Rolling Sky - Happy Birthday | Widescreen w/ 6 Stars Level
For more infomation >> Rolling Sky - Happy Birthday | Widescreen w/ 6 Stars Level - Duration: 2:32.-------------------------------------------
How to Write More Every Day - Duration: 4:00.
Hey Youtube, it's me, Briana.
I'm the author of the young adult horror novel Blood and Water, the young adult urban fantasy novel Reflections, and the
one-act play Touch—all of which are available for purchase on Amazon.
Most of you know that I like to think of myself as a productive and organized person.
I love setting goals and checking off tasks as I go, and
to me, the idea of a perfect day is a day in which I accomplish everything on my to-do list.
At the same time, I'm always working to improve my
productivity when it comes to writing and getting books out. If you, like me, are looking for ways to get more writing done every day,
keep on watching. First of all, and I've mentioned this before, you should remove distractions from your phone. In a previous video,
I covered how to avoid distractions while writing, so I won't go too much into it,
but basically, if you have any games or time-sucking apps on your phone, you should go ahead and get rid of them
now. Now, I know you may love playing Candy Crush Soda Saga, or you might love—I don't know,
wasting hours and hours watching YouTube videos—
but at the end of the day, those apps are not going to help you get any writing done. And if deleting these time-sucking
distractions is not enough, go ahead and put your phone on Do Not Disturb or airplane mode while you're working so that you won't be
tempted to get on Twitter or check your email for the hundredth time.
Second of all, if you want to write every day, use any and all spare time that you can. A lot of people are under
the impression that you can't be a real writer unless you can dedicate long chunks of writing to marathon sessions.
For example, if you can't write for an hour or two a day, a lot of people will say, "Don't write at all,
what's the use?" This is not how books get done. For those people who attend school full-time, have a full-time job, or just have a
full-time life, marathon writing sessions are just not practical. Instead,
what I recommend is chunking your writing sessions into bite-sized pieces and spreading them out throughout the day.
For example, let's say you go to the dentist, and you arrive 20 minutes before your appointment.
Now, you could spend that 20 minutes paging through the latest edition of Vogue,
or you could whip out your phone or a
notebook and actually spend a few minutes working on your novel. If you get to work before it's time to clock in, work on your
novel. Lunch break ended early? You guessed it—work on your novel.
There are so many little periods of time throughout the day that we often don't notice or take advantage of to their full potential. If you
want to write a little bit every day, you need to make the most of these little moments
and steal time where you can. Last but certainly not least, if you want to write every day,
you need to set the bar low—I'm talking
ridiculously low. A common mentality in the writing community is that you have to write at least
1,000 to 2,000 words a day if you want to get a novel finished, and that's simply not true.
While it is good to have a high word count
If you're planning to a write first draft say, in a month, like for NaNoWriMo in November,
there's really no other reason to set the word count
so high. Unless you're writing to a deadline, which only typically applies to traditionally published authors,
there is no reason to set yourself up for failure like that.
If you're struggling to sit down and just get the writing done, what I recommend is to set the bar very low
say, way under a thousand words. I would recommend starting with 10
if you're really, really struggling. Even on my worst days I can manage a sentence.
Ideally, this would mean that over time you, will build endurance and increase your daily word count, but for now
let's just keep it simple,
shall we? Remember, your goal is to make a habit of writing,
not to burn yourself out trying to write a book as fast as you can.
Plus, if you try to write a book as fast as you can, it WILL be shitty,
I promise you. One final one note before I go and that is this: If you don't write every day, you are not a failure.
That's right. You can still be a writer and not write every day.
Hell, I don't even write every day. I sure try to, but some days writing just can't be a priority, and that's okay. If you do any
writing guess what? You're a writer. That's all the time I have for today.
If you enjoyed this video,
don't forget to give it a thumbs-up and hit that subscribe button
so you can be notified every time I upload.
Also, be sure to leave a comment below sharing some of your best tips for fitting writing into a busy schedule.
Thanks again for watching, and I'll see you all next week. Bye!
IAA 2018: Snapshots by Mercedes-Benz - Duration: 1:27.
Куда уходит энергия | Женская энергия - Duration: 6:57.
Avenatti blisters Grassley and shameless GOP for covering up for Kavanaugh - Duration: 1:38.
How to Get Healthy,Glowing, damaged Skin (Winter Special) Homemade Winter Facial Serum\\Skin Care - Duration: 3:57.
