Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 2 2018

Hi. This is Marty from Blue Lightning TV.

If you have an old black and white photograph that has creases, cracks and tears, I'm going

to show you tools to remove them and restore the photograph.

Before we begin, if not already a subscriber to Blue Lightning TV, smash that small "Subscribe"

button at the lower, right corner!

If you'd like to help support my channel,click the "Join" button below the video to become

a channel member or click the Patreon card at the upper right.

Open a damaged black and white photo that you'd like to restore.

Otherwise, feel free to work on this one in the meantime.

I provided its link in my video's description below or in my project files.

Restoring damaged photos is relatively simple, but quite time-consuming and requires a lot of patience.

Most of the tools that are used in photo restoration boil down to just 4: the "Spot Healing Brush",

the "Healing Brush", the "Patch Tool" and the "Clone Stamp Tool".

There are others you can use if needed, but the ones I mentioned are the workhorses that

are used to do most restoration jobs.

I'll explain what each one does when we use them.

The first steps are to remove any color cast it may have and to adjust its overall brightness and contrast.

Press Ctrl or Cmd + Shift U to desaturate the image and press Ctrl or Cmd + L to open your Levels window.

Drag the input highlight level to the point where the histogram starts to rise and do

the same for the input shadow level.

Let's zoom into an area of the photo by pressing "z" on our keyboard and dragging a rectangle

over an area to zoom into it.

To reposition it, press and hold the Space bar as you drag the photo.

I'll begin to removing the creases, stains and rips on this area of the wallpaper.

The easiest and most effective way to do it is with the Clone Stamp Tool.

This tool essentially copies one area of an image and stamps the copy onto another area.

We can choose the size of the area to be copied and precisely where it'll be stamped onto.

You can adjust the opacity and flow, however, to retouch this particular area of my photo,

I'll keep them at 100%.

I generally like to keep "Aligned" checked.

This will use the most current sampling point whenever you stop and resume painting.

Since there's only one layer in our document, make sure "Current Layer" is active.

To adjust the tool's size, make sure your CapsLock key is off and press the right or

left bracket key on your keyboard.

I'll make it this size.

Press and hold Alt or Option as you left-click your mouse or pen.

Then, release.

This copies or clones the pixels from the area you clicked on.

Now, when you brush over another area of your image, it'll brush an exact copy onto the new area.

When we release our cursor and brush over another another, the sampling point moves

in tandem with the area we're brushing because "Aligned" is checked.

You may have to play with this tool for awhile to get the hang of it.

For these creases, I'll use the "Spot Healing Brush".

Make its size a bit wider than the crease itself and brush over it.

This brush blends the texture of the sampled area with with the color and luminosity surrounding

wherever you paint.

Next, we'll open the Healing Brush".

Alt-click or Option-click an area near the imperfection to define the starting point.

Click and drag over the imperfection.

This tool samples the surrounding area and blends the imperfections into the rest of the image.

Open your "Patch Tool".

This tool is similar to the Healing Brush Tool, however, it uses selection-defined areas

instead of a brush.

Draw over an area you'd like to repair and drag it onto an area you want to replace it with.

Deselect it by pressing Ctrl or Cmd + D. Continue to use these tools over your entire photo

until all the rips, scratches, tears and stains have been removed.

There are four filters I'd like to show you to reduce dust and scratches.

For the first one, go to Filter, Noise and "Dust and Scratches".

I'll drag the image in the Preview window to an area that shows some of the finer scratches.

Set the Threshold slider to 0.

Threshold is used to determine how different pixels must be before they're removed.

Setting it to 0 Levels turns off the value, so that all pixels can be examined.

The Radius determines how far to search for differences among pixels.

If the Radius amount is too high, it'll blur the image, so find the right balance of how

much noise you want removed versus when how much softening you want your image to have.

For now, I'll set it at 2.

Gradually increase the Threshold to the highest value that gives you the amount of detail you want.

By clicking and releasing the Preview window, you can toggle back and forth to see the before and after.

If you're happy with the settings, click OK.

The next filter is "Reduce Noise".

This is available in CS2 and later.

Drag your image to an area that shows noise or tiny hairline imperfections.

We'll keep "Basic" ticked.

We'll just use "Strength" and "Preserve Details", since they're used to remove luminance noise.

We'll start the Strength at 0% and then drag the slider to the right until the noise is removed.

Once you've removed all the noise, begin dragging the Preserve Details slider to the right to

bring back as much image detail as possible without re-introducing the noise.

I'll click and release a few times on the Preview window to see the before and after.

The next filter for reducing noise is "Despeckle".

