Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 2 2018

Hello and welcome to my new FAQ video and ...

Shit, okay ... good talk

As you might have probably noticed I'm wearing the- f***ing hell

As you've probably already noticed, I'm wearing all these bad ass f***ing t-shirts

And you're like: 'where can I get ahold of those t-shirts?' Well ...

The problem is this is an old t-shirt, this is from 1996

I found a bunch of really old t-shirts of mine in my parents' place

What is not that awesome is that obviously this Sepultura t-shirt is misprinted

As you can see the S is the wrong way

So there you go. Okay, first question.

Kostantinos Daoutis: "The Solar Guitars are pretty ugly"

That's kind of mean

"Hey Ola, can you play one Slayer riff? Have an awesome day"


Maybe that could be a thing: 'Slayer riff of the day', in my FAQ

Alright, so here's one riff from one of my favorite Slayer albums

It's a little finger-twister

There you go, thank you so much, oh my voice

And I got to play my Solar guitar

"I'm not even kidding, YouTube literally-

"I'm not even kidding, YouTube literally unsubscribed me from you this weekend, what the f-"

Stop, everyone make sure you're still subscribed to my channel, check down there

Click 'subscribe', okay?

You can also click the join button, but that's something else, that's the youtube membership thing

Where you get awesome extra content and you know, downloads

And lessons and all that shit, but that's something else

Make sure to subscribe, okay? Take this little moment and I'll wait

My whole body hurts

"This FAQ is golden, thanks fluff ... Oops, I mean Ola lol great video"

Yeah, that was a sick joke, dude


"Hey Ola, I know you have probably been asked this multiple times before but what DAW do you use?"

Okay, so ever since I switched to Mac and started using Mac computers for production

That was around 2003 or something like that, I started using Digital Performer first, by MOTU

And eventually, I started using Logic because on Mac that was like the standard back in the day

And yeah, I just could stuck with Logic

And I'm very happy with how it works and ...

You know, it's not really that much about which one you choose today

I mean between Logic or Pro Tools or Cubase It's more about the one you find your best kind of workflow in

And Logic has really served me well during the years, so I'm definitely happy with this program

It's like, you know, I know my way around this app, and that's what makes it so valuable for me

Okay, let's just load something up

Can't hear shit though

I'm not sure what I've been doing here but it sounds cool

I think it's a song and I reamped it or whatever shit I've been doing

Yeah, I just like how the workflow is in this app, it's ...

It's very simple, it's ...

Yeah, yeah I ...


I don't know what to say, I mean all the other apps are good as well, so there you go

That was a little bit of Logic for you

Okay, next question

"Hi Ola, how old were you when you started playing guitar? And what made you keep going on?"

I was ... I think 13 years old when I started guitar, that was 1994

I started playing because of Nirvana and also because everyone in in my class started playing guitar

And I couldn't be ... You know, I had to start playing as well

Nirvana made me kind of pick up the guitar because it was easier for me to start on

Like, doing all those chords and all, but ...

Then I think what made me continue with guitar was just me discovering metal

And ... you know, like Pantera and Dream Theater and just like really ...

Trying to figure out how to make those sounds and how to play those riffs

It was really like a good spur for me to keep on going

So, that's what it is

"Here's a fun google search ... LFL, enjoy the action"


Why do I feel I'm about to regret this?

LFL ... Okay, Legends Football League

Lingerie football league

Okay, let's watch

What is this?

This is exactly what I thought it would be. What the f*** is up with the music by the way?

Oh, okay, some rap

Oh shit

Oh, they're not really afraid to break their nails on this one

Oh shit, take it easy

Is this for real?

Shit yeah, there's actually an audience there, so I guess it's real

Oh, come on, that was totally unnecessary, the hell is this?

I don't ... I ...

Yeah, I think that in Sweden ...

This probably would not have passed as being politically correct, I would say

Yeah, this is ...

This is so American in a way


I mean, they look hot, I must admit, but is it really necessary to have those quotes?

I mean, isn't it supposed to be like a serious sport?

Alright, I think I need to investigate a little bit more when I stop filming

Thank you, great great thing

"Hello Ola, greetings from the east, would you mind sharing your fitness/ workout routines?"

Sure, no problem. Here it is

"Ola, you the man

"When did you know that you had found your sound? Example: tone, rhythmic patterns ..."

"Also, do you have a signature move that you do on guitar?"

I think I discovered my sound when I kind of like discovered that I couldn't mimic other people anymore

To the extent that ...

You know, I've always been trying to nail album sounds or like other guitar players' sounds

But in my earlier videos, for instance, I was trying to nail those tones while using different amplifiers

But you know, after just trying everything

I kind of like came to the conclusion that whatever I do, I will always sound like me

And then I know ... I kind of like know what to look for and that was ...

Around the moment actually where we designed the Randall Satan

And that's around the time where I think I found my sound, I had great sound before I think

But that's like when I stopped the search for a tone, in that sense

So yeah, there you go

I don't think I have any signature moves, but I do have like a ...

Usually like a chord pattern that I like to work with, when you're in drop D for instance

I like to work with ...

You know, a lot of bigger chords like ...

If this wasn't drop D, this would be a chord like this

But now, because I have a drop D, it's a lot easier to ...

Whatever, I don't even remember what I was trying to show ... okay.

"Hey Ola, are you on drugs?"

I am high on life

Swedish word of the day

Swedish word of the day might not be really funny in Sweden, but it will be for you Americans out there

It's 'Fack'

Fack is the union basically, in Sweden

Or even better, when you talk about them, you say 'Facket'

And the good thing about this, I have my plan with this

It's that instead of saying 'F***', I can now say the Swedish word 'Fack'

And it would not get censored, which is awesome, so there you go

Sometimes I call facket and ...

That's how it is, that's the union in Sweden.

So if you need help with your current day job or whatever, you just facket

Alright, so this is Ola Englund the day after uploading this to YouTube

Unfortunately YouTube did not fall for my little trick and demonetized my video

But if you feel like you want to support me go buy a t-shirt or something like that

Or become a member of my channel, it's Super awesome, you get a lot of exclusive content ...

Okay, thank you

"Hello, greetings from Finland, what do you think about us, the Finns?

"The ones who still beat you Swedes in ice hockey?"

Are you sure about that?

I have to look it up

The official statistics for games since 1949 to 2014

Sweden has won 144 times over Finland and Finland has won 117 times over Sweden

I guess your statistics are a little bit wrong, but that's perfectly fine

Finland is still a great country, you're just not as good on ice hockey, but that's fine

It's okay, I don't care about ice hockey that much anymore

Except only when we're better than you

See you, all the Finnish subscribers, in the next life

No, I still love Finland, it's an awesome country, I love being there

And we share the same mentality there, it's just that I can't fucking understand their language

"Hola Ola, how do you work with companies to show their products on your channel?

