For more infomation >> Лучшая мотивация 2018➤Джеф Сейд,Конор Мерфи.Реакция прохожих - Duration: 3:41.
Horóscopo hoy, 28 de septiembre de 2018, por el astrólogo Mario Vannucci | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 2:58.
THE PS4 SUCKS - GONE THROUGH 3 IN 24 HOURS | Original Dante - Duration: 4:40.
I've been through THREE PS4 systems in literally 24 hours. What the heck is
going on here. There are 75 million systems out there, and I've been through
THREE of them in 24 hours.
Hello ladies and gentlemen, this is Dante, and I'm just gonna get straight to the
story. So I've wanted a PS4 for like 10 years now, so my fiancée also wanted
one so we decided, you know what, it's probably about time to get one, so why
don't we just go ahead and pick up a PS4. Cool, right? It's about time I joined
the Sony squad. I've been through THREE, yes, count them, THREE PS4 systems in one
day. They've all messed up.
The first one was partially my fault, I will take blame
for that because I bought it off of Facebook Marketplace, and this- this PS4
was very slow to start up. Like it would take about 15 minutes for the system
itself to boot up, then the hard drive is consistently clicking, and I was like
bruh, this thing's about to fail. My gut was
telling me, "what have you done?" It then proceeds to tell me, after sitting on
that blue screen, you know the one that looks like a Windows screensaver,
the blue screen, it says after 15 minutes of just that, that there was a system
software error. Okay, that's cool, I'll go ahead and do yet another factory reset. So
I do another "initialization" as they call it, which is basically wiping the hard
drive and stuff, and I installed the latest system software in a USB stick.
It still had the system software error, so it eventually booted up to the point
where I could actually play a game on the console. So my fiancee started
playing the game she bought, everything's going fine, but then the
intro cutscene takes five minutes to load. I don't know about you guys, but five
minutes that seems a little bit long for today's standards. Especially for like a
PS4, which is supposed to be like, boom boom, I can load some games, bruh. So she
concludes her gaming session, puts down the controller, and then I'm like
alright, I'll come back to this later. You know, I'll play my GTA or whatever
the crap I was planning on playing, so I put it in rest mode. I fire it back up
cuz I'm about to sign up for a Playstation ID, and you know what it
tells me? This thing told me that our save data had been
corrupted. I'm sitting here at 11:30 p.m. on a Sunday night with a busted PS4. So I
pick up my phone and texted my friend and asked him... "Hey, I want to make some
bad decisions, you want to go with me to get a PS4 slim?" So we go get a PS4 to
replace that one, and I'm ready for a fully functioning console. I'm ready for
this. Like, I'm like, dude it's new, this one can't possibly go wrong.
So I unpack the thing and I'm just looking at it like, "oh, that's nice," and I
feel the texture on the system... I'm like dude this is brand new... You know what
... you know whenever you open something new and you're just really hype
about it, that's kind of how I was feeling. Hopefully I could portray that. So
I plug it in, I get that controller, I turn it on, I'm ready to play some games.
I'm setting up the system, I'm connecting to my Wi-Fi, and then it turns off. So I
get closer and I push the button, and it beeps at me, and I could feel the
sass in the beep. The console was like, "leave me alone." So I Google search what's
happening, and it says it it's a bad power supply. Right out of the box. This
PS4 has a bad power supply right out of the box. What are the odds? So I'm feeling
like a defeated man, and it's like 1:00 a.m. at this point, so I'm like screw it
I'm going to bed. Tomorrow is a new day, which means tomorrow is another day for
a new PS4. So I take that one up to Walmart to exchange it and we swapped it
out just fine. Now I'm on PS4 number three. So far it's been treating me well.
I mean, knock on-- aw crap there's no wood around here. We're just gonna
pretend this is wood. Knock on wood, the PS4 is running fine. Ooh, I think I just
got some dust in my eye. So I have a PS4 now, so give me some game
suggestions in the comments below. Let me know what I should be playing. You know I'm
new to the Sony world. I've been a Nintendo guy, so you know, I could use
some suggestions. I'm planning on getting Red Dead Redemption, I'm planning on
getting the updated Spyro Trilogy, what else am I planning on getting... there are
other PS4 games that I'm already interested in, but hey let me know in the
comments below what you think and let me know if you have any crazy PS4 or even
just console stories in the comments below.
