Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 1 2018

As this abandoned dog cowered in the corner of her cage a veterinarian made an emotional decision

After being mercilessly dumped on a county road Gracie the dog was understandably frightened of everything

So when that Andy Mathis found her cowering inside her cage one morning. He opened the door and made an emotional decision

Granite Hills Animal Care is a veterinary clinic in Elberton, Georgia and according to the establishments Facebook page staff. They're aimed to provide

compassionate care for four-legged family members

Vet Andi Mathis established the clinic in 1994 growing up on a farm in southern, Georgia

Mathis had been around animals his entire life as a result

He appeared to have a deep understanding of and compassion for the creatures that roam the earth

Through his work

Mathis hoped to gift his patients with long healthy and happy lives on

His website the vet explains as a pet owner and parent. It's what I want for my kids

Their family members as a veterinarian. It's what I want for your fur kids and family

However, Mathis is compassion extended beyond just his paying customers

in fact in

2016 when a woman found a dog in bad shape on a dirt road out in the country

The vet took the animal into his care and he went above and beyond the call of duty

To ensure that the pooch made a full recovery

Describing how the dog was found in

2016 Mathis told ABC News. She was dumped in the middle of nowhere

She had a collar so she was owned by somebody at some point. Whoever was feeding her wasn't feeding her enough

She was 20 pounds when we found her and probably should have weighed 30 to 35 pounds

When the dog later named Gracie arrived at Granite Hills, she was emaciated

Hypothermic anemic and dehydrated she'd also suffered a vaginal prolapse

In fact Gracie was in such a state that Mathis feared he'd have little choice but to put her down

However, the vet refused to give up on the dog and instead gave her a chance to recover during her first week at the clinic

Gracie made baby steps towards getting better. She began to eat and sleep a little but she was still extremely nervous around people

Math has decided that if Gracie was ever gonna make a full recovery

She'd need to learn how to trust humans

Especially those who were trying to help her the vet had noticed his patient would only eat when she was alone in the room

So he decided that mealtime would be an ideal opportunity to try and bond with the reluctant pooch

So one morning Mathis poured himself some cereal and a dog bowl

He then climbed inside Gracie's cage so they could enjoy breakfast together

What's more the vet decided to film the encounter for his social media following?

In the video, which math is shared on Facebook in 2016

The traumatized dog can be seen cowering in the corner with the vet beside her

However, Gracie soon plucks up the courage to eat some food from math as his hand

The kind-hearted vet continues to hand feed the dog while simultaneously munching on his own breakfast

After a while Gracie is confident enough to eat directly from the bowl and as she laps up her food

She finally appears to be totally relaxed in Mathis as presence

Toward the end of the video math has reached out to give Gracie a pat on the head and the dog accepts the sign of

Affection without so much as a flinch with a job

Well done the vet takes a large glug of coffee and proudly watches the pup wolf down her breakfast

after wrapping up his filming manthis shared the video of his breakfast with Gracie online and

It didn't take long for the footage to gain momentum on social media in a matter of days

The video had clocked up more than 6 million views much to the surprise of Mantha's himself

In a follow-up post to his viral video Malthus wrote on Facebook Wow

I take a nap for an hour or so when I come back to find Gracie's video being shared and with lots of views

I'm flattered that you'd take the time to watch and share her video truly

While Mantha's was clearly taken aback by the reaction to Gracie story. He did appreciate the attention it garnered

There are a lot of dogs like her out there

So by sharing her story, it brings awareness of other pets that need homes the vet explained

as for Gracie

She still had a long road to recovery ahead of her as a result Malthus encouraged her newfound fans to donate money

Towards her treatment in the meantime the vet did his best to get the dog ready for adoption

Before Gracie could be ready for a family though. She needed to overcome a number of hurdles

She's got to learn to trust people walk on a leash poop outside

Figure out if she likes other dogs and cats math has told the HuffPo sight in 2016

Unfortunately more than two years after her rescue Gracie remained at Granite Hills Animal Care a

Urinary issue as well as some remaining behavioral problems meant that she was not yet ready for adoption

However, that's not to say she wasn't happy

In fact as one fan put it Gracie had already found her family

And that was Mathis Gracie is home San Lee West wrote. She's safe

well loved well cared for and happy she has her own room and

Girlfriends to visit with the pooches in an environment that allows her to grow and be loved

And although she does not go outside as long as doc and staff are okay with that. We should be too


For more infomation >> As This Abandoned Dog Cowered In The Corner Of Her Cage, A Veterinarian Made An Emotional Decision - Duration: 5:59.


EOS校內福利宣傳 - Duration: 1:53.

actually we don't know what will benefit to you

For more infomation >> EOS校內福利宣傳 - Duration: 1:53.


How pewdiepie became most subscribed! - Duration: 12:49.

