Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 2 2018

Dear Fellow Scholars, this is Two Minute Papers with Károly Zsolnai-Fehér.

Do you remember style transfer?

Style transfer is a mostly AI-based technique where we take a photograph, put a painting

next to it, and it applies the style of the painting to our photo.

That was amazing.

Also, do you remember pose estimation?

This is a problem where we have a photograph or a video of someone, and the output is a

skeleton that shows the current posture of this person.

So how about something that combines the power of pose estimation with the expressiveness

of style transfer?

For instance, this way, we could take a video of a professional dancer, then record a video

of our own, let's say, moderately beautiful moves, and then, transfer the dancer's performance

onto our own body in the video.

Let's call it motion transfer.

Have a look at these results.

How cool is that?!

As you see, these output videos are quite smooth, and this is not by accident.

It doesn't just come out like that.

With this technique, temporal coherence is taken into consideration.

This means that the algorithm knows what it has done a moment ago and will not do something

wildly different, making these dance motions smooth and believable.

This method uses a generative adversarial network, where we have a neural network for

pose estimation, or in other words, generating the skeleton from an image, and a generator

network to create new footage when given a test subject and a new skeleton posture.

These two neural networks battle each other and teach each other to distinguish and create

more and more authentic footage over time.

Some artifacts are still there, but note that this is among the first papers on this problem

and it is already doing incredibly well.

This is fresh and experimental.

Just the way I like it.

Two followup papers down the line and we'll be worried that we can barely tell the difference

from authentic footage.

Make sure to have a look at the paper, where you will see how the pix2pix algorithm was

also used for image generation and there is a nice evaluation section as well.

And now, let the age of AI-based dance videos begin.

If you enjoyed this episode, please consider supporting us on Patreon where you can pick

up really cool perks, like early access to these videos, voting on the order of future

episodes, and more.

We are available at, or just click the link in the video description.

Thanks for watching and for your generous support, and I'll see you next time!

For more infomation >> Everybody dance now! - AI-Based Motion Transfer - Duration: 2:35.


Le Top 3 des 🐱 chats de race - Duration: 9:30.

For more infomation >> Le Top 3 des 🐱 chats de race - Duration: 9:30.


【0P2C】"Too Many Friends" by Placebo (COVER + Lyrics) - Duration: 3:30.

My computer thinks I'm gay

I threw that piece of junk away

On the Champs-Elysées

As I was walking home

This is my last communique

Down the superhighway

All that I have left to say

In a single tome

I've got too many friends

Too many people

That I'll never meet

And I'll never be there for

I'll never be there for

Cause I'll never be there

If I could give it all away

Would it come back to me someday?

Like a needle in the hay

Or an expensive stone

But I got a reason to declaim

The applications are to blame

For all my sorrow and my pain

A feeling so alone

I've got too many friends

Too many people

That I'll never meet

And I'll never be there for

I'll never be there for

Cause I'll never be there

Too many friends

Too many people

That I'll never meet

And I'll never be there for

I'll never be there for

Cause I'll never be there

My computer thinks I'm gay

What's the difference anyway

When all the people do all day

Is stare into a phone

I've got too many friends

Too many people

That I'll never meet

And I'll never be there for

I'll never be there for

Cause I'll never be there

Too many friends

Too many people

That I'll never meet

And I'll never be there for

I'll never be there for

Cause I'll never be there

I'll never be there

For more infomation >> 【0P2C】"Too Many Friends" by Placebo (COVER + Lyrics) - Duration: 3:30.


OUTLAST KOMİK ANLAR #1 [+13] - Duration: 12:18.

For more infomation >> OUTLAST KOMİK ANLAR #1 [+13] - Duration: 12:18.


Boxster 986: How to replace the accessories belt - DIY - Duration: 4:47.

Hello I'm Piston Kirk!

Changing a timing belt is always a delicate operation

because if you make a mistake in setting pulleys during reassembly,

you may damage the engine.

Fortunately, the Boxster 986 is not equipped with a rubber timing belt

but a metal chain that wears less quickly

and most importantly, that does not become brittle with time

so in theory, no need to bother to change it.

Great, no belt to change,

end of the video!

Well no ! It would have been too easy ....

On this engine, there is another belt

which is rubber.

It serves for the accessories,

which are :

the air conditioning compressor,

the power steering,

the water pump,

and the alternator.

so if it tears

you will have to ride on the battery

and your engine will overheat

before you have time to reach the nearest garage.

so do not forget to replace it.

the replacement of the belt should normally be done every 80,000 km (50 000 miles) or every 10 years

because as the rubber dries and cracks over time,

the belt may break.

Fortunately, if it happens, it will not damage the engine,

because as we have just seen,

it is not related to the synchronization between valves and pistons

and it is for this reason that there is no need to wedge the pulleys.

A beginner can replace this belt

without any risk for the mechanics.

Now you are reassured, we can start.

The panel that allows us to access the belt is behind the seats.

It is covered with a carpet, held by four screws.

but to access these four screws,

you will first have to push back the storage box.

located above the engine block.

To facilitate the handling of the storage box,

we will remove the windproof window

located between the two arches of the roll bar.

To start we will open the roof to access the glass.

Then with one hand, lift the lever

while pushing with the other hand toward the back of the car

as soon as the first stud is out,

the other come easly.

Now close the roof.

To have room to work,

tilt both seats and move them as far as possible.

To unscrew the storage box,

the procedure is not the same depending on the year of your Boxster.

From 1996 to 1999

there was a storage box in soft leather.

The two side screws are located inside the box.

And then you must not forget to remove the central clip

located between the two arches of the roll bar

If your model was produced between 2000 and 2004,

You then have a rigid storage box

which does not have a central clip just two side screws

accessible from the top.

