Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 2 2018

What is the most important thing in our life?

What is it?

It is only one.

Where is it? It is not outside, it is inside.

Like I said, if you lose peace of mind...


...and peace, then there's nothing.

You have everything, but there is nothing left.

Peace is within you.

Actual peace is in you.

True happiness is in you.

And this is a mine.

Keep digging it.

Keep on collecting.

There will be bad times as well.

But that's okay.

Never mind.

There will be good time as well. That's fine.

Why? If you want to worry, then worry about the God within.

God's name.

What is happening within you.

It resides in every breath you take.

Worry about that if you have to worry.

Don't let your breath go waste.

It shouldn't be wasted.

It shouldn't go waste.

That is very important.

Only one small thing.

People make a mountain out of a mole hill.

Read this, do this, do that.

This should happen, that should happen. Look...

All this is made by humans.

There was a time when there was nothing around.

In this universe...

...on this earth, there are big animals.

Not teeny tiny, but big animals.

Almost up to 100 feet.

Which is the height of three floors.

Teeth! The earth would shake when they would walk.

Humans didn't exist back then.

Human would have eaten that animal.

Slowly, gradually...

...the nature changed...

...humans came into picture.

I mean, they were already there but as apes.

And from apes it evolved into humans.

Not everyone, few are still apes.

You have a human body.

But from inside, you are still a monkey.

That still hasn't changed.

And while this was happening...

They say humans first evolved in Africa.

And people...

India didn't exist back then.

The land existed but it wasn't called India.

There was no language!

Then people came...

...and what India is today...

...if you go down south. In Kerala and Chennai...

...people started settling there.


They settled there because even today...

...if you just throw a mango seed...

Not plant it, but just throw it...

...then you will have a mango tree.

The rainfall is good, the land is so rich.

It is so rich...

...that just throwing the seed will grow into a tree.

Gradually, people...

...started to gather there.

They started a language.

People there still speak languages that cannot be written.

Even till date.

Humans from that time looked at the sky...

...and saw the sun, moon...

...and he understood that all these things...

...have an impact in one's life.

And there is someone to run all this.

And then...

...the word God is brought into picture.

Not God.

Not God.

How can God come later?

How will that happen?

How can something that has no beginning or end be born?

But the word God originated.

People are still focusing on the name.

Do what you want to do.

I always say...

...that you worship God's idol.

What is the problem... praying from within?

You put the photo of God on the wall...

It is not original. A painter created that.

You put up the picture...

...worship it in a hurry.

This is how you greet God these days.

As if there is a heart attack.

In a hurry.

Your focus is elsewhere.

But he's preoccupied.

He's lost in some thoughts.

And human, a devotee... running after God.

I say it's okay.

No problem.

But what is the problem of praying to the God...

...who resides within you?

What is the problem in understanding the God...

...who resides within you? You already know what happens outside.

What's the problem in understanding the one who resides within you?

And from here begins...

...the story of knowledge.

When a person understands that nothing is wrong.

There are some people who don't believe in God.

They are a lot who don't believe God exists.

They have read definitions.

They have read definitions.

I don't have a problem with them as well.

I tell them don't believe if you don't want to.

But know it.

It's okay if you don't believe but at least know it.

What is my work? It's not convincing.

I haven't come here to convince anyone...

...I don't convince people that God exists.

No, I make you realize.

It's okay if you don't believe but at least know it.

Because God exists and I can make you realize that.

I can introduce you. And from here begins the story of wisdom.

What is the story of wisdom? It's your life story.

The story of wisdom cannot be taught in books.

The story of wisdom is your life...

...the one who have acquired the knowledge, it's their life.

This is the story of great wisdom.


...when you study about this, it's like reading...

...a page of this story.

The happiness that you obtain...

...with the help of...

...this wisdom is the offering of this story.

If you want...

...this story can be with you forever.

Only if you want.

This is the true story.

It's an entire story.

And this happens everyday.

It goes on everyday.

You also listen to this story.

Your story.

This story has an offering and everything else.

That's because this discussion is about knowledge.

I go to a lot of places...

...and remind people...

...that if a human in his life...

There's a small formula.

That's because you will face ups and downs.

If you're going through a rough phase...

...don't worry.

Why? Because the time that follows will be good.

And if you're going through a good phase...

...then keep in mind...

...keep in mind...

