Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 2 2018

When it comes to extension, a lot of people just think arms and legs but you

can also think of shoulder and chest. You also have to think how much can I lift

these shoulders and elbows. When I extend, it's like opposing right? That's gonna

give my body that snap. When things are internal they mean that you're's

not so much about extending your energy and extending your limbs but using just

kind of like what's inside and making people feel that. I need to release my

body and that tension right away-boom! So that my head my body can come around. So

when you're cleaning don't just think about detail of like where this is like

this is correct but that's not clean because there's a pathway that you have

to think about too. I'm giving you the detail and the structure but you want to

match the groove and kind of like where I'm applying the little hits and the

tension as well sometimes you're just told throw or wave you're not told where

to initiate it. By lifting up your feet when you dance you're giving your body

and your torso space to open up so you can move through it. Sometimes it's not

so much about matching the detail and it's about matching the intention and

the feeling. Another thing about dancing big and extending is using the space

around you yet know your body enough to be clean but also know how to kind of

explore beyond that too. Instead of staying here when you're given the opportunity

to travel and to go out of your Center to really take advantage of those

moments. Once you hit the maximum point of your extension tense yes

and hit hitting tense and release as fast as you can so you can - boom - bring that back in.

For more infomation >> Dance Tips Compilation With Sorah Yang | STEEZY.CO - Duration: 1:51.


3D Model of Coffee Table v4 Review - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> 3D Model of Coffee Table v4 Review - Duration: 0:56.


3D Model of Depot shelves Review - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> 3D Model of Depot shelves Review - Duration: 1:16.


Honest Government Ad | Anti-encryption laws - Duration: 2:26.

Hello I'm from the Australien Government

Do you have something to hide?

Nah, just kidding

We're not some fascist regime!


Seriously though, do you?

Unfortunately encryption makes it hard for us to spy on you these days

so just to make sure, we're introducing yet another law to expand the surveillance state

Introducing the Assistance & Access Bill - or Ass Access for short

Relax, despite how it sounds we're not trying to access your data through your backdoor

We're just after the keys to your front door

Yup, Ass Access will force tech companies to do our dirty work for us

for example, by making them insert a little "secret sauce" in their apps

which lets us access your device, once you download the latest "update"

And if they refuse, we'll fine the shit out of them

Ass Access. It doesn't break encryption, only your trust in your favourite apps

To bring you Ass Access, we've taken the UK's fascist spying law and made it even more fascist

by removing any need for judicial oversight

But don't worry, we promise to only spy on you if "reasonable and proportionate"

And you know you can trust us, we're the same c**ts who doxxed a welfare recipient

for criticising us... who are prosecuting a whistleblower for exposing our misconduct

who throw kids in concentration camps for seeking asylum

and prosecute the journalists who report on them

and who gave half a billion of your tax dollars to a foundation full of our friends…

So of course you can count on us to be "reasonableand proportionate".

And if we're not, well… you'll never hear about it coz we've also introduced

a 10 year jail sentence for any Snowden-wannabies who disclose our abuse of Ass Access


Brought to you by Australia - where the laws of dickheads can't trump the laws of maths

but they can trample human rights

Which is why to test this shitfuckery, we chose Australia

the weakest of the Five Eyes alliance

thanks to our lack of a Federal Bill of Rights

So international data requests will be funnelled through us

compromising not just Aussies, but all of you fuckers too

You're welcome

We'd love to know what you think of Ass Access. So we've set up a public submission system

where, for a limited time, you can protest our next step towards a fucked up dystopia

Australian Government. Relax, we're not after your dickpicks

just the last shreds of your civil liberties

Authorised by the Department of Home Au Pairs

For more infomation >> Honest Government Ad | Anti-encryption laws - Duration: 2:26.


Hansung Computer GH200 7.1 Channel Headset Review / Male Design Gaming Headset - Duration: 5:17.

ohla Atto is the guy who reviews today

It is a headset for gaming. As the consumer tastes are different

If possible, especially in the case of products If a variety of designs are available, it is a good choice for consumers.

I think it's an element. I do not think so since I started the review,

I think we should move on. Gh 400 7.1 channel headset that I reviewed last time on Hansung computer

after that The specifications are the same.

Design changed gh 200 Likewise, we launched a 7.1 channel gaming headset

Hansung Computer gh200 is a 7.1 channel headset Unboxing sounds like a deja vu.