Hey, that's where i'ma go ahead and wrap up this upload, so thank you guys for
watching, and as always the most important part, have yourself a blessed
day. Now here's what's gonna happen, over here on top of this... I know this is
a new layout... this is gonna be a subscribe button. Over here is going to
be some more content. On the bottom imma let YouTube decide. On the top,
I'm gonna put my playlist for Y'all Messed Up. It's a series that I make, it's
all about crazy stuff. By the way, there's a new video coming out next week. I'll
post a preview probably this weekend, so be on the lookout. I'll see you guys in
the next episode!
CS:GO TOP 5 PHOBOS.GG BEST SHOTS l PhobosGaming - Duration: 3:05.
Dualshock 4 Alacaklar Muhakkak İzlesin ! dualshock 4 v2 kutu açılımı - Duration: 17:08.
Rewrite - Mercy Me [AMV] - Duration: 3:01.
It's been a long day living with this
It's been a long time since I felt so sick
I took a long walk straight back home
I could've walked back to San Francisco
I used to long for time alone
I used to long for a place of my own
And I'm losing faith in everything
I'm lost, so lost, i'm lost at sea, you'll see
I used to long for broken bones
I used to long for a casket to call my own
I never had a problem facing fear
But I'm done, over and dumb my dear and
Oh mercy me
God bless catastrophe
There's no way in hell
We'll ever live to see through this so
Drive yourself insane tonight
It's not that far away and I just
Filled up your tank earlier today
It's been a long day living with this
It's been a long time since I felt so sick
I took a long walk straight back home
I could've walked back to Chicago
I used to long for time alone
I used to long for a place of my own
And I've lost faith in everything
I'm lost, so lost, I'm lost without you
Oh mercy me
God bless catastrophe
There's no way in hell
We'll ever live to see through this so
Drive yourself insane tonight
It's not that far away and I just
Filled up your tank earlier today
So drive yourself insane tonight
It's not that far away and I just
Filled up your tank earlier today
NEW PARANOID PRANK! (Franklin, TN 2018) - Duration: 3:03.
Artifact Card Reveal & Lore Secret About Roseleaf - Duration: 9:14.
Whats popping gamers For a long time it was hard to make any probable
theories, because I had one HUGE detail wrong – I thought artifact happens AFTER dota 2
But it's the other way around.
The battle of dota 2 is the final war, the ragnarok of the dota universe.
So then what is artifact in the grand scheme of things?
Well, we know the first expansion is gonna be the war of roseleaf.
And some people are speculating the next will be about demons or stonehall or both.
But more than just this battle between legion commander, sorla khan and rix, its about something
bigger - and I just got a huge piece to the puzzle, that let me discover something HUGE.
I am so grateful to Bruno and valve, and honored, to be able to introduce the new card iron
branch protection.
It's a green spell, and gives a unit in ANY lane 3 extra armor for a round, for 2
We can talk about how it prevents creep damage and most of the green and blue heroes damage,
but that's not really what makes this card have a pretty high ceiling.
Its in case your enemy plays conflagration, for example.
If your opponent has conflagration in lane 3, and your hero there has 1 or 2 health left,
its essensially removed from the game for 3 rounds instead of 2, like swim has explained.
However, with iron branch protection, you can save your hero from another lane, and
quite cheaply too.
My problem with the card is that I don't think I would spend 3 slots in my deck just
to prevent these very specific situations where it can be good.
With 3 of these on your hand theres not much you can do to take objectives.
From playing artifact TTS, I don't really like cards that prevent losing, id rather
play something that brings you closer to winning.
In other words, I think this is a bit too defensive.
Now to the juicy part of this card – the lore:
"I remember when the Vhoul first made their home in roseleaf.
At the time they were not much more than feral beasts, barely worth the treants notice.
But as the generations came and went, my cousins became fascinated as they watched a culture
grow before their very eyes so when the Vhoul named their city after my cousins as a sign
of respect, well... that fascination turned into a sort of love.
And so while the Treants of roseleaf try not to directly interfere with the goings on of
the Vhoul, they always try to help from afar."
Ok lets break down exactly what it is treant protector is saying.
For anyone who doesn't know, the vhouls are the doglike humanoid creeps from dota,
and the inhabitants of roseleaf in artifact, led by Rix.
But what we now know from this new card is, that they started off as just animals.
