Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 2 2018


is an outstanding advertisement for our business.

We've been using CLAAS forage harvesters since 1998.

Because we can always rely on their quality.

My name is Michael Bredehöft.

I come from northern Germany.

We have an agricultural contracting business

and an agricultural workshop.

We repair and sell milking and refrigeration systems.

We're in the middle of the first silage cut right now.

We're using all our machines

for maize drilling and ploughing.

All of our tractors and people are in action.

We start at 5 in the morning

and work until 11-12 at night.

We replace the forage harvesters every

three to four years at 3,000 to 3,500 operating hours.

The 498 has an improved cab,

where the operators feel very much at home.

The crop flow in the 498 has improved once again.

Even if the grass silage has a high sugar content,

we don't get any blockages now.

The drum concave adjusts automatically

at the same time as the shear bar.

That's giving us even better ejection speeds.

Ground contour following has been improved


which reduces dirt take-up.

All CLAAS forage harvesters are equipped

with the tyre pressure adjustment system.

These features represent a big advantage

at our moorland sites.

Fuel consumption is down

as we now have a 6-cylinder machine as well.

At first, we were a bit sceptical,

but it's just as convincing as the 8-cylinder unit

we used before.

It's important for us to keep to the deadlines

the customer gives us.

To do that, we need good machines

and that's what we get from CLAAS.

Farmers are demanding ever higher quality from us.

We meet this need completely with the new 498 model.

We enjoy talking to farmers,

being able to offer them something.

We're happy when they thank us

and tell us that we've done a good job.

For more infomation >> Working in Germany. The JAGUAR. / 2018 / en - Duration: 2:51.


Eminem Ft. 2Pac - Drama Setter Pt.3 - Duration: 3:00.

I can't tell you what it really is, I can only tell you what it feels like

And right now there's a steel knife in my windpipe

I can't breathe, but I still fight while I can fight As long as the wrong feels right, it's like I'm in flight

High off her love, drunk from my hate

It's like I'm huffin' paint and I love her, the more I suffer, I suffocate

And right before I'm about to drown, she resuscitates me

She fuckin' hates me, and I love it; "Wait! Where you going?"

"I'm leaving you", "No, you ain't, come back!" We're runnin' right back, here we go again

It's so insane, 'cause when it's goin' good, it's goin' great I'm Superman with the wind at his back, she's Lois Lane

But when it's bad, it's awful, I feel so ashamed I snap, "Who's that dude?", I don't even know his name

I laid hands on him, I'll never stoop so low again I guess I don't know my own strength

I'm a drama setter (Till we die)

Ha ha, guess who's home?!

I'm a drama setter (Till we die)

Follow me, tell me if you feel me I think niggas is tryin' to kill me

Picturin' pistols, spittin' hollow points till they drill me Keepin' it real, and even if I do conceal

My criminal thoughts, preoccupied with keepin' steel See niggas is false, sittin' in court, turned snitches

That used to be real, but now they're petrified bitches I'm tryin' to be strong, they sendin' armies out to bomb me

Listen to Ron, the only DJ that can calm me Constantly armed, my firepower keep me warm

I'm trapped in the storm, and fuck the world till I'm gone Bitches be warned - word is bond, you'll get torn

I'm bustin' on Giuliani, he rubbin' my niggas wrong And then it's on, before I leave picture me

I'm spittin' at punk bitches and hustlin' to be free Watch me set it, niggas don't want it, you can get it

Bet it make these jealous niggas mad I said it This Thug Life nigga

This Thug Life nigga

I'll be the first to set it, homie, you can bet it Just don't get in the way of my cheddar

Man, 'cause I'm a drama setter I don't go lookin' for no trouble But somehow the trouble always finds me

Don't make me have you in the trauma center With your momma crying 'Cause her only son is dying

She don't know it's just your karma catchin' up 'Cause I'm a drama setter

I'm a drama setter

For more infomation >> Eminem Ft. 2Pac - Drama Setter Pt.3 - Duration: 3:00.


MEIN NEUES SPIELZEUG! - Duration: 12:39.

Robert just got my fullfac helmet and now he's going for his first backflip ever!

hey guys whats up

as I told a couple videos back: I've got a new toy!

we built the new trick jump and now next to it...

on the big square

the airbag is here

today its super windy again, but therefore the bag is perfect

its perfect for learning new tricks in a saver way, perfect your existing tricks and getting them more dialed

today it would have been way to windy to ride the jumps over there but it doesnt matter on the bag

you will land soft anyways

also new:: our beautiful palette roll in

and a sick sound system to fuel our sessions

as you can see the homespot is getting better and better

bagjump and right next to it the mulch jump

and now I am going to show you how we built this thing up

lets do a front flip bar to get into it

and look at the print on top of the airbag. soooo dope!

couple of stones on here already haha

did I saw that right? frontie x up?

don't know what to do first, pulling the brake or doing the x

a little bit underrotated but I think he has it today

and if you would go for something like that on a jump you would land on your back, here you land soft

I would say: lets get the party started

already did a double whip before we started filming today

but I want to do a tripple whip for a long time again

ripped my acl back when I was doing one, so that's why I am riding with this brace

bit scared about this trick nowadays but it would be sick to do it again one day

so lets send one into the bag

almost. my foot was over there

went to the side aswell, lets do it again

my handlebars went crooked but landed haha

both feet were on so lets save it some more and go on to the next move

just invented the circle bike

pick up bar. to the left right?


Robert just got my fullfac helmet and now he's going for his first backflip ever!

and I am going fo an oppowhip to bar

i made it now Robert has to send it

that was the first step

next up is the 360 down whip

had them pretty dialed in winter

but didnt do them for a long time so lets get It back

always did them on 2m jumps but not on 5 or 6 meter ones, but therefore we have the bag now

and Robert is ready to send his 2nd flip try ever"!

3 thirds

sick for the 2nd try

so what I showed Robert before he tried the flip now is the following

might be interesting fo all of you who want to learn flips

1 tip

do this motion when you ride on the flat ground

pop it like that

but stay on your bike. thats the whole flip how to

Robert did that aswell and I think it helps

so if there are some of you who want to learn flips please go to an airbag or foam pit first and then to this!

it also helps if you can also flip on a trampoline or into water

3rd try for you Robert

just keep going

ey max theres something missing

thats how it looks from up here

Robert went all in for the motto lifes short stunt it

think he hates me for saying that but one day he needs to send it on this jump over here :D

but for now lets get them dialed

5 tries wasn't it?!

have to recount it but I think it were 5 tries

it took 5 tries for him to learn the flip

hit the lens with your 2nd hand

that was not so good. got all the dirt in my eyes...

now hands off

next move cork 7 bar

theres quite some time for doing it

but its a tricky one

truck to whip up next. keeping them dialed

sometimes it bounces heavyyy

lets end this video with this move

airbag off

last move of the video

its so much fun to ride my new toy. Robert learned flips

max a frontflip x up and I learned some small stuff aswell

pretty sweet to get a couple of things more dialed and to learn some new stuff

didnt do the craziest stuff yet but you guys know whats possible

not everything works on the 1st day

trick jump right next to it. good times ahead

hope you guys liked the video. if you did please leave a like guys

and subscribe to the channel if you want to join this jersey!

you guys are the best community out there! thanks and see you soon!

For more infomation >> MEIN NEUES SPIELZEUG! - Duration: 12:39.


Пула (Хорватия). Орёл и Решка. Морской сезон/По морям-2 (Russian, English subtitles) - Duration: 43:57.

Teen Spirit Studios...

And Heads and Tails present

Kolya Serga as a seasoned host of the Sea Season.

And Alina Astrovskaya as a new host of the Sea Season.

Brace yourselves for the best Heads and Tails Sea Season yet!

Even more adventures...

More extreme...

More amazing discoveries!

Someone will throw the money around as usual...

And cruise around on luxurious yachts...

While someone else will swim against the current and will try to survive on $100.

This will be decided by the Heads and Tails.

Alina: Hello everybody! This is Heads and Tails!

Kolya: We were finally washed ashore by the Croatian city of Pula.

