Thứ Ba, 4 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 4 2018

Turning to the latest from the International Shooting Sports Federation World Championship.

The home team is doing an incredible job.

With steady hands they've already racked up four gold medals.

Seo Bo-bin has highlights from day 4 in Changwon.

The South Korea men's pistol team of Lee Dae-myung, Park Dae-hun, and Han Seung-woo grabbed another

gold medal for South Korea on Tuesday, winning the men's 50-meter pistol team event.

The team earned a total of 1-thousand-6-hundred-70 points to win South Korea's first gold in

the 50-meter pistol team event since the 2010 Munich ISSF World Championships 8 years ago.

On Monday,... the South Korean women's rifle team of Im Ha-na, Jung Eun-hea, and Keum Ji-hyeon

also won a gold medal in the women's 10-meter air rifle team event.

The team set a new world record of 1-thousand-8-hundred-82-point-6 points.

The women's air rifle team has already won two silvers and one bronze medal in Changwon,....

but this was the first time a South Korean team has ever won gold in the women's air

rifle 10 meters team event.

South Korea is currently ranked number 1 in the medal standings with 4 gold, 4 silver,

and 4 bronze medals.

Seo Bo-bin, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> ISSF World Championship... South Korea women's and men's team both grabs gold - Duration: 1:22.


September 4, 2018 | Tuesdays With Terry | Orphan's Promise - Duration: 5:53.


You know, we talk at Orphan's Promise about giving children an opportunity to learn to


The reason that's so important is, without it, they just keep on keeping on in the poverty,

in the cultural lostness that so many of them are in, but when a child begins to dream,

it can change their lives radically, and ultimately it can change their culture.

I'd like you to take a look at Melody's story.

In a small, tribal village in Masai, Kenya, a 14-year-old girl has a dream to be a doctor.

There are lots of odds against her: tradition, family history,'s a Masai tribal

custom for girls her age to drop of out school and marry.

Their life becomes about cooking, cleaning, making dung mud huts, raising children....Melody

is one of 12 siblings, and the only girl still in school.

Her sisters dropped out and are now married with children.

Melody's mother, Nailipo, struggles to survive.

Her husband has 12 wives altogether and has pretty much abandoned her.

A single mom raising her remaining 4 children.

Nailipo graciously invited us into her home, a hut made from cow dung and mud, which she

made herself.

It's quite nice inside, but extremely small.

A main area, about 5'x5', serves as the kitchen and living area.

A small stone stove takes up most of the floor space, and I imagine that it's difficult to

keep the children from getting burned when there are hot coals.

On her shelves were two green onion shoots, a few potatoes, and a small bag of cornmeal,

probably the staple of their diet.

There are 3 sleeping areas, but 2 of the beds serve also as seating in the main area, and

of course, no running water or bathroom facilities.

It's always a humbling experience to see how people live in extreme poverty.

Nailipo makes beautiful jewelry, and her only income is to sell it to tourists.

Many people come to see the Masai people dance, and they buy their beautiful beadwork, but

the competition is very strong, as all the women in the village make jewelry.

And all of them flock around any potential buyers.

Nailipo gave us one of her intricately beaded necklaces, her way of saying 'Thank you' for

the educational opportunities we've offered her daughter.

Melody is the first girl in her large family line with a desire to stay in school.

And while the odds are against her, things are looking up!

Orphan's Promise recently built a new classroom for the children because on our first visit,

we saw all the kids were crowded into a tiny one-room church.

Teachers were instructing different age groups in each corner.

It was chaos!

We immediately recognized another need: water!

We're told getting water from the closest stream is about a 6-8 hour walk, and at the

risk of lion or elephant attacks.

Conditions are significantly better since Orphan's Promise drilled a water well.

Our team that traveled here a year ago, warned us that the village smelled terrible because

the huts are made of cow dung, the people don't bathe, and the flies are menacing.

