She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene
I said, "Don't mind, but what do you mean, I am the one
Who will dance on the floor in the round?"
She said I am the one
who will dance on the floor in the round
She told me her name was Billie Jean As she caused a scene
Then every head turned with eyes that dreamed of being the one
who will dance on the floor in the round
People always told me, "Be careful of what you do
And don't go around breaking young girls' hearts"
And mother always told me, "Be careful of who you love
And be careful of what you do,
'cause the lie becomes the truth"
Yeah... Billie Jean is not my lover
She's just a girl who thinks that I am the one
But the kid is not my son
She says I am the one,
but the kid is not my son
For forty days and for forty nights,
the law was on her side
But who can stand when she's in demand?
Her schemes and plans
'Cause we danced on the floor in the round
So take my strong advice,
just remember to always think twice
Do think twice!
People always told me, "Be careful of what you do
And don't go around breaking young girls' hearts"
And mother always told me, "Be careful of who you love
And be careful of what you do,
'cause the lie becomes the truth"
Yeah... Billie Jean is not my lover
She's just a girl who thinks that I am the one
But the kid is not my son
She says I am the one,
but the kid is not my son
Michael, you were the one
And the kid... could be your son.
For more infomation >> Elyse – Billie Jean Cover (Michael Jackson) - Duration: 3:41.-------------------------------------------
অন্ধ সাহাবী উম্মে মাক্তুমের ঘটনা || Ondo Sahabi Omme maktomer Gotona quran theke || Motiur Rahman - Duration: 27:41.
The Beach Episode - Anime Crimes Division S2, Ep. 4 - Duration: 12:17.
This is the beach episode!
Yeah! Beach episode!
Welcome to Prestige Television City!
Thanks! "I am the danger!"
Heh heh.
Breaking bad. - I know.
Well, if you like big budgets
pretentious drama, and gratuitous one-take hallway fight scenes
This is the place for you.
Want some salsa for that chip on your shoulder?
This is your new home. I should be happy for you.
Right now,
getting my back will do.
Something wrong?
Um... sorry.
I just...
I'm not used to feeling this way.
About what?
Uh... the case! Um...
The serial killer case. - Oh, yeah.
The case, right. Obviously. The case.
Why? What did you think I meant?
The, the symbol.
You're worried about the symbol, right? The, the symbol.
You're worried about the symbol, right?
Oh... yeah.
How did you know?
I can feel you drawing it on my back.
Yeah, it just...
keeps showing up everywhere.
The photo with you and Hideki,
the package that blew up Officer Vink. The photo with you and Hideki,
the package that blew up Officer Vink.
That gun in your apartment.
It's probably just a random doodle.
Like that 'S' fifth-graders draw so you know they're hardcore gangbangers.
Something just doesn't feel right.
You must feel it too, I mean, you're so...
Can you blame me?
I've got the interview with the housing board any minute.
Now that sounds like a setup for a new character to enter the scene!
We love that around here!
Ms. Prestige!? - Mom!?
これしかない "I'm taking my place"
星空を仰ぎ "Up in the stars"
That's right.
Diesel's the "Lost" of the family.
So promising.
But then she got all up in her head and forgot everything that made her interesting.
Lovely to see you too.
And the polar bear. In the jungle?
In Lost. Right?
Like Diesel.
She's weird.
Like how Lost is weird. - Thank you, Joe.
So. Diesel's told me you're ready to leave behind
the childish anime and join the ranks of adulthood.
Yes. I love being an adult.
The economy,
First question:
What are your intentions with my daughter?
I... - Oh, no, no. It's not...
We're not... we're just friends - It's just...
We work together, it's a friendship thing - Purely platonic.
I see.
And what is your favorite television show?
I love Game of Thrones because it deftly weaves political intrigue and deep character development
together with low fantasy and Shakespearan tragedy. I do not consider its protracted storylines tiresome
and my first daughter will be named "Khaleesi."
Yes, but that's what we all love about Game of Thrones.
So tell me: what is your favorite thing about it?
The, uhh...
Good answer.
The thrones are delightful.
