazing seller on Etsy and through Instagram her name is Brittany I'm gonna

core slink her below but she makes these incredible little fell tees in every

character imaginable let me let me just show you I'm gonna save the best for

last but here's what I'm doing with the figment when she make you see how

adorable this little segment is because I don't make figment gear for especially

for kids so I just took this really simple little purple cotton tutu dress

stuck the little felty on top here and you know I could either iron it on or it

comes on a pin and then I have the little bow from my friends at back to

the Boko and it's the perfect little figment

Disney bound so because my favorite character or princess is Princess Aurora

I think it's kind of become Kennedy's favorite too

and there weren't many items out there that weren't bah in your face like

picture of Aurora so I had Britney make these adorable little fairies that are

there just pins and I pin them on to the pink tutu dress or it could go on blue I

don't care whatever you're a pink or blue and perfect little Aurora bound and

this is my absolute favorite this like she went above and beyond for my special

requests here I can't guarantee she's in do it again for anybody else but she

made me the most incredible it's a small world felt ease which I then had my mom

because I'm a terrible seamstress my mom went ahead and actually sewed all the

felt pieces we just removed the pins that were on them and actually some of

the pieces we told Brittany not to put pins on but we removed the pins and

sewed the pieces right on to the dress okay you ready for this all the other

little countries I have the pink hippo we've got the Beefeater from London

we've got the can-can dancer from France the kangaroo

because kangaroos are my nickname when I was little it keeps a kangaroo girl we

have the geisha from Japan and my favorite a little Polynesian or Tahitian

dancer however you want to say it so I absolutely love the opportunity that

these little felt ease and just solid cotton dresses or t-shirts really allow

for you to get creative and really kind of Disney bound any way that you want I

actually might have another order currently in process with Brittany right

now for some pieces for our next trip so I'm really excited to be able to show

you the dresses that I come up with with felt ease and if you have any questions

please take a moment comment below tell me where you find your favorite Disney

duds and designs out there your favorite Etsy shops whatever you want to share go

ahead comment below take a moment go ahead and subscribe if

you like this video give it a thumbs up press that bell so you get notified for

more videos follow me on instagram at once upon a pause that is it for me I'll

see you next time have a magical day

For more infomation >> DIY DISNEY DRESSES || Disney Kids Wardrobe - Duration: 9:00.


Does Israel Run US Foreign Policy? | MIC 16 - Duration: 4:15.

Hey there.

Today we're going to ask a very important question.

Is US Foreign Policy controlled by Israel?

This theory gets a lot of play.

I'd say at least once a day, often multiple times a day, somebody in my YouTube comments

posts some variation of this theory.

Sometimes it's advanced in a rational way, but more often it's put in belligerent anti-semitic


I get these comments so often that I've put together a Medium post on Israel and Antisemitism

that I post rather than responding to each comment individually.

I think it's very worth reading if you're interested, I'll put a link in the description


To be clear, no, US foreign policy is not a Zionist plot, Netanhayu is not calling the

shots, and the US government is not doing the bidding of the sinister puppet masters


Though I see why people get this impression.

As I've said before I'm not ready to fully dive in to the issue of Israel and Palestine

just yet.

I'm conflicted and I need to do a lot more reading.

But it's blindingly obvious that Israel is a source of instability in the Middle East.

I support Israel and its continued existence, but it's clear that if it wasn't there,

the Middle East would be a much healthier place.

Every crappy Middle Eastern ruler for the past 70 years has used Israel as an excuse

to abuse their own people.

So people wonder why the United States is so committed to supporting Israel.

Doesn't it make getting MIddle East oil harder?

People see this and assume that Israel's hardline leaders must be running the show.

They're not.

It's the complete opposite in fact.

There are many, many reasons why the US supports Israel so firmly, that I hope to get into

eventually, but at the end of the day it's about money, pure and simple.

Israel's hardline leadership makes a ton of money for US investors and workers.

This is about what I call the metastasized Military Industrial Complex.

It's not about just the iron triangle between congressmen, military contractors and the

Pentagon anymore.

I recommend you watch our full series on the topic.

Put briefly, this complex has spread like a cancer over the past 75 years.

There are now tens or perhaps hundreds of thousands of people across the US and the

world whose livelihoods depend on the US defense department.

This decades old project of war socialism is the biggest jobs program in world history.

And it all depends on instability.

If you know this 75 year history, then the true role of Israel's current leadership

becomes very clear.

They are just one part of a much longer term project.

Ask yourself, what was the Zionist interest in the US destruction of South East Asia in

the 1960s and 1970s?

What was the Zionist interest in the CIA's attempt to destroy Latin American Democracy

in the 1970s and 1980s?

Where is the Zionist interest in the Pentagon's accelerating militarization of Africa today?

Where is the Zionist interest in creating a Saudi and Emirati empire in Yemen?

The answer to all these questions is that there isn't one.

The only through line to US foreign policy is feeding the Military Industrial Complex.

We need instability to feed the beast with outsize military budgets.

Israel's hardline leadership is an important part of this strategy, but they're not calling

the shots.

They're just the latest in a long line of stooges that help us do the job.

It's not Israel's interests that are being served here.

Turning Israel's neighbors into smoking ruins does not serve the long-term health

and stability of the Zionist project.

Those countries will recover eventually, just as Lebanon did, and it's not like they're

going to have Israel's best interests at heart when they do.

The current Israeli leadership works for the US government, not the other way around.

Thanks for watching, please subscribe, and if you'd like to help me make more videos

like this one, you can donate directly at the paypal link in the description, or you

can click on the patreon link here to find out more about my crowd funding thing.

For more infomation >> Does Israel Run US Foreign Policy? | MIC 16 - Duration: 4:15.


Love to Knit? Check out These Books! - Duration: 9:17.

For more infomation >> Love to Knit? Check out These Books! - Duration: 9:17.


Harlequin: Your Happy Place - Duration: 1:01.

- [Narrator] Sometimes you just have one of those days,

where nothing is going right.

- Representative, representative.

- [Narrator] It's not awful, but it could be better.

- Representative.

- [Narrator] Correction, it could be a lot better.



Yeah, I second that.

- [Female] It's one of those days,

where all you can think is, really?

- [Narrator] Dare to turn the page?

The next one will be better.

- Cheers darling.

(upbeat pop music)

- [Narrator] There's nothing like losing yourself

in a good book.

(clears throat)

Harlequin, your happy place.

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