Once all the clips are removed,

You can push back the storage box

to lift the carpet and see the four screws that hold the carpet upright.

You will not need tools to unscrew them,

they are easily removed by hand.

Once it's done,

lift the carpet over the threaded rods.

Then pull it upwards to dislodge it.

Metal panel that protects access to the belt

and maintained by nine nuts.

There is no particular difficulty to remove them,

but sometimes this metal panel adheres to the chassis,

you must then force a little to take it off.

Before removing the belt,

take the time to observe it

and take pictures with your mobile phone

to be able to look at them easily when reassembling

Once the observation phase is over,

Take a socket wrench of 24

and insert it into the tensioner pulley.

Rotate clockwise,

what will lower the pulley

and free the belt

Remove the belt is very easy operation

but extremely messy

So be careful of your interior,

especially if it is clear.

Here is the replacement belt,

it can be found very easily on the internet

for a price ranging from 20 to 40 euros.

But be careful when you order it

because its length is not the same if you have a 2.5L, 2.7L or 3.2L engine

You must take into account the presence or absence of air conditioning

because there is a compressor.

Most Boxster have air conditioning,

but if your car does not have one,

the belt will then be shorter.

Since there are 6 different belt sizes for the Boxster 986,

as a precaution, we will check that the belt we have just removed

has the same length as the replacement belt.

As we can see, the size is the right one,

we can install it.

Put back this belt is not very intuitive.

Start by passing the belt through all the pulleys

except the tensioning pulley and the guide pulley at the bottom left.

Then with the socket wrench push the tensioner pulley closer,

Pass the belt

and put the idler pulley back in place.

Now, before reassemble,

you must test it.

As we can see, it works,

now we can put the cover back.

Eventually, it's a very easy operation

who just asks you to be attentive during disassembly

So don't hesitate to replace it

because it will give you the opportunity to discover your engine from a new angle.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> Boxster 986: How to replace the accessories belt - DIY - Duration: 4:47.


Buy Orginal Bluetooth Headphones Shop In BD / Shapon Khan Vlogs - Duration: 10:51.

For more infomation >> Buy Orginal Bluetooth Headphones Shop In BD / Shapon Khan Vlogs - Duration: 10:51.


【倒三角身型】第一集・側三角肌(中束) - Duration: 5:58.

For more infomation >> 【倒三角身型】第一集・側三角肌(中束) - Duration: 5:58.


M1 Finance - How To Buy & Add New Stock To Your Portfolio Pie - Buying A New Stock! - Duration: 9:36.