I also love Mad Men and Breaking Bad,
and other shows about grown men getting away with terrible behavior.
That's my favorite genre too!
He's a real catch, mom.
I mean, for the city, he's, uhh
You would be proud to have him.
Based on my daughter's recommendation,
and everything I've seen here today...
Welcome to Prestige TV City!
Glad to be here.
One more question...
Have you seen Dragonball?
I, uhh...
I looked at it once but I didn't read the subs.
Oh, no no no dear. Not the anime.
The remake.
Dragonball: Evolution?
The live action American remake.
I, uhh... - I think it works so much better as a 90 minute movie than a full series, don't you?
Y...Yeah. - And the casting.
It's so much better to see the emotion
on a human actor's face, don't you think?
You're a-it's a valid opinion.
And when I think of Goku - Uh huh...
I can't imagine anyone other than Justin Chatwin.
Me... too...
Welcome to your new home.
Happy to be here.
I'll catch up with you after we've assigned you an apartment.
I will talk to the two of you later.
I think that went really well!
I knew it. Even the thought of this place churns your stomach.
No. No. I love the way they handled Piccoloouhghgh
Oof. Drink up, buddy!
Looks like someone's been watching the latest American Horror Story.
Sorry. He's new here.
I figured. Like we say around here...
"Give it a chance! It gets really good after the first two seasons!"
Well! See you around citizens!
That was no 'S' symbol...
Let's investigate.
The hour of victory is at hand.
Neo Otaku City is nearly within our control.
Isn't that right, Chief Brody?
Yes. With the mayor dead, nothing stands in our way.
Even the Anime Crimes Division is completely under our control now.
And you have control of the fiber connection?
All of the anime in the city will soon belong to TOXIC.
To the true anime fans.
They've installed a limited onto the city's fiber connection.
TOXIC will control it all,
and anyone they consider a fake anime fan will be left with nothing but Family Guy!
Of course, we have to thank our benefactor in Prestige TV City for partnering with us.
Of course.
Once you've purged your city of all the fake anime fans,
Prestige City will gobble them up and they'll have no choice but to entertain themselves
with our multi-season dramas that ultimately go nowhere.
Oh no. That makes perfect sense.
I must ask - what will you do with Detective Diesel when she returns?
Convince her to join our side.
Don't worry. I'm not going to hurt her.
Good. Because while she may be misled,
She is still...
My daughter.
They're getting away!
Diesel! You gotta get out of here!
I'll hold them back! - No! We've gotta run!
The door's solid. It'll hold!
I thought I was solid once...
But then I met you.
Get out of here Diesel. Get back to Neo Otaku City.
Gather anyone who still truly loves anime.
You've got to start a revolution.
I thought you didn't care about anime?
I don't. But I care about...
Anime... fans.
Like me? - We can talk about this later.
Now go!
What if we don't get a third season?
Fall? - What if we never get to say how we feel?
Then what?
What if we do say how we feel?
And then all the tension goes away.
Like on Friends.
God, I hate what this city does to people.
I miss being two aesexual cops in an anime town.
That's not the only thing I'll miss.
What... who will you miss?
God dammit. We're doing it again.
Just go. - Right.
Here I go...
Are you sure you want to do this, Joe?
We don't go for your adorable little quick cut fights around here.
We do everything in a single take.
The only cuts are going to be from our knives.
You got this.
Call me when it's done.
You know...
I once watched the first episode of The Wire...
It was boring.
"It's a one take hall fight, we only got one shot"
"Redirect a knife into this random guy's soft spot"
"Judo throw, bro, hit the deck"
"Block your blows and then I slit your neck"
"Ahh woo wee, gotta catch my breath. Syke!"
"Using your knife for a double knife death!" "Ahh woo wee, gotta catch my breath. Syke!"
"Using your knife for a double knife death!"
"Moves like The Matrix, I'm Neo Otaku"
"There ain't no spoon here's my fist about to sock you"
"Thought you could beat me in your home turf corridor"
"You may be live action but you're dead on the floor boards"
"Hide your stunt doubles with a whip pan, you're in trouble"
"Try to stop me I'm the real deal muscle here to rumble"
"I'm super, just sayin', feel like I'm going Super Saiyan"
"You're insane for fightin' over 9000"
"Blasting off like Team Rocket, knock you over high mountains"
"You goons are cancelled, cut your program off the air."
