Hey guys what's going on before I start this video I want to remind everybody to check out my Instagram page
It's Michael Sabo 350 on that page. You can find a lot of cool stuff
You're gonna find some before and afters of projects that I did before I even started this channel
Things that are coming up in upcoming videos and what's going on in this shop plus some other cool pictures
And I'm starting to include your own guys projects
So if you're doing a project and you want to send it in shoot me an email Michael Sabo 350 at gmail.com
And I'll see if I can post it up on my Instagram for you. Once again, it's Michael Sabo 350
Hey guys what's going on welcome back to the channel first and foremost
I want to thank everybody for tuning in and I really want to give a special thanks to everybody that followed this build especially if
You filed it in its entirety those of you that did watch this and its entirety
you know, this was a long build there were a lot of surprises and things that we didn't know about with this thing and
Finally as you can see, it's all complete now for you guys that did follow this project in its entirety
I'm sure you remember the trials and errors. I went through with this thing. You know, I bought this quad not running
I didn't really know what I was getting into and even the previous owner told me that
He had no idea what's wrong with this thing and he even had at a mechanic
It would run for a little bit
Then it would intermittently stop and start which are the worst kind of problems and the diagnosis was just a real pain in the butt
a lot of electrical things we went through and essentially ended up going over just about every single
Electrical opponent component on this quad which in the end is awesome
Because now I know everything's really good and what it turned out to be was a big crank bearing which was seizing up the quad
Would run for a little bit then it would seize run for a little bit and cease
So he ended up throw out a new brand new crank in there. So really what I want to do
Today is give you guys a couple before and afters because I know when I'm watching shows like overhaul and Count's Kustoms
That's what I'm looking forward to I know that's what a lot of you guys are looking forward to to you know
Have these old busted up hot rods and then you get to see what they become
Really cool to see the befores and afters and see it right next to each other. So that's what I'd like to give you today
Unfortunately, I don't have too many pictures of the before project. I really wish I did
But we do have a lot of stuff from now going forward of course, and I'm gonna have a lot of cool
Shots when I take this thing up the Poconos and we rip into the coal mines
But I have a couple more shoots that I want to do
We before I do that because this thing is gonna get super muddy up there and get coal all over it
It's never gonna look this good again, unless I redo the whole thing over again
So that's what I'd like to do today
And I'd also like to show you my spreadsheet because everybody's asking me about my expenses for this thing
I do have all my expenses broken down at least in terms of parts. The only thing I don't have factored in is my time
which would make this project out of proportion prices, but
That's beside the point. This was supposed to be a fun project make videos for you guys. Okay, guys
So without further ado, I'm gonna give you the before-and-after shots, and then we'll get to the spreadsheet
All right, so here we are this is my expense spreadsheet I
Believe I have everything included in here. I looked it over a couple times
It's possible that I missed one or two small items, but you can see here on the left
Are all the parts that I bought for this quad?
Got the fat bars the fat bar risers steering bushing grab bar battery graphics tires air filter
Parking brake block off revert reverse switch fix. It's that little metal plate that
Goes under the switch because it was cracked spark plug oil filter wire relay
ECU now this says balance after sold
That is because I bought an aftermarket ESU for this thing because I thought the ESU was or the ECU was actually bad
But it turned out to be ok. So I put the stock one back on and it was too late to return the
ECU I had to resell it on eBay and I took a loss of 74 bucks
So I did factor that into my expenses and we have the Stata that came with the crank position sensor
our new crank main bearing gasket kit
And then it goes on for the CP piston battery tray timing chain
new chain and sprockets
Sprocket bolt it was missing one in the back
Our meter chain slide now. This is actually not on the quad yet. I got a TM
Chain slide that's in the mail. It should be coming tomorrow
I want to have that on there because I don't know if you could hear in the last video
But it's worn all the way through I should have bought that before
The nice thing is that thing will go on
You don't have to remove the swing arm to put the the new chain sight on it
and the CNC engine plug says those blue plugs that go in the side of the status tadder cover with a flywheel a
clutch kit and I included paint also for the
Primer base coat and clear coat that I put on the hood and the lights and the tank cover
So the total for parts is thirteen hundred ninety-eight dollars and sixty four cents
And up here. I have unincluded costs now. I didn't include these in the costs only because
