Thứ Tư, 5 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 5 2018

Arcane River 7th Area, Tenebris (Final Area)

New areas! <Moonbridge / Labyrinth of Suffering / Limen>

New Bosses Added <Dusk / Real Hilla / Guardian Dunkel / Black Mage>

Kill the boss monster and relive the glory of the Alliance victory!

Defeating Black Mage and follow his traces! You can get a very powerful Genesis weapon that contains his power.

Character level cap increased

Now, set your goal higher!

So, who will crown the first Lv275?

Messenger of Darkness

At certain times, instead of an Elite Monster, a powerful Messenger of Darkness will appear.

When you defeat them, you will gain various items and rewards!

Alliance Victory Gift

Thanks to your efforts, you won the battle against the Black Mage!

Do not miss out the various rewards and powerful titles prepared for you~

And if you're lucky, you can also obtain special rewards!

- Event Period - Sept 6 - Sept 19, 2018

New Beginning

Defeat monsters around your level and collect the energy of Maple World!

Bring that energy to the Maple Tree, and you'll get Alliance Medal and experience buffs.

- Event Period - Sept 6 - Sept 19, 2018

Zero Character Creation Event

Tags, assists, combination system, powerful and colorful skills!

For a limited time you can create your Zero character!

- Event Period - Sept 6 - Oct 17, 2018

Sunday Maple

To celebrate the victory of the Alliance, powerful benefits on Sunday will be activated~!

Only on Sunday! Only in Maple World!

- Event Period - Sept 9 & 16

For more infomation >> KMS 1.2.304 - MapleStory Lv275 Level Cap, Arcane River: Tenebris Update Highlights (EN Subtitles) - Duration: 2:44.


How to prepare healthy smoothies from raspberries, apples and mint - Duration: 1:06.

Ingredients for 2 servings: apples - 2 pieces, raspberry - 160 g, mint - 20 grams, apple juice - 250 g, honey - to taste

chop mint in a blender

put mint into a tall glass

peel the apple and finely chop

add apple and raspberry in a glass


apple juice

blend ingredients

pour into serving glasses

serve with a sprig of mint

For more infomation >> How to prepare healthy smoothies from raspberries, apples and mint - Duration: 1:06.


Kampf dem Kaugummi | Landesschau Baden-Württemberg - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> Kampf dem Kaugummi | Landesschau Baden-Württemberg - Duration: 2:25.


N. Korean leader pays tribute to official who was key to country's missile development - Duration: 0:46.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un paid tribute Tuesday at the funeral of a key contributor

to his regime's missile program.

According to the North's state-run media,... Kim went to a memorial for Ju Kyu-chang , who

died on Monday at the age of 89.

It was Kim Jong-un's first public appearance in over a fortnight, prompting speculation

that he was focused on getting ready for this coming Sunday's 70th anniversary of North

Korea's founding.

The man who died was former director of the North's defense ministry,... and played a

major role in developing the regime's long-range missiles, including the Unha-2 and Unha-3.

And for such involvement, he was sanctioned by the United States in 2013.

For more infomation >> N. Korean leader pays tribute to official who was key to country's missile development - Duration: 0:46.


Quand sevrer son enfant allaité? -Apasdemoa- - Duration: 5:26.

For more infomation >> Quand sevrer son enfant allaité? -Apasdemoa- - Duration: 5:26.


గుణింతాలు Telugu guninthalu హ మరియు క్ష గుణింతం : ha and ksha guninthalu : Learn telugu for children - Duration: 4:36.

Hi friends,

in this video we will learn "ha" ginintham and "ksha" gunintham

friends, if you didn't subscribe our channel yet,

please subscribe and press the bell icon for latest updates

For more infomation >> గుణింతాలు Telugu guninthalu హ మరియు క్ష గుణింతం : ha and ksha guninthalu : Learn telugu for children - Duration: 4:36.


Պայծառի Բաղադրատոմսը - Ռատատույ - Ֆրանսիական Խոհանոց - Հեղինե - Heghineh Cooking Show in Armenian - Duration: 37:31.

Heghineh Cooking Show in Armenian

For more infomation >> Պայծառի Բաղադրատոմսը - Ռատատույ - Ֆրանսիական Խոհանոց - Հեղինե - Heghineh Cooking Show in Armenian - Duration: 37:31.


House Flipper Ep3 "Appliances Only" - Duration: 19:30.