battlefield 5 update an important update

for t-series but most importantly of all


good evening I'm poppy Harlow the most

news person in the news our first story

comes from battlefield 5 this is an

update from last week

apparently battlefield 5 had really bad

amount of pre-orders lacking 85 percent

behind call of duty ah that sucks

some people a bunch of idiots I'm not

supposed to add my opinion but said this

was because read of redemption is coming

out it's because Call of Duty is coming


it's oversaturated in October the true

Chad's knew what the reason was behind

this and of course it was because the

chief design officer of Battlefield said

if you don't like our trailer you are

uneducated and then he mysteriously left

the company as you do two months before

I release and I try to explain in the

video why I think people didn't like the

trailer myself included

okay they have done really bad at job

and marketing battlefield so far and I

broke that down but I still saw a lot of

people commenting I don't know it

doesn't look like a bionic arm just like

a prosthetic I called it a bionic arm

it's a prosthetic eye arm I know the

difference I just misspoke okay we don't

get our education about how wars were

from games sure they can do that but

it's not their job it's a school's job I

couldn't get less F about watching

battlefield I wasn't at the war and I

wouldn't play to relive it either yes

the trailer just being a statement is

kind of dumb however people going numb

over that just as dumb so the basically

you're calling me dumb for saying this

trailer is dumb

anyway it seemed like so many people

didn't understand what I was talking

about so I will reiterate just to make

this point

crystal-clear okay this is important

stop okay I'm not even gonna pretend

that the battlefield 5 trailer it's not

the most important thing in the entire

universe you have to understand

companies aren't mortal beings okay they

will say and do whatever that will bring

them more sales they don't think like

human beings because they're not humans

the problem I have and a lot of people

have when the trailer is not the fact

that there's a woman in it people aren't

going there's a woman no one cares ok

and to be 100% clear I don't have a

problem with women in power in fact I

encourage it ok you want to do that

great good for you but when you're

simulating a war ok they know that they

have to work within a certain framework

ok if they didn't people would get

pissed up and that's what happened here

yes you can say oh well there were no

flamethrowers in the Battle of Shiva

COBOL and no one cares about that yes

you're talking about objects here we're

talking about people we're talking about

human beings we're talking about history

if battlefield 5 said they're doing a

world war game where sweets are fighting

Nazis in the trenches people would

comment about it in the same way saying

well that didn't really happen did it

and then their response would be oh well

actually 8000 Swedish people did fight

in the war so checkmate it's like that's

not the point yes there were women in

World War two but it's not a plausible

scenario so if you want to make the

statement of having a woman in power as

the cover of the game and in the trailer

that's the main focus I think it's great

it's annoying that I have to call it a

statement but it's a statement because

it's done so painfully obviously and so

poorly if you wanted to put a female

soldier on the cover why not use

something that was actually I don't know

possible okay let me just acknowledge

good intention terrible execution that's

what this is now apparently a delayed

the release of battlefield

until November I think it's probably a

good move to be honest this did cost the

stocks of EI to drop a lot and I'm gonna

keep developing the story and see how it

goes because it's a it's interesting to

me pewdiepie my favorite youtube channel

i'm not supposed to give my opinion I'm

just popping harlow but my favorite

YouTube channel is being overtaken by

this channel T series you probably heard

about this already but later this year

PewDiePie will no longer be the biggest

channel on YouTube it will be overrun by

the channel T series now Peter Pike

bravely challenged T series to a fight

to the death and they have yet to

respond to his request what a bunch of

cowards PD PI has gathered a lot of

support by mr. beast for example Liam

lush we don't stand a chance against the

population of India sometimes is not

about who's going to win it's about

being on the right side of history the

all inclusive channel or the Indians huh

war war is coming

tcha do you aware now this was covered

by of course the verge the verge and the

polygon same company it's the same

company owned by bollocks interesting

they're the only ones covering this now

ok right let it be clear I don't care ok

I know that's a false statement because

if I say I don't care I am saying I care

enough to say that I care and then just

go on and it doesn't make any sense I

know the thing is I have expressed that

I don't want to be the number one

channel on YouTube for a long time

ok I would prefer if someone else passes

me if T if T series was an actual

individual and not a company I would

gladly congratulate them on become a

number one it genuinely doesn't bother

me there are are already channels bigger

than me but no one's talking about that

you have music gaming sports in YouTube

movies I'm technically the fifth biggest


now of course polygons and they always

know how to grind my gears right so

instead of talking about this I wanted

to bring up the point that they bring up

in this article where polygons brings up

this video from matpat which says

ironically what helped children become

the king of YouTube as explained by Matt

Patrick in the video shall bear managed

to reach audiences in countries like

Sweden Italy France France okay and the

UK while also building up a fan base in

United States and I've heard this

argument so many times it's just one of

those things that people keep saying and

then it's so it suddenly takes on its

true foam its own because Matt did this

video which is a really good video I

still hate it and I think he should

delete it because he made this

speculation but why this let's play


there's thousands out there well there's

one other reason the algorithm loves

PewDiePie he's international you see

YouTube promotes channels locally if you

live in California your videos will be

served up in California more frequently

than in other areas of the US and if you

live in the u.s. your videos will stay

in the US until you gather enough views

from other countries to merit them

sharing your stuff there PewDiePie has a

unique advantage over most other

channels because YouTube considers his

channel Swedish since he started it when

he was living in Sweden makes sense

since then he's moved meaning that he

lives and uploads from Italy but he also

speaks English so since YouTube promotes

locally he was able to gather a strong

Swedish following in a market where

there was less competition but now that

he uploads from Italy he gets promoted

there and since YouTube is most heavily

used in english-speaking nations he had

a much easier time crossing into the US

and UK than a channel from here would

have doing the reverse ok Matt you had

no idea where you talk remaining this is

such a dumb video and I hate I'd like it

if you want to piss me off just say oh

well pity pi he just grew because he

moved countries the reason this annoys

me especially is because it's the

complete opposite when I started off

doing YouTube there was

a lot of ways to poke through the system

there was a lot of ways you can

deliberately do to make your channel

grow quicker that was technically not

allowed but YouTube didn't really stop

anyone from doing it one of those things

would be that you can set your channel

country in your setting you can set your

country to anything and YouTube will

acknowledge your channel as that it

wasn't location-based it was purely

based on the settings and back in 2013

the front page of YouTube was a big part

of growing your channel

it was probably how you gather the most

subscribers if you got on the front page

of YouTube that was a massive deal and

yes each front page on each country was

different so a Swedish so Sweden did

have their own front page just like

America has their own front page just

like there was also a worldwide front

page so what people did was they would

set their channel as Swedish even though

there were American so the front page of

