Thứ Ba, 4 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 4 2018

I have no idea how to play guitar :'D

I wish I knew

You were trouble from the day I looked at you

You were ready to just hack away

At my small heart

You play your games

One day, I will fall apart

I wish I knew

You would put this much despair, should I hate you

You were waiting to just hack away

At my small heart

Just play your games

And one day, I will fall apart

Say you love me, if you do

Just say you love me, if you do

Say you love me, if you do

Oh, say you love me, coz I love you

Say you love me, if you do

Just say you love me, if you do

Say you love me, if you do

Oh, say you love me, coz I love you

I wish I knew

To just stay the hell away

I wish I could

But the truth is, if I had a chance

To save my heart

I'd fall again

Just to freaking break apart

I wish I knew

You would make me look the fool

Baby, you do

So I'm guessing I should walk away

Before you start

Your tiny games

No, I won't let you hurt me but

Say you love me, if you do

Just say you love me, if you do

Say you love me, if you do

Oh, say you love me, coz I love you

Say you love me, if you do

Just say you love me, if you do

Say you love me, if you do

Oh, say you love me coz I love you

I wish I knew

You would be my only bane

Oh God, it's true

I'm just hopeless when I hear your name

It shakes my heart

My systems fail

Baby, you're no good for me

I wish I knew

You would dip me deep into

A toxic pool

So I'm saying I should walk away

Before you start

Your tiny games

Baby, you just hurt me but

Say you love me, if you do

Just say you love me, if you do

Say you love me, if you do

Oh, say you love me, coz I love you

Say you love me, if you do

Just say you love me, if you do

Say you love me, if you do

Oh, say you love me, coz I love you

For more infomation >> 【MMD PV】BEGONE【GUMI Eng】 - Duration: 3:16.


Try Not to Laugh Challenge || HD Funny Videos 2018 || People doing stupid things P82 - Duration: 3:55.

People doing stupid things

For more infomation >> Try Not to Laugh Challenge || HD Funny Videos 2018 || People doing stupid things P82 - Duration: 3:55.


Rambo Squad cùng Misthy và đồng bọn, vẩy Kar98 như Shroud vẫn bất lực không gánh nổi team ! - Duration: 16:50.

For more infomation >> Rambo Squad cùng Misthy và đồng bọn, vẩy Kar98 như Shroud vẫn bất lực không gánh nổi team ! - Duration: 16:50.


META Tattoo Workstation - Duration: 0:46.

Visit for tattoo machines, tattoo inks, tattoo needles/cartridges, tattoo aftercare & more!

For more infomation >> META Tattoo Workstation - Duration: 0:46.


Hors sujet : Une découverte qui a changé beaucoup de choses (La vape) - Duration: 33:16.

For more infomation >> Hors sujet : Une découverte qui a changé beaucoup de choses (La vape) - Duration: 33:16.


Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan (Amazon) "Critics" Promo HD - John Krasinski action series - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan (Amazon) "Critics" Promo HD - John Krasinski action series - Duration: 0:30.


Pineapple Upside Down Cake - Duration: 6:35.

Complete recipe on

Pineapple Upside Down Cake.





Vanilla and lemon.

Mix wholemeal flour and purpose.


Baking powder.

Butter and flour with breadcrumbs.

Sprinkle with brown sugar.

Pineapple in syrup.

Pour the mixture.

Cook in oven 150D 40min


For more infomation >> Pineapple Upside Down Cake - Duration: 6:35.


球隊未來反成弱點!Ben Simmons 進攻能力不足如何影響 76ers— 美帝的籃球 第三季 休賽期前導編(四)American Basketball Season 3 Prologue IV - Duration: 16:00.

For more infomation >> 球隊未來反成弱點!Ben Simmons 進攻能力不足如何影響 76ers— 美帝的籃球 第三季 休賽期前導編(四)American Basketball Season 3 Prologue IV - Duration: 16:00.


Monreal propone quitar vehículos a senadores y subastarlos - Duration: 3:15.