Eventually they became more and more civilized, and became basically like humans, at least
And the treants protect them…
So, I have 2 immediate thoughts.
1: since the treants partake in the roseleaf battle, timbersaw is SCREWED.
Creeps evolve, like we have seen with ilexa.
So lets start with timber.
His home was destroyed in the DOTA LORE.
But now that we know artifact is before dota 2, maybe the battle of roseleaf leads into
timbers origin story.
The treants didn't just stop at defending roseleaf, they also went into keen territory.
And theres more keens than timber – two of which are forming the society of likeminded
Could this be a war between the treants and the keenfolk?
Nature vs technology?
The treants live in the vale of augury, and timbersaw is from augury bay.
While its not confirmed, it is almost certain that they are very close to eachother and
Okay, now to the second thought.
We already knew creeps are evolving cognitively, but we didn't really understand exactly
what it means for the story until now.
Because now we know artifact is before dota 2.
The vhouls evolving from feral beasts to cultured, civilized people, makes me wonder…
Is artifact the story of how the ancients first influenced the life on the planet?
Ok lets try to imagine a scenario for a second.
When the ancients crashed down from the moon and started twisting things, first things
changed physically.
Around direstone, the ground turned barren and volcanic.
Around the radiant ore, life flourished albeit enslaved.
Things started twisting and changing externally to look more like the ancient they were close
If humans were close or touched the stone, they would get turned into mindless creeps.
Animals and entire groups of people would change into new races entirely.
BUT after a while, the intelligence of the radiant started to affect more than just what
its slaves looked like.
First, the trees around it started to move.
Then, doglike humanoids started settling around it.
Roseleaf is the place where the radiant ore landed, guys!!
Ok, listen to the first 2 sentences in treant protectors lore:
"Far to the west, in the mountains beyond the Vale of Augury, lie the remains of an
ancient power, a fount of eldritch energy nestled deep in the high woods.
It is said that the things that grow here, grow strangely."
An ANCIENT power huh??
That makes things grow STRANGELY??
And is most likely located NEAR ROSELEAF where creeps are getting more INTELLIGENT which
is the defining trait of the RADIANT?
Im telling you guys, roseleaf is the landing site of the radiant, and all the animals around
it have grown into what we today call creeps, like kobolds.
Prellex is defending roseleaf, because she is defending the radiant.
The keens of augury bay are so technologically advanced, because of radiants intelligence.
The radiant isn't just about nature and creation as an opposite to dires destruction.
Its also intelligence vs strength, like siractionslacks has pointed out in his loregasm videos.
Now where the dire landed I can only speculate.
It could be stonehall, wherever the oglodis come from, or somewhere different entirely.
I kind of WANT it to be linked to shadow fiend and the other demons for the second expansion,
or to the abyssal attack on stonehall, but I don't have a clue honestly.
The only thing I can imagine is that both the oglodi and the legion love war and fighting,
which could mean they are very heavily influenced by the dire.
OR that they believe in a certain roman god that will be released in dota 2, MARS.
This I will save for for its own video entirely though, I digress.
Now how does this realization connect artifact to dota 2?
Well first of all, it might just be what starts off the huge polarized war between the ancients.
Prellex is the priestess of the radiant, and her rebelling daughter kanna, the priestess
of the dire.
Artifact isn't about the 3 factions at all – at least not beyond superficially – instead,
its about these 2 priestesses controlling each their different creeps.
The ones who are loyal to the radiant and prellex, and those who have been liberated
from radiants slavery by the dire and kanna.
In fact, maybe kanna and prellex are the very forces that recruits melee creeps at all.
Maybe they are whats mindcontrolling them to fight for whatever side, against their
Maybe its not kanna and prelex that look like melee creeps – it's the other way around!
And maybe… they aren't in dota 2, because they are no more.
They die in artifact, fighting for their side.
Their demise allowing creeps like ilexa to get a mind of their own, free from prellex
and kannas arcane influence…
I still have a lot of questions, but this cards lore really helped me understand a few
This only makes me even more excited to play the game, to see if other cards also contain
secrets like this one.
Until then, watch out for more one-sentence hero lore videos.
If you want to help me, you can type out your own 1sentence-lores in my discord server and
ping me.
If its better than what I can do, which doesn't require a lot honestly, then I will add it
in my video and credit you.