hello everyone and thanks for tuning

into the financial investor channel my

name is Brent and today we're gonna be

adding a new stock to the Roth IRA

account over on m1 finance so during

this week's video stocks with X

difference next week I covered six

stocks that have X students one of them

really caught my eye

it was Stanley Black & Decker so here we

have ticker symbol swk Black & Decker

the schools of course sells power hand

tools mechanical access solutions

electronic security and monitoring

systems across both United States and

international as well it does have an

extended next Thursday payout day on the

18th of September now looking at the

stock you know their current prices up

nineteen nineteen point three percent on

average for the past ten years that's a

very healthy return now the past is no

you know prediction of how the futures

gonna go but their dividend increases

sitting at a ten point six percent

ending you know increase over the last

ten years here their dividend growth has

been for the past fifty years

so back sends what nineteen what is that

nineteen seventy sometime this stock has

paid a dividend and continued to raise

their dividend year over year over year

now what caught my attention is this

one's currently trading with a dividend

yield of one point eight two it recently

has had an increase in its dividend put

in it with a yield over price the price

has been hurt since the beginning of the

year may be due to tariffs but its

financial metrics are looking very

positive here revenue net income free

cash flow all up triple digits or double

digits year over here over the last ten

years also current p/e ratio is at a

twenty one point seven five which is

below both the S&P 500 and the industry

average for the most part I'm gonna go

ahead and consider that valued its

forward p/e is at a seventeen point

three one and expected to grow their

earnings from a dollar sixty three to

two dollars and eighty

since in the in the upcoming year that's

a very nice you know increase there now

when I had looked at them they looked

very inexpensive price book prices sales

wise currently trading undervalued in my

opinion so I'm gonna go ahead and show

you guys in this video how to add a new

stock to your portfolio over on m1

finance so here I do have my portfolio

I've never added a new stock to it since

we built it back in January of 2018 so

it does still have all of its 15 stocks

originally added to the portfolio in

order to add a new stock to this

portfolio you'll click Edit at the top

you'll click Add

we'll have to type in the ticker symbol

for this so this was swk for Stanley

black & decker here we'll just add a

plus signal make sure it's here on the

bottom and select add now we do need to

allocate 7% or whatever percent you

would like to add to this position I

would like to add it as a primary so

about like another six or seven percent

so initially I'm gonna go ahead and

because this one has had a very nice

it's here years of growth as far as

dividend goes I believe they're gonna be

going forward very strong I could you

know I could see this one very easily

continuing to pay out during recessions

and raising their dividends during the

recessions as well so I have no problem

adding it into my portfolio as a 7% or

now I will need to reduce some target

percent equities for some of my other

stocks so in order to put 7% into the

stock I do need to remove seven you know

a stock one or two percent from the

other stocks here in my portfolio so

AT&T I am gonna knock that one down to

six I'm gonna go ahead and knock

Lockheed Martin down to six as well

prax there I'll knock that one down to


I'll try oh this is one I've been

wanting to kind of move lower and lower

in my portfolio I'm gonna knock that one

down to two and here that leaves me with

I do have a hundred and two so I do need

to decrease just a few more by two

percent cat

piller still a great stock I'm gonna go

to just knock it down one and I do need

one additional one there I'm gonna go

ahead and move Pfizer down to a 6% so

that puts me with Stanley Black & Decker

up at 7% of my portfolio I'm gonna go

ahead and keep Apple Johnson & Johnson

Kimberly Clark black stone WP Carey and

Walmart at my seven percenters and go

ahead and add that to my portfolio

whoops and that's not that escape and

I'm gonna go ahead and hit save here so

if you are sure you want to make these

changes your portfolio any or remove

slices will be sold during the next

trading window for seeds will be

reinvested into this pie I'm not trading

or removing anything from this portfolio

I'm gonna go ahead and hit confirm and

there we are our portfolio has been

updated we can now see down here that

Stanley Black & Decker has been added to

the portfolio

there's no point current equity in it

and the actual equity percent is null

and its target at 7% now if I want to

fund this

I want to fund it to 7% of my portfolio

I want to hit its target so what I'm

gonna go do is bust out my handy-dandy

calculator which is right here now the

target I wanted to be 7% of my portfolio

so in order to do this I could just take

the current equity of the portfolio 5910

and subtract 7% so that would put me at

413 dollars and 70 cents so I can take

this number copy it in order to buy four

hundred and thirteen dollars of the

stock I'll go ahead and select it next

with this one selected you can see here

there's no value there's no gain there's

no return I will just go ahead and click

on buy and sell and here by Stanley

Black and Decker current value $0 we

just punch in how much money we want to

buy into this one for available orders

is negative four hundred and thirteen

dollars and 67 cents current cash

balance three cents

so I will see what happens here train

the next trade window by Stanley Black &

Decker amount four hundred and thirteen

dollars and seventy cents alright actual

order amount may deviate slightly from

your input amount so let's see how m1

Finance fulfills these orders so it's if

I don't have the cash a lack of cash

available to complete buys if you do not

have enough cash available to to trade

for all buy orders m1 will have to

prorate the order to match the available

cash example user submits a hundred of a

buy order for stock a 100 buy order for

stock B and a hundred dollars in

available cash m1 will procreate these

orders to $50 for stock a and $50 for

stock B you can always see your

available cash nearby order submission

screen okay so based off what I am

reading I won't be able to actually make

that but what I can do is fund it

wonderful allow me to do this I'm gonna

go ahead and deposit four hundred and

thirteen dollars and seventy cents into

the account making contributions for

2018 go ahead and hit confirm and

confirm there as well and there we are

we have some pending details of when

this will go on in the next trading day

and that should be yet I'm gonna go

ahead and let it sit and you can see

here that there is a trade initiated

here with the little signal there on the

bottom right there so that should be all

that is needed in order to complete this

trade we'll come back here in another

video and probably doing our weekly

recap we'll take a look at the portfolio

and see how that one has been initiated

and added to the portfolio so that is it

for this video I did want to create just

a very simple video again I'm going to

be adding ticker symbol swk to my


let's X divin is coming up next week

it's financial mess

looked very nice when doing the review

of stocks that had backs given is next

week and that is it for this video thank

you guys for tuning in if you guys did

like the content hit the thumbs up Milou

below if you're brand new to the channel

hit the subscribe and hit the

notification battle button to be

notified of new videos released every

single week and thank you guys for

tuning in I will see you next time have

a great day bye

For more infomation >> M1 Finance - How To Buy & Add New Stock To Your Portfolio Pie - Buying A New Stock! - Duration: 9:36.


Sadhguru - Break all the identities and be Human ! - Duration: 17:14.

Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan: Sadhguru, it's a great opportunity and an honor for me to

interact with you.

In many ways there can't be a greater contrast between two individuals

Sadhguru: At least in appearance we are.

Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan: You grew up in a very urban and sophisticated background.

I grew up in a village in Telugu medium.

And you're in the spiritual realm and I'm anything but spiritual,

I'm in the completely temporal realm.

I built all my life around principles of rationality and logic.

When you are a person of religion, you're given certain edicts

what is good, what is bad, the ten commandments, the do's and the don'ts,

but in ordinary life for most people, particularly in the public domain,

to distinguish between good and bad seems to be increasingly difficult.

I've always held that there are two realms the individual, individual gain and the second

is the public good.

If one is clashing with the other, if my personal gain is clashing with the public

good, then that is something bad; if both are in harmony, then that is something


That seems to me a workable definition of what is good and bad

for ordinary interaction between the citizen or individual and the community and the society.

What are your thoughts on that?

Sadhguru: See, once you start a debate as to what is good and what is bad,

this debate can go on forever without coming to a conclusion.

Obviously you've debated this within yourself and around yourself for many years

and still there is no conclusion.

And believe me, people have been debating this for thousands

of years and still there is no conclusion.

essentially it boils down to this 'What I do is good, what you do is bad.'

That extends to the society, to politics to various things.

Whoever is in a position of power is in a position of dominance,

they may not spell it out so crudely but in so many ways they're telling you,

what I do is right, what you do is wrong.

So ultimately it becomes about whoever is in a state of advantage is right,

whoever is in a state of disadvantage is wrong.

Well, that principle is the basis of all exploitation and all the ugliness that you see on the planet.

So instead of starting a debate on what is good and what is bad,

I think what we need is what is appropriate and what is inappropriate

to our times, to our society,

to our existence here, to our level of economics.

What is right and… what is appropriate and what is inappropriate?

Tomorrow if our conditions change, the appropriateness changes.

Then there will be no clashes.

Constantly the clash between the previous generation and this generation,

between one human being and the other human being is

your ideas of right and his ideas of right are so different.

Parents and children are fighting, administration and people are fighting,

management and union is fighting simply because your ideas of good and bad

are very different and it's always different.