"I'm here to pull the plug, you thugs better beware because"
"I'm here to crush (kill) decimate"
"Never pick a fight with Japanese anime!"
"Leanin' against this wall..."
'Yo, walkin' up the stairs"
"Oh noo"
You should've just stayed out of it, Joe.
Go ahead. Kill me.
Oh I'm not going to kill you.
Take him to the binge chamber.
Now you're going to learn what real TV is...
Top 10 Most Isolated Prisons That Shouldn't Exist - Duration: 11:39.
Hello and welcome back to the Most Amazing Top 10 Channel on the internet.
I am your host Rebecca Felgate and today we are talking about the Top 10 Isolated Prisons
that Shouldn't Exist!
Often prison geography is such that those in charge want to keep dangerous criminals
away from the rest of society.
Are these prisons too much and is enough done to ensure people who aren't guilty aren't
sentenced for crimes they didn't commit and are forced to live desolate and dismal
A couple of the prisons on this list are no longer functioning jails but still exist as
buildings with dark histories.
As you watch this video I want you to think about which of these prisons scares you the
most and you would least like to be imprisoned in.
Let me know in the comments section down below.
Also – thumbs up etc.
10 - Alcatraz Often referred to as the Island of Evil, Alcatraz
is one of the most famous prisons in the world, known for being one of the first modern-day
maximum-security prisons.
The island of Alcatraz is in the middle of San Francisco Bay in California, United States.
Some of America's most ruthless criminals called Alcatraz home, include the notorious
gangster Al Capone.
The prison was known for being brutal Being able to see San Francisco so near yet so far
across the water must have been a huge temptation for prisoners.
None the less, Alcatraz claimed to be inescapable in its time as a max prison, which ended in
Despite 14 attempts, it is thought that no prisoners ever manage to successfully get
out alive – the cold water and strong currents made that neigh on impossible…and then,
there were the rumours of sharks.
Inmates in this facility have reportedly been made to walk naked on Dog leashes in the freezing
cold, at number 9 we have the Spring Creek Correctional Center
So this prison is in Alaska, already a far flung state of the USA.
Some parts of Alaska are reasonably populated, but this prison is amid 328 acres of national
The inmates here will likely spend the rest of their lives in prison, unlikely ever to
feel warm climes again.
The dog leash incident came in 2013 and In 2015, a hysterical woman approached the prison
with a gun and demanded the prisoners be freed.
Guards refused and she shot herself in the head in front of them.
The prison is said to at times have no running water.
8 - The Mamertine, Italy Luckily this prison is no longer in use, but
when it was it was a total and utter abomination and one of the scariest isolated prisons around
- the romans were savage.
A lot of isolated prisons are on rocks on islands… but this was below ground, which
terrifies me.
Sentencing people to a life without human interaction or sunlight, the Romans built
this prison in 614 BC…which is an insane amount of time ago.
The building is still standing though and if you wanted to you could visit the place
that, according to legend, saints Peter and Paul were imprisoned.
7 - Robben Island Robben Island is infamous for being the prison
that held South African President Nelson Mandela for over 18 years of his life.
The prison was founded off the coast of Cape Town by Dutch Settlers in the 1970s.
The penal isle has been home to many prisoners over the years and all survivors who have
discussed their treatment have said that the prison was grueling.
In Mandela's autobiography, he said he was welcome by a prison guard who told him that
he would die on the island.
He also said that he and other prisoners were forced to work in a lime quarry and the relentless
glare from the sun caused them permanent eye damage.
Mandela spent his time in a 6 square foot cell – not only was he isolated from the
mainland of South Africa, he was mostly isolated from other prisoners in a tiny space.
How he stayed sane is another testimony to his character.
Prior to Mandela's time incarcerated there, the island was a place where people were banished
and exiled – the rocks and choppy water made sure that swimming to freedom wasn't
not an option.