As soon as you click it, It detects the edges of your image and blurs everything, but those edges.

As I toggle back and forth you can see the the difference.

This blurring essentially removes noise while preserving edge detail.

If you're using version CS or later, there's another filter to reduce noise.

Go to FIlter and "Camera Raw Filter".

Click the "Detail" icon and under "Noise Reduction", drag the "Luminance" slider to the right

just enough to hide the noise.

As with all the noise reduction filters it hides noise well, however, the downside is

that it also reduces the good detail in the photo that we'd want to retain.

It's up to you if you want to use any of these filter at all or if you want to use a small

amount in their settings.

This is Marty from Blue Lightning TV.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Photoshop Photo Restoration: How to Repair & Restore Old, Damaged Black & White Photos - Duration: 7:39.


Savitar,Zoom & Reverse Flash REVEALED!? Ini 100th MileStone Episode ! - The Flash Season 5 - Duration: 6:42.

I it wasn't just me who took it down who

was it another spacer hi We Need to Talk

who are you I'm your daughter Nora from

the future anybody need a refill just me

people call me XS it's a nickname you

gave me when I was a kid and kind of

stuck here now

so anybody know what to do

what is good youtube Warstu here with a

video on the flash season 5 so we're

back with another flash season 5 video

the reason I make and flash video is

there's actually some information

interesting information to talk about

which I don't know if it's true but it's

a very interesting title and very

interesting concept I guess you could

say so it's coming from reddit so take

it with a pinch of salt you know and

stuff comes from reddit and 4chan it's

like could be true you might not be true

it was right about something for games

the throwing some things for infinity

war so it could be true but take it with

a pinch of salt so the flash comes back

on the 9th of October which is well now

in September so we are getting closer so

let's go over this so it reads like this

post is some information from episode 1

to 5 here yes they have some episode 100

stuff as well they are planning this now

seeing the importance of the episode

some of it may already be known but I'm

setting it out or info so here it is

isn't up to date on camera directing ok

we already know that Tom Cavanaugh is

directing episode 100 he did a smashing

job direct in that episode he did a last

season so I'm quite happy with him

directing I couldn't remember the last

episode he directed was into the future

episode I think it was 2024 that episode

when it was a timeline that didn't

actually really happen so Tom Cavanagh

will kill it which is interesting this

will serve as a midseason finale but

episode 7 will be the real mid-season

finale story for episode 100 will be

standalone I mean the guesses would be a

standalone story if they introducing

Batwoman and all that kind of stuff so I

guess that bit could actually be true no

final confirmation on which exact

character or actors are returning but a

reverse flash would take part as CGI

sabotage will appear not the physical

suit interesting so every year we have

conspiracy theories we have leaks we

have everything saying sabotage

zoom reverse flash or returning then

it's like season 3 well zoom didn't turn


season 4 zoom didn't turn up neither did

saboteur so it would be cool if zoom

flashing this avatar coud return and

have a epic fight is it gonna happen I

don't know reverse-flash will always

turn backup so that concept actually

does make sense rough draft of the

episode is one part time travel one part

multiverse one part Speed Force

the only problem with this is really all

that this is I presume episode 100 is

going to be during the crossover if I'm

correct you know I could be the most

expensive episode this show has made

apart from the pilot in season one

depend on the availability actor I know

that zoom suit is in Vancouver but I'm

sure of whether it just stayed after

season 2 or if it has been brought back

for a season expect a new speedster

that's all I was safe for now free free

to ask questions

so the redditor is YVR insider guys we

don't know if this is true I mean it

sounds a bit too good having a massive

space a fight having sat at our zoom

reverse-flash return I mean it does

sound pretty cool in concert but

realistically I don't know but then if

you go down and actually look at the YVR

insider he says I work in YVR around

multiple shows and movies but currently

I'm working mainly on the flash and

arrow if this source is actually legit

why would this person go out there way

to post about it knowing that they get

fired for releasing details like this

and actually call himself YVR insider

now I don't know guys do you think this

is real do you think it's fake it's an

interesting topic every single year that

reverse-flash zoom Savitt are are all

gonna come back for one epic fight yes

we'd love to have Teddy Sears back on

your show it would be amazing the show

hasn't been that great since season two

to be honest zoom was the best villain

that we've ever had on the show I don't

know it's actually really hard to say