They weren't necessary and tools. I don't like to include in the cost of the bill. That's just an investment
So I have the second crank which that was a folly because if you guys remember I ordered a crank from a company
It took like 36 days for it to get here and I wasn't hearing anything back from them
So I decided I wasn't gonna waste any more time
Went and bought one from a reputable company and then the second crank
The original crank actually that I had ordered ended up coming in the mail. So I do have two cranks. This one is
Listed for sale on eBay if anybody's interested. It's a brand new hot rods crank in the box. Haven't even opened it
I would sell it for 300 bucks shipped
Also, we have a second main bearing because you guys know I kind of flubbed up and smack the inner race of that main bearing
Which is a no-no even though that bearing may have been ok, took the safe route and replace it with another main bearing
So I didn't include the cost of 2 bearings just the one and last but not least the crank tools the crank
Installer and remover and the case splitter was 117 dollars and 38 cents
I consider that just a shop investment not actually a part of the build so I didn't include that either
total number there is 480 272
Cost the quad was 1800 bucks. So if you include the cost of the quad and the cost of the parts
It's just under $3,200 at 31 98 64
Really not bad for a really nice o7 Raptor with a clean title and it's basically ready to rock and roll
pretty much a hundred percent
If it wasn't for some small cosmetic defects this thing or basically be a brand new quad
If you include the total investment, so that includes the stuff up here. I'm at 36 81-34 still not that bad
the only thing is I have like a thousand hours into this thing, but
That's beside the point
Alright guys, so I'm gonna call it there. I want to thank everybody once again for following my projects follow my youtube channel
We're getting close to 10,000 subscribers here absolutely stoked about it
Remember to check out my Instagram Michael Sabo 350 lots of cool stuff on there. I'm trying to grow that channel as well
So I can give you guys more cool content also
If you enjoyed this content, please give me a thumbs up remember to comment below
I always appreciate your comments trying to get better with responding to comments
I've just been getting overwhelmed with every different form that people are contacting me
You know, you got to remember I have my email. I got my Instagram. I got my Facebook Plus YouTube
So I'm trying to keep up with that if I didn't get to your questions, or I didn't answer something for you
I do apologize, but I'm trying to get to everything that I possibly can. Anyways guys. Thank you so much
Enjoy the rest of your week and I will see you in the next one
For more infomation >> Project Raptor 700 | Before & After + Expense Breakdown - Duration: 12:52.-------------------------------------------
DO THIS... Remove Your Law Of Attractions BLOCKS to Manifesting What You Want - Duration: 13:26.
You sort of went
in a direction that was towards my
second question so I don't know if
talked about it so okay so I have a
lifelong dream of doing a certain
creative project but I'm not doing it
all right so now just stop there how
does that feel to you I've got this
lifelong dream that I am not moving
towards so we've got a whole bunch of
processes that you need to do that will
just reinforce that it's not getting done
okay so there's a part of me that
trusts that what I'm looking for in
order to do this is inspiration and just
have it be flowing right now how big is
that part every now and again that part
shows itself to me every now and again
when I'm not thinking about it when I'm
getting satisfied about other things
it sneaks up on me and for just a moment
I believe it for a moment but when I
really think about it
I trample it with reasonable thoughts
that are flawed premises it's true isn't it
so keep talking okay
so what I have been looking at her words
sound familiar in other words lifelong
dream wave some questions for all of you
a lifelong dream
does that sound like an important thing or an
unimportant thing a lifelong dream does
that sound harder or easier a lifelong
dream so let's use all the words I've
got this lifelong dream now we'll say
the words that you really mean that if
it doesn't happen I will just curl up
and die
we exaggerated a little bit but a
lifelong dream I've had this dream from
my whole life when it hasn't happened yet
a lifelong dream is a dream that's
so big that I intend to keep it alive
even though I don't get it year after
year after year after year after year
so that's my right but what
we want you what so what I'm saying is
but what we want you to get from all the
antiques that we're offering up here we
want you to get is I'm a creator that is
flowing toward a never-ending stream of
new ideas of what I want there is no
such thing as a lifelong dream what
there is is a continuing stream of new
ideas that keep becoming cooperative
components of others as you've lived
life you've put a lot into your vortex
and they're all swirled together and
they are cooperative components one to another
let's go further we've made our point
you got this lifelong dream and okay so
sometimes I think about it and I say
well maybe I should just let go of that