What's up guys welcome back to another video of house flipper. Hope you guys been enjoying the previous episodes

So today I'm going to do something a little bit different

What we're going to do is we're going to buy a house

But we're only going to do appliances only

And I'm cleaning it cause so if we clean it

Appliances only so we can't do any decorating

We can't or you can do the fixing but no decorating at all

So also you clean it

fit in appliances and electrical stuff

But not decorate it at all

So let's have a look at

Let's buy this 146 thousands

Too bad, I think I think we picked a good actually right. Let's go

Why is that rock solid bacon


Assemble this sort of leak anymore

Still here water

So, I think we picked a house that has pretty much well it's in good condition so

We might do another video of this appliance only with another house

Because as you can see this Playhouse magic condition folder stay in this way

I still of Easter

Bloody cockroaches

Everything is going everything is

To change it I

Can't do that just like you press what that one kind of cleans up the rest

Right, that's all go to

TV stays there now. Let's get cleaning

Vacuum cleaner

Oh, no wool as well. Oh shit

This is like

Likewise akula's housemaid

Because this is some shit bushka situation right here


Let's fix this before I gets any worse


Just gone now

Stop bad, so nice and clean. I don't even have to do anything on this one. So maybe I'm gonna

Do this one and then

I'll do another video with the same idea

with the house that

hasn't got

What the walls aren't like this was a tower I off season worst conditions just to see if we can make a profit on it

And see if if I change appliances but not do the decoration

if I can still make money, so hopefully I


- voiceover

Alright, so let's do

I have a feeling

So it's appliance time, right, let's have a look at the chose

My own surface, okay, you want a big one a big l-shaped one?

black one black node s which looks

No kidding

My I

Have that here

and I so

Not this one have just had a large one night. This is

A if I couldn't have that color that beginning

If I write top TV

And you know we can get this going by

We want to actually get this let's just get this one first


By this

And have a true seat

Yes doesn't


Looking good, that's nice, but it looks nice my kitchen so kitchy kitchy kitchy kitchy hmm

Jan I will watch suppose it I'm thinking of doing this

Where is it?


Looking for that stove that oven

Gas cooker let's cook up. So we want that because we'll make some making some

When is big fridge now, I want to read one dark

It already look at this beautiful kids definitely on crack right now

Because house is pretty much a very good condition of all the walls and stuff

Are in a magic condition Oh

Doing supply appliance only video

Probably it's not gonna what it is working. Well, of course, it's gonna work but

All I want to do is have it in a combat

condition where I can just change the appliances and see if I can make a profit out of it just to see if

You know

If you can sell it without having to do a decorating in the property

But I will bring out another video appliance only

maybe after this one because and

Because we can't really do much from here can we cuz

It's having appliances but the house is in very good condition. So there's nothing we can do

We won't need to do really I think it's probably it'll be an easy

money sale

Sure. What the hell you need a

massive screen

plus that on top

Right screaming

Right, so

At the moment, I think it's looking at a minute so I think we'll stop the video here it could be a short one

So we have finished

Like I said we are well are we gonna have to do another video with appliances?

no decorating as this house was a promotion an Ikea condition always an everything so

Let's go outside and

Sell this so

The house costs us forty six thousand

Let's see how much we can sell it for hopefully we can get profit because that means that we can buy

More expensive houses and do a

No decorating video made twenty six thousand

Except that

Today was a short video. I wasn't planning on

Buying a house that already had all the walls and everything done

Ok, I was aiming to get a house. That was all broken up and

Just changing appliances and see if we can make it pop out there

But now we've got a bit more money now so we can buy something a bit more expensive maybe something that has literary

walls all broken up and maybe

Well and see if we get profit hope you guys

Enjoyed my video. Please leave a like and subscribe and show your support and I don't forget to hit that notification button

surprise mother trucker

For more infomation >> House Flipper Ep3 "Appliances Only" - Duration: 19:30.