Alina: Our colleague Marco Polo was from here, they have so many gorgeous ancient cities, amphitheater, finest restaurants…

Kolya: Stop. This is not the radio. We are on T.V. We have to show things instead of talking about them. Let me show you how the heads look like.

Alina: Tails!

Kolya: Our colleague Marco Polo, which channel is he from?

Alina: Quit stalling!

Kolya: This is what the heads look like. I showed it to you just as I promised.

Man of my word. Man with a backpack will be walking around town.

Alina: A real man indeed! He will be fine on the street.

Pula is an ancient town in Croatia.

It stands still on the shore of the Adriatic Sea.

The warm water is begging you to dive in!

I will begin my travels by exchanging currency as usual.

Who is the last?

Okay we can wait.

I am not in a rush to spend money.

Croatia uses two currencies – euros and local kunas. 530 in local money.

We are going all out!

Now I have to find the cheapest way to get to the center.

Shuttle bus will transfer you for four euros. That is 30 local.

Man: Now there's no shuttle bus because no more flights.

Kolya: Buses only come when there are flights. Now I have to wait until evening. What I can do?

Man: Get a taxi. I costs just one euro more.

Kolya: Taxi it is. The drive between the airport and the city takes fifteen minutes.

I think the taxi fare is fair.

I wonder what kind of ride Alina will get if my car for five euros looks like this.

An apartment on wheels?

A five-euro B.M.W. – doing it big!

A brand new pretty Jaguar will be my ride for the weekend. Just gotta find it.

I know it is white, but I do not see it yet.

Here's my beauty! Hello! Let us get you on the road.

Besides the noble white color, my car boasts a two-liter turbo diesel engine powered by 180 horses.

Zero to a hundred in eight seconds. There was an unpleasant surprise waiting for me.

Wait a minute! Three pedals? Are you serious? It's been ten years since I have driven a stick shift. I'd be damned!

Oh well. Let us try. Press the clutch and drive. Ouch. All right, first gear. So far so good.

What do we know about Croatia?

Marble from an Island of Brac was used to build The White House in D.C.

A ball pen was invented in Croatia.

It is also a birthplace of a famous explorer Marco Polo.

Croatian researchers and Alina are supporters of this theory.

World's largest truffle was also born here and weighted 1.3 kilos.

This was a section of our show that we like to call "What Do We Know About Croatia?"

Last but not the least, Croatia is situated on the shore of the Adriatic Sea, one of the cleanest in Europe.

We arrived at Pula, one of the most popular resorts in Croatia.

Pula is a small town. You will not find newly built buildings, large shopping malls or extended traffic jams.

The reason is that not much has changed here in the past 500 years.

The Greeks founded the city, but it came to true prominence under the rule of the Roman Empire.

That is why it reminds Italy so much.

Most of the city's landmarks are antique monuments. Here is a Roman Triumphal Arc for example.

It used to serve as the entrance to the city.

This is a temple of the emperor Augustus. The founder of the Roman Empire.

The main sight and the heart of the city is a beautiful ancient amphitheater.

Are we sure we are in Pula?

There is Coliseum! That translates Rome!

I've never been to Rome, but it is supposed to be there.

Perhaps this is what Italian embassy looks like here.

There is a record amount of high-quality beaches in Pula – about fifty of them.

All of this town's seashore is one resort area. I chose Riba Beach.

This used to be the most popular public beach because the gulf always calms the waves.

Now it is lacking in a major way. About a year ago, protesters stopped the construction of a wakeboard base here, but the piles remain.

This beach still has a lot of benefits.

The water is about 27C.

The clarity is ideal. It is rumored that it reaches 60 meters deep.

I am not that deep, but I love it!

A year ago this beach was packed. Now it is practically empty. The contingent – mostly locals.

Teens stick closer to the rocks, while the families are chilling here.

Infrastructure – there is a café, a restroom and a lifeguard.

Kayaks and a water trampoline are here to entertain you.

The sand is so so. The particles are too large.

It does not stick to your feet though.

The view would be perfect if not for those piles there. Let me cover it.

Now it is perfect, but I cannot stand here forever.

I give this beach a sure grade of three-and-a-half stars.

Every new host at Heads and Tails has to go through an initiation ritual – wear a wetsuit.

It is my turn to perform this balancing act!

Let me explain to all of you who have never done diving, a wetsuit is hard to put on.

Feels like you are trying to squeeze yourself into threads that are two sizes too small.

A wetsuit has to be very tight to keep your body from cooling down.

Do I look like a Catwoman?

Nice. So tight.

That was beginner diver's hazard number one.

More over where that came from – you have to wear a heavy oxygen tank and a mask that squashes your face.

All I do is fall back, right? I'll be all right.

My instructor assured me that it would feel easier underwater.

Hold your horses.

The pressure underwater is immense. Equipment restricts the movement.

You always have to watch your breathing and remember to blow air through your nose to stabilize pressure.

How can I keep track of all that when I cannot even keep my flippers on?

The key is conquering your fears. A million frightening thoughts ran through my mind.

What if I run out of oxygen?

What if I pass out and drown?

I have to apologize to you friends, but I could not cope with my demons.

Time to make a pit stop. There is a dish in Croatia that is both very filling and affordable.

Burek is a traditional Croatian dish. Everyone eats it. Traditional.

Croatians inherited burek from Ottomans who used to rule this land a few centuries ago.

Smells delicious!

All right, time to chow! Why wait? For a burek to get cold?

A cold burek loses its traditional flavor.

I'll start with a meat burek.

Puffed pastry is dripping oil. The stuff that's bad for you.

Ground beef is on the inside. Sweet! Tasty!

Hunger is the best condiment ever! It is working indeed.

I will try the second burek – a burek with cheese.

Ready, set…

he same puffed pastry. Inside is the cottage cheese, perhaps even the goat cheese.

26 kunas is approximately 3 euros. It is tasty on top of the fact that I get all of these calories.

It turns out that there is a simpler route for inexperienced divers like myself – diving without an aqualung.

Here is the deal – you put this mask on and the oxygen is distributed to you through an air pump.

No need to wear the heavy equipment.

I felt like an astronaut underwater. An explorer of a new planet.

After all, you wear a space helmet, move around weightless and see extraterrestrial landscapes around you.

Myriads of fishes were following me as I fed them bread.

Terrific! Colorful! Not a single bit scary!

Fellas let me give heads up on how to live in the historical center for twenty bucks – Hostel Antique.

Remember that name.

My twenty bucks got me large community kitchen. Nice that no one is here.

Let us check the fridge. We hit a jackpot!

The fridge is stacked and no one is around.

I also got a bunkbed in a bedroom for eight people.

I took a tour of the hostel and it looks very decent. Nicely renovated. Everything is clean and neat.

Nothing looks antique.

I have not seen any people though, which is good for me. I will live in an empty room for twenty bucks.

Let me get the door.

I am going to rent a villa at one of the most expensive hotels in the region.

A few dozen villas are drowning in the sea of vineyards and olive groves.

One of them will be my home for the weekend after I pay 1,100 euros for a night.



I love real flowers!

Welcome Alina.

The style of my deluxe apartment is Mediterranean. Tones of pastel. Light wood furniture with pearly coating.

These lights look like candles!

How do you find this Alina Astrovskaya? I think I like what I see. The room feels golden.

The kitchen and the living room are on the first floor.

The second floor features two bedrooms.

Oh! How pretty it is! Wait a sec. Let me move this.

This feels like a real cloud.

Can I pack this bed and take it with me please? Pretty please!

Every weekend evening locals and tourists gather at the amphitheater to watch gladiator fights.

This is a sellout! A classic Meal'n'Real. Not sure if they feed guests, but we're in for a show!

The entrance used to be free during the rule of the Romans. Now it will cost me ten euros.

Even a tourist with short money can afford that.

The gladiator fights are held just as they were in the yesteryear.

The show begins with the ruler's appearance. His family takes their seats as the crowd is cheering them on.

The battles begin with the fights of slaves.

Just as one fighter is slayed, another one takes his place.

Usually there is just one weapon for the two of them.They fight to gain control of it.

There can only be one survivor in the end. The strongest and the most resilient man wins.