because I'm not doing anything about it
so so are those thoughts satisfying
no they're just satisfying and they're
accurate so let go of it but we're not
asking you to let go of the dream it's a
slam dunk we're asking you to let go of
the thought that is thwarting the dream
that's all we're asking you to let go of
we're just asking you to give your
lifelong dream a chance by acknowledging
that it's there and by stepping back
into enough general statements that you
do believe do you believe that this
vortex is real yes do you believe that
there is a vibrational reality to this dream
do you believe even from what
you've heard today that your inner being
is all over it do you believe that your
inner being believes in your ability to
live this dream do you believe that your
inner beam knows what your path of least
resistance is for it to unfold in a
pleasing way for you, yes, then is there
more for you to do other than to stop
getting in the way
is there more for you to do we're asking
you all this is there really more for
you to do other than get out of the way
if you believe you've asked for it and
if you believe it's answered then is
there anything for you to do other than
to stop
by trying too hard and by trying to make it
a physical reality right now instead of
letting it be the seed in the ground
that is going to grow a little bit
before it begins to sprout underground
and then it's gonna stick its little
head up and not be worth eating for a
while are you willing to let these
thoughts turn to things or does it need
to be a thing before you believe it does
it need to already have turned to a
thing before you let it ring your bells
do you have the ability to be satisfied
even before it has become this reality
because if you have the ability to be
satisfied even before it becomes reality
then there is nothing that you cannot be
or do or have
but if you need it to be a
reality before you feel that way about
it you're gonna be a mediocre creator
like so many humans who just bit long
and let themselves have the things that
they believe most people can have
okay so just one more little
clarification so would you say that
getting control of your thoughts and
using your thought as a mechanism and
really being conscious about that is
that efforting or a right to heart so
what's the other alternative caring
about being satisfied knowing what feels
satisfied and then feeling around until
I find the satisfying spot feeling your
way to it rather than thinking your way
to it just feel your way to it just ask
yourself, Esther began doing that in
meditation because we've been talking a
lot about meditation puts you in the
receiving mode and Esther know she wants
to quiet her mind but often almost as
soon as she sits down because she's good at this
she quiets her mind and thoughts start
streaming and so she stops and actually
consciously asks herself is this stream
satisfying and if it is then she knows
she's already achieved the receiving
mode and then she just listens to the
satisfying thoughts just listens have
you ever had someone, Esther was talking
about with tracy the kids will say tell
us a story she's really good at just
making up a story
so satisfying just so satisfying if you
ever just listen just for the
satisfaction of listening well your
intervene will tell you a story
your intervene will give you words or
give you impulses or give you feelings
so if you feel satisfied then just sit
there for a little bit and acknowledge
that you feel satisfied and let us sort
of watch over you let more come let more
momentum happen about it and then before
you know it you'll be walking around
outside the 15 or 20 minutes of
meditation that's really all we
encourage in a day you'll be walking
through an airport and feeling satisfied
sitting on an airplane and feeling
satisfied and feeling satisfied so much
that someone brings you a hot bottle of
water to hold under your blanket really
really someone goes to that extent
because you're already satisfied so the
only interaction that this person could
have with you is to somehow enhance your
satisfaction just a little more you got
to believe that your inner being wants
to enhance your satisfaction your inner
being knows what you want keywords we
offered and you didn't quite hear them
but we want you to your inner being is
guiding you inspiring you flowing to you
affecting your chemical factory
affecting the chemistry of your being
affecting your mood affecting the way
your muscles fire affecting everything
about you affecting the clarity of your
mind your inner being is offering all of
that all of that all of that all of that
and the more that you are allowing them
the more you are receiving of that and
then the more detailed your impulses become
but there's nothing wrong with
just letting that be so general -
why are you so happy I can't even tell you
I can't even pinpoint it there's just so
much well give me some examples don't
make me I might lose it
I just still satisfied I just feel good
because this is who I actually am and
right now I'm not doing anything to get
in the way of that
what we're talking
about here it's the fine line that you
all have been asking about for all of
the years that Esther's been allowing us
to slow in this way I am the creator of
my own reality and so I want to be a
deliberate creator and then we said yes
