Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 3 2018

Whether or not megalodon sharks are still alive depends on who you ask.

Most scientists agree that they became extinct millions of years ago, but to this day, there

are many videos online claiming the contrary.


This 40-foot long shark was recovered by harbor authorities in Pakistan.

The crew needed to use a commercial crane just to lift its body onto the dock for a

closer inspection.

The shark here looks a little too scrawny to be a megalodon shark, but it may have been

heavily malnourished when it was discovered.

I think it may have still been alive when this video was taken, so I'm curious as

to what was done with this specimen and if it was ever properly identified.

If you have more information about this potential megalodon shark sighting, please let me know.


Aquatic researchers are stunned to see this massive shark pass by their cameras at a depth

of 3,300 feet below sea level.

As the giant shark circumnavigates their equipment, the researchers try to estimate its measurements

based on the space between the two laser dots.

While this size falls short of an adult megalodon, some people have pointed out that this could

be a juvenile.

Since all scientist have to off of is their teeth and backbone fossils, we may never know

for sure.


This school of oversized fish appear to have somehow busted into a commercial fishing trap.

They are feasting on the bait inside when a much bigger aquatic creature shows up and

quickly scares all of them away.

The lumbering behemoth moves slowly as it investigates the now-empty traps.

As other people have pointed out in the comments section of the original video, if this is

an industrial-sized fishing trap, then the shark has to be absolutely massive in size.

There's little doubt in my mind that this is a real video and not special effects, so

the question is what kind of shark is this and how large was it.

Let me know if you recognize any these markings and can identify it.

Otherwise, I think there is a strong possibility that this could actually be an authentic megalodon



The quality of this Brazilian Coast Guard video is not very good, but it does show something

huge apparently lurking under the surface during a rescue mission.

A massive dark object silently moves behind the distressed swimmer and the coast guardsman

who is saving him.

The shark looks like it could easily match a submarine in length and width.

The video ends before we get to see if the shark surfaces or not.

I guess this possible megalodon shark sighting could be special effects or else just the

result of very low resolution.

Let me know if you think this is a real megalodon shark or if it is just too grainy for you

to tell.


This next video is most likely CGI, so I'm not going to spend a lot of time dissecting


It was supposedly taken somewhere in the open waters in 2013.

Crewmembers are recording a whale when all of the sudden they capture something that,

if not fake, is absolutely insane.

The whole situation looks way too dramatic for me to believe it was just a natural event.

I think a real shark attack would have been more visceral and also most likely would have

taken place underwater.


This giant shark apparently washed ashore the beaches of Australia one day at random.

Some people are saying the shark was at least 40 feet long and possibly a megalodon.

The video itself seems very realistic and the crowd is convincing.

They even back up as the creature gets closer to the shore.

I saw the CNN logo in the bottom right and tried to verify this story.

However, I could find no official story on their webpage or in their archives.

Either this video is completely fake, or it is real, and someone decided to put the CNN

logo in for some strange reason.


That's the reaction from crewmembers after this shark footage was reported on the Today

show in Australia.

The story was about a new technology that allows shark researchers to attract sharks

more easily when suddenly a monster shark leaps right out of the ocean before their

very eyes.

I personally think that this is a great white shark, but other people are sure that this

is too large to be a great white and that it has to be a megalodon shark instead.

There is also a theory that the megalodon shark has diverged into a newer hybrid species

of great white, so perhaps this video supports this assumption.


The title of this video was originally called "giant black shark" with a question mark

at the end, signifying that the uploader was unable to classify this massive underwater

sea creature even after seeing it with their own eyes.

An astonishingly large shark casually swims pass the boat before retreating out of sight

to deeper waters.

You can see that this shark is too big to even properly fit in the camera frame.

Look closer and you can see a fishing line coming out of the shark's mouth from the


It easily snaps the line upon its descent and keeps going.

The quality of this video is pretty good, but I still can't make out many discerning

features of the shark besides its expansive size.

I'd like to hear your best guess as to what kind of shark this was, and if you think there's

any possibility that it could be a megalodon.


That's the reaction of two fishermen as an unidentified shark heads towards their

boat for a closer look.

It passes by them three times before getting way too close for comfort.

This is when the two friends finally decide to make a retreat.

This is, in all likelihood, just a great white shark, but other people are saying it's

too big to be a great white and that the markings are slightly different.

