Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 2 2018

Dear Paper Flowers Lover, Welcome to Paper Flower making instruction.

You will need 3 pieces 15cm x 15cm square paper for making this flower.

Please follow the flower tutorial step by step for making a best DIY Flower.

If you learn Paper Leaf making then follow description.

For more infomation >> Magnificent Paper Flowers - DIY Paper Flower Making Tutorial - Duration: 5:56.


Anbindeställe - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> Anbindeställe - Duration: 2:39.


Miu細日記 : 擼貓(摸摸大挑戰 )💗 細細篇 - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> Miu細日記 : 擼貓(摸摸大挑戰 )💗 細細篇 - Duration: 3:18.


IDÉES DE GÉNIE - Le chapeau - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> IDÉES DE GÉNIE - Le chapeau - Duration: 5:01.


Megatron Returns | Transformers Revenge of the Fallen (2009) Movie Clip - Duration: 5:16.

Conn, Sonar. Gained new contact, bearing 214, and possible hostile,

confirmed for Project Deep Six Drop Point.

- What do you got? - SU pulled five contacts at 5,000 feet,

diving fast.

Never seen anything dive that deep that fast.

- Man battle stations. - Chief of the watch, man battle stations!

Helm, left full rudder, all ahead two-thirds.

- Left full rudder, two-thirds. - Dive, go deep.

The nets protecting NBE One are screaming, sir.

That is 9,300 fathoms down. And no confirmed DSRVs on site?

- None, sir. - Then, people, we've got a problem!

Need parts! Kill the little one!

The shard make Energon!

Conn, Sonar. Now hold six contacts, and they're coming up fast!

- Sound collision alarm. - Left hard rudder.

Five hundred feet.

Angel Six, we got six hostiles coming up.

- Collision imminent port side. - One hundred feet.

Brace for impact.

Starscream, I'm home.

Lord Megatron, I was so relieved to hear of your resurrection.

You left me to die on that pathetic insect planet.

Only to help spawn our new army. The Fallen decrees it!

After all, in your absence, someone had to take command.

- So disappointing. - Hatchlings! Hatchlings! Careful, fragile!

Even in death, there is no command but mine.

My master, I failed you on Earth.

The AllSpark is destroyed and without it, our race will perish.

You have much to learn, my disciple. The Cube was merely a vessel.

It's power, it's knowledge, can never be destroyed.

- It can only transform. - How is that possible?

It has been absorbed by the human child.

The key to saving our race now lies within his mind.

Well, then, let me strip the very flesh from his body!

And you will, my apprentice, in time.

For millennia, I have dreamed of my return to that wretched planet

where I, too, was once betrayed by the Primes I called my brothers.

Only a Prime can defeat me, and now, only one remains.

Optimus! He protects the boy.

Then the boy will lead us to him

- and revenge will be ours. - Yes.

The boy will not escape us. We have him in our sights.

Without more Energon, the hatchlings will keep dying.

For more infomation >> Megatron Returns | Transformers Revenge of the Fallen (2009) Movie Clip - Duration: 5:16.


OHA! ZamanPvP'de PavelGames Bana Hack Dedi - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> OHA! ZamanPvP'de PavelGames Bana Hack Dedi - Duration: 4:14.


איך אני מתעורר ביום הראשון לבית ספר - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> איך אני מתעורר ביום הראשון לבית ספר - Duration: 3:38.


Episode 19. Philippines. Manila & White Beach in Mindoro island - Duration: 17:23.