Vidcon and CreatorCon 2018! | #nosmallcreator - Duration: 7:39.

good morning, i'm just headed to the train station

i found my friends house last night and

yeah i was just wrecked

she made me dinner yes so I'm just

heading in

to vidcon now

some of them they were there a bit later

so hopefully I get to meet everyone this

morning and yeah I'm really excited so

the beautiful morning

and just leave the convention center to

go and meet Gina Walters and we're going

to go up meet the guy through crater

past so I'm just looking for her name

okay I'm in the right place and she's

coming married

but yes she had to do a loop for him

because I wasn't here and now he's gone

off in the wrong direction and it's

taking her out of the loop you know

someone gave my car the take off in my

wishes no idea where she is but it's

funny it just feels like I know you

already know dose yeah its crazy i'm here with gina walters

like a bit like starstruck today or dear

now we're born in truth we need to


cast yeah actually when they

come down if we're in the right doing a

live stream a live stream like 12 hour

live stream so it's all male I've

noticed surf at almost the weaponers go

sprinkle some light female dumb stomachs

yeah I'm watching earlier just all these

boys out there chatting away

smells like okay yeah let's go we'll go

and blow the whole top so I'll link that

below because that will have been

streamed yeah anything

yeah yeah I don't I don't know if you're

gonna want to watch 12 hours yeah you

know you need to do just watch the bit

that worried

yeah so just skip skip skip like all the

hours and then the five minutes they

were enough the only but you want to say

it all got the cameras I he's following

me filming yeah and I'm telling you

this time you better don't Gina

herewith Creator cast

gina was on the boosted board

Gina yeah now we just think someone

literally mocking a man in the street


and now I've dropped you off Danny won't

come back for me he'll run run just stay

there turn their job please huh jogging

just go back to Michelle post now you're

gonna wave her off and

yeah that was the first day I become the

creator cast boys format so yeah now we

are thinking we got

this time we put a drink

For more infomation >> Vidcon and CreatorCon 2018! | #nosmallcreator - Duration: 7:39.


Zompa Family - Jimmy (morale à un fils décevant) - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> Zompa Family - Jimmy (morale à un fils décevant) - Duration: 4:11.


The Elijah Prophecy | Dan Juster - Duration: 3:24.

Shalom I'm Dan juster of restoration from Zion as Tikun international

I want to share with you about a very important verse in Matthew chapter 17

After the Transfiguration the disciples asked yeshua :

Why then do the Torah scholars say that Elijah who must come first ?

Yeshua replied indeed Elijah is coming first and will restore all things

I tell you that Elijah has already come and they didn't recognize him

But did him whatever they wanted in the same way The Son of Man is about to suffer at their hands

Then the disciples understood that he was speaking to them

About John the immerser

This text has very important implications for those who

Believe in replacement theology and those who don't those who believe in replacement theology

Believe that John the Baptist fulfills the total meaning of Elijah's preparation before the return of Yeshua

But those that don't believe in replacement theology

Believe that Yeshua brought a fulfillment

Of the prophecies in the first centuries

But a partial fulfillment and the literal fulfillment of that which was predicted by the prophets is yet to come

And so John the immerser fulfilled part of the meaning of Elijah because he announced the first coming of Yeshua

But there's an Elijah prophecy that comes before the second coming and the context of this is amazing

In Malachi chapter 3 or chapter 4 in the the English Bible the very end verses we read this

Behold, I'm going to send you Elijah the Prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of adonai

There was a great and terrible day of the Lord in the first century and the destruction of Jerusalem

But there is another one coming and the Bible is clear about that and there is more meaning to come from the Elijah verse

And I think that this text is a very important

Text for what God is going to yet do

Through this Elijah figure before the second coming of the Lord and it will happen in Israel

And I believe it will also happen to the body of believers, what will happen ?

It Says he will turn the hearts of the father's to the children and the hearts of the children to the father's

Has that happened yet? And we read Else i will come and strike the land with utter destruction

That before the Lord returns We're going to have to have family reconciliation

Beginning primarily with fathers and sons, so I want to encourage you that on the heart of God

The coming of the Lord is very very much connected with family reconciliation

So I want to pray for you for family Reconciliation

But that we're going to see a great Ministry of family Reconciliation

Of fathers and sons and sons to fathers before the Lord comes back again

Father just bless all of our listeners and may they come to deep reconciliation and love

Anything that is not reconciled and their families will be put right through the presence and power of Yeshua


For more infomation >> The Elijah Prophecy | Dan Juster - Duration: 3:24.


How we spent the summer! - Duration: 19:56.

Not fair! :D

That's the problem!

Ja pierdolę!

Both on! oO

That's the maximum KURWA! :DDD

Wow!! Yeah!!!


Try one KURWA! ;)

Wow, what a hill!.. oO

Not for babies!..

Egegey! :D

Instant karma will come to this guy in...

D#mn! Holy shit!..

You will go?

I'll go later, I'm scared...

Bottom of the hill is not so scary as atop!