I think I've done similar unboxing a while ago. The contents are simple

One instruction manual and warranty card is included with the headset There are a few features that will help you look at the documentation briefly

The same Let's take a look at the product. The unique way of hair bands is still there.

It's the same as the band adjustment method, not the length adjustment method. Otherwise, this guy is not a springwire

Plastic is used The feeling is not much different though

Unlike before, this is not a wire spring but a plastic. I switched to the way my spring was.

What is fit It's not so bad. I'm pretty big head.

I have a little hair ... I'm a little bigger. This guy's pad is not removable part of the ear pad

I am pretty satisfied with the pad cushion feeling. The microphone can be rotated 360 degrees

The microphone can be checked, so you can adjust it to your face. The same

This is the same as the gh 400 model It's the same with Cmedia's virtual 7.1 channel drive.

The same is true for installing an x-ear audio drive This sound separation when used in a game

gh 400 I did not notice a big difference with the previous model. No specifications are the same.

The same is true for the virtual 7.1 channel. As for the sense of isolation,

I told you in detail what I felt. If you are wondering about that, check out the GH400 Review

It looks the same. I'm doing it right

As a result, the biggest feature of this guy is the design gh The LED with the rgb shown in 400 is missing

The Bullet LED has been applied. Changed

Personally, this guy What does it feel to me, the more masculine, the slightly more tough

I think it's changed to an image. What part of this is Naruto

Well, you know what I mean. Well, it's pretty cool anyway.

Again, the fact that it offers a variety of designs means that consumers Because it gives variety to choice

I think it's a good idea to change this design like this. Now, this video is here. You know if you liked the video.

And if you want to see more IT information and reviews, Please do not forget to subscribe

Well, it'll be coming out at the end of the video. Well please make sure to subscribe here. until now

It was Ato. thank you Adios

For more infomation >> Hansung Computer GH200 7.1 Channel Headset Review / Male Design Gaming Headset - Duration: 5:17.


3D Model of Refrigerator.3ds Review - Duration: 0:16.

For more infomation >> 3D Model of Refrigerator.3ds Review - Duration: 0:16.


💮☣Иностранец реагирует на Talibal VS MC No Limit - Duration: 17:58.

For more infomation >> 💮☣Иностранец реагирует на Talibal VS MC No Limit - Duration: 17:58.


3D Model of Table Review - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> 3D Model of Table Review - Duration: 1:06.


Picasso's Guernica: Painting a Bombing - Duration: 10:28.

In a way, we were inflicting violence on the children.

During my years as a teaching assistant in Spain, I had the privilege of escorting several

of my fourth-grade classes to the Reina Sofia Museum of 20th century art in Madrid.

Now a painting or sculpture by Picasso can be difficult for anyone to wrap their heads

around, myself included, and this proved a particular challenge for the often less-than-attentive

groups of 9 year-olds we brought out of the Spanish public school system.

Even with an attentive guide from the museum, our students would begin to zone out after

only a few of his distorted portraits and sculptures.

The distances between teacher 'whisper shouts' of 'que os calléis', basically, 'shut

up', became shorter.

So when entering the area of the museum which holds Picasso's Guernica, my attention always

went to the students first; their dispositions would immediately change.

Initially they were drawn to the size (Guernica's canvas is as large as a wall), but soon the

museum guide would begin a low-voiced explication of the story behind it, asking the students

to point out what stuck out to them: the 'toro', the bull, the 'caballo', the horse, 'la

luz', the light.

60 precursor sketches resulted in the colossal canvas which stretches 25 feet wide and over

11 feet high; the black, white and grey paints give glossless life to horrific imagery.

Though my Spanish in the first year was insufficient to grasp each word, I knew that my student's

eyes were wide, their attention focused.

Rather than spoken word I had to interpret the moment in body language, in the stillness

of the class, the gesticulation of our guide.

No doubt we were exposing them to the violence of Spanish history, an exposure they didn't

ask for, but one every Spaniard needs.

Perhaps most difficult of all to explain is that the suffering depicted in Picasso's painting

was caused by the German Luftwaffe to a sleepy Spanish village in 1937, years before the

outbreak of world war 2, and onto a people who would remain uninvolved for the duration

of that conflict.

Perhaps the villagers were as confused as they were panicked when swastikas filled the


Whether our guide, in explaining the situation, actually used words like, 'slaughter',

'dismemberment', or 'burned alive' in telling them the story, I'll never know.