When you leave the village, the smell stays on your clothes, they said.

But now, the opposite is true.

The air is fresher, the flies have diminished, and the children are clean!

They are healthier and less prone to disease, like eye infections which were caused by flies.

Water can alleviate a lot of issues.

Another noticeable change was the growing school population.

We were there to dedicate a new classroom building, but it was already overcrowded with


That day, we drew up plans to add another classroom, which has since been completed.

Children walk a long distance for quality education.

Despite all these children, only a handful are older girls.

Melody has a lot to overcome.

She probably doesn't know what it will take to become a Dr., but she has seen so much

sickness and death around her, that she wants to make a change.

I think that's a noble idea!

Who gives kids the vision to dream about stuff like this?

I think in Melody's case, it's Headmistress Charity, who is also educated and wants the

girls to do more with their lives.

The teachers here believe in Melody, and sometimes, that's what it takes.

Melody has a dream, and now she has the support to make it come true!

Melody is a picture of the change we want to see come to the thousands and thousands

of children that we serve, as they learn that they are created with intent and purpose by

a God who has a plan for their lives.

Thank you for helping bring that message to them.

You are changing nations!

For more infomation >> September 4, 2018 | Tuesdays With Terry | Orphan's Promise - Duration: 5:53.


Thầy Ba Bị Camp Chơi Game Cục Xúc - Chị 7 (凱琪K7 ) Đài Loan Rên Làm Thầy !!! - Duration: 20:53.

For more infomation >> Thầy Ba Bị Camp Chơi Game Cục Xúc - Chị 7 (凱琪K7 ) Đài Loan Rên Làm Thầy !!! - Duration: 20:53.



For more infomation >> KİM BUSİK ANKARAGÜCÜ FORMASIYLA İLK GOLÜNÜ ATTI | PES 2019 EFSANE OL 3.BÖLÜM - Duration: 17:55.


Tân Vua Hài Kịch 4K 💥 BVNR ⚡️ Các trận đánh của khỉ con ☄️ Phần 9 - Duration: 1:05:24.

For more infomation >> Tân Vua Hài Kịch 4K 💥 BVNR ⚡️ Các trận đánh của khỉ con ☄️ Phần 9 - Duration: 1:05:24.


VoiceTube | 醒醒吧!大學時代必懂的殘酷真相 College: Expectation vs Reality - Duration: 3:41.


Good job!

Oh my god, that prof is so...

I know, right?

Everyone says she's really tough!

I'm actually considering like...

Dropping the class?


Same but I don't feel like it's worth dropping, though.

Plus, did you see?

The guy sitting next to you?

So hot!

Ah, can you turn off your alarm clock?

It's gone off like three times already.



Can you buy me breakfast?


Thank you.

These notes are gonna be super helpful for the midterm.

I'm so on top of this.

Does anyone know the answer?

One fifth.

That's correct.

Great job as usual.

Alright, in today's class, we're going to learn about the scientific method.

We always start off with a question, and then follow up with some background research...

Hey, would you mind if I take a seat over here?

Sure, go ahead.

Thank you.

I couldn't help but notice the novel you're reading, it's one of my favorites.


I love this author.

Wow, he's perfect.

Good-looking, well-read, charming, I think I found my soulmate.

Hey, is this seat free?

Yeah, it is.


I feel like I've seen you before.

Are you in Bio 102 by any chance?

He remembers me from class!

Does that mean he's into me?

I'm so nervous.

Okay, stay cool.

Yeah I am.

Oh, okay.

Um, so, you usually sit next to your classmate, she's pretty tall, she has long brown hair?

Yeah, that's Allie.

Okay, I was just wondering, is your friend Allie single by any chance?

And that is how I think we can increase our online reach.

Great job, we can't wait to have you join our team in the future.

Thank you, thank you so much.

Excellent, everybody!

Hey Kelsi, I have something I really need your help with.

Sure, what would you like me to do?