Sweden was nothing but American channels

abusing the system so they would get

views in Sweden when they weren't even

from Sweden while people who were

Swedish didn't get from me it annoys me

because I was so frustrated by it by

this back in 2013 I kind of pride myself

that I've never abused YouTube's system

to grow my channel it's one of those

things where I've seen while growing my

own channel a lot of other people do and

benefiting from it as well so when

people make these statements saying oh

he just grow his channel because you

know he moved from Italy to UK to sweet

and that gave him that boosts its it

takes away the value of all the work I

put into this channel working my ass off

the last seven years and yes it pisses

me off so this whole thing couldn't be

more false but it's one of those things

I keep being reiterated as true it

despite me debunking it it's annoying

because people take Matt's speculation

as some form of true it and here it is

five years later being reported as true

I don't think I deserve 65 million

subscribers I genuinely don't it makes

no sense to me I don't want to be the

biggest channel I guess

I don't care I don't care I just want to

be making videos do my own thing

everything else is it annoying dealing

with this stuff is annoying it's kind of

fun too okay but it's annoying none of

this makes any sense to me like why my

channel got so big it doesn't make sense

to me either I have no idea I was the

least popular guy in school

I don't understand it still I still

think I'm really there's nothing special

about my content so I understand that

people want a reason for it

another thing that's annoying about this

article is that or I leaves in the verge

if you ever want to control a narrative

if you ever wanted something to seem a

certain way all you gotta do is just

hand select a few comments look at this

you can't just handpick Commons I don't

know why they keep doing it well I know

why brofist army where are you you dare

challenge the king Alexa delete this

channel war is coming

prepare yourself t-series no one asked

you TV series videos have reason been

mostly overrun by swarms of PewDiePie

related comments summing which encourage

people to down vote and report channels

uploads so they trying to make it seem

like y'all rights it's all a bunch of

nine-year-olds which it is by the way

spamming this poor Channel this sport

Channel okay I think I think the video

that gets 15 million views in two days

will be okay

I think they will survive t-series

accept my challenge to did that until

then the swarm of nine year olds will

keep coming after you and the verge and

anyone that dare challenge us that's

right I pledge my allegiance to

PewDiePie sorry we're out of time I'm

poppy Harlow

thank you for smashing like on this

video it supports this channel along

with hitting to sponsor fun

oh you guys are go time answer and I'll

see you guys next week I'm poppy Harlow

For more infomation >> How pewdiepie became most subscribed! - Duration: 12:49.


The Rules of Bo Taoshi - Weirdest Sport EVER! - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> The Rules of Bo Taoshi - Weirdest Sport EVER! - Duration: 3:44.


What I eat | homemade cereal | Vegan - Duration: 10:38.

For more infomation >> What I eat | homemade cereal | Vegan - Duration: 10:38.


I'm Going to Booknet Fest! | Booknet Fest Tag - Duration: 4:37.

Hi everybody! If you remember a couple of months ago, I applied or auditioned to be

on a panel at a book convention here in Florida and...everybody that applied for

the panel got onto the panel. But that was because they just liked us so much!

You know what? I'm on a panel! YouTube is happening! Things are...slowly working for

us! This video actually has nothing to do with the panel in particular, except that

my friend Kathy, who you should know at this point, made a BookNet Fest tag!

BookNet Fest is the convention that I'll be going to. It is from the 7th to the 8th

of September I can't wait because I love Orlando, and this is gonna be my third

convention ever and my first that I'm gonna be on a panel at! Kathy is actually moderating

the panel. That's great because I actually know Kathy. So today I'm

actually gonna be doing Kathy's BookNet Fest tag because why not? I'm gonna be at

BookNet Fest! So the first thing I have to do is introduce myself! So everybody

on this channel should know me, but if you're here because of BookNet Fest, hi!

My name is Paige, I am the Princess of The Princess and the Scrivener! Our channel is mostly based on media

literacy and analysis, which is a lot of what goes into BookTube, which is why I

felt confident in applying for the panel! I do talk about books on this channel,

although maybe not as often as I would like to. I think that has to do more with

the fact that I read kind of slowly, and so I like to have a couple of books to

talk about at a time. I am 24, I live in South Florida. I love Disney and Orlando.

The one thing I want everybody on this channel to know is that my husband.

The second thing on the agenda is, "Are you going to BookNet Fest this year or are you admiring

it from afar?" So last year my friend Angel, who's also been on this channel before, went to

BookNet Fest and asked me to go, but I was supposed to go to Disney, and that

didn't end up happening because of a hurricane because I live in Florida. So I

didn't go last year and I regretted it. And so this year I was gonna go either way.

And then they opened this competition to get on a panel and I was

like, "Well why not?" I have a YouTube channel... that I use less frequently than

I would like to now. Number three is, "If you are attending, where are you coming

from and how are you getting to Orlando?" So I live about three hours south of

Orlando which really isn't that far at all. I'm just driving. Number four is, "What platforms do you use to

express your love of books?" Well I work in a bookstore, so that's one platform. I use YouTube, obviously.

Not quite as frequently as a lot of BookTubers do, but a lot of Booktubers have book-specific content,

which is not the only thing we do on our channel. I like to post screen caps

of audiobooks that I'm listening to on Instagram, and I like to talk to people on Twitter about books.

Pretty much anywhere that I am I'll talk about books. "Are you reading, have you read, or are you

planning to read the #BookNetReads book club books?" I'm behind on the times with

literally everything. I did not even know that there was a book club, because I just don't pay attention I guess!

Number six is, "What are you most looking forward to at BookNet Fest?"

Being on my panel - well, it's not /my/ panel, but being on the panel is very high on the list

of priorities! Seeing Kathy again is always really good! Seven is, "Have you attended other bookish events

that you'd recommend?" I was in a book club with a couple of my other co-workers. We read

Scythe by Neal Shusterman, which was really good! Barnes and Noble has an

official Barnes and Noble book club now, so if you have a Barnes and Noble near you and

you're interested in joining a book club, maybe go look at theirs. I know for a

fact that October's book club at Barnes and Noble is going to be An Absolutely Remarkable Thing

by Hank Green! I have already pre-ordered my Barnes and Noble book club exclusive copy,

which you can do on the Barnes & Noble website, #NotSponsored, just saying. Eight is

"What book are you planning to read that weekend?" which is literally next weekend!

The Gentleman's to Vice and Virtue [by Mackenzi Lee]. Nine is, "Do you have

any Internet book friends that you're excited to see?" I mean other than Kathy and Angel, not really?

I do have a friend, Taylor, who is coming to the convention. She's not on YouTube, but she

is I guess technically and internet book friend? And then the last thing on the

list is just to tag people. Everybody that I know that's gonna be at the convention has either already done the

tag or is on their way to doing the tag. Those are all the questions that Kathy

has provided us with, so thank you so much for watching this video! If you

liked it, please click the bell below so you don't miss any of our upcoming videos!

If you're not already subscribed to The Princess and the Scrivener, please do so down below as well,

especially if you'd like to see more videos on Disney, intersectional feminism, pop culture critiques,

and more! Including books, more more videos on books. I promise. One of us will see you real soon!

For more infomation >> I'm Going to Booknet Fest! | Booknet Fest Tag - Duration: 4:37.


