For more infomation >> Лучшая мотивация 2018➤Джеф Сейд,Конор Мерфи.Реакция прохожих - Duration: 3:41.
Алёна КОСТОРНАЯ КП 27.9.2018 JGP Rnd5 Ostrava(Czech) - Duration: 8:18.
1A<<* 0.00 (0.00) Invalid element
3F 5.30 (1.97)
FCSp4 3.20 (1.19)
3Lz+3T 11.11 x 2.53
CCoSp4 3.50 (1.35)
StSq4 3.90 (1.56)
StSq4 3.90 (1.56)
LSp4 2.70 (1.16)
Skating Skills:7.79 Transitions:7.68 Performance:7.50 Composition:7.79 Interpretation of the Music:7.71
КП 1st 70.24 = 39.47 + 30.77
Les Petits Meurtres d'Agatha Christie - Le flux et le reflux (S1E8) - Duration: 1:33:58.
So, Lampion?
Did you forget something, boss?
- My overcoat. - It's over your shoulders?
I know, but should I wear it nonchalantly like this
or perhaps folded over my arm?
Like this?
And hat? No hat?
Cigar? No cigar?
Boss, do you think I could use the storeroom next door?
What a ridiculous idea, to ask a pencil-pusher who dresses anyhow!
A desk jockey with a dull eye and rounded shoulders.
You should have studied for a lawyer's office.
You won't say that once I revolutionise the archaic methods of the police.
Fine words to describe a stupid obsession.
I'm indexing all the criminals in the region
and by cross-referencing I'll build psychological profiles
- which will allow progress to be... - Stupendous!
Exactly. Stupendous.
You're on the wrong path. You need to clear your head.
Get your things.
I've got work to do. I wasn't intending to go out tonight.
You mean you couldn't have imagined... such an honour.
Distinguished member, Club de l'Etoile. What's that?
The best of the best, a carefully selected elite, exclusively male,
which I now belong to.
Old men wittering on? No, thanks.
And the man didn't even remember me.
You can't imagine how tiresome that was.
You're wrong there. I understand perfectly.
Would sir like a digestif? A Cognac, perhaps?
That would be more than I can afford.
This is a club, sir, not some sort of bar.
There are no bills here.
- The facilities are upstairs, sir. - Thank you.
Auguste Lavallière, the fourth of that name, Saint-Cyr Military School.
Lampion, Emile. Excuse me.
Corporal Larosière. Attention!
At ease.
Captain Delarive, what a pleasure to see you here.
I heard you were in Africa.
Yes, I was in Dahomey trying to knock some sense into those savages.
Waste of time. I came back a few days ago.
Lampion, come here. Let me introduce Captain Delarive
who I had the honour of serving under in the Great War.
Four years under shelling and mortar fire,
trudging around in the mud of the trenches. Right?
Has Larosière told you he saved my life?
That's him all over. Bravery and modesty.
Waiter! Three Cognacs.
To celebrate our reunion.
Thank you.
To the son I never had, whom you should have been.
To the father I would have liked to have.
I feel a little awkward turning up among all your family.
No, you'll always be welcome, Jean.
One more or less makes no difference. I look after all of them anyway.
Léonce, my younger brother. Weak-willed, but a good fellow.
His wife, Gisèle, wears the trousers.
Emilienne, the one in all that get-up, is my sister.
Fortunately her daughter, Célie, is nothing like her.
That girl knows what she wants.
Oh, yes, Ferdinand. He's my nephew.
My second sister died giving birth to him.
Célie is just back from Egypt where she spent a year digging up old bones.
- I hope you're going to calm down now. - Calm down? What an awful expression!
I'm not going to mope around just because I'm here.
Anyway, I'm interested in everything.
Lunch is ready.
Ferdinand, you'll have to keep an eye on your wife.
If he still wants me, he doesn't have a choice.
And when's the wedding?
- Célie will decide. - Maybe in May.
Good Lord, Célie. The month of widows. Don't even think about it.
The cards will show me an auspicious day.
There's no point, Mummy. It's my wedding, I'll decide.
Oh, I know what you all think. "Emilienne is barmy."
But I can read the future, speak to the dead.
I have the gift.
You can't refuse a gift even if it makes you a pariah in your own family.
- I said you were coming back, André. - So did I, by letter.
Mr Larosière, I feel a force in and all around you.
- Draw a card, please. - No, leave him alone.
No, I don't mind at all. Actually, it's rather amusing.
No! Left hand.
- Sorry. - The hand of the heart.
The nameless one.
Why the nameless one? It's death, isn't it?
I never say that word with the tarot. Draw another, please.
I don't understand.
Someone close to you is in danger.
Great danger.
It's very kind of you to warn me.
Thank you.
Well, how about that! What are you doing here?
No, what are you doing here?
I was sent to this office. I've come to lodge a complaint like any citizen.
I don't work on Sundays. See the inspector on duty.
I'm a mycology enthusiast.
When I was leaning over an Agaricus praeclaresquamosus specimen,
two hunters, confusing me, imagine it, with a wild boar,
used me as a target.
It's shameful!
Out of the question, Gisèle.
Now that you're back, we won't impose ourselves here.
- Léonce. - Of course.
Even though I admit that at the moment
our situation, with difficult investments, fluctuating markets...
Stop going on. It's embarrassing. Life is hard for everyone.
Anyway, we have plenty to allow us to buy a little house.
No one is moving out.
I had no intention of doing so. I love this big house.
- Célie too. Don't you, darling? - Not at all. I think it's dreary.
The house is big enough for everyone. We'll occupy the first floor.
My wife and I.
I found love in Africa.
My congratulations, Captain. I'm very happy for you.
Thank you, Jean. Isn't anyone else going to congratulate me?
It's marvellous. Well, I...
Of course, it's marvellous. But it's just a bit of a surprise.
You've always talked of women as unimportant little things.
Well, I was wrong.
I predicted it. I saw a woman in black, doubtless a widow like me,
hoping to end her days beside a strong man.
Albertine did indeed lose her husband to the fevers in Africa.
Poor child.
One shouldn't suffer at the age of 25.
25? André! She could be your granddaughter.
I can assure you that she's my wife.
Were you scared of shocking us by bringing her here?
You know young women. She preferred to visit the shops and jewellers' in Paris.
You can't stop her being extravagant.
But doesn't it worry you that she's on her own?
After Africa, perhaps she won't realise the value of things,
especially as she's so young.
Her brother's with her, a man of taste. He's suffered a reversal of fortune too.
He'll live with us for a while.
My marriage forces me to make new arrangements,
but I am a man of honour and a man of my word.
No one will suffer any harm.
Old Delarive keeps all his family.
Brother, sister, nephew, they're all tied to his apron strings.
A bunch of failures.
And he puts on airs and graces with me.
He looks down on me.
But watch out! One of these days he might get a surprise.
Because I know things.
A scandal he'll never recover from.
- A disgrace for the family if ever... - Right.
Sign your statement and leave me to work.
But I thought you weren't on duty.
Sign and leave. I don't like gossip.
- Emile, do you dislike me that much? - Pardon?
I sometimes get a little bit annoyed with you,
but for you to wish for my death
in such a cowardly and sneaky way. That grieves me, Lampion.
- Are you feeling well, Chief Inspector? - Perfectly.
But I'd be in agony if I ate one of your lousy mushrooms. They're all lethal.
Clear this mess up, you would-be mycologist.
And what is all this?
My laboratory. Scientific policing.
We'll have everything on the spot. Ballistics, fingerprints.
It'll save an amazing amount of time.
- And you're the expert? - I'm the expert.
Very well...
I'll be back tomorrow. You could come with me.
Oh, no. It'll be very boring.
Cows, tractors, things for sowing, harvesting and whatever else...
Not everyone can discover mummies.
- I forgot you're easily hurt. - I'm not.
But you've forgotten that I'm a farmer. The agricultural show is a big event.