Can you get coffee for everyone?


By the way, don't forget cream and sugar.

Oh, no problem.

Go, you can do it! Go go go!


Good job!

- Hey!

Oh hey, is this for me?



Never mind?

Oh my god, that prof is so...

What did I say?

Oh my god, that prof is so...

I know, right?

Should I say "I know right?"

Every time I read about the characters in the stories,

I feel like I can connect to them every time.

You know?

We can't wait to join... blah... to have you join our team.

Oh, yeah!

That was so good! Congratulations! That was awesome!

I forgot you, I'm sorry!

For more infomation >> VoiceTube | 醒醒吧!大學時代必懂的殘酷真相 College: Expectation vs Reality - Duration: 3:41.


Silent Base 601 | Product Presentation | be quiet! - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> Silent Base 601 | Product Presentation | be quiet! - Duration: 4:35.


Kim and Kourtney Kardashian Celebrate Labor Day Together with Kendall Jenner and Bella Hadid - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> Kim and Kourtney Kardashian Celebrate Labor Day Together with Kendall Jenner and Bella Hadid - Duration: 2:01.


Sewol Ferry memorial altar in Paengmok Port removed - Duration: 0:35.

In Paengmok-hang Harbor, the memorial altar for the victims of Sewol-ho disaster has been


Members of about 30 families laid flowers, burnt incense and paid a silent tribute one

last time before taking down the photos of their loved ones yesterday.

The memorial altar was set up 3 years and 8 months ago at the port in Jindo, Jeollanam-do

Province... to commemorate the hundreds who died when the tragic ferry sank in April,


Sculptures and various items that filled the area will be preserved at the Jindo National

Maritime Safety Experience Center when it opens in 2021.

For more infomation >> Sewol Ferry memorial altar in Paengmok Port removed - Duration: 0:35.


The Battle of Toy Arms TEC-9 vs TEC-9 - Duration: 3:17.

The Battle of Toy Arms TEC-9 vs TEC-9

For more infomation >> The Battle of Toy Arms TEC-9 vs TEC-9 - Duration: 3:17.


Дети играют. Увлекательная, интеллектуальная, семейная, настольная игра UNO. Настоящие отзывы о UNO - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> Дети играют. Увлекательная, интеллектуальная, семейная, настольная игра UNO. Настоящие отзывы о UNO - Duration: 2:28.


Could Humans Live On Mars? - Duration: 3:21.

Now this is the plan. Get your ass to Mars

Science fiction has often depicted a future where we colonize the red planet

There's just one problem. Mars is freezing, airless and currently impossible to live on

That hasn't stopped visionaries such as Elon Musk and the late Stephen Hawking

championing the idea of us moving to Mars sooner rather than later

So, could humans one day live on Mars?

Mars' surface conditions and past presence of water

make it arguably the most hospitable other planet in the solar system

The red planet is also fairly close to Earth

with the average distance between the two being 140 million miles

Still, it would probably take between 150 to 300 days to travel there

which a lot of time cooped up in a small spacecraft with a bunch of other people

and limited communication to the outside world

And it's not just getting to Mars, it's landing on it

Right now NASA can land a 1-ton vehicle on the surface

For a human to land, it would need to be able to park 10-tons both safely and with precision

And for those who do land on the surface, they'd have to wear a spacesuit at all times

Mars is much colder than Earth with an average temperature of about minus 80 degrees Fahrenheit

The air is not breathable, being 95% carbon dioxide

Mars' very thin atmosphere also means settlers would be exposed to cosmic radiation

that would damage DNA and increase the risk of cancer

And to top it all off, the planet suffers severe dust storms that can darken daylight and last for months