Personal Branding For Entrepreneurs: 4 Reasons Why It's Important - Duration: 4:43.

hey what's up guys my name is Patrick

and I help individuals build powerful

personal brands and as today's video we

are going to cover why entrepreneurs

should have personal brands so whether

you work with someone who can have your

own business or you're looking to start

your own business it doesn't matter who

you are everybody has a personal brand

by default by design it doesn't matter

who you are we all have a body well we

all have an image we all have a brand

and it's the way people perceive you

what makes your brand today I'm

specifically you're not going to talk

about entrepreneurs and why it's

important for them to have a personal

brand of course a few quick reasons why

it's so important is if you have a

strong personal brand you can increase

you influence you can increase your

authority you have more credibility in

the market space you can get more media

exposure and even if you're not open or

you can get that dream job so without

further ado let's jump into the four

points step number one is filling your

buckets so as an entrepreneur you

obviously have multiple companies or

businesses some people only have one to

start off with but most other

entrepreneurs they move from one company

to the next and the way they they market

the companies they market each company

individually if they have multiple

buckets they market but what's way

smarter to do is to actually have your

main bucket which is your personal brand

fill the bucket and then let it drip

into all the other buckets right instead

of filling each bucket separately you

can have your own bucket and then put

all your efforts into the one bucket and

it'll fill all the other ones beneath it

so and you can do that with like content

marketing whatever your strategy is but

that allows you to really focus on your

personal brand which is going to give

you crazy exposure in the media and and

very good credibility in the market

space and it's going to fill all of your

buckets which are all of your companies

so point number two is personal branding

gives you a competitive advantage

because nobody is unique like you you

have your own personality and nobody is

exactly like you are so you can have

your competitor can have the same

products the same services same rates

but because your personal brand is

different than his personal brand and

you guys have your own vibes to each

other that's going to give you common

competitive edge because some people

might like you more some people might

like him more and if you can if you can

send out from from that market space

using a personal brand it's gonna give

you a really good competitive edge

because nobody is gonna be like you

because you are your unique self and

nobody can copy your authenticity that

you want to portray point number three

is you can be big inspiration to a lot

of people so let's say you have four

successful companies or even just one

successful company you can use that one

company to create a case study and you

can use it to inspire other

entrepreneurs and if done correctly it

can be so powerful and empowering to

inspire other people and because you are

inspiring them they're gonna want to

follow you then when I give you money

because you've helped them in their

lives and I want to give back and if you

do that right people want to give you

money because people buy from people

point number four at the end of the day

it doesn't matter what you do people

love buying from people that's why you

see some coaches charge a lot of money

because their stuff first of all it

actually works and second of all that

can connect with the other person more

than they could connect with someone on

the company brand level right because

you you have a personal brand you can

connect with someone way easier than if

you have a company brand so it's way

easier to actually sell someone on your

service and products because they see

the company they see the brand by

talking to you because you are at the

brand and if you do that right people

want to give you money because people

buy from people alright guys that's it

for this video I hope you found some

value in this video and as always if you

like the content make sure the comment

like to subscribe if you want to connect

with me on social media the best account

for that is it going to be Instagram so

my Instagram is going to be in the

description down below as well

and I'm gonna be pushing out weekly

content on personal branding and

marketing so be sure to hit the

notification bar so your get

notification for every new video I

publish and yeah that's pretty much for

this video

see you guys the next week in the next

video bye

For more infomation >> Personal Branding For Entrepreneurs: 4 Reasons Why It's Important - Duration: 4:43.


Z USA do Polski SAMOCHODEM / From USA to POLAND by CAR - Duration: 14:15.

Good day!

We were sent by Paweł.


We're from Paweł.

What Paweł?

From America.

I don't know who that...

Ooh, are the owners of the theatre available somewhere here?



And where are they? Can we...

Should I call Miss Jadzia?

Well if you could we'd love to say "hi" to them.



And you're coming from America?




But what do you mean from America? By car?

No, by plane first.

And what about the car?

This is dad's car. He lives here in Poland. In Tarnowskie Góry. Close to Katowice.

But what dad?

My dad.

So you want me to call Miss Jadzia? Ok...

Co się dzieje?

Blonnie wiesz gdzie jesteś?

Jestem w Polsce.

Jest kolejny dzień i kolejne miasto.

Ale jak się to miasto nazywa?

Szklarska Poręba.

Zostawię to Tobie.

Ty to powiedz.

Szklarska Poręba.

Bardzo dobrze.



I like the most making episodes in which

we are telling some - even minimal - story.

So then today

we're going to tell the story that connects

to our film "Poles in USA" - if you haven't seen it yet I don't know what you're waiting for.

One of the people in that film is Paweł.

Paweł gained your likes very quickly and not without a reason

because he is a super likable person and he grows on you very quickly.

Many of you commented about how awesome his interviews were in that film and

how great his voice is and so on.

The coincidence is that Paweł's family home is located

in the area we are visiting right now.

Paweł has not visited these parts for a very long time.

And today we

will become somewhat of a bridge

to the homeland, to his family house literally.

We will visit the town where Paweł grew up and maybe even the theatre

that influenced in a great way who Paweł is. Contributed to shaping up his personality.

So I think this is going to be an interesting endeavor.

Paweł reached out to us literally yesterday when he realized

that we were in Jelenia Góra by looking on facebook.

The town where he grew up, Michałowice is located literally

a few kilometers from Jelenia Góra

and that's where we are going right now.

Nagrywanie włączone

Good day!

We're walking in with the camera right away. Is that ok?

Please don't scare me like that right away...

This is the way we roll!

Oh Dear...

A surprise!

I'm David, Good day!

Elizabeth, Good day.

You are Paweł's...


Auntie, yes?

It's nice to meet you.

The house looks incredible.

The house is very old, almost 300 years.

That's why it's so pretty.

It was kept in its finest state.

150 years old?

Almost 300.


300 years house?

It's been renovated probably.

It's been very nicely kept.

300 letni dom!

I'll be damned...

Myślisz, że hipoteka spłacona?

Wyobraź sobie jak byś się czuł.

Cały czas o tym myślę. Czuję empatię dla kogoś, kogo tu nawet nie ma.

Now we need to hear some stories from Paweł's childhood he wouldn't tell us!

Like when he sat in the bushes singing?

Yes... "The single huntsman"

He had a song like this that he would sing.

And when did he take on acting?

This must have been in USA already, I think.

Earlier he would...


In the radio, yes.

He was more of a journalist over here.

The theater - was it here already when Paweł lived in Poland?