let's call this the science of
deliberate creation the science of
deliberate creation science because it
is ever unfolding and deliberate because
you want to think about what you want to
think about and creation because the
results are you get what you want well
that's all well and good but you all
work too hard at it you'd think I
thought you'd better cancel cancel that
thought before law of attraction gets
hold up and give me something I don't want
and so then we began calling it the
art of allowing the art of allowing step
one is done step two is done
step three is you got to get in the
allowing of allowing of allowing of
allowing the receiving of the receiving
of the receiving of what you've already
asked for and step four is just getting
really good at that and step five is
having mastered what allowing is and
caring about being satisfied and looking
for satisfaction than the easy places
and the easy places in the ease of
places don't look for it where it's hard
don't triumph over it because you won't
win just look for it where it's easy and
find it where it's easy and let the
things that are easy to be satisfied
cause you to create a vibrational
atmosphere that lets everything you want in
the easy things will help you create
the atmosphere and once you're in
alignment then the things you thought
were hard that aren't can flow in but
most people when we call them here give
us a thing that the most worried about
the issue I've got this issue we say oh
good let's fail together here
let's take the subject that you have the
most resistance in the whole world about
and let's try to hammer it into
alignment together while the audience
squirms while we do it or let's talk
about things that are satisfying let's
practice what being in the receiving
mode is so that in the hours that follow
and the days that follow in the weeks
that follow you can witness the thoughts
turning to things and you can make the
correlation you understand the
relationship between what you
accomplished vibrationally and what
comes next really good you all have
heard here today the most comprehensive
conversation about what creation really
is and what your role in it is and what
is your role your role is twofold your
role is ask which is contrast and allow
or receive which is chilling which is
chillin out which is being satisfied in
every moment you're doing one or the
other of those humans do so much step
wanting for some reason step one is
where you think you need to be because
in step one there's clarification and
all of that well step one really is
we'll give it to you step one is where
all the creation happens because that's
where all the asking happens and once
you've asked it is given so that really
is where it happens but for you to let
it in you got to be in that step three
in that chill place and so where does it
feel to you right here right now in
light of your life in light of
everything we've talked about here today
where do you want to deliberately be
step 1 or step 3
and won't life put you in step 1 plenty
do you really need to go looking for
trouble it'll just keep showing up
because no creation is ever complete so
you're gonna obviously have continuous
step 1 moments but as soon as you have
them and you've launched the rocket and
felt whatever you felt about it then
give it a rest
don't keep hammering away at it because
now it's in the system now it's in the
machine now your life sifted it out and
you launch the rocket and now it's in
the hands of your intervene and Law of
Attraction and just like the seed in the
ground is following it's natural
instincts and now your job is to
support the creation of it in any way
that you're inspired to do so if you are
a farmer planting your first seed you'd
feel inspiration to water it and tend to
it and maybe pull the weeds out from
around it you may be inspired to action
we're not saying you're not going to be
inspired to plenty of action but when
the action comes it's satisfying because
every action that comes from that
inspired place is action that will
produce results that are obvious and
visible to you so the satisfaction isn't
just blindly sitting back and quieting
your mind and feeling good because
you're not thinking about bad things it
can be that and often it's the beginning
but then the satisfaction comes from the
ideas flowing and the rendezvous is
happening and the momentum building and
things starting to show up and it
beginning to take shape right before
your eyes you've all had plenty of those
experiences haven't you, and I'm perfect
thank you yeah
We Shopped At The Country's Only Unclaimed Baggage Store - Duration: 4:02.
(slow serene music)
(upbeat instrumental music)
- Hi, my name's Brenda Cantrell and I'm the brand ambassador
at Unclaimed Baggage Center.
We kinda say you know, we're an amusement park of shopping.
You just, it's a fun thing to do,
it's a fun place to come
and it's, we're a lot of fun people to be around.
(upbeat music)
So Unclaimed Baggage Center started almost 50 years ago
in a tiny town in Alabama.
And now it's a national tourism destination.
And when people come in they just truly never know
what they're gonna find.
(upbeat music)
You can tell the people that have never been here before
when they just walk a few steps into the store
and they just stop and look around in amazement.
They're shocked at the sheer size of our building.