so, we are now in Manila

in the Philippines, our next 95th country

arrived 1 hour ago and have to wait

next to the airport, can't come back because exited already

they don't allow me back inside, have to wait here

untill 6am

when the buses starts running

so, will see the Philippines

ok, lets start

happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you

happy birthday

happy birthday, happy birthday to you

thank you so much, salamat

you see I'm so funny and happy

I did my best

thank you so much

thank you to you, Joe, Korea

Ukraine, you are so sweet

so, now we are in jeepney

this is such kind of transport in the Philippines

we see such benches from one side

and from another

so, this is such monument

KKK monument in Manila we see

looks like to the fighters of the independence

as I understand

this is us at

one of the walls

of Intramores Fort

view over the city

as we see many locals

having a rest

hello, hi

locals having a rest

now we are going down

local girls here


say something

say hello


welcome to the Philippines

very good

very good

so, this is Manila Cathedral

the main cathedral

of Manila

this is park

and some monument

to somebody

Hi Josh

he's having a massage because he is too old

that's normal when you rich

so, the soup

is cooking




my soup will be ready

bit more time

because of slow gas

borsch will be ready soon

will be

tasty borsch



this is metro in Manila

how many stations?


so, now we are on the ferry to

White Beach

this is Mindoro Island

Puerto Galera

this ferry

cost 10 USD return

with open date

or 270

one way

here such children came and asking for the money

they arrived

on such boats

begging for money

now our boat will sail for 1 hour

so, we just arrived at

White Beach

we see such white sand


and such a water


so, we are on the Philippines

another day

in let's say paradise

another sunset

nice, quiet


so, this is the sunset

Puerto Galera, one of the beaches

so nice

so, now we are near Tamaraw Waterfalls

we drove here

more than 30 minutes on motorbike

so, now we are driving in Mindoro


near Puerto Galera

shortly, we are going thru the jungles to

the next waterfall

here some local tribes

are living

we met them earlier on our way

such traditional village

and also here such


we left down there

our motorcykle

we have to walk less then 1 km

thru this jungles

will see, it's getting dark

have to quickly


because later...

passing again thru this jungles

still around

100 something meteres left

we are almost there

of cause very nice

if we arrive earlier


in the heat it is possible to hide from the sun

maybe next time

maybe someday

will come here thanks God

approachinf, almost arrived, 20 meters

to him and

here it is

finally this waterfall

just amazing

For more infomation >> Episode 19. Philippines. Manila & White Beach in Mindoro island - Duration: 17:23.


1 сентября. Облом в школу. Первый звонок. Торжественное открытие учебного года. BACK TO SCHOOL 2018 - Duration: 10:47.

For more infomation >> 1 сентября. Облом в школу. Первый звонок. Торжественное открытие учебного года. BACK TO SCHOOL 2018 - Duration: 10:47.


Introducing osu! Battle Pass - Duration: 8:24.

Heya, everyone.

3mplify is here and…

you all know that osu! supporter tag sucks.

To be honest, for 4 dollars it gives you nothing.

For example, for 9 supporter tags you can afford XP-Pen g640,

for 20 supporter tags you can afford IKBC keyboard

and for 93 supporter tags you can afford GeForce GTX 1060.

But why if Supporter Tag is so bad, it was even implemented to osu! ?

Let's take a quick brief in history, but before we start

I should warn you about the quality of this video.

You, guys, didn't support me on Patreon and that's why the budget of video is 128 Rubles,

which are around 2 dollars.

That's wasn't enough to buy a Professional Software

such as Microsoft Movie Maker or

Microsoft Paint.

That's the real reason why this video's quality would be like this.

*butsu-butsu click the circles*

But what you will get if you support me on


You'll receive a lot of high effort stuff, which already more useful than Supporter Tag

and also every Patreon unlock access to my weekly blog,

which tells you everything about my life.

Heya, everyone.

3mplify is here and now I'll drink coffee.

If I get 10 Patreons in next 5 days, I'll make an review to tablet called


which looks like shitty Wacom ctl-490.

Wow, now I can start my story.

A very long time ago

(in 2007)

peppy created osu!

(not for Nintendo, for PC)

And after a bit he realized that he don't have money to pay for the Internet.

And then he decided to ask osu! players for help.

"Hey, osu! players, can you give me money?"

but osu! players said "Nooo…".

But peppy said: "I'll…

I'll give you a Supporter Tag".

Players claimed: "Ohh, that's cool.

But what Supporter Tag will give us?".

Peppy thought and then said: "Ehm…

Supporter Badge, yellow color in-chat and 4 more slots for your maps…".

