Thứ Tư, 5 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 5 2018


Oh, a huge crash behind the leader.


Racing Sports Network presents...

...Review Replay with Roy Gauge and Ericka Dent.


Today we set our focus on a bold move by Lightning

that sent him flying to new heights.

Strategic move or unnecessary stunt?

If by unnecessary stunt you mean, necessary stunt.

The sport needs this kind of magic on the track.

Okay, Roy.

Let's take a closer look at what started it all,

the aggressive rub by Chick Hicks.

With 15 laps to go, the King has the lead with Chick Hicks in second.

See Lightning back there?

Chick Hicks knows the right move can shake the toolbox

and send a whole lot of lug nuts in Lightning's grill.

[laughs] Get through that, McQueen.

Ooh, it looks as bad as it can get out there.

Chick Hicks has created one big ole lug nut between him and Lightning.

It's an incredibly dangerous and irresponsible move in my book.

If it weren't for Lightning's quick thinking,

he would have wiped out like the rest of them.


Lightning approaches the wreckage with no hesitation.

Look at them eyes.

He's scheming to find a way out.

And this is what stands before him.

Who knows what lies on the other side.

I guarantee you, it ain't no ice cream sundae.

Yes, Roy, that's pretty much a given.

Whoo, that was close.

Holy skid marks.

Lightning needs to react in fractions of a second and often.

That ain't enough room for a scooter to squeeze by,

but hot dog, somehow he makes it through.

This is where killer instant is replaced by pure bravado.

With all of this room on the left,

is it really necessary to go straight over?

I don't see any other option, Ericka.

Could be something here, here, here.

No telling.

Only clear angle I see is up and over.

Well, I guess statistically there is less to hit up in the air.

And it sure is fun.

Look at that crowd.

Loving every minute of it.

He's connecting with fans, even in midair.


I have to give it to him, Roy,

Lightning always finds a way to win.

It's moments like this that separate average from legendary.

Yeah, McQueen.


[chanting: McQueen! McQueen! McQueen!]

Yeah. Ka-chow!

Coming up on Racing Sports Network...

For more infomation >> Rearview Replay: Lightning Catches Air | Racing Sports Network by Disney•Pixar Cars - Duration: 2:23.


Mritto Holo Porokaler Prothom Sthor || By Motiur Rahman Madani || Bangla Waz Short Video - Duration: 5:42.

For more infomation >> Mritto Holo Porokaler Prothom Sthor || By Motiur Rahman Madani || Bangla Waz Short Video - Duration: 5:42.


R&B song youtube song sexy beautiful girl 2018 - Duration: 58:14.

For more infomation >> R&B song youtube song sexy beautiful girl 2018 - Duration: 58:14.


Al Quran Kaderke Hidayat Korbe || Motiur Rahman Madani || Bangla Waz New Short Video - Duration: 4:58.

For more infomation >> Al Quran Kaderke Hidayat Korbe || Motiur Rahman Madani || Bangla Waz New Short Video - Duration: 4:58.


sex bomb dance l Very Hot Group Dance l Greet Performance l Sexy Video Clip l Music Club FM - Duration: 3:38.

sex bomb dance l Very Hot Group Dance l Greet Performance l Sexy Video Clip l Music Club FM

sex bomb dance l Very Hot Group Dance l Greet Performance l Sexy Video Clip l Music Club FM

sex bomb dance l Very Hot Group Dance l Greet Performance l Sexy Video Clip l Music Club FM

sex bomb dance l Very Hot Group Dance l Greet Performance l Sexy Video Clip l Music Club FM

For more infomation >> sex bomb dance l Very Hot Group Dance l Greet Performance l Sexy Video Clip l Music Club FM - Duration: 3:38.


American Boy in Georgia - Duration: 5:31.

I get up some is barely outside

I don't want always with love

snores which is leading us is all will

ever trust ya know I don't always with

we'll go

three stands through the highways so my

shadow through the sun rays and

hi this is Jacob guys he's for not first

your first Georgia yeah

oh you came when you came in a prayer so

first impression I don't know no three

the people and the nature

all trees one two three a year say how

old are they

very old I mean I still 300 years and

I've heard 800 years there might be some

I want I help try to times the climb and

you failed

yes I don't know why I'm that means I

would too because I'm very clumsy me too

but we have to climb from this way yeah

oh I want to take photo from here though

guys if you are planning to wheezy

giorgia take with you what what's your

advice ferns yeah swimming suits they're

ready for the cold

yeah that's right that's right

this is one of the things I won't show

because I want to show Georgia for this

I this is our footprint yeah this one is

slightly larger you have 43 well now you

have different kind of yeah 43 no I got

giant it's like UK size no you have an

American size 10 you might be 10.5 11 11

eleven I have ten yeah

they're all having supras

that are solenoid


I bet the water used to be a lot higher

so we have finished our creep

Jacob is really happy to came to Georgia

yes ma'am ich weiß what yeah he said he


through the house and

For more infomation >> American Boy in Georgia - Duration: 5:31.


❤️Прикольное пожелание на ночь от МАТРОСКИНА ❤️СУПЕР пожелание СПОКОЙНОЙ НОЧИ ❤️#Мирпоздравлений - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> ❤️Прикольное пожелание на ночь от МАТРОСКИНА ❤️СУПЕР пожелание СПОКОЙНОЙ НОЧИ ❤️#Мирпоздравлений - Duration: 0:51.


沒有依靠,你必須奔跑(精闢) - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> 沒有依靠,你必須奔跑(精闢) - Duration: 3:13.


How Does Caffeine Affect Exercise? - Duration: 7:31.