...because a bad phase is not far away.

Enjoy whenever...'re going through a good phase.

I'm not telling you not to enjoy. Enjoy that time.

But be prepared for bad times as well.

And in a bad phase...

...if you were prepared when you were in a good phase...

...then the bad phase will not be that bad.

So, prepare for the worst in good times...

...and prepare for the good times when you're in a bad phase.

The formula is good.

According to me, everyone besides children...

...who are sitting here...

...if they're 18, 20, they know these things happen.

So, everyone agree but the question that arises is how do we prepare?

How do we prepare?

Look, no matter what a human does...

...if there's no peace in his life...

...if there's no happiness...

...then even though he has everything...

There is one more word for this.

When I talk about happiness and peace, it's the peace of mind.

It's the peace of mind that I talk about.

Then no matter if he has everything in life...

...even after having it all, he'll have nothing.

What is it?

In every breath, you think of God.

Don't let your breath go waste.

Don't waste your breath.

You never know when this breath will cease to exist.


If you want to prepare...

...then do it such a manner...

...that don't forget the major thing in life.

Everyone has to die one day. Who will remain?

Who will remain? Nothing will remain.

This Earth won't remain.

I'm not predicting anything...

The scientists say that the world will end.

It will take some time but the world will end.

The sun too will be destroyed.

And so will the moon.

Many a times, whatever we are seeing...

...has been destroyed after it has evolved.

It is made again. It is destroyed again.

The process continues.

It goes on and on.

And that's how it is.

But this is the right time to know.

This is the right time to know, realize it and know about it.

Gather it.

Gather the happiness and gather the happiness of the knowledge.

The happiness which you mentioned about.

Gather it, gather it.

You don't need to do this. Whatever the washer man did... rained gold.

It rained gold in the house.

Who will come to snatch the gold? This is my house.

Someone could steal from a valley, a public place. They can take it.

He ran towards the valley. When he reached there...

...people had collected all the gold. They had taken it.

He assured his heart, alright.

They took the gold here. But it will be there in the house.

And when he reached home, he couldn't find any gold.

Since then there's a saying, the washer man belongs to no place.

Gather these happiness.

Because these happiness...

...will assure you.

When you have a bad time.

I mean to say... whatever you wish.

But don't forget the truth that exists within you.

You shouldn't go around the world.

You can get married. There's no problem doing it.

You will have kids when you get married.

You will land into trouble if you don't have kids.

Am I right?

You know the couples who don't have a child.

They go to a lot of places.

The only thing they say that they should have a kid.

They should have a kid.

If you have a kid still you are in a problem.

It's fine till the kid is young.

Small baby, it cannot go anywhere.

It keeps lying at the same place.

And when he turns 2 years old, he starts walking.


He will go out of the house on the road.

He doesn't know where is he going. He only keeps walking.

He is noticing since lot of months that people are walking.

But he's unable to walk. He tries hard to walk.

Even I did the same thing. I don't deny doing it.

I did the same thing.

And slowly, walking on the hands...

...doing everything possible. Then we got up.

We faltered and learned to walk.

We learn to walk but we never learn where should we go.

This is what happens with kids. He just keeps on walking.

He keeps on walking but he doesn't know that there are stairs.

He sees fire.

He feels like playing with it.

And putting it in his mouth.

You had a problem when you didn't have kids... have a problem now that you have it.

If everything is fine, good.

If nothing is fine, what will you do?

This is what it's all about.

And this is not the only one.

And we wish we should be set free from all this.

We have made all this.

The society made it.

Nowadays everyone is ready to do anything for the society.

Did you ever ask what the society does for you?

And the things which we seek freedom from.

We have made it.

The society has made it.

Nowadays everyone is ready to do anything for the society.

Did you ever ask what the society did for you?

What it does for you.

Does the society know your name?


What will you do?

The customs are made. The laws are made.

You live for the society. It doesn't even know if you are alive.

Will the society attend your funeral when you die?

We have been defamed.

If there's some problem, you feel you are defamed.

How are you defamed?

Who will decide that?

You are in shackles.

Shackles are tied to you everywhere.

What do you mean by shackles?

Shackles of illusion and desire.

The most important thing is... should live for only one thing.

And that is your heart.

What does it convey?

It conveys it wants peace.

Only peace.

Before and after you are married.

You want peace.