that cuz zoom and reverse flash are on

the same level there

so cool when we had the Harrison wells

version played by Tom Cavanaugh so is

this true I don't know guys and let me

know would you love this to happen it

doesn't really say a lot I mean to be

honest guys anyone literally anyone

could have wrote this because there's no

detail there's no context there's no

debt there's no empathy there isn't much

of anything but like you know guys we do

cover absolutely everything on this

channel so let me know guys I will be

doing more flash videos only when

they're relevant and only when I think

it's something that my audience was like

so episode 100 zoom sabotage reverse

flash mega speed falls fight which

sounds epic there's going to be what

else does it say let's have a look one

part time travel one part multiverse one

parts P force and a new speedster

Wow what is it gonna be is it gonna be

Nora Allen's twin brother he's Don Alan

Cumming I don't know guys it it really

could be an interesting season this year

on the flash now I know I troll a lot

but I'm really looking forward to the

season the flash I hope it can be good

because I really are missing making

these flash videos I love them but at

the moment there isn't really much

context and the demographic is quite

small in this niche so guys and let me

know in the comment below do you think

the reverse flash is coming back that

sounds realistic but do you think you

and saboteur are going to come back for

one epic fight I heard a lot of things

about this is gonna happen last season I

really hope the CW can do it it's gonna

be a bit of a shapeshifter because they

did say that they didn't really want to

focus much on species during season 4

but now in season 5 they're bringing

everyone back and they're bringing new

speeders so like always guys please like

subscribe and comment and I will catch

you in another video very soon catch ya


For more infomation >> Savitar,Zoom & Reverse Flash REVEALED!? Ini 100th MileStone Episode ! - The Flash Season 5 - Duration: 6:42.


Rap Argentino: Tekum - Quieren que creas | #Diferente - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> Rap Argentino: Tekum - Quieren que creas | #Diferente - Duration: 2:15.


Harley Quinn & Joker Club Scene / Batman Chase | Suicide Squad (2016) Movie Clip - Duration: 3:50.

We finally meet.

Nah, he don't shake hands.

But sit down and have a drink.

Hey, J.

On behalf of everybody, welcome back.

I wanted to come by and personally say thank you.

You making me good money. I'm making you good money.

Are you sweet talking me?

I love this guy.

He's so intense!

Mmm. You're a lucky man.

You got a bad bitch.

Oh, that she is.

The fire in my loins.

The itch in my crotch.

The one, the only, the infamous Harley Quinn!

Oh, come to Daddy.



you are my gift to this handsome hunka hunka!

You belong to him now.


You're cute.

You want me?

I'm all yours.

I don't want no beef.

You don't want no beef? You don't want no beef?

Why, what's wrong? You don't like me?

Fine. Don't waste my time then.

This is your lady.

Look, are you enjoying yourself?


That's your lady, Joker.

That's right.

Yo, J.

And that was just the beginning.

Come on, Puddin'. Do it!


We have got company.

Batsy, Batsy, Batsy.

She's crazier than him.

And more fearless.

Stupid Bat, you're ruining date night!


Puddin', I can't swim!

But the Bat got her, too. She's in the same hole as Deadshot.

For more infomation >> Harley Quinn & Joker Club Scene / Batman Chase | Suicide Squad (2016) Movie Clip - Duration: 3:50.


TIEMPO | TARANTINX - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> TIEMPO | TARANTINX - Duration: 2:40.


BTS (방탄소년단) 'The wings tour final cartas/letters' [SUB ESP/ENG] - Duration: 6:14.

For more infomation >> BTS (방탄소년단) 'The wings tour final cartas/letters' [SUB ESP/ENG] - Duration: 6:14.


Manifiesto - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Manifiesto - Duration: 0:55.


MRE PLAVIH KACIGA UN - UN Western C ration 24hours (eng subs) - Duration: 20:32.

Tit... Tit for tit... both for Biso...

Boki is with us once again. After year or so.

Yeah almost a year.... I've gained some weight since than although...

And you were deployed in the meantime, but not with UN ''soldiers'' fortunately

Today we have something RARE here ( Nathan type rare)

We have UN C type ration western.

We got it via some cool dudes

Their names are Watts and Eistee.They have an online ration store.

There will be link supplied for all of you wanting to buy some international rations.

They also have new European store for faster EU shipping

The name of the store is MRE MOUNTAIN so feel free to check it out.

Thank you guys for everything!

So republic of world, united nations 24 hour ration

Western menu C. Big green bag full of stuff... Around 2 kilograms

Wait...I have to get my nailclipper out...

Grocho nail clipper!

Wtf is Grocho? Dude from Dylan dog comic....

Look how it cuts....

My Marijan got it for me...

We will be here for two days with all this

Bag is big green and made from plastic.

1.4 KG is the weight... and best before date is...

Best before to eat is December 2018

Color is Ukrainian green. '' Extacly that was the color of old Ukrainian''

Lets see what we got here.