In their opinion, this could be a fledgling megalodon shark that was recently born.

Let me know if you agree with them or if you think this was a great white.


These fishermen were casting into the ocean waters of Palm Beach, Florida when a massive

potential megalodon shark comes straight at their boat.

The gigantic shark is easily the same size as their entire boat and could flip them if

only it knew how.

The sea creature faces them head-on and gives the fishermen a great view of its goliath

physique as they have a tense standoff.

Then it quickly snatches up the bait and retreats back to the depths below.

It's hard to make out a lot of detail because there is somewhat of a glare, but I have little

doubt that this video is real.

Let me know if you have any idea as to what kind of shark this could possibly be.


A YouTuber named blackriverfossils is on the hunt for more evidence of the megalodon shark.

He only gets to do this once a week and he wants to make the most of this hobby on a

rainy day in South Carolina.

He goes out to a fresh clearing that has been sectioned off for digging.

It isn't long before he finds a very small bull shark tooth, but this isn't enough

to impress him, so he keeps searching.

Then, sticking partially out of the mud from the fresh rains, he finds what he is looking


The giant black megalodon tooth is serrated on both ends like the edge of a carving knife.

blackriverfossils later measures the tooth and finds it to be a full 4 and a half inches


That's not the size of a full-grown adult tooth, but looking at it up close, I can only

imagine the amount of damage that one of these juvenile could inflict on a human, let alone

the thousands that megalodons were known to have.

I did look up megalodon teeth online to verify this video, and sure enough they look exactly

like this one.

For those of you who are interested, megalodon teeth sell online for about $600 on average.


This video was supposedly taken in South Africa in April of 2013.

Some tourists are fishing when something huge instantly snaps their industrial-strength

fishing line without any effort.

Shortly thereafter, it comes straight for their boat.

Water floods the vessel and, according to the uploader, this video was later somehow

recovered and salvaged.

As for the boat, investigators thought that perhaps a whale had tried to jump over it

and failed.

It was the only creature, they said, that was large enough to cause that amount of destruction.

Except, of course, for a megalodon shark.

Before we get to number 1, my name is Chills and I hope you're enjoying my narration.

If you're curious about what I look like in real life, then go to my instagram, @dylan_is_chillin_yt

and tap that follow button to find out.

I recently released a music video for my song Sidelined and I'd love to get your opinion

on it.

Tap the circle icon in the top right right corner, then tap MY MUSIC VIDEO to give it

a watch.

It's also linked in the description below.

It's a proven fact that generosity makes you a happier person, so if you're generous enough

to hit that subscribe button and the bell beside it then thank you.

This way you'll be notified of the new videos I upload every Thursday and Saturday.


A small kayak is completely dwarfed by an enormous shark that's not too far away.

The shark begins to turn towards the kayaker and makes a pass at them, though it's unclear

whether the shark was hungry or just curiously investigating its surroundings.

Either way, the uploader of this video estimates the shark to be over 40 feet long based on

the average size of a kayak.

Sometimes being deep underwater can make objects look much bigger than they really are.

However, here you can see that the shark is close enough to the surface for its fin to

break the water, so its size is not being exaggerated at all.

From what I understand, sharks don't usually come to the surface unless they see something

of interest, so maybe it really was going to eat the kayaker.

I'm not sure about the geographic location of this video, but it appears to have been

taken from some sort of helicopter, perhaps one belonging to the national coast guard

of whichever country is claiming these waters as its territory.

Unfortunately, the video ends before we get to see the kayaker's fate.

Of course, this uploader could just be skilled at video editing.

Let me know what you make of this one.

For more infomation >> 13 Megalodon Shark Sightings Caught on Tape - Duration: 12:34.


how to create a youtube channel 2018 in hindi - Duration: 14:39.

how to create a youtube channel

For more infomation >> how to create a youtube channel 2018 in hindi - Duration: 14:39.


More heavy rain on the way _ 090318 - Duration: 2:00.

Good morning, I hope you enjoyed the fairly clear blue skies we had over the weekend except

on Jeju Island, but most regions will see another band of heavy rain for the start of


Central regions will see 50 to 100 millimeters, starting from the mid morning in the upper

regions before gradually spreading south... heavy showers will sweep the country until

dawn on Tuesday.