Over time you're bound to find it very boring.
Look, Ferdinand.
I'm happy here.
I want to be with you.
Is that true? No more travelling? Just the two of us on the farm?
It's not a farm.
It's a major agricultural concern.
A real estate.
André trusts me. He's said so. He'll take care of the financing, the work.
We must modernise. I've drawn up plans.
We'll have to buy more land. It's a dream, Célie.
Do you think the new Mrs Delarive will agree?
It's his money.
A woman does what her man asks her to.
You don't know women very well, darling.
Be careful. It's very fragile and it comes from a long way away.
Marvellous. Where is it from?
London, darling. Sir John Barrow...
- The antique dealer? - The very same.
He told me it belonged to a sorcerer in the 18th century.
The spirits like beautiful things.
This ball will have the power to attract...
And what money did you use to buy this marvel?
I asked André. Since your father died he's always been so understanding.
Apparently it doesn't bother you to waste his money just anyhow.
I'll point out to you that I didn't waste his money running around Egypt!
You're exaggerating.
Chief Inspector, could you hold this glass, please?
Why? It's empty.
I'm practising studying fingerprints.
As long as you don't put me up on the wall.
- Here. - Thank you.
The trace of the papillary lines is different for each individual
unless the dermis is deeply damaged.
And the many variations allow us...
..to classify them.
The tower!
Everything will collapse.
A splendid morning, Ménard.
- I'm talking to you. - Yes, Chief Inspector.
Open the window, Lampion. Get some fresh air.
You look awful.
I have, well...
There's some bad news, boss.
That's our daily lot.
You have to take a step back, harden yourself, check your emotions.
Captain Delarive died last night in a fire.
Are you alright, boss?
I'm sorry about your friend.
His town house was gutted by fire.
Apparently the captain fell asleep when his pipe was still alight.
Everyone in the house was asleep. It was an accident.
You should take a step back.
Try to check your emotions.
Do as you were saying.
Chief Inspector?
He must have suffered. It's horrible.
Two servants also died.
- What about her? - She's in hospital.
Her condition is serious. She inhaled a lot of smoke.
But her life is not in danger.
I want every available man to search the wreckage. All of them!
Especially you, Lampion! Prove you're an expert and find me clues!
What clues? It was an accident, Chief Inspector!
Don't ever use that word again.
It's a murder. Do you hear me?
A murder!
Stop! Stay where you are!
Oh, no...
You have no authority. I know my job. The fire was accidental.
Now let me do my work.
I haven't finished.
The old man fell asleep with his pipe alight. That's it.
He fell asleep like a senile old fool?
Delarive never used to sleep.
He was a rock, an oak tree.
Let's go. You heard the captain.
What do you know? What do any of you know?
In battle after battle for four years,
he led us to victory without ever closing his eyes.
Get out of here, all of you.
All of you, go!
We were riddled with vermin.
Filthy as pigs, with the cold and the hunger.
And the fear. Yes, the fear.
So bad we'd crap ourselves.
But not him. No, not him.
There was firing all around us.
He would fill his pipe and teach us about the great poets.
"A great black sleep falls over my life:
Sleep, all hopes, sleep, all desires."
"I am a cradle rocked by a hand in the hollow of a vault."
"Silence, silence."
It's not the first time the chief inspector has been angry.
But this is different, Ménard. You didn't see him.
I don't even know how to explain it.
He's not right in the head. It's serious.
Emile! Call in the leeches and parasites.
I want to see them in my office at once!
- I don't know who you mean. - It's simple.
The madwoman, the stiff woman, the weak man, the yokel and the suffragette.
If the widow didn't kill him, the others did.
No, wait a minute, Lampion. We'll surprise them.
So to sum up, the announcement of the captain's marriage
was a shock for you.
We were happy for him.
Don't treat me like a fool. I was there.
I saw your faces. I heard you thinking, "How much will be left for me now?"
So many years living off Delarive
and suddenly a wife was putting that comfortable life at risk.
A wife who wouldn't die before you.
- This is intolerable. - Be quiet.
One of you tried to kill them. Or all of you!
Albertine has survived.
But the captain is dead.
And I will not let you go!
I loved my uncle.
Your insinuations are an insult.
The local police concluded it was an accident.
I have nothing more to say to you either.
Come back. Come back!
I order you to come back!
Come back!
Do you know something?
You tried to warn me. "Your friend is in great danger."
No, no, you're wrong.
André spoke to me in a dream last night. He's happy and at peace.
He's gone to a world of peace and love.
And his spirit is watching over us.
You must drop this, boss.
There's been no murder. There's no investigation.
- You can't understand, Lampion. - Yes, I can.
Delarive was like a father to you.
Like you are to me. I understand.
Death by asphyxiation.
- I ordered an autopsy. - Nothing out of the ordinary.
The undigested food indicated a good meal and a few Cognacs.
You're not looking in the right place.
You must look for poison or sleeping tablets.
You're paid to deal with dead people, so do it!
Take two at bedtime, Chief Inspector.
You're tired and overworked.
Inspector Lampion spoke to me about your trauma.
If you're not careful, you'll fall into depression.
Do your grieving and look after yourself.
My brother would never have accepted this.
It's not possible that there's no will. André had an appointment to see you.
He postponed it to go to Paris with his young wife.
He wanted to buy her some clothes.
I do sympathise,
but in the absence of a new will and given Mr Delarive's marriage,
all his property passes by right to his wife.
Yes, we understand that.
But there must be a mistake. What about the house?
It's our home.
I mean that we've been here for years and we can't...
Can she throw us out?
Why not?
It's alright for you. You have a farm.
The farm can't be run without money. And it's on the widow's land.
It's all because the old fool fell for a gold-digger.
Oh, stop moaning.
Where are you going?
To pack my things. I'm not going to wait to be thrown out.
I understand.
Thank you.
Lampion, I've spoken to the lawyer.
They'll get nothing. Not a kopeck. They're wiped out.
These are the examining magistrate's conclusions.
Accidental death.
There is no Delarive case, Chief Inspector.
I think we'll be alright here.
Won't we, little sister?
Welcome. I'm Célie.
Despite the circumstances, we're pleased to meet you.
Yes. I can see.
Everyone's finding it hard to contain their joy.
It's not easy for anyone.
Who are you?
The chauffeur, handyman, and also Gabriel, Albertine's big brother.
Come along.
Please feel at home here.
Yes, this is my sister's home.
Try not to forget that.
Let's go in, too.
You're right. Before that brute has the locks changed.
I imagine it has been a terrible ordeal.
Oh, yes. I was so scared of dying.
Célie was talking about André's death.
Only just married and already a widow.
You must have hardly had time to become fond of him.
André no doubt talked to you about the will he planned to write
so that no one would be harmed.
Of course. Husband and wife hide nothing from each other.
There is no will.
Well, the lawyer explained to me, to me and Gabriel,
that everything belongs to me.
The chateau...
- The land. - Yes, there's the land too.
And then all this money!
This chateau is incredible.
Yes. Incredibly pretentious, incredibly cold,
and incredibly incredible.
You won't make me run away, Célie.
Too bad.
One never looks a gift horse in the mouth.
- I'll have some tea brought for you. - No, I'll go.
I make the decisions now, don't I?
We're waiting for you.
- What are you doing? - I'm scared, Gabriel.
They scare me.
They hate me!
I can feel it.
And I don't like this chateau.
- It's too big. - Stop it. You're being ridiculous.
Of course they don't like you. So what? They've all lived like parasites
and now it's over.
The fortune is yours.
I want to go. I don't deserve this money.
Shut up!
Never say that again.
At the time she was called Reish, not Delarive. Albertine Reish.
I never met her, but I knew Reish well. A man of honour, but naive.
Their marriage didn't last. The girl hated Africa.
He was very unhappy. He was a shadow of his former self.
Why didn't they divorce?
He was an old-fashioned man, the sort you don't find any more.