Everyone wants to... successful in their life.

Don't forget that.

I want to meet the God residing within myself.

I want to know about that God.

Live a favorable life to this.

If you live a favorable... to this then you will...

...experience such a happiness...

...that I can't even explain you all.

And even this is included in this knowledge story.


If you want an...

...advice in your life by which your life...

...can taste good fortune. Then I'll advice you all.

It depends upon you whether you'll believe it or not.

Human needs a little bit of discipline. Just a little bit.

Not much.


Just a little bit of discipline.

If you even have a little bit of discipline in your life...

...then you might experience many good things.

You'll experience many good things.

Eating on time. Sleeping on time.

Waking up on time. You'll have a better health.

If you are a student...

...studying on time.

And finish studying on time.

You shouldn't just keep studying.

Your brain gets heated by that.


If you even have a little bit of discipline...

When it comes to music players...

...nobody is neither bad nor good.

If they have even a little bit of discipline and...

...they all play music together then there's a good music.

The music doesn't seem to be good if everyone... independently without caring about each other.

If there's no rhythm... won't sound good.

And where there is no discipline...

...things get jumbled up there.

So, if you have even a little bit of discipline...

Your heart wants it.

Your heart will always want it.

Your heart brought you close to knowledge.

Your heart gives you the happiness of...

...knowledge and advices you to practice.

If you discipline your life... will be happy all your life.

For more infomation >> अंदर वाले को भी जानो | Andar Wale Ko Bhi Jaano ? Peace Speaker Prem Rawat | Margdarshan - Duration: 23:48.


Take a video about the Nazis. Your comments/ Снимай про нацистов. Ваши комментарии - Duration: 13:06.

You ask me: "Why do I shoot a video for foreigners?"

Hello, my family.

I say this because every person who reads me on social networks or on my site, or watch my channels in YouTube, I consider part of my second family, because with each of you we have something in common and native in spirit.

I feel.

And hello all those with whom we are not yet acquainted.

Let's get acquainted.

My name is Irina Yuryeva.

I am an astrologer, I study Taro, draw mehndi and conduct this channel about what makes us alive and happy, regardless of the country in which people were born, about what unites representatives of all nationalities, and also about life in Ukraine.

I will be glad to get to know you through your feedback and comments.

A few days ago, the first haters appeared on my channel.

Hello to you too.

I will now quote three comments that relate to my video about the opportunities for hired job for foreigners in Ukraine.

ArFeRR1 writes:

Why do you shoot it?

And so already Odessa is full of haches, so you want to crap the Kiev with black?

This is not money, 1441 views to tell hacham, how to fill Ukraine!

You need to shoot about how the Nazis flare torches here, so that these Kumars and Sureshs get scared and avoid us

And who needs - he will come without you.

Super-puper wrote:

Fool, remove the video, do not deal with garbage, or you'll get it by the mosaics!

Another comment. Alexey Biba. Brief and incomprehensible.


He does not explain what exactly scared him so much, and it's a pity.

First of all, I want to thank each of these people for the fact that they were the first to voice the point of view of all those who before that just silently put the dislikes.

You expressed your opinion openly and this fact in itself is worthy of respect.

Now let me also openly say about what motivates me to shoot a video about Ukraine, not only for our compatriots, but also for foreigners.

First, briefly explain.

The video in question was not shot at my whim, but because people from Eastern countries constantly ask me about it.

And not to repeat the same thing every time, I took this video response.

Another reason why I shot this video is that people who are ready to invest in their own lives are willing to work, instead of getting a residence permit through a woman, through a fictitious marriage or marriage of convenience ...

so those people who are ready first of all work, cause respect in me, and I am ready to help them with what I can.

In addition, if you carefully watched that my video, and according to your comment I did not see it (sorry), then you would have heard all those main points about which I spoke.

And I honestly talked about the fact that the level of the Ukrainian salary is significantly lower than in Western Europe, and in a number of occupations even lower than in India.

The fact that Ukrainian legislation as a whole is focused on preserving jobs for Ukrainian citizens,

and our government has done everything to make it unprofitable for our entrepreneurs to hire foreign citizens if similar specialists exist in our country.

And I also said that from the real perspectives of hired work for a long period for foreigners at the moment there are only a couple of options.

Watch this video, I'll leave a link to it below this video.

I speak with many people born outside Ukraine both on the Internet and in real life.