The Spanish Civil War is a oft overlooked part of 20th Century history, partially because

it was sandwiched between World Wars one and two, but also because it's a portion of

history Spaniards themselves tend to avoid.

Madrileños are often surprised to learn, for example, that in the northwest corner

of their city lie university buildings still pockmarked from bullet holes inflicted during

intense fighting there.

It started as a nationalist uprising against a legally elected government of the second

Spanish republic.

Before this rebellion could result in 36 years of fascist dictatorship, there was first nearly

three years of bloody conflict between 1936 and 1939.

Journalists and historians often use shorthand in order to be accurate and objective in their

descriptions, and so often call the rebelling side led by Francisco Franco "The Nationalists",

and the defending government side, "The Republicans".

But as perhaps you've heard me explain before, to leave it there is explanatory malpractice.

The Republican government was aided by a consortium of leftist organizations, international volunteers,

and depended on support from Stalin's Soviet Union as the war progressed.

While writers and journalists sympathetic to the Republican cause like Ernest Hemingway

debauched in the nightlife of Madrid just miles from the front lines, more serious persons

like George Orwell came from abroad and fought alongside native Spaniards to help, as he

put it, a democracy finally standing up to fascism.

For their part the Nationalists did count fascists among their ranks, as well as conservative

Catholics, industrialists, landowners, and those sympathetic to the 'strong man'

politics playing out in other parts of Europe.

They, like the republicans,received financial and military aid from abroad.

Franco's largests benefactors were Germany and Italy.

While the Italians and Germans had strategic interests in having another fascist European

state (not to mention one that would be indebted for their help), the Spanish Civil War also

served as a staging ground for military tactics used in upcoming conflicts.

Though not for the first time, one of those newer tactics would be carried out to its

macabre end in Guernica, the Basque capital near Bilbao.

In the center of Guernica stood a large oak tree.

It served as the location for the swearing in of officials of the new Basque government,

but more importantly, it was considered a sacred heart of the Basque people, a place

of rights and heritage spanning generations (1,101).

On April 26, 1937, its watering would have an ichorous character.

On market day in late afternoon, church bells warned of an approaching aircraft, a solo

German bomber, which assaulted the city center (2,_).

As civilians and some retreating soldiers began to leave shelter, more planes arrived,

these more aggressive, bombing and flying low, using machine guns against anyone regardless

of gender or age, soldier or not (1,620).

They strafed, fired, rounded, repeated until 100,000 pounds of explosives were dropped

over three hours (2,_).

Though accounts vary, somewhere between over a hundred and over a thousand died (4, 289).

Many of those assphyxiated in the shelters, deprived of oxygen by the raging fires.

While nationalist authorities tried to lay blame at the feet of the 'reds' who they

claimed burned the city in some form of retreat, the sheer number of eye witnesses to the bombing

as well as the bomb craters in the ground, made such obfuscation a wasted effort (4,287).

Though it wasn't the first bombing of a civilian target (5), it was unique.

As Paul Preston wrote in his book on the Spanish Civil War : "That Guernica was destroyed

by the German Condor Legion is no longer open to any doubt.

Moreover, it is this fact which gives the event its military significance, for the town

was the first in the world's history to have been entirely destroyed by aerial bombing"


The intent was clearly the intimidation of a people, a terror tactic carried out indiscriminately.

While there were legitimate military targets in and around Guernica, the mowing down of

fleeing civilians in a field was certainly not part of targeting them.

The Times and the New York Times published an account of correspondent George Steer which

described the "demoralization of the civil population and the destruction of the cradle

of the Basque race."

(3) Though his sympathies clearly lay with the Basque nationalists, his general account

of the scene was mostly reliable.

The world's attention turned towards the plight of the republicans once more.p

A nation away, in Paris, Pablo Picasso read Steer's account of the planes plunging "

machinegun those of the civilian population who had taken refuge in the fields."

(3) Already under commission by the Spanish Republic for the international exhibition

in 1937, Picasso shifted what had been his artistic focus since January (1,623).

Now, early in May, he would paint the suffering at Guernica.

"In the panel on which I am working," he said.

"which I shall call Guernica...I clearly express my abhorrence of the military caste

which has sunk Spain in an ocean of pain and death."