"Do they pay you with money or products?"

So the way that it worked back in the day was basically that ...

That brands would ... either I bought something, I still do that today

Like, buy equipment, or like if I have something here, I make a demo of it

But back in the day if a brand reached out to me, they would basically just send products

And I would just do the demo in exchange for the products

Like, Seymour Duncan was one of the first brands that kind of like sent me a box of their pickups

And I was just super happy, you know, that they acknowledged me and sent me stuff

So, I just made a video, super awesome, and I do charge for my demos nowadays

However with the terms

And that's what's so awesome with my channel growing: it's grown so much that I can set my own terms now

And I've done that for about two years now, where I say like

'Okay, I'm gonna make this demo for you

'But you have to understand that whatever happens in the video, will stay in the video'

'People will notice if I'm happy, if I'm disappointed ...

'And it will stay in the video'

So, it all boils down to ...

If you have a good product, it's gonna show in the video, if you have a shit product, it's gonna show in the video

So, with those terms, like whatever happens, happens

I want to cater to the viewers rather than the brand, and if that is okay ...

Then I do the demo

I must say I've lost a lot of opportunities because of this, but you know what?

I'd rather have an honest review going

And you know an honest demonstration, because I just think it's a lot more honest to the viewers

So I charge for my demos, but with that said, 80% or even 90% of my videos are unpaid for

That's just content that I decide to make, like these FAQs like the Metalzone video, or like ...

You know, I buy an amplifier or these tone gear videos

I do not get paid for those I make those because you know, I enjoy doing videos, I enjoy doing content

And you know what? I'm really proud of where I've taken this YouTube channel

It's still very honest ... Yes, I am making money of my videos, otherwise, I wouldn't be able to do this

So, there you go, I've been talking a lot, shit. Okay, next question.

I've been talking so long I had to log into my computer again, good

"Hey Ola, hope you're doing great. I really want to preorder a Lime A2.6, but I have a question on it

"Is this color a mate or ...

"Or a shinny finish?"

So, the lemon neon guitar, it's a matte finish

And ...

Have I told you how much I love this finish? I love this finish so much I lick it


"Would rather take an RG550 in those colours to be honest"

"Hey Ola, have you checked out Jinjer yet?

"If not, I totally recommend you do, they're one of my favourite bands at the moment"

Okay, okay, I'm gonna do this because this is what I do, this is what I do

Jinjer ... I've heard so much about this band, I have to check it out now

That's cool

Oh, there it is

Shit, that's a great fuckin growl voice there

Mean this is what metal needs right now, we need more female in the scene

And singers like this, Alyssa in Arch Enemy are gonna inspire young girls

To start listening to metal and start doing shit like that

I see it in the first comment, that says like

'My 4 year old watched this video for the first time and now she wants to learn to scream like that'

I mean, this is very important, and actually her growl is insane, I must say

But it's nice to see that she can actually sing too

That's cool man, I'm glad I checked that out

I have to listen to that, next time I travel I will download one or-

I will not download, I will stream one of their albums, okay?

"I don't care the burps and neither the raspy language, even though I like it

"But it's true that your level of arrogancy is coming up little by little

"I understand it, but I don't like it

"Do what you want, you're a successful business metalhead

"But your audience is a mirror of your personality, thank you"

I think I speak for a lot of my viewers

When I say that they can take everything I say with a little bucket of salt

Is that even an expression in English? I don't know.

You know, when I do that I exaggerate a lot

And you know, it's for entertainment basically

So yeah, I think you're smart enough to understand that when I call you fuckface

It's the nicest kind of fuckface I can call you, so ...

There you go, thank you for watching and thank you for subscribing

"Hey Ola, nice video, and by the way, I like the colors

"I have a question: which part of your professional life do you prefer?

"Gigging? Making videos? Clinics? Quality checking your Solar Guitars?

"Hope you will answer on your next FAQ"

And I will answer, Francis

My favorite part right now is actually just being home and do my videos

I love doing this, I love sitting here, nerding out. I mean, I ...

I have the dream job right now

I'm not making all the money in the world, but you know, I'm super happy right now

And I hope you understand and see that in my videos and in my content that ...

You know, I feel very fortunate to be able to do this

And doing the videos here, I can stay home with my kids and my family

I like going out on tours and and play live shows, no doubt, but I still enjoy being home

I'm a family father, I enjoy, you know, sitting in my own room

This is my cave right here, and this is where I feel best when I'm working

I still kind of have a hard feeling grasping the fact that this is my real job here

So, yeah, I really appreciate it, it's all because of you guys, and also ...

To all of you guys that are members to my youtube channel, thank you so much

You're contributing a lot to all of this

And I hope you see that, I hope you will recognize that, and I hope you will stay a member

And I'll try and bring out as much awesome exclusive content for you as possible

Nothing will happen to this YouTube channel, I will still put out the regular content, you do not have to worry

Alright, so that was the last question, thank you so much for watching this completely burp-free video

Let's see how that goes, maybe the views are not going to be as many as all my other videos

But who knows? We'll just have to experiment a little bit

Thank you so much for watching

If you want more of me, you can become a member to my youtube channel

You get exclusive content, extra downloads and just other stuff ... okay.

If you have any questions, please ask them in the comment section of this video

Thank you so much for watching and see you next time

For more infomation >> FAQ52 - DEMONITIZED, SLAYER RIFF OF THE DAY, JINJER, FINDING MY TONE - Duration: 18:39.


Working in Germany. The JAGUAR. / 2018 / en - Duration: 2:51.


is an outstanding advertisement for our business.

We've been using CLAAS forage harvesters since 1998.

Because we can always rely on their quality.

My name is Michael Bredehöft.

I come from northern Germany.

We have an agricultural contracting business

and an agricultural workshop.

We repair and sell milking and refrigeration systems.

We're in the middle of the first silage cut right now.

We're using all our machines

for maize drilling and ploughing.

All of our tractors and people are in action.

We start at 5 in the morning

and work until 11-12 at night.

We replace the forage harvesters every

three to four years at 3,000 to 3,500 operating hours.

The 498 has an improved cab,

where the operators feel very much at home.

The crop flow in the 498 has improved once again.

Even if the grass silage has a high sugar content,

we don't get any blockages now.

The drum concave adjusts automatically

at the same time as the shear bar.

That's giving us even better ejection speeds.

Ground contour following has been improved


which reduces dirt take-up.

All CLAAS forage harvesters are equipped

with the tyre pressure adjustment system.