 Ricardo Monreal, coordinador de Morena en el Senado, quiere legisladores "de a pie", ya que, dijo, se propondrá quitarles sus vehículos oficiales y subastarlos

El ex jefe delegacional de Cuauhtémoc anunció que mañana se presentará el plan de austeridad de la cámara a la Junta de Coordinación Política, en el que se incluye la subasta de 160 vehículos asignados a legisladores y funcionarios de esa cámara

La anterior legislatura aprobó una partida de casi mil 500 millones de pesos para que los nuevos senadores pudieran hacer frente a sus gastos en lo que resta del año -de septiembre a diciembre- como son servicios, estacionamientos, bonos, seguros, apoyos para gasolina, boletos de avión, peajes carreteros, alimentos, etcétera

TE RECOMENDAMOS: Senado paga 330 mdp por cese de trabajadores: Monreal ¿Quiénes dirigirán el Congreso?  Sin embargo, Monreal Ávila confirmó que poco más de 400 millones de pesos se reintegrarán a la Tesorería de la Federación para que se vaya al ahorro al que ha llamado el presidente electo Andrés Manuel López Obrador

De manera sorpresiva, esta mañana Monreal hizo un recorrido por los sótanos para supervisar el parque vehicular del Senado y alistar la subasta, que se basará en los precios del "Libro Azul" y en la que tendrán mano los trabajadores del Senado

Se trata de vehículos Toyota en sus versiones Prius, Corolla, Camry y camionetas, como la Yukon de más de un millón de pesos que se compró bajo la presidencia del panista Jorge Luis Preciado en la Junta de Coordinación Política

Informó que 20 vehículos estaban asignados a órganos de gobierno, 33 a grupos parlamentarios, 23 a áreas administrativas y parlamentarias, y una flotilla de 15 vehículos utilitarios

"Nos faltan todavía, pero llevamos cerca de cien vehículos recuperados. Todavía andan algunos que no los quieren soltar, pero tienen que soltarlos", dijo

De acuerdo con Monreal, "ahora serán senadores de a pie. Que traigan sus propios vehículos o lleguen a pie

Yo a veces traigo mi bicicleta"."Todo esto se va a rematar, porque con eso ahorro gasolina, ahorro mantenimiento y ahorro estacionamiento y seguros

Entonces, a partir de hoy están todos los vehículos parados. Hasta la Yukon 2015 y la Sequoia

Está en el estacionamiento, en el 3133, de aquí del Sótano 3", refirió. jbh ​

For more infomation >> Monreal propone quitar vehículos a senadores y subastarlos - Duration: 3:15.


Campesino encuentra fósil de gliptodonte de 16 mil años - Duration: 3:15.

 Los restos de un gliptodonte, que datan de hace unos 16 mil años, fueron descubiertos por un campesino en la ciudad de Carmelo, al suroeste de Uruguay, el cual decidió contactar al paleontólogo del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Andrés Rinderknecht, para notificar el hallazgo

 El experto dijo que el fósil era parte de una caparazón "muy dura" de un gliptodonte, mamífero herbívoro gigante que vivió en la llamada 'Era del Hielo' hace unos 50 mil años junto a mastodontes y perezosos gigantes

Te recomendamos… Dos nuevas especies explican cómo los dinosaurios dejaron de ser carnívoros Científicos mexicanos hallan fósil de especie desconocida  La lluvia incesante fue la herramienta oportuna para que los restos de la caparazón "del tamaño de una mesa" se dejara ver a orillas de un arroyo, así fue como un campesino que se encontraba allí lo divisó y contactó al Museo y a Rinderknecht

 El proceso de limpieza llevó unos tres días, Rinderknecht comentó que este "no fue complicado" ya que el animal vivo pesaría de 800 a mil kilogramos, pero al descubrir solo un trozo del esqueleto, el peso de la pieza cambia a unos 70 a 80 kilogramos

 Según señaló, el gliptodonte tuvo una caparazón redonda y alta, una cabeza pequeña y era de movimientos lentos debido al peso y a la protección que le propiciaba su rígida cobertura

Al mismo tiempo, su extinción fue hace unos 8 mil años y, al igual que los mastodontes, la razón sigue siendo "un misterio", indicó el paleontólogo

  Además, sostuvo que existen dos teorías, una es que los animales gigantes murieron debido a un cambio climático, tras el calentamiento global y el fin de la era glacial o por la convivencia con el ser humano que los cazaba para su alimentación

 La aparición de estos animales "no es excepcional", contó el paleontólogo, quien informó que en el país sudamericano hay alrededor de seis "esqueletos completos"