My experience with them has been going on for the fifth consecutive year.

I agree that this is not too much to become an expert on international relations, but this is enough to understand one fundamental thing.



is unique.

There is not one perfect nation, and there is not a single nation that could be said that there is nothing good in it.

That is why I am deeply convinced that it is pointless to generalize and draw conclusions about any person, based solely on his nationality.

There are people who at the given moment live a more conscious life, or, in a very simplistic way, "in conscience",

but there are people who at the given moment of time lead an unconscious way of life, on lower energy vibrations and are guided more by instincts than by the heart .

I understand that each of those living now on Earth has its own path and its own speed of spiritual development.

And this is absolutely normal.

And I will not tire of repeating that if each person is a separate universe, then representatives of radically different cultures can become not just the universe, but the whole unknowed cosmos for each other.

So why should we limit ourselves...

If each of us has the right to choose those people whom he wants to see in his close circle of communication, and who does not.

So why should we limit ourselves in the opportunity to become spiritually rich, expand our inner horizons and bring more new and bright colors to life each other?

I read these comments several times, and I still did not understand what exactly caused you so much resentment.

The only thing I could single out as, let's say, the "argument", it was in the commentary from ArFeRR1 (I quote):

"And so already complete Odessa with khachi, so you want to smudge Kiev with black?"

That is, you are experiencing negative emotions due to the fact that people with a darker skin tone are getting more and more in Ukraine every year, I understood you correctly?

Guys, are you serious?

Do you seriously think that representatives of Arab and Asian countries are coming to Europe and America exclusively attracted by such videos?

ArFeRR1, judging by your comment, you are a person who is sufficiently knowledgeable and you should understand that they are not migrating for this reason.

It has long been obvious that representatives of the Asian type are becoming more and white people are getting smaller.

And the blame for this is not dark-skinned people, but our two large-scale and monstrous wars, and then feminism, devaluation of the family as a concept, and promiscuous sexual intercourse against the background of the flowering of contraceptives.

We created this situation ourselves.

And if we want more white race on the planet, then we will not achieve this by limiting the presence of Asians in Europe.

If we really want to increase the ethnic population of our country, so for this there is only one way - the creation of strong Ukrainian families.

We will not achieve this by any laws, only the spiritual and cultural development of the nation will create a healthy competition for all foreigners.

And if you are not ready to bring more new Ukrainians into this world, then let's show common sense and consciousness even if we use international exchange for mutual benefit.

If we calmly put up with our outdated, inflexible and little modern educational system, then we have a reason to thank foreigners for what they tell us about these shortcomings,

because if we do not change anything, very soon our young specialists will become uncompetitive on the world background.

We need to either invite foreign teachers and give them more freedom in organizing the teaching process,

or send our children to study abroad so that they later return and change the existing system here.

And if we do not intend to do either, then we have a reason to thank those foreigners and their parents who are investing now money in Ukrainian educational institutions,

and at the same time in the Ukrainian economy as a whole, because they spend money here, renting housing, and realizing everyday needs.

If we do not intend to create conditions for the prosperity of Ukrainian business, but rather do everything to make our enterprises either shut down or go into shadow,

then we have a reason to thank those foreigners who still invest money in Ukraine, create workers here places, including, for Ukrainians, and officially pay taxes to our state budget.

Yes, people are very different, but damn! common things is much more!

And I'm more and more convinced that in fact we all belong to the same nation and are called Earthlings!

Why think about how to create each other's problems, if we can work together and help each other faster come to what everyone wants.

I do not see anything wrong with living in peace, friendship and mutual support with all people.

If you do not agree, then give your reasoned answer, and if it is built in a constructive way, we will continue the discussion, and, perhaps, we will reach a consensus on this issue.

Thank you for your not indifference.

Subscribe to the channel so that we can interact more effectively and kind events to you!

For more infomation >> Take a video about the Nazis. Your comments/ Снимай про нацистов. Ваши комментарии - Duration: 13:06.