These features represent a big advantage

at our moorland sites.

Fuel consumption is down

as we now have a 6-cylinder machine as well.

At first, we were a bit sceptical,

but it's just as convincing as the 8-cylinder unit

we used before.

It's important for us to keep to the deadlines

the customer gives us.

To do that, we need good machines

and that's what we get from CLAAS.

Farmers are demanding ever higher quality from us.

We meet this need completely with the new 498 model.

We enjoy talking to farmers,

being able to offer them something.

We're happy when they thank us

and tell us that we've done a good job.

For more infomation >> Working in Germany. The JAGUAR. / 2018 / en - Duration: 2:51.


సింహ రాశి 2018 | Simha Rasi 2018 | October Rasi Phalalu 2018 | Astrology in Telugu | Rasi Phalalu - Duration: 5:04.


For more infomation >> సింహ రాశి 2018 | Simha Rasi 2018 | October Rasi Phalalu 2018 | Astrology in Telugu | Rasi Phalalu - Duration: 5:04.


أكبر وأقدم مصبغة ملابس وأغرب المعابد في الهند - Duration: 12:57.

Where do they dry their laundry clothes?


Its 750 years old!

Between those fabrics

Temples everywhere

from different kinds

The study of monks and planets..


Welcome dear brothers and sisters

Al Salamu alaikom wa rahmattullah

Today we're in Kerala in Fort Kochi

OH a wedding *____*

Theres the groom chilling

*Trying to talk Indian*

Here they sit the bride's parents

And they are performing some Hindu marriage rituals

And here I'm today in Indian clothes to watch the marriage decrees

My dear brothers are sisters today im going to show u what happens in Indian movies but in nature

but where? In my Vlog- iKhaledTv on Youtube :>)

Till now they are still celebrating the wedding and the street is crowded

Thank god today the sun rose and we heard good news

that the airport might finally work again and we'll be able to return home soon

Today me and Salah will take you to a very nice place

I promise you'll enjoy it but don't forget to LIKE & SHARE if you liked the video <3

and there we ride the tok tok with Moussa ~


he says *Kaleed, Kaleed* >_<

Dear brothers & sisters right now we are located inside the laundry

they wash their clothes in..

When you are in an hotel and tell them to wash your clothes, they bring them here..

But.... the strange thing about this is that they dont wash clothes in the ordinary way.. uhh..

well, just watch with your eyes ;)

The first stage- they take the piece of clothes and brush it so hard

that it cleans the deepest dirt in the fabric

Stage 2 is where the clothes are TORTURED

so it becomes super clean

and we finally found a device

they use to wash the clothes without using their hands!

Guys imagine this is their washing machine =D

*Happy man singing*

Here its all about automatic washing machines

- This is something really primal yet so effective.

- If you notice how they wash and dry their clothes

- They have so much positive energy while doing their work

- Even if they dont have the technology to do something, they'll simply find a way..

And right now my dear brothers and sisters

we are going to show you where they dry all those clothes in the laundry

This laundry covers alot of hotels around the area

and whoever comes to Fort Kuchi and puts their clothes in the laundry, their clothes comes right here ..

Because this is considered as the largest laundry in Fort Kuchi!

Since 1720 this laundry was present and working

and many families since 1720 agreed to work in this laundry together

The legacy of this work continued since then till today

After we saw where they dry the clothes we go to the final stage

and its so interesting

Its the final drying stage and cleaning and ironing

Clothes iron but it works on coal not electricity!

Here's the iron they use.. *ouf its HEAVY*

this is the electric modern iron they use...

Guys look where iam right now... between the clothes *__*

They smell good !

Dear brothers and sisters, look how they return the clothes brand new!

And the touch of it feels like i just bought this piece from a high-end brand!

Today im going to take the chance because the sun is up and its a bit humid..

I will try to go to the places i really want to visit.

After we have seen the largest laundry in Fort Kuchi since 1720

AND right now we are going to a very interesting place!

LIKE the video if you haven't YET :D

Right now we are going to show you a house

750 years old and the house owner is actually a steamship captain

He built his house in the shape of a ship..

I will try to show you the house from inside if i could enter it otherwise i'll show u the outside part only

But the house really looks like a ship!

My dear brothers and sisters right now are infront of the shiphouse!

In India, there are alot of cultures, religions and stories..

In this part of the vlog i was curious

i was really curious about some of their stories..

and i entered a shop that sells statues

I kept asking about some of the statues

And because stories differ from place to place

And this Buddha..

that some religions worship

and this God's name is Jeefa..

God of toughness and destruction

He is a main God in Hinduism

The God of Dance

And whats really strange is that "Mudasar" the employee that works in this store

that sells all those statues and figures

is actually a Muslim!



And now we have reached an area full of temples

from different kinds

While i'm entering this place i stepped forward on a temple entrance by mistake

a man told me its forbidden because its a holy shrine and cannot be entered on shoes

And this is a cow temple related to the Jeefa i showed you guys a while ago ..

Inside here is a locked place

people practice the science of priesthood

and the monks that see the future

Here's a board thats written on it an offer for you to be in good health by prayers and good wishes

but for 25 rupees !

You guys see this temple behind me is a strange temple

is used to worship planets for good luck!

Let's suppose your horoscope is "Sagittarius"

They'll go pray for the planets thats related to your horoscope

so you can have good luck

They have a different kind of worshipping their gods

and what you are seeing right now is an example....

And at most of the temples,, there is a moneybox

so you can put your donations to the temple ..

And right now i have reached another strange temple in which they worship "Salt"

so they can maintain good health

And what's really strange about this is that the guard of this temple

the temple that provides "Good health" isn't actually in a good health!

India is famous by its spices

and in my journey i wanted to check out the biggest places that make those spices ..


And now we're climbing to see the "Ginger" which is present in every house..

Im present in the spice factory which exports and distributes spices to the gulf countries

*MMMM* Sweet ginger

Herbal coffee and sesame

They've got alot of nice things and everything is so cheap at the same time

I wanted to tell you that India is really a cheap country and you wont be spending alot of money

But be careful from the selfish people

Nearly the thing that costed me alot of money was for 400 Rupees

which is almost for (1 KD 50 Fils)

The journey back to Kuwait was really difficult ..

We rode a bus from Kuchi to Hydrabad

took approximately 24 hours in the bus trip

and then we took our plane from India to Kuwait in 5 hours..

It was an amazing experience

I met new people with extremely high positive energy

and this journey has taught me alot of things

"Sahabt Amal" - Thank you very much!

And thank you dear brother

and sister for watching!