Oh it wasn't here?

Yes, it was. It was here already.

Just not in the current form.

They didn't have the current stage yet back then.

They haven't built it yet.

Paweł also lived in Zgorzelec back then.

Yes, yes.

Paweł lived in Zgorzelec for a while after his wedding.

Yes, correct.

They had not built the stage yet, they just used to drive around with their performances.

They would bring the plays to the people.

The entire Poland, a lot and now they operate here.

Because I know Paweł likes acting, yes?

He likes to be on the stage.

I thought this is where it all had its roots.

No, no.

This is his inborn talent.

You are wonderful, girls. So welcoming.

Just as Paweł said... when you get to... Michałowice

They will host you so well you will not want to leave.

You are so welcome!

Good day.

We were sent by Paweł.


We're from Paweł.

What Paweł?

From America.

I don't know who that...

Ooh, are the owners of the theatre available somewhere here?


They are?


And where are they? Could we...

You want me to call Miss Jadzia?

If you could. We would love to say "hi" to them.



So you're coming from America?




But what do you mean from America? By car?

Well no, by plane first.

And what about the car?

This is dad's car. He lives here in Poland. In Tarnowskie Góry. Close to Katowice.

But what dad?

My dad.

So you want me to call Miss Jadzia? Ok...

Co się dzieje?

We happened to be here in the area.

We live where he is, we're in Maryland in USA.

And so he said if you are in my area visit the theater

because it's one of the kind.

Wow, that's nice to hear!

It's what he said.

This is for Paweł and the other one is for you.

Thank You very much.

You can translate for your wife. Too bad you're...

Please forgive our intrusion, it was so sudden.

We live a fast paced life. There's really a lot going on.

Our schedule is all set. Every minute, every hour.

No chance for improvisation.

Żyją tutaj w bardzo dużym tempie, nie ma miejsca na improwizację. Wszystko ustalone co do minuty.

Very nice to meet you, thank you so much.

All the best to you, good luck!

Jak przyjedziecie do USA musicie nam dać znać!

Blonnie czy docniasz już piękno Polskic h okolic górskich?

Tak, jest tu bardzo... górsko!

Na prawdę, patrz!

To end this episode, in reference to our previous film

when we were hosting a very likable person named Shona

- Shona is a Canadian -

we wanted to right now answer one of your previous questions that happens to be

touching on the differences

between living in Canada and USA.

Are there clear differences between Canada and USA?

Is the level of living, people's mentality and habits are the same in both countries?

Ile tak właściwie wiesz o Kanadzie, Blonnie?

Wiem, że nie mają problemu z bronią palną który istnieje w USA.

Nie mają problemów ze służbą zdrowia

To plus.

Mają za to... mają...

bardziej uspołecznioną opiekę medyczną.

Ludzie będą twierdzić, że są dobre i złe strony takiego systemu

ale zdecydowanie nie ma tam sytuacji takich jak nasza

gdzie bankrutujesz

bo jesteś chory. Zdiagnozowali ci raka.

Myślę, że ludzie są bardzo podobni do nas.

Może trochę bardziej


chętni do pomocy swoim krajanom

bo wydaje mi się, że tak nastawiony jest ich rząd.

Takie bym robiła założenia na ich temat.

Więc co ja zawsze słyszałem to, że jest to trochę wolniei idący kraj

Trochę wolniej się tam zarabia i dochodzi do czegoś, ale jest bardziej stabilnie.

Praktycznie pod takim samym względem jak właśnie wspomniałaś.

Jest więcej wsparcia rządu dla ludzi.

I nie ma

Wiesz, nie ma takich wielkich wzlotów i upadków.

Wszyscy są bardziej do siebie zbliżeni.

Jest mniejsza przepaść między super bogatymi i bardzo biednymi.

Z drugiej strony rzeczy posuwają się do przodu i rosną...

Cześć pszczoła!

w trochę wolniejszym tempie. Wiesz o co chodzi?

Jeśli chodzi o ludzi...

Co moim zdaniem jest dobre.

Jeśli chodzi o ludzi wydaje mi się...

tak jak zawsze mówimy ludzie są wszędzie tacy sami. Są ludzie dobrzy i źli wszędzie.

Zgadzasz się?

Całkowicie się zgadzam. Jeśli chodzi o...

Jeśli chodzi o poziom życia myślę, że w Kanadzie i w USA jest podobnie.

Czyż nie?

Podobnie, choć nie znamy dokładnie różnic w ich programach socjalnych i emerytalnych

albo ubezpieczenia społecznego i jak to działa.

Tego rodzaju rzeczy.

Jeśli natomiast chodzi o życie codzienne, posiadanie domu, robienie zakupów spożywczych

mam wrażenie, że jest bardzo podobnie.

Nie sądzę, żebym się czuła nieswojo w Kanadzie.

Syszałem również o wielu Polakach

którzy przenieśli się do Kanady z USA

i nie spotkałem nikogo, kto byłby nieszczęśliwy.

Jeśli chodzi na przykład o usługi medyczne w Kanadzie dociera do nas sporo propagandy

w Ameryce, że na przykład są długie kolejki w których trzeba na wszystko czekać.

Osobiście mam w Kanadzie znajomych

nawet ludzi, którzy przeprowadzili się tam z USA

i mówią mi "może i nie jest idealnie, ale nigdy bym nie zamienił

tego co jest tutaj na to co macie w USA".

Jeśli chodzi o pogodę, to już nie jest

super gorąco w Polsce.

Ja nie mam za fajnego światła.

Cóż, masz pecha!

For more infomation >> Z USA do Polski SAMOCHODEM / From USA to POLAND by CAR - Duration: 14:15.


Dying Light: Bad Blood ► Общий тест новой игры - Duration: 1:39:08.

For more infomation >> Dying Light: Bad Blood ► Общий тест новой игры - Duration: 1:39:08.


Testimonial Katie Unterreiner Licensed Clinical Social Worker - Duration: 2:53.

My name is Katie Unterreiner.

I'm a social worker and I work at West Seattle Counseling and I discovered Mendability, and

I'm using it as a social worker to help kids and just finding that it has a miraculous

effect on kids and so I'm very excited about that and I wanted to share about that.

So I wanted something that was natural and easy and that

could literally just restructure the brain, you know, and not be something that kids have

to do forever.

