Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 1 2018

Drop like on this video if you guys enjoyed

Comment down below your thoughts in your opinions about the video. Make sure to subscribe

With those dedications on so you stay down will fight on every single video also follow my social media

So stay tuned for updates for incoming videos. Thank you

What's up guys we're going to pass your welcome back to another video. So today I'll be

playing bowling with these guys

So we started a game and

All right, so we started a new game and

So I started so actually not me we started a new game to last game I

Wasn't so good

Well, I mean I sucked like I'm so bad at bowling like I was in last place actually

so hopefully

This game I would be probably slightly better at hopefully

I'm not sure but that intro I'm sorry about that guys

So I hope you guys enjoyed the video


So mostly I may have baggage are you sure about that

Lose it yes heavier

And Johnson and Ho Chi I don't disappoint my family

I could say that was a bit

Do that like a rocket kidding. I actually thought is like straight enough for it to be like a


Help-help know why are you field called good name for them?

Hey viewers coming down below of you if you think that that shot. Would that be like a rocket and

Newton that nature before for this little not that we're having

Okay, what do you think of this Boeing?


very interesting enough

especially when I said I was gonna do better this one and apparently I did I'm actually in the lead at

Yes, and his finger telling your up. Yep. It's up. It's over

Thank you for bowling at revs country lanes, so what do you think of this

Impossible a lot of times I this a large outside his match

defied the defied all lot and

Diamonds second place. I thought I was going to win


Yes, it's the anti era. No, you shouldn't be surprised

Only the best of the best one and only the best of the best survive guess who's advancing?

The scores

Don't expect me to do that in my head. I'm not that smart

a small army not smart enough to do quick math know about 25 people 12 is smoked Italian, so

Police I got second, please Elise I got so I'll plug it alone around to

Where it gets the prizes was it?

Cheryl don't care what I do

Vibrations like oh, you know

Take your medical appointments

So other than that guys I hope you guys enjoy my boring video

Make sure to comment down below my video so I could put you in now my

Youtube channel is hello there. It's a meme

You know, it's still like when I search on there hello when people search hello there

They may be like it's probably a ton of them. Just look for their just comment pick one of my guys watch gravity falls

Look for the grunkle Stan one. That's like oh

Don't already falls like the light bump you like already balls. I do not like

And comment down below and be like killing, how did he do it boy your gun thing too bad that he did nothing

Comment how when I'm not on a gel I'm really chill because I really don't care. It's all a bit

deaf artists and Gina villains years

The skinny. Oh

Oh, thank you guys so much watching bye come and subscribe and we'll see you guys in the next video. Peace out. Good. Bye everyone

For more infomation >> DylCraftZ Plays Bowling - Duration: 9:04.


3D Model of sofa 3 seat Review - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> 3D Model of sofa 3 seat Review - Duration: 1:06.


3D Model of Sofa chair Review - Duration: 0:16.

For more infomation >> 3D Model of Sofa chair Review - Duration: 0:16.


3D Model of Sofa & Armchair set Review - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> 3D Model of Sofa & Armchair set Review - Duration: 1:26.


3D Model of Sofa Natuzzi Surround V018 Review - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> 3D Model of Sofa Natuzzi Surround V018 Review - Duration: 0:56.


3D Model of Indoor wooden sofa Review - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> 3D Model of Indoor wooden sofa Review - Duration: 1:56.


Teaching a dog how to the swim challenge | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 6:39.

Teaching a dog how to the swim challenge | Xiaoling toys

For more infomation >> Teaching a dog how to the swim challenge | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 6:39.



For more infomation >> CİHANGİR CEYHAN (CİO) ÇUKURDAMI OYNUYOR ? - Duration: 3:21.


【悲報】ワイフリーター、露骨にシフトを減らされた結果・・・ - Duration: 1:41.

