Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 2 2018

The first things I think of L'Oreal Men Expert in my heart are cool & handsome

I am very happy to join the L'Oreal Men Expert Dream Team

joining this big family let me believe that I can try different styles firmly

and we can challenge some cool things

and break your own limitations

show your real side to everyone

We deserve it

For more infomation >> [ENG] LuHan × L'Oreal Men Expert CF - Duration: 0:45.


Канзаши из атласных лент своими руками - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Канзаши из атласных лент своими руками - Duration: 1:08.


Простая техника канзаши для начинающих - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Простая техника канзаши для начинающих - Duration: 1:08.


Превосходные канзаши из атласных лент - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Превосходные канзаши из атласных лент - Duration: 1:00.


Words (Spoken Word) - Duration: 1:55.

Words have gone out of race. They've taken our last breaths.

With every unheard truth I get crushed by the wall that has left.

Air suffocates words,

Engulfs them till they won't be heard, till they rot in their cage till they can never be saved

Living on an inhale, with that how can you ever be okay?

How can you surrender and walk covering your mouth and ears, don't they choke on the air you've breathed?

Don't they get on their knees and beg for a release? Don't you see your hands torturing

what's meant to be said? tormenting lumps of blurts that shroud your head?

How can you ever sleep?

Tongues fell apart, and you're not able to phrase it anymore

Faces are vague, voices have omitted what they're living for

Solitude was a sword with two ends and

its wounds are planted in the back of my throat. My past have spat out this lump of

distress. I'm the over-worn, old, wine-stained dress that is longing for details to descend into a sharp relief

But you now worship the ghostly script it's yourselves

you've deceived. You've left letters unread, puzzles unfinished, the light untouched, and old books unwritten

For you have had too much of paint with shades of blue, you left the sky bloodless,

dreary, if only it knew.

For more infomation >> Words (Spoken Word) - Duration: 1:55.


白石麻衣のウエディングドレス姿に「美しすぎる」!? & 「世界遺産ですか?」真相は。。。? - Duration: 6:04.

For more infomation >> 白石麻衣のウエディングドレス姿に「美しすぎる」!? & 「世界遺産ですか?」真相は。。。? - Duration: 6:04.


[ENG] LuHan Message for joining L'Oreal Men Expert family - Duration: 0:12.

Hello everyone, I am LuHan

I am very happy to join L L'Oreal Men Expert Dream Team

I hope you can be more hydra energetic with me

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