Countless people drowned in their attempts.
The brutal prison closed in 1999 and now, nearing 20s years on, you can visit the island
as a cultural heritage site.
6 - Guantanamo Bay Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp is staying open
for the foreseeable future – Trump signed and order to keep it that way.
Gunatanamo was opened in 2002 by George W Bush as part of his War on Terror.
The detention camp is in a far flung part of Cuba and is surrounded by ocean on one
side and waste land on another.
The most terrifying thing is that within Guantanamo, US government agents and soldiers can do what
they want to prisoners without worrying about the law.
The operations in Guantanamo Bay detention camp are considered a major breach of human
rights by Amnesty International as the inmates are detained indefinitely without trial.
People have died here, some by suicide, and minors have been detained.
It is a scary, desolate, isolated and inescapable place.
If you ever wind up here, you had better hope you are guilty of the crime you are accused
of… as you'll be treated as if you are…but you wont be treated like a human.
Often referred to as The Alcatraz of the Rockies, 5 - ADX Super Max
ADX Max is a max security facility in the Colarado mountains and, like Alcatraz, holds
some of the worst criminals in America.
Currently residing here is the surviving Boston Marathon Bomber, as is the Oklahoma City bomber,
as well as a FBI agent who became a soviet spy – basically some of the people most
hated by the American Government.
One former inmate, a Black Power militant called Travis Dusenbury, was locked up there
for ten years and said – I quote I've been locked up in some isolated, rural places,
but at least at those places I could always see a highway, see the sky.
ut at the ADX, you can't see nothing, not a highway out in the distance, not the sky.
You know the minute you get there you won't see any of that, not for years and years.You're
just shut off the world.
You feel it.
It sinks in, this dread feeling.
It seems in ADX prisoners are locked in the cells, already in the middle of nowhere, and
are allowed out for two hours a day, 5 days a week.
Oh, we have a Gulag at number 4 Penal Colony 56
Penal Colony 56 is one of the most remote and impenetrable prisons in the world, let
alone Russia.
Sometimes also known as the Black Eagle Penal Colony, the prison is a max security institution
specifically for murderers.
Penal Colony 56 is home to 260 killers who between them are thought to have extinguished
800 lives.
Maybe this prison should exist, as that is pretty absolutely terrifying.
The Gulag is 7 hours from civilization deep in the middle of a forest.
In the Winter, temperatures drop to minus 40 degrees Celsius, which to be honest I have
experienced in Canada, but I live in a cozy home and have a cozy coat.
This place is no picnic, conditions are harsh and inmates are kept inside 23 hours a day,
with just one hour to walk in a roofless room.
3 - Nauru Regional Processing Centre According to Amnesty International and the
souls who have managed to get free of Nauru, this refugee centre on an Australian owned
Island nearest Papua New Guinea is a prison.
Australia has a process for mandatory detention if people living there do not have visas – if
you are found without a valid visa in Australia there is a strong chance you could be exiled
to Nauru and have to live amid squalid conditions that you are not allowed to leave.
This is also the place Asylum seekers are sent, some of which are genuine refugees who
have escaped war, only to find themselves in a far-flung detention centre.
The island is in a remote part of the pacific ocean and those stuck in the centre have no
choice but await their fate.
According to a news article on the Al Jazeera website, the residents are stuck with insufficient
shelter, little food and safe water and that some of the detainees have suffered sexual
abuse in the centre.
Often referred to as the Alcatraz or Russia, we have Petak Island Prison at number 2
Petak Island Prison is in the middle of a lake in a far-flung part of Russia.
This Russian Gulag is home to some of Russia's scariest and most notorious killers – not
just murderers, but cannibals and pedophiles, too.
The regime in this prison is so tough, and the conditions are so bleak, that inmates
are known to completely break down.
The only way in or out of the prison is by boat or on foot over two shaky wooden bridges…it
is kind of medieval.
Oh, and the whole lake is surrounded by watchtower so even if you managed to get out, you would
wither be drowned or shot.
Security is so tight that nobody in living memory has ever escaped.