Hard biscuits x3, toilette paper x1.... It wont be enough after all this

Vanilla cake... and it is big enough...

Resealable plastic bag for things or garbage...

NATO approved menu sheet...

Bag with tea,sugar,salt,pepper,napkins,beverage...

We really got a lot of spices and sugar... Diabetes here we come

Says here... do not damage the bag...

He got chili con carne, I got Chickpeas with mutton stew

Mutton stew sounds like a disease....

When touched it feels like cat food.

Also I got black beans... which is, I suppose, an addition to one of the main meals.

And the last bag is choco, cookies, protein bar, peanuts....

We are gonna heat it up.Be back in a sec.

We had some wind issues but managed to heat it up. Might affect the sound a bit....

First of all chickpeas with something brown...

Some sort of meat it is... looks like beef...

Maybe it is mouflon.... similar to mutton (Lamb)

Have you ever eaten mouflon? Try it (WE KNOW IT IS LAMB)

Meat? Without any taste....

But the chickpeas are pretty good.

Carrot is 5/5. Great for the eyes!

Witness it people!

Lamb,chichpeas and carrot.

As you can see all these meals are vetch based.

Witness chili con carne

Red beans.Made for farting.

But it is western menu so no wonder.

Westeners are out in a cold more often so farts keep them warm.

I've been out in a cold for a year and food eaten with spoon is the best thing ever

No canned meat can feel so good.

Anything with a spoon.Even heroin.

If you season it mutton stew is great.You even get some spices.

salt,pepper and hot sauce and it goes!

Here comes pepper and mexican sauce

I believe it goes well with beans also

How do you salt properly?

awww dude..... beautiful... he pressed it all out....

This comes in all diarrhea colors....

Not exactly stuff Im used to...

Now it is clear why they flee mexico

Good when salted....

Interesting thing about UN is that they also have halal meals.

SInce there are all nations it is weird that no native american rations are not availible

Thats cool if you ask me due to multicultural atmosphere in todays armies...

And women in military? '' They are also multicultural...

This third meal is white beans.not the red one as before...

It is pretty mild if you ask me

BIso swears it is mild.....

My stomach wouldn't approve otherwise

Ok but lacks meat....

you've seen the main meals now

Chickpeas with lamb,regular beans and chili con carne

Boring if you ask me.....

If one man eats all this beans here in one day he will fart like dragon...

This could especially be an issue to people with digestive problems....

Very bad choice of mains if you ask me.

It is not cool.Boki concurs

And if the mains are all bad for you, then you are in trouble...

Basis should be meat... thats what a soldier needs to complete hard tasks....

This is gonna get bad grade in my opinion....

If they had only beans in homeland war I understand then why they were so crazy....

Next thing is accessories...

Sweet biscuits and salty biscuits....

Sweet ones have loads of butter inside.

Salty ones are sand packed in shape of biscuits

Also ketchup if you eat beans with ketchup

Classic muesli... waiting for some milk.

You get milk powder for that...

Cheese spread as seen in US MRE

This one is standard without jalapenos

It is tasty if you eat it once a week.

Fruit bar is firm jelly soaked in sugar.

you also get strawberry jam...they are hand picked in woods probably..

Milk chocolate.....

This is sort of chocolate camo. It is probably from austro-hungary....

we will try it nevertheless

Not so much to say about this....

I'm great fan of vanilla cakes....

Here it is.Vanilla cake!

Even grandma Rose cant make it like this

I'll take just a piece

-i like it

I can't taste vanilla

Point is you imagine it is in peter pan

I've eaten better vanilla cakes in worse armies rations

Sugar free chewing gums for your white teeth...

heyy here are the candies that grandpa hands out

noo..... these are toffies...

these go well in front of primary schools

napkins also go well with the bonbons

to wipe your saliva...

you have seen the biscuits...

These are the beverages.Usually mood lifters.

I got isotonic drink

High fiber isotonic drink...should be good for you

If you drink a lot of water this might come in handy

Tastes ok.Has sort of lemon kick

Next is hyperprotein drink

Not promising brown color....

Lacks taste in general.... something is floating inside....aluminum....

Also you get the coffe... they can't miss with that one I guess....

Milk in powder to make milky drink....

Red cross handed it out during the war.... also potatoes in powder...

Pass the spoon please....

Thank you for the spoon.....

Muesli in milky drink. Lets give it a go.

We might added to much milky in mmilky drink...

Muesli are positive (translates to thoughts in croatian roughly...)

For cocoa powder it is too late now....

Real men don't drink cocoa powder...

Only after intercourse....

Soup is good in cold weather...but you trade it usually for candies...