Please SUBSCRIBE Rani G Health & Beauty Tips
3 Geheimnisse einer positiven Persönlichkeit - Duration: 6:23.
Blaster A180 AW + Luger P08 6" WE - REVIEW AIRSOFT - Duration: 16:47.
Hello everyone and welcome to this new Star Wars airsoft replica presentation video! Today, I'm going to present the Jyn Erso's A180 Blaster, and the base used for the custom:the 6 inch Luger P08.
This replica of A180 was made by the manufacturer "Armorer Works". Remember, this isn't the first time I present you with a work from Armorer Works! They have already done the Blaster DL-44 that I already presented to you previously.
Ladies and gentlemen good evening, we were on a M712 from WE reworked on his bed of additional accessories all accompanied by a dummy scope.
Well... it wasn't really me, it was Neo035... there I am Jyn!
Hey, why did you chose an alcohol name? You are doing product placement ??? You could have taken another.
Once this custom was released, so I took the opportunity to order from a shitty shop. Shitty shop I won't mention him, even if the temptation is very high, because it could still make him advertisement...
Why shitty shop?
When we send two packages: one of this size and another of the same length but finer, we don't send it in a simple envelope of bubble wrap.
How do you want to hope that, in a simple envelope, passes the sorting center in Roissy? No chance!
So I received an disemboweled envelope with the Scotch post as well as the mention "received in the state", and in it there was only one of the two boxes.
It's a shame, it's not me who accepted the package, otherwise I would have refused it, although I wouldn't have dared, we don't know what we expect at the base, we don't know that there are two boxes, I thought there was only one...
So I received the gun and not the custom kit. So I don't know what it's going to serve them at the sorting center in Roissy...
Obviously, I can't make a claim since it's the sender who must make one.
After multiple troubles, through the police station, I was able to get the value of the kit, so 100€.
So I just revealed the price: the kit is worth 100€, the gun itself is worth 100€. (109,90€ on Airsoft Entrepot (not customized)).
If you only want to order the conversion kit, because you already have a P08 6 inches for example, it's possible, there are some adaptations to make.
To prepare your replica to the custom, it will be necessary:
- Make holes at the right places on the sides and below. There are 4 holes to make + one below to fix a Phillips screw. We have allen screws on the side, provided in the kit, and a Phillips screw underneath.
- You will obviously have to remove the foresight so that the barrel can pass in it. It's removable because simply glued.
- And it will sander the left door, which is here chrome, which actually comes from the aluminum version of the P08. On the original Luger, we have a black door.
Now let's talk about the custom itself: It's made of aluminum and I have tried to blue it but without success, there is a treatment over it, but it doesn't matter, I preferred to put paint.
The original look of the custom is like that, so too new.
When we compare with a photo of the film, we see that there are differences. We have a good base, but I decided to complete by painting this black ring here, as well as the lower part.
I took the opportunity to spend a very light touch of black paint and a rag with White Spirit behind to give it a small patina. Should I even say a patina... pale.
But it was a bad joke... At the same time we are in the context, and it's now or never, it will be the last customized video Star wars, I have no others after, I've already shown everything...
To do your manipulations, don't hesitate to use the "masking tape", to avoid putting on everywhere and make a mess on everything.
And yet, about mess, I know many things!
Obviously, as the brand of the base replica is a WE, the magazines are still compatible. But Armorer Works has, once again, customized its magazines (there is always WE marking BTW)
And they changed the color of the joint (and the hop-up block)! Small key to recognize the AW magazine. We see that it's exactly the same joints, it's just to look pretty!
I know it's possible to reproduce this kit with a 3D printer, because it's fashion at the moment, it will still start from this version,
it's up to you to find the kit, or the plans to do it yourself, but you have to know it's possible.
Regarding shooting performance, whether it's the Luger or the A180, we have the same problem as for the P08 4" from WE already presented in another video, although we have a small evolution thanks to the length of the gun,
but for this, I invite you to rediscover the video in question, the link is in the description.
But I won't come back in details: the hop-up is rotten. We tried, thanks to a friend, to improve it with a 3D printer... It has worsened more than anything else.
The hop-up is set from below, so it's a hop-down...
But the advantage is that the 6-inch gun is longer, so the BB's will be better guided, hop-up to zero.
In BB's, I will advise the 0.25g, there is less dispersion.