That they learn these new skills, the brain changes and adapts and, they're able to access

different parts of their world and environment in a really helpful way.

The work goes very fast and the kids start developing an ability to eat with their family,

to be able to sleep at night, to be able to communicate to make eye contact, to be able

to connect with their schools and in their classroom and not have so much of the outburst

and anger that I see as a social worker.

And the most amazing thing, just as a mom and as a social worker that I find, is that

when you use the... a lot of times when you use behavior management type of things with

kids, it creates anger and sometimes spanking and more things like that can happen and with

the sensory strategies that the families learn to use with kids, it incorporates the whole

family and so everybody starts to connect.

I noticed that the couple, the parents start to become more connected and focused and working

together with the strategies and it just heals the whole family because they see it working

really fast and without very much work.

It's easy.

These strategies are for kids, with varying special needs, but also for families that

are typical that may have something that... some trauma that's happened.

Sometimes there's been a loss or a death or a physical injury that has caused kids to

have some distress that they need help with.

It's powerful and it can work very quickly, so...

And that's what's really struck me, is that kids can be in OT and working with medicine,

like the psychiatrist, and have very slow progress and they work with Mendability and

then words start flowing, they're able to connect and laugh and symptoms of depression,

anxiety become quieter and quieter until you can't see that anymore,

so it's quite significant in that way!

For more infomation >> Testimonial Katie Unterreiner Licensed Clinical Social Worker - Duration: 2:53.



Welcome to a new gallery of

followers but before starting

I would like to invite you to spend

for my last video of how I draw

Thanos by Infinity War

He also mentioned that if he wants to participate in the

gallery should only be subscribed to the channel

activate the notification bell

and be very aware of

our publications through

our social networks

now let's go to the gallery followers of the month of

August my name is Jhon de dibujemos A

and without more let's start

I want to thank for the participation of

all of you since this gallery does not

it would be possible without your support

I also want to congratulate all of you

because there are very good jobs in way

traditional in digital and there is also a lot of variety

I tell you that in this

opportunity will not be the section of

highlighted since it seems to me that all

they are very good artists and illustrators

rather I would like you to be

the jury and comment what was the

drawing that you liked the most by placing the minute where it appears

you can support it

giving little hand up to the comment and if

appears in the gallery do not hesitate to comment

the minute where it appears

so know what your drawing is

ok friends i say goodbye and

I leave with good music and this will be

next edition




For more infomation >> GALERÍA DE SEGUIDORES DEL MES DE AGOSTO 2018 (DIBUJEMOS A) - Duration: 5:46.


Podali się za Radio Maryja. PiS dał się podejść - Duration: 3:33.

PODZIEL SIĘ "Newsweek" opisał prowokację, podczas której obnażył podwójne standardy Prawa i Sprawiedliwości

Gdy dziennikarze chcieli akredytować się na niedzielną konwencję PiS - by relacjonować jej przebieg - zostali odesłani z kwitkiem

- Akredytacje na niedzielną konwencję zostały zakończone 3 godziny temu. Przykro mi - usłyszeli od pracownicy biura

Podobno nie było już miejsc w sali. Dziennikarze użyli więc podstępu. Zadzwonili podając się za pracowników sprzyjającego władzy Radia Maryja - tuby ojca Tadeusza Rydzyka

I nagle stał się prawdziwy cud: w sali bez miejsc znalazły się miejsca. To magiczne rozmnożenie krzeseł nastąpiło, gdy tylko w PiS usłyszano nazwę przyjaznej im rozgłośni

- Potwierdzam przyznanie akredytacji - zakomunikowano. "Newsweek" przypomina, że PiS dostaje z pieniędzy podatników wielomilionową subwencję

Partia nie może wybierać sobie, których dziennikarzy wpuści, a których nie. Bo wszystkie media pełnią rolę informacyjną i działają w imieniu obywateli, czyli podatników utrzymujących polityków, wypłacających im sowite pensje i finansujących partię

- Widać, że Prawo i Sprawiedliwość po własnych sędziach w Trybunale Konstytucyjnym oraz w Krajowej Radzie Sądownictwa stawia teraz na własnych, posłusznych dziennikarzy – komentuje w "Newsweeku" Andrzej Skworz, redaktor naczelny branżowego miesięcznika "Press"

- Partie polityczne to nie są instytucje prywatne, tylko quasi-publiczne, gdyż ich działalność jest finansowana z naszych podatków

Każda z nich co roku otrzymuje dotacje z budżetu państwa, dlatego też powinna być otwarta na wszystkie media, niezależnie od poglądów – dodaje Rzecznik Praw Obywatelskich, Adam Bodnar

Nowa fucha dla Macierewicza. To mu się marzy? Rząd przywraca kontrole na granicach

Jak to? /2 Prowokacja Newsweeka - podali się za Radio Maryja na konwencji PiS Stanisław Kowalczuk / East News  Podstęp dziennikarzy obnażył kłamstwo polityków /2 KONWENCJA PIS Damian Burzykowski / newspix

pl Autor: ssd, Newsweek

For more infomation >> Podali się za Radio Maryja. PiS dał się podejść - Duration: 3:33.


Smokey Eyes / Olho Esfumado | Virginia De Jong - Duration: 17:14.

hello and welcome to my youtube channel

this time i come with this smokey eyes tutorial

a bit more dramatic eyes as you asked me

a makeup that you can use in a wedding, party

a romantic dinner... whatever u wish

i will be using my naked1 palette

as i promisse i will be doing this makeup

i did already a day look makeup with this palette

but i want to explain you

how to do a smokey eye with the naked1

subscribe my channel

follow in my instagram

or in my Facebook page

and lets started

so i did already the makeup in one

of the eyes and this we will be recreating

in the other eye

i also did my face makeup and i list now

the products i used

primer mary kay

foundation fit me from maybelline

my colour is 130

also from maybelline i used my concealer in shade 20

bronzer and blush i will talk about in the end

as for the highlighter

lets started

i use my concealer as a eyeshadow base

then i blend with my finger

all over my eyelid

im also applying a bit in my lower

lash line as we will be using some eyeshadow also

no we will start using the colossal kajal from maybelline

we will be doing with small strokes

a kind of eyeliner a bit thick

just to create a base for the other colours

don't be scared cause this shade is to blend

i also apply in my waterline

eyeliner pencil donne we start with shades in naked1

we use the colour 'hustle'