Since we are not happy with this ration, soup must be mindblowing to turn us around....

Otherwise I say 2 out of 10...

Outro take 2... we had some tech issues

Our thoughts on this are as it comes.... Dear UN you have missed it with this one...

So much beans can be fatal for guys inside tents...

UN what have you done to your combat ration...

All those beans really don't make us happy....

Drinks are also not top of the pops... maybe they have some cool effects...

But if they make you thirsty that is also not cool...

Little bee.... '' little bee my ass, remove that...''

Pretty inconvenient meal with very small amount of meat.....

Thats biggest con... Put in more meat guys. Those 3 pieces of meat are not enough...

Stew definitely lacks meat.....

Lets just hope western people wont be in situation to get these meals....

Guys will end up hungry and in bad condition....

Thats not enough calories to keep you up in fighting conditions....

If you ask me verdict is 2 out of 10

I will go with 3 out of 10 because of numerous additional things inside...

so the average is 2.5

my experience says these things are unusable in field....

If we compare it to german ration,which has similar amount of items...

They have managed to make it much more useful....

It is not because of ''danke deutschland'' but because they have great rations...

Tnx again boki. Send your best to boys..

It is lovely on vacation guys...see you soon.

For more infomation >> MRE PLAVIH KACIGA UN - UN Western C ration 24hours (eng subs) - Duration: 20:32.


How I Learned a Sweep Picking Lick on Guitar | Tracking My Progress - Duration: 5:17.

Always track you progress in this video. I'm going to show you how I go about doing that very thing

My friend Anthony couch on YouTube (and by the way, the link is up above and probably down below as well

Go check out his channel. He's really good and he's funny


Just kidding anyway, so anyway, so anyway anyway anyway

Yes anyway


He came up with this sweet picking riff that he encouraged his followers on YouTube

To try and it's not easy. Well for one, I've never really was much for sweet picking

I mean, I've done it but not really a lot and this riff was really hard

Here is how I tracked my progress from the beginning. Let's take a look at the video of what I'm talking about

That lick you just heard is a very fast very difficult at least I think very difficult shred

Sweep thing but don't that

I not stop you from learning it because you can just steal it change key change the arpeggio do whatever

I hope you've enjoyed have fun with it

Have fun

All of this together this is weird ultra ultra fast, but as I said, it's quite an advanced like this

Hopefully someone's watching as well. By the way,

Get this


And I will get this here you are going up

Hey if you like what you see click the like button below and don't forget subscribe to the channel

There's gonna be more coming up and there might even be some videos out here that you haven't seen yet

I want to go check those out as well

Thanks a lot keep Rocking

For more infomation >> How I Learned a Sweep Picking Lick on Guitar | Tracking My Progress - Duration: 5:17.


How To Enhance Your Career, Love Life, & Self Confidence w/ Ready To Wear Hair - Duration: 5:33.

Hi ladies! I'm Lee Woodward Owner and CEO

of Woman In Disguise and I'm really

excited that you want to improve your

career, your love life, and your

self-confidence. In 2015 I left a

successful career in corporate America

at a fortune 100 company to pursue my

passion of helping women transform how

they look and feel with the simple act

of trying on a wig, and yes I believe

that this simple act can improve your

life in terms of your career, your love

life, and your self-confidence. First

let's talk about your career. As a woman

professional you know that we not only

have to play our A-game,

we have to look our A-game and I truly

believe that any woman serious about her

career should have what I call a me 2.0

style wig in her tool belt and it's

similar to the one that I have on. So

what I mean by me 2.0 is it matches my

daily style in color, but it always looks

just like I walked out of a salon so it

looks great. And why is this so important?

It's important because we lead such busy

lives and that last minute meetings get

pulled up, and all of a sudden we didn't

get in for the hair appointment, or we

had to take the 16-hour coach flight to

the you know international location roll

off the plane, and go to the meaning, or

we all love the 5:00 a.m. video

conference call where yes we're supposed

to all look put together and be ready to

do our presentation. All those elements

are just so difficult to manage around

unless you have your Me 2.0 style

because it allows you to look A-game

ready in minutes and so truly truly

truly please invest in your Me 2.0

style for your career. It's just it's so

important to have in your tool kit.

Okay so now on to something a little bit

more fun. We'll talk a little bit about

romance in your love life. So one of the

best things about ready-to-wear hair is

that it allows us to completely switch

it up. I'm talking length, color, style,

it's all at your fingertips, you can

change your look in minutes and there's

absolutely no long term commitment

required to that to that change which

makes it so fun to play with. And when we

mix it up I think we give ourselves a

chance to spice it up with our

significant other and I think, I'll just

give you an example. My husband loves

when I wear what I call, "My Red Lola Wig"

and she's beautiful and it's completely

not anything that looks like my

day-to-day hair and he absolutely loves

it, but what's more important is I love

how I feel and look in Lola.