Within the family between the husband and the wife,

basic unit of the family, their ideas of right and wrong are very different.

So, once you enter that space, you're entering into an endless controversy,

no possibility of a solution.

But if you look at appropriateness of action, then we can arrive at what is the appropriate

thing to do in our society, for our conditions,

for our limitations.

Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan: Sadhguru, that brings me to the question of

ensuring that the moral conduct is actually upheld,

while spiritual gurus, religion itself and society norms have a value,

they don't seem to be sufficient.

Only in India, whenever you talk about corruption or some other misconduct in public life or

private life, we talk of morality and values instead of

talking about institutional Sadhguru: No, as far as I'm concerned there

is no corruption in India.

Where is corruption in India?

There is only banditry.

I don't see any corruption.

Because corruption means you come to me and you want a favor to be done,

I'm willing to do it, but, you know, under the table I want two rupees from you.

This is corruption.

I break your head and I take everything that you have, this is not corruption.

Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan: So when we talk of all these evils in public domain,

often times we talk about values in this country rather than enforcing a certain code of conduct.

Unless the laws of the land, unless the enforcement mechanism is strong

enough to enforce a certain code of conduct and prove

that there is punishment for bad behavior and reward for good behavior,

I'm afraid values in themselves will not for long sustain us.

Sadhguru: Not at all.

Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan: No.

This is something that we need to get from you

because over emphasis and values at the cost of institutions

sometimes may actually become an excuse for doing nothing to build institutions.

what institutional mechanisms we need to build in your estimate to build higher levels of

public integrity, higher levels of civic conduct?

Sadhguru: See, one important thing that India needs to do

is to simplify the laws in a way that everybody understands it.

Right now, it's so, so complex and so ambiguous, nobody really knows what it is.

And because there is so much ambiguity, it creates so much grey areas which breeds

corruption endlessly.

If there is no ambiguity, somebody just couldn't come and ask money out of me to do some work,

isn't it?

There is so much ambiguity.

These laws were largely created by the English because they wanted ambiguity,

so that they could interpret it whichever way they want.

If they want to pick you up tomorrow morning, they want to pick you up and there is a good

enough reason.

We have still kept the same laws and even today it is true,

the law can just come and pick you or me up now

and I don't know what I have done but they can pick you up and they can produce

something number whatever criminal procedure code,

some damn number that I'm not aware of and they can say you did this

because it's such an ambiguous law.

This is good to control foreign nations if you occupy them;

not for our nation to move ahead.

Too much ambiguity.

you can see million examples like this in the country

where laws are unnecessarily complicated and ambiguous,

which is essentially breeding ground for corruption.

Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan: Now Sadhguru, I hear you saying that

a) the cultural ambience in which you live, that matters about the appropriateness and

b) it changes from time to time, generation to generation.

In other words, people sometimes confuse taboos with morals,

the changing fashions and attitudes of morals.

But unless we have some kind of a yardstick which is measureable and somewhat universal

in guiding our behavior and dealing with the society at large,

or perhaps even in nature, how are we going to give people a yardstick

other than religious edicts that is the challenge for many agnosts

because we can't go by the Ten Commandments merely

because God gave us those.

We can't go by the Gita because Lord Vishnu told us so.

We need a temporal yardstick, we need an institutional mechanism to be able

to measure and say this is right, this is wrong - a talisman.

Sadhguru: Trying to fix the human societies with morality

will only bring more and more deception.

And above all, it kills life in so many different ways.

Why are we trying to fix life with morality?

Essentially because we have never bothered to stir up humanity.

There is something called as humanity within us.

If you stir up this dimension which we call as humanity,

when somebody is feeling very human, he doesn't need morality.

He will be fine the way he is.

But instead of being a human being, he becomes a Christian

or a Hindu or a Muslim

or an Indian or a Pakistani

or this or that or some many things caste, creed and many, many things.

So instead of a human identity he takes on a different identity.

Now you can do most horrible things with great pride.


You can kill thousands, not one; you can kill thousands and feel really good

about it.

I did it because 'I did it for the nation', 'I did it for my religion',

'I did it for my caste, creed', whatever else.

So your identity is shifting from your fundamental identity to make-believe identities,

it may serve limited purpose.

We're a nation because we have to politically manage ourselves.

It is not some divine dictum that this is a nation like this.

We are the people who drew the lines, isn't it?

Now we believe that's how it is.

For certain functional realities we draw lines, but that is not the reality.

So a human being should essentially be identified as a human being,

not by his religion, not by his race,

not by his caste, creed, nationality, no.

If he sits here as a human being, you don't

you will see he does not need morality.

He will be fine.

And that's what is needed in the society, to stir up humanity,

not morality.

Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan: That's a terrific message, Sadhguru.

Essentially what you're advocating is that go beyond the individual,

go beyond the sect and the creed and embrace humanity itself

and you will not go wrong in actions Sadhguru: I'm not saying embrace humanity.

I'm saying you are human, isn't it?

I don't have to teach you to be human; you are human.

The problem is somebody else has taught you that you are something else.

Somebody else has told you, you're Indian.

Somebody else has told you you're Hindu.

Somebody else has told you you're Muslim, but the reality is you're human.

if you travel hundred kilometers in India, people look different,

they dress differently, they speak differently,

different languages, our food is different, everything is different.

But still for over ten thousand years, the whole world has referred to us as one


Though we were over two hundred political entities at some time,

still, you know we've been doing trade with Syria,

Jerusalem, Damascus, Jerusalem, Greece all these places for over 8,000, 10,000 years.

Even at those times, they referred to this country as Hindustan

though there were two hundred entities.