The Prison Psychologist said: This place destroys people.
The first nine months or so they spend adapting.
After three or four years their personalities begin to deteriorate.
Finally coming in to number one…
1 - Camp 22 Camp 22 in North Korea is probably as close
to hell on earth as it gets.
North Korea is already a hermit nation, but Campy 22 is a new kind of remote – it is
in a remote region called Hoeryong in the far North of Korea near China.
This maximum security prison is actually very much a concentration camp and is completely
isolated from the rest of the world.
Three lucky souls have managed to escape, but how far they got, we don't know.
From what we know of Camp 22, it contains prisoners of war.
Rumour has it that inmates are deprived of food and forced to eat frogs or rats to survive.
In the day, prisoners have to perform hard labour.
Prisoners are only allowed one set of clothes which they will live in and die in – by
which time they are nothing more than rags.
Guards patrol with rifles and dogs, and there is also a high 3,300 volt electric fence.
WELL that was intense wasn't it!
مسلسل الحب الاول الحلقة 12 القسم 1 - مترجمة للعربية - Duration: 13:05.
Kavanaugh Senate vote: Live coverage as Senate Judiciary votes to advance Kavanaugh to full Senate - Duration: 6:06:58.
Sergey Lavrov's Speech at 73rd Session of UN General Assembly - Duration: 14:39.
Dear Madam President, Ladies and gentlemen,
Speeches during the general discussion at the current session of the UN General Assembly confirm that international relations are going through a very complex and contradictory historical stage.
Today, we are all witnesses to the collision of two differently directed trends.
On the one hand, it strengthens the polycentric principles of the world order, the confident formation of new centers of economic growth, the desire of peoples to preserve sovereignty, to choose those development models that correspond to their national, cultural, confessional identity.
On the other hand, the desire of a number of Western states to retain the self-proclaimed status of "world leaders", to slow down the irreversibility of the objective process of multipolarity formation.
For the sake of this, everything is in play, including political blackmail, economic pressure and brute force.
As a result of such illegal actions, international law, on which the postwar world order is based, is devaluing.
We hear loud statements that not only call into question the legal force of international treaties, but also declare the priority of narrow-minded unilateral approaches over decisions taken within the UN framework.
We are witnessing the onset of militant revisionism on the modern international legal system.
The attacks are subject to the basic principles of Middle East settlement, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action on the Iranian nuclear program, the commitments of the World Trade Organization, the multilateral climate agreement and much more.
At the same time, our Western colleagues try to replace the rule of law in world affairs with a certain "order based on rules."
Themselves, these rules are invented depending on political expediency and are an example of double standards.
Unconditional accusations of interference in the internal affairs of various countries are put forward simultaneously with an open course towards the loosening and overthrow of democratically elected governments.
They try to draw some countries into military alliances built against themselves against the will of the people, while other states are threatened with punishment for the free choice of their partners and allies.
It is significant that aggressive attacks on international institutions are accompanied by attempts to "privatize" their secretarial structures, grant them the rights of intergovernmental bodies in order to subsequently manipulate them.
The narrowing of the space for constructive international cooperation, the escalation of confrontation, the intensification of general unpredictability, a significant increase in the risk of spontaneous conflicts - all this affects the activities of the World Organization.
For the selfish ambitions of a narrow group of countries, the world community has to pay a high price.
Braking collective response mechanisms to common security challenges for all.
Diplomacy, the culture of negotiations and compromises are replaced by dictatorship, unilateral restrictions imposed without the consent of the UN Security Council and having an extraterritorial nature.
Such measures, encompassing dozens of countries, are not only illegal, but also ineffective - as is confirmed, in particular, by more than half a century of blockade of Cuba by the US, condemned by the entire world community.
But history does not teach anything again.
Those wishing to sentence without trial and effect are not diminished.
Today, some Western colleagues have enough statements to make someone guilty in the spirit of the notorious "highly likely"
We have already seen this.
We well remember how many false pretenses have been used to justify interventions and unleashing wars, as it was in Yugoslavia in 1999, Iraq in 2003 and Libya in 2011.