I think I'm beautiful when I have that

beautiful red hair on. It totally changes

how I feel, and believe me that comes

across to my husband and it just helps

us set a completely different mood for

the night. So take it from me.

Be willing to mix it up and I bet you'll

spice it up. Okay so let's talk about the

last thing which I think is the most

important aspect of the three items

which is self-confidence, and we know as

women that self-confidence really is the

foundation for so much of the positive

things we want in our life. It's

certainly part of having a great career

and great relationships, and although I

say that you know you can change how you

look and feel with the simple act of

putting on a wig,

I'll tell you that that simple act

requires bravery because it requires

bravery to stand back, push out our

comfort zone and really look at

ourselves differently in the mirror and

to allow ourselves the room to play, and

explore, and create, and not only see how

we look with a different style or

different color but to really think

about how that makes us feel,

and I really think that those acts of

bravery when we try to live our life in


that's what builds self-confidence and

I'm telling you as much as I love my

wigs and I'm super comfortable in them,

every time it takes a little mojo

to put it on, to put it on and go out

there in the world, and so don't

underestimate the

transformation. I don't use that word

lightly that can happen when you let

yourself play and explore and push out

your comfort zone a little bit. Well I

hope you can take all the things we

talked about, looking for your meet 2.0

for your career, looking to mix it up, and

spice it up in your love life, and of

course trying that act of bravery of pushing

your boundaries and letting you see

yourself differently to build your

self-confidence. If you like this video

please please please watch us on YouTube,

and you can follow the channel. Facebook

please follow us there, Instagram and

also check out our website, and check out

our blogs and thanks so much and here's

happiest regards to you.

For more infomation >> How To Enhance Your Career, Love Life, & Self Confidence w/ Ready To Wear Hair - Duration: 5:33.


K Johnson - Soil (Official Video) - Duration: 2:41.

What do you call


Who brings hope

To the hopeless

Put it on me like soil on seed

I'm made to go like foil over the greens

I'm in a league with me and no other team

So I don't feel any need to compete

Most of my early work way back as a teen

Still better than anything that you done released

Boy I been poppin like backyard weed

Boy I been poppin like granny's reused grease

Boy I been talking bout how they music is weak

And they try to justify it by saying they keeping it street

I be on a beat deep thoughts and a complex

Gotta win when I shouldn't see it as a contest

I'll be honest I'm blessed I'm American

I say that more for the location than the heritage

Land of the free home of the arrogant

But hopeful to be the reason people care again



Said before I settle I would leave earth

Banded with the rebels do the research

Found out that the devil had wings first

So I beg to differ you say I need church

Dippin through a city with no guidelines

They just killed one of his children right in God's eyes

I was all about the mission but in hindsight

That meant staying out the way trying to bide time

Every line like iodine on my side

I'm sanitized I'm that clean I'm sterilized

I never lie I been solo my whole life

Handing out humble pie

Get a whole slice

See when it was meant for me I had to own mine

Turned a alternate opinion to a gold mine

Now it's white gold fronts out front

Sitting right in front yo main one yep, yep





For more infomation >> K Johnson - Soil (Official Video) - Duration: 2:41.


「アメトーーク」三四郎・小宮浩信!相方への熱い思いを告白?どういう意味。。。? - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> 「アメトーーク」三四郎・小宮浩信!相方への熱い思いを告白?どういう意味。。。? - Duration: 3:59.


Digital Demon Concept Art (with Commentary) - Duration: 8:39.

Hello everyone and welcome back to another video I

thought about drawing and dragging but I

Don't really know what happened guys. I really don't know. So I started the drawing. I started getting some line workin

I had this idea of like a type of dragon that I wanted to paint or to draw. I

Wasn't even sure what's gonna go with this, but I just know I wanted to draw something

That was really dark and that had you know a bit of red color to I want to add a little bit of color

Because a lot of my work doesn't have any color to it

So I wanted just a little bit of color

To try something a little bit different and as I was painting this I thought to myself, okay

So, how do I how do I want to go about doing this don't want to do all the little scales?

Do I want to notice go right for the details? That weren't just kind of block things in

but the first thing I did is I just started getting some line work down trying to get the

you know general shape of things because

Originally was some of my artwork I come from, you know background with a lot of line work that I started practicing a lot

But originally I was really good with values and then I got into a lot of line work

So now I've gotta get back into practicing my values a lot more and know getting this shading and all that, right?