It was referred to as one nation as Bharatvarsh or Hindustan or whatever the name,

because somewhere people saw this as one nation though it was ruled by many kings

because there was one ethos which is something that the politicians and

administrators and the people have never paid attention to.

The only thing which keeps us as one nation is a certain fundamental spiritual ethos

which is not on the surface but which is always there.

In the sense, people recognize this as one nation from outside

because they all believed in something.

This nation has never been a nation of believers.

We have been a nation of seekers because spiritual process has been the main


Here, people are not believing in God, they're seeking mukti or liberation or freedom.

There is a difference between a seeker and a believer.

A believer means he's made a conclusion.

A seeker means he's wide open.

He's… he's realized that he does not know that's why he's seeking.

This one quality set us apart from the rest of the world,

so outside world recognized as one nation, though there were so many political entities.

We need to understand even today, it is only this spiritual thread which is

keeping this as one nation.

If you…

right now it's being systematically hacked at.

If you break this one thing, after twenty five, thirty years,

you will wonder why are we one nation and we will break.

If you do not strengthen the fundamental spiritual ethos of this nation,

if you hack it down with beliefs and other kinds of identities,

you will see you will break up into various nations,

you will not be one nation.

Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan: Sadhguru, I hear you clearly

and I entirely agree with you that unless unity and order are kept even above liberty

if necessary, if there is a clash, we're in danger.

(Sadhguru): This is the reality of existence.

If you sit here as a piece of life, you instantly know that there is nothing in

the existence with which you're not connected.

essential dimension of spiritual process is that you dis-identify yourself with all the

false identities you've taken on and to learn to sit here just as a piece of


If you sit here as a piece of life and throb as a piece of life,

breathe as a piece of life; you know this happened a few years ago

because you mentioned this Project Green Hands I'm bringing this on.

When I said that we need to plant a 114 million trees

to get Tamil Nadu to thirty three percent green cover,

people said, 'Sadhguru, do you know what is 114 million?

Is it possible for any human being to plant this many?'

See, I told them, the population of Tamil Nadu is 62 million


If all of us plant one tree, take care of it for two years

and plant one more tree, what is the number - you got it.

Now the problem is that they must feel for it.

How do you do it?

I told them you don't worry.

I went out village to village, called Farmers Associations together,

I told them one simple thing - just sit here, where do you want to sit in the sun or under

the tree?


You know what is the choice.

Everybody sits under the tree.

Now I said, see, are you breathing?


I want you to understand what you exhale, the tree is inhaling.

What the tree is exhaling, you're inhaling.

Just sit here and feel it, it's happening.

One half of your lungs is hanging out there, It just caught like a fire.

We've not planted 114 million trees, but 17 million trees

and Tamil Nadu's green cover has officially gone up by 7.2 percent

and we didn't give up our lives to do this, this is just one of the small things we do.

Just that if everybody gets involved, it's a small job, isn't it?

Why are they not getting involved?

Because they're identified with something.

If they sat here as a piece of life, nobody had to tell them.

They would have anyway done it by themselves.

So, it is because of these wrong identifications that we're doing all these crazy things

and you're trying to fix it with morality.

It's not going to work.

It's not worked for these thousands of years, isn't it?

For more infomation >> Sadhguru - Break all the identities and be Human ! - Duration: 17:14.


Як я вчила словацьку? | Giveaway - Duration: 8:39.

For more infomation >> Як я вчила словацьку? | Giveaway - Duration: 8:39.


मेदू वडा | How To Make Crispy Rava Medu Vada | South Indian Recipes| Medhu Vadai | Uddina Vada| Rava - Duration: 2:04.

Lets make instant Rava Medu Vada

Ingredients: onion,cumin,green chillies,ginger,rava,curd,curry leaves-check description box for exact quantity

Mix all well

Keep aside for 40 minutes

Now grease hands,pick some batter,roll and prepare perfect vada as shown

Heat oil and drop vada

Cook till golden brown

For more infomation >> मेदू वडा | How To Make Crispy Rava Medu Vada | South Indian Recipes| Medhu Vadai | Uddina Vada| Rava - Duration: 2:04.


¿Cómo sé si debo declarar renta? | Consulta Sin Honorarios | El Espectadoa - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> ¿Cómo sé si debo declarar renta? | Consulta Sin Honorarios | El Espectadoa - Duration: 2:52.


Optimus Prime at NEST Base Scene | Transformers Revenge of the Fallen (2009) Movie Clip - Duration: 6:43.

Autobot twins, report to Hangar Three.

Bad-ass ice-cream truck coming through.

- Excuse me! Excuse me! Hello! - No, I don't...

- Hold up. - Those are nice.

Yeah, baby, it's upgrade time.

Yes, sir. Yeah! Look here, it's my Booty call right here!

- Time to get my sexy on with the green. - Green? No, green is mine!

I call green!

- I got the green. - That hurt, man.

It's supposed to hurt. It's an ass-kicking.

Present arms!

Director Galloway, what an honor. I'd love to show you around,

but you gotta be on the classified access list.

I am now. Presidential order, Major.

I got a message for your classified space buddies!

You guys made a mess of Shanghai.

All right, so this is where we communicate with the JCS

and this area serves as the Autobots' hangar.

Secure link to JCS is up, Major.

Secure line to the Pentagon is now open.

- General? - Will, I saw the Shanghai op.

- We had a rough day out there. - Yes, sir.

We have intel that I believe warrants an immediate debrief.

Now with your permission, I can't let you see him,

but I would like you to hear from the leader of the Autobots.


You gotta wonder,

if God made us in his image, who made him?

General, our alliance has countermanded

six Decepticon incursions this year,

each on a different continent.

They're clearly searching around the world for something,

but last night's encounter came with a warning.

