Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 1 2018

what is up everybody welcome back to the

channel my name is Josh Horton and this is

my wife Cassie what's up everybody we

are doing a ping-pong trick shot to

truth or dare challenge today it's gonna

be a lot of fun you've seen some our

ping-pong trick shots in the past

and you've seen some of our

truth-or-dare videos in the past or

maybe you haven't if you if you haven't

you should press subscribe because we

post awesome videos every Monday

everyone's every Saturday and just one

thing did you know that every single

video we give out a set of juggling

balls I'm a juggler and I love spreading

the joy of juggling and I give away a

set of juggling balls every single video

to someone that likes and comments

within the first 10 minutes of every

simple upload so make sure you subscribe

and you click that bell so you're

notified when we post so that you can

get your comment in earlier today's

challenge is a head-to-head ping-pong

trickshot battles that involves some

pretty crazy dares what do we got we've

got everything from get an electric

shock to the face do 50 pushups all the

way up to something like run a 5k if you

get that one you're gonna have to run a

second 5k cash you lost the challenge

recently and have to run a 5k which is

coming up this month this month and if

you get that dare you have to to to or

maybe not maybe offer 10k

anyway let's get into this challenge

here we go folding up all the dares and

mix it up all the time

do you have an idea where any of the

dancer I have no idea

mixing it up just a little bit more in

case you routine different case

now let's each pick five the way this is

gonna work is we're gonna have a

ping-pong ball you have to bounce it off

the middle table and land it in there

cut it in lands in that Cup they have to

do that there and then once your

opponent has lost all their cups you win

you can put your cups wherever you want

be strategic

four corners in the middle let's get it

started you did not think I could do


keep ping-pong ball in your mouth for

the rest of the video it's gonna be a

lot Forks this has to be the first one I

get great well as we all know I'm a

weird thing to say but I tagged ping

pong balls in my mouth before

understand yes thank you

the table was off-kilter he really went

into this thinking he would dominate I

hope it's not keep another ping-pong

ball in wrong get shot with the quantum

that's new admit to the force blaster we

got it's gonna hurt

oh it's the ball look at that get a new

ball this ball is all wonky John was

white Cassie was doing so well you're

not can you not just like allow me to be

good at something and to be winning

without eating the sore loser

I know like electric shock to the face

you want to give me in the last video so

here we go

how high do I have to go not that much

mid high MIG cheeks are okay I want to

put on my great because I don't know

like I like to do

not sure I'll do it for you no we have

to see proof that it's on though oh my

gosh a little bit yes why not yeah it's

like making my eyes twitch that's right

not good okay we did it we did it we did

it it's like my eyes are probably a

really bad idea kids don't do that at


actually for early yeah well how do you

think I feel that works I know


what is this time I put no excuse to all

time we've got 50 pushups go get ready

33 34 35 under breath oh goodness 50s a

lot will you say is a lot in one sitting

15 more you got this I'm cheering for

you one 350 pushed up to the bell

problem when you're a supreme athlete

like myself so hard to get off the last

time link it took like rubbing my face

for like forever

lower lower

oh yeah

thumbs up if you think she should get a

permanent face tattoos right on forehead

give her a thumbs up baby to getting

close Oh

ah what's gonna do what you gonna do for

the dare dare guys so recently Cassie

lost that battle and that meant she had

to run a 5k and it looks like I'll be

joining her so make sure you subscribe

and we'll post about that later

I know some of you some of you into

comic book 5 kids not you that might

work out winners I can't believe you

whether you're doing a great job I'm

proud of you but also just kind of a

little pissed off

that's up forever

first of all a very long time I'm very

embarrassed by this let's do them let's

do a comic contest I know that was in

fast motion but I will drink a cocktail

in the last video that we did yeah just

like combo yeah this is gonna be several

hot sauces all together let's do it so

we've got some chili garlic sauce which

is pretty spicy we've got some sriracha

won't ever be spicy we've got some taco

bell fire sauce which isn't super spicy

to me but it's taco bell so it's


and then the spiciest one of all is this

green lava pepper sauce that we got

somewhere Key West Florida and let's

combine them all and drink it and not

get sick

seriously please don't wriggle out of

that like one second oh you think so

nice Wow you want you won so you're

you're more you're just happy that you

want it the smell I wish you guys could

smell the spice incest happening

ready 1 2 3 good wow this strong oh my

gosh it smells awful after thank you for

watching are you ready yeah you did

we've got videos coming every Monday

Wednesday and Saturday we hope you

enjoyed today's video if you did make

sure that you'd give it a like make sure

that you comment how many we missed so

that you get a maybe Paulo don't forget

also Kathy posted today here's a look at

what we'll be doing on her channel how

does a Ranger keep track of his cattle

with a calculator

what did the triangle say to the circle

you're pointless why could the beer

guess that means I lose those jokes we

just read here if you wanna see more

more dad jokes corner channel we

convinced two gunshots every single

video make sure you follow this heart

important and Josh Joe why do you not

know my Instagram account whoa whoa we

gave Instagram shots every video here's

one here's two make sure you follow us

out heart important that dog the Josh

for your chance to win your Instagram

shots let's go to the beach

whoa run little

For more infomation >> PING PONG TRICK SHOTS *Mystery Dare Challenge!* - Duration: 13:05.


【ヒヤ.生】夜のオハナシ【雑談】 - Duration: 5:15:59.

For more infomation >> 【ヒヤ.生】夜のオハナシ【雑談】 - Duration: 5:15:59.


Unlock The Abundance Laying Dormant Inside Of You | Law Of Attraction - Duration: 10:37.