ヤバいンゴねぇ… どうしようかね 何かヘマしたとか? 4: >>3そ いうわけやないと思うで遅刻も無断欠勤もしたことないし 中間おすすめ記事 ミス たまにするけどホンマたまにやぞ 掛け持て 7: >>6田舎で最近コンビニも ぶれてて中々やったことあるのがなくて手出しにくいんや 今のところもわざわざバス 行ってるんやぞ 都会に出るか? 1 >>10言うほど住み込みなんてあるんか 1 >>12期間工で働けばええやん200万くらい貯金できるんちゃうか? 7: >>16期間工って実際どんな感じなんや? 24: >>17ワイも詳し 知らんトヨタとかマツダの工場ラインで部品の取り付けとかやるんちゃう? 2 > 24ニキは経験者やないんか? 3 >>26期間工に自信ニキ来てくれとかでスレ てたらだれか来てくれるんちゃうか?立ちっぱしんどいなら無理かも知れんけど 37 >>31サンガツどうしようもなくなったらやってみるンゴ 1 今日バックれ ワイと真逆ンゴねぇ…… 1 最近景気が良いとは言われるけど実感ないンゴねぇ 実家暮らし? 1 >>14せやでちゃんとお金入れてるで イッチは住んでると ろ、都会からは交通てきに離れてて無理? 1 >>18難しいなぁ、ちょい遠いん パソコンは使える? 2 >>20パソコンは使えるで人並みやけど 2 れならSOHOを副業にしてみるとかは? 2 >>22SOHOってなんや?金に るんか? 3 >>25ランサーズとか、クラウドワークスとか

ネットで「これを調べて欲しい1件何円」とか、文章作成とか、資料作成やバナー作成と 。 4 >>35それどうやったら見つけれるんや? 2 今週から好きなとこ に週5で入れても大丈夫ですよ!って言うたのに明日行ったら4連休やぞ 体臭きつい か? 2 >>27それはないと信じたい一応汗対策はしてるで 3 >>29 外と足とか 38: >>32足は無いんやないか?ずっと靴履いてるし 最近ま ライン工ニキが毎日スレ立てしとったな 30: >>28ライン工辛いらしいなワ も立ちっぱはキツいわ 34: >>30座りでできて貯金も2500万言うてたで 満了金がでかいらしい 40: >>34マジ?だったらワイでも続けれるかもしれ 3 >>30なんかトヨタが座りっぱなしで仕事できる椅子みたいな機械導入して のNHKでみたぞ 3 趣味で稼ごう 3 >>33趣味なんてゲームと映画鑑 くらいやで昨日検察側の罪人観てきたわ 4 クラウドワークスランサーズで検索 44: >>42ワイそんなに詳しくないんやけどそれでも出来るんか? 4 > 44出来るけどリターンの少なさにビビるで 48: >>45ニキもやってたんか 5 >>48転職の合間に調べてみたらお外で働くほうが楽という結論になったす いレアな言語の翻訳が出来るとか抜群のコピーライターセンスがあるならいけるが 5 : >>56ライターのセンスもないやろうしアカンやろなぁ 4 クラウドワー スは何年か前にやってましたが、未だにオファーメールが来るから

副業ぐらいにはなるかも。 つまり職場からの自主退職圧力イッチは兼業とか…なされ いないのですか? 54: >>50してへんで先月までは普通にはいれとったんや 5 今ランサーズ見てたけど全然わからなくて草具体的になにすればええんや 5 オファーがくれば、まぁまぁぐらいかも

※私は仕事があるから趣味程度にしかしていなかったけど。ちなみにオファーはこんな感 。オファーメール(一部抜粋)マニュアルに沿った記事入稿作業をお願いいたします!慣 てきたらサクサク行っていただける作業です

以下のお仕事をできる方を募集しておりますので、ご興味のある方はぜひご連絡をお願い たします!■クライアント様?様??メディア運営をされている企業様です。■業務内容 事のシステム入稿業務(画像を含む)?作業内容詳細のため伏せます?■契約期間・スケ ュール・契約期間:1か月(※良ければ継続判断)・月の稼働時間:月50時間以上(応 談)・作業時間の指定:特になし(連絡は日中)■打ち合わせChatwork必要に応 てskypeMTG■時給1,000円(税抜)※システム手数料はクラウドワークスで 担■対象となる方・ブログ更新など、サイト上に文章・画像を反映した経験がある方・マ ュアルに沿った作業経験のある方・機密情報を厳守できる方・他者とのコミュニケーショ が円滑に取れる方・適切なタイミングで報告・連絡・相談ができる方・わからないことは らきちんと質問できる方■優遇条件・CMS(記事入稿ツール)への入稿経験がある方・ 率化など自ら考え提案することができる方・ITWeb業界で就業経験があり、Webツ ルなどに詳しい方 6 >>59これは記事推敲ってあるけど具体的に何やったんや 6 >>62私はこの時仕事が忙しかったから受けなかったけど、この場合は大抵 データを受け取って、内容を精査、または加工して、データをブログとしてアップ