The same methods are practiced today in respect of Syria, on the territory of which, on a completely falsified pretext, missile strikes were made on April 14 - a few hours before international inspectors were supposed to arrive at the scene of the staged incident.
We warn about the inadmissibility of new provocations of terrorists and their patrons using chemical weapons.
The conflict in Syria has been going on for seven years.
An unsuccessful attempt to change the regime from outside with reliance on extremists nearly led to the disintegration of the country and the emergence of a terrorist caliphate in its place.
Russia's energetic actions in response to the request of the Government of the SAR, backed by diplomatic steps within the framework of the Astana process, helped to prevent this disastrous scenario.
Initiated by Russia, Iran and Turkey, the Congress of the Syrian National Dialogue in Sochi in January this year created conditions for a political settlement based on UN Security Council Resolution 2254.
It is on this basis that the inter-Syrian Constitutional Committee is being formed in Geneva.
On the agenda is the restoration of the destroyed infrastructure in the interest of the speedy return of millions of refugees to their homeland.
The priority of international efforts and activities of the UN system organizations should be to help solve these problems in the interests of all Syrians, without any double standards.
Despite the complexity of the situation in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, it is unacceptable to ignore the longstanding Palestinian problem.
Its fair decision is extremely important for improving the situation in the entire Middle East region.
I would like to warn against unilateral approaches and attempts to monopolize the settlement process.
Today, more than ever, consolidation of the efforts of the world community is needed in the interests of resuming negotiations on the basis of UN resolutions and the Arab Peace Initiative.
We will continue to do our best to this, including in the format of the Middle East Quartet and in cooperation with the Arab League and the OIC.
Mutually acceptable agreements should ensure the peaceful and secure coexistence of two states - Israel and Palestine.
Here, within the walls of the UN, created in the lessons of the Second World War, we are all obliged to think about the future, in which there should not be room for repeating the mistakes of the past.
This year marks the 80th anniversary of the disgraceful Munich collusion that has become the crowning of the criminal policy of pacifying the Third Reich, a sad example of the catastrophic consequences that can result from national selfishness, disregard for international law, and attempts to solve problems at the expense of others.
Unfortunately, today in a number of countries the vaccine against the Nazi infection has not simply weakened, but the campaign of rewriting history, justifying war criminals and their accomplices is also expanding.
We consider blasphemous in a number of countries the struggle against monuments to the liberators of Europe.
We call to support the draft resolution of the General Assembly on the inadmissibility of the heroization of the Nazis.
Bloopers and Outtakes 3 - Duration: 3:29.
it's like the, whatever the hell it's called when you when when like the effects thing
What's that effect thing?
Where you don't realize it's Berenstain bears because it's clearly the Berenstein bears
and somebody went back in time and change something.
Hi everybody
I'm Amanda the G and my birthday is
This side doesn't exist, okay this side didn't happen
I'm itchy
but that's kind of ridiculous because that's just based on the country
And I'm sure you come to America and you're like why the hell can you see under the bottoms of stalls?
Because we don't have full doors, which is stupid
(packaging ripping)
oh that was a good one
Okay, I was gogsaaa ga
will it work?
will it perforate your intestines?
Are you a doctor?
Probably not if you're asking
and are you doing this on yourself?
cause that ain't happenin'
also, would you even know what you're looking for?
But hey
If you really want to just stick it up there and poke a hole in your intestines, you go for it
camera, find me
It's not that hard. I'm right here. Find me.
Please tell me this is still set up
Yes, it's still set up. I didn't hit it
(dog nails clacking on floor)
Ollie go sit, please
Hello air conditioning unit.
Thank you for arriving!
Okay, come on air conditioner, stop runnin'
I mean don't stop running
But like take a breather for like ten minutes
am I recording?
if you're like, hey Amanda was not a stupid flower
fucking flowers you can't get all the goddamn time
fucking tulips, tulips are my favorite
but they wouldn't go in this anyway, cause they're not gonna be the color that I need
Are you friends with the bleach guy?
Oh, oh, this is a beauty thing. So I'm supposed to do the beauty guru like
I'm terrible at this stuff.