It's a strike, f#ck! :D

Max, it was very nice! :D

Will I have a many likes? :D

Anyway! Definitely! :D

Well done, bro! :D

Oh, sh#t! :(

I lost the spring...



I found my spring.



Well, let's rock?!


Come on, hold on!



The main thing is to close your eyes well!

And qualitatively!

Fine... oO


Not passed...


He could!!!

F#ck... So, it's our turn now?

Well, it sure as hell looks that way! :D


Nice! :D

Hold on, hold on, hold on!!!

Seryoga, are you OK?

The inscription on the plate: "Stop! Danger Zone!"

The main thing is, do not start the Kurwa! A bike can cross over to the other side!

Yes, I already see...

Something went wrong...

D#mn, this is a wall, f@ck it!..


The camera does not convey all the charm...

of negative angles...

But those who are interested...

can imagine what the wall is here!

That's f#cked up!..

Freeze! :)

Wow, great!



Hа-hа! :D

Oh, sh#t!..

That's better! :)

Sorry! :)

Close your eyes...

Feel the energy...

Super! :D

Well, what are you waiting for?

I'm thinking about how do I get back in?

Are you kidding?! ;)

On your bike... Opened the gas and drove!

And about the hills... Try at least this, look!

No, d#mn, I'm very scared...

Need you help?

I started dragging the back of the bike...

and the front fell down.

Oh, the frog!

Come here!

I'll save you, stupid!

Otherwise, the evil Sasha and Sergei...

will crush you. Go, jump!

Maybe pull it down?..


Tilt it!

Come on!

Aw, f#ck!

Not passed...

Oh, sh#t! Hold it! I jumped this ditch!

Aye! :)

Just hold...

Now I'll start a bike and go!

Come on, come on, come on!

Wow Wow wow!

Ahh, coach!

Coach, what is it?!

On a flat place! :D


It could be a hard kurwa! :D


For more infomation >> How we spent the summer! - Duration: 19:56.


Καλοκαιράκι Un petit été Πορτοκάλογλου Νίκος 1986 - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> Καλοκαιράκι Un petit été Πορτοκάλογλου Νίκος 1986 - Duration: 3:02.


Zompa Family - Mystère Noir (ballade pour la terre et ses enfants) - Duration: 4:46.

For more infomation >> Zompa Family - Mystère Noir (ballade pour la terre et ses enfants) - Duration: 4:46.


Zompa Family - Pegas Fuego (ode à la Palestine) - Feat S Mouhoubi - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> Zompa Family - Pegas Fuego (ode à la Palestine) - Feat S Mouhoubi - Duration: 4:01.


Comment s'amuser avec le prétérit simple - Vlog 68 - Duration: 6:31.

Hello guys and well....

I did forget my sunglasses, so let's just do without

Welcome to this translation contest, in which pupils...

must translate a sentence from French to English.

or how to have fun...


while using and learning about the simple past.

Here we go!

Welcome to my English classroom.

I was supposed to go outside, but look...!

The class was divided in five groups.

Gimme a name, gimme a name for your team.

New York

Translation contest, we have five teams, five groups:


'The best, the killers'

Each group was provided with one dictionary

and one list of irregular verbs

but make sure that you give them the complete list of

irregular verbs, not the simple list of common irregular verbs

The idea is for them to work in groups and to find the best

translation for each sentence.

Give them one sentence at a time.

In this case, their sentence, one sentence is worth two points

Once they have finished, they come to me and then,

I marked their sentence accordingly.

Be careful. They can come only once with their sentence.

Is it fun to learn about the simple past?

Not really, right, but is it possible to make it fun?

Well, it definitely is.

'I caught a mouse'


Number 2

On that note, I'll see you...


And of course,...


For more infomation >> Comment s'amuser avec le prétérit simple - Vlog 68 - Duration: 6:31.


كيف تتمير في الحياة ◆ هل تشعر بالتميز في حياتك ◆ اكتشف 3 أسرار للتميز والعطاء - Duration: 7:39.

For more infomation >> كيف تتمير في الحياة ◆ هل تشعر بالتميز في حياتك ◆ اكتشف 3 أسرار للتميز والعطاء - Duration: 7:39.


Zompa Family - La Calma (sornette d'un insoumis) - Duration: 4:32.

For more infomation >> Zompa Family - La Calma (sornette d'un insoumis) - Duration: 4:32.


How to make a Deer For Kids- Christmas Craft-by mr.paper crafts - Duration: 2:01.

how to

make a

deer for




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