Pero destacó este descubrimiento desde un punto de vista didáctico, pues el esqueleto permanecerá en Carmelo para su exhibición y no para estudiarlo como sucede en los que se encuentran en el Museo Nacional de Historia Natural

 El gliptodonte o Glyptodon fue un mamífero perteneciente a la megafauna del Pleistoceno y es originario de Sudamérica

Estos mamíferos herbívoros surgieron en la Patagonia argentina, y tras la unión de este subcontinente con el resto de América, algunos se extendieron hacia el norte

Te recomendamos… Telescopio Hubble capta nebulosa de origen incierto Cambio climático causó extinción de Neandertales   FM ​ ​

For more infomation >> Campesino encuentra fósil de gliptodonte de 16 mil años - Duration: 3:15.


How to Start #Dropshipping: Dropship Club's guide - Duration: 4:53.

Do you like an idea of starting your own dropshipping business but still feel confused?

What should you do first?

What will be next?

What way to choose?

I'm here to clarify all that!

That's Anna from "Dropship Club" and I'll be your guide on your first dropshipping


I'm one of the experts in dropshipping business now, but I still remember how scary it feels

when you open your first dropshipping store.

Have you ever wondered: how does dropshipping work, and what is it?

We already have a video about it on our channel, this video is dedicated on how to start this


Let's start with a short definition of the dropshipping business model!

Dropshipping is an easy model of online business when you sell products from other suppliers

via your own dropshipping store without keeping any of the products at your place.

Suppliers will send their products directly to your customers and you will keep your margin!

You won't have to pay for these products before your customers order them!

No need to produce, keep or even manage shipping of any items!

Cool, right?

The first thing to do, of course, is to pluck up your courage and tap into launching it!

Fortunately, you've found our club and we will guide you through all of the steps.

So, first of all you should decide what is your niche and audience.

I mean, actually find out what types of the products you want to sell and who will be

interested in buying them immediately!

Check out the first and second steps in the road map on our website, and watch the videos

from our team on choosing the right niche.

You will find the links in the description.


You've defined your niche and audience.

Your next step is to set up your own online store with special dropshipping tools and

upload descriptions of your products with your prices for them.

You can do everything on your own and save some money, or, alternatively, you can save

your time and order a custom store which will be made by professionals.

Find the details on our website.

Also, we have a 30-minutes video demonstrating the process of creating a store!

You know where the links are, right?

Here is the most amazing part.

You promote your products, test different ads to find your best avenues of promotion,

and experiment with targeting methods!

After customers order anything in your store, you process the orders and keep your profit

that is not limited at all!

Check the instructions in the store promotion section on our website.

So, let's briefly summarize how to start dropshipping business!

Well, first of all you have to define niche and audience,

then set up your own online store with special dropshipping tools

and upload descriptions of your products with your prices for them.

You can even buy a ready custom store skipping these three steps!

After that, you need to promote your products to get orders from your customers,

and then pay initial prices to your suppliers.

The main advantage is that it's much less risky than traditional retail, because you

buy items from the supplier only after you've actually made the sale on your website and

got paid for it.

It also requires very small investments.

It's the perfect way to start making money online!

Here is how you can order a custom store.

Go to the "recommended solutions" page on our website and select "Custom Stores

by AliDropship".

Check the link in the description or on the screen.

Right here, after choosing your preferable package, you can order your future store without

spending your time on creating it by yourself!

Use code "CLUB20" for a 20% discount on your order!

You see - there's nothing too difficult.

Even if you don't have any experience in e-commerce business, you can succeed in that!

Remember, a detailed step-by-step guide is on our website in the "Road

Map" section, and several useful links are in the description!

Upgrade your skills and success with dropship club team!

Don't forget to put your like and subscribe to our YouTube channel and join our

You will find all the links in the description!

If you have any questions, please, don't hesitate to contact us.

We are always ready to answer all the questions!

For more infomation >> How to Start #Dropshipping: Dropship Club's guide - Duration: 4:53.


Weltmeisterschaft im Ackerpflügen I Landesschau Baden-Württemberg - Duration: 4:15.

For more infomation >> Weltmeisterschaft im Ackerpflügen I Landesschau Baden-Württemberg - Duration: 4:15.


Lopa Rahman | নাস্তিক লোপা রহমান ইসলামকে কটাক্ষ ও !! LOPA New Video!! - Duration: 8:19.