I thought the fights would look more staged. The fake looking clutching of the heart. Dramatic falls and all.

It turned out to be much better than I expected. This is awesome!

The captive gladiators take the stage next. Before the battle they hail the ruler with a famous greeting – we who are about to die salute you!

The best gladiators fight close towards the end of this bloodbath.

They were usually free men who fought for glory and loot.

You will not see blood or corpses now of course. The swords are made of wood. The bruises are the worst injuries that can happen to these gladiators.

One thing remained unchanged over many centuries – gladiator fights still delight the public. They want the bread and a show.

Not too far from Pula, there is a town of Rovinj. I am here to show you an amazing place to meet the sunset.

I came to a restaurant on a cliff called Valentino. This place is a hit amongst the couples in love.

This place gets ten out of ten on the cuteness scale. All because it is insanely gorgeous and romantic.

This is an ideal place to see the sunset and the views of the Adriatic Sea.

You can have a great time even if you come by yourself.

Even better with a gold card, because this atmosphere is not cheap. One cocktail here costs around fifty euros.

This is nothing for me, but the price is kinda steep.

I really wish everyone could visit this place with his or her loved one, so I will make a wish for you.

Good night friends. Can you get up off my bed Dima? You have your own bunk! Get up! Thank you.

Have you seen my slippers?

What is this? Did you fill it up?

You cannot be serious! I want to stay away from water for a few days!

He thinks he is being romantic! Good night!

I left Pula on the second day to see the region's most famous landmark – a town of Hum.

It is considered to be the smallest city in the world. Ninety kilometers on a stuffy bus it too much.

I heard Croatians are very friendly to hitchhikers. Let us see for ourselves.

Not all Beemers are nice in this town. That one was indifferent

If I saw someone standing on the curb with a thumb up, I would definitely pull over and put mine on top.

We cannot forget the games that we played as kids!

We got one!

The world is full of kind people! Fifteen minutes and done – we found a car!

Many rich folks entertain themselves with hunting. I will not harm anyone during my hunt!

The reason is that I will be hunting for one of the world's most precious delicacies – truffle.

The price for a kilo of these mushrooms can reach up to 8,000 euros.

Motovun Forest is the best place to search for truffles in Croatia. In fact, the largest truffle ever found was discovered here and weighted 1.3 kilograms.

Meet Ivito and his helpers Sarah and Lola.

Good girls! You're a true bloodhound, aren't ya? Will you find me a truffle?

Before heading out on the search, he prepares the dogs for work by letting them smell a truffle.

They love truffle! Look! Then the hounds pick up the trail and follow it.

Truffles grow underground inside tree roots. The job of a dog is to find a hole with truffle.

A couple of minutes of running around the forest later… She found one! Look!

It is important to stop the dog in time before it can damage the gentle fruit.

Is this it there? You are such a good girl! You found it so fast! Here it is! The aroma is so appetizing!

Truffles look like shrunken potatoes with a distinct nutty odor.

It is important to cover the hole where you found truffles, because a new mushroom can grow there.

I did not find a kilo, but a couple is fine.

The driver took me halfway to Hum.

How did you get there? Weren't you in the backseat?

All right, let us roll.

I found myself near one of the most popular oyster farms in Croatia.

Awesome! I will grab some breakfast.

Meet Emil, the farm's owner. Can you imagine he built all of this himself? He used internet videos for a manual.

Emil: I dream it and I look every year on YouTube, but it was too expensive to do the start.

So, do you want to taste some oyster?

Kolya: Yeah. Thanks. The time has finally come!

Emil: We have oysters who are two and a half years old.

Kolya: It is 2,5 years old.

Emil: They are nearly perfect, but the young oysters are sweeter.

Kolya: Yeah? I didn't know, but now I know.

Top of the morning to ya!

Very tasty and very sweet!

Amazing Croatian oysters are considered the best in the world, may the French forgive me.

Here is the secret. This body of water contains a lot of fresh water from many small rivers that flow into it.

The salinity of the channel is 36 per thousand. The salty water goes to the bottom and it stays warm, while the fresh water, or sweet as he calls it, stays on top.

When you swim here, it is cold on the surface because of a one and a half meter layer of the fresh water.

That is the exact reason why the local oysters have such an unusual taste.

They have very distinct sweet tones in taste. It is salty, but also sweet. Delicious oysters.

Thank you very much. Breakfast was delicious, but I am still hungry.

I found truffles. Now would be a great time to taste them. I came to Zigante restaurant.

The restaurant prides itself on two key things – a Michelin star and…

I am in luck – not only will I be eating truffles, but they will also be prepared as traditional Croatian dishes.

Two in one!

Oh! Finally! Wow!

Their dishes look like molecular gastronomy.

Dish number one – Istrian minestrone. It contains beans, potatoes, slices of truffle and corn porridge.

Let us taste the first dish. These look like little aliens.

Looks like space food!

It feels as if a raw egg popped in my mouth, but there is not any distinct strong taste. Perhaps the second one will be better.

Dish number two – Piglet's tenderloin served with greens and a truffle sauce.

The meat does not taste dry, but it is not one bit fat.

It is very tender. Super softly. It tastes piquantly with truffle. Thin slices of truffle look like butterfly wings.

Tastes unusual, but I have trouble believing that every Croatian housewife has all of these products on hand.

Now the plate with the most calories – stewed chicken meat served with dry chicken skin and slices of truffle.

I must not be a gourmet. It reminds me of dumplings from back home, but those are sweet.

This one has no taste besides the added truffle. At last, the dessert – ice cream topped with truffle.

Now this is delicious.

Ice cream is the winner of this gastronomical battle. Super tasty.

I could eat more easily.

I failed to catch a ride straight to Hum for the second time.

I have to do a little bit more walking.

According to the Guinness Book of World Records Hum is the tiniest city on the planet.

It only has two streets that include a dozen and a half houses.

Hum used to be a fortress back in the day. In the 11th Century it was granted a city status.

The town features a store, a church and a cemetery.

Town's population is 28 persons – 23 adults and 5 children.

Alexander: Another place.

Citizens of Hum live of growing industrial crops of cannabis and vineyards and also tourists – entrance to the city costs two euros.

Alexander told me that Hum does not have police, doctors or utility companies.

The nearest ones are located forty kilometers away, but the locals manage without them just fine.

Not only is this the smallest town in the world, but it's also the safest one.

The house looks antique from the outside, medieval even.

Once you step inside you see the modern interior, a T.V. and everything else top shelf.

Each city has to have a mayor. Hum is no different.

Traditionally, eleven local elders elect a mayor by leaving notches on wooded staffs. Each notch represents one vote.

They carve votes for one candidate on one side of the staff and vice versa.

One of them received five votes. The other one got six. That was a dramatic race.

Decided by a single vote, like the penalty kicks. That is an awesome way to vote.

As you might imagine there was never a problem with a vote count, but what is most amazing is the attitude of the citizens.

They call this process an election of a Fool-for-a-Year, because a mayor does not have any authority.

His position is strictly nominal.

Do you know what is lovely about this place? Despite flocks of sightseers, this is hardly a touristy Mecca. There is life here.

Those 28 people who live here live real lives. They do not work in the stores, out-of-towners do that, and there is a magical attribute to it.

As if you are watching the way life should be from behind the glass, not a staged act.

Therefore, I would come here if I were you. Just like I did.

Pula is like a cunning teenage girl that took good notice of all the best things that the neighbors have to offer.

That is a Coliseum, right?

Azure shores of Greece.

Oyster farms of France.

And truffle forests of Italy. Look, here it is! Outstanding!

Do we have a right to blame her because she has good taste?

We are going all out!

I'll be damned.

The sand particles are too large, but they do not stick to your feet.

Do I look like a Catwoman?

We hit the jackpot!

I could eat some more.

Nice. Tasty.

Very nice. This place gets ten out of ten on the cuteness scale.

Very nice. This place gets ten out of ten on the cuteness scale.

Hello Kolya!

Kolya: Hello Alina. Ouch! You stepped on my foot!

Alina: Sorry!

Kolya: I'm good.

Alina: I have a surprise for you. I hold in my hand a delicacy that equals your entire budget.