Those obstacles would likely be overcome by constructing small habitable structures to live in

with self-sustaining water, food and oxygen

The first settlers would need to grow and harvest food by farming crops

such as beans, asparagus and potatoes, just like Mark Watney in The Martian

They say once you grow crops somewhere, you have officially colonized it

So, technically, I colonized Mars

In your face, Neil Armstrong

Another issue is gravity, which is only a thirdthat of Earth

Humans on Mars would naturally become weak and feeble as moving muscles would require less effort

so plenty of exercise and a healthy diet would be vital

Settlers would also have to be able to cope with the loneliness

confinement and loss of privacy they would face on Mars

All these challenges can be overcome, it's just very, very expensive

It would currently cost $10bn per person, and that's an optimistic estimate

But both scientists and entrepreneurs are determined to find a way to make it affordable

SpaceX announced it wants to put humans on Mars by 2024

almost 10 years ahead of NASA's planned manned mission in 2033

Whilst getting humans to Mars seems possible in the near future

Creating a self-sustaining society on the Red Planet is going to take much longer

For more infomation >> Could Humans Live On Mars? - Duration: 3:21.


Na dobry początek | ◦ᴀɴᴛᴀɢᴏɴɪsᴛᴋɪ◦ - Duration: 4:48.

For more infomation >> Na dobry początek | ◦ᴀɴᴛᴀɢᴏɴɪsᴛᴋɪ◦ - Duration: 4:48.


Endura MT500 Helmet Long Term Review: Koroyd, Improving Beyond The Safety Standards? - Duration: 7:11.

Hi, this is Jeffrey from and today it's time to review the MT500 helmet from


They are mainly known for their clothing line but are producing helmets for a while now.

The MT500 is Endura's high end collection of clothing where this helmet is part of.

To push the safety of this helmet, Endura chose to incorporate the relatively new Koroyd

technology into their helmet.

So, let's take a closer look.


The more aggressive styling, large rear coverage

and goggle support show that the Endura MT500 helmet is aimed towards the trail and enduro


As the sport evolves, head protection is one of the aspects that clearly stayed behind.

MIPS is becoming more and more standard, but Endura went in a different route, trying to

reduce the overall impact forces with Koroyd to improve safety.

The straw-like structure that you see inside the helmet are the Koroyd tubes, that are

designed to better absorb the energy of an impact compared your traditional EPS, which

is commonly used in helmets.

This is different from technologies like MIPS, Spin and 360 Turbine that aim to reduce rotational

forces which play an important role in reducing the chance of a concussion.

Looking beyond the Koroyd you see a well thought out and well finished helmet, which you kind

of would expect for a top of the line Endura helmet that retails for 160 euro's.

You can get the MT500 helmet in 3 sizes and 4 different colors.

The Endura features an adjustable 4 position and removeable visor.

Put the visor in the upper positions and you gain access to the eyewear docks.

In the top position you can store your goggles under the visor.

On the back of the helmet is clip mounted which keeps your goggle strap in place.

On the top of the helmet you find room for the included accessory clip which partially

mount in one of the vents, to be able to attach a light or actioncam to your helmet.

The MT500 has 15 medium to large vents to keep your head cool, 12 of these vents have

Koroyd behind them.

The MT500 helmet is the only helmet in Endura's lineup that has Koroyd.

At half the price and leaving out other features like eyewear docs, goggle strap clip and Koroyd,

you can get Endura's Singletrack II.

If you like the looks of the MT500 but don't mind the other features and want to stay in

Endura's lineup, then the Singletrack II can with it visual similarities and weight

reduction of more than 100 gram be an alternative.

Looking for a similar helmet at other brands, you'll probably end up with the closely

matched Smith Session.

In return for the Goggle strap clip and accessory clip you get improved safety with integrated

Koroyd combined with MIPS.

The Smith Session also retails also retails at 160 euro's.

Endura has a crash replacement program, which offers a replacement helmet at a reduced price

over 3 years after purchase.

In case of a crash you can get the same model if possible, at 50% of the MSRP.

Note that this crash replacement program is currently only available in Europe.

On the trails

Comfort and fit are very important on the trails.