Lopa Rahman

Lopa Rahman

For more infomation >> Lopa Rahman | নাস্তিক লোপা রহমান ইসলামকে কটাক্ষ ও !! LOPA New Video!! - Duration: 8:19.


Als vor 40 Jahren die Alb bebte I Landesschau Baden-Württemberg - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> Als vor 40 Jahren die Alb bebte I Landesschau Baden-Württemberg - Duration: 3:02.





10below Icewine lounge!![Battle Trip/2018.08.19] - Duration: 10:11.

(Trip to the small cities in Canada)

(Icewine winery)

- It's a luxurious trip with the helicopter. / - Right.

This was unexpected.


(A quiet and small city by the lake)

(A big vineyard near Lake Ontario)

(A beautiful village with nature and wine)

- It's real ice. / - Wow, look at that ice.

They have an ice room.


There's a special place where you can sample wine.

- What is it? / - You'll see.

- I'll see? / - Yeah, you'll see.

Don't be shocked.

I've never been to an icewine winery like that.

- I'm Dylan. / - Dylan!

- Nice to meet you. / - Nice to meet you too.

- Already? / - Thank you.

Our Vidal Icewine infused into the bottle.

(He pops the cork like magic)

It's rose.

We used 100% of the grapes from Ontario.


It smells like champagne.

(Hey! Hey!)

- What? / - She can't stop!

She likes it.

I turn red even after one drink.

- So I shouldn't drink. / - Yeah, you don't drink.

But the wine was so good, I kept drinking.

(So delicious that she chugs it down)

You don't need a straw?

It's so good!

This is so good!

- This is good. / - I like it.

(Now it's time to tour the winery)

(Roses at the entrance of the vineyard)


They're bigger than my fist.

There's a reason why that rose bush is there.

Rose bushes are really important to a vineyard.

- Oh... / - Because...

A rose is susceptible to disease

and insects very easily.

So if there's anything wrong

with the rose bush...

Questions 1 through 17 are English listening.

Listen carefully and answer the questions.

It really felt like an English exam.

Workers know that there's a risk to the vines

and can take action quickly

before the grapes are damaged.

These are pretty...

It's the Canadian mentality.

(He can't believe he just said that)

- The roses are weak... / - Easily.

But they plant roses here because

the roses are the first to react if there are any pests.

So this shows the condition of the vineyard.

Workers know that there's a risk to the vines...

The roses are the first to react if there are any pests.

And can take action quickly

before the grapes are damaged.

So this shows the condition of the vineyard.

They look very healthy.

So the vineyard must be healthy too.

So everything here should be healthy.

Yeah, that's right. No pests.

Say it in English.

Let's go!

Don't make me speak English.

My mind goes blank when I try to speak English.

- Grape? / - Yes.

It's growing.

- Those are grapes. / - Still babies.

I had no idea that wine was famous in Canada

before I did research for this trip.

I heard that icewine was famous here.


- It looks like "Frozen." / - Right?

So it keeps freezing and thawing.

Wow, I bet it's delicious.

So, for icewine...

You drink it with ice in them like iced Americano.

So, is icewine cold wine?

No, it's not like that.

Icewine can be drank cold.

But the best temperature is 7 to 8 degrees.

- So that it's chilled. / - Chilled.

All these barrels are filled with wine?

A little wine in here?

Actually, the equivalent of 300 bottles of wine in each.

Wow, there is wine in these barrels.

We have to wear this.

- Isn't this a Canadian brand? / - Yeah.

You have to put on a coat to try the wine.

Is this a gift?

In a way.

Because you're going to want to be wearing that.

We're going into our 10 below icewine lounge.

And it is -10℃ in there.

- Ice room? / - Yeah, an ice room.

It's -10℃ in there.

You have to wear one then. Wow, this is crazy.

So this is why you said this was special.

-10℃ since it's icewine.

(Where will they taste icewine?)

Look at her face. Great reaction from both of them.

- I didn't want to come out. / - So nice.

Yeah! This is what I said was famous!

They're frozen in ice.

- They're in the ice. / - Yes.

Is that real ice?

I'm starting to sober up.

It's really cold.

(Everything is ice)

We carved it out of 30,000 pounds of ice.

We have to rebuild it about every 2 years.


Very cold.

But the perfect spot to try...

- Our signature series Vidal Icewine. / - I like this!