Moreover, I also admire the manufacture of the kit from Armorer Works, we can see here that the adjustment is made to the nearest millimeter: if a hair comes over the bolt, it blocks. And I'm not kidding. It's really a great job.
In both kits, we find the same things: the gun, a magazine, allen keys, a user manual.
And in the A180 kit, we find the kit itself, and the screws!
Funny, A180... It looks like a name from Airbus!
Attention: always as usual with all guns of Luger WE: I just percuss, you need to cock again if I want to insert a new magazine. At the risk of breaking your firing pin.
There, it blocks, it must not force, otherwise it breaks.
It's necessary to cock, we insert the magazine, and there we can rearm to be able to shoot.
Obviously if we reach the end of the gas tank and there are still BB's in there, so there is no bolt catch, it's also necessary to open the bolt before extracting the magazine. Do not force, if you force, it will break.
However, until now, my colleagues presented the out of the box version. Except that I could not resist to push the realism to the point of customizing the custom.
... to obtain the version as close as possible of the film. To do this, we must add the following steps:
I cut the safety lever. In the film it isn't there. I just cut the top to keep the mechanism from the bottom. I added a screw use it with a screwdriver.
Attention, this manipulation can exclude you from certain associations, this gun having no more security, it becomes dangerous. Do this only if you are sure of yourself.
I also sanded the "Sicherheit" on the side.
And I also removed the upper part of the ears here.
Not those ones. Right here.
We had a ledge before, which I removed, to match with the film's version.
And finally, I removed adjustable sight. So we don't have anything to aim, so for the firing tests, it was complicated.
We can't do precision shooting with that. We use the direction of the arm, we see what it gives, and we contravene.
I took the opportunity to partially sand the replica, so on the tops, on the sides for later use aluminum black.
I didn't do it everywhere (anyway, it's useless on the front), but suddenly it gives a little used look really "realistic".
I imagine it's possible to make this custom on a Luger version 4 inches, but I don't recommend it, already because you won't have the sight to remove, so we don't have the same form ;
and it would be a shame to have a little barrel when we can have a longer one...
A longer barrel... I know what I'm talking about... It tells you to send your mobile number, to be able to see... MY SAUSAGE.
I challenge Armorer Works: Next step is Krennic's DT-29? MP40 based? Well, to put the magazines, it may be complicated...
By the way, when we go on the Wikia page of the Star Wars site, and we type A180, we can find this illustration. Funny, it looks like a lot...
We will even have the "15" here, which is strangely WE!
So they used MY replica to make this custom.
I provided the accessory to the film!
Written and directed by J.J. Abrams
Accessoiries by Neo035
I am green. I recycle everything, even my jokes.
It's beautiful to dream... Sorry
In fact, a guy on YouTube had fun transforming this kit (airsoft base) into an electronic version... which makes a lot of fun.
Honestly, I love it! Dude, if you see this video, congrats!
To return to the P08 6 inches which served as base, it's necessary...
You have to go to vote Marine (french far right).
Why do you want I vote Marine...? Are you stupid? I said no politics in my videos.
AH YES! It's a P08 6 inches for the "KriegsMARINE"!!!
Obviously, none of the markings present is realistic, except the 1915 on the top, but it allows to recognize the model when artists make customs, so it's pretty cool. Example.
You will be able to sweat to adapt wooden grips for real P08, but I don't advise you, the grips here are finer than the original ones,
it's a chance to weaken the wood and to break it at the slightest brutal manipulation.
There is a last version of the P08 level length: the Artillery version, with an 8 inch gun. I'll show it to you maybe someday... if you offer it to me.
If you want to get this gun, to put a kit A180 or not, made in 3D printer or not...
you can find the link of the shop Airsoft Entrepot, I thank them for the reduction of a few hundred cents to present it to you.
You will also need to equip a holster for the 6-inch version to store it. It's pretty easy to find it on eBay, but it's more expensive than the classic holster.
You can have an extra magazine in an outside pocket, as well as the dismounting key that would be placed here. It isn't provided, too bad... Tanaka put it with it.
You can use it in airsoft without restriction, I don't mind, on the other hand in reconstruction Wehrmacht classic it won't pass, it's too specific, it's not regulatory,
except for Officer Kriegsmarine, or to make the Chicago 1929, why not? After, it's a collector's item...
But suddenly, we're not on the artillery, but it's time to take out Speedo the Snail!!