And players were like: "Nah, that's sucks…"

And peppy added: "And you'll get access to create userpage in your profile and change

your nickname… only once".

And players said: "Oh, yeah.

That's cool".

And the bought Supporter Tags.

And peppy said: "Hooray, now I can pay for Internet".

And after this I have a question for you: "Do you think that's fair that you pay

for literally nothing?".

I think no.

But without these money osu! won't be running anymore.

That's why I tried to create modern, attractive and more efficient system for osu! and I decided

to create a Battle Pass

(this is a concept, not real gameplay)

I took an experience from such successful games like League of Legends and PUBG, so

my new Battle Pass system just can't fail.

But what Battle Pass is?

A battle pass is a type of video game monetization that provides additional content for a game

usually through a tiered system, rewarding the player with in-game items by playing the

game and completing specific challenges.

Okay, cool.

Let's start making osu! great again.

At first we delete Supporter Tag from the game at all and replace with Battle Pass system.

Also we will delete levels from osu! (because they are pretty useless) and replace it with

Battle Pass stats.

Every season will last 4 months

(with 2 week pause after each season)

And this is perfect,

because everyone can afford to spend 10$ per 4 months for his favorite game.

And yes, Battle Pass will cost 10$, because it's not very expensive for 4 months, but

pretty much to keep osu! running.

Second thing is how Battle Pass would work.


The maximum level of Battle Pass would be 50, which is quite well for game like osu!

and there are would be 5 ways to get exp for your battle pass:

everyday you'll get a random pool of 5 maps based on your skill

every day you enter osu! you'll get 100 exp

if you rank one mapset you'll get 2000 exp for each mapset

(but not more than 10 maps per season, because we all know who Sotarks is)

and you can change Kudosu for Battle Pass exp like

25 exp for each Kudosu.

Also you can get some exp points for wining in osu! weekly Battle Pass tournament, but

a bit later about this.

The next thing are rewards.

osu! is a game where all cosmetic are free, like cursor, circles, other stuff…. but

I have some ideas.

For reaching level 25 players would receive a new splendid seasonal Interface.

Every 3 levels players will receive new background which we can change in special menu.

Every 5 levels player will receive a map, for which only Battle Pass owners can get pp.

Every 10 levels player will receive a osu! weekly Battle Pass tournament ticket, but

a bit later about it.

With purchasing Battle Pass players will receive all Supporter Tag benefits, but also they will receive

a pack of 3 maps, a season-themed background and 1 osu! weekly Battle Pass tournament…

Okey. Okey.

I… I understand how you hate me now…


Now about osu! weekly Battle Pass tournament.

I think that osu! multiplayer sucks.

And it sucks not because I don't like multiplayer.

It sucks because all players do in multiplayer lobby they can do solo.

That's why, I want to introduce you osu!

Ranked Matchmaking system.

Since player reach 2k pp, he'll get access for osu! Ranked Matchmaking.

There are would be some skill brakets like 2k pp - 3.5k pp or 10k pp+.

And, here would be 3 modes: Solo, Duo and Squad.

After finding a match, system will randomly generate mappool with 11 maps, which are based

on skill-bracket and how many victories players have.

Both teams will have 10 minutes to talk about pick/bans, to check maps and to pick captain,

who will pick/ban.

Then they just roll for pick/ban and ban 1 map and after it play "Best of 7" Match,

like OWC or other tournaments have.

Due to this system, it would be pretty easy to implement in-game weekly tournament for all skill-brackets.

Also would be cool if every Battle Pass owner will get

osu! AI Assistant.

*osu! Artifictial Intelligence Assistant, mazafaka bich*

who will review your plays

(*this map is shit and you low-skill trash noob.

Go die mazafaka bich*)

tells you your all stats like stamina, speed and others

(*even my grandad plays better than you and your fat mom mazafaka bich*)

and recommend you maps for improvement

(*you so noob, go play Sotarks or Hitorigoto, mazafaka bich*).