(How would it taste?)

- So, because it taste sweet... / - More, more.

- That's the famous one, right? / - Yes.

More, more, more.

Let's start with one and go from there.


- Cheers. / - When you drink this...

Because you taste sweetness...

This is what I'm talking about! I love this stuff!

He's excited now.

Hongki is finally happy after 3 episodes.

Don't drink it all at once. Sip it.

From your tongue.

He's good at doing what he's told.

He likes it.

That's what I'm talking about!

- This is it! / - You said you don't like sweets.

But this is wine.

- Is it different? / - Of course.

There's honey in alcohol!

It's not honey.

The grapes are just really sweet.

(I love wine)

Hongki's finally showing some reactions.

- Like a baby that was just fed. / - That stuff...

It's the best wine.

The sweetness differs depending on the vintage.

The one on the wall over there.

During winter 2013, it was so cold

that we measured the highest possible sugar content

in grapes.

From 2013?

They were able to make 1,500 bottles.

- It's incredible... / - It must be really expensive.

It's very difficult to turn it into wine.

(Limited edition icewine)

- 1,500 bottles. / - You can try that too?

- Limited edition. / - No, not that one.

You have to buy a bottle.

- Can I buy? / - Yes.

- How much? How much? / - Really?


- Around $500. / - $500? Are you serious?

If they sold that in Korea, they'd charge like $1,000.

Of course.

It's good.

It's really good.

(He has another glass)

Thank you.

Man, it's cold.

- This is so nice. / - Let's get out of here.

Just wait. Let me taste my wine.

Then I'm leaving first.

It's cold!

- I can't take this anymore. / - He's not happy anymore.

Fine, I'll join you after I finish mine.

- You should keep drinking. / - You should've waited!

- No, it was nice and quiet. / - He should've stayed.

It was nice to get some alone time.

It's so nice and quiet without Hongki.

My gosh, it's raining.

See? I told you so.

- Call a cab. / - Yeah, we should.

Old Town...



(Going to downtown Niagara-on-the-Lake)

(It looks like old England)

So pretty.

Where is this place?

This is Niagara-on-the-Lake.

- It was the former capital of Canada. / - It was?

If you go there,

you can experience Canada and Europe.

You can experience the UK.

- And you can go to the U.S. / - That's great.

(Very European due to British colonization)

There are many British-style buildings here.

I heard this hotel is really famous.

(They see an old hotel along the path)

- That's a hotel? / - Yes.

Queen Elizabeth II visited here during Victorian era.

Let's check out this pretty hotel.

(Victorian style interior from 18th century England)

For more infomation >> 10below Icewine lounge!![Battle Trip/2018.08.19] - Duration: 10:11.


Soon extinct animals on Stamps - Duration: 4:15.