As a believer, divorce was out of the question.
He went to die like an old wild beast in the jungle.
I know things.
He talked to me shortly before his expedition into the bush.
He told me that if everyone believed he was dead
Albertine would be a widow and free.
The next day he disappeared.
But who knows whether one day Georges Reish might reappear?
In that case Albertine would be a bigamist.
The man is jealous, bitter, a failure.
But if your intuition was right,
the captain's death only benefits Albertine and her brother.
It's of no importance.
- What are you doing, Chief Inspector? - I'm pissing.
You can't do that here!
It doesn't matter. Nothing matters any more.
You piss, you cry, you die, and that's it!
- You can do that upstairs. - Where?
Come on.
At the same time, the brother's alibi is good.
Witnesses saw him in a bar at the time of the fire.
He really tried to save the occupants.
Chief Inspector!
- Come on. - That's it. Let's go.
- You should be shaved and dressed. - I'm not going to work today.
As you like. I'm going to visit a little manor house that will suit us very well.
Gisèle, we can't afford it. We have nowhere to go.
- Is it as bad as that? - Worse.
If you knew how ashamed I am.
I spoilt your youth. You were so pretty and sparkling.
And I'm so boring.
You deserved better.
No. What are you talking about?
I loved you. I love you, in my way.
Tell me.
I made a risky investment with the shareholders' money.
I was relying on André to bail me out, until I got back on my feet.
So we're bankrupt.
Well, you carry on feeling sorry for yourself.
I'll take care of the rest.
Are you inspecting your land?
Tell me, this farm is mine too, isn't it?
It would be great as a hunting lodge.
I'd never have asked you if the situation wasn't really serious.
I understand.
But I don't know what to do. I'll ask Gabriel.
You can decide to help us on your own.
It's all been so sudden.
It's a very large amount.
I haven't got that much money here.
Of course not. But we can go to the bank together this morning.
It's only a loan. We're not thieves.
No? What are you, then?
- Let me explain... - No need.
- You're fleecing my sister. - That's wrong.
- The idea you have of the family... - The family? What family?
You're all hypocrites and parasites!
You hate her and you'd all like to see her dead.
Yes. What do you expect?
They all dream of you dying and then they'll dance on your grave.
You're wrong. We're prepared to welcome Albertine.
But you're despicable. You're good for nothing.
Except living off your sister.
You won't get a penny more.
And pass the message on to the family!
I only wanted to help.
I know.
Oh, sorry. I thought everyone was out.
You're not disturbing me, Albertine.
Come in, my dear.
Anyway, I'm not really here. My envelope is here, but my spirit is with the dead.
Do you read the cards?
Choose five cards.
There's a lot of money at stake.
You are lying to yourself.
You are under someone's influence.
The situation is unclear.
You see the justice arcana here? The truth will come out.
Stop, please.
Pick one more card. I'd just like to shed light on the future.
- Is it bad? - I don't know. I don't understand.
The fool.
A vagabond, a stranger. Someone who brings change.
But, my dear, you're quite pale and it's my fault. Let's forget it all.
I'll ring for some tea and we can talk about the petty troubles of daily life.
- Good evening. - Good evening.
Do you have a room?
Of course. We don't have a lot of customers at this time of year.
What name shall I put down?
Argos. Ulysse Argos.
That's not a common first name.
I'm not a common man.
I was looking for my mother.
She's not here.
I'm teasing you.
I saw her scampering away earlier.
- Scared I'd take the cheque back. - What cheque?
The one she managed to get out of my sister.
That said, she's much less greedy than the other two.
I'm ashamed for them. Excuse me.
Do I scare you, Célie?
Not at all.
I'm scared of nothing, and especially not of you.
Then look at me.
Is what I've heard true?
You're really going to marry this yokel, Ferdinand?
Mrs Albertine Delarive. You summoned her, Chief Inspector.
No, you're wrong, Ménard.
Can I go, then?
Mrs Delarive. Excuse me. I didn't know you were here.
Please sit down.
I don't understand why I'm here.
I know. We found some objects of value among the debris
and I thought you would like to have them.
I don't want them.
I don't want them. Don't force me to take them.
Of course not, my dear.
These reminders are heart-breaking. They recall the happy times.
The habits of daily life.
The captain was a man who loved life's pleasures.
He was my friend.
My spiritual father.
You lit up his final days. When he talked about you...
You were like a son to him.
Take those things. You're entitled to them.
I don't want anything that reminds me of that terrible night.
To think I nearly believed old Lavallière
when he described her as a devious, self-serving gold-digger.
The poor girl was upset.
I suspected her, Lampion. I was sure she killed him in cold blood.
It's an occupational hazard. She didn't know about it.
You don't understand.
If I'd had my way, I'd have destroyed her
under my sadistic and cruel questioning.
I'm a bastard.
Don't exaggerate.
I'm disgusted with Chief Inspector Larosière, and the police.
It's over.
I don't want to destroy innocent people any more.
It's over, Lampion.
- Here you are. - Thank you.
I'd like to send a note to the Delarive house.
Condolences, perhaps? Did you know the poor gentleman in Africa?
- Is it possible or not? - Yes, of course.
- I'll send the maid. - Here it is.
- I didn't know what to say. - I don't see why.
It's quite normal.
The girl knows that she owes us money.
She was very nice.
I should have asked her for a lot more.
I'm hungry. Are you coming?
- You look amazing tonight. - Ferdinand likes me to look pretty.
I'm borrowing your fiancée for dinner. You don't mind, do you?
Prudence, make sure you serve petits fours with coffee.
Yes, madam.
Don't just say you will, do it.
Macaroons are my favourite.
So, they really removed the brain through the nostrils?
Yes, with metal hooks.
The priest wore an Anubis mask...
Please, Célie, we're eating.
And they kept the viscera in four jars.
Canopic jars.
But they left the heart in the dead person.
Are you interested in Ancient Egypt?
I'm a talentless jack of all trades, but I've travelled a lot.
I think I'd go mad
if I spent my whole life stagnating in a village surrounded by cows.
There's nothing to stop you packing your bags and going a very long way away.
This came for you.
Excuse me.
Would anyone like more pigeon?
What is the meaning of this?
Just what I wrote.
Oh, relax.
I wanted to tell you that I knew Georges Reish well,
your sister's first husband.
Yes, and so what? He's dead. I never even met him.
It's a shame. A strange man, capable of passing himself off as dead
in order to give his wife, your sister, her freedom.
You're crazy.
Reish is alive. He needs money.
He's not the only one!
Everyone's trying their luck at the moment.
Bigamy is against the law.
If Reish shows himself, there'll be no more Mrs Delarive,
no more inheritance.
The fortune will change hands.
You have no proof.
I don't know who you are, but I'll give you a hiding.
If you like.
But it won't stop me going to negotiate with the Delarive family.
No doubt they will listen to me.
I thought everything was going well.
You promised. You said there would no problems.
Stop it! This isn't the time to waver. It's complicated enough as it is.
No, you can get lost. Go!
- Why won't you pay this man? - Because I know his type.
Afterwards he'll want more, and then more.
It was all going so well.
Right, I must find a solution.
I'll negotiate a 24-hour delay. I'm going to Lille.
Take me with you.
If he comes here I won't know what to do.
I'm frightened all the time of making a mistake.
I won't manage, Gabriel.
Trust me.
Afterwards we'll go away.
I promise you.
I thought you liked me.
We'll be married in a few months. It's better to wait, isn't it?
- Why? - You know why. It's not the done thing.
But men don't go without. I dare you to tell me you're a virgin.
Célie, it's a matter of respect for you.
And what if I want to do it?
I don't know you. Since you came back home,
you're different.
You're the one who's old-fashioned.
Times change. In Sweden women have the right to vote.
First I've heard.
You'd know if you were interested in anything other than all this.
Sorry I don't have Gabriel's conversation.
He's interested, particularly in women.
This is getting ridiculous.