It's over 40,000 square feet, and we cover a city block.
But we stock about 5 to 7,000 unique items
to our sales floor everyday.
Some of the craziest things that we have found
would of course top the list is the live rattle snake.
Mummified falcons we've had in the past,
headdresses that are very old.
Things that belonged to celebrities at one point.
Vacuum packed frogs in a suitcase.
Probably take the cake.
(frog croaks)
Another interesting thing is the movie Labyrinth,
the character Hoggle,
is actually in our showcase.
There was only one made for that movie.
And there's a cult following for that
and we have Hoggle here in our showcase.
The found treasures are really just a highlight
of your time here in the store.
(upbeat music)
- So this is just our unclaimed baggage experience.
It's where a guest gets to go through an unprocessed bag
only one person on staff has seen the contents.
They've just taken out anything harmful, embarrassing
or dangerous, but other than that,
it is strictly an unprocessed bag.
You're gonna choose to trash it, give it away,
sell it or clean it.
And we clean about 50,000 items a month,
which is more than the average laundromat
does in an entire year.
- Wow.
- Wow, that's intense.
(upbeat instrumental music)
- [Woman] We sell pieces that are $10,000 every week.
- [Customer] Wow.
- That's not uncommon for us to sell something like that.
- Can I touch it?
- Yeah, you wanna put it on?
- $21,000 on my wrist right now.
Who would leave this in a suitcase?
That's crazy.
- The single most expensive item
that we've ever had on our sales floor
is a men's Presidential latinum Rolex watch.
We had it appraised and it was valued at $64,000
and a gentleman bought it for $32,000.
- But I'm like, can you imagine not only being the person
that owns this, but the person who like, forgot it?
It's just like, wow.
That's goals.
(upbeat music)
- [Man] Oh it is a ab doer.
- [Woman] Wait, so you're supposed to sit like that on it?
(man laughs)
- I don't know.
That's probably part of the fun.
(upbeat saxophone music)
- [Woman] That's good.
(upbeat saxophone music)
- Cha ching!
(all laugh)
- [Woman] Nailed it.
(upbeat saxophone music)
Video viewing basics - Duration: 1:34.
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PROMO DE CANALES :3 en vivo! obs studio - Duration: 8:53.
مسلسل عروسة اسطنبول الحلقة 55 كاملة مترجمة - Duration: 2:22:51.
LEI DA ATRAÇÃO - MILAGRES existem? - Duration: 7:15.
*Chris Speaking* okay so today oh look there's no intro so we just get started so um I think
she's like just putting cream on her face to like kind of like massage like
like wake up the skin cells and like kind of like let it the makeup stick a
little bit better I guess it burns cuz she just made a face so I guess it
stings a little bit you know it's got to wake up it's got a tingle tingle those
skin cells you know she didn't wipe it all off because there still some on her
nose we all saw that Amanda still some on her nose and on her Cupid's bow
and now this is the Fenty foundation in shade 180 I believe and she's putting it
all over her face just to make sure she covers at the landscape and then you
just gotta use a wet Beauty Blender and you got a dab dab dab dab dab dab dab
pardon me not wet a damp Beauty Blender shoutout to jackie aina and you just
cover your face and kind of like cover everything until it all looks even yes I
think that's what she's still doing
come on fix that little triangle at the top fix it do it it's bugging me
oh she didn't fix that oh no oh my god its still there okay but now I'm now
time for the eyebrows because you gotta do your eyebrows before you do
anything else so you brush out the eyebrows and then you use this I have no
clue what that even was I guess she's just drawing on more eyebrows so like
is there hair in that thing like are you adding more eyebrows cuz they're
getting darker okay so okay so she's shaping she's shaping she's drawing with
like the outline good for you babe look at you coloring in the lines
this is a long process this is a very very very long process okay no
now I think she's filling in her eyebrows now she's actually filling them
in so I don't know what she was doing before and then you got to use the
Beauty Blender again and kind of make it look like you're a little angry for a
second yeah they look really upset and then
yeah yeah so then you color in the beginning tip higher to make them
talking and use your finger to just guide it but then you also just smudge
it all over the rest of your makeup and then kind of like give yourself like a
3d effect it's kind of like shadowed eyebrows just to look at all the kids
are going for nowadays now you look good now you're perfect and now you use she's
gonna use that one and that one one of them she's used a little bit too much so I
should probably buy her another one and this is I think blush I think she's
putting blush on her face and you just gotta make like a fish face and just dry
it down and bring it really deep into that cheekbone area and you just really
like you got to push really hard and like Circle it in really really really