To know a little more about this baby, I invite you to discover my video on the Luger P08 4 inches WE, the link is in the description.
We will now go to the shooting test: on target and then an outdoor range test! (roughly between 15 and 20m without hop-up, otherwise the range is reduced: it's GBB last chance!)
Here is what concludes this video of presentation of airsoft gun, I hope that it will have pleased you! If so, don't hesitate to leave a blue thumb, a comment, to subscribe and share this video.
Do not hesitate to visit Tipeee to support me! This is one of the means at your disposal to support me!
And I give you appointment soon for a new presentation video replica of airsoft, Denix replica, uniform or VIP review! Hello!
Directed by Neo035
With the support of Airsoft Entrepot
Thank you all for your loyalty!
Отвечаю на вопросы о кормах: подделки, рвота у собак, смена корма. - Duration: 4:38.
How To Delink Your Aadhaar Number | Aadhaar Unlink | Aadhaar Delinking - Duration: 2:57.
How To Delink Your Aadhaar Number
Aadhaar Unlink
Aadhaar Delinking
The Critics Want You To Know - Sideswiped - Duration: 1:22.
I signed you up for Tinder!
You gotta get back out there.
Even Mom's on Tinder.
I mean when was the last time
you got laid?
-Mom! No, I'm serious.
Do hymens grow back?
Okay, we're gonna need
some more shots.
[crowd cheering] Swipe! Swipe! Swipe...
It's a match!
Two hundred and fifty-two guys
swiped right on me?
-Hi Nice to meet you.
I just wanna be in a relationship with a
normal guy.
Are you crying?
What's wrong?
My parents were hard on me.
Think I waited too long to get in to all this?
If that's the case we're both f***
What's going on there?
I haven't had a chance to wax.
Mine is as bald as a
baby's butt.
Okay, eww Mom.
Now I'm picturing it.
DIET stewed cabbage with chicken - MINIMUM of calories and MAXIMUM of taste - Duration: 2:21.
Ingredients: • 1 small head of cabbage; • half chicken fillet; • 1 carrot; • 1 onion; • 70 g of tomato paste; • 150 ml of water; • salt and spices to taste.
Chop cabbage
Rub carrot on a large grater
Cut the onions into quarters and cut them into half rings
Cut the chicken into small pieces
Put the ingredients in a frying pan with a thick bottom and high sides
Add water
Cover and cook for 20 minutes
Add tomato paste, salt, spices. Stir
Add some more water if needed
Stew for 15-20 minutes stirring occasionally
Watching Clouds | #1 Dad | The Dad - Duration: 0:58.
- What do you wanna do now?
- We could search for shapes in the clouds.
- I love doing that.
- That one looks like a mushroom.
- They kind of all look like mushrooms.
That one kind of looks like a bunny.
- I could see that.
Oh, that one looks like a whale!
- Oh yeah, that one looks like you.
- Where?
- That's your nose right there, and that's your chin,
and those are your shoes.
- Now I see it!
That really does look like me.
- You just gotta use your imagination.
Dragon Fingerlings - Fire Breathing Fingerling Dragons (Noa Tara Sandy Kaylin) - Duration: 3:17.
It's dragon time!
Sorry daddy I burned your light.
H my name is Anjali and today I'm going to unbox dragon fingerlings.
Noa! Tara! Sandy! & Kaylin!
In case you didn't know the 4 dragon Fingerlings cling to your fingers and other things too.
They react to touch and sound by blinking and blowing kisses.
If you want to learn more about fingerlings check out the video here.
Okay let's open up dragon
Wait a minute!
Did you see our other Fingerlings?
Emma, Gemma, Gigi & Alika.
Alright guys now I am ready to unbox the Dragons.
And this is everything. This is Noa. This is Kaylin. This is Tara. And this is sandy.
And this is Sandy.
She is a pink and turquoise dragon with glitter on her ears, wings and tail. And she is a little hot headed.
And this is Noa. Noa is a blue and turquoise dragon with glitter on her ears, wings and tail. And she's fierce about being loyal.
And this is Tara. She is a purple and blue dragon with sparkles on her ears wings and tail. And she likes to unleash a blaze of laughter.
And this is Kaylin. Kaylin is a purple and pink dragon with glitter on her ears, wings and tail. And she has a very fiery side.
And this is Noa, Sandy, Tara and Kailyn.
What do you think of them?
Leave a comment below.