As if you hadn't noticed.
He swans around all day.
I may be a fool, but I'd be surprised if he's Albertine's brother.
- Stop it. You're just jealous. - Yes, I am.
And you're blind.
She married an old man and brought her lover into the house. Is that progress?
- Wait. - No, I've heard enough.
Look. You can chat to her. At least she's at your level.
Everyone knows she fancies you and she hasn't been a virgin for a long time.
Everything will be alright. I told you so.
Let's go in now.
I was waiting for you.
I wanted to tell you I'm going to Lille tomorrow. I'm taking Albertine.
- She's very important to you? - She's been very upset since the fire.
I don't like to leave her alone.
- And I also wanted to tell you... - Yes?
No, nothing. There's no point.
Tell me anyway.
There you are. He hasn't moved from his room.
I've been thinking all day about the conversation you overheard.
I just met Prévot and his sister. They're going to Lille.
So I made up my mind.
You've done the right thing.
It's so unfair on you and your family.
It's No.8.
I'm tired.
I can't see anything any more.
I can't see anything any more. I'm tired.
I'm tired...
What else is there?
What else can you see?
- Please, I can't do any more. - I want to know!
- I need to know! - I can't! Take your money back.
You will talk, you old witch!
Too late! You're nothing now. A shade among the shades.
Even the dead don't want you.
You're wrong. You're lying, you're lying.
You're lying!
Chief Inspector?
It's ten o'clock. I was worried. Aren't you coming to the office?
I thought you'd like these. They're porcini mushrooms.
I'm sure they are. I bought them at the market myself.
How kind of you, Lampion.
It's such a nice thought. I'm very touched.
Really, it's a wonderful present. I can't accept it.
Don't exaggerate. It's just a little something.
No, no. Porcini mushrooms...
I'm overwhelmed. I want to give you a hug, Lampion.
It'll be alright, boss.
You're too sensitive at the moment.
I don't like seeing you like this. I prefer it when you yell at me.
- I'm so unfair to you, Lampion. - True...
I mean, you have to do something. You can't let yourself go like this.
Your career is at stake.
Inspector Lampion for Chief Inspector Larosière.
We're on our way.
Don't touch anything. We're on our way. Don't touch anything!
Chief Inspector, you were right. There's been a murder in the village!
Your legendary intuition was ahead of things.
Come on! Let's go!
Come on! Chop chop!
No sign of a struggle. He must have been surprised.
Several blows of unusual violence. The skull has been smashed.
Time of death?
Judging by the rigor mortis, I'd say between 7 and 10pm last night.
I'll know more after the autopsy.
No papers or wallet?
He registered under the name of Ulysse Argos.
"Argos, the dog, lay there,
riddled with fleas."
"He recognised Ulysses at once, but couldn't move towards his master."
"And he died."
The Odyssey, Book 17.
- Who is he? - I don't know.
It's probably a false name. It could be Georges Reish.
No, not the dead man, that gentleman with his mushrooms.
Are you sure about what you heard between this man and Gabriel Prévot?
I'm prepared to swear to it.
Don't think that I was snooping. I just happened to be there.
Of course. You may go. I don't need you any more, thank you.
Is he taking his pills?
No, don't touch that! It's a crime scene!
Look, Gabriel Prévot had a violent altercation with the victim
and it would be a big help
if you went to find him at the château for questioning.
Will you do that, Chief Inspector?
Yes, take your mushrooms.
Thank you.
Go ahead.
The glass is broken, and the hands stopped at 8:30.
8:30... The time of the murder or made to look like that?
Just a week ago, the captain was here.
I didn't hear you.
Has something happened?
Don't you have a cook?
Yes, of course.
But I like to keep busy. It stops me thinking.
You're kind.
You're the only one who is.
Your mushrooms are lovely. I can make you an omelette if you like.
Oh, yes.
Alright, but I'll beat the eggs.
You need a good foam, nice and clear.
I'll scrape the mushrooms and take off the stalks.
A silver lighter.
Initials: GP.
Gabriel Prévot?
Garlic and parsley. There you are. Pass me the eggs, Chief Inspector.
Oh, no. You must pour the hot porcini into the bowl.
Like this. And then let them rest for 15 minutes.
Is your brother here?
No. Why?
Inspector Lampion would like to question him.
He suspects him of the murder at the inn.
Did a woman visit Argos?
How would I know? I'm not in the habit of spying on my clients.
Mr Delarive is asking to see you. The young one.
Where's Lampion?
- What does he want? - To make a voluntary statement.
I swear he was alive when I left him.
He thought I might be a customer for that kind of information too,
I might be ready to pay like the others.
He couldn't stop smiling at the idea of raising the bidding.
I'd have liked to hit him.
Just a manner of speaking. Of course, I didn't touch him.
I told him what I thought and he threw me out. That was all.
He was found dead this morning.
But I wasn't the last person to see him alive last night.
He told me he was expecting someone who was prepared to pay.
I'm sure he was expecting Gabriel Prévot.
This is Ferdinand's statement?
Missed, Lampion.
Dr Verdure? Lampion here.
I'm going to need your help.
Thank you.
No, that's enough!
Don't touch that. It's a clue. Good grief!
I can't take it any more!
You're off your head. You're wrecking my investigation.
Look at you! Your hair's a mess and you've worn the same suit for days.
You should be ashamed! What would Delarive have thought of you?
Seeing you in this state, he'd have despised you!
He'd have turned his back on you!
Lipstick for a woman with fair skin.
A good soldier remains a soldier in all circumstances.
I apologise, Captain. I have failed in my duty.
I'm ashamed.
You can come in.
Don't worry. Everything's alright.
Come closer.
I don't know this man.
Are you sure of that?
I've never seen him.
- Perfect. Can we go now? - One moment, please.
This is Georges Reish, the lady's first husband.
It's not true.
He's changed, but it's my friend. Poor Georges.
Would you be prepared to state that in court?
What's going on? Where has this man come from? He's crazy.
You had an altercation with Georges Reish.
He wanted to blackmail you and you killed him.
You're under arrest for murder.
This is ridiculous.
I'll be out very soon.
Be brave, and above all watch out for yourself.
Yes, it's mine. I don't know when I lost it.
It was in the room of Reish, alias Argos.
So what does that prove?
Yes, I saw this character, who is not Albertine's first husband,
the day before the murder.
A loser. I gave him 10 francs to get rid of him.
That's not what the concierge, Mrs Laurier, says.
She's lying. It's that gossip's word against mine.
Let's go back. On the evening of the murder you were in Lille
- with Albertine. - Yes.
And your sister went back to the chateau at the end of the evening.
Yes. Well after the time of the murder.
I stayed there. I needed to be on my own.
So, apart from her,
no one can confirm your presence in Lille.
Oh, it's so stupid. I forgot to ask their names and addresses.
I'm not playing any more, Inspector.
You have absolutely no proof, nothing but suppositions.
I demand to be released.
I'm going to let you think a bit more before I resume questioning you.
Let me out.
My sister is alone with those vultures. She's defenceless without me.
If anything happens to her, you'll pay for it! Do you hear?
He's been in there for an hour.
I'm worried, Inspector.
Chief Inspector, are you in there?
- You see? He's not answering. - Maybe I was too hard on him.
Come out, boss. Let's talk...
I hope he hasn't done anything stupid.
Go on, Ménard!
You're a pervert. You're sick, Lampion!
Sorry, boss. It's Ménard's fault.
Thank you very much. Well done. Thanks to you, I look like a fool.
Who do you think you are, Lampion? The boss?
How dare you interrupt me as I'm thinking?
I was thinking. You hear me? I was thinking.
But you can't understand that. It's beyond you.
That's why you'll only ever be a drudge!
An expert drudge!
I'm really sorry. It's my fault and you get it in the neck.
Ménard, the boss is back.
The witness is certain. He recognised Reish.
Inspector Lampion has done an extraordinary job.