hard so that it stays there because it might just like come off this is
the highlighter so you gotta make it look like you're you're a glazed
doughnut you she's making it look like the Sun is on her from every every angle
no matter what you got to put it on your lip on your Cupid's bow area and stuff
look at what a fucking what a snack oh my gosh okay oh my gosh and how
beautiful this girl is im sorry I'm getting distracted and then just put more
highlighter around the eye area on the top of the cheekbone and also on the
other side oh okay and then these are two pallets
she's gonna use that color to start so she's gonna do her eyes now so I
guess this is like the base color that she's going to use on both of her eyes I
doesn't look like she did absolutely anything it looks exactly like her skin
and then she's gonna use that pinkish color I'm gonna call it salmon so she's
gonna use salmon next which also looks exactly like her skin color so I don't
think she's actually I think she's trolling me now I don't see anything
happening yeah so she's just putting it on you cover the whole eyelid and then
she's gonna use I don't even know that was in between both of them I'm gonna
say the purple one the I think the purple one and you put it like in your eye I
guess like on the bottom eyelid a little bit uh looks like it hurts
I think she's gonna use gold I have no clue I the eyes look exactly the same to
me I'm very confused at this process and she used some of the gold ones and she's
gonna use some of the silver and also put it on her eyes you know you need
silver and gold they gotta go hand in hand um then shes gonna brush it off brush
off all the access all the excess off her eyes now it's time for eye eye line
eye mascara yes that so you have to make your eyelashes look really long and you
do one and dip it back in pull it out and then you do the other eye gotta make
sure you get every single one and then she's using another kind as well so
that's making them extra long extra long
and hmm another one because you need
three because everything come everything good
is in threes so the third one oh my lord oh my gosh oh my gosh this is a part of
the process you just got to kind of like just adding some tone to your to your
bridge of your nose you just got to do that for some for some depth and some
color and now you go back to your eyeliner
yes make them look longer and
then you take some photos and look good and look like the most beautiful girl in
the entire world
*Amanda speaking*so guys that is the end of this video if you enjoyed it please
give it a big thumbs up and subscribe to me below and I'll see you next time
also don't forget to follow my boyfriend on instagram I left his little thing below he
is a photographer so y'all should go support and remember live life don't
think twice I'm out of here
JESUS CALMS the STORM - ECHO STORY Drama | Tutorial for KIDS MINISTRY - Duration: 6:54.
welcome to Wright ideas with Susan where I put up simple tutorials to help you
teach kids about the Bible about Jesus and Christian values and today I have a
really fun thing to teach you I'm going to be teaching you how to teach an echo
story now I have learned this at a Wycliffe Bible storytelling conference
and I'll put details below but it is excellent to use with your classes so
first I'm going to teach you how I teach it then I'm gonna teach you several
important follow up activities that you can do with it so let's get started first of
all I would just tell them the story... one day Jesus and his friends got into a
boat and set sail across the lake suddenly a huge storm came up
the wind began to blow... and so I tell it once and then I tell the kids hey kids I want
everyone to get up now stand up and I want you to listen and I want you to
copy me line by line ready everyone one day Jesus's friends got into a boat
and set sail across the lake
suddenly a huge storm came up
the wind began to blow
and the waves got bigger and bigger and bigger
and they were crashing into the boat and it was going to sink.
but where was Jesus?
He was asleep at the end of the boat.
wake up Jesus!
We're gonna die!
Don't you care?
Jesus stood up
and he said to the wind
Be still!
and he said to the waves
Be calm!
and the wind was still
and the waves were calm
Why were you afraid?
Don't you have faith in me?
His friends were scared!
Who is this man?
that even the wind and the waves obey him.
so we would do that two times like that where they copy me and echo back
and then the third time we would do it all together and we say the whole
thing together and after that I say grab a friend or two and I want you to go
somewhere in the room and I want you to practice the story for each other
they take time about 10 minutes or so practicing this story for each other
then when we come back together I say who is brave enough to do this story for
the whole class
wake up Jesus we're gonna die don't you care
and Jesus stood up... and then sometimes they'll do it as a group
who is this man? even the wind waves obey him.