Making A Move On Girls - Duration: 10:09.

nowwwww I'm going to talk about the magical

approach that 100% of the time always

never fails to guarantee that you get

absolutely volleyball spiked into the

friend zone

no nation away so you just met a girl

you hit it off had a bomb conversation

and she even gave you her number

now you find yourself at the mental

free-throw line needing to figure out a

proper way to shoot your shot it's too

late she already found my videos and is

in my DMS as we speak

sorry good luck next time that you

happen to be honest you have no chance

like look at me bro looks like a

landline telephone yeah I I didn't I

didn't steal anything

I mean murders you have a sister so

you're at the mental free-throw line

trying to figure out a way to how to

shoot your shot even though the most

successful and obvious way of doing this

is just being yourself but hey don't you

even think about leaving this video yeah

I know just being yourself is pretty

elementary and much easier said than

done so I'll show you other ways you can

go about doing this now the first thing

about your approach is the tone of the

DM or the text snapchat too good let's

be real chat is only used for one thing

that being said be sure to follow Mike

that's not tone can be very important

now I'm gonna have to say do not deviate

from your actual personality too much

though because that's just a recipe for

disaster because then when you meet this

person of real life you can't be

yourself because you spent so much time

texting her from this person who isn't

you but what I like to do or like to do

because since YouTube the only shots

I've been taking have been espresso

shots I used to take the iceberg

approach you know show the best and

conceal the rest now I'll tell you the

pros and cons of this approach

when texting a girl I like to ask about

her interests first before I talk to my

mind because if she has something that

she's interested in and I even know the

slightest thing about it well I am

instantly assessing that thing I

remember there was this fine asian chick

who I was talking to an ROTC class yeah

your boy was in ROTC kid and after I kid

you not two months of plotting because I

couldn't just walk and talk to her man

cuz like she always had her friends

around so if I tried to shoot my shot we

were playing soccer and I noticed she

was alone near the goalie and I had

previously expressed to my team that I

did not want to be goalie because I was

trash man when I saw her over there man

I instantly became a young man well

newer I don't I went over to her and we

had a dull conversation man you boy even

got that snapchat for totally platonic

conversations about you the other team

may have scored like four points but

Amen I was in there you're showing there

Everybody Hates Chris is one of the live

shows in history don't ask me so I was

home dribbling the ball you know dapping

up my homies at the free-throw line we

were talking about interests and she

mentioned something about kpop cuz does

she's Asian

she says something about kpop cuz she's

a teenage girl

now I personally don't really listen to

kpop because I really prefer the Florida

the new Florida sound like you know

Denzel curry at the same as Ronnie J has

the best beats in the game do not at me

cuz ADA weights are harder than the

pixel art style bro I'm a comfort at

8:08 side or one day bear just wait but

a while ago Denzel curry did do a song

with Keith's ape who I don't even think

counts as kpop but you already know man

oh this is where the iceberg approaching

go most definitely wrong because it puts

on a fake person now in yo y'all beat

CES fans may y'all army members y'all

are crazy man after I told the girl

about BTS she was wildly oh like in the

hallway that was all homegirl talked

about I even introduced her to my other

Asian friend too kind of diverts some of

the energy fam

they were both army members that just

doubled the energy brah and for like

weeks we were just only talking about

stuff that I wasn't even interested in

so when it comes to the iceberg effect

make sure it's subtle stuff man

also don't date BTS fans now I'm going

to talk about the magical approach that

100% of the time always never fails to

guarantee that you get absolutely

volleyball spike to the friendzone oh

wait you're right that's totally not the

case of all the approaches this is the

worst man because girls aren't stupid I

would actually say they're better at

playing this games and we are mainly

because girls clearly have an advantage

because I mean just about every dude is

down for the action like it's hard for

them but because of this I feel like

girls like the challenge of getting a

guy that seems out of reach like they

would rather go for the bad guy and try

to change them rather than go for the

dude who literally did her homework

walked her dog and replies to the text

she sends before she even sends them not

that much of a challenge there now

there's a difference between being the

nice guy and the desperate guy the

desperate guy is the guy who buys her

stuff all the time walks her to class

always carries her books blah blah blah

with that guy she literally has all the