Overhanging the entire image is a bright light, the burning bulb of a bomb or the sun; the

Spanish words for bulb, 'bombilla', being very close to the word for bomb, 'bomba'.

Picasso would have read about the 'thousand firebombs' on the front page of French newspapers


Women outnumber men in the image, presumably because most men of fighting age would be

conscripted and out of town when the bombing occurred, making women the premiere victims.

Three women appear on the right side of the painting, one appears trapped in fire, arms


Another drags a swollen leg while gazing towards the light.

A third enters carrying a lamp, perhaps looking for loved ones in the smoke and rubble.

There is a fourth woman in Guernica, more striking than the rest due to the fact she

holds a dead infant in arms, lost to asphyxiation.

On the ground is a dismembered soldier, his body and sword in pieces.

Though his agony dashes the hopes for the Republic, the flower growing from his sword

hilt reveals a chance at victory over the fascist rebels (6-12).

Most prominent, but less easy to interpret are the bull and the horse.

The horse, pierced by a spear, might represent the wounded democracy.

Just as possibly, it represents the many animals killed by bombs that afternoon in April.

The bull, a quintessential Spanish image, may be the contorted reaction of Picasso himself

(he often used a bull to depict his ego), but it may also represent Franco's fascism,

a rampaging animal out of control (6-12).

After exposition in Paris, Guernica went on tour in Europe, raising awareness of the plight

of civilians in the civil war, and earning the piece's reputation as one of the most

powerful antiwar and anti-fascist ever created (8&10).

Picasso's condemnation may have been specific to the

bombing of April 1937, but his imagery was a universal testament to the terror of war.

Though Guernica was a major propaganda victory for the Republic, the civilian bombardments

never stopped.

Madrid and Barcelona became major targets in a prominent strategy to weaken Republican

strongholds under siege.

Franco's forces toppled Madrid, and thus the Republic, in 1939.

Fearing Nazi invasion of France, Picasso sent Guernica to the United States Museum of Modern

Art in New York.

The painting, he demanded, was not to reside in Spain until democracy was restored.

The move was prudent.

Paris was occupied in June 1940.

A German gestapo officer, rummaging through Picasso's studio came upon a photo of Guernica's

creation process.

"Did you do this?" the officer asked.

Picasso's reply, perhaps apocryphal, is that of legend.

"No. you did" (13&14).

The juxtaposition is one that defines the politics after the great war, when the feckless

center fell out of European politics, the radicalization of a continent, when kings

ceded to Marchers, shops became Judenfrei, and churches burned in the countryside.

Like a biosphere in a jar, the Spanish Civil War came to encapsulate those political canyons.

A staging ground for world war II, where European fascists supported nationalists, the Republic

by communist international, and imperial democracies like Britain and France became self-imposed

neutrals, eunuch spectators of the violence in villages like Guernica.

Picasso's Guernica, then, was a further distillation of this reality.

The Civil War being a microcosm of conflicts between European governments, Guernica presented

the suffering of civilians because of that conflict, the logical gruesome endpoint of

the clash of great ideologies, the annihilation of an entire town condensed into twisted forms

on a black and grey palette.

I have a message for you.

And this message isn't a solicitation of anything 'YouTubery'.

It is simply to say 'thank you'.

Thank you for being a viewer, thank you for being a subscriber, if you are- a patron-

whatever capacity you're involved with this channel, or even if you just stumbled on this


Sometimes I get to make really cool videos and share them with the world.

This is one of those times, and for that reason I am very thankful.

And I just wanted to say to you: 'Thank you'.

For more infomation >> Picasso's Guernica: Painting a Bombing - Duration: 10:28.


Avengers 4 The DEATH Of Ironman REVEALED!? Infinity War Foreshadowing The END - Duration: 6:46.


what's good YouTube Warstu here with

a video on Avengers for so if you're new

to the channel make sure to subscribe

for the infinity war blu-ray giveaway so

what you want to do is comment down

below who is your favor MCU villain but

not fast so guys let's go over a

recurring topic Ironman is he going to

die it's a key topic

Ironman started this he was started this

the first movie in the MCU

was Ironman one so is he going to die so

the most important scene in Avengers

infinity war wasn't actually the ending

it was the opening scene with Tony Stark

and pepper and it's very key to the

empty you going forward in ways it gives

you the beginning the middle and the end

point for Tony Stark and Iron Man as we

know it it foreshadows the Avengers fall

and the end of it everyone will be

shocked after this movie because most of

the major stars in this movie are all

out of contract even Robert Downey jr.