But as I started doing it, I just got the airbrush that is one of the brush

um selections that I'm using for the program and that it's kind of airbrushed in some

areas of it with some some blacks and some grays and

Just trying to get used to using the program changing the opacity

And I was gonna use the auto fill like it's like a little bucket icon that you can click on

And I was gonna use the little auto fill for that

But I was like, yeah

I'll do it the hard way and you know just add a little bit more value to it and use the airbrush with it and

I wanted to make something really dark but I

Noticed like as I was doing it, I started looking like this really weird

Ailing and looking spider thing. I wasn't really sure

Where's my thought about it was changing a lot from that, but I was kind of liking worlds going with it

And it's giving me some other ideas for no similar

drawings that are like this that are dark and

So anyways, as I was doing this I kept adding more little details and I wanted to get in to working on

Doing the highlights and the lighting on subjects because I wanted to lighting for this to be lit up from underneath

so that could light up the bottom part of the face and

As you can notice on this painting or drawing or whatever it is you call it. Um

the eye is really big and so it kind of has this really weird look to it and but um, I

can like it but uh

anyway, there's a couple of times as I was doing it as there's laughing because some of the portions were really

They were a bit off

From what I was thinking about doing and so I just I just kept going with that night

I wasn't too worried and I uh just kept adding some things and at the top portion of the

digital work that I was doing

I I wanted to make the top part dark to really make the face stand out because the face is really dark

And I want to add is some

Just a little of highlights to it and the bottom part of the chin

A little bit near the eyes and as I was doing it

I got into adding some details to the eyes and I added these like a little bit of neon

Lines that go up through the face, which we'll see later on the painting and I added those into it

Just try to make the face stand out more because I made that up a part of it really dark

I noticed that there like like the little orange the wings or whatever you call it. They

They needed a little bit too. So I did some highlights at that as well while I was doing a pain yet

It reminded me of the lore of the Rings movie. I watched that when I was younger

the scene in it were the big

Demon guy he comes out and he tries to fight

Gandolfini, um

Is that big see more there? They have to jump over and

It kind of looks like that guy, but no definitely not as awesome. Was that that that character that movie was pretty awesome and

That was a fellowship was everything wasn't it that was about

2002 one that's already been


1718 years ago I

can't believe it's been that long ago, but


Sometimes I'll be making a drawing I'll have an idea that comes to me and I don't really realize that I was inspired by it

Or that you know, that's what made me do it in the first place

until later on after I've done the drawing or the painting and I

Look back on it and I kind of see know what I was doing in the first place. And so


this digital stuff is a lot a lot of fun for me really getting into it and

What I like about it is how I don't have to switch from you know

using a one brush to another brush from and I worry about no smearing, you know, graphite and everything and worrying about ink

Getting all over the place. I don't have to worry about the the cost of supplies so much. The initial cost of starting digital is

very high but in the long run you're gonna save a lot of money because

you don't to keep using more paper and more brushes and everything and

That's I felt like that was something that was holding me back a little bit

Was I was worried about making a mistake because I'm going through so much paper. No, especially my more expensive paper

That is more archival and it cost us a few dollars per sheet of paper

And you know, I was afraid of making mistake. It's like I have to throw it away

Toward now. It doesn't really matter. I can I can do a quick doodle

I can do something detailed and I don't have to worry about making mistakes because you've got the control

Z and just undo a line

but I

Try to avoid doing that because I want to focus on trying to get better and I don't want to completely rely on the tool

To be a good artist. I want to rely on my skills and

What I'm able to make and the traditional sense of not being able to undo try to try to undo lines

Way less than

what I've been doing and try to keep improving on that and

anyways in this painting I

Started to edit some flames and for the flames. I used like a

It's one of the tools or brushes that is on the program that I'm using for

For Krita, I'll leave a link in the description of the video so you can check that out

But some pressure where it um, it smudges ain't that smears thing acrost?

So as I was doing the flames

I just used that night and I smudged into smeared things and swirl it all around

But before I did that I slayed in the basic colors the the red like it was like kind of like a burgundy red

It's more

Like a really dark red and then a red

a dark orange a light orange a yellow and then a white and there's a couple of spots and

just a little little hint of blue to really make it stand out more and

it has kind of just went through there and I kept smearing and smudging things around and

it really helped with the

effect and to give the illusion of

There actually being flames there to give it a more realistic look then uh, they're just plain

Brushstrokes of you know lines over and over there. That's something you want to avoid when you're trying to do pain

You don't want there's a lot of no brush strokes and that's trying to be no van-gogh. But um,

And speaking of him. I tried bending like that once it's a lot more difficult than you think

I mean, it looks easy, but then you actually try it and it's uh

It's really hard. But um

We're trying to paint something and block something in you wouldn't just kind of smear this thing

I'll just does get the proportions in and the idea on the paper first and then work your way up towards doing the details

You don't want to start off doing details the very beginning

because then you're gonna get no bogged down and you'd be focusing on those little details too much if

You have any suggestions of what you want me to make and digital art? Go ahead and let me know in the comments down below

Until then. Thank you for watching and you have a good day

For more infomation >> Digital Demon Concept Art (with Commentary) - Duration: 8:39.