RaeView - Dancing With the Stars - Ep. 1 (S27E1&2) | CC - Duration: 26:25.
Hey, it's Rae and today we're gonna start a new series that'll probably take up
My videos for the entire thing unless I end up somehow
Creating two videos a week during this time, which I really doubt that'll happen. But
You do what you gotta do, you know what
I mean. Need to get comfortable because then chair no crack no more. Um
but what today's video is going to be along with probably the rest of the videos for I
Always forget how long this lasts it is going to be my take, my review on
This latest season of Dancing with the Stars if you know me. I have a severe obsession with like
reality TV competition shows
I don't like reality TV per se cuz like I
Can't stand to any of the housewives or any of that, like if it's a competition I'm like, yes
Because I like Dancing with the Stars. I
Like So You Think You Can Dance. I'm just like a lot of dancing shows
Don't worry, which is why I feel comfortable reviewing this. I know that I'm not a professional some things. I could say you're wrong
so just
Chill out
Thank you. Um, but like I've watched enough stuff that I kinda know some things I've learned some things over the years
I'm going to be reviewing the latest season of
Dancing with the Stars and it's still gonna come out on my usual Friday video because I have night choir on
Monday so I missed that episode and then NCIS. My family loves NCIS is on Tuesday where the second episode is and
that means that I can't watch the stuff until like a day later and I just like the fact of like
It coming out on the Friday so that if you're like if you missed something you can always catch up
Kind of like if you ever watched Miz Crackers "Review with a Jew" she always waited until her normal posting day to post said videos
So that like everybody got the chance to watch it. This is gonna be my
Rae-view and
If I hear anything about people like why do you have to stick your name in everything? I'm like because I like puns, okay
So this is my review for Dancing with the Stars
Episode 1 & 2 of season, whatever it is, it'll be in the title of the video
But I don't know what season it is
Okay, so I have my notes on
these people
the cast obviously and
I have them in order of the day that they were like. They were announced on Instagram because I didn't want to have to like
Go on Wikipedia
To try and find the cast because I knew if I looked there for the cast that I would see who got eliminated before
because I just watched the second episode right before filming this so I
Didn't want to like get influenced in any way by how I wanted to judge said people
But the first person that was ever announced it was Nancy McKeon
I believe she was an actress who was on the facts of life
So I split these up into night one versus night two because I love the way that they switched it up this year
that on night two the bottom six got a chance to
Try and raise their score to not get eliminated and like those that were safe didn't have to dance again. I'm like that is
That is a nice change. So the first person like I said, its Nancy McKeon so night one
I thought she started out great
and full of energy
But she looked too relaxed that time
You know, I need some you need to control your limbs
But you obviously can't just be a stiff board and then she started to lose some steam near the end, which is fairly
Common on the first week that no one is used to like how much energy you have to put out to maintain
The same amount of energy throughout the whole dance that's completely normal
I've seen that especially because she is like an older cast member so she wants to like prove that she's still like young and vivacious
Wanted to give it all out
But you can't give it all out in the beginning because then you kind of wear down she ended up in the bottom six
So she had to dance the second night
So what I thought of her dance for the second night
It was way better than the first
She still likes some like I've noticed what this was like a lot of the cast members and you'll see as I give my review
They lack the power like they get the steps everybody. The season was so amazing except grocery store Joe, but we'll talk about him
Later, um
But everybody was like so amazing
Obviously I kind of had to nitpick
that everybody was getting the steps so perfectly but
they lost like the power and the oomph that shows that they know what they're doing instead of it being in their head and like
Trying to count everything out like trying to remember their dance. She actually learned that she maintained her
This time. Ok. The next person is Mary Lou Retton. She is the first ever American
to win
the gold in the Olympics for gymnastics and
She was a first ever woman on the Wheaties box
Woman Power
Okay, so for night one
She also ended up in the bottom six night one. Her technique is there it is flawless. It is beautiful
But like I said, you'll see this there a lot. There's not enough power. Everybody's not like hitting what they should like
They're hitting everything perfectly. But like there's no power enough behind it to make you're like, oh they're into it
They're hitting everything so good and like power like trying to sell that
you know what you're doing instead of trying to remember the
Moves everything was perfect
But seemed to like soft and I believe she had the cha-cha and you obviously it's a Latin dance
You need to hit things
the second dance
what they did for
Everybody that had to dance the second time to make it easier on the people was that they would dance the same style
But obviously not the same dance. They wanted to a lot of people just pretty much recycled their old
dance Mary Lou's second one is she started with nice to gymnastics
She she started off with a solo which kind of like yeah bitch I want stay
Look at me dance by myself