We have tillerino with huge base of maps and ability to suggest them for players,

basing on their skill.

We have osu!Skills with stats and really cool calculations…

Just combine them, implement into the game and we will get

osu! AI Assistant.

(*welcome to osu!, retard*)

But what will receive players, who achieve

50 level of Battle Pass?

Every player achieved level 50 will receive a profile badge,

which means that he got maximum level of Battle Pass

and it would look like this.

(that's prototype)

Peppy, Dean, we are waiting.

osu! need Battle Pass.


And you guys… thank you for watching this and I hope…

I hope you really want osu! Battle Pass as me

and let's make osu! great again.

Subscribe to my channel, support me with Patreon and share this video with your friends.

See ya!~

(*R3 Music Box – Brave Shine*)

For more infomation >> Introducing osu! Battle Pass - Duration: 8:24.


Pepa Pig Family Episodes - George Fall in Love | New Stop Motion Cartoon For Kids - Duration: 24:47.

Pepa Pig Family Episodes - George Fall in Love | New Stop Motion Cartoon For Kids

For more infomation >> Pepa Pig Family Episodes - George Fall in Love | New Stop Motion Cartoon For Kids - Duration: 24:47.


PŚ/TCS Oberstdorf 30.12.1989 - relacja z zawodów (j. niemiecki/polskie napisy) - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> PŚ/TCS Oberstdorf 30.12.1989 - relacja z zawodów (j. niemiecki/polskie napisy) - Duration: 2:07.


Nightcore - Blind (RØGUENETHVN & Mike Vallas / Lyrics) ツ - Duration: 2:03.

We were young and free

Dancin' to music we don't know

Now you're next to me

And it's too late to take it slow now

Take me by your hand

Or leave a message on my phone

Call me in the night

'Cause you don't wanna be alone now

Hold me

Make me feel alive

Show me that you care

And you can make it right


Guide me through the night

Open up my eyes

'Cause I can be so


I remember nights

When we were too close to forget

Now you're far away and it's just

Like we never met no

Take a little pill

And all the pain will fade away

Hold on to your colours

'Cause our memories are grey now

Hold me

Make me feel alive

Show me that you care

And you can make it right


Guide me through the night

Open up my eyes

'Cause I can be so


For more infomation >> Nightcore - Blind (RØGUENETHVN & Mike Vallas / Lyrics) ツ - Duration: 2:03.


كيف تتجنب الفشل ◆ 8 خطوات تساعدك في حياتك ◆ تخطي الفشل في الحياة - Duration: 5:50.

For more infomation >> كيف تتجنب الفشل ◆ 8 خطوات تساعدك في حياتك ◆ تخطي الفشل في الحياة - Duration: 5:50.


【Warhammer: Vermintide 2】定期放送:バーチャルお悩み相談室 - Duration: 1:38:38.

For more infomation >> 【Warhammer: Vermintide 2】定期放送:バーチャルお悩み相談室 - Duration: 1:38:38.


BETCLIC : Comment ça MARCHE ? AVIS d'un CLIENT - Duration: 6:31.

For more infomation >> BETCLIC : Comment ça MARCHE ? AVIS d'un CLIENT - Duration: 6:31.


The Darkness - Duration: 11:28.

The Darkness

Sit down.

Sit. Down.


Alexander Lind. 24 years old. Born in Karlstad.

Currently residing in Örebro.

Not previously known by the police.

Do you know why you are here?

Where were you, at 9.30pm yesterday?

What is happening?

Who are you?

That is not important right now, we are talking about you.

Yesterday, you had quite an important test at school.

A test wich you failed.

Later, you went down to the pub and had a little to much to drink.

Just enough to hurt someone.


No. I would never do something like that.

Thats what everybody says.

But it does not change what happend.

She is in the ICU right now.

Bullshit. I haven't done anything.

Come on. Why do you think you are here?


Regarding Ellen Berg.

What about her?

We found a note in her apartment.

What note? What are you talking about?

We spoke to her neighboors. Acording to them you two had quite a fight. Is that not right?