Let's talk about abundance


is a topic

in which I have had a great deal of

interest through the years

and so have many people

and the first thing I came

to understand about abundance

was that I

want to begin to look at it deeply and

when I began to receive my information

from up higher authority is that I have

been miss defining what abundance really is

that I thought that abundance was stuff

they had to do with how much stuff I had

and I hate to be simplistic here

and I really hate to be really obvious

here with what I'm going to tell you

because I know you already know this

but for those of you who have

forgotten that you know I'd like to remind you

of what I was reminded of in my dialogue

that true abundance has

nothing to do with anything that I am having

and everything to do with what I am being

let me tell you how I wound up in this chair

just to give you a little bit of background

on how all this began

in 1992

I had reached the end of the line for me

in 1992 I had reached a point where I

was losing again another committed

relationship with a significant other

my career had reached a dead end

my health was falling apart

I mean nothing was working in my life

and this relationship that I had with my

significant other was the one that I

knew would last forever

and there it was

in front of my face just disintegrating

right in my hands it wasn't the first

time that such a relationship had

disintegrated right in front of me

nor was it the second

nor was it the third or the fourth,

so I knew that there was something I don't know here

the knowing of which would

change all of this for me I couldn't

seem to find the formula

I was either doing something that I did love but I

but I was dead broke or I was making enough

money to skim by and you know making it through

but my soul was dying a thousand deaths

I didn't seem to know how to put

the two together you know not for very

long and if I did get him together - I

swear like about six or eight months

it would all fall apart, all of this was

happening at the same time, now see

usually God had been better than that it

was usally one thing or the other

before in my life but at this particular

period for reasons that still aren't

clear to me it was all at once at the

same time

Oh God said let's give him a triple

whammy let's do the old career

relationship body number the same week

and one night I threw back the covers of

the bed because I had awakened in the

middle of the night still with rage and

upset over how my life was I stormed out

into the larger part of the house

looking for answers in the middle of the night

I went to where I always went for

answers in the middle of the night but

there was nothing decent in the

refrigerator that night so I went to do

couch instead and there I sat on the

couch you know 4 o'clock in the morning

on the couch stewing in my own juice as it were

and then I called out to God

I thought well I can run around and break

up the house you know tear apart the

dishes or whatever but I sat there and I

called out

what it take to make this game work

somebody tell me the rules

I promise I'll play just give me the rules, you know

and after you give them to me, don't change them

and I asked a

ton of other questions as well and then

I saw on the coffee table in front of me

there happened to be a yellow legal pad

lying there there's a pen next to it so

I picked it up flicked out on lamp and I

began to write to my anger out, you know

seem to be a safe quiet way to deal with

it at 4:15 in the morning

I don't know

how it is with you and you are angry and

when you're writing but I write being a

really big when I'm getting angry and there I was

what does it take

to make life work

and what have I done to deserve a life of such

continuing struggle

and on and on I went like that for about 20 minutes

just writing out my anger you

know defying the universe to give me a

response, and then I finally calmed

myself down just a bit I felt just a

little bit better and I thought okay

that worked I have to share this process

with some friends that works

took the pen to put it down and the pen would not

leave my hand I looked at that and I

thought isn't that interesting my hand

is cramped up from all that writing so

you know I find a reason

I brought the pen back to the paper for

reasons that aren't clear to me now and

a thought came to me a little voice

right over here just over my right shoulder

and I call it now my voice this

voice and the voice this voice said

Neil do you really want answers to all of

these questions or are you just venting

I said well you know I, I am venting but

if you have answers I sure as heck like

to know what they are

and with that the answers came

in a flood

the answer to

every question I ever asked came to me

and so fast I felt I had to write them down

or I would forget them I see I

never intended to write a book

I was simply writing this stuff down

because I didn't want to forget this

stop that was coming to me

so I wrote it

down in a flood as fast as my hand could fly

and as I read what I was writing

it brought up naturally other questions for me