The girl had two husbands. She'll lose the inheritance.
- I can hardly believe it. - And that's not all.
That crook Gabriel is behind bars. He's the one who killed Reish.
- Oh, my God! - I knew it.
André appeared to me in a dream and I didn't understand.
Of course, I didn't. He was smiling and he kept repeating, "Gr, gr, gr."
It's all crystal clear now.
Gr... GR. Georges Reish.
That's enough. It's unbearable.
Mummy, you're ridiculous. And none of you have any decency.
At any rate, my daughter, you will finally get the wedding you deserve.
I'll start the guest list.
He didn't kill anyone!
You're prettier than Inspector Lampion.
I can't believe that you came.
I didn't think.
Your family won't like it.
I don't care.
They only think about themselves and the money.
Whereas you're risking your life. It's...
Are you frightened for me?
I'm frightened of losing you.
Tell me it's a nightmare. Tell me it's not true.
I'm not very commendable, but I haven't killed anyone.
The others believe it, the police, everyone...
Marry Ferdinand and forget me.
So it was just a game?
None of it was true at all?
You're like the others. A coward. Such a coward...
Tell me now that you don't love me.
But I do love you.
I've played with a lot of women, I've deceived them without remorse.
But I've never felt what I feel for you.
Not with anyone.
You make me want to become a good person.
Why, then?
Because people don't change.
I won't ever change and one day I'll hurt you.
And you know that.
I'll leave as soon as I'm released.
This man is a scoundrel and you know it.
Perhaps, but he's not a killer.
Why do women always fall in love with that kind of man?
- I'm not in love. - Of course you are.
You're young, you dream of mad, passionate love.
But that's not real life. Real life is Ferdinand.
A firm shoulder to lean on, tenderness, a rock.
I'll do what I like.
And you do your job.
Gabriel is innocent.
What are you doing, Chief Inspector?
I'm working. What do you expect me to do?
You lack clarity. It's unbelievable.
It's just that recently you weren't very reliable.
Just a bit down. Nothing more.
Yes, it happens to a lot of people.
I read that Gabriel sold Albertine's jewellery to a shop in Lille.
And I then read that, according to your deductions,
he did that to pay the blackmailer, Ulysse Argos.
- Yes, absolutely. - It doesn't work.
- What do you mean? - It's not enough to line up the clues.
You have to connect them together.
Either Prévot yields to the blackmail
or Prévot is a killer.
Which profile do you think he fits?
You're right. It doesn't work.
What can I do for you now, Inspector?
Would you mind respecting the hierarchy, Verdure, and addressing me directly?
The chief inspector is taking over the investigation.
But I have one last question to ask you.
Were all the injuries to Argos made with the poker?
You're right. There's a different injury at the base of the skull.
Could it alone have caused the death?
Well, I'll have to check.
But, yes, I think it could.
How did you know, Inspector?
The average police officer is satisfied with the poker as the murder weapon.
But the expert police officer goes further.
He searches meticulously and discovers what others don't see.
Watch out, Lampion. You're getting a big head.
The conclusion, quickly.
The man hit the right-hand corner of the mantelpiece,
no doubt, in the course of a fight.
Someone then wiped the blood off the mantelpiece
and attacked the man's head with the poker post mortem.
- I'm impressed. - I'm not.
It makes no sense. A killer makes his crime look like an accident
and you're saying he's done the exact opposite. So I ask you, "Why?"
More deaths. Still more deaths...
Won't it ever end?
- We could have thought somewhere else. - This is the ideal place.
It's quiet, comfortable, elegant. And stop contradicting me!
Lavallière, are you still sure it was Georges Reish?
After all these years you could be wrong.
No, no, it was him. It was my friend, thinner and older, but it was him.
Perfect. You're a crucial witness.
You alone can send Prévot to the guillotine. You know that?
Yes, I do know.
Emile, you've worked quite well during my... absence.
Nevertheless, it's time for me to intervene in this investigation.
Let's look at the areas of doubt.
The questions without answers.
A suicide here is in very bad taste.
The only person to identify Georges Reish can't talk any more.
And Albertine keeps the money.
Of course. It's been bothering me for hours.
Police. Find me a list of the club members.
I want to know if Léonce Delarive is on it.
Very good, sir.
You're harassing us, Chief Inspector. I have friends in high places.
Silence. Sit down.
He's your brother, isn't he?
I'm listening, Mrs Delarive.
We were desperate.
Albertine, or rather her brother, refused to lend us money.
My husband really needed help.
Lavallière bored everyone at the club.
You heard the gossip too, the story of Reish coming back from the dead.
And you saw an opportunity to blackmail Albertine.
I'm responsible.
I contacted my brother, not Léonce.
I just wanted to worry Gabriel so he would pay.
But I never imagined I was sending Armand to his death.
And Gabriel to his execution.
- No, you're wrong, Chief Inspector. - No, I'm not.
Lavallière was deeply in debt.
How much did you pay him for his perjury?
It was me.
I asked him to do it.
The inheritance was due to us.
We were dispossessed. André wouldn't have allowed it.
Lavallière thought it was a just cause.
At least, he did at first.
He rang me yesterday. He wanted to retract.
- But he was involved. It was too late. - Indeed.
With his remaining honour, Lavallière shot himself in the head last night.
Two men have died because of us.
I get the impression you're avoiding me.
Not at all. It's just that...
You don't have to love me.
But I didn't know you were a hypocrite.
The truth is that...
..I don't know what's happening to me.
I need to think.
Aren't we still getting married in May?
I'm a simple man. I'm not very special, I'm afraid.
I haven't travelled. I grew up here and I'll die here.
- Look, Ferdinand. - Wait. I haven't finished.
I suffered a lot when you went away.
Every day.
Every day I hated knowing you were so far away.
And I waited for you. I didn't move.
And I'm still here.
You belong to me, Célie!
You promised!
Things are really not improving. The devil now.
Union, disunion, a separation...
Please, Mummy.
Of course, it's because of him.
The king of wands. The formidable handsome lover.
Do you think it could be Gabriel?
He's quite a handsome man.
It's madam! She's dead!
Apparently she died in her sleep.
- Boss, the fingerprints! - Sorry, Lampion.
Look, she's left a letter.
Or rather a note.
"I can't stand it any more. I don't know what to do."
"I've done some very bad things and..."
It stops there.
Strange, isn't it?
The pills analysed contain only bromide.
She'd been taking them at night since the fire.
Perfectly harmless, even in large doses.
- Are you listening to me? - No.
Because of your criminal science and psychological profile nonsense,
you're responsible for the accumulation of these mistakes!
- Look, Chief Inspector... - That's enough.
Because of you, we neglected the fragile and charming Albertine,
the fact that, like her brother, she too had a motive for killing Argos.
She wore a redhead's lipstick.
Her brother's lying. She didn't go to Lille.
Argos blackmailed her and she killed him.
And she killed herself afterwards?
She really doesn't fit the profile of a killer.
I'll inform Gabriel Prévot and have him released.
Look at my notes on suicide.
I don't care about Lampion the writer and Lampionism.
This is what I do with your notes. This is it! In the bin!
I'm really sick of this, Chief Inspector!
I've put up with you being a dead weight in this investigation!
Well, resign again!
No! It's my investigation!
Very well.
Let's go, Lampion.
We have two very different murders,
and therefore two different murderers and two profiles, Inspector.
How do you mean, two murders?
I don't know, I'm thinking aloud.
How would you categorise these three deaths, Lampion?
Lavallière, suicide.
Argos, murder.
- Albertine, suicide. - No.
And it all started here,
with the captain's accidental death.
I'm ashamed of us.
No one had any compassion for her.
You were in prison.
She was alone, isolated and lost...
Everyone was thinking only about the money. Including me.
Her death returns André's fortune to us, but I'd like to turn back time.
But it wasn't your fault.
She was traumatised by the fire. She wasn't the same.