say hello fellow well stamp collectors

actually so on this channel I want to

show poins a mango in spare some time

stamps cause stem so it's still pretty

decorative so here I have a set of four

stamps they commemorate the Great

Barrier Reef

you know the reef that's dying in

Queensland or off Queensland anyway so

here we have our four species of animals

actually live on the reef say of their

green sea turtle beautiful that these

animals actually have a problem with

ingesting plastic bags and I actually

saw a video on YouTube with a turtle

first draw up its our nose so there

could be a problem too they also can get

straws or line or whatever around them

and that is actually a major threat now

here we have a Emperor angelfish it

relies on the reef on the coals for um

its food source and protection and if

the reef star is then its habitat die so

then that fish would be at risk of

extinction so but I have a look it

actually looks like a coal it's

coloration on it and in the background

me or some coals as you can see and we

have some sea plants looks like you said


C square I'm not too sure so beautiful

habitat there's another fish in the

background looks like oh here we have

Nautilus yeah if you don't know North Oh

sir there are a type of our why they

related to octopus and they're an

extremely old species older than any of

these ones here and if any of you click

fossils like here's an ammonite so he

has a chambers of the cell shell has

should ever sip a lot there somewhere so

each of these chambers would be able to

be filled with our water or gasses

depending on our Hellboy the ammonite

actually wanted so the animal would have

been in the outermost chamber would have

actually protruded out and it would have

had a I can't remember what it's called

like a tube going down to be able to put

the exit air or water in and out and

here is the actual outside as you can

see it's being crusted this has been

exposed at surface sometimes why it's


some by valves on it and here is the

other side no best or some matrix and

it's also related to do this is a

belemnite this is pretty much the same

thing but it has a straight long shell

yes you can see Oh like a bony Ridge in

the middle there's actually various belt

mites of different ages these are from

Morocco being prepared not bad

yes I actually like to collect fossils

as well as coins and banknotes and

bottom we have a sea snake which is a

leopard they're actually very poisonous

so actually I wouldn't touch it and

actually like these bit nice actually

quite good have any information on the

back no just as the postage rates in

Australia but expensive so there's a

beautiful banknotes or stamps are the

same from Australia like thank you very

much for watching have awesome stamp

collecting time people bye bye

For more infomation >> Soon extinct animals on Stamps - Duration: 4:15.


A Conversation with Rachel Allan - Author of When Business Meets Baby - Duration: 18:22.

Hello and welcome to the smart woman in business podcast today

I'm chatting with Rachel Allan a business owner for 14 years and mum - Sophie who's 7.

Rachel is also author of the book when business meets baby an integrated market entrepreneur and property investor

Rachel's business, visionary which she shares with her partner Craig has evolved from event management to marketing and a business

During her pre business career Rachel worked in government

Small and medium-sized businesses and not-for-profits in both Australia and Scotland, so welcome Rachel

I make very happy to have you here. So

Tell me a bit about your business journey so far

yeah, 14 years is actually a long time to be in business when you reflect on it and

my main aim for starting my business was because I was sick of working for the man and

While over those 14 years at times I've taken

Contracts that have seen me back in workplaces. It's sort of just

Being able to grow and involve my business as well. I think the hardest thing was when I had my daughter and

Suddenly had a really busy business where we were traveling a lot and a lot of events and we're working like seven-day weeks and stuff

And then I had a baby in the mix as well

And that was the hardest thing so I kind of I had to put the brakes on for my own insanity


evolve the business

was again and change its and bring it back to core as well - money making things and

Focus on the things that really light me up

So that's been a bit of an ongoing thing for seven years

It took me about two years to recognize the problem

And then writing the book has kind of spearheaded me off in a direction where I'm doing a lot more

supporting and mums in business and

And helping them to not make some of the same mistakes I did

It's such a challenge

Juggling the mum bit and the business bit because especially when you work from home

There's no off. There's no getting away from it and

Despite what people seem to think when you'd work for yourself

You still have all those pressures you have in a corporate job?

So you still have the deadlines and still have you know?

The tricky clients and you still have the tricky projects and still make mistakes and it's not

Always as easy as people think and we're not sitting around watching. That's


No, it's some and you never off either so I find that if I've got if I'm sitting at my computer

I'll go I should be walking the dog or this watching to hang out or

Whatever anyone actually if I'm cooking with dinner or whatever

I'm thinking of the projects that I should be doing or a little bit or the email

I haven't replied to so it's just that constant being split I

Mean the upside is that you have flexibility or I'm able to pick my daughter up from school, which is a pretty non-negotiable thing

I do that most days. Yeah

And I'm also able to be part of what she's doing as well. So she's doing a dance comps at the moment

So I'm flexible enough to be able to go to those and support her and go to school excursions or show up for assembly

Yeah pay them outside for me as well like if

my daughter's teacher

all right a night, but she's getting in Ward on Friday so I can I can go to that I can show up but

Yes. Yes then on Sunday morning. I'll be up at 6 a.m



You said your business has evolved. So what were the signs for you apart from having your daughter that it was time to change?

oftentimes we limit ourselves in business because

We think we can't we can't move on we can't move up and we do have a tendency to be self-limiting

So what were the signs for you that you needed to step up and change things I think

for me my most recent change in the business was

that I was actually getting really bored doing what I was doing and

That lack of passion I suppose was showing up in some of my work and the way that I was approaching things

So I think being able to and also recognize that you know at times

You do like I need to change and evolve and I'm always learning

so therefore the work that I do also needs to step up and change also and

to understand that you you've got so

Much to contribute to the world and your story and your your contribution is really important and you can make changes

by stepping outside your comfort zone a little bit and just stretching yourself and

I've also looked at the way that the marketing industry and the world of marketing has changed and