because it was astonishing stuff that

was coming off the pen so

I started

writing the questions that the answers

brought up for me and that brought more

answers and I wrote more questions and

that brought more answers and before I

knew it I was involved in an on paper

dialogue with what I later came to know

must be God

and that's the short story

of how I happened to be here


I wound up sending that on paper dialogue

to a publisher

and it was published, and

2 million people have purchased it

it's been translated into 24 languages around

the world it's really astonishing to see

something you've written come out in Japanese,

or Greek

and to realize that somehow or another

in fact

you've touched the entire world

so that's how I got to be sitting here

in the front of the room

I'm very clear now

that I was called on to be a messenger

I've very clear now that in

fact that's what I've always been is a messenger

and that there's no place I

can allow myself to be except in the

front of the room because I have a very

important message to share with everyone

whose life I touch

and here is the

important message I've come to share

all of you are a messenger

and there's no place else that you could allow yourself

to be except in the front of the room

and all of you have come to share a very

important message with everyone whose

life you touch and here's the important

message that you have come to share

all of them, each of them is a messenger

and here's the message all of us have come

to share with each other

hello, wake up, do you know who you really are

hello, wake up, do you understand

here's the message we've come to share

you and I are one

there's only one of us in the room

if you think that we're separate, cut it out

we're not separate, there's only one of us in the room

and there's no difference between us

and if you think there's a

difference between us, cut it out

because there is no difference between us

and stop trying to

create an artificial difference where there is none

and when you get that you

and I are one and there's only one of us

in the room and only one of us on the

planet and only one of us in all of

creation everything that causes you pain

and misery, travail and struggle, heartache

and difficulty will disappear

it will simply go away

so stop thinking that you're over there

and I'm over here

and yet there's no place where you end and I begin

such a simple elegant message

that changes everything

when will we get it

when will we get it

we'll get it

when we send it

For more infomation >> Unlock The Abundance Laying Dormant Inside Of You | Law Of Attraction - Duration: 10:37.


Dibujar y Colorear Escalera de Arco Iris - Draw Rainbow Stairs - Learn Colors / Fun Factory Studio - Duration: 3:00.

hello kids welcome to fun factory studio

today we will learn how to draw Stairs

first we draw outline of stairs

it is time for coloring

red color

orange color

yellow color

light green

blue color

pink color

purple color

thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Dibujar y Colorear Escalera de Arco Iris - Draw Rainbow Stairs - Learn Colors / Fun Factory Studio - Duration: 3:00.


Why Is Your Cat So Disgusted With You? - Duration: 2:49.

[ ♪ Intro ]

If you're a cat person, like me, you've probably seen your furry friend looking...

disgusted with you..?

There's this face they make, like with the wrinkled up nose, curled back lip, and the open mouth,

that looks like they're just absolutely revolted.

Good news, your cat doesn't actually think you're gross.

Or, if they do, that face isn't how they show it.

That sneer is actually what's known as the Flehmen response,

and it gives cats and other animals, like horses, llamas, dogs, and giraffes

a supercharged way to smell the environment around them.

While it might look like cat are expressing their distaste,

what they're actually doing with that face is "sniffing" using a specialized organ called the vomeronasal organ.

It sits kind of underneath the nose in the roof of the mouth.

And it's actually connected to the mouth by small, fluid-filled ducts called nasopalatine canals.

If you look in your cat's mouth, you can even see the ends of these,

they're behind the sharp incisors.

Though, good luck getting them to sit still while you like, take a look at the inside of its mouth.

Anyway, because of the fluid in these ducts, scents don't passively drift up there.

So to "sniff", airborne scents have to be taken in through the mouth, dissolved in fluid,

and then pumped up until they come into contact with the organ's sensory cells.

And that is where that funny face comes in.

When a cat, or giraffe, or horse pulls back their lips into the grimace of the Flehmen response,

they're opening up those canals and starting the pumping action to take a deeper whiff.

They could just rely on their nose, but the vomeronasal organ has its own set of chemical receptors,

so it can smell different smells.

This system is primarily used to detect scent signals from members of their own species,

though different animals, and even different sexes of the same animal,

can use this secondary smelling system in different ways.