so before watching Avengers 4 you have

to psychologically get yourself ready

for the fact that it could be the last

time that you see the greatest Avenger

Captain America on the big screen

amongst others anyways it will be

resetting the Avengers so people like

spider-man who is loved to charla black

panther they're gonna be the faces of

the New Avengers so Tony is telling

Pepper about any really extreme

realistic dream he had where he had a

baby named Morgan when Tony tells Pepper

this she says I'm not pregnant points

out that to Tony would generally have to

leave Ironman for good peppers in denial

could this actually be because she is

pregnant the obvious answer is yes she

could be maybe she's too early in

pregnancy to realize something's going

on that happens all in time in the real

world it's also possible that she is

pregnant and knows it it would account

for the look on her face when Tony

reveals his dream as well as why she

called him knowing that he was likely

heading to space firstly she was shocked

about Tony's dream revealing something

she hadn't hadn't yet told it what

expectant mother would be completely

freaked out when the father of her child

ended up on an air

and shit you know the scene with egg

ever anymore and she could potentially

already be married now

in the blu-ray giveaway that we'll be

giving away there's an extra scene with

happy hogan and they go over the wedding

date be in the 22nd on the deleted scene

but Papa says this is a decoy date to

throw the paps off she clearly doesn't

want Tony to be Iron Man any further

which is interesting and it foreshadows

the beginning the middle and the end so

whilst discussing Tony and pepper

Gweneth Paltrow had this to say she

obviously started as a dip full

assistant and then the relationship

evolved and now this decade later

they're married and they have a child

which obviously she's becoming the queen

of spoilers she's taking the title off

Mark Ruffalo now she wouldn't just say

that if there wasn't actually a reason

so pepper may have lied to Tony when she

said he's not married in a desperate

attempt to get him to evacuate the alien

spaceship but that's not what's

important here so there will be a time

jump in Avengers 4 most likely to four

to five years in the future where baby

Morgan baby Iron Man could actually

already be informed so in a Q&A with the

Russo brothers a question was asked

about this dream sequence and they said

it was a dream that dreams are

mysterious the Russo brothers now this

is clearly a cheeky wink of cheeky troll

edge to them getting a kid and being

married so we are totally expecting a

funeral scene in this movie because

there was a casting call for a bunch of

extras in this kind of scene and we are

expecting a wedding in this everyone

expect some Captain America die they

expected Iron Man and Captain American

to have a bromance scene where he lays

down his life because they repeatedly

say we don't train life's we don't trade

lives so I think Captain America will

trade life he will sacrifice himself to

bring back the Fallen Avengers but could

Ironman die before shadowed at some

point because I believe this movie's

gonna open with a wedding because of how

infinity will open with well when once

they got back on earth it open with Tony

Stark and pepper talking about a

potential baby and a potential wedding

so I believe at some point in this movie

Ironman very well could die

even pepper potts pregnant with baby

Iron Man and him already

programming designing creighton a AI

version of Tony Stark because even if he

does die you know he's gonna be back

somehow now I don't think they're gonna

go at the alternate timeline kind of way

with him but I do think he needs to hang

up his title he needs to leave the MCU


no but I think it'll most likely be the

case so the Russos also confirmed

something very important Tony Stark

won't be the same after seeing his

adopted his son spider-man and dying in

front Amiens arms they've said he's

going to have psychological problems and

won't be the same after seeing his son

his stepson die in front him now

everyone is expecting the vengeful movie

to end on a good note but know what you

isn't infinity war ended very weird the

heroes lost the villain won so people

were like yes or vengers for it's gonna

end with the heroes winning and the

villain failing no I think it's gonna

end there Zack same way I think the

heroes are going to win without what


we don't sacrifice life so in my opinion

Tony Stark will actually die I think he

has to die I mean he's been there since

the first movie 20 movies in he's still

key he's still relevant but is he

relevant of course is relevant but even

if he does die like I said they're going

to make a a AI artificial intelligence

for people that don't speak computer

science they're going to make an AI

version of them anyway so guys let me

know in the comment down below have I

unveiled the mystery of the opening

scene of the wedding the funeral and the

death and the child anyway guys III

hopefully won't have to address this

again but it's an interesting topic

point so anyway guys make sure to

subscribe comment your greatest MC you

villain down below and I have three

infinity war giveaways to give out over

the next month or so I will be picking

them so you're gonna have to watch full

video to make sure you're there for the

big announcement when I reveal it so

anyway guys please like subscribe and

comment and I'll catch you in another

video very soon catch ya later

For more infomation >> Avengers 4 The DEATH Of Ironman REVEALED!? Infinity War Foreshadowing The END - Duration: 6:46.


make dragon's sugar with soft candy | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 10:37.

make dragon's sugar with soft candy | Xiaoling toys

For more infomation >> make dragon's sugar with soft candy | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 10:37.