perks of a boyfriend without the

commitment of a relationship like why

would she want to change that I'm not

gonna lie to y'all man I was guilty of

this I was what was known as a lake I

made myself extremely available man like

it was so easy for me to catch feelings

late my criteria was be a girl and make

eye contact with me for more than three

milliseconds family knows like I would

talk to a girl and it would be something

as simple as can I borrow a pencil and

then and a red shirt now he takes off

the shirt he's running down the middle

by the fifty he's at the 30

he's pair chested banging his chest they

went the opposite way

now a nice guy is yes there for her when

she needs but he also has his own life

to live he isn't spending all of his

time with her he's chasing his own

dreams and stuff like he has what

another youtuber likes to call the sauce

he actually made a very good point

he said go find a life mission bro what

do I mean by a life mission something

that you're running to a goal that

you're trying to attain some of that's

big bigger than yourself women admire

men who are on a mission but I would

also add to that point do not chase it

back only for the intent of making a

girl notice because then you'll just get

distracted like there's no point of even

chasing that because you're not gonna

achieve it but girls do notice that and

they accept the challenge that's why the

bad boy has all the girls have you ever

considered that the name bad boy might

not have been given to him by the girls

but by the guys who desperately chase

the girls he has trapped moral of the

story be yourself don't make yourself so

freakin available also this video barely

had anything to do with shooting a shot

I just made it because I've been

watching a lot of Kurt Ritchie also stay

away from BTS fans bro it's for your own

good it's for your own good

ayyyy we back on this end card so which

I'll think about the kiss I Logan Paul

fight really I think they take the award

for the biggest Vanessa's of the year

right after a bad baby bro like a draw

wow that's funny man you know who's

trying to see me and quicken the

undercard next year bruh

that's definitely gonna happen anyway

that wraps up the video as always shout

out to the Twitter gang be sure to join

in so fam I'll stop I'm also on snapchat

now be sure to like share and comment as

I always reply to comments on new videos

if you want to join the newest wave on

the way to the YouTube animation

destination be sure to subscribe and

join an away nation peace I just

recorded me freaking procrastinating on


dang what was the last thing I said

freak dang

what was the last thing I said freak

For more infomation >> Making A Move On Girls - Duration: 10:09.


How to make White Sauce At Home|Easy Bechamel Sauce Recipe|Deadlicious Cooking StudioCS - Duration: 1:32.

How to make White Sauce At Home|Easy Bechamel Sauce Recipe|Deadlicious Cooking StudioCS

How to make White Sauce At Home|Easy Bechamel Sauce Recipe|Deadlicious Cooking StudioCS

How to make White Sauce At Home|Easy Bechamel Sauce Recipe|Deadlicious Cooking StudioCS

How to make White Sauce At Home|Easy Bechamel Sauce Recipe|Deadlicious Cooking StudioCS

How to make White Sauce At Home|Easy Bechamel Sauce Recipe|Deadlicious Cooking StudioCS

How to make White Sauce At Home|Easy Bechamel Sauce Recipe|Deadlicious Cooking StudioCS

For more infomation >> How to make White Sauce At Home|Easy Bechamel Sauce Recipe|Deadlicious Cooking StudioCS - Duration: 1:32.


ショック!警官に射殺された「ER緊急救命室」看護師役女優?理由が驚愕は。。。? - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> ショック!警官に射殺された「ER緊急救命室」看護師役女優?理由が驚愕は。。。? - Duration: 3:03.


Welcome to my YouTube Channel - Duration: 2:10.

What is up guys

Perfect channel here and today welcome to my youtube channel and you guys says it's this funny time

But I don't know why but it's perfect channel. Okay, this this name will change okay by tomorrow

I I think so

Welcome to my channel just thing gonna buy a channel art is a big check mark, is it perfect it?

oh I got this so so yeah, so

Thank you for one subscriber guys. I got my first cut my first subscriber guys. Thank you so much. And and

So if I reach my sub goals out give every subscriber whoever subscribe to me give you a shout-out

and when I do a live stream

Yeah, when I do a lot of shit about I'll put you as mod or I'll pin your copy if you write something good

Yeah, so you can also follow me on

Google+ and it's a grab those on it only to I have I don't have facebook twitter twitter. I don't have that

Wish I could but I can't so

So thank you for help see make sure you work well you can write comments or by Channel and so if I reach to

10,000 subscribers I would change this to community if I have a chance

It's like I never reach to 10k subs like I it's like I never reached it so

Okay, so

That is it for this video. Hope you like it subscribe

So the more subscribers likes or dislikes or comments the more I will upload

That is right. Then I'll put you as mod or

Pin you pin your Kabat, okay


thank you for what subscriber and

Thank you for watching

Keep subscribing guys


signing out

For more infomation >> Welcome to my YouTube Channel - Duration: 2:10.


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