"The Fallen shall rise again."

"The Fallen." Meaning what?

Origin unknown. The only recorded history of our race

was contained within the AllSpark and lost with it's destruction.

Excuse me!

With this so-called AllSpark now destroyed,

why hasn't the enemy left the planet like you thought they would?

Director Galloway, our National Security Advisor.

The Presidentjust appointed him liaison.

Well, I guess I didn't get that memo.

Forgive the interruption, General. Excuse me. Coming through.

Excuse me. Excuse me, soldier.

After all the damage in Shanghai,

the President is hard-pressed to say the job's getting done.

Now, under the classified Alien/Autobot Cooperation Act,

you agreed to share your intel with us, but not your advancements in weaponry.

We've witnessed your human capacity for war.

It would absolutely bring more harm than good.

But who are you to judge what's best for us?

With all due respect, we've been fighting side by side

in the field for two years.

We've shed blood, sweat and precious metal together.

Soldier, you're paid to shoot, not talk.

Don't tempt me.

And the newest members of your team.

- Easy. - I understand they arrived here

after you sent a message into space,

an open invitation to come to Earth, vetted by no one at the White House.

Let me stop you right there, Mr. Galloway. It was vetted right here.

And in my experience, the judgment of both Major Lennox and his team

has always been above reproach.

Well, be that as it may, General, it is the position of the President

that when our national security is at stake, no one is above reproach.

Now, what do we know so far?

We know that the enemy leader, classified NBE One, aka Megatron,

is rusting in peace at the bottom of the Laurentian Abyssal,

surrounded by SOSUS detection nets and a full-time submarine surveillance.

We also know that the only remaining piece of your alien AllSpark

is locked in an electromagnetic vault

here on one of the most secure naval bases in the world.

Decepticons, we have located the shard.

And since no one can seem to tell me what the enemy is now after,

well, there's only one clear conclusion!

You! The Autobots!

They're here to hunt you!

What's there to hunt for on Earth besides that?

"The Fallen shall rise again"?

It sounds to me like something's coming.

So, let me ask, if we ultimately conclude that our national security is best served

by denying you further asylum on our planet,

will you leave peacefully?

Freedom is your right. If you make that request, we will honor it.

But before your President decides, please ask him this.

What if we leave and you're wrong?

That's a good question.

For more infomation >> Optimus Prime at NEST Base Scene | Transformers Revenge of the Fallen (2009) Movie Clip - Duration: 6:43.


Breaking Bad: Marie Schrader - Walter White, Lite - Duration: 17:41.

"Hi, baby.

I'm your Aunt Marie."

Marie Schrader tends to get the least attention

of the four adult members of the central family in Breaking Bad,

which would not please Marie.

"Now I'm supposed to go, 'Hank, please what can I possibly do

to further benefit my spoiled, kleptomaniac, bitch sister

who somehow always manages to be the center of attention?'"

But it's a big mistake to overlook her because Marie holds a key

to understanding the show as a whole.

As we're watching, we start to realize

the writers use Marie to offer a secret, warped mirror of Walt himself.

"You're a thief."

"Excuse me?"

"And a liar, making stories up about yourself.

What's wrong with you?"

Through Marie, the show explores central questions of Walt's story --

like, why do people do bad things?

And where's that line separating selfish and spiteful from truly evil?

In Walt these questions take on a grand dramatic tone;

in Marie, they're repeated on a smaller, more comic scale.

"Don't worry, I wouldn't hurt anybody, but it just...

it just feels good to think about it."

Thus the character unlocks a hidden commentary

that makes us re-evaluate our initial take on Walt's journey

and sheds some light on what makes a person break bad, or stop short.

So here's our take on why Marie Schrader is Walter White, Lite.

Before we go on,

we want to tell you a little bit about this video's sponsor,


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And back to Marie.

Skyler and Hank are both, to some extent, Walt's antagonists --

they're often in clear opposition to him, either knowingly or unknowingly.

Meanwhile, Marie actually has a lot more in common

with her brother-in-law

than first meets the eye.

"I think you should do whatever you want to do."


Comparing Walt and Marie can help us understand Walt's motivations for breaking


If you look at the fourth episode of Season 1,

it contains a very revealing sequence of events that sheds some light

on why Walt does what he does.

Skyler tells the family about Walt's diagnosis,

and Hank, though he means well, says the worst thing he could say to Walt.

"Whatever happens, I want you to know that I'll always take care of your family."

Hearing this, Walt feels powerless and emasculated.

Later, a guy swipes Walt's parking spot.


Oh come on!"

And when Walt runs into the guy again, he sets fire to the guy's car.

Unhappy that he can't provide for his family --

and, more to the point,

that the world sees him as a man who can't provide for his family

and who will just stand by as his parking spot is stolen --

Walter asserts himself.

Marie has a parallel situation an episode earlier.

First she complains that her shoes are ugly.

"These shoes make me look like I should be changing bedpans,

like I should be squeaking around bringing soup to some disgusting old person,

then take the bus home to my 16 cats."

Then she goes window-shopping, is annoyed by a rude salesperson,

"Excuse me, ma'am.


You need to be wearing footies before you try those on."

"I'm extremely clean."

"Yeah, well, I'd really appreciate it."

and, on impulse, it seems, walks out of the store

wearing shoes she did not pay for.

Both Walt and Marie feel unhappy with who they are,

and more specifically with the fact that others view them in a way they don't


Both act out of spite, to punish the people they think slighted them.

They begin breaking the law as an instinctive response

to feeling their egos bruised and their worth not recognized.

And as they go on,

their deeper psychological desire is very much the same, too.