#30dayswithminiTN - @paper.pi on Instagram - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> #30dayswithminiTN - @paper.pi on Instagram - Duration: 0:53.


🅱️E🅱️E - 6ixty-9ine Ft. Ali A (Prod. By Robbie R) (Official Music Video) - Duration: 3:38.

*🅱️E🅱️E - 6ixty-9ine Ft. Ali A (Prod. By Robbie R) (Official Music Video)*

For more infomation >> 🅱️E🅱️E - 6ixty-9ine Ft. Ali A (Prod. By Robbie R) (Official Music Video) - Duration: 3:38.


MEETING A SPECIAL FAN! - Duration: 3:19.

you thought I wasn't coming

you just helped me through so much

listen I promise you one day you'll be off the medicine (anti-depressants)

I hope that shirt fits you haha

you just helped me get through so much.. suicide, self harm

For more infomation >> MEETING A SPECIAL FAN! - Duration: 3:19.


How to create a tagline or slogan - Duration: 5:43.

For more infomation >> How to create a tagline or slogan - Duration: 5:43.


Ponožkovy pohádky █ - O zániku (FANMADE) - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Ponožkovy pohádky █ - O zániku (FANMADE) - Duration: 1:41.


Nikademis - Catch Me (feat. Amelia Cariddi) [Lyrics in CC] (No Copyright) - Duration: 4:03.

Subscribe for more Lyric Videos :)

Used to be shaken by love

The slightest sight of it inebriating my insides

Taking me to the point of blackout

So I left it far behind

Terrified of romance fearful of a hand to hold of my own

Turning my head accepting being all alone

Now I wake up in the middle of the night

Wishing you were laying by my side

A mistake I'm not scared to make

I won't hide

I'll let the rhythm of love intoxicate my mind

I'll take the hand I was meant to hold

No more being lonely, I'm not alone

No more fear of falling, going over the edge

So catch me if you want to

Catch me if you can

𝘊𝘢𝘵𝘤𝘩 𝘮𝘦 𝘪𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘢𝘯

𝗖𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵 𝗺𝗲 𝗶𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗰𝗮𝗻

Going over the edge, over the edge

I'm in the deep end

Drowning in your scent

Can't get you out of my head

So catch me if you can



No looking back

I'm falling for you

No slowing down

Hope you don't want me to

No more fear

I see it clearly

You're everything I need

So just catch me

Never once thought it could be

Meaningful enough, a love to keep

I see your face in mirrors looking at me

Shining lights on each insecurity

Now I'm illuminating

Lit up so bright from the lights you've put on me

And I'll keep telling them you're to thank

That you made all the darkness fade away

I hope for you I do the same

I pray your tongue never loses my name

All I ask is this one thing of you

That you remember me, all we've been through

It's like I blinked open my eyes to see

A life ahead us chasing dreams

No matter where we may be

This story starts and ends with you and me

Catch me if you can

𝘊𝘢𝘵𝘤𝘩 𝘮𝘦 𝘪𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘢𝘯

𝗖𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵 𝗺𝗲 𝗶𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗰𝗮𝗻

Going over the edge, over the edge

I'm in the deep end

Drowning in your scent

Can't get you out of my head

So catch me if you can

I'm in the deep end

Drowning in your scent

Can't get you out of my head

So catch me if you can

(So just catch me)

Thanks for watching! :D

For more infomation >> Nikademis - Catch Me (feat. Amelia Cariddi) [Lyrics in CC] (No Copyright) - Duration: 4:03.


Umidigi Z2 aposta em belo design para esconder seus pontos fracos | Review/Análise - Duration: 6:22.

The Z2 is Chinese manufacturer UMIDIGI's bet for a more exquisite smartphone without an expensive pricetag.