Wait that thing. Um, anyway
I also don't play the accordion
(tape ripping)
Why does it smell like burning?
well fuckballs
(deep gutteral belch)
My stomach is not, not working today.
Oh my shirt is not at all on right
(scissors cutting)
Hi everybody, I'm Amanda the G and this is gonna be a little bit
(deep inhale)
Hi everybody, I'm Amanda the G, and uh
But he's still not over the fact that they shaved his armpits for his
(packaging ripping)
go on Ollie, momma has to edit this out, go sit
If you're wondering what the shirt says, it's athletes row everyone else just plays games
Yeah, that's right
ugh, open!
okay, you're doing the other eye off of camera, but bitch. I already did it
This Is Rabies - Duration: 4:24.
Hi I'm Jake and I assume you came here for a boatload of DONGs and probably don't
So without further adieu, here are more DONGs, things you can do online now guys.
Have ya ever wondered what rabies looks like?
Great, because here's virus explorer.
This interactive site gives you the chance to visualize viruses like rabies, HIV, Ebola
and more.
Let's check out rabies.
You can look around the 3D model and read up on it over here.
Rabies is not a very forgiving disease and it essentially attacks the brain.
It is extremely rare that a person will survive once symptoms are shown and when they are,
they are expected to have about 7 days to live.
It kills around 55,000 people a year.
It's not impossible to survive though, and in 2016 there had been 14 known survivors.
But generally speaking once someone shows symptoms ranging from fever to hydrophobia,
an extreme fear of water, it's unlikely they'll have much longer to live.
You can categorize the viruses by things like transmission and host in order to see the
similarities and differences amongst them.
There's even a feature that allows you to compare relative sizes.
Keep in mind the line represents 100 nm which is not big.
This is about 100,000 nm thick, so imagine something 1,000 times smaller.
If that's hard to wrap your big beautiful brain around, take a break and exercise with
I am going to do some for you right now as I list the benefits of exercise.
Ooh! This one looks like a good one.
Let's do it.
Physical activity is great.
It reduces the risk of heart attack, gives you more energy, and according to this website,
provides an opportunity for increased social contact.
But in this case I'm alone so I guess...
Ya know you're never alone if you have a mirror to talk to and that's my philosophy.
But believe it or not there are even cooler philosophers than myself so let's check
them out on
On the History of Philosophy you can explore some of the positive and negative connections
between key arguments and ideas of Western Philosophers.
Philosophy comes from the ancient Greek word, philosophia.
The first part meaning love and the second part meaning wisdom or love of wisdom.
It was coined by Pythagoras, who's 4th on this very long list.
He was thought to be a pupil of the first philosopher on the list
who many regard as the first philosopher in Western Tradition.
If an argument either agrees with or expands on an old argument it will connect with a
green line and if it disagrees or refutes it'll connect with red.
Let's check it out: We remember a lot from a previous life.
Pythagoras believed that after death our souls were born into to other animals and his idea
influenced other important philosophers including Plato who agreed that when an idea is "learned"
it is actually recalled from a previous life.
In contrast with this thought was Thomas Aquinas's idea that we are born as a blank slate and
our knowledge is derived from experience.
You've probably heard a very similar view by John Locke who was born over 400 years
after Aquinas.
The breadth of information on this site is awesome.
Now that you've grown your knowledge of philosophy why not grow your instagram following.
This site analyzes things including likes vs comments, engagement by post type, number
of total posts with that hashtag and more.
Oh my goodness how adorable.
On this page of top hashtags, love is number two.
As of writing this script there were 1,411,814,184 posts with the #love but there are probably
more now because love grows every day.
Hey! Links to all the DONGs are down in the description. If you want a playlist of DONGs
they're right here. Hashtag uhh...Lit.
Oh crab walk out. Okay. And as always
Thanks for watching.
Oh okay hold on.
Okay I'm trying!
This is what my life is like guys. Hannah just yells at me from off in the distance.
Like the Wizard of Oz but a very angry one.
Is that good? And then hands. Oh pinchers okay. Oh wait no I can't walk that way.
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