Only this time I wasn't here to save her.
- Are you going to leave? - I can't.
I should, but I can't deprive myself of the pleasure of being with you.
I love you.
Tell me to go. I don't want to hurt you.
Please stay.
Thank you. You may go.
Did you make yourself pretty for me?
I didn't know you'd be here.
You don't come to see me any more.
But it doesn't matter.
Soon I'll have you all to myself.
I don't want to get married any more.
What sort of an idea is that?
Do you want to remain a spinster?
I don't want to get married to you.
Look, these recent days have been difficult for everyone.
But that's in the past now.
Life will go back to exactly what it was before.
- I don't love you any more. - But I've always loved you.
You came back for me, Célie.
I've changed. I'm different. I don't want that life.
I'm sorry, so very sorry. I was wrong.
- I've a lot of affection... - I don't want your affection.
I want you!
I'm in love with Gabriel.
You idiot. You don't love him. The man's worthless. You know that.
I'm going to marry him. Let go of me.
Do you think I waited all this time for you to throw everything away?
If you're not mine, you'll be nobody's.
What are you doing?
Don't move!
Inspector. I couldn't start without you.
What's going on? A family meeting? Sharing out the loot?
Chief Inspector, Gabriel Prévot has arrived.
Thank you very much, Lampion.
Albertine Delarive was murdered...
..with a dose of morphine.
She could have obtained it herself.
I knew it. You all wanted to see her dead.
- I won't allow it. - I will allow it.
All of you at some time desired the death of this young woman.
It's true. I imagined killing her.
But you didn't do it.
- No. - No, you're not that kind of man.
But you can kill in a moment of blind anger, can't you?
- I'm not dead. - Oh, I'm not talking about you,
but Ulysse Argos, or rather Armand, the brother of Gisèle Delarive.
I didn't mean to do it. It was an accident.
Oh, it can't be true.
Not you, Ferdinand.
When I went to the inn, I recognised him.
It made him laugh.
He said that that I could get a slice of the money too.
I was furious that he should think I was a crook.
So then he laughed even more.
But you're a hopeless yokel!
A fool!
That's what they all think!
Your wife will have cuckolded you before...
You bastard!
- Stop! - What's going on? I don't understand.
No one ever explains anything to me.
You came back to see Argos with the money,
but you found him dead.
Yes. I thought I was going mad. I was sure I'd be accused.
It was a tricky moment for you.
Put yourself in my place. I was trapped.
I'm a liar, Célie, but I'm not a killer.
You can arrest the culprit.
My compliments, Chief Inspector.
Thank you. Most kind of you.
It wasn't easy. You and your sister had a motive for killing Argos.
And all the Delarives had a motive for killing Albertine.
QED, Lampion.
Very clever, Chief Inspector.
The doctor had prescribed a sedative every night.
Any of you could have slipped the fatal pill into the box.
Surely not Célie.
Like the others, I thought about her dying.
And if A has reasons to kill C...
When you've finished reciting the alphabet...
Oh, I've finished, madam.
So, Inspector, what are your conclusions?
Gabriel and Albertine could have killed Argos.
And the Delarives could have killed Albertine.
But it was Ferdinand who killed Argos...
..and Gabriel who killed Albertine.
But it's madness. He'd never have killed his sister.
Not his sister, but his mistress.
Her name was Rosalie. She was a maid.
The only survivor of the fire.
This is the real Albertine.
You weren't able to save your sister. That was a blow for you.
All that money slipping away from you.
So in hospital you persuaded Rosalie to take the place of the dead woman.
It was a dream for a young maid whose only future was a life of hard work.
I offered the little fool the life of a princess.
She nearly refused when I went to see her in hospital.
Yes, but she fell in love with you, like many other women.
And she gave in. She even enjoyed herself.
Yes, but she still felt some remorse. She couldn't sleep.
She was becoming dangerous. You knew she'd talk sooner or later.
All you had to do was slip a lethal pill in amongst the others.
And wait.
Tell me it's not true.
Gabriel, defend yourself.
I had no choice. She was becoming uncontrollable.
Lampion, this is a murderer's face to include in your files.
Cynical, greedy,
but possessing a certain panache.
Too kind, Inspector.
You're under arrest for murder.
I know when I've lost.
I warned you that I'm not a good person.
Let's go.
Do you hate me?
I love you. I wasn't lying to you.
What? Are you leaving, Emile?
No overtime tonight? No research?
- You destroyed my work. I'm depressed. - No, no.
I couldn't have looked after you as you did me.
You supported me like a son.
Well, a father wouldn't have destroyed his son's work.
Good night, Chief Inspector.
Here, Lampion.
I've spent hours on your scrawling.
I didn't expect this.
It's... I'm very touched.
It's a bit muddled.
Nothing makes you happy. Make the most of life.
Feel the thrill when a woman looks at you seductively.
Salivate at the smell of an omelette.
I don't know. You don't seem to enjoy anything.
In the last few days, you were the one who...
No, you don't enjoy life enough. You scribble away, oblivious to everything.
Do what I do. It's not so hard.
Do what you do?
You wouldn't put up with me for more than five minutes.
And I know what I'm talking about.
Subtitles by Silverway Media
Horóscopo hoy, 28 de septiembre de 2018, por el astrólogo Mario Vannucci | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 2:58.
Sword Art Online II EN 7 MINUTES - RE: TAKE - Duration: 8:02.
6K SPECIAL (2/2): Compilation of "whanowa over" - Duration: 3:53.
Hello there guys and girls,
for part two of this small subscriber special I have prepared a little montage.
I got the idea from a comment by "SS" during the 5K subscriber special.
He asked me to do a compilation of all the times I ever said "whanowa over" to end
a video, which happened quite often during the past two years.
I thought this was such a pointless but still a nice idea.
So here you go, folks.
This is every single instance ever of me saying "whanowa over" in chronological order
by upload date.
"whanowa over…"
Uhm...I...I really don't know what
I expected.
I bet you don't, either.
Come to think of it I really don't even know how I got the idea for this sendoff.
But I really like it somehow.
Well, anyway.
Thank you for watching, now let me say it one last time for this video:
whanowa over
RENKLİ AYRAN - Tuğba Turan Yıldız - İçecek Tarifleri - Duration: 1:47.
Materials 5 tablespoons yogurt 1 cup cold water 3 pieces of cucumber 10 leaf mint Salt
THE PS4 SUCKS - GONE THROUGH 3 IN 24 HOURS | Original Dante - Duration: 4:40.
I've been through THREE PS4 systems in literally 24 hours. What the heck is
going on here. There are 75 million systems out there, and I've been through
THREE of them in 24 hours.
Hello ladies and gentlemen, this is Dante, and I'm just gonna get straight to the
story. So I've wanted a PS4 for like 10 years now, so my fiancée also wanted
one so we decided, you know what, it's probably about time to get one, so why
don't we just go ahead and pick up a PS4. Cool, right? It's about time I joined
the Sony squad. I've been through THREE, yes, count them, THREE PS4 systems in one
day. They've all messed up.
The first one was partially my fault, I will take blame
for that because I bought it off of Facebook Marketplace, and this- this PS4
was very slow to start up. Like it would take about 15 minutes for the system
itself to boot up, then the hard drive is consistently clicking, and I was like
bruh, this thing's about to fail. My gut was
telling me, "what have you done?" It then proceeds to tell me, after sitting on
that blue screen, you know the one that looks like a Windows screensaver,
the blue screen, it says after 15 minutes of just that, that there was a system
software error. Okay, that's cool, I'll go ahead and do yet another factory reset. So
I do another "initialization" as they call it, which is basically wiping the hard
drive and stuff, and I installed the latest system software in a USB stick.