On a thing that I've never really done before there still wasn't enough power and bite. Yeah
she hits all like she hits all the right steps and
But she still just lacks power the next person on there. Oh boy. Is Bobby bones
He scares the crap outta me so much energy. And like I said, I have anxiety so like that much energy. I'm just like
They'd had a solo at the beginning with like the men of the troupe it was very nice he actually did really good
Um, he needs to learn to point his toes
Like I said, I watch enough dance shows that I picked up on that I've picked up on
certain things that they need to do
Because I've watched like a lot of the seasons of this
So like a lot of the critiques that they usually give to a lot of the people stick in my head. He had a great
Stage presence like he was just having a great time sold it that he knew what he was doing even though
He wasn't he obviously wasn't the best but he was selling it which is like what I was saying
Everybody needs that power. He has that power
But he just needed
He needs polishing and pointed toes he needs to tone down on the stage face
because I've also watched um
dancing on So You Think You Can Dance and
Like even they say like to certain people that they need to calm down on their dance face. Sometimes it's too
ferocious and ends up terrifying as opposed to fierce and
Everybody saw the ending. I'm trying to see if I can add a clip here
Terrifying funny is all hell but terrifying you could even see it on Sharna's face that that was terrifying
He did not end up in the bottom. It's the first person that hasn't ended up in the bottom. Don't worry
We'll change that. The next person is Danelle Umstead
*just proving that I cant read lolz* She is the first ever blind person to appear on
Dancing with the Stars she won the bronze in
Paralympic skiing for the first night. She looked very nervous which I understand because they started her up on the
ledge and she had to go down the stairs, which means she had to completely trust Artem which
Is hard to do, you know, didn't look like she was having fun
she was more focused on trying to not fall down the stairs and make a fool of herself and
Like obviously because she doesn't know where she's going. She's very much she's being pulled around. She's trying to remember the steps and
Not fall on her face not step on Artem
But then she got down the stairs and then she looked like she was happy not having the best time
That's what kind of killed it for me cuz it all looked dead because like I said it part of it
She looked like she wasn't having any fun at all
But then she looked oh she was having fun
but the walking kind of just made it look like it was dragging on and like I said
We're back to the bottom. She was also in the bottom six. And in this one, she still seemed timid in the beginning
But then she she got into it. She was having she was feeling herself
The footwork got a little bit messy, but what amazed me about her
is that
After she knew she messed up
She came back with twice as much fight and fire and she like killed the rest of the dance. I was so proud
I'm like get it except don't let yourself mess up to get there
You need to start there you learn you live and you learn but what I have to say to her is
That she needs to enjoy herself more and like kinda let go because I've noticed like with a lot of like the um athletes
They're more afraid of messing up than having fun
so that's my advice to a lot of them is just don't treat it so seriously, but
serious enough that you don't mess up the dance the whole time but you still need to have fun with it because that's like the
Second part of the dance is selling it because even if you're not the best
the best thing you can do is try to sell it because
Then people believe that what you're doing is right
So then you get further because even if you're not doing what's right if you make people believe you're doing what's right
Then technically you're doing what's right
The next person on there is John Schneider
I believe this is the first person that I even knew who it was before the show
Um, he played I believe I believe he was Bo
Duke from Dukes of Hazzard, I was got them confused
Yeah, but I think he's Bo he was not in the bottom
Not to be rude, but it was kind of surprising
But he did very good for a first dance
rating, you know, I mean, um
But that kick though
Hell yeah, um, he messed up like a hand motion. I think that they were supposed to do in sync but
No didn't really matter that much
I think the thing that he mostly got critiqued for is
His hold was great
But when you're a man, you have to keep looking to this a certain side think to the right. Not sure
But he kept looking at Emma which kind of made it believe that he didn't know what he was doing
I thought he was just having a good time and like looking at look. We have great connection
This is not the dance that you're supposed to like stare into your partner's eyes and show that you have a great connection
This is the dance that you need to have beauty and elegance and great. Hold the next person
I didn't even know realized who she was by the name
Until I saw her and like she looks kind of familiar and then I read the description. I'm like they got her tight
Um is Evanna Lynch
Evanna Lynch is Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter. I
Love Harry Potter
I'm not allowed to watch it anymore
Because I just get so del. I just delve right into the story and I just
believe that I have magical powers after it and then get very
Disappointed and mad when I don't like there was like when I was very younger
It was a lot more evident back then like I think I can watch it now
but when I was a lot younger
I would even go outside get a stick make a wand then. I got magical I don't, shit. I
Get very very pissed off
And sad but mostly pissed off like, where are my powers? Why did they get powers?