I just love when they add
their own little things with the story it's fantastic
Doing this echo mine does take a good 20 to 30 minutes
I basically planned this whole first part of the lesson
just practicing and doing this story with the kids
after that I love to go into the five questions of Bible storytelling
now I have done a clip onthat and you can check it out on my channel but it is so valuable to do
because the kids know the story so well and so when you ask them questions what
did we learn about Jesus what did we learn about people what did you like
what didn't you like and what do you get from this story we get some really
powerful answers as we debrief and we go through this story
but then the other follow-up that I love to do let me show you
I love to teach them this little
origami boat now I tried something out recently to see if it would work because
it's hard to teach origami you know to a group of kids so what I did is I took my
phone and I just did a little recording at home where I just showed it connected
it to the board and gave them a piece of paper and I said hey let's see if this works
let's take that tip and I want you to bring it all the way down to touch
the middle of the bottom of the mountain
I mean it was just amazing it worked
really well so I have done this tutorial it's up on my channel and you can watch
it or you can use it and the kids can follow along very well so it is a
wonderful craft follow-up that you can do the other thing that if you have time
is you can also just show a really good video clip now I have put together a
whole playlist I looked on YouTube and I found really good videos that go great
for this story I also wanted to let you know that if you don't have an hour and
a half of your Sunday school to do like every single activity a lot of times I
will break this lesson up like I might spend the first lesson a family of 30
minutes teaching the echo story then the next week I'll do the questions and then
I'll do the crafts to go with it so I don't actually have to cram
everything into 30 minutes that's if some of you might only have a
30-minute time slot but those of us who have you know an hour and a half to two
hours so Sunday school it's great to have all these activities to fill up lesson
I hope you like this idea and if you did make sure you give
it a thumbs up
Thanks so much for watching!
don't you just don't forget to Like and subscribe
Hard Trap Beat | Siren | [FREE] - Duration: 2:12.
心理测试:TA爱你很深刻吗?准到哭 - Duration: 2:27.
Camel Qurbani by Professional Qasai/you never seen by (RJ) - Duration: 3:20.
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Mucitlerin Hayatı ve Tarihe Geçmiş İcatları (1) - Duration: 7:42.
Buluş yada icat daha önce bulunmayan bir şeyin insan çabasıyla geliştirilmesi olarak tanımlanıyor.
Mucit ise icat eden yada buluşu gerçekleştiren kişi olarak tanımlanmaktadır.
Bir şeyi icat etmek bir buluşu gerçekleştirmek gerçekte ne kadar büyük emek ve çalışma gerektirir.
Bugünkü teknolojiye sahip olmamız da mucitlerin payı çok büyüktür.
Bu videomuzda mucitlerin icatlarından bahsedeceğiz arkadaşlar.
Arşimed matematik- fizik-mühendislik alanlarında katkı yapmıştır bilime.Birçok buluşa
imza atmıştır.Bunlardan en önemlisi pi sayısının bulunması ve suyun kaldırma
kuvvetinin bulunması olmuştur.
Bir gün kral taç yapması için ustaya altın verir.
Taç yapılır ve krala teslim edilir.Kral tacdaki altının eksik olduğundan şüphelenir
ve bunu ispatlamak için Arşimeti görevlendirir.
Arşimet banyo yaparken aklına bir fikir gelir kralın verdiği altınla ustanın verdiği
tacı suya atıp su üzerinde hacmi hesaplar.Bu şekilde suyun kaldırma kuvvetini bulur.
Hakkında pek fazla bilgi bulunmayan Cai Lun çin kayıtlarında Haremağası olduğundan
bahsedilir.Cai Lun ucuz ve dayanıklı yazı materyaline ihtiyaç duyduğu sırada kağıdı
icat etti.
Bu buluşundan dolayı Cai Lun ödüllendirildi.Sadece aristokratlara verilen ödül ile zengin edildi.
500 yıl kağıt yapımı gizli bir sanat olarak Çin topraklarında kaldı.
Talas Savaşı'ndan sonra dünyaya yayıldı.