I found the MT500 to be a perfect fit, but this will differ from person to person.

It has plenty of adjustability to make a comfortable fit for most.

The chin strap also sits reasonably flat and is longer than on most helmets.

The padding is a firm and didn't noticeably degrade over the last 10 months.

Ventilation may seem okay at first, but it noticeably suffers from the implementation

of Koroyd.

It keeps the temperature well inside in the winter, but riding in temperatures up to 36

degrees here in summer is where you really notice the lack in airflow compared to its

open vent counterparts.

Koroyd also collects visibly more dirt and is harder to clean.

In return I didn't get any bees or wasps in my helmet and I didn't get any tan lines

in the shape of the vents.

Clearance with big sunglasses can be a bit tight with the MT500 helmet.

Normal sized sunglasses like the Oakley Jawbone oppose no problem.

The Jawbreaker is still good, but the 100% Speedcraft nearly hits the helmet and on extremely

bumpy terrain it actually does.

Visibility with the Endura MT500 is good, while a slightly higher bottom position of

the visor has my preference.

You can set the visor in one of the higher positions, but these positions are either

too high to be fashionable nor functional while having your sunglasses still on your


The helmet accessory clip is a nice addition for evening rides, keeping a light stable

on the helmet without the need of fiddling with straps or sticking it with adhesive tape

on your helmet.

And the same counts for using an action cam, for those who like to film other riders.

With something relatively heavy mounted on the MT500 helmet, it stayed remarkably stable.

New helmet safety technologies

I'd like to touch on a few things regarding

the newer innovations in helmet safety, like MIPS, Spin, 360 Turbine, Koroyd and others.

The current safety standards (like the EN1078 here in Europe) don't require these new

technologies, as a traditional EPS-helmet would easily suffice to meet the requirements,

however, they claim to be safer than your standard helmets.

The current safety standards are old and need to be updated to include more comprehensive


Note that there are currently no tests included that address the reduction of rotational forces

for technologies like MIPS.

This make you purely dependent on what a helmet manufacturers claim and makes it an interesting

marketing tool.

The only way to compare the safety of a helmet, is to compare the test reports right?

Well, unfortunately helmet manufacturers aren't legally required to publish these test reports.

I contacted Endura and Koroid for the reports, as well as other helmet manufacturers, but

none was willing to supply them.

The only brand that I currently know of that publishes test results is Leatt.

Therefore, I see the newer safety technologies more as a marketing tool, which can sound

reasonable to have a positive effect on your safety, than as an actual safety improvement.

I fully support the way that certain brands want to push the safety beyond what's legally

necessary, but it also requires some transparency and proof from their side.

Having a number to compare safety between helmets and an increase in consumer awareness

can give helmet safety the needed push in the right direction.


Endura managed with the MT500 to produce a

nicely finished Enduro helmet, with lots of features and plenty of adjustability to make

a comfortable fit.

At 160 euro's retail it sits at the high end of this segment.

Of course, you'll also be paying a premium for being one of the few helmets that feature


The claimed safety improvement from Koroyd comes at the cost of noticeable decrease in


Endura made an interesting choice to exclude MIPS in its flagship helmet, while its competitor

Smith did.

Other than that, it's a great helmet which in my opinion also looks good.

With the addition of Koroyd that might reduce the injury of your next crash, it might then

also improve its value for money.

Thanks for watching my review of the Endura MT500 helmet.

If you liked the video, please hit that like button and consider subscribing if you haven't

yet. brings you product reviews, how to's and trail highlights.

So, if that's what you're in to definitely subscribe and you'll be notified when a

new video goes online.

Have a nice day and I'll see you the next time.

For more infomation >> Endura MT500 Helmet Long Term Review: Koroyd, Improving Beyond The Safety Standards? - Duration: 7:11.


Unboxing ASUS Powerbank ZenPower 10050 mAh [RO] - Duration: 1:57.


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