Bryan Cranston once said about Walter White turning into Heisenberg:

"Personally I feel it had happened in the very first episode

when he attempted to become someone he wasn't."

So according to Cranston, Walter's fatal flaw is wanting to

overstep the boundaries of who he is -- to become something he's not.

Marie's stealing is a similar overstepping --

she is very literally disregarding the boundary between "mine" and "yours."

And Marie goes even further in trying to become someone else.

"Any children?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact, a little boy."

"Oh, how old?"

"He turned 4 in May.

He's a Gemini."

In Season 4, when her relationship with Hank is struggling,

she finds solace in a new, more elaborate ritual --

she goes house-shopping, pretending to be a different person in each house she visits,

"Tori Costner."

"Charlotte Blattner."

"So nice to meet you, Charlotte."

and stealing little trophies along the way.

Marie wants to be seen as a creative, glamorous and happily married woman,

"My husband is an illustrator, so we traveled a lot --

Paris, Italy, Denmark.

It was before the kids were in school, so it was easy to pick up and go."

while Walter wants to be seen as the great and mighty Heisenberg.

"I am the one who knocks."

Yet both are driven by the ambition to swap a dissatisfying life

for a better one, via shortcuts.

"Between his pension and the income I bring in from hand modelling,

we're, you know, comfortable."

The key psychological similarity that Walt and Marie share is

an inflated yet fragile ego.

"You were returning it?

Why would you return it?"

We've talked Walter's ego at length in earlier videos.

"Bring the bottle back."

Marie has an ego that could probably compare, even if it's not as obvious.

"When you watch this 20 years from now, I will look exactly the same as I do now.

I know it is amazing.

I have aged shockingly well, haven't I?"

Her self-centeredness manifests most often in her insensitivity

to the people she's talking to.

"I was talking to Melinda, Hank's boss's wife.

I told you about the one with helmet hair and permanent lip liner.

Anyway, she was saying that when they were there --"


She can't read a room to save her life.



And one quirk that expresses Marie's egomania is

her famous obsession with purple.

Betsy Brandt, who plays Marie, once explained that each cast member was

assigned their own distinctive color at the beginning of the show,

but that she was the one who suggested taking Marie's love of purple

to the extreme.

She said, quote, "And they just ran with that."

Purple is associated with royalty,

so it's fitting that the color makes Marie feel special and important.

Like a child, she equates herself with her favorite color --

surrounding herself with it is a way of remaking her world in her own image.

Of course, this is a superficial and largely imaginary pursuit --

which is more evidence that Marie is a lighter version of Walter.

He's trying to bend the whole world to his will,

even taking and destroying lives to build his empire,

whereas Marie's crimes are largely victimless.

She indulges her egotistical whims in a more solipsistic fantasy space.

Yet the comparison between the two leads to the important observation

that what Walt's doing is just as childish and deluded,

if far less harmless.

Marie and Walt are also both prolific liars.

"You better just back off, okay?

My husband is a DEA agent."

"I thought he was an astronaut or an illustrator.

You better get your crazy lies straight."

And they excel especially in lying to themselves.

"You're a drug dealer."

"No, what, how--"

"The shoplifting.

You're not going to admit this, are you?"

"I can't really admit to something when I have no knowledge of what it is

that I'm admitting."

They seem to have a defensive barrier

that helps them repress what they really feel deep down.

And that self-delusion results in a lot of misdirected emotions.

When Hank is in the hospital, Marie's anxiety over his health

surfaces as a rant about the hospital cafeteria forks.

"We're in a hospital.

Do you think that sick people aren't eating with this bacteria-infected silverware?

My God, how are you supposed to survive this death trap?"

Walt has a very similar hygiene-related obsession in the famous "Fly" episode.

"This fly is a major problem for us.

Now, we need to destroy it and every trace of it.

Failing that we're dead."

Of course, it's not the fly Walt is really worried about;

he's concerned over his increasingly dangerous stalemate with Gus.

But both Marie and Walt are so good at keeping themselves in denial,

that sometimes they don't even know when they're doing it.

"I have no idea what the hell you're even talking about."

So the parallels between Walt's and Marie's psychological makeup are striking:

the dangerous ego, the lying to themselves, the impulsivity and spitefulness,

the need for recognition,

and the feeling that they're entitled to be more than they are.

It's no coincidence that both Marie and Walt

try to steal Holly from Skyler in Season 5.

"Give me my baby."

"Skyler, we're not leaving without her!"

"Walt, no!

Let her go!"

Both have such big egos and ability to delude themselves

that they confidently overstep boundaries others would consider sacred and untouchable.

In season one, we learn that Walt's not the only member of his family breaking the

law --

"You know that tiara that Marie gave us?"


"Well, she stole it."

The audience thus gets to feel out each of the main characters' approaches

to morality,

and their reactions to Marie foreshadow what Walt will face

from his family in the future.

Skyler's response to her sister's shoplifting lets us fast forward in our minds

to the moment when she'll inevitably find out about her husband --

and we can see it's not going to be pretty.

"Your lies.

To me.

The shoplifting.

All of it.

Did you really think it was all just neatly gonna go away?"

"Well, if you hadn't tried to return it --"


Her reaction to Marie tells us that Skyler's morality is pretty rigidly

unbending --

this is not a woman who will rush to make excuses for her family's transgressions.

"You knew about this."

"W-We're working on it."

Meanwhile, Hank, the tough DEA agent who treats his perps like scum,

"Sit your ass down!



is nothing but supportive when it comes to his wife's "issues."

"We gotta support the shit out of her."

So we see that he has a soft spot when it comes to family --

and that will come into play later when it takes him so long

to realize the truth about Walt, even when it's in front of his eyes.