It's so much more

diverse and

You can no longer. It's really hard to be an expert in everything

Because social media has become so deep and websites become so deep then

Quite specific and you can't be a cop you happy knowledgeable about everything

That's about not well picking a niche but also stepping up

So for me it was I understand how all of this stuff works and I understand how it benefits businesses

I don't enjoy doing Facebook posts for people and I don't enjoy sitting out them out to

Newsletters for people what I enjoy is the strategy and I enjoy being people being able to think bigger about their business

So for meals versus battle, what do I enjoy doing? What's the industry doing around me?

and then how can I create my business just stick into that as well and it's about


recognizing the bits that you do love because the whole point of record yourself is I

Do the work that I want to do and then I are that outsource weirdo injury the way that I don't want to do

yeah, and

trying to rectify

Start out you're freaking out about getting work. And then it's hard to get past that I'll just take every job that comes my way

mindset - all right, super

Reflects have a bit of Anna give myself a bit of a performance management session and go

What is it that I want to be doing with my time? And how do I then focus on that?

Absolutely. Yeah, maybe I kind of because I have sort of rebut if my business recently

I feel like I'm back at the start again to some degree. So now

Now when someone says to me, can you do this I can say to them

Well, yes, I can knowing that I've got a team behind me that I can announce


Also too as well. So for me, it's not necessarily about how can I do the work?

It's more who can I get to do the work that I don't enjoy doing? Yeah

But then managing that

Team as well adds another element to it, but it's it's so good to be able to go. Yep

I can do that, but I won't do it but there are very few things are outsourced in my job, but in my work

Some of them yes

You do that bit I

Give a white bulk image-editing to my husband because he's Photoshop me as I go right you do that you do that bit. So

How do you manage we talks about that balance?

So, how do you manage and have you got any tools or processes that you rely on that?

you can share and

your life as

both a mum and our entrepreneur and a wife and partner and a friend and self care and all of that sort of

my life

my Google Calendar, I have Google Calendar set up for everybody in our family and

Also my work and I just interchange between those calendars all the time

I know

Now when?

for example

My daughter's life is going to be really busy and that she's going to need some downtime from school or that she needs

a bit more

Support so I can kind of manage that and make sure that I'm leaving space in my diary for that as well

I also know when it's busy times for me for work as well

So I have all my deadlines and therefore, you know

It's almost like saying to the family. You need to give me some space in this as well. Mmm

So my Google Carol is probably the biggest tool that I use every day

within the business I also use

Insightly a lot and that manages my tasks that manages leads it manages projects

It has everything in there that I need. So to me, it's just about having things

Automated and processes in the business so that it can just keep ticking over as well

And I love Zakia because that beer just connects all my different

Online tools like zoom and mouth shape and slightly and my caring program and it all just connects it all together

So it makes I don't have to do the mundane tasks all the time

It's it's about not having to be conscious of doing those. You just know they're done

System so that, you know, the cleaning gets done that needs to get done the washing

Planning there's food in the cupboard. So there's


and family that I've created it's


My kids eat up five so I'm like

Swingin come home making that so we don't I'd be hungry about 7:00. So what is a great?

People what does a great daily office look like to you


Had to lots of great days

I love the days where I am connecting with people whether it's online or

In real and actually sitting down having coffee and I'm learning about their businesses

And whether it's just a casual coffee or a coaching session, sorry

Like those busy days where there's lots happening talking to lots of people, but I also like the other days where I can just close

the door I'm getting and get a whole bunch of work done and it's really productive and I'm crossing stuff off my to-do list as

Well, so they're kind of two extremes one sort of chatting and talking to people and the others closeted myself away

And it's it's it's an interesting


When you do work for yourself of having that people time and having that alone time

I don't know where your base but I'm base truly so I don't like I don't even have a local coffee shop

Really I can go to

Coffee shops. Yeah, we have we have like but I don't do the school run. I don't go out in the morning

I'm like here by myself in my onesie. So


Just am here by myself as a horse. Am I we know so one of the things

And I'm going to speak to everybody in this series about this because and that's a really big thing that affects entrepreneurs but

One of the things that every single entrepreneur I know

deals with is impostor syndrome, so

What are your methods to overcome this and how do you respond to the bad days of things business?