that is a shade with a undertone purple

pencil brush we apply this colour on top

of the eyeliner

236 from primark this brush

first we apply the colour then we blend

if your skin is a bit mature

blend with circular motion

now we start to blend on the crease

then with my favourite shade "buck"

when with a blending brush

230 also from primark

apply just on the crease

just to blend it out all lines

so everytime we blend we try fix again the

other shade in the outer corner of the eye

so thats what we gonna do now

this colour is a bit shiny so it gives a glow

that we all love

now with the same shade and brush

we apply in the lower lash line

until middle of the eye the inner corner

we will blend with a lighter colour

then we use the shade 'buck" to blend

also in the lower lash line

with a flat brush

this is the brush that comes with this palette

we apply the shade "creep"

in the outer corner

just to give a bit more dimension

then i will bend everything again

will just make like a triangle shape

now we are just blending and retouching

basically thats it

now I'm gonna just give some light

underfeed my eyebrow

i will use the colour "virgin"

also a bit of light in the inner corner

then with a kiko brush 20

and with the shade "toasted"

give some light in the lower lashes

just to make everything even

after this we will still be retouching

but for now we start applying the shimmer

the shade i use was the "sin"

blending with a brush and my fingers

first i apply in the shade then i spray it

a fixing spray or termal water

then i apply tap motion in my eyelid

and the colour is must more intense

this colour is to be applied just until the crease

now with my fingers

after applying the shimmer

we blend everything again

we are just retouching

the colours we retouch are the same

we used before including the black

its as i like it

we apply now mascara

super easy this smokey eyes

and great for parties, weddings

everything just with this palette

theres a day look also in my youtube channel

with the same palette

super easy and classic

but with this one you can also do something like this

more dramatic

after i apply mascara

i will apply my false lashes and will be back


sooooo hot

false lash applied

retouch this shiner colour were

i touch it with lash glue and tweezer

a little bit more...

so now we end the face makeup

using broker

catrice sun glow

you know i love this product

and then the blush

from essence kissable

also love it...

I'm using the benefit highlighter "whatsap"

just with the finger i apply

on top of my cheeks

bridge of my nose

lets apply now the mascara

"get big lashes" from essence

easy or not

this makeup? serious?

if you don't want to apply false lashes also good

i decided to apply cause is a more dramatic look

mascara is never too much

with my concealer I'm gonna retouch

my under eye area

just a little bit

but makes all the difference

if this area is clean

then your eyeshadow will pop up even more

as lipstick i will be using my modesty from

mac cosmetics

i like to use nudes when my eyes are more dramatic

but you can use a bold lip if you like it

so I'm using this nude colour but as i said

you can adapt

and thats it

hope you liked it don't forget to give a thumbs up

subscribe my channel

and follow me on my instagram

kisses i hope to see you all in my next video

For more infomation >> Smokey Eyes / Olho Esfumado | Virginia De Jong - Duration: 17:14.


❤️Ё— МОЁ осень пришла ❤️Улыбнись❤️Счастливой осени❤️ #Мирпоздравлений - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> ❤️Ё— МОЁ осень пришла ❤️Улыбнись❤️Счастливой осени❤️ #Мирпоздравлений - Duration: 1:07.


Russia-1's Brilev Interview With Lavrov - Duration: 3:55.

I have a feeling that the speech of French President Emanuel Macron before the French diplomats was written in your secretariat.

Thoughts that Europe can do without the US, that it is necessary to build relations with Russia and Turkey.

Frankly speaking, I can not imagine that the President of France, Macron, would rely on anything other than his own beliefs in foreign policy when he addresses his farewell to French diplomats working abroad.

That is, they themselves came to this?

I am sure that it was not ripe for one day, but for a long period of time.

And this is due not only to the fact that in 2016 there was a change of administration in the United States.

In principle, the way the US acts on the international scene, of course, makes everyone think.

Nobody wants to be at loggerheads with the US, but on the contrary - to have normal, constructive and good relations.

But just as any self-respecting country can not tolerate when something is imposed.

It is imposed so that all the agreements and understandings that have developed over many decades are falling apart in international relations.

We are now in the meeting room, which is sometimes informally called "Molotovskaya", probably Mr Molotov was the first to hold talks here after the opening of the building.

Your office is further along the corridor.

Suppose that now you are entering, you are told "Mr. Pompeo calls you"

Do you want to communicate with the US Secretary of State after the next series of sanctions this week?

Here it is not about that.

I want - I do not want to, I like it - I do not like it, but it's our job.

We must work with all colleagues, no matter what problems arise in the relationship.

We are not one of those countries that stand in the pose of "offended" - they say if you said something about us that is not very correct, then we will not communicate.

This is not our method.

We always evaluate the actions of our partners in principle when we do not agree with them.

But we never slam the door.

There is no doubt that there are many politicians in the United States, including the current politicians and the staff of the Administration, who are fully aware of the abnormality of the current situation, when any step is verified to see how it looks among the Russophobes.

I believe that this is just a sad page in American history.

And my last question.

The other day the Russian Embassy in Washington stated that America is close to the point of no return in communication with Moscow, in particular by introducing the latest package of sanctions.

Could there really be such a situation when you enter the waiting room, you are told that the US Secretary of State Pompeo is calling,

but you just have nothing to talk about.

"I want or do not want to" - these are not the categories that we operate.

"Point of no return" is also a figure of speech, there is always a "return".

It is not the first time that we emphasize that the constant escalation of sanctions pressure without any fact presented in support of such sanctions is counterproductive and drives the relationship to a standstill.

But from any impasse there is a way out.

As soon as our partners are ready to talk on the basis of mutual respect and consideration of interests, we are always open to this dialogue.

Mr. Minister, successful political season!

September 1, everyone starts to learn ...

Thank you. We will learn further.

For more infomation >> Russia-1's Brilev Interview With Lavrov - Duration: 3:55.


Far-right protesters march in Germany after man killed 'by migrants' - Duration: 8:05.