Checking on today's temperatures, morning lows in most major cities are in the low twenties

except Jeju, and mountainous regions on Jeju are waking up to heavy rainfall with a heavy

rain advisory issued.

Daily highs should be similar to a couple notches higher ranging from 24 to 30 degrees


Be sure to carry an umbrella on your way out.

Temperatures will range in the mid to upper twenties,... while morning lows remain in

the low twenties with showers in store on Friday.

That's Korea for you and here's the international weather for viewers around the world.

For more infomation >> More heavy rain on the way _ 090318 - Duration: 2:00.


Ninja Shows RAGE!! He had Triple Kill Chance... (Fortnite Moments) - Duration: 6:18.

well I've done a little bit more

information for you here again for life

presents high stakes if you missed the

news yesterday next week a new event

debuts at fortnight titled high stakes

this event features a brand-new limited

time mode called the getaway a new wild

card outfit with selectable styles and a

free set of challenges today as you can

see we're taking a look at the wild card

outfit inspired by the first four card

suits the outfit helps you dress for the

job all four masks are included with the

outfit so you can change to whatever

style suits you the outfit also cut

comes with the cup case back bling and

of course there's the safe the cracker

glider so you can fly in with style will

get by me are you kidding me are you are

you kidding I don't think they're

kidding jag tomorrow we'll have a

gameplay reveal of the getaway a limited

time mode and a brand-new item coming to

the game that I'm happy to say is called

why do you go to packs because nobody

streaming so it's like my viewers now I

would have been streaming more but like

my aunt passed unsuspectedly and all

that stuff so you know I get more out of

not going to fax than I do going to back

in terms of pretty much everything

that's pretty much why 10:45 ma'am got

dirty with the 1325 yo yeah you want to

come out here how to make something


he's looking to make it happen towards

its low side down to just one HP can he

make the greatest play happen I don't

think Shore Trump's why would Sean ever

drop this is a few points right now

ghost pizzle

good effort my friend but Sean knows

there's the reason aforesaid Meredith

the shot and Sean

play six eliminations oh yeah that's

confidence an excellent set of

decision-making opportunities there is

he was up top he rotated the right times

he stayed above and

it was a time when they were like I

don't know man that summer skirmished

check came though the game was Friday ok

I'm sure miss less to terms of myself

everybody sitting there hating talking

about who can be compared to Blair

how much they got from summer skirmish

Braille that's how much trap there we

break the roof he runs into the trap or

he stays and eats a handful of c4 what's

he gonna I do know what see right there

it's gonna kill you oh no

that's the optimal time to pull the

thing out and put a choir in elimination

or two there you go as we head on over

to our heat three winter monster and he

at five of limbs 352 buildings built

place first in Game one boat was

eliminated 68th in Game two but that

shows you literally one monster game was

enough to put him out through that

happen actually last night wheats one of

our players had zero points going into

our fourth and final game then earned

himself I believe five points and that's

by the one alone and that put him in

like eighth so it was nowhere even on

the board next to you know one strong

game can make all the difference and

that's the beauty of it no matter who

you're a fan of no matter who you're

rooting for even if they struggling for

the majority of the day one pop off

performance can be enough to send them

to Monday I think that should be at

least a little bit of motivation for

players that have like you said

concerning gameplay earlier in their

games you look forward to the next one

because it does not mean you're out

For more infomation >> Ninja Shows RAGE!! He had Triple Kill Chance... (Fortnite Moments) - Duration: 6:18.


Wizard101's Decaversary Quest! - Duration: 4:17.

Hello ladies and gentlemen. Today, we're going to be doing the decaversary quest.

Let's go to Gamma and get the quest.

We're in Gamma's tower, let's get the quest.

Let's find it out.

Woah that epic music.

Let's open it and see what we get.

Ooh a statue!

And we just got it from a quest.

Ok, I'm going to go to my house right now, I want to know what the statue looks like.

Now I see the statue it looks so cool.

Let's go home and place the statue.

I think here should be a good place.

Woah that statue looks extremely cool!

And I think I'll move the statue here.

This video will be wrapped up.

Don't forget to give this video a like and subscribe to my channel for more content.

Stay tuned!

Peace out!

For more infomation >> Wizard101's Decaversary Quest! - Duration: 4:17.


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