I think

For me, I don't feel that I don't feel like um an impostor anymore. I suppose fourteen years of doing what I do

I I now have the confidence in myself

And I know that I can do

what I'm doing or what I'm telling people I can do and I've got lots of runs on the board sorts of businesses that I've

worked with

whether it be

Coaching or actually doing a marketing for them

So I don't feel like I'm an impostor and I've moved past thing, you know, fake it to make it more that sort of

stuff I

Really? Enjoy what I do and I feel passionate. I get lit up when I see people I'm working with had the successes

So I think that keeps me going keeps me motivated

on the bad days

Some days. I just don't know what I just linked me on his man flu thing. I

Woke up on Friday. No, no wait, you know what? I'm actually going to not sit at my desk today

I've got some work on do on my laptop

I'm gonna turn my phone off and I set on the couch on my laptop doing updates to my website

Watching Netflix series in the background

Just because I needed a down day I needed to get better

And I think just giving a bit of self care, you know, if you are having a tough time

Don't reach out to people I've got an awesome hot seat group like a

mastermind group that if I am

Having one of those days where I'm doubting myself, or I'm wondering where the next bit of money's gonna come from or clients

Haven't paid the invoices or whatever I can actually go to that group and have a bit more in and say no

What's it all worth my own, you know?

And then they come back going you keep going you had these wounds last week and you know

Just so I think having that support around you and the people that you can reach out to

To say cut me on the back and build me up and they also do the opposite

So if I'm in there you're making excuses for not having achieved something. It's like can I get obese?

possibility now visibility

Absolutely, I stopped the crappy just get out there and do it make it happen. Yeah

Support really helps with that stuff. Yeah, so that that sense of community

Is like it's like the water cooler?

For entrepreneurs and I find that I'm in facebook groups. I have my own group

And with my VIPs and then I have another group as well

Obviously smart women a business group and then I can go in there and go. Alright, who's doing? What? What are we doing?

What are we up to this way you can get

Motivation from them and see them really going wow

This is you know, I've had this fantastic revelation or you know, and that sense of community

Especially for me out here in rural, Victoria

The Internet has revolutionized that and where we used to be so isolated or I couldn't even do my business, you know

Yeah before the Internet

It didn't exist

That sense of community wealth social media is not always positive there are some there are many positives there

So yeah, absolutely and self-care like just on those days. Just don't push yourself through

Doing something actually for a walk or around yourself or just do something that's going to help change that

Thinking in your head. Yeah flip that switch. Yeah. So what's your why what keeps you motivated?

He's talked about your client speaking goals. So

Maybe deeper than that

Yeah, so that we can achieve the things that we want to achieve and hit our goals that we want to use like my both

My partner and I have got you know, our our financial goals and things we want to achieve

this I think that why is there a


Self-fulfillment when I get down to it, it's because financial money doesn't particularly light me up. Obviously

I like having money and I like me out of hay things, but it's not my big motivator for me

It's very much about selfish film. I meant knowing that I'm making a difference to the people that I speak to

And that I'm able to help them in times that they're stuck or just keep them clarity and a bit of focus moving forward

So I think for me yes, it's very so it's very much self fulfillment

And it yeah beyond all of the other things we've spoken about. Yeah

Money's nice, but helping people is even better

In yeah money's great but it doesn't make the worker and really no and I was speaking to someone

last week and they said how they hate their big money goal and then went oh


That kind of wasn't as exciting as I thought so you do need to have although money is a really easy rule in business

Um measurable goal having something more than that purpose to keep you going is great. So to finish up

What is your number?

one tip or top three whatever for all the smart women of business across Australia and the world

I realized this was going global. So yeah

Look my my tips would be gonna get a plan and have your goals in the plan and be always every day

Doing something that he's working towards having that goal and stay focused and

I also think be careful who you listen to

There's and loads and loads of experts and people out there who want to impart their business knowledge to you

But it may not necessarily be for you either

you know, I was listening to someone get some advice on the weekends for any business that they've started and

it was from another marketer and

he was very passionate about the business and he's telling them how they should do it what they should do, but

Some of the ideas and things that he was throwing at this new business owner

She was squirming like she just didn't feel comfortable doing some of the things that he was

suggesting or telling her that she needed to do so, I think really listen to who you

Think about who you're listening to in business and make sure that they're really clear

there about

What you want to do in business or take their advice and turn it around to doing something that you feel comfortable in business doing?

That's great. Well, thank you so much Rachel for your time. I

Will put up Rachel's links. You can find that more about Rachel in the show notes, and I'll see you


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