Kolya: Truffles?

Alina: Yes!

Kolya: Incredible! This is so nice!

Despite getting the worst side of the coin toss, I do not regret anything, because I ate oysters!

Alina: Oysters?

Kolya: Yeah and I rode two business-class vehicles and practically had V.I.P. seats at the gladiator fight!

Alina: How? Can you tell me?

Alina: Must be your experience. I spent a ton of money, but I did not enjoy myself. Diving was horrifying.

They dropped me in the water like a kitten. Two words about the car – stick shift.

Kolya: Huh?

Alina: He is not listening! He does not hear me!

Kolya: I get it. You did not enjoy yourself. Why don't we go half on the gold card next time?

Kolya: Until the next time friends!

Alina: You have to chop up these details for me. Could I be spending at the wrong places?

Kolya: You are. You should be walking around town, spending your $100.

Kolya: Thank you for the truffles though.

Alina: At least you liked something.

For more infomation >> Пула (Хорватия). Орёл и Решка. Морской сезон/По морям-2 (Russian, English subtitles) - Duration: 43:57.


Croquis Cafe: Figure Drawing Resource No. 334 - Duration: 22:47.

Hi, I'm Larry Withers and welcome back to the Croquis Cafe.

As figure artists we work in line and shade.

Line to define the boundaries of the figure, and shade to give the form volume.

Well next week we're going to focus on these two elements of drawing.

In a special Croquis Cafe featuring our model Nova Amour. So tune it for that.

Please follow us on Instagram. Also post your drawing to Instagram, #croquiscafe

We appreciate all of you who've donated to the Croquis Cafe. Large or small all donations are appreciated.

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And with that enjoy this week's Croquis Cafe.

For more infomation >> Croquis Cafe: Figure Drawing Resource No. 334 - Duration: 22:47.


Google Chrome Tricks And Tips | Google Chrome Secret Tricks 2018 - Duration: 2:58.

Google Chrome Tricks And Tips

Google Chrome Secret Tricks 2018

For more infomation >> Google Chrome Tricks And Tips | Google Chrome Secret Tricks 2018 - Duration: 2:58.


Yoga Course 2 (Week 2) - Duration: 1:24:34.

Welcome to your second course

If you find this YouTube channel with this video

Please first apply Yoga Course 1 (week 1) video

Then practice this course

And watch the introduction video for main principles

There will be no music at the background

If you prefer to have music at the background

I put the links of my recommendations below at the description box

However, to have music at the background is not good or bad

It is totaly up to you, your choice

We are starting to the course

I will remind our two important rules

You will always breath through your nose

You will not use your month

And we will definitely not force our body

we will apply the postures as much as we can

If you feel any kind of uneaseness, you will either go back the previous stage of the posture

or you will come out of the posture and complete and rest for a while

we will not force ourselves

we are starting with the belly breathing

Fingers joined. Hands on the belly.

While inhaling, inflate your belly

while exhaling, pull your belly in

While inhaling, diaphram muscles moves downward.

while exhaling, pull your belly in, diaphram muscles move upward.

Close your eyes

perceive the lower part of the lungs

While inhaling, diaphram moves downward and gives a gently massage to the internal organs

while exhaling, pull your belly in, diaphram moves upward, the load of the heart lighthens by the massage effect

Diaphram is a parashut shaped muscle right beneath the lungs

while inhaling, diaphram moves downward belly inflates

while exhaling, pull your belly in, diaphram moves upward, the load of the heart lighthens by the massage effect

Belly breathing is the basis of other breathing techniques

With belly breathing we are stretching the diaphragm muscle

Ease the load of the heart

For the last time, inhale , exhale and proceeding with the chest breathing.

Hands on the chest

while inhaling, widen your chest front, back and to the sides.

while exhaling, let the chest deflate, relax

while inhaling, widen your chest front, back and to the sides.

Perceive the muscles between your ribs. They are stretching.

while exhaling, let the chest deflate, relax

Close your eyes.

Perceive the middle part of the lungs.

We are exercising the middle part of the lungs.

while inhaling, widen your chest front, back and to the sides.

Perceive the muscles between your ribs.They are strecthing.

while exhaling, let the chest deflate, relax

Respiratory capacity increases

The functions of alveoli get balanced.

Metabolism increases

For the last time inhale, exhale.

Proceeding with the shoulder breathing.

Join your finger tips and put your hands on the shoulders.

while inhaling raise your arms, arms touching the ears.

while exhaling lower your arms, arms touching the torso.

while inhaling raise your arms, arms touching the ears.

while exhaling lower your arms, arms touching the torso.

Close your eyes.

Perceive the upper part of the lungs.

The upper part of the lungs are

the ones that we are not using in our daily life,

when we are sobbing or

only during asthma attacks

Exercise these parts

revitalize the vestigial alveoli

accumulated dirty air and toxins in the area return to the circulation

while inhaling, we are strecthing the lungs vertically,

as if we are breathing through under our shoulder

while exhaling lower your arms, arms touching the torso.

For the last time, inhale, exhale, hands down.

Proceeding with the full yoga breathing.

We will combine these three techniques.

While inhaling, inflate your belly, widen your chest, shoulders rises naturally.

while exhaling, pull your belly in, chest, shoulders deflate.

while inhaling, belly, chest, shoulders

while exhaling, pull your belly in, chest, shoulders deflate

Do not rush. Fill part by part. Empty part by part.

We are consciously controling our breath

We are switching from the instictive respiration mode to the conscious respiration mode.

This activates the upper cortex of the brain which is usually dormant, inactive.

For the last time, inhale, exhale


proceeding with the bio energy techniques.

Fingers joined, arms forward, hands 1 cm apart.

Move your hands back and forth

Look at your hands. Close your eyes. Keep looking at your hands with your inner eye.

Palms shouldn't touch each other

Perceive your palms.

You may feel a magnetic field, pressure, prickle, jelly like feeling, different feeling between your palms.

Feel it, perceive it.

We are creating a connecting between the palms.

Open the arm shoulder-width apart.

while inhaling, raise your arms

Turn your hands. Hands fists.

Hold your breath.

Bend and straighthen your arms three times.

Focus on the middle part of the torso.

Open and turn your hands.

while exhaling lower your arms

While inhaling, raise your arms.

Turn your hands. Hands fists.

Hold your breath. Bend the arms three times.

Open and turn your hands.

while exhaling lower the arms.

While inhaling, raise your arms.

Turn your hands. Hands fists.

Hold your breath. Bend the arms three times.

Focus on the middle part of the torso.

Open and turn your hands.

while exhaling lower the arms.

For the last time,

While inhaling, raise your arms.

Turn your hands. Hands fists.

Hold your breath. Bend the arms three times.

Focus on the middle part of the torso.

Open and turn your hands.

while exhaling lower the arms.

Arms by your side.

Take a deep breath.

Proceeding with the postures.


Join your feet with lateral movements.

Join your heels and big toes.

Pull your knee caps up.

Pull your belly in.

Chest forward.

Keep the head and neck straight.

Chin is slightly inward as the top of your head pointing to the ceiling.

Shoulders back and relax.

Arms by your side straight and relax.

Close your eyes and focus on the SOLES OF YOUR FEET.

perceive your posture

We are improving the awareness of your posture.

Body weight should not be on the toes or the heels,

not on the right foot or left foot.

Body weight should be equally carried by both feet.

Perceive your posture

correct your posture.

Body returns to its correct posture

the fundamental reason of many disorders is based on habitual incorrect body posture

incorrect body posture causes inflexible spine

With Stambasana, we are improving the awareness of our posture. Body returns to its correct posture.

Proceeding with PRANAMASANA

While inhaling, arms forward,join your hands.

while exhaling, bend your arms, hands in front of the chest.

The hands and arms should not touch to the chest. They are apart from the body.

Close your eyes

Focus on the CHEST

Pranamasana means homage posture.

We pay our homage to entire universe to all living and non-living beings.

Forgive everyone and everything in the past, in the present and in the future.

while inhaling, fill with positive feelings such as love, compassion and mercy.

while exhaling, release negative feelings like hatred, anger and revenge.