ANIVERSÁRIO DE CASAMENTO (ESPECIAL)| Happy Anniversary! - Duration: 4:25.

3 years ago:The happiest day of my life.

The day we made our vows before God,and in front of all...

From that day on, we became ONE.

It was just like a movie.

Wait, even better...

We went on our honeymoon

and made so many unforgettable moments together...

Got our little girl lol

and as the days went by, we've got to know and complete each other more and more...

We've got the opportunity to make the best memories together..

and get to travel to places We've dreamed to be.

In the middle of our journey, we found something much better than LIFE!


Who gave us the perfect sense for our marriage.

And all I want is to live everything God has prepared for us.

We are both down for it.

God has given me as a husband,the best person in this world.

Who loves me, supports me, is my best friend, and is my authority.

still not enough..

Is handsome.

I find rest in your arms for my rainy days...

Your smile is the most contagious ...

And your love fills up my heart.

You are the treasure I found.

And I'm the most lucky wife in this world.

I'm gonna give my best to make you happy,all my days...

to serve you with love and passion...

Jesus, You& I forever.

I love you.

For more infomation >> ANIVERSÁRIO DE CASAMENTO (ESPECIAL)| Happy Anniversary! - Duration: 4:25.


北枕は本当はエネルギーが増す?面白い雑学 - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> 北枕は本当はエネルギーが増す?面白い雑学 - Duration: 1:41.


Toilography visits Ravenswood - Duration: 4:22.

Hi guys, Dan here from Toilography

We're here in Ravenswood which is a small town in North Queensland

and I'll show you through it in just a second, but before I do I wanted to show you guys this classic Aussie thunderbox. Check it out

One of the first things you pass as you drive into Ravenswood today is this historic miner's home from 1868,

the year gold was first discovered in the area

It's a fascinating look back into how people got by a century and a half ago

And for a toilet hunter like me, coming across this old replica Aussie thunderbox is just as exciting as discovering gold.

Today only about 350 people call Ravenswood home

but despite the tiny population there are still a bunch of cool things to do and see around town

like the Carpentaria Gold Mine

You can explore some abandoned mining equipment

Well there's a surprising number of these old abandoned buildings around here in Ravenswood

and they're actually really interesting to walk through

You can go to the creek for a spot of fishing

Or take a walk up some steps that lead to nowhere

Also here in Ravenswood they have a giant quartz rock called White Blow

Now back to some toilets and here's the public restrooms in the centre of the town

complete with this awesome mural on the outside

and a friendly North Queensland public service announcement on the inside

You definitely don't want snakes in this loo.

There are some really nice old pubs in Ravenswood including the Railway Hotel

and the Imperial

We stopped at the Imperial for a quick beer and learnt that one of the upstairs rooms is apparently haunted

Room number 12A to be specific

I can imagine it gets pretty creepy here late at night

While you're at the hotel you can take a game a pool,

relax and enjoy the back garden or the view from the balcony,

you could give the wheel a spin,

(of course I had to check out the facilities)

but you could also have a chat to one of the local characters, Woodie

The best thing about living in Ravenswood: we got no crime, we got no violence

and I'm out here with one leg, anything happens to me, the town'll look after me

Now here's a cool toilet moment: we noticed while we were driving there was an outhouse in this back yard,

but wait for it ...

look at this little wallaby!

Yep, Ravenswood is definitely a beautiful place

It may be a little off the beaten track but if you ever find yourself in North Queensland and don't mind the 130km journey from Townsville,

it's worth spending a day out here

Alright so that's it, I hope you enoyed this tour of Ravenswood

especially this classic old Aussie thunderbox

So what would you say is the best thing about living in Ravenswood?

You don't have to lock your door,

And you really don't have to sit here and listen to friggin' stupid Canadians

You can just go when you wanna go and it's a free world in Ravenswood

He's an Aussie, not a Canadian!


He's an Aussie

Oh you're from Melbourne?

No I'm from... I'm from Townsville!

Oh, sorry old mate!

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