It still had the system software error, so it eventually booted up to the point
where I could actually play a game on the console. So my fiancee started
playing the game she bought, everything's going fine, but then the
intro cutscene takes five minutes to load. I don't know about you guys, but five
minutes that seems a little bit long for today's standards. Especially for like a
PS4, which is supposed to be like, boom boom, I can load some games, bruh. So she
concludes her gaming session, puts down the controller, and then I'm like
alright, I'll come back to this later. You know, I'll play my GTA or whatever
the crap I was planning on playing, so I put it in rest mode. I fire it back up
cuz I'm about to sign up for a Playstation ID, and you know what it
tells me? This thing told me that our save data had been
corrupted. I'm sitting here at 11:30 p.m. on a Sunday night with a busted PS4. So I
pick up my phone and texted my friend and asked him... "Hey, I want to make some
bad decisions, you want to go with me to get a PS4 slim?" So we go get a PS4 to
replace that one, and I'm ready for a fully functioning console. I'm ready for
this. Like, I'm like, dude it's new, this one can't possibly go wrong.
So I unpack the thing and I'm just looking at it like, "oh, that's nice," and I
feel the texture on the system... I'm like dude this is brand new... You know what
... you know whenever you open something new and you're just really hype
about it, that's kind of how I was feeling. Hopefully I could portray that. So
I plug it in, I get that controller, I turn it on, I'm ready to play some games.
I'm setting up the system, I'm connecting to my Wi-Fi, and then it turns off. So I
get closer and I push the button, and it beeps at me, and I could feel the
sass in the beep. The console was like, "leave me alone." So I Google search what's
happening, and it says it it's a bad power supply. Right out of the box. This
PS4 has a bad power supply right out of the box. What are the odds? So I'm feeling
like a defeated man, and it's like 1:00 a.m. at this point, so I'm like screw it
I'm going to bed. Tomorrow is a new day, which means tomorrow is another day for
a new PS4. So I take that one up to Walmart to exchange it and we swapped it
out just fine. Now I'm on PS4 number three. So far it's been treating me well.
I mean, knock on-- aw crap there's no wood around here. We're just gonna
pretend this is wood. Knock on wood, the PS4 is running fine. Ooh, I think I just
got some dust in my eye. So I have a PS4 now, so give me some game
suggestions in the comments below. Let me know what I should be playing. You know I'm
new to the Sony world. I've been a Nintendo guy, so you know, I could use
some suggestions. I'm planning on getting Red Dead Redemption, I'm planning on
getting the updated Spyro Trilogy, what else am I planning on getting... there are
other PS4 games that I'm already interested in, but hey let me know in the
comments below what you think and let me know if you have any crazy PS4 or even
just console stories in the comments below.
Hey, that's where i'ma go ahead and wrap up this upload, so thank you guys for
watching, and as always the most important part, have yourself a blessed
day. Now here's what's gonna happen, over here on top of this... I know this is
a new layout... this is gonna be a subscribe button. Over here is going to
be some more content. On the bottom imma let YouTube decide. On the top,
I'm gonna put my playlist for Y'all Messed Up. It's a series that I make, it's
all about crazy stuff. By the way, there's a new video coming out next week. I'll
post a preview probably this weekend, so be on the lookout. I'll see you guys in
the next episode!
5 former Washington Parish deputies, several inmates arrested in beating, rape of inmates, LSP says - Duration: 1:33.
Jessie's Man (Mary Lambert Cover of Jessie's Girl but Gay™) - Duration: 3:04.
jessie is a friend yeah I know he's been a good friend of mine
But lately something's changed it ain't hard to define Jessie's got himself a
man and I wanna make mine and he's watching him with those eyes he's loving
him with that body I just know it he's holding him in his arms late late at
night I wish that I had Jessie's man I wish that I had Jessie's man
Where can I find a guy like that I play along with the charade there
doesn't seem to be a reason to change you know I feel so dirty when they start
talking cute I wanna tell him that I love him but the point is probably moot
And he's watching him with those eyes he's loving him with that body I just
know he's holding him in his arms late late at night oh I wish that I had Jessie's
man I wish that I had Jessie's man
where can I find a guy
like Jessie's man I wish that I had Jessie's man
Where can I find a guy like that?
And I'm looking in the mirror all the time
Wondering what he don't see, in me I've been funny I've been cool with the lines...
ain't that the way love's supposed to be I wish that I had Jessie's man
I wish that I had Jessie's man
where can I find a guy
like Jessie's man I wish that I had Jessie's man
where can I find a guy like that
CS:GO TOP 5 PHOBOS.GG BEST SHOTS l PhobosGaming - Duration: 3:05.
1979 Pontiac Firebird Trans Am 10th Anniversary Edition FOR SALE / 136315 - Duration: 4:07.
Limited production classics commemorating significant milestones are pretty much a no
brainer when it comes to collectability.
Add that status to the already desirable second generation Trans Am, and you've definitely
got something special!
One of the last 1,817 cars fitted with Pontiac's top-option W72/4-speed combo, this fully documented
10 Anniversary Trans Am is a must see gem.
Beginning life at GM's Van Nuys manufacturing facility, and meeting its first owner at Scott-Preusee
Inc. in Redwood Falls, Minnesota, this pristine Pontiac is the beneficiary of light restoration
that was conducted by a Trans Am connoisseur.
During that detail, the car's straight and solid body was fully repainted and decked
in fresh decals.
And today, this rare Bird rolls as a super clean collector car that would be equally
at home on the green of a high-end show or the floor of a first class museum!
Inside, a 10th Anniversary-exclusive interior looks fantastic and, in our opinion, rivals
the Ivory laden Chevelles of the late '60s and early '70s as one of GM's best efforts.
Firm and comfortable seats are nice metallic pieces that have the slick appearance of wet
paint, and Cadillac-supplied shag carpet looks great.
A clean console plants chrome power window switches behind a chrome Hurst shifter.
Up front, an engine-turned instrument panel frames crystal clear gauges above factory
climate control and correct, Cadillac-sourced audio.
And an attractive Formula Steering Wheel tops an optional, tilting column.
Pop the hood and you'll find an original 400 cubic inch W72 V8 that, like all 1979
W72s, was exclusive stock from Pontiac's 1978 discontinuation of the engine.
That top-option 6.6L sends its power to a Borg Warner 4-speed and correct positraction
with 3.23 gears.
We've featured many of these 10th Anniversary Trans Ams and, without exception, they've
all sold very quickly.
There's a devoted following who knows these are underrated classics, and pristine, mostly-original
cars are becoming exceptionally difficult to find.
For more information, call, click, or visit RKMotors.com
Dispatch - "Prisoner's Visitor" [Official Audio] - Duration: 2:55.
♪ Billy was a live wire ♪
♪ Makin' hay while the sun shined ♪
♪ Makin' friends in a coal mine ♪
♪ Daisy and her new self ♪
♪ Just come up from the deep south ♪
♪ To say goodbye one more time ♪
♪ What a lovely day for the prisoner ♪
♪ To pray for his visitor ♪
♪ To sing so loud ♪
♪ What a lovely day for the prisoner ♪
♪ To pray for his visitor ♪
♪ To turn back around ♪
♪ The heart inside the ribcage ♪
♪ Looking out at the warm days ♪
♪ Young sparks in the low light ♪
♪ One day he gonna run free ♪
♪ Like seven nine in the AD ♪
♪ He can open his ears but not his eyes ♪
♪ What a lovely day for the prisoner ♪
♪ To pray for his visitor ♪
♪ To sing so loud ♪
♪ What a lovely day for the prisoner ♪
♪ To pray for his visitor ♪
♪ To turn back around ♪
♪ Gonna trade it out of KC ♪
♪ If I don't I'm gonna lose my mind ♪
♪ Thank you for the groceries ♪
♪ And the kiss long ago ♪
♪ You know I never tasted anything ♪
♪ That I could say was just as fine ♪
♪ What a lovely day for the prisoner ♪
♪ To pray for his visitor ♪
♪ To sing so loud ♪
♪ What a lovely day for the prisoner ♪
♪ To pray for his visitor to stay ♪
MICHAEL MYERS Expulse 4 CLOCHARDS De Sa Forêt – Dead By Daylight Gameplay fr - Duration: 12:09.