Be ready for yoga practice, integration with the universe.

You can accomplish everything

For this, you need to awaken hidden potentials in you

Be ready for this

Switch your mind from thinking mode to perception mode

Coming out of the posture.

while inhaling, lower your hands

while exhaling, arms to the sides


while inhaling, arms forward,join your hands

while exhaling, raise your arms, bend your arms, head and upper body slightly backward.

Look towards your hands, stay in the posture

Close your eyes. Focus on the NECK

Breath normally

Never hold your breath.

Breath normally through your nose

Lungs expand

Respiratory system gets stronger, its capacity increases

Spinal nerves, spine revitalize.

We are burning the excess fat in the body.

keep the arms straight as much as you can

fingers straight, palms joint

Coming out of the posture.

while inhaling, straighten up the body and lower your arms in front of the body.

while exhaling, arms to the sides

take a deep breath, release the tension

Proceeding with UTKATASANA

while inhaling, raise your arms, join your hands above the head.

while exhaling, bend your knees and move downward.

stay in the posture as if you are sitting at an imaginary chair.

close your eyes. Focus on your LEGS.

breath normally, never hold your breath

big toes and heels joint

if possible, feet should be joint

we are correcting deformities and asymmetries in the legs

leg muscles develop equally

removing tension and stiffness from the shoulders

ankles and joints get stronger

coming out of the posture

while inhaling, rise and straighten your legs

while exhaling, lower your arms in front of your body

arms by your sides, deep breath

Proceeding with postures TALASANA

fingers together, do not keep them loose, this is important

while inhaling, raise your arms in front of the body

palms parallel to each other

while exhaling, rise onto your toes

look forward,eyes are open, maintain the balance

physical and mental balance improves

concentrate your mind on the ARMS

palms parallel to each other

fingers joint

we are stretching the spine, relaxing vertebra and disks

the contraction on the slots where spinal nerves comes out of the spinal column is being resolved.

do not hold your breath

breath normally through the nose

never hold you breath

the effects of the posture occurs with breath

Coming out of the posture.

while inhaling, lower the heels, heels on the floor.

while exhaling, lower your arms in front of the body, perceive you palms

arms by your side, deep breath


while inhaling, raise your left arm from your side.

arms touching the ear, palm pointing left

while exhaling, bend the upper body to the right laterally without separating arm and head

close your eyes

focus on the BELLY.

breath normally

breath normally through the nose

never hold the breath

keep the arm and head together

arm straight as much as possible

palm parallel to the floor

do not bend your wrist

do not bend your wrist

we are stretching the spine and muscles laterally

the blood circulation in the arms increases

physical and mental balance improves

coming out of the posture

while inhaling, straighten up your body

while exhaling, lower the left arm by your side

deep breath

applying from the other side

while inhaling, raise your right arm from your side

arm touching the ear.

while exhaling, bend the upper body to the left

stay in the posture.

arm and head together

do not separate arm and head

bend the upper body to right without separating the arm and head

arm straight, palm parallel to the floor

do not bend the wrist

breath normally through the nose

if possible, big toes and heels joint

do not allow big toes and heels to be apart in order to prevent energy loss

breath normally through the nose

coming out of the posture

while inhaling, straigthen up your body

while exhaling, lower the left arm by your side

deep breath

release the tension

let the effect of the posture diffuse entire body


while inhaling, raise your arms, join your hands above your head

while exhaling, turn your upper body to the right by maintaining the position of the legs and feet.

close your eyes

focus on the LEGS

breath normally

breath normally through the nose

never hold you breath

keep the arms straight as much as you can

if possible, fingers and palms straight, palms joint

if your body allows you to do that, never force your body

breath normally through the nose

never hold the breath

while inhaling, return to the front, face forward

while exhaling, turn to the other side

stay in the posture

close your eyes

focus on the LEGS

breath normally

we are strecthing the belly

burning the excess fat around the waist and belly

waistline gets slimmer

strecthing and strengthen hands, arms, shoulders, neck, upper back muscles

coming out of the posture

while inhaling, return to the front, face forward

while exhaling lower your arms in front of the body

arms by your side, deep breath

release the tension

the effect of the posture diffuses to whole body

proceeding with KASTHA TAKSANASANA

inhale, while exhaling spread your feet out horizontally shoulder witdh apart

while inhaling, raise your arms, interlock your hands above your head

while exhaling, bend your knees and move down, squat down

make sure that the heels always on the floor

while inhaling, move up, raise your arms

while exhaling, squat down

heels on the floor, heels will not be like this

squat down as low as you keep your heels on the floor

apply the technique by keeping the heels on the floor

while inhaling, move up, raise your arms

while exhaling, squat down

close your eyes

focus on the LEGS

while inhaling, move up

while exhaling, move down

while inhaling, move up

while exhaling, move down

while inhaling, move up

while exhaling, move down

last time

while inhaling, move up

while exhaling, move down

stay in the posture

eyes are close

focus on the LEGS

breath normally

We are activating the sacrum area.

activating and revitalizing blood circulation and glands in the area

we are stretching the hip joints, pelvis, ankles and knees

ankles and knees get stronger

focus on your LEGS

breath normally

when get tired, come out of the posture, never force your body

Coming out of the posture

while inhaling, release your hands and sit down

while exhaling turn and extend out the legs

lean backward on your hands

take deep breaths

we are releasing the tension by taking deep breaths in PRARAMBHIK STHITI ASANA


while inhaling, join your feet and legs

while exhaling, hands right on the floor beside the hips, back straight

while inhaling raise your arms, hands fists at the chest level

while exhaling, bend forward, straighten your arms forward

look towards your hands and stay in the posture

close your eyes, focus on the SACRUM AREA

breath normally

get ready for rowing

inhale, while exhaling move your upper body backward

and pull your arms towards your chest as if you are rowing

stay in the posture

focus on the SACRUM AREA

breath normally

breath normally through the nose

inhale, while exhaling move your upper body forward

straighten out your arms

look towards your hands and stay in the posture

focus on the SACRUM AREA

breath normally

never hold your breath

our focus will be on the SACRUM AREA during the technique

inhale, while exhaling move your upper body backward

while pulling your arms towards your chest as if you are rowing

give your upper body slight backwardly slope

focus on the SACRUM AREA

inhale, while exhaling move your upper body forward

straighten your arms

look towards your hands

close your eyes, focus on the SACRUM AREA

inhale, while exhaling move your upper body backward

give your upper body slight backwardly slope

stay in the posture

we are pulling our arms towards the chest as if we are rowing

close your eyes, focus on the SACRUM AREA

belly muscles get stronger

we are revitalizing the pelvis and belly area

inhale, while exhaling move your upper body forward

straighten out your arms

look towards your hands and stay in the posture

close your eyes, focus on the SACRUM AREA

breath normally through the nose

inhale, while exhaling move your upper body backward

while pulling your arms towards your chest as if you are rowing

give your upper body slight backwardly slope

close your eyes, focus on the SACRUM AREA

breath normally

breath normally through the nose

never hold your breath

inhale, while exhaling move your upper body forward

straighten out your arms

look towards your hands and stay in the posture

our focus on the SACRUM AREA

inhale, while exhaling move your upper body backward

while pulling your arms towards your chest as if you are rowing

give your upper body slight backwardly slope

focus on the SACRUM AREA

breath normally through the nose

strengthen belly muscles

inhale, while exhaling move your upper body forward

straighten out your arms

look towards your hands and stay in the posture

focus on the SACRUM AREA

inhale, while exhaling move your upper body backward

while pulling your arms towards your chest as if you are rowing

give your upper body slight backwardly slope

focus on the SACRUM AREA

breath normally

coming out of the posture

while inhaling, bring the upper body to the center

hands on the floor right besides the hips, back straight

while exhaling lean backward on your hands

relax with deep breaths

release the tension

the effect of the posture diffuses the entire body

Calm down your breath, prepare your body and mind for the next posture

proceeding with RACA CANUSIRSASANA

Those who have SLIPPED DISK and SCIATICA PAIN should not apply this technique

while inhaling, join your feet and legs

while exhaling, hands on the floor right besides the hips, back straight

while inhaling, bend your right leg and pull the foot towards the body

place your foot so that the heel and the big toe touching the inner side of your left thigh

while exhaling, lean forward and hold your left foot with both hands

thumbs press the bases of the second and fourth toes

the other fingers holds the middle part of the sole of the foot.