Far-right protesters and opponents of Angela Merkel's liberal immigration policy are staging a fresh rally in Germany today six days after a German man was allegedly stabbed to death by two migrants

 Thousands of right-wing marchers waving German flags took to the streets on Saturday while leftists started a rival protest and more than 1,200 police officers kept watch in the city of Chemnitz

 Tensions over Merkel's 2015 decision to open Germany's doors to a million asylum seekers have flared up this week since 35-year-old Daniel Hillig was killed last Sunday

 Today's march by members of the anti-immigration AfD party, which is represented in Germany's parliament, follows violence earlier this week involving neo-Nazi marchers making Hitler salutes

 Right-wing groups including the AfD and the street movement PEGIDA said they had organised the march to mourn Mr Hillig, after a leaked arrest warrant revealed that two Syrian and Iraqi migrants are suspected of killing him

Today's protest is the latest in a wave of demonstrations in Chemnitz in former communist East Germany, the region of the country where the anti-immigration AfD has its strongest support

Far-right demonstrators marched through the city as riot police watched from a distance, days after Germany was shocked by scenes of violence and marchers making Hitler salutes amid clashes between protesters on Monday

 Björn Höcke, a regional AfD leader who has come under fire in the past for calling Berlin's Holocaust memorial a 'monument of shame', was pictured at Saturday's protest

At the other end of town leftist protesters started a march under the slogan 'Heart instead of Hate' in the centre of Chemnitz, which was known as Karl-Marx-Stadt during the Cold War

 Merkel, who on Friday wrapped up a three-day visit to Africa, has not yet commented on the events in the city

'Where is she? Travelling in Africa,' said one of the speakers addressing the anti-immigrant crowd

'She should come here and face us citizens.' RELATED ARTICLES Previous 1 Next Adolf Hitler really WAS 'just a boat ride away from building

Britain should ALSO scrap daylight savings time to reduce. Murders tearing Germany apart: SUE REID reveals the far

Share this article Share Supporters of far-right groups say their march is to mourn the man who was stabbed to death and condemn what they say is government inaction in the face of rising migrant crime

The anti-migrant sentiment has been particularly strong in Saxony, the state where Chemnitz is located and a stronghold of two groups which are seeking to launch a nationwide movement on Saturday night

The Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West, or PEGIDA, has held weekly rallies in Saxony's capital of Dresden while the far-right Alternative for Germany party, or AfD, received almost a quarter of the Saxony vote in last year's federal election

 Their leftist opponents accuse them of using the murder to stoke racial hatred against migrants and refugees

One of the anti-AfD marchers said: 'Who was the stabbing victim? The far-right is exploiting his death by saying: 'A German has been murdered

' But he was an anti-fascist and people outside the city don't know that.' German police have said little about the man and the circumstances surrounding his murder

 Hundreds of far-right protesters clashed with police and hounded migrants in the streets of Chemnitz last Sunday after authorities said a Syrian and an Iraqi had been detained as suspects in the fatal stabbing

Images of skinheads raising their arms for a Hitler salute, chasing anyone they saw as outsiders and wrestling riot police to the ground were a painful reminder for many Germans of the country's Nazi past

The leaking of the arrest warrant for one of the two suspects to PEGIDA raised concerns that some justice officials in the state of Saxony, where Chemnitz is located, were sympathetic to the far-right

Daniel Zabel, 39, a judicial officer, admitted to the newspaper Bild that he had leaked details of the arrest warrant which alleges that the men knifed 35-year-old Hillig repeatedly in the chest

 Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, whose centre-left Social Democrats (SPD) hold the mayor's office in Chemnitz and helped organise Saturday's leftist march, said on Twitter that Germans had a special duty to stand up against any form of fascism

'When people are once again roaming our streets with the Hitler salute, our history mandates us to stand up for democracy,' he wrote

The influx of more than 1.6million people seeking asylum in the last four years, mainly Muslims from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, has already changed Germany's social and political landscape

The AfD, which says Islam is incompatible with the German constitution, entered the national parliament for first time in an election last year, securing third place after stealing voters from both Merkel's conservatives and the SPD

After the stabbing in Chemnitz, its leaders said the violent riots that followed were understandable

'People are worried,' said teenager Jona Marschler. 'I don't think things will calm down anytime soon

For more infomation >> Far-right protesters march in Germany after man killed 'by migrants' - Duration: 8:05.


July 2018 Favourites - Duration: 24:25.

For more infomation >> July 2018 Favourites - Duration: 24:25.



Hey! What's up dope people how y'all doing


welcome back to this week's video

today I'll show you some cool

holiday DIYs let's go

have a really dry skin

here's a simple DIY specifically for you

you need both some grass few rocks olive

oil acid mix it all up in a bunch of

your skin

this bag is good but hasn't really mind

damage your skin here is Deva how to

make it really delicious with freshmen

you need glass and ice scoop of ice

cream cold water now in Mexico ha and

Clank for a 19-1 even in cellular can

double-sided tapes

there's as a double-sided optic white on

a solid removed and sticky board

that's a bit do you have follow-up now

you can put straw and well if it's

summer so hot outside guess what you're

not gonna change yourself gonna be hot

always dreamed about creating the a

white t-shirt will turn your dreams into

the reality if it's winter outside and

still hold the same thing as with summer

you're not gonna change but there is a

really hot Sun outside you can easily

get sunstroke to prevent this you can be

money to buy Sun cream I wanted to get a

good tan in summer well no need for a

son you Spain select the right colour

and play this game wait that's wrong


thank you all so much guys for watching

hope you liked the video if you want to

see all the videos like this quick right


if you want to check my last video that

I did click right here and consider

subscribing to my channel to see more

videos like this bye

For more infomation >> 8 HOLIDAY DIYs | THAT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE FOREVER! | SUPER USEFUL DIYs - Duration: 2:01.


Oświadczenie redaktora naczelnego Faktu - Duration: 0:37.

PODZIEL SIĘ Robert Feluś Redaktor NaczelnyFakt Autor: RED Zakupy na topie Ranking najtańszych drukarek na rynku Pijesz kawę? Powinieneś to wiedzieć! Ranking smartfonów

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For more infomation >> Oświadczenie redaktora naczelnego Faktu - Duration: 0:37.


King K. Rool (Donkey Kong Country) — BOSS BATTLES #21 - Duration: 3:59.

The Kong's banana horde has been stolen!

Donkey and Diddy Kong have to travel all around Donkey Kong Island to collect bananas from the Kremlings.

To make sure the army of reptiles have been defeated,

they head aboard the Gangplank Galleon to face the Kremlings leader: King K. Rool.

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