We see that Marie's own moral code isn't lax or forgiving,

"Maybe you should just go ahead and die then."

except when it comes to making room for herself as an exception.

She's outraged at the idea that Walter Jr. is,

she wrongly believes, smoking pot.

"Walter Jr."

"Yeah, what about him?"

"Marijuana -- he's smoking it."

but she shoplifts a pair of shoes immediately after this conversation.

So her behavior shows how easy it is to excuse yourself while judging others --

and that gives us a preview of exactly the kind of hypocrisy

we're going to see later magnified in Walt.

"I am not a criminal.

No offense to any people who are."

Walter's own reaction to Marie's crimes is deeply revealing --

trying to justify his own behavior, he reinterprets Marie's.

"Oh, well.

People sometimes do things for their families."

"People sometimes do things for their families?

And, what, that justifies stealing?"

This exchange is so interesting because we can see that Walt is

already using Marie's compulsion as an opportunity to practice his skills

of rationalization --

something he will eventually turn into an art form.

"That is college tuition for Walter Jr.

And Holly."

So in the end, what separates Marie and Walt?

Why does Marie never kill anyone, poison any children,

or torture her nearest and dearest?

Surely if they are really so similar, she would have done something

worse than stealing a few knickknacks?

Well, there are three significant things that Marie doesn't have,

which weigh greatly on Walt:

the deadline of a cancer diagnosis breathing down her neck;

the unrealized potential of wasted scientific genius;

and the pressures of society's expectations of masculinity.

These factors separating Walt's story from Marie's

suggest to us that at least part of what leads someone down a darker path

is circumstance -- environment.

But Marie also has a very important thing that Walt doesn't,

and that's a consistently loving, resilient marriage.

Her truest redeeming quality is her devotion to her husband.

And maybe it's largely thanks to his patient support

that Marie stays mostly true to her better side.


Do it now.

Give her back."

Marie and Hank constantly berate each other,

"I must've said Cheetos like ten times.

You need me to write it down for you?"

"No, and I don't need you to be mean about it either, Mr. Grumpy."

but they also understand each other without words

and share their own intimate language.

"If I can get the groundhog to see his shadow --"

"It's not going to happen.

I'm sorry."

"I'm betting it will, and if he does, you check out of here."

They're an unlikely contender for the title,

but we might argue that these two make one of the the sweetest TV couples out there


in their own way.

"Pain is weakness leaving your body."

"Pain is my foot in your ass, Marie."

"Hey, if you can get your leg up that high, I say go for it."

There's a chicken-or-the-egg mystery here --

is it the strength of their relationship that keeps Marie from succumbing to her bad


or is it because Marie is more good than bad that their relationship stays more nurturing

than Skyler and Walter's?

Either way, Marie gives us the answer to why most people with the potential to break


don't turn into Heisenbergs --

true connection to others keeps us tethered to our better selves.

Characters are not supposed to be real people.

They're elements in a story --

collections of traits and motivations deliberately crafted to move the narrative


and illuminate its key themes.

Marie's character is designed to double the issues we see in Walt's personality,

but in a smaller, unthreatening form.

Think of it this way --

if Heisenberg were a T-Rex, Marie would be a little, mini T-Rex.

Now, if you shrink down a big scary dinosaur to the size of a lapdog,

the fearsome creature becomes essentially harmless,

even funny and ridiculous.

"Welcome to your baby shower, Esmeralda!"

Walt wants the universe to look upon him with fear and awe --

yet this little yappy mirror of him in Marie undermines that mighty image

and forces us to wonder --

is Heisenberg's ego trip not a little bit silly and pitiable after all?

"He was... naked, naked in a supermarket?

It wasn't Whole Foods, was it?"

In the end, this kleptomaniac radiology technician

with a penchant for purple is the "Heisenberg everywoman" --

proof that you don't have to be exceptionally talented

or diagnosed with cancer to have Heisenbergian egomania within you.

But even if you are an unpleasant, selfish person in many ways,

it's not a done deal that you can't lead a good life.

If you're ever in doubt,

clinging to your bonds with the people you love

will help you stay on the right track.

"The officers spoke to the homeowners and they're not gonna press charges."

"Good, I won't either."

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For more infomation >> Breaking Bad: Marie Schrader - Walter White, Lite - Duration: 17:41.


[ENG SUB] Personal Promo Video 2014_Hua Chenyu_华晨宇_2014年个人宣传片 - Duration: 1:48.

You do not understand the luxury of my solitude

You do not know my concealed wildness

You do not grasp the melancholy behind my smiles

Instead, you condemn and insult with overheard rumors

You cannot see my shining convictions

You cannot hear my vibrant singing

You cannot fathom my vigorous growth

Instead, you ridicule dreams amongst strife


There is no need to explain to those who understand

There is no need to dwell on those who do not

I want

And only want

To run towards my own light

Perhaps I never had anything in the past

Perhaps nothing will be left in the future

But we have not yet withered away

So do not hasten into recurring days

To hell with your rumors and slanders

To hell with right or wrong and gain or loss

I only want myself

To be 'me'

Always 'me'

Translated by Hua Chenyu English Subs Subscribe for more translated videos of Hua Hua

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] Personal Promo Video 2014_Hua Chenyu_华晨宇_2014年个人宣传片 - Duration: 1:48.


VanWyck - we do not speak (Legendado) - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> VanWyck - we do not speak (Legendado) - Duration: 4:11.



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6 Super Easy Ways To Reduce Side Fat Fast! - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> 6 Super Easy Ways To Reduce Side Fat Fast! - Duration: 3:21.


(FREE) Smokepurpp Type Beat 2018 x Lil Pump "TIMEZONE" | Hard Instrumental Beat Free Type Beat 2018 - Duration: 4:09.

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