And that might explain why people tend to associate the flehmen face with cats and horses more than with dogs,

even though all of them can sniff this way.

In case you're wondering though, you cannot.

Humans lost all of those nasopalatine ducts a long time ago.

And while there are some remnant cavities where your vomeronasal organs once were,

it's been awhile since they could detect anything.

Which is all to say: don't worry if your cats are making weird faces at you.

They don't hate you.

But… they might think you smell.

Thanks for asking, Paul G.!

And thanks to all of our patrons on Patreon who voted in our poll.

If you want the chance to vote on which questions we answer, or get some really awesome rewards,

you can learn all about the perks of being one of our patrons at

[ ♪ Outro ]

For more infomation >> Why Is Your Cat So Disgusted With You? - Duration: 2:49.


Why I Hate Dang - Part 2 (and LeMonde) | Rant - Duration: 12:09.

Here we go again...

I didn't expect to make another rant video on Dang neither did you.

I didn't want to touch this subject ever again as I just wanted it to stay on YouTube and

somehow attract attention eventually, but let's get to the point.

I'm making another video about Dang because he has been doing something really bad towards


And you may have noticed that LeMonde is included.

If you disliked the video because of that, at least watch and

listen for my reasoning.

In June 25th, this was when I was still in Dang's discord server, I've decided to ask

in the LeMonde Staff chat why Dang was banned from LeMonde because he

was confused on why he was banned.

I did it so he would know the reasons why from a staff or high

rank from LeMonde so he would understand.

I said: "Here's a question (don't get angry), why

did you guys ban D_ang from LeMonde?

Just curious."

PinkieSmh was the FIRST person to reply to my question that was an HR in LeMonde.

She replied: "he trolls, we don't need him here, apparently

he exploited an airline" I said:

"He did mention that he just wanted to visit but fair point."

I regret saying that because I was quite brainwashed by his videos until I realised that this was

not right what Dang was doing.

I watched other videos which proved my point.

Then I said: "He did it because they copied another airline."

to the response of exploiting another airline which I again,

regret saying because it's not the best option to exploit an airline for copying assets.

Pinkie said: "he just wanted to 'visit'" quoting "visit"

which meant that he's not visiting but trolling *cough* Dang wouldn't

understand quoting *cough* lead to me getting banned from his

Discord *cough* I said: "And stole their assets."

She said: "yes so big no" Then I said: "I see..."

Then she said: "we make sure he doesn't get near our airline ok bye"


That was a normal answer which I expected, didn't expect anything to happen AT ALL...

I sent the photos to the server to show Dang and the server the reason

why he was banned from LeMonde but he was confused but he

didn't really mind it all, but something happened during that time that I haven't noticed.

In July 2nd, a week after screenshot to Dang about the reasoning, I got a DM from Pinkie.

She was angry because I completely forgot to cover the name

in the picture which really started it all.

If I did cover it, this video may not have happened but Dang would have

been angry at LeMonde so I think the video might have happened


Apparently Dang had a go at her so I apologised about that and that I'll cover the username

and profile picture next time I do something like this.

In July 29th, a month after the screenshot.

I got a message from one of the HRs from LeMonde saying:

"Issued with 50 warning points for leaking a chat that attacks one of the staff

members at LeMonde, therefore, being kicked out of the staff community."

I was absolutely pissed when I saw this.

I was completely confused why I was fired till I noticed that it was from

the screenshot which was a month ago.

I DMed Pinkie the day after I got DMed about me getting fired (I'm still

confused how Horiph found out in the first place, maybe due to his popularity and how

he was allowed to be in LeMonde which was during the 1st of August).

She was being angry at me for "exposing" her and "messing up" her

flight and calling me "inactive" in LeMonde when I had my reasons.

I was confused what she was on about till she

sent me a tweet from Dang from July 9th which were my screenshots which for some reason

covered my name and not covered her name which made me get


He purposely exposed Pinkie to send her hate and ruin her


She even got mentioned in Dang's videos couple times which had the exact same screenshots

covering my name and not hers.

We were cool after we had a long conversation.

In August 1st, I noticed that Dang was in the LeMonde discord server which made me confused

because he was banned from LeMonde (till this day, I have

no idea why he is in LeMonde).

He was recording a review video on LeMonde and he mentioned about editing it

in the server.

I said: "Oh hey dang..."

And he replied: "Hello spam tagger"

That made no sense because I only said @everyone once which was part of the quote on what he


Alex asked me If I resigned but I didn't say why I was

fired but Dang asked If I got fired and I said:

"Not your business, part of it is your fault."

And he replied with: "okay lol".