I have one final request

If you think that this video deserves

Don't forget to share it

Your brother- Khaled Al Saadoun

From iKhaledTv on Youtube


For more infomation >> أكبر وأقدم مصبغة ملابس وأغرب المعابد في الهند - Duration: 12:57.


Left Over Kanda Poha Aloo Tikki recipe | कांदे पोहे आलू टिक्की रेसिपी (Marathi) - Duration: 6:57.

Left Over Poha Tikki

Poha - 1 Bowl

Steamed Potato - 3 to 4

Ginger, Coriander, Curry Leaves, Green Chilies & Garlic paste

Salt, Sugar


Mixed all ingredients and make a dough

Shallow fry on medium flame

For more infomation >> Left Over Kanda Poha Aloo Tikki recipe | कांदे पोहे आलू टिक्की रेसिपी (Marathi) - Duration: 6:57.


Workplace Racism in Australia as an Asian | [CC中字] 香港人在澳洲職場被歧視的日子 - Duration: 9:34.

For more infomation >> Workplace Racism in Australia as an Asian | [CC中字] 香港人在澳洲職場被歧視的日子 - Duration: 9:34.


Charming_Jo teaches Yodel in Space? Sansar Funny Moments - Duration: 6:20.

For more infomation >> Charming_Jo teaches Yodel in Space? Sansar Funny Moments - Duration: 6:20.


ఇల్లు పొలం స్థలం అమ్ముడు పోవడం లేదా | How To Solve Financial Problems | JKR | Financial Problems - Duration: 4:36.


For more infomation >> ఇల్లు పొలం స్థలం అమ్ముడు పోవడం లేదా | How To Solve Financial Problems | JKR | Financial Problems - Duration: 4:36.


Jesse Lingard Boot Review - Adidas Nemeziz 18.1 Test - Duration: 5:44.

Hi guys whats up and welcome to a new review!

Today I will test Adidas Nemeziz 18.1 the football boot of players like

Jesse Lingard, Roberto Firmino, Lionel Messi and even me!

Because today will test this boot to the limit! So lets go!

So lets start with the first category with the fit and comfort

And in this category the nemeziz performs very good! The agilty bandage is very flexable and adapt your foot very well

So you have a good and direct touch!

The shoe is close to the foot and is also suitable for medium feet

Like I said the shoe adapts the shape of your foot pretty fast and provides you great comfort!

So lets come to the second category the touch in the Nemeziz!

And also in this category I can no complain!

The upper material looks somewhat stiff at first, but it gets soft very quickly due to run in!

So you have a good direct touch but I also have to say its not the thinnest

For me its absolutely okay!

The Nemeziz offers you a good touch with a good margin through the padding

The slightly thicker upper provides just for an extremely good comfort!

So the question you should ask yourself is if you want a direct touch or a better comfort!

So in the category of the touch I can also not complain!

So lets end with the last category the durability!

And in this category the Nemeziz perform very good! The quality of this boot is like we already know from adidas

extremly good and I can not find any signs of wear!

I also played the Nemeziz in other colorways for a longer time

so I can also talk about the long term performance!

The question that I get the most is about the agilty bandage if it loses its flexiblity and hold

And the answer is not the material is very stable and adapts the shape of your foot even on a long time

I can see any loss of flexibility and in the category durability I can not complain!

So the boot should last for one season!

So thats it for today! I hope you like it ;)

If you have any question just ask in the comments!

dont forget to subscribe and leave thumbs up if you want to see more!

For more infomation >> Jesse Lingard Boot Review - Adidas Nemeziz 18.1 Test - Duration: 5:44.


Eminem Ft. 2Pac - Drama Setter Pt.3 - Duration: 3:00.

I can't tell you what it really is, I can only tell you what it feels like

And right now there's a steel knife in my windpipe

I can't breathe, but I still fight while I can fight As long as the wrong feels right, it's like I'm in flight

High off her love, drunk from my hate

It's like I'm huffin' paint and I love her, the more I suffer, I suffocate

And right before I'm about to drown, she resuscitates me

She fuckin' hates me, and I love it; "Wait! Where you going?"

"I'm leaving you", "No, you ain't, come back!" We're runnin' right back, here we go again

It's so insane, 'cause when it's goin' good, it's goin' great I'm Superman with the wind at his back, she's Lois Lane

But when it's bad, it's awful, I feel so ashamed I snap, "Who's that dude?", I don't even know his name

I laid hands on him, I'll never stoop so low again I guess I don't know my own strength

I'm a drama setter (Till we die)

Ha ha, guess who's home?!

I'm a drama setter (Till we die)

Follow me, tell me if you feel me I think niggas is tryin' to kill me

Picturin' pistols, spittin' hollow points till they drill me Keepin' it real, and even if I do conceal

My criminal thoughts, preoccupied with keepin' steel See niggas is false, sittin' in court, turned snitches

That used to be real, but now they're petrified bitches I'm tryin' to be strong, they sendin' armies out to bomb me

Listen to Ron, the only DJ that can calm me Constantly armed, my firepower keep me warm

I'm trapped in the storm, and fuck the world till I'm gone Bitches be warned - word is bond, you'll get torn

I'm bustin' on Giuliani, he rubbin' my niggas wrong And then it's on, before I leave picture me

I'm spittin' at punk bitches and hustlin' to be free Watch me set it, niggas don't want it, you can get it

Bet it make these jealous niggas mad I said it This Thug Life nigga

This Thug Life nigga

I'll be the first to set it, homie, you can bet it Just don't get in the way of my cheddar

Man, 'cause I'm a drama setter I don't go lookin' for no trouble But somehow the trouble always finds me

Don't make me have you in the trauma center With your momma crying 'Cause her only son is dying

She don't know it's just your karma catchin' up 'Cause I'm a drama setter

I'm a drama setter

For more infomation >> Eminem Ft. 2Pac - Drama Setter Pt.3 - Duration: 3:00.


Underwater Hunting for CASANO. Dangerous situation. - Duration: 3:51.

Hello to all in this story I will show

a common situation that is quite common

Occurs on underwater hunting

summer hunting on the current

with depths up to 8-9 meters

my goal was sazan so the other fish

such as lucy pike-perch and others passed by

on the next dive I get

on a block of trees and see a decent tail

place strong and fish behavior

fairly calm,

so without fuss I try to make

effective shot to the extent possible

instantly hit the fish and avoid unnecessary struggle

and subsequent loosening

the harpoon passing through the fish was stuck in the tree, the harpoon after walking through the fish was stuck in the tree,

very frequent phenomenon

even when used

crown tip

combat regulator

tried to uproot on the same dive

but I did not, so I surfaced and unwound the coil

The coil is an obligatory element of a complete set

underwater gun. I am sure that it is superfluous

there will be none of the options for underwater hunting

The ideal solution to this situation is

fix the gun on the surface of the fish, if it managed to get confused.

in a boat

either on a buoy

in extreme cases, just leave it floating on the surface.