Hepimizin Mona Lisa adlı eseri ile tanıdığımız Leonardo Da Vinci Floransa'da bilime olan ilgisi başladı.
Bilimi kullanarak sanatını geliştirdi.sıradışı savaş aletleri sulama sistemleri ve zamanına
göre inanılmaz aletler tasarladı.Uzun süre kadavraları inceleyip resimlerini çizip
tahminler yürütmüştür.
Galileo'nun en önemli katkıları fizik ve astronomi alanında olmuştur.Eylemsizlik
ilkesini ortaya koymuştur.
Buna göre bir cisim kuvvete maruz kalmadığı sürece durumu koruduğudur.Daha sonra Newton
tarafından formülize edilmiştir.Yıldızları gözlemlemek için teleskobu bulmuştur.Galileo
Dünya'nın Güneş etrafında döndüğünü savunan ilk bilim insanıdır.
Termometreyi icat etmiştir.Geometrik ve askeri bir pusula geliştirilmiştir.Mikroskop benzeri
bir cihaz geliştirip böcekler üzerinde incelemeler yapmıştır.
Jüpiter'in uydularının belli bir düzende döndüğünü tespit etmiştir.
Babasından kalan marangozluk mesleğinin öğrenmiştir.Müzik tutkusunu geliştirmiş
ve saatleri nasıl çalıştığını öğrenmek için saatleri parçalarını ayırıp incelemiştir.Yaşadığı
dönemde denizde boylamların ölçülememesi nedeniyle uzun deniz yolculukları yapılamamıştır.
John Harrison deniz saati yaparak boylamı ölçmeyi başarmıştır.
Şehir şehir dolaşıp perukluk saç toplarken kendini eğitti bir iplik bükme makinesi
yapmaya çalıştı.Bu icadında başarılı oldu.Bu icadıyla dokuma sanayinin kurulmasına
öncülük etti.Bu icadı tekstil sektörüne basamak atlattı.Dokunmanın atölyeden fabrikalara
taşınmasında önemli rol oynadı.
Glasgow Üniversitesi'nde buhar gücü üzerine çalışmalar yaptı ve bir prototipini üretti
James Watt buhar makinesini icat etmedi Thomas Newcomen buluşunu geliştirip sanayiye uyarladı.
Bu yapıtıyla sanayi devrimine ivme kazandırdı ve buhar makinesi sanayinin birçok alanında
kullanıldı.James Watt emekli olunca teleskop ile mesafe ölçümü, mektup kopyalama cihazı,
heykel kopyalama cihazı,yağ lambasında iyileştirmeler gerçekleştirdi.
Bir çiftçinin yanına çırak olarak giren Faraday bu arada bütün fizik ve Kimya kitaplarını
okuyarak kendini geliştirdi.Elektromanyetik indüklemeyi buldu.Manyetik alanın ışığın
kutuplanma düzlemini döndüğünü buldu.Elektrolizin temel ilkelerini belirledi.Klor gazını sıvılaştırmayı
başardı.Elektrik motorunu icat etti.
Aldığı elektromanyetik derslerle elektrikli telgraf üzerinde çalışmalar yapmaya başladı.
Samuel Morse elektrikli telgraf icadı ile mors alfabesinin mucidi olmuştur.
Baskı yapabilen ilk negatifi keşfetti fotoğraf için kalotip sürecini icat etti.Fotoğrafçılığın
öncüsü oldu
A Work in Progress - Duration: 1:25.
What's your story?
I see people everywhere.
There's like almost 8 billion of us, right?
And to get them not to stare at you
you stare right back.
That's what I've heard.
I wonder what goes on in everyone's heads
like in an elevator.
I wonder how many other people
are vertically moving through space.
Then there comes an interaction,
and it's like, "What do you want from me?"
A distraction?
I can try to do that,
but what do I want?
Do you ask me that?
Sometimes what I want is vague.
Other times it seems impossible voicing what I mean
or it's inaudible.
Maybe it's not about what I want, but what I need.
I hope to be honest and authentic
with some, you know, added perspective.
That's what it's all about.
Choices, effort, and time.
To better myself, to better the world,
and try not to get caught up in thinking existentially.
What are my goals?
What can I do to make it happen?
Life is a lot to digest,
and really
it's all a work in progress.
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