Guess that Marvel Character with Tom Green! - Duration: 1:08.
Everyone, I'm Tom Green and we're playing Guess That Marvel Character.
That is Throg. Is that guy covered in bees? Captain Beekeeper Mishap?
Swarm would be a good one right. Is that the name? Oh, Swarm. Duh!!
That's Stilt Man right there. Remember that guy. Yeah I love that
Captain Eyeball Head. That's my favorite one. I used to read that a lot when I was
a kid. I collected all that Captain Eyeball Head comics. The Orb?! No that's
Captain Eyeball Head! Is it Exoskeleton? Marrow? ewwh... That's, that's Howard The Duck
right there. That's The Slime Ball or something. Doop, okay, Doop, I love that
one first of all. The initial D, that's...that's, of course that's D-Man. I've had a
great time playing today follow me on Facebook or on Instagram @tomgreen or
Twitter @tomgreenlive
Wanna hear how loud I can clap? Want to hear how loud?
Check it out.
[loud clapping]
[very loud clapping]
I've got a loud clap. Got a loud clap.
Dualshock 4 Alacaklar Muhakkak İzlesin ! dualshock 4 v2 kutu açılımı - Duration: 17:08.
The Most budget and Effective Hearthstone Decks: Cheap Decks for Hearthstone Laddering. Part 1 - Duration: 10:05.
Hello my friends. I have collected the top 10 effective budget decks for every class!
In this video you will find the first half of these decks.
I hope these decks will help you to climb the ladder, expand your pool of decks, have fun, or at least do some daily quests.
I will be grateful if you support this video.
One of the big complaints about Hearthstone is the price to play when you first start.
There are a ton of legendaries in the game, and if you are unlucky,
you may not have received much in the way of playable cards.
On the other hand, even if you are not a beginner, it is very difficult to have all of the meta decks for each class.
This budget deck list should serve you pretty well if you are between rank 25 and 15.
As you get closer to 10, however, the road is going to be much more difficult, and only a couple of them will manage to continue to climb steadily.
I don't include any budget deck that has Epic or Legendary cards.
There is nothing unusual here, and you can find many decks like the ones I will show you, but I only collected actual decks for the current meta with the highest winrate.
The tenth place is occupied by Rush Warrior.
Warrior is not the easiest class to build a budget deck for in the Boomsday meta, but I found you a budget version of Rush Warrior.
It will cost you 1360 dust to craft. The winrate is only 45%.
Yes, it is not much, but this is the best result that exists among the cheap warrior decks in the present day.
The popularity of the archetype is 8% among all of warrior's archetypes.
Rush Warrior is an aggressive deck. The main idea is that decks actively use their weapons and
minions to control the board, and finish the opponents off with weapon and board synergy.
Rush Warrior decks did not receive any significant new cards from The Boomsday Project,
except Mecharoo, a card that provides a sticky start, and Toxicologist for an additional weapon buff.
Mulligans for Rush Warrior are quite simple
Fire Fly, Fiery War Axe and Mecharoo are universal keeps.
Southsea Deckhand is keepable too if you have no other 1 drops.
Weapon synergy is a very important part of this deck.
The spell card Upgrade! is best used as a 1/3 weapon in the early game to board control, or to upgrade a Lesser Mithril Spellstone.
Though the 8 added damage to Arcanite Reaper or 6 damage to a Fiery War Axe is hard to pass up.
Both weapons are perfectly suitable targets for Upgrade!,
which is surprisingly one of the most difficult cards to use in the entire deck.
In ninth place is Priest.
The most "budget" deck with a positive winrate is Spiteful Priest, but Unfortunately, it costs 2,980 dust, which is not cheap at all.
Therefore, I propose to look at a really budget deck for the Priest, although it only has a 48% winrate.
Combo Priest with dragons got pretty popular in the Kobolds and Catacomb meta.
The cost of this deck is 1400 dust.
The Boomsday Project didn't have any dragon synergy, but it did come with a new combo tool - Topsy Turvy.
This card acts as a third copy of Inner Fire or can make taunt minions with high health easier to trade in.
The best cards you can get in your early mulligan are Northshire Cleric, Radiant Elemental, and Power Word: Shield.
If you have one of these cards
you can keep some of your higher cost ones like Shadow Ascendant, Tar Creeper, or Duskbreaker.
The combo from which this deck gets its name is Inner Fire plus Divine Spirit.
Divine Spirit doubles a minion's health, and Inner Fire changes the minion's attack to be equal to its health.
If you have a minion with, for example, 5 health on the board,
playing two copies of Divine Spirit
and then targeting it with Inner Fire will increase its stats to 20/20!
In a perfect world you would save the combo for when you can use it to destroy the enemy hero in one turn.
With the new expansion, Paladin gains a Mech package that takes advantage of the new Magnetic keyword.
Magnetic minions can be played either as a minion, or to buff a Mech already on the board.
In addition to the Magnetic minions, The Boomsday Project also includes Giggling Inventor, a powerful new board-flooding tool. In this deck,
Giggling Inventor provides Taunts and Divine Shields to protect high value minions.
Lost in the Jungle, Righteous Protector, Mecharoo, and Glow-Tron are your main targets for your mulligan.
You have a lot of 1-drops in your deck, so it's going to be common to see these.
Upgradeable Framebot can be kept if you have something to play on your first turn.
Dire Wolf Alpha can be kept with either a couple of 1-drops or Lost in the Jungle, which has good synergy with it.
The basic strategy of this deck is to get control of the board early and then leverage that board advantage
with Wargear or Fungalmancer on turn five.
In seventh place is Whizbang The Wonderful.
Yes, I know, you are already tired listening to me talk about this card.
But I must briefly talk about this. You can craft it as a budget option.
There's some disadvantages to the card.
You don't get to choose the deck you get to play and it will take longer for you to learn how to play any particular deck due to the random nature of the card.
However, it is a good option if you like the variety and the fun of playing multiple different decks you wouldn't normally have access to.
Token Shaman is an archetype that, throughout the history of Hearthstone,
requently asserts itself as a competitive deck in the Standard format.
Today the popularity of this archetype is only 0.4%. In the meta, it's 6% of all shaman decks.
In general, Token Shaman looks to develop a wide board state through Minions and Spells that place multiple bodies on the board.
While the deck's minions may seem harmless at first,
when paired with Flametongue Totem and Bloodlust, even 0-attack totems can become legitimate threats.
The Boomsday Project offers some exciting new support for the Token Shaman archetype.
Voltaic Burst has ability to remove opposing minions while developing the board.
Menacing Nimbus places a decent body on board and replaces itself in the process.
Similarly, Storm Chaser helps you find the Bloodlust to leverage your wide board to close out the game.
Finally, Giggling Inventor and Microtech Сontroller place three bodies on board,
contributing to Token Shaman's gameplan.
On the mulligan stage you always want to catch Fire Fly, Mecharoo, Menacing Nimbus and Primalfin Totem
These cards are perfect for a good start.
Token Shaman plays as a board-centric midrange deck.
Many of the early-game minions are included to ensure an advantage going into mid-game power turns.
As such, getting ahead early is crucial.
As for the results of the vote from the last video. The question was -
Do you think Hearthstone is the perfect game?
So, does Giggling Inventor need a nerf?
I created a new YouTube poll. Find the button on the screen. Vote and tell me your answer in the comments!
Here are the most popular comments from the last video.
Thank you for your activity, and special thanks to Chris!
perhaps you will find something interesting here here are something just
jobs done
Homemade armbraced slingshot | The most styled slingshot | Subtitled - Duration: 11:27.
Attention! Arm braced slingshots underlay the gun law in Germany and Switzerland! You need to inform yourself, before starting to build! I do not take any responsibility!
Several layers of plywood, oak and mahogany.
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