Remove the lantern from the gun, prepare the knife

and only then carefully

by pulling the cord down to unscrew the harpoon

or release the fish if she managed to get confused

If you dive with a partner, then

be sure to call him to yourself

to secure and explain the situation.

with fish

In my case, I dived alone, so withstood

a good pause for the fish to calm down

and pulled down the raised turbidity, fixed on the buoy the gun.

Prepared a lantern and a knife, only after that

dived along the tight cord and very calmly

without fuss, he uprooted the harpoon with the fish.


friends in my opinion this is one of the most dangerous

situations that can occur on underwater hunting

so it will be interesting to know what

You have options for solving it. Write in the comments under the video.

For more infomation >> Underwater Hunting for CASANO. Dangerous situation. - Duration: 3:51.


How to Control White Discharge And Its Related Problems | White Discharge | Thella Batta - Duration: 3:59.


For more infomation >> How to Control White Discharge And Its Related Problems | White Discharge | Thella Batta - Duration: 3:59.


Jägerteigwaren | | Rezept #178 - Duration: 6:23.

For more infomation >> Jägerteigwaren | | Rezept #178 - Duration: 6:23.


MEIN NEUES SPIELZEUG! - Duration: 12:39.

Robert just got my fullfac helmet and now he's going for his first backflip ever!

hey guys whats up

as I told a couple videos back: I've got a new toy!

we built the new trick jump and now next to it...

on the big square

the airbag is here

today its super windy again, but therefore the bag is perfect

its perfect for learning new tricks in a saver way, perfect your existing tricks and getting them more dialed

today it would have been way to windy to ride the jumps over there but it doesnt matter on the bag

you will land soft anyways

also new:: our beautiful palette roll in

and a sick sound system to fuel our sessions

as you can see the homespot is getting better and better

bagjump and right next to it the mulch jump

and now I am going to show you how we built this thing up

lets do a front flip bar to get into it

and look at the print on top of the airbag. soooo dope!

couple of stones on here already haha

did I saw that right? frontie x up?

don't know what to do first, pulling the brake or doing the x

a little bit underrotated but I think he has it today

and if you would go for something like that on a jump you would land on your back, here you land soft

I would say: lets get the party started

already did a double whip before we started filming today

but I want to do a tripple whip for a long time again

ripped my acl back when I was doing one, so that's why I am riding with this brace

bit scared about this trick nowadays but it would be sick to do it again one day

so lets send one into the bag

almost. my foot was over there

went to the side aswell, lets do it again

my handlebars went crooked but landed haha

both feet were on so lets save it some more and go on to the next move

just invented the circle bike

pick up bar. to the left right?


Robert just got my fullfac helmet and now he's going for his first backflip ever!

and I am going fo an oppowhip to bar

i made it now Robert has to send it

that was the first step

next up is the 360 down whip

had them pretty dialed in winter

but didnt do them for a long time so lets get It back

always did them on 2m jumps but not on 5 or 6 meter ones, but therefore we have the bag now

and Robert is ready to send his 2nd flip try ever"!

3 thirds

sick for the 2nd try

so what I showed Robert before he tried the flip now is the following

might be interesting fo all of you who want to learn flips

1 tip

do this motion when you ride on the flat ground

pop it like that

but stay on your bike. thats the whole flip how to

Robert did that aswell and I think it helps

so if there are some of you who want to learn flips please go to an airbag or foam pit first and then to this!

it also helps if you can also flip on a trampoline or into water

3rd try for you Robert

just keep going

ey max theres something missing

thats how it looks from up here

Robert went all in for the motto lifes short stunt it

think he hates me for saying that but one day he needs to send it on this jump over here :D

but for now lets get them dialed

5 tries wasn't it?!

have to recount it but I think it were 5 tries

it took 5 tries for him to learn the flip

hit the lens with your 2nd hand

that was not so good. got all the dirt in my eyes...

now hands off

next move cork 7 bar

theres quite some time for doing it

but its a tricky one

truck to whip up next. keeping them dialed

sometimes it bounces heavyyy

lets end this video with this move

airbag off

last move of the video

its so much fun to ride my new toy. Robert learned flips

max a frontflip x up and I learned some small stuff aswell

pretty sweet to get a couple of things more dialed and to learn some new stuff

didnt do the craziest stuff yet but you guys know whats possible

not everything works on the 1st day

trick jump right next to it. good times ahead

hope you guys liked the video. if you did please leave a like guys

and subscribe to the channel if you want to join this jersey!

you guys are the best community out there! thanks and see you soon!

For more infomation >> MEIN NEUES SPIELZEUG! - Duration: 12:39.


Your 09 Questions for Achraf Hakimi | "From Borusse to Borusse"| 🇬🇧 Subtitles - Duration: 3:49.

"Hallo", "Guten Morgen", "Danke schön"

"From Borusse to Borusse"

No, no, no, no, no!

Who did you make friends with first?

I think my first friend here was Sergio,

because he speaks Spanish and I sort of know him from playing in Spain.

I think we have a mutual connection because of the language

and because we're from the same city and the same country.

So we have a lot of things in common and I get on really well with him.

What German words have you learnt already?

Ah OK… in German all I know is:

"Hallo", "Guten Morgen", "Danke schön", "Alles Gute", "Vier-Drei-Drei"... nothing else.

"Four-Three-Three"? -"Four-Three-Three", because the coaches say this.

What was your initiation song?

Bad Bunny, "Amorfoda"

OK, now you have to…

No, no, no, no, no! Another time!

Who has the best haircut in the team?

The best haircut? Axel's is a bit different, but I like it.

I sometimes joke around with Mario Götze about his hair,

but to be honest I don't pay much attention to people's hair!

But I know Axel's hair makes him special, and we joke a lot about Mario Götze's hair.

Who's your footballing hero?

I really like Marcelo, because he plays in the same position as me

and he's a bit like me, a really happy person both on and off the pitch.

I would like to give off the same confidence that he does.

I played with him, and I was proud and honoured to do that,

because he's the best left back around and I learned a lot from the advice he gave me.

In Spain, did you see anything about the Yellow Wall?

Yes, not just when I wanted to come here but before that as well.

I saw how the fans get behind the team,

I'm very happy to be here, and I'm really looking forward to playing in front of the fans,

because they're some of the best fans in the world.

What do you think about your FIFA 18 rating?