Just type out what hero it is and its lore in one sentence, which is actually more tricky
than it seems.
Make sure you only do the ones I haven't posted in a video yet if your objective is
to get it featured, though!
I also have a huge new series coming up, called dota geography.
Im working on a dota world map, and we will be visiting the different parts of the dota
world to discover their history, biome and characters.
But anyways.
Where do you think the dire landed?
I hope to see you around, especially in my new discord server!
Huevo Sorpresa Gigante de Pie Pequeño Migo en Español de Plastilina Play Doh - Duration: 10:23.
Top 2 Bike Hero Brand Splendor + & Glamour Price In BD / Shapon Khan Vogs - Duration: 10:35.
HELIX JUMP YouTube World Record 2 Mints 5 Level Complete || score 400000 {TB} 2018 - Duration: 2:54.
Helix Jump LEVEL 641 2018 tricky boy
helix jump level 815 tricky boy 2018
Helix Jump LEVEL 601 2018
Helix jump
Soluble Corn Fiber - How Food Companies Overstuff Fiber Into Keto Products - Duration: 4:39.
People have been doing the low-carb thing (and bragging about it on the internet) for
a long time.
So when the ketogenic diet became a thing in recent years, the market responded by offering
a bunch of products that claimed they had the same thing: low net carbs.
One of the ways food scientist can do that is by using carbohydrates in the form of fiber,
a nutrient that doesn't get digested by your body, so it doesn't count towards calories.
It also makes for some healthy poops - so there's that.
But how do you stuff that much fiber, sometimes the same amount as multiple servings of fruits
and veggies, into such small products?
And more importantly, what does it do in our bodies?
[swoosh transition] Okay, big picture: fiber /is/ good for you.
It has all kinds of health benefits and it usually comes from fruits and veggies, so
overall it gets a thumbs up from nutrition experts.
But what makes fiber so unique is how it isn't digested by the body - since you can't metabolize
it, it doesn't count towards net carbohydrates.
And with so many people looking for low carb options, food scientists got to work.
At first, companies used foods like dates or figs to bind the bar together, which added
You could get 4 or 5 grams of fiber in a 50 gram bar, which is reasonable.
It's what you'd expect if you ate the raw ingredients.
As the demand for low carb snacks grew, companies started using IMO's, or isomaltooligosaccharides
which brought the net carbs down but tastes like chalk and urine.
That was popular in the industry for a while, but consumers wanted something that tasted
like, good for a change, so food scientists cooked up soluble corn fiber or SCF.
It was a good move - the products started getting better textures and finally didn't
taste like licking the inside of a gas station bathroom.
But you'll notice that products that use SCF have /a lot/ of fiber in them.
Like, 17 grams in a single bar.
That's a lot.
But it /does/ have some of the same benefits as traditional fiber.
A handful of animal and human studies saw that corn fiber had a good glucose and insulin
response, which is good news for diabetics, especially if this ingredient was gonna be
used in low sugar foods.
And in multiple studies, corn fiber had a lower glycemic response than straight glucose
- it was a slow bump in blood sugar instead of a big spike.
SCF helps with digestive health as well.
In the few randomized clinical trials that have been performed, participants who supplemented
about 20 grams of corn fiber a day /did/ have bulkier poops.
For the kids watching this, mark my words: there will be a time in your life when the
quality of your poops make the biggest difference in how your day is going.
I'm not kidding.
But while its effects on glucose and poops are similar to traditional fiber, how soluble
corn fiber /works/ in the body isn't quite the same.
After passing through the small intestine, SCF is fermented by your microbiome - the
bacteria living in your large intestine.
They turn the substance into energy for themselves and leave behind some short chain fatty acids
like butyrate which have their own health benefits.
And according to a study in 2012 study, SCF actually can help increase the amount of helpful
bacteria in your gut.
So not only is it a fiber supplement, but also a potential prebiotic.
And none of that is a bad thing.
But still, I'm not totally sold.
Where's the drawback?
Why aren't we all supplementing soluble corn fiber food products?
The answer is exactly that.
It's a food product, not ya know, food.
One of fiber's big benefits is that it helps you feel full for longer, so researchers from
the University of Minnesota put it to the test.
In their study, they got twenty hungry college kids and gave them either a regular muffin,
or a muffin with 25 grams of fiber - an entire day's recommended value.
It's a lot.