those who do not reach out to the foot should hold the part of the leg that they can reach out with their both hands

raise your head face forward, push your chest out

take three deep breaths in this position

inhale, while exhaling slightly turn to left and lean down to the knee

if possible the head touches the knee

close your eyes, focus on the PELVIS

breath normally through the nose, never hold your breath

we are stretching the hamstring, rear knee and leg muscles

the fat around the hips, belly and thighs is eliminated

in each exhalation, relax your back muscles and lean slightly downer to the leg.

we are stretching the body

while exhaling by releasing the tension

not by forcing the body

coming out of the posture

while inhaling, release the hands and straighten up the upper body

while exhaling, straighten out the right leg

hands on the floor right besides the hips, back straight

inhale, while exhaling lean backward on your hands

deep breaths

applying from the other side

while inhaling, join your feet and legs

while exhaling, hands on the floor right besides the hips, back straight

while inhaling, bend your left leg and pull the foot towards the body

while exhaling lean forward

hold the middle part of the sole of the foot

thumbs press the bases of the second and fourth toes

the other fingers holds the middle part of the sole of the foot

raise your head, face forward, push your chest out

take three deep breaths in this position

inhale, while exhaling, slightly turn to right and lean down to the knee

if possible the head touches the knee

if not lean towards the knees as much as possible

stay in the posture

never force your body

close your eyes, focus on PELVIS

breathe normally

breathe normally through the nose

never hold your breath

Raca Canu Sirsasana is very beneficial for the kidneys

We are revitalizing the kidneys

we are eliminating irregular period

sperm weakness is eliminated

breath normally through the nose

never hold your breath

in each exhalation, relax your back muscles and lean slightly downer to the leg.

we are stretching the body

while exhaling by releasing the tension

not by forcing the body

while exhaling, by relaxing the back muscles lean slightly downer towards the leg

with the effect of gravity

coming out of the posture

while inhaling, release the hands and straighten up the upper body

while exhaling, straighten out the right leg

hands on the floor right besides the hips, back straight

inhale, while exhaling lean backward on your hands

relax with deep breaths

release the tension

prepare your body and mind for the next posture

Proceeding with MERU VAKRASANA

those who have ULCER, HERNIA and STRONG LOWER BACK PAIN should not apply this posture

while inhaling, join your feet and legs

while exhaling, hands on the floor right besides the hips, back straight

while inhaling, bend the left leg, pass it over above your right leg

and put your left foot on the floor at your right side in a way that left ankle touches the outer side of the right tigh

while exhaling, turn your upper body to the right

put your hand on the floor in a way that fingers pointing backward

turn your head to the right and look back above your shoulder

close your eyes

focus on the BELLY

breathe normally

breath normally through the nose

never hold your breath

sitting bones should be on the floor

do not allow your sitting bones lift off

we are turning the upper body right by keeping the sitting bones on the floor

and staying in the posture

breath normally through the nose

lower back, neck, belly, upper back pains,

lumbago and disorders like spondylitis would be eliminated

This posture is very beneficial for these kinds of disorders

coming out of the posture

while inhaling, turn to front

whie exhaling straighten out your leg

hands on the floor right beside hips, back straight

inhale, while exhaling lean backward on your hands

relax with deep breaths

applying from the other side

while inhaling, join your feet and legs

while exhaling, hands on the floor right besides the hips, back straight

while inhaling, bend the right leg, pass it over above your left leg

and put your right foot on the floor at your left side in a way that right ankle touches the outer side of the left thigh

while exhaling, turn your upper body to the left

put your hand on the floor in a way that fingers pointing backward

turn your head to the left and look back above your shoulder

close your eyes

focus on the BELLY

breath normally

breath normally through the nose

never hold your breath

keep your sitting bones on the floor

we are not allowing our sitting bones to lift off like this

by keeping the hips on the floor, we are turning our upper body to the right and

staying in the posture

we are preparing our body for more advanced posture in which we twist our spine

internal organs are revitalizing

digestive system get activated

digestive system disorders are eliminated

breath normally through the nose

never hold your breath

coming out of the posture

while inhaling, turn to front

while exhaling straighten out your leg

hands on the floor right beside hips, back straight

inhale, while exhaling lean backward on your hands

relax with deep breaths

release the tension

the effect of the posture diffuses to entire body

proceeding with SAVASANA

while inhaling join your feet and legs

while exhaling hands on the floor beside the hips,back straight

while inhaling lay your body vertebra and vertebra on the floor by using your abdominal muscles

while exhaling spread your leg and arms to the sides

palms pointing up

spread your back to the floor

release the tension

proceeding with KATI SAKTI ASANA

while inhaling, raise your arms and cross your arms by holding the middle part of the upper arms

right arm on top of the left arm

place your arms on your chest

while exhaling turn your feet inward

join your big toes

spread the heels apart as much as you can

while keeping the big toes joint

and lower the big toes toward the floor

close your eyes

focus on the PELVIS

breath normally

this asana is very beneficial for any kind of low back disorders

it eliminates and prevents

stiffness and hernia formation

in your lower back

legs should be straight

do not bend your knees

we are separating the heels apart

as much as we can while keeping the big toes joint

leg nerves and blood circulation in the legs get revitalized

we are removing the fatigue from the body

coming out of the posture

while inhaling turn your feet outward

while exhaling release your arms, arms by your side

palms pointing up

deep breath

applying from the other side

while inhaling raise your arms

cross your arms by holding the middle part of the upper arms

this time, left arm on top of the right arm

place your arms on your chest comfortably

while exhaling turn your feet inward

join your big toes

spread the heels apart as much as you can

while keeping the big toes joint

lower the big toes toward the floor as much as you can

close your eyes

focus on the PELVIS

breath normally

breathe normally through the nose

stretching the knee, foot and hip joints

pelvis area revitalizes

coming out of the posture

while inhaling turn your feet outward, release your feet

while exhaling release your arms, arms by your side

palms pointing up

deep breaths

release the tension


join your feet and legs

arms by your side joint to the body

palms on the floor

while inhaling raise your arms interlock your hands

and place your hands under your head

while exhaling bend your legs

put your feet on the floor close to your hips

while inhaling turn your head to the left

look at your left elbow

while exhaling turn your legs to the right

keep the knees and feet together

do not let them be apart

if possible leg touching the floor

close your eyes

focus on the LEGS

breath normally

breathe normally through your nose

never hold your breath

we are releasing the tension and stiffness on our back

we are removing the nervous tension

nerves are calming down

nervous system get balanced

blood circulation in the spine increases

we are preventing the calcification

calcification formations is being eliminated

coming out of the posture

while inhaling turn your head and legs to the center

while exhaling straighten out your legs

release your hands

arms by your sides palms pointing up

deep breaths

we are applying from the other side

join your feet and legs

arms by your side joint to the body

palms on the floor

while inhaling raise your arms interlock your hands

and place your hands under your head

while exhaling bend your legs

put your feet on the floor close to your hips

while inhaling turn your head to the right

look at your right elbow

while exhaling turn your legs to the left

if possible

legs touching the floor

close your eyes

focus on the LEGS

breath normally

breath normally through your nose

we are rotating our spine harmonically from left and right sides

vertebras and discs would return their natural spots

preventing slipped discs

coming out of the posture

while inhaling turn your head and legs to the center

while exhaling straighten out your legs

release your hands

palms pointing up

deep breaths

Proceeding with ANATASANA

join your feet and legs

arms by your sides, palms on the floor

while inhaling, bend your left leg, put foot on the floor

while exhaling, by pressing the left foot on the floor

turn to right and lie on your right side

support your head with your hand

body straight, maintain the balance

first take this position

while inhaling bend your upper leg and wrap your big toe tightly with thumb, index and middle fingers

this is "hand lock"