I don't know - I'll have a look at FIFA 19, hopefully I get a good overall score!

Who did you get on with best at Real Madrid?

I get on very well with Luca Zidane,

because we've always played together since we were young, around 7 or 8 years old.

I also get on well with Borja Mayoral, because he's from the same place as me,

and we played together throughout our time in the junior teams, so we're good friends.

What are your personal ambitions for your time in Dortmund?

Well, I'm here to give my best,

to show that I can be a great player here, and above all to grow.

They've put their faith in me, which gives me confidence, and I want to show that on the pitch.

I want to say thank you to Dortmund, and I hope everyone will support us every weekend.

We're going to give everything on the pitch, and I'm very happy to be here.

For more infomation >> Your 09 Questions for Achraf Hakimi | "From Borusse to Borusse"| 🇬🇧 Subtitles - Duration: 3:49.


AMERİKA'DAKİ AİLEMİZ | 33.Bölüm - Duration: 24:16.

For more infomation >> AMERİKA'DAKİ AİLEMİZ | 33.Bölüm - Duration: 24:16.


Пула (Хорватия). Орёл и Решка. Морской сезон/По морям-2 (Russian, English subtitles) - Duration: 43:57.

Teen Spirit Studios...

And Heads and Tails present

Kolya Serga as a seasoned host of the Sea Season.

And Alina Astrovskaya as a new host of the Sea Season.

Brace yourselves for the best Heads and Tails Sea Season yet!

Even more adventures...

More extreme...

More amazing discoveries!

Someone will throw the money around as usual...

And cruise around on luxurious yachts...

While someone else will swim against the current and will try to survive on $100.

This will be decided by the Heads and Tails.

Alina: Hello everybody! This is Heads and Tails!

Kolya: We were finally washed ashore by the Croatian city of Pula.

Alina: Our colleague Marco Polo was from here, they have so many gorgeous ancient cities, amphitheater, finest restaurants…

Kolya: Stop. This is not the radio. We are on T.V. We have to show things instead of talking about them. Let me show you how the heads look like.

Alina: Tails!

Kolya: Our colleague Marco Polo, which channel is he from?

Alina: Quit stalling!

Kolya: This is what the heads look like. I showed it to you just as I promised.

Man of my word. Man with a backpack will be walking around town.

Alina: A real man indeed! He will be fine on the street.

Pula is an ancient town in Croatia.

It stands still on the shore of the Adriatic Sea.

The warm water is begging you to dive in!

I will begin my travels by exchanging currency as usual.

Who is the last?

Okay we can wait.

I am not in a rush to spend money.

Croatia uses two currencies – euros and local kunas. 530 in local money.

We are going all out!

Now I have to find the cheapest way to get to the center.

Shuttle bus will transfer you for four euros. That is 30 local.

Man: Now there's no shuttle bus because no more flights.

Kolya: Buses only come when there are flights. Now I have to wait until evening. What I can do?

Man: Get a taxi. I costs just one euro more.

Kolya: Taxi it is. The drive between the airport and the city takes fifteen minutes.

I think the taxi fare is fair.

I wonder what kind of ride Alina will get if my car for five euros looks like this.

An apartment on wheels?

A five-euro B.M.W. – doing it big!

A brand new pretty Jaguar will be my ride for the weekend. Just gotta find it.

I know it is white, but I do not see it yet.

Here's my beauty! Hello! Let us get you on the road.

Besides the noble white color, my car boasts a two-liter turbo diesel engine powered by 180 horses.

Zero to a hundred in eight seconds. There was an unpleasant surprise waiting for me.

Wait a minute! Three pedals? Are you serious? It's been ten years since I have driven a stick shift. I'd be damned!

Oh well. Let us try. Press the clutch and drive. Ouch. All right, first gear. So far so good.

What do we know about Croatia?

Marble from an Island of Brac was used to build The White House in D.C.

A ball pen was invented in Croatia.

It is also a birthplace of a famous explorer Marco Polo.

Croatian researchers and Alina are supporters of this theory.

World's largest truffle was also born here and weighted 1.3 kilos.

This was a section of our show that we like to call "What Do We Know About Croatia?"

Last but not the least, Croatia is situated on the shore of the Adriatic Sea, one of the cleanest in Europe.

We arrived at Pula, one of the most popular resorts in Croatia.

Pula is a small town. You will not find newly built buildings, large shopping malls or extended traffic jams.

The reason is that not much has changed here in the past 500 years.

The Greeks founded the city, but it came to true prominence under the rule of the Roman Empire.

That is why it reminds Italy so much.

Most of the city's landmarks are antique monuments. Here is a Roman Triumphal Arc for example.

It used to serve as the entrance to the city.

This is a temple of the emperor Augustus. The founder of the Roman Empire.

The main sight and the heart of the city is a beautiful ancient amphitheater.

Are we sure we are in Pula?

There is Coliseum! That translates Rome!

I've never been to Rome, but it is supposed to be there.

Perhaps this is what Italian embassy looks like here.

There is a record amount of high-quality beaches in Pula – about fifty of them.

All of this town's seashore is one resort area. I chose Riba Beach.

This used to be the most popular public beach because the gulf always calms the waves.

Now it is lacking in a major way. About a year ago, protesters stopped the construction of a wakeboard base here, but the piles remain.

This beach still has a lot of benefits.

The water is about 27C.

The clarity is ideal. It is rumored that it reaches 60 meters deep.

I am not that deep, but I love it!

A year ago this beach was packed. Now it is practically empty. The contingent – mostly locals.

Teens stick closer to the rocks, while the families are chilling here.

Infrastructure – there is a café, a restroom and a lifeguard.

Kayaks and a water trampoline are here to entertain you.

The sand is so so. The particles are too large.

It does not stick to your feet though.

The view would be perfect if not for those piles there. Let me cover it.

Now it is perfect, but I cannot stand here forever.

I give this beach a sure grade of three-and-a-half stars.

Every new host at Heads and Tails has to go through an initiation ritual – wear a wetsuit.

It is my turn to perform this balancing act!

Let me explain to all of you who have never done diving, a wetsuit is hard to put on.

Feels like you are trying to squeeze yourself into threads that are two sizes too small.

A wetsuit has to be very tight to keep your body from cooling down.

Do I look like a Catwoman?

Nice. So tight.

That was beginner diver's hazard number one.

More over where that came from – you have to wear a heavy oxygen tank and a mask that squashes your face.

All I do is fall back, right? I'll be all right.

My instructor assured me that it would feel easier underwater.

Hold your horses.

The pressure underwater is immense. Equipment restricts the movement.

You always have to watch your breathing and remember to blow air through your nose to stabilize pressure.