かな。 6 >>65その文でもう何言ってるかわからんからワイにはむいてないん なぁ 6 バイトでクビとかあるんやな 64: >>63クビとは言われてへ よ、ただ減りすぎてこっちが危機感感じてるだけや 人件費削るためにシフト減らされ のは納得いかんよなワイも学生のとき思ったわ 引用元:おすすめ記事1001: 厳 記事 2020/01/01 00:00:00 ID:newsmatomemory 衝撃的】に納豆3パック食ってた結果wwwマジかよwww

For more infomation >> 【悲報】ワイフリーター、露骨にシフトを減らされた結果・・・ - Duration: 1:41.


KSUWU VS. Lowogan Powol | The Fight of The Century - Duration: 1:36.

Owo do you want to go mate? Uwu yeah

mate bring it on.

Owo okay but I warned you - jab jab

punch swipe punch

jab jab - Hello, my name is owoette. Are you

looking for a place to retreat for the

season? Say no more! At the howotel

all your needs will be fulfilled by our

staff. Thank you, and enjoy the rest of

the video. - jab jab jab jab jab jab swipe

swipe swipe swipe swipe swipe owo a

worthy opponent, owo. uwu I have been hit.

the jab swipe swipe swipe swipe swipe

punch punch punch punch punch punch

punch punch punch jab jab jab jab swipe


swipe swipe swipe jab jab punch

For more infomation >> KSUWU VS. Lowogan Powol | The Fight of The Century - Duration: 1:36.


Dave Chappelle pays his respects to Sen. John McCain - Duration: 11:33.

Dave Chappelle was among the thousands of people visiting the Capitol to pay their final respects to John McCain on Friday

Footage shows the comedian touring the rotunda before visiting McCain's American flag-draped casket

McCain, the Arizona senator who died Saturday at 81, was remembered as a man who inspired other leaders even as he vexed them with a rebellious streak and impish humor

Absent from the event was Donald Trump, invited to stay away by the family of the senator, who had deep disagreements with the president

 A light rain fell as McCain's casket was carried into the Capitol by members of America's military services on Friday - watched over by his family members who were stood on the steps

Scroll down for video  Earlier, Vice President Mike Pence, lawmakers and guests paid tribute at an emotional ceremony surrounding McCain's casket in the vast rotunda

RELATED ARTICLES Previous 1 Next A touching tribute: McCain's former Vietnam cellmate

'We thank God for giving this country John McCain: Mitch. Share this article Share 'It is only right that today, near the end of his long journey, John lies here, in this great hall, under this mighty dome, like other American heroes before him,' said Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell

'We thank God for giving this country John McCain.'House Speaker Paul Ryan called McCain 'one of the bravest souls our nation has produced

' McCain, a former Navy aviator, really did 'talk like a sailor,' Ryan said, drawing smiles from the crowd

'But you see, with John, it wasn't feigned disagreement. The man didn't feign anything

He just relished the fight.'Pence said he didn't always agree with McCain, but said McCain's support for limited government, tax reform and the military 'surely left our nation more prosperous and more secure

'McCain 'served his country honorably,' Pence said, adding that President Donald Trump 'respected his service to the country

'Trump, who has mocked McCain for being captured during the Vietnam War, was asked to stay away from the Capitol service, people close to the White House and the McCain family said

  Chappelle, who was brought up in Washington DC by politically active parents, hasn't released a public statement about McCain's death

Both have been critical of President Trump in the past, with Chappelle joking in a comedy special last year that he 'feels sorry' for 'poor whites' who had been duped into voting for Trump, because he knew the president didn't have their interests at heart

'You are poor. He's fighting for me,' Chappelle said, referring to his wealth.The body was moved to the Capitol following the emotional funeral today