It can be imported for more than 1 thousand reais and it promises a good set for the amount charged.

You will check here with the TudoCelular all that the Z2 has to offer.

we will point out the pros and cons to know if the model is a good purchase option,

in the mean time, subscribe to the channel and drop a like.

The received model came in Twillight color, which brings a gradient effect on the rear, turning from purple to green.

It's impossible not to remember the P20 Pro from Huawei, which drew attention in the market this year, by offering a killer camera.

The Z2 also has two other color options, one totally black and one also gradient,

which goes from black to purple. The design is elegant, but despite looking like glass,

we have a plastic finish here.

The biometric reader is on the back just below the two cameras

it easily recognizes your fingerprint,

although it is not so fast when unlocking.

at least the position makes the use comfortable; there is also the feature for facial biometrics

which has the same performance as fingerprint reader.

The Z2 comes with a high-resolution 6.2-inch screen, and the infamous notch at the top;

there are those who enjoy it, but other people prefer without it; there is no option to hide the notch natively,

but you can download an app from the Play Store that does this.

The panel used by the manufacturer brings IPS LCD technology,

which delivers a good level of contrast color reproduction; the brightness is not too high,

and its important to point out that is not possible to calibrate screen saturation.

the quality delivered should please the majority of users, but we've already seen better screens in this price range.

The unit has only one speaker on the bottom, which results in mono sound.

The quality is decent, but the volume is not too loud.

By not offering a P2 input, you'll need to use the adapter that comes with it to plug in your headset.

As with other UMIDIGI smartphones, the Z2 comes with a MediaTek chipset.

It is able to offer a decent performance without too many gags or crashes,

the best part is its 6 GB of RAM, which holds a lot of apps and games running in the background.

The interface has few modifications, which helps deliver an overall good performance.

The biggest con is in the screen sensor that does not always recognize a touch.

Often you need to tap several times at a point to have the phone run the command.

In benchmarks we had results within the expected for devices in the 1 thousand reais price range,

in games, we saw a bit of slowness in some titles like Asphalt 8,

for simpler games, Z2's GPU delivers the message,

but those looking for a device to play PUBG Mobile, will have to reduce the graphics quality

if you do not want to suffer with slowness and crashes.

The Z2 comes with four cameras being two in the front and two in the rear,

and even with this whole amount of sensors, the Chinese device sins when capturing photos and videos,

especially in dimly lit places.

The secondary camera helps to blur the background of the photos but the result is not always good.

The software tries to detect the user, but in many cases the blur is only on the edges.

The camcorder records in Full HD at 30 frames per second but we notice slowness when there is low light;

the audio quality is also not very good,

not to mention that the Z2 is limited to mono sound.

Recording test with the UMIDIGI Z2 camera.

The Z2 has a generous battery, but its autonomy is not even the best

if you make moderate use of videos and games, it lasts until the early evening.

To last the whole day you will have to use only the essentials.

the device supports MediaTek's accelerated charging technology,

which makes the Z2 take just under two hours to have its battery fully recharged.

It comes with Android 8.1 Oreo from the factory, which is a very good thing, even more if we take into consideration

that cheaper handsets have not even been updated for this version.

The interface was not well adapted to the notch,

notifications, and battery charge are not displayed in the status bar,

as it happens in other devices with Android.

You need to pull the status bar every time you want to check out some notification received,

the interface brings a few modifications,

delivering much of the essence of Google's mobile system.

The performance itself is fine, but it could be better if the screen recognized the commands at first try.

UMIDIGI tries to lure the audience with a beautiful smartphone inspired by the success of the P20 Pro,

for being a cheaper product, do not expect the same quality.

We have here a cell phone with plastic back, that tries to imitate glass.

The handset delivers a decent screen, which would be better if it had a higher brightness

the performance is acceptable for its price range, but the slowness in the touch screen sensor,

may irritate at times; the big battery does not yield much due to the old MediaTek chipset,

but without a doubt, its biggest weakness is the camera.

The Z2 tries to deliver a good balance between cost and benefit,

but there are more interesting options in the market in its price range.

in any case, if you became interested in the UMIDIGI device,

check out its offer in the video description.

Do not forget to check the complete analysis at, with all tests performed on this device.

Also take your time subscribing t the channel to follow all the other Smartphones tested by TudoCelular.

Here was Francisco Lucena, and see you next time.

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