How can I keep track of all that when I cannot even keep my flippers on?

The key is conquering your fears. A million frightening thoughts ran through my mind.

What if I run out of oxygen?

What if I pass out and drown?

I have to apologize to you friends, but I could not cope with my demons.

Time to make a pit stop. There is a dish in Croatia that is both very filling and affordable.

Burek is a traditional Croatian dish. Everyone eats it. Traditional.

Croatians inherited burek from Ottomans who used to rule this land a few centuries ago.

Smells delicious!

All right, time to chow! Why wait? For a burek to get cold?

A cold burek loses its traditional flavor.

I'll start with a meat burek.

Puffed pastry is dripping oil. The stuff that's bad for you.

Ground beef is on the inside. Sweet! Tasty!

Hunger is the best condiment ever! It is working indeed.

I will try the second burek – a burek with cheese.

Ready, set…

he same puffed pastry. Inside is the cottage cheese, perhaps even the goat cheese.

26 kunas is approximately 3 euros. It is tasty on top of the fact that I get all of these calories.

It turns out that there is a simpler route for inexperienced divers like myself – diving without an aqualung.

Here is the deal – you put this mask on and the oxygen is distributed to you through an air pump.

No need to wear the heavy equipment.

I felt like an astronaut underwater. An explorer of a new planet.

After all, you wear a space helmet, move around weightless and see extraterrestrial landscapes around you.

Myriads of fishes were following me as I fed them bread.

Terrific! Colorful! Not a single bit scary!

Fellas let me give heads up on how to live in the historical center for twenty bucks – Hostel Antique.

Remember that name.

My twenty bucks got me large community kitchen. Nice that no one is here.

Let us check the fridge. We hit a jackpot!

The fridge is stacked and no one is around.

I also got a bunkbed in a bedroom for eight people.

I took a tour of the hostel and it looks very decent. Nicely renovated. Everything is clean and neat.

Nothing looks antique.

I have not seen any people though, which is good for me. I will live in an empty room for twenty bucks.

Let me get the door.

I am going to rent a villa at one of the most expensive hotels in the region.

A few dozen villas are drowning in the sea of vineyards and olive groves.

One of them will be my home for the weekend after I pay 1,100 euros for a night.



I love real flowers!

Welcome Alina.

The style of my deluxe apartment is Mediterranean. Tones of pastel. Light wood furniture with pearly coating.

These lights look like candles!

How do you find this Alina Astrovskaya? I think I like what I see. The room feels golden.

The kitchen and the living room are on the first floor.

The second floor features two bedrooms.

Oh! How pretty it is! Wait a sec. Let me move this.

This feels like a real cloud.

Can I pack this bed and take it with me please? Pretty please!

Every weekend evening locals and tourists gather at the amphitheater to watch gladiator fights.

This is a sellout! A classic Meal'n'Real. Not sure if they feed guests, but we're in for a show!

The entrance used to be free during the rule of the Romans. Now it will cost me ten euros.

Even a tourist with short money can afford that.

The gladiator fights are held just as they were in the yesteryear.

The show begins with the ruler's appearance. His family takes their seats as the crowd is cheering them on.

The battles begin with the fights of slaves.

Just as one fighter is slayed, another one takes his place.

Usually there is just one weapon for the two of them.They fight to gain control of it.

There can only be one survivor in the end. The strongest and the most resilient man wins.

I thought the fights would look more staged. The fake looking clutching of the heart. Dramatic falls and all.

It turned out to be much better than I expected. This is awesome!

The captive gladiators take the stage next. Before the battle they hail the ruler with a famous greeting – we who are about to die salute you!

The best gladiators fight close towards the end of this bloodbath.

They were usually free men who fought for glory and loot.

You will not see blood or corpses now of course. The swords are made of wood. The bruises are the worst injuries that can happen to these gladiators.

One thing remained unchanged over many centuries – gladiator fights still delight the public. They want the bread and a show.

Not too far from Pula, there is a town of Rovinj. I am here to show you an amazing place to meet the sunset.

I came to a restaurant on a cliff called Valentino. This place is a hit amongst the couples in love.

This place gets ten out of ten on the cuteness scale. All because it is insanely gorgeous and romantic.

This is an ideal place to see the sunset and the views of the Adriatic Sea.

You can have a great time even if you come by yourself.

Even better with a gold card, because this atmosphere is not cheap. One cocktail here costs around fifty euros.

This is nothing for me, but the price is kinda steep.

I really wish everyone could visit this place with his or her loved one, so I will make a wish for you.

Good night friends. Can you get up off my bed Dima? You have your own bunk! Get up! Thank you.

Have you seen my slippers?

What is this? Did you fill it up?

You cannot be serious! I want to stay away from water for a few days!

He thinks he is being romantic! Good night!

I left Pula on the second day to see the region's most famous landmark – a town of Hum.

It is considered to be the smallest city in the world. Ninety kilometers on a stuffy bus it too much.

I heard Croatians are very friendly to hitchhikers. Let us see for ourselves.

Not all Beemers are nice in this town. That one was indifferent

If I saw someone standing on the curb with a thumb up, I would definitely pull over and put mine on top.

We cannot forget the games that we played as kids!

We got one!

The world is full of kind people! Fifteen minutes and done – we found a car!

Many rich folks entertain themselves with hunting. I will not harm anyone during my hunt!

The reason is that I will be hunting for one of the world's most precious delicacies – truffle.

The price for a kilo of these mushrooms can reach up to 8,000 euros.

Motovun Forest is the best place to search for truffles in Croatia. In fact, the largest truffle ever found was discovered here and weighted 1.3 kilograms.

Meet Ivito and his helpers Sarah and Lola.

Good girls! You're a true bloodhound, aren't ya? Will you find me a truffle?

Before heading out on the search, he prepares the dogs for work by letting them smell a truffle.

They love truffle! Look! Then the hounds pick up the trail and follow it.

Truffles grow underground inside tree roots. The job of a dog is to find a hole with truffle.

A couple of minutes of running around the forest later… She found one! Look!

It is important to stop the dog in time before it can damage the gentle fruit.

Is this it there? You are such a good girl! You found it so fast! Here it is! The aroma is so appetizing!

Truffles look like shrunken potatoes with a distinct nutty odor.

It is important to cover the hole where you found truffles, because a new mushroom can grow there.

I did not find a kilo, but a couple is fine.

The driver took me halfway to Hum.

How did you get there? Weren't you in the backseat?

All right, let us roll.

I found myself near one of the most popular oyster farms in Croatia.

Awesome! I will grab some breakfast.

Meet Emil, the farm's owner. Can you imagine he built all of this himself? He used internet videos for a manual.