while exhaling straighten up the leg without breaking the hand lock

Do not break the hand lock

arm and elbow are straight

leg does not have to be straight

close your eyes and focus on the PELVIS area

breath normally

breath normally through the nose

with the hand lock, we are putting pressure on

pituitary glands, neck and brain points on the foot

the functions of these organs get regulated

Hormonal, digestive, circulatory systems revitalize

coming out of the posture

while inhaling, bend your leg and release the foot

while exhaling, straighten out the leg and lie on your back

arms and legs relax

palms pointing up

deep breath

We are applying from the other side

while inhaling join your feet and leg

while exhaling arms by your side

while inhaling bend your right leg foot on the floor

while exhaling by pressing the right foot on the floor

turn to left and lie on your left side

support your head with your hand

body straight, maintain the balance

while inhaling bend your upper leg

wrap your big toe tightly with thumb, index and middle finger

while exhaling straighten up the leg without breaking the hand lock

stay in the posture

close your eyes

focus on the PELVIS

breath normally

breath normally through the nose

never hold your breath

coming out of the posture

while inhaling bend your leg and release the foot

while exhaling straighten out your leg and lie on your face

hands on top of each other

right hand on top of the left

put your forehead on the hands

deep breath

we are in ADVASANA posture

emotional tension causes strain on anterior part of the body

damages respiratory and digestive systems

leave your body weight to the gravity

let the emotions calm down

proceeding with MAKARASANA

while inhaling spread your legs 50 cm apart by turning your feet outward, toes pointing out

spread your legs 50cm apart in a way that toes pointing out

while exhaling, bend your right arm

hold your left shoulder with your right hand

bend your left arm

and put your left arm on top of the right arm

in a way that left elbow on top of the right elbow

hold your right shoulder with your left hand

hold your left shoulder with your right hand

lower your head

put your forehead on the arms

stay in the posture

close your eyes

focus on the BELLY

breath normally

breath normally through the nose

leave the whole body to the gravity

this is a very effective relaxation posture

in each exhalation, leave the entire body to the gravity

we are eliminating deep mental, physical and nervous tension

spine returns to its natural form

very effective relaxation posture

this posture is also very beneficial for

those who have asthma

we are releasing the pressure, stiffnes on the neck area

eliminating and preventing

hernai formations

coming out of the posture

while inhaling, release your arms

hand on top of each other

forehead on the hands

while exhaling release your legs and feet

deep breaths

we are applying from the other side

this time the other arm will be on the top

while inhaling spread your legs 50 cm apart by turning your feet outwards

toes pointing out

while exhaling bend your left arm

hold your right shoulder

bend your right arm and

and put your right arm on top of the left arm

right elbow on top of the left elbow

hold your left shoulder with your right hand

lower your head

place your forehead on the arms

close your eyes

focus on the BELLY

breath normally

keep the legs straight

do not bend your knees

legs straight

breath normally through the nose

we are releasing the tension from the entire body

having a deep relaxation

spine retuns to its natural form

very beneficial posture for any kind of disorders related to spine

breath normally through the nose

in each exahalation

leave your whole body to the gravity

release the entire tension

coming out of the posture

while inhaling release your arms

hands on top of each other

while exhaling release your feet and legs

deep breaths

proceeding with ARDHA BHUCANGASANA

big toes and heels joint

if possible, big toes and heels should be joint during the posture

in order not to lead energy loss

while inhaling put your hands on the floor at the face level

elbows and forearms close to the body

while exhaling raise your head, shoulders and chest by pressing the hands and elbows on the floor

upper arms vertical to the floor

stay in the posture

look forward

close your eyes

focus on the PELVIS

breath normally

leave your body weight to pelvis area

eliminating tension and stiffness in our back

eliminating and preventing

hernai formations

do not allow your shoulders to rise toward the ears

revitalizing the reproductive system

eliminating the disorders in the reproductive system

their functions get balanced

very beneficial of kidneys

preventing and eliminating formation of

kidney stones and nephritis

neck and dewlap tighten

coming out of the posture

while inhaling lower your upper body slowly

while exhaling hand on top of each other

forehead on the hands

deep breaths

proceeding with VACRASANA

while inhaling join your big toes and spread your heels to the sides

while exhaling put your hands on the floor at the chest level

raise your hips and upper body by pressing

sit on your heels

knees and thighs jointed

hands on the thighs

big toes together

one of the toes are not

on the top

or at the bottom

close your eyes

focus on the BELLY

breath normally

breath normally through the nose

if there is any problem with your knees and ankles

move forward like this and relax your knees and ankles

then move backward and

return to Vacrasana

if there is a big problem, then apply

the forward and backward movement dynamically

so that ankles and knees slowly get ready for Vacrasana posture

never force your body

apply the postures without forcing your body

The connection between left and right lobes of the brain improves and get stronger

we are preventing hunched upper back

overall body posture improves

digestive system works more effectively

eliminatig digestive system disorders

we are removing the internal deformities in the knees

ankles and knee joint get flexible

coming out of the posture

while inhaling move forward

while exhaling lie on your face

hands on top of each other

forehead on the hands

deep breaths

release the tension

the effect posture diffuses to whole body

proceeding with Pranayama, breathing technique

join your big toes and spread your heels to the sides

put your hands on the floor at the chest level

raise your hips and upper body

sit on the heels

we will apply SUDDHI PRANAYAMA second step

I will explain the technique

then we will do it together

first,we will exhale and empty the lungs

then fill up the lungs completely with full yoga breathing

belly, chest and shoulders

we will exhale with a "haaa" sound

by pulling our belly muscles in strongly and quickly

Now I will show the technique

first exhale empty your lungs

inhale fill up the lungs completely with full yoga breathing

exhale with "HAA" sound by pulling belly muscles in strongly and quickly

Now let's do it together

empty your lungs by exhaling

inhale and fill up your lungs with full yoga breathing

exhale with "HAA" sound by pulling belly muscles in

this is one round


inhale and fill up your lungs with full yoga breathing

exhale with "HAA" sound by pulling belly muscles in

apply the technique in this way

with your own pace and capacity

do not rush

we are expelling the toxins and dirty air

accumulated in the lower parts of the lungs

we are also exercising abdominal muscles

and eliminating fat around the belly

you may feel mint freshness in your nostrils and throat

This is normal

detoxifying the respiratory system

receiving more oxgyen

and expelling more carbondioxite

which leads to fast cell regeneration in the body

for the last time inhale.... exhale...


proceeding with neck exercise

move forward

turn and sit on your hips

straighten out your legs

lean backward on your hands

drop your head forward


while exhaling turn your head from right to left

gently, slowly

when come to the front, inhale

while exhaling turn your head from left to right

gently, slowly

we are inhaling when come to the front

while exhaling turn your head from right to left and left to right consecutively

release the tension in the area

let the area heal itself

Daily stress is accumulated in the neck area and

damages to neck muscles, nerves, vertebra and discs

release the tension by turning your head gently

let the area heal itself

complete when come to the front

turn, proceeding with Dharana, concentration

take the SUKHASANA posture

while inhaling place your right foot under your left thigh

while exhaling place your left foot under your right thigh

hands in Gyana Mudra

tips of the thumbs and index finger joint

hands on the knees

palms pointing up

back straight palms pointing up

back straight

close your eyes

perceive your posture

your posture should be fixed but not strained

in each exhalation

release the tension

we are starting to Dharana Concentration

imagine a white, bright and transparent sphere

at the size of you

right in front of you

imagine a white, bright and transparent sphere

at the size of you

right in front of you

while inhaling, bring the sphere closer to you

while exhaling sit inside of the sphere

we are sitting inside of a white, bright and transparent sphere

and meditating

Breathing meditation

breath deeply and audibly

listen to the sound of your breath

focus on the sound of your breath

all attetion and focus is on the breath

if anything comes up to your mind

bring your focus gently

to the sound of your breath

unite with the breath

become the breath

we are completing slowly

take a deep breath

come out of the posture

we are proceeding with deep relaxation

use a blanket to cover yourself during deep relaxation

in order not to come out of deep relaxation because you feel chilly

turn and lie on your back

arms and legs relax

palms pointing up


while exhaling leave your body to the gravity

move your legs left and right

relax your legs and hips

move your arms left and right

relax your arms and shoulders

move your head gently left and right

relax your neck and nape

move your tongue inside of your mouth left and right

relax your tongue and throat

move your nose and cheek muscles up and down

relax your nose and cheek

open and close your eyes a few times

relax your eyes and eyebrows

move your forehead muscles up and down

relax your forehead

while exhaling, relax your whole face muscles

while exhaling, empty your mind from all the thoughts and relax your brain

while exhaling, relax your chest and heart

release all troubles and sadness built up in your heart

while exhaling, relax your belly and internal organs

while exhaling, relax your whole body from up and down from head to toes

as if your body is dissolving and diffusing all around

deep full relaxation

we are completing slowly

move your toes and fingers gently

turn your head gently left and right

inhale, while exhaling straighten up slowly

Welcome to YOGA

For more infomation >> Yoga Course 2 (Week 2) - Duration: 1:24:34.