What has that gotta do with a note?

Oh, for fucks sake. Think, for once.

I was not a huge fight, I just couldn't take it so I...

You hurt her!

What? No!

You are her friend, right?

This is how you repaid that friendship.

It was...

It was a stupid fight.

I could never make her do such a thing.

And that was not the fist time you are involved in something that hurt others, is that not right.

Tell me about the accident.

What accident...

Daddy, daddy...

Hey, dad

Why do you have to bring that up?

Why is that important?

15 years ago, you and your father were out camping.

You were on the way home in the car.

You wanted to show him something cool that you had found.

He didn't see the other car...

...and died at the hospital the morning after.

You're not looking...

On second thought.

It was your fault that dad died.

Are you kidding me?

Ellen? What are you doing here?

You can't be serious?

Do not start this again. You know that I am right.

I'm so sick of your constant bullshit.

You're avoiding the truth.

Come on. Do you mean to tell me that this piece of shit had nothing to do with it?

Can someone tell me what's happening?

You can shut your mouth!

No! I want answers.


Sit down. Sit down!

My god, what is wrong with you?

"With me"?

"What is wrong with me"?

Why do you always have to be this way?

Why do you always have to take it one step to far and focus on the bad things?

Because that is who he is. He is a worthless idiot.

And he has never done anything right and will never do anything right.

Give him a chance.

It doesn't have to be this way.

He does his best, you know?


His best!

If I could, I would have killed you long ago...


Here you go. You have already tried once before.

Alex? Were are you? Alex?

Alex! What are you doing?

Stay there!

Alex! Put that down, alright?

Let it go.

No. I can't take it. I can't live anymore.

Yes you can. Put it down. I'm here for you.

I will help you. It will all be alright.

Well it wasn't. There was no one to help you, not even your friends.

You should have ended it right there.


Who are you?

Have you not figured it out yet?

I am you.

I am the darkness within you.

I am all of your bad thoughts.

I am your sorrow, your hate, your self loathing.

I am you.

And none other.

For more infomation >> The Darkness - Duration: 11:28.


My Skyline Hakosuka's SECRET New Look! Roll Out at Japanese Classic Car Show JCCS 2018 Steve's POV - Duration: 2:54.

Hi Everyone!! I am Steve with Steve's POV!

Thumb's Up Everyone!!

On September 15 at Marina Green Park in Long Beach, California will be the 14th Annual...

Japanese Classic Car Show JCCS 2018

I go every year to this event and really enjoy it.

Last year several viewers of this channel from Japan even made the journey...

it was nice to meet them and shake their hands...

I look forward to seeing even more of you this year too!

But I got a little secret I want to tell you...

I can't really talk too much about it yet...

But I've been bringing my Nissan Skyline Hakosuka to the JCCS for at least 3 years now...

But I think this year it's time for a new fresh look for this car...

I feel like doing something new and refreshing for this car...

Of course I love it the way it is right now, but....

I have a lot of plans in the works for it to be ready for JCCS.

I will have a booth at JCCS this year too! Steve's POV & Thumb's Up booth...

I will have T-shirts and stickers on sale...

And I look forward to meeting you all, shaking your hand and giving you a Thumb's Up!

If you can't make it to the event, I will of course put out video of it...

But then we can't meet in person so try to come if you can!!!

I promise you will enjoy the day!!

See you there!!

For more infomation >> My Skyline Hakosuka's SECRET New Look! Roll Out at Japanese Classic Car Show JCCS 2018 Steve's POV - Duration: 2:54.


Momo ep2 "Play time" lps-kauhusarja - Duration: 5:49.


umm.. morning

we need to go there now

umm.. okay..

I can't go there today


I'm babysitting my sister.

Sorry.. I forgot...


we are leaving


see you tomorrow



are we going there

it looks bloody

i'm going


omg eww


this place doesn't look very nice

what has happened here

i don't know

I don't know if this was a good idea

i wanna leave


this looks interesting

stay there

Ester? wtf!?

is ester okay?

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