Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 1 2018

hey what's up guys my name is Patrick

and I help individuals build powerful

personal brands and as today's video we

are going to cover why entrepreneurs

should have personal brands so whether

you work with someone who can have your

own business or you're looking to start

your own business it doesn't matter who

you are everybody has a personal brand

by default by design it doesn't matter

who you are we all have a body well we

all have an image we all have a brand

and it's the way people perceive you

what makes your brand today I'm

specifically you're not going to talk

about entrepreneurs and why it's

important for them to have a personal

brand of course a few quick reasons why

it's so important is if you have a

strong personal brand you can increase

you influence you can increase your

authority you have more credibility in

the market space you can get more media

exposure and even if you're not open or

you can get that dream job so without

further ado let's jump into the four

points step number one is filling your

buckets so as an entrepreneur you

obviously have multiple companies or

businesses some people only have one to

start off with but most other

entrepreneurs they move from one company

to the next and the way they they market

the companies they market each company

individually if they have multiple

buckets they market but what's way

smarter to do is to actually have your

main bucket which is your personal brand

fill the bucket and then let it drip

into all the other buckets right instead

of filling each bucket separately you

can have your own bucket and then put

all your efforts into the one bucket and

it'll fill all the other ones beneath it

so and you can do that with like content

marketing whatever your strategy is but

that allows you to really focus on your

personal brand which is going to give

you crazy exposure in the media and and

very good credibility in the market

space and it's going to fill all of your

buckets which are all of your companies

so point number two is personal branding

gives you a competitive advantage

because nobody is unique like you you

have your own personality and nobody is

exactly like you are so you can have

your competitor can have the same

products the same services same rates

but because your personal brand is

different than his personal brand and

you guys have your own vibes to each

other that's going to give you common

competitive edge because some people

might like you more some people might

like him more and if you can if you can

send out from from that market space

using a personal brand it's gonna give

you a really good competitive edge

because nobody is gonna be like you

because you are your unique self and

nobody can copy your authenticity that

you want to portray point number three

is you can be big inspiration to a lot

of people so let's say you have four

successful companies or even just one

successful company you can use that one

company to create a case study and you

can use it to inspire other

entrepreneurs and if done correctly it

can be so powerful and empowering to

inspire other people and because you are

inspiring them they're gonna want to

follow you then when I give you money

because you've helped them in their

lives and I want to give back and if you

do that right people want to give you

money because people buy from people

point number four at the end of the day

it doesn't matter what you do people

love buying from people that's why you

see some coaches charge a lot of money

because their stuff first of all it

actually works and second of all that

can connect with the other person more

than they could connect with someone on

the company brand level right because

you you have a personal brand you can

connect with someone way easier than if

you have a company brand so it's way

easier to actually sell someone on your

service and products because they see

the company they see the brand by

talking to you because you are at the

brand and if you do that right people

want to give you money because people

buy from people alright guys that's it

for this video I hope you found some

value in this video and as always if you

like the content make sure the comment

like to subscribe if you want to connect

with me on social media the best account

for that is it going to be Instagram so

my Instagram is going to be in the

description down below as well

and I'm gonna be pushing out weekly

content on personal branding and

marketing so be sure to hit the

notification bar so your get

notification for every new video I

publish and yeah that's pretty much for

this video

see you guys the next week in the next

video bye

For more infomation >> Personal Branding For Entrepreneurs: 4 Reasons Why It's Important - Duration: 4:43.



Welcome to a new gallery of

followers but before starting

I would like to invite you to spend

for my last video of how I draw

Thanos by Infinity War

He also mentioned that if he wants to participate in the

gallery should only be subscribed to the channel

activate the notification bell

and be very aware of

our publications through

our social networks

now let's go to the gallery followers of the month of

August my name is Jhon de dibujemos A

and without more let's start

I want to thank for the participation of

all of you since this gallery does not

it would be possible without your support

I also want to congratulate all of you

because there are very good jobs in way

traditional in digital and there is also a lot of variety

I tell you that in this

opportunity will not be the section of

highlighted since it seems to me that all

they are very good artists and illustrators

rather I would like you to be

the jury and comment what was the

drawing that you liked the most by placing the minute where it appears

you can support it

giving little hand up to the comment and if

appears in the gallery do not hesitate to comment

the minute where it appears

so know what your drawing is

ok friends i say goodbye and

I leave with good music and this will be

next edition




For more infomation >> GALERÍA DE SEGUIDORES DEL MES DE AGOSTO 2018 (DIBUJEMOS A) - Duration: 5:46.


❤️Ё— МОЁ осень пришла ❤️Улыбнись❤️Счастливой осени❤️ #Мирпоздравлений - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> ❤️Ё— МОЁ осень пришла ❤️Улыбнись❤️Счастливой осени❤️ #Мирпоздравлений - Duration: 1:07.


Russia-1's Brilev Interview With Lavrov - Duration: 3:55.

I have a feeling that the speech of French President Emanuel Macron before the French diplomats was written in your secretariat.

Thoughts that Europe can do without the US, that it is necessary to build relations with Russia and Turkey.

Frankly speaking, I can not imagine that the President of France, Macron, would rely on anything other than his own beliefs in foreign policy when he addresses his farewell to French diplomats working abroad.

That is, they themselves came to this?

I am sure that it was not ripe for one day, but for a long period of time.

And this is due not only to the fact that in 2016 there was a change of administration in the United States.

In principle, the way the US acts on the international scene, of course, makes everyone think.

Nobody wants to be at loggerheads with the US, but on the contrary - to have normal, constructive and good relations.

But just as any self-respecting country can not tolerate when something is imposed.

It is imposed so that all the agreements and understandings that have developed over many decades are falling apart in international relations.

We are now in the meeting room, which is sometimes informally called "Molotovskaya", probably Mr Molotov was the first to hold talks here after the opening of the building.

Your office is further along the corridor.

Suppose that now you are entering, you are told "Mr. Pompeo calls you"

Do you want to communicate with the US Secretary of State after the next series of sanctions this week?

Here it is not about that.

I want - I do not want to, I like it - I do not like it, but it's our job.

We must work with all colleagues, no matter what problems arise in the relationship.

We are not one of those countries that stand in the pose of "offended" - they say if you said something about us that is not very correct, then we will not communicate.

This is not our method.

We always evaluate the actions of our partners in principle when we do not agree with them.

But we never slam the door.

There is no doubt that there are many politicians in the United States, including the current politicians and the staff of the Administration, who are fully aware of the abnormality of the current situation, when any step is verified to see how it looks among the Russophobes.

I believe that this is just a sad page in American history.

And my last question.

The other day the Russian Embassy in Washington stated that America is close to the point of no return in communication with Moscow, in particular by introducing the latest package of sanctions.

Could there really be such a situation when you enter the waiting room, you are told that the US Secretary of State Pompeo is calling,

but you just have nothing to talk about.

"I want or do not want to" - these are not the categories that we operate.

"Point of no return" is also a figure of speech, there is always a "return".

It is not the first time that we emphasize that the constant escalation of sanctions pressure without any fact presented in support of such sanctions is counterproductive and drives the relationship to a standstill.

But from any impasse there is a way out.

As soon as our partners are ready to talk on the basis of mutual respect and consideration of interests, we are always open to this dialogue.

Mr. Minister, successful political season!

September 1, everyone starts to learn ...

Thank you. We will learn further.

For more infomation >> Russia-1's Brilev Interview With Lavrov - Duration: 3:55.


July 2018 Favourites - Duration: 24:25.

For more infomation >> July 2018 Favourites - Duration: 24:25.




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