There's absolutely nothing like a large cup of joe to fire up your nervous

system and get your day started as of 2018 more than 64 percent of Americans

drink a cup of coffee every single day whether they love the taste or want the

energy boost consuming coffee and caffeine certainly has a dramatic impact

on our bodies in this video about line how caffeine affects our bodies how it

impacts exercise and what the optimal amount is for peak performance first off

how does caffeine work Kathy and access is stimulant when ingested via multiple

pathways which is why many people feel a physiological effect when consuming

foods or beverages containing caffeine the sensation is caused by two functions

of caffeine the first is because caffeine blocks adenosine adenosine when

it binds to receptors in our brains creates tiredness among other things no

caffeine blocks adenosine from binding in the brain at two different receptor

sites the first receptor site is how it suppresses tiredness when adenosine

binds to this receptor site you feel a little bit more tired but caffeine

prevents that from happening so it basically prevents you from feeling

tired the second receptor site that caffeine

blocks adenosine from binding to results in feelings of euphoria and stimulation

so through those two effects you are more likely to under perceive your

physical exertion when exercising as a pain you experience is reduced however

this is just the first of two pathways that is affected by caffeine the second

pathway relates to your metabolism many studies have looked at the impact of

caffeine consumption and adrenaline output and results of we concluded that

when you take caffeine whether it's in the form of coffee pills or food

adrenaline output is increased effectively this caffeine consumption

increases catecholamine adrenaline and noradrenaline levels which frees up more

fatty acids to be used for fuel when this event takes place more glycogen is

spared which can extend your performance during endurance type activities in

short your stay your glycogen reserves by using an

alternative form of fuel which can then allow you to prolong your exertion

giving your increased energy availability

moreover caffeine has effects at the muscular level as it enhances calcium

mobilization in the sarcoplasmic reticulum which a normal person terms

means that you realize a stronger contractile force which will translate

into an improvement in your lifting performance therefore when you mix lower

pain perception spare energy storage and stronger muscular contractions caffeine

proves to be very effective in aiding athletic performance now as you've

probably realized in life nothing is perfect and it's applies to caffeine as

well those who habitually use caffeine to improve their athletic performance

will not really develop a tolerance to the stimulant you may be thinking well

this tolerance dull the lifting benefits I realized when taking caffeine before

my workouts not entirely you see when you consistently consume caffeine you

reduced your sensitivity to the stimulant however not all the benefits

caffeine provides will diminish over time while you may not continue to get

that buzz or profound effect from caffeine after long-term use you will

still notice that having a coffee or any other caffeine source will allow you to

overcome your tiredness this energy aid is especially useful after a long day's

work or periods of fatigue where you're required to push your body like in a

workout or while playing sports with respect to local muscular function

studies have shown that even after extensive caffeine usage over time

shocking the muscles of users will trigger more force then someone without

caffeine in their system additionally prolonged use of caffeine will not

totally diminish your pain tolerance which is a primary benefit of taking

this supplement before strenuous exercise overall while some of the more

noticeable benefits is starting to use caffeine in your workout regime will

fade over time many of them will still remain as you

continue to use this helpful product so now that you know how caffeine works and

how it can impact your training let's go into how much caffeine you should be

taking if you've ever used a pre-workout supplement

you can expect to see between 150 and 200 milligrams of caffeine per serving

with some even containing up to 300 milligrams while taking this amount of

caffeine before a workout may give you the kick you need to hit that new PR

this probably isn't the optimum amount you should be consuming if you want to

get the full beneficial effects for strength improvement and volume

improvement in training you would need a dosage of between 4 to 6 milligrams per

kilogram of body weight therefore if you a 185 pounds or roughly 85 kilograms you

would need to consume between 340 and 510 milligrams to get the full effect

from the stimulant simply put your pre-workout supplements may not be

providing you the necessary dosage to optimize your coffee and effect on your

workout however before you go doubling up on your scoops of pre-workout

you must keep in mind that everyone responds to caffeine differently whereas

someone may take 200 milligrams of caffeine pre-workout and be bouncing off

the walls with energy others may fail to feel any difference which is probably

due to an increased tolerance to the stimulant after prolonged use

essentially you have to determine how caffeine works for you as over-consuming

this product can lead to stomach ulcers raise blood pressure and jitters which

is the last thing you want when trying to move heavy weight in the gym

additionally caffeine affects people sleep in different ways and nothing will

be more anabolic than proper rest so you should keep in mind that caffeine as a

half-life of four to six hours which means that after this time half of the

stimulant will still remain in your system this can be problematic to your

sleep quality if it impairs your body and releasing melatonin which prompts

feelings of tiredness and ultimately falling asleep for this reason if you're

going to consume caffeine try to take it earlier in the day so your body has

enough time to break down this compound prior to bedtime as a recap coffee and

allows for the blocking of adenosine to reduce tiredness and lower perceived

pain levels while also enhancing calcium mobilization at a muscular level which

when combined allows for more effort output and performance when exercising

finally remember that the optimal range of caffeine for exercise purposes is 4

to 6 milligrams per kilogram of bodyweight but that this number should

be adjusted to your own personal use thanks for watching if you enjoyed this

video please hit the like button and word on the street is that for every

person that hits a subscribe button the better man boss throws back a scoop of

pre-workout so hit that subscribe button and let's go smash some personal records

For more infomation >> How Does Caffeine Affect Exercise? - Duration: 7:31.


Games4King G4K - If You Can Rescue Me Chick Game Walkthrough 2018 - Duration: 7:16.

Games4King G4K - If You Can Rescue Me Chick Game

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