Emil: I dream it and I look every year on YouTube, but it was too expensive to do the start.

So, do you want to taste some oyster?

Kolya: Yeah. Thanks. The time has finally come!

Emil: We have oysters who are two and a half years old.

Kolya: It is 2,5 years old.

Emil: They are nearly perfect, but the young oysters are sweeter.

Kolya: Yeah? I didn't know, but now I know.

Top of the morning to ya!

Very tasty and very sweet!

Amazing Croatian oysters are considered the best in the world, may the French forgive me.

Here is the secret. This body of water contains a lot of fresh water from many small rivers that flow into it.

The salinity of the channel is 36 per thousand. The salty water goes to the bottom and it stays warm, while the fresh water, or sweet as he calls it, stays on top.

When you swim here, it is cold on the surface because of a one and a half meter layer of the fresh water.

That is the exact reason why the local oysters have such an unusual taste.

They have very distinct sweet tones in taste. It is salty, but also sweet. Delicious oysters.

Thank you very much. Breakfast was delicious, but I am still hungry.

I found truffles. Now would be a great time to taste them. I came to Zigante restaurant.

The restaurant prides itself on two key things – a Michelin star and…

I am in luck – not only will I be eating truffles, but they will also be prepared as traditional Croatian dishes.

Two in one!

Oh! Finally! Wow!

Their dishes look like molecular gastronomy.

Dish number one – Istrian minestrone. It contains beans, potatoes, slices of truffle and corn porridge.

Let us taste the first dish. These look like little aliens.

Looks like space food!

It feels as if a raw egg popped in my mouth, but there is not any distinct strong taste. Perhaps the second one will be better.

Dish number two – Piglet's tenderloin served with greens and a truffle sauce.

The meat does not taste dry, but it is not one bit fat.

It is very tender. Super softly. It tastes piquantly with truffle. Thin slices of truffle look like butterfly wings.

Tastes unusual, but I have trouble believing that every Croatian housewife has all of these products on hand.

Now the plate with the most calories – stewed chicken meat served with dry chicken skin and slices of truffle.

I must not be a gourmet. It reminds me of dumplings from back home, but those are sweet.

This one has no taste besides the added truffle. At last, the dessert – ice cream topped with truffle.

Now this is delicious.

Ice cream is the winner of this gastronomical battle. Super tasty.

I could eat more easily.

I failed to catch a ride straight to Hum for the second time.

I have to do a little bit more walking.

According to the Guinness Book of World Records Hum is the tiniest city on the planet.

It only has two streets that include a dozen and a half houses.

Hum used to be a fortress back in the day. In the 11th Century it was granted a city status.

The town features a store, a church and a cemetery.

Town's population is 28 persons – 23 adults and 5 children.

Alexander: Another place.

Citizens of Hum live of growing industrial crops of cannabis and vineyards and also tourists – entrance to the city costs two euros.

Alexander told me that Hum does not have police, doctors or utility companies.

The nearest ones are located forty kilometers away, but the locals manage without them just fine.

Not only is this the smallest town in the world, but it's also the safest one.

The house looks antique from the outside, medieval even.

Once you step inside you see the modern interior, a T.V. and everything else top shelf.

Each city has to have a mayor. Hum is no different.

Traditionally, eleven local elders elect a mayor by leaving notches on wooded staffs. Each notch represents one vote.

They carve votes for one candidate on one side of the staff and vice versa.

One of them received five votes. The other one got six. That was a dramatic race.

Decided by a single vote, like the penalty kicks. That is an awesome way to vote.

As you might imagine there was never a problem with a vote count, but what is most amazing is the attitude of the citizens.

They call this process an election of a Fool-for-a-Year, because a mayor does not have any authority.

His position is strictly nominal.

Do you know what is lovely about this place? Despite flocks of sightseers, this is hardly a touristy Mecca. There is life here.

Those 28 people who live here live real lives. They do not work in the stores, out-of-towners do that, and there is a magical attribute to it.

As if you are watching the way life should be from behind the glass, not a staged act.

Therefore, I would come here if I were you. Just like I did.

Pula is like a cunning teenage girl that took good notice of all the best things that the neighbors have to offer.

That is a Coliseum, right?

Azure shores of Greece.

Oyster farms of France.

And truffle forests of Italy. Look, here it is! Outstanding!

Do we have a right to blame her because she has good taste?

We are going all out!

I'll be damned.

The sand particles are too large, but they do not stick to your feet.

Do I look like a Catwoman?

We hit the jackpot!

I could eat some more.

Nice. Tasty.

Very nice. This place gets ten out of ten on the cuteness scale.

Very nice. This place gets ten out of ten on the cuteness scale.

Hello Kolya!

Kolya: Hello Alina. Ouch! You stepped on my foot!

Alina: Sorry!

Kolya: I'm good.

Alina: I have a surprise for you. I hold in my hand a delicacy that equals your entire budget.

Kolya: Truffles?

Alina: Yes!

Kolya: Incredible! This is so nice!

Despite getting the worst side of the coin toss, I do not regret anything, because I ate oysters!

Alina: Oysters?

Kolya: Yeah and I rode two business-class vehicles and practically had V.I.P. seats at the gladiator fight!

Alina: How? Can you tell me?

Alina: Must be your experience. I spent a ton of money, but I did not enjoy myself. Diving was horrifying.

They dropped me in the water like a kitten. Two words about the car – stick shift.

Kolya: Huh?

Alina: He is not listening! He does not hear me!

Kolya: I get it. You did not enjoy yourself. Why don't we go half on the gold card next time?

Kolya: Until the next time friends!

Alina: You have to chop up these details for me. Could I be spending at the wrong places?

Kolya: You are. You should be walking around town, spending your $100.

Kolya: Thank you for the truffles though.

Alina: At least you liked something.

For more infomation >> Пула (Хорватия). Орёл и Решка. Морской сезон/По морям-2 (Russian, English subtitles) - Duration: 43:57.


Croquis Cafe: Figure Drawing Resource No. 334 - Duration: 22:47.

Hi, I'm Larry Withers and welcome back to the Croquis Cafe.

As figure artists we work in line and shade.

Line to define the boundaries of the figure, and shade to give the form volume.

Well next week we're going to focus on these two elements of drawing.

In a special Croquis Cafe featuring our model Nova Amour. So tune it for that.

Please follow us on Instagram. Also post your drawing to Instagram, #croquiscafe

We appreciate all of you who've donated to the Croquis Cafe. Large or small all donations are appreciated.

To support to the Croquis Cafe follow the link below in the description area to our donations page.

And with that enjoy this week's Croquis Cafe.

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