  After the service, McCain's wife of 38 years, Cindy, bowed over the casket, clasped her hands and appeared to pray there

Later, she sat at her husband's desk with Sen. Lindsey Graham at her side in the semi-darkened Senate

Graham plucked two roses from the vase on the late senator's desk and gave them to her, according to two people close to McCain with knowledge of the private moment

The ceremony was the first of two days of services in Washington honoring the Arizona senator, who served in Congress for 35 years

On Saturday, McCain's procession will pause by the Vietnam Memorial and head for Washington National Cathedral for a formal funeral service

At McCain's request, two former presidents - Democrat Barack Obama and Republican George W

Bush - will speak.McCain's funeral puts him back in the spotlight a few miles from Trump's doorstep, in the city where the senator, who died last Saturday days short of his 82nd birthday, worked and collected friends and enemies - some in both camps at different times

The procession was highlighting what McCain found important, some of which contrast with Trump's style and priorities

Other officials represented the administration in Trump's hard-to-miss absence. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, U

N. Ambassador John Bolton, Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein were among those in attendance, along with members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, former Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman and actor Warren Beatty were among those pausing at McCain's casket

McCain chose a Russian dissident as a pallbearer, though Trump has professed repeatedly his affinity and admiration for Russian President, Vladimir Putin - praise that came amid special counsel Robert Mueller's probe into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election

The procession's pause at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, where McCain's widow, Cindy, is expected to lay a wreath, will highlight McCain's military service and his more than five years as a prisoner of war

Trump obtained deferments during the Vietnam War for his college education and then for bone spurs in his heels

Trump on Friday was expected to leave Washington in early afternoon, to head to North Carolina for an event on retirement security about the same time the public will start filing past McCain's casket

The McCain farewell began Wednesday and Thursday in Arizona, where he and Cindy McCain raised their family

Former Vice President Joe Biden and others provided a preview of the tributes to come

None of the speakers at the North Phoenix Baptist Church on Thursday uttered Trump's name

But Biden, who is considering challenging Trump in 2020, made what some saw as a veiled reference to the president

He talked about McCain's character and how he parted company with those who 'lacked the basic values of decency and respect, knowing this project is bigger than yourself

'Biden said McCain 'could not stand the abuse of power wherever he saw it, in whatever form, in whatever country

'Biden advised McCain's friends and family to remember snapshots of him, such as a glance or a touch

'Or when you saw the pure joy the moment he was about to take the stage on the Senate floor and start a fight

God, he loved it.'At the end of the nearly 90-minute ceremony, McCain's casket was wheeled out of the church to 'My Way,' in tribute to a politician known for following his own path

Trump and his wife, Melania, danced to the same song at the new president's inauguration in 2017


For more infomation >> Dave Chappelle pays his respects to Sen. John McCain - Duration: 11:33.


Паранойя пранк 11 часть - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Паранойя пранк 11 часть - Duration: 1:19.


Wizard101's 10th Anniversary Opening! - Duration: 2:55.

Hey guys, today we're going to be doing a pack opening for the 10th anniversary Wizard101.

Woah we got a lot of pets and a lot of packs!

I wonder what this is.

Just a furniture item.

I wonder what stats this pet has.

Ooh a pack!

Got some cards and got some housing items.

I'm sure that's like... a housing item.

Again it's a housing item.

And this is a pet.

Woah, we got a mount.

Let's go open the hoard pack.

That's for like storm.

Let's go open another hoard pack.

Let's go open the dragon hoard pack.

Ooh, we got a seed!

And... open this hoard pack.

Now let's open, the pack I really want, the Decaversary Hoard Pack!

What? I got nothing!

Let's get the sparkler.

This is going to be a wand.

The monolith.

The arcane rebooter.

I just got it from KI Live Thursday.

Web master.

Confetti cannon.

Ok, just few more thing to open and we will end this video.

The gazebo and...

Let's open the last pack which is the Emperor's attic pack.


And I guess I'll get...

...the glowing dragon fruit, as this will be the last gift we will redeem in this video.

Boom, we got everything redeemed.

I think I'm going to wrap this up.

Don't forget to give this video a like and subscribe to my channel for more new content.


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