He knew that this Pinkie situation made get fired from LeMonde.

Dang tried to advertise his LeMonde video and he

was aware that staff wouldn't be happy but he posted it anyway.

Nobody cared but I DMed one of the HRs to delete

it and he or she did.

Pinkie was arguing with Dang in the server causing drama on that day.

Staff, HRs and customers were trying to break up the fight but the

sad thing is, everyone was supporting Dang when Pinkie was the victim here.

He exposed her and attacked her and ruined her FLIGHT.

I noticed that Horiph might not have understood what I did so she thought I was the one who

attacked her so I wanted to reason myself:

"By the way, I didn't attack Pinkie but Dang's stupid community and himself decided to attack

her which was out of my control.

And yes, it was my fault for not covering the person answering the question but I never

expected Dang and his 'fans' to fully attack her.

All I wanted was to let Dang know why he was not allowed to be in LeMonde and I wanted

to provide evidence.

He was okay with it when I showed it to him but I never knew he was going to get that

angry about it.

This happened a month before I got fired."

Horiph answered: "I will regard this and talk to you about


I had a chance to get my job back.

I haven't got it back yet though because she is still on a holiday but hopefully I'll get

it back because it was all Dang's fault.

I was angry towards Horiph but I won't show this because she mentioned that

she was at vacation me assuming that she was intentionally ignoring me.

There's more to it.

In Dang's video, people were apologising about Pinkie's behaviour towards Dang.

She was also getting sent hate from Dang's fans and other

people through Discord DMs You know how I mentioned in the previous

video about fans getting brainwashed?

Well, some of the staff actually got brainwashed by Dang and told Pinkie to

apologise (I won't mention the usernames).

I'm feeling like this is happening due to his popularity.

People think that just because the person has many subscribers, they

should be worshipped like Gods and think that they're the nicest


People believed in Dang's story when they haven't heard her side of the story, which

is why I've asked her to say about it:


I would like to start off by saying in this video I'm not trying to attack or bring down

Dang and his reputation.

I'm here to tell my side of the story.

I personally believe Dang overreacted a lot.

I tried to keep calm and professional which I did.

It was wrong of him after he said he would stop to then continue on about this topic

later to make a video about me.

As I said I tried to handle the situation calmly

and get over it as I did like him and his videos.

I thought he was a great guy overall, he interacted with his fans etc.

However, he then contacts me one day being very aggressive towards me for

telling someone the true and very good reason why he was banned from the airline 'LeMonde'and

I would like to point out that I didn't ban him, I simply told another

member why he was banned.

The reason was that he trolled other airlines, which is true.

I then told Dang I would be more than happy to assist him in being unbanned and coming

back into LeMonde, as at that time I was a High


He simply ignored me and continued to talk about me etc.

He then started tweeting stuff and a video came out

showing screenshots of me doing frankly nothing wrong.

He has said his side of the story now it is my turn.

Personally, when this was happening I was getting DMs over DMs (as he decided

not to cover my name or tag) calling me names which will be shown on the screen now.

It was a horrible time and I want to thank my twitter supporters who were

there the whole time for me, you guys are the best.

I then had this one user who just took it to a new level.

I am not going to reveal their name or identity as I'm not out to expose them,

I'm here to tell my part of the story.

So we have a couple of screenshots on right now of pictures which were displayed

to me by a friend.

I believe this was wrong of him to do and it looks like he is being the toxic and two-faced


Luckily I ended that very fast.

However, I made some tweets about this situation which then I was fired from LeMonde for

exposing a third party member.

I then was getting so so many DMs and they were killing me seeing these.

I do not want to be shown as a horrible person, I am

not a horrible person.

I just believe this was very unfair of Dang and then

he banned me from his server etc.

It did luckily die down then and it has stopped however I'm still getting some DMs

ever time and time again.

Dang, I know you are not 9 years old.

I know that you are smart, responsible and trustworthy

so I don't understand why you would do this.

I come online to have fun meet new people and make friends, I don't

want to be harassed or anything as such.

In NO WAY did I intend for this to occur.

I would like to thank you for listening to my long boring speech, back to

you Later.

Hopefully Dang does see this and actually apologise to Pinkie instead.

I don't want to continue about videos about Dang again.

I want this rant video to be the last.

Sorry for not uploading videos AGAIN.

Currently or maybe back from my holiday and the internet there was very bad.

I have some videos already recorded and some edited so I might upload them soon.

Anyway, that is it for the video, thanks for watching.

Like or dislike, I don't mind and subscribe to my channel If you like the content that

I make, I don't mind too and... see you later Bloxxers!


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