Lukashenko Visits Alexandria High School on Knowledge Day - Duration: 7:40.

On September 1, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko visited the celebratory line in honor of the Knowledge Day at the Alexandria Secondary School,

where he shared his memories and told about the values of school time.

For more infomation >> Lukashenko Visits Alexandria High School on Knowledge Day - Duration: 7:40.


Scarface - The World Is Yours - Duration: 4:56.

I was like me I couldn't even take a

great word from my book that we could

wonder hit so we can finally hear him

put the pickles the Jay said it I was

known for the slice and dice for a green


I'm a car from up real nice agenda can

amento let him surrender event

somebody's brother put it into the bank

I leave it we gotta here to get money

that was coming to me and nobody's gonna

take it from me

Sally who all that went easy on me

getting me knowledge that cool I guess I

pulled away with a clown ie you night

went dead Oh Joey Tony Montana said I

mean it'll escape from here it's called

a vein guy we gotta cut up and take our

history lengua Little Havana became the

stomping grounds and Omar Suarez had

kilos of the power rank oaklands got a

steep in the game and into truck or the

cocaine I'm so behind this back is how

we did it fell in love Regina and then

we did it she became my wife bebop but

she'll break II would have told

we hit the payload for custody hostas

like but we brought the gay home Frankie

was impressed but I can see a spread

I went up there countries in the game of

death mani-pedi caucus told about that

part of the games I must be getting


Frank gave me up these don't know

intimately that funny made a mistake was

he left without me time and he said it

was crazy she belongs at the boss I said

don't worry Chico me time Frank it's all


Chico I want the world and everything in

it many he likes the ladies any like the

Mercedes I wish she never


I took the kids

get the women in the model and the world

show you what you say world shores in

the USA the pro-shah somebody in the


get the women in the bottle and the

world is yours


For more infomation >> Scarface - The World Is Yours - Duration: 4:56.


OLD: Kym Prank Calls the Cops/Arrested - Duration: 4:39.

[Important] Read this message.

Kym: I wonder what I should do.

Kym's Mother: Hey Kym, I want to tell you something.

Kym: Mom, can't you see I'm trying to do my time on my computer right now?

Kym's Mother: I don't know. Anyway, we're going to the store since you don't have anything to do today.

Kym: What do you think the answer should be?

Kym's Mother: Kym, if you do come, I'll give you something special.

Kym: Yay! Let's go to the store!

Kym's Mother: Well this trick still works everytime.

(Kym's Mother walks)

(Car driving)

~ Later... at the checkout... ~

Kym's Mother: Okay Kym, since you've already paid for your soda, you really don't need to scan for anything else

because all of the store's stuff weren't on sale.

I need to go use the bathroom. So stay here & wait until I come back.

(Kym's Mother walks to the Restroom)

(Cashier walks)

Kym: Hey, what's that poster?

Cashier: Which one young lady? The "Calls Police" one?

Yeah! Well some crazy kid thought it was a good idea to prank call the Police, & then he got into some serious trouble!

Kym: Oh no! This doesn't look good!

Kym's Mind: Wait, that gave me an idea!

I will prank call 911!

(Kym laughing in her mind)

Kym's Mother: Kym, let's go! It's nearly lunchtime!

Kym: I'm coming mom!

Cashier: Wait, what is that? You want to know what that code-name is?

Of course not! It will not happen! You will find out later that day.

Kym: Now what was I thinking again?

Oh yeah! That's right! I will prank call 911!

(Kym laughs)

Let's call them!

Police Dispatch: Hello, this is 911. What is your emergency?

(Kym Cries) My mom is mentally & physically abusing me!

Police Dispatch: Oh no! Where do you live, teenage girl?

(Kym Cries) I live in 999 Angel street.

Police Dispatch: Teenage girl, there is no such thing as 999 Angel street. Please tell us your location.

Kym: Yes there is. It's up there, but

(Kym laughs)

Police Dispatch: Teenage girl, is this a prank call or something? Because if it is, we are sending the cops immediately to rescue.

Their lives are in danger that we need to worry about.


Kym's Mother: If I wanted someone to throw trash at me for the rest of the day, I could just stay here & watch "King of the Hill".

(Police officer comes up to the front door)

(Police officer knocks the front door)

Kym's Mother: I wonder who that could be.

(Kym's Mother walks to the front door & opens it)

(Kym's Mother noticed that a Police Officer came)

Kym's Mother: Oh my gosh! Officer, please do come in!

So what seems to be the problem?

Police Officer: Okay, we just got a report from the dispatch saying that just about a teenage girl, just made a fake phone call to the Poilce.

She was said to sound like this.

(Police Officer acts & laughs like Kym)


Kym: Oh no! What is it mom? & why are the police here?

Kym's Mother: You don't know what's wrong? Did you seriously just prank call the police? Tell us the truth right now!

Kym: Yes I did. I'm so sorry.

Police Officer: Sorry doesn't cut it Kym. Did you realize how many lives you put in danger. You never know how many people died from there.

For this, you're under arrest. Get in the police car now.

(Both walk to the police car)

(Police sirens)

Police Officer: This is your cell, with not anything except for a uncomfortable bed with a pillow what's so ever.

You will be in there for a really (x3) long (x6) time.

For more infomation >> OLD: Kym Prank Calls the Cops/Arrested - Duration: 4:39.


L13:Programming For Problem Solving,Introduction to C Programming, History of C in Hindi by UA - Duration: 11:35.




For more infomation >> L13:Programming For Problem Solving,Introduction to C Programming, History of C in Hindi by UA - Duration: 11:35.


Little Mermaid Parody-Part of your world - Duration: 7:26.

All I'm thinking about is food, I just don't understand why I can only smell it but can't taste it

Ah, Ah.. *COUGH* Ah

My dad just tried to kill me with some bubbles on my face


can't even breathe

Get it out of my face DAD

I'm the boy who was forced to be a mermaid

Look at Ursula he's so grumpy go away if you don't want to be here

How long do I have to fake swim

Who is that red thing? what do you call it? Oh so Sebastian

She takes she's so cool. I just want to give her a little something. Oh

Oh, you just saw my leg, now you know I'm fake

I'm so hungry

Look at Ariel's Dad and that's my dad. He's so blue. He thinks we can't see him

but it's so obvious

Here comes flounder swimming next to me. She thinks she's my best friend

but I don't even like fish

I need to find my special treasure that my mom promised me

Have you seen it

It's black and blue. I use it to play roblox on it

Oh, there it ipad

My dream just came true, AH

Ah, Ah, Ah

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Ah, AH

For more infomation >> Little Mermaid Parody-Part of your world - Duration: 7:26.


HOW TO DRAW MEGA BEEDRILL | Pokémon Drawing and Coloring for Kids | BLABLA ART - Duration: 10:24.

How to draw Mega Beedrill, Pokémon

Don't miss any Blabla Art episode

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For more infomation >> HOW TO DRAW MEGA BEEDRILL | Pokémon Drawing and Coloring for Kids | BLABLA ART - Duration: 10:24.


Latest Haryanvi Dance 2018 | Chhori Gandas | Prachi Singh | Kalu Yadav | Avadhesh Kumar | PR Music - Duration: 3:42.

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