The subjects reported no difference in their level of fullness when comparing the types
of muffins.
And that's not really surprising.
Not because of some unique thing about soluble corn fiber, but because of the idea of being
You need to eat a big, filling salad to get 25 grams of fiber.
By sheer volume alone, you're gonna be full after that.
But to get the same amount of fiber from soluble corn fiber, you're nibbling on maybe a protein
bar and a half.
It might not be the low carb trend that dieters are after, but it's way tastier.
[swoosh transition] So for bulkier poops and low glycemic index,
this stuff checks out.
But remember, there are still so many more benefits from food-sourced fiber that those,
benefits that we haven't studied yet with soluble corn fiber.
So for now, I'm still sticking with salad.
That does it for this video.
If you learned something today, I really appreciate it if you like the video and subscribe.
And if you've got someone in your life doing the low carb thing, share this video with
Otherwise, have fun, be good.
See you next time.
EN AKIL ALMAZ İŞKENCE DENEYLERİ (+18) - 731.BÖLGE - Duration: 3:28.
Ein Pokémon Gelb Stream vor dem Urlaub | Road to 100 [German] [LIVE] - Duration: 9:12.
Finish More Music - Knowledge - Duration: 2:38.
😱3 Months Fat to fit transformation - 🔥Man incredible weight loss & overweight To Fit Transformation - Duration: 8:30.
It kind of hurts coming!
Spend the hips
So day to week to type feel
They're really like
You're good you're good and you're not gonna die right now maybe but not acutely from this
Black hole that you were doing before now, I'll do it, right
Big breath reach reach reach driving knees out
Here we go
Attaway private driving right? Here we go thing to get it in the hips
Alan Walker - Diamond Heart (feat. Sophia Somajo) - Nightcore by Nightcore - Thema - Duration: 2:47.
[Verse 1: Sophia Somajo] Hello sweet grief
I know you will be the death of me Feel like the morning after ecstasy
I am drowning in an endless sea Hello old friend
Here's the misery that knows no end So I am doing everything I can
To make sure I never love again
[Pre-Chorus: Sophia Somajo] I wish that I did not know
Where all broken lovers go I wish that my heart was made of stone
Yeah if I was bulletproof I'd love you black and blue
If I was solid like a jewel
[Chorus: Sophia Somajo] If I had a diamond heart
Oh oh I'd give you all my love
If I was unbreakable If I had a diamond heart
Oh oh You could shoot me with a gun of gold
If I was unbreakable
[Post-Chorus: Sophia Somajo] I'd walk straight through the bullet
Bendin' like a tulip Blue-eyed and foolish
Never mind the bruises Into the fire
Breakin' through the wires Give you all I've got
If I had a diamond heart I'd walk straight through the dagger
Never break the pattern Diamonds don't shatter
Beautiful and battered Into the poison
Cry you an ocean Give you all I've got
If I had a diamond heart
[Verse 2: Sophia Somajo] Goodbye, so long
I don't know if this is right or wrong Am I giving up where I belong?
'cause every station is playing our song Goodbye my love
You are everything my dreams are made of You'll be Prince and I'm the crying dove
If I only were unbreakable
[Pre-Chorus: Sophia Somajo] I wish that I did not know
Where all broken lovers go I wish that my heart was made of stone
Yeah if I was bulletproof I'd love you black and blue
If I was solid like a jewel
[Chorus: Sophia Somajo] If I had a diamond heart
Oh oh I'd give you all my love
If I was unbreakable If I had a diamond heart
Oh oh You could shoot me with a gun of gold
If I was unbreakable
[Post-Chorus: Sophia Somajo] I'd walk straight through the bullet
Bendin' like a tulip Blue-eyed and foolish
Never mind the bruises Into the fire
Breakin' through the wires Give you all I've got
If I had a diamond heart I'd walk straight through the dagger
Never break the pattern Diamonds don't shatter
Beautiful and battered Into the poison
Cry you an ocean Give you all I've got
If I had a diamond heart
Sergey Lavrov's Remarks at Meeting with Diego Pary Rodriguez - Duration: 2:00.
I would like to once again congratulate you on your appointment as Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Bolivia is one of our key partners in Latin America.
The recent June 13 meeting of our presidents in Moscow confirmed the mutual resolve to further expand partnership in all areas.
Today, we will discuss what is to be done to implement all the agreements reached by our presidents.
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