Even though I'm pretty sure I was old enough to realize it was a movie
I was still mad though. Her dance was very good
I was so proud of her but there's also very shoulders like
You don't want to use your shoulders you just want to look like an elegant young lady
You never want to add your shoulders into it. Unless you're like shimmy
but otherwise your shoulders need to be
What I learn didn't like choir is down around and relaxed and then it kind of like gives you nice
Posture and then you Dan she has very nice hold I was proud and she even had the head like very elegantly turned
I'm like, this is what John Schneider needed to know that your head kind of need to be turn it turned in hold and
Something I don't know what exactly it was but something in the footwork near the end of the dance looked kind of off to me
But otherwise an amazing dance she is
Not the front runner, but she's like a front runner in my book when we get to them
I'll tell you who's the front runner every
episode I'm gonna try and
Say what my favorite dance was
like who was the best type of thing but also my front runner because just because like
Someone has the best dance doesn't mean that they're like the best dancer
Because someone could have better technique but like a boring dance
But someone could have an amazing dance that showed off their technique and that's what the best dance is. The next person is Joe
Grocery-store Joe I heard that name. I'm like, what? Is he some freakin like
Like the kid from Target because anytime I hear someone from something. I'm like, what is it a meme?
Nope, he's from the Bachelorette. Of course, I did not know of course I do not care
I really like I said don't like I know it's a competition but I
Don't really like gushy love stuff though. Um, he was obviously the worst of the night
like even the judges said so
He just walked the steps wasn't on like the ball wasn't like he leading or anything
He just wasn't like doing anything with his footwork to make it fancy. He was just stepping on all of the moves bad footwork
He messed up somewhere in the middle
His hold is actually fairly good
It's just everything below the arms down is not so good
Something above that. He's just good hold that's about it because his head
Wasn't to the side either and kept staring at Jenna which obviously means he did not know what he was doing
Didn't surprise me that he didn't know what he was doing
he got lost at one point, which is the bad footwork that I was talking about and
Instead of doing what Danelle did and getting better. He started rushing and because he got really nervous
You just wanted to get through it type of thing
Which I completely
understand if you just if you already know you messed up you just want to get it over with you don't want to keep
Embarrassing yourself, but you're also like oh, I gotta prove myself. I gotta go and then you start rushing and then I'm like
Now they're out of sync because they had some side-by-side work and he was ahead
rushing. Yes, and the one thing I have to say about him. I kept running through my mind the whole time
I watched his dance is
Hulk smash just
Because of like how heavy his feet were and like how stiff he was. I'm like Hulk smash
Oddly enough was not in the bottom
Which kind of means to me I think he's gonna get the Kirstie Alley cut
Which means he's not gonna be really that good at all. But he's gonna have the fan votes behind him
So I think he would probably go far with the votes not the talent the votes. Um the next person is Nicki Glasser
um first night
Both nights because she was also in the bottom six. She was just long and leggy and
She needed to like I get that people that are tall and lanky always had trouble
with dancing
She just needed to learn how to control her limbs more and that she didn't have a lot of confidence with what she was doing
Which kind of just made everything seem awkward and made the awkward more awkward spoiler alert beep
She went home
Which I'm completely fine with
Because my bottom this week was either
Grocery store Joe or Nicki Glasser because they were just both very awkward
And because this season was so good. You had to get so nitpicky to even find the bottom two and
Because the season was so good
it was so easy to see the bottom two the next person is Juan Pablo Di Pace and I know him from
Obviously, he's done other things, but the thing. I know him from his fuller house as Kimmy gibbler's
eccentric Latin husband
Boyfriend husband complicated you watch the show. It's very complicated. Uh-huh. I
Loved him. However, they did mention it and I did see it. He was like throwing Cheryl around like a mop very angrily
I'm like you bent me to control that. I
Said that like I predicted that this couple was gonna be fairly like spicy
Because it literally reminds me of when Cheryl was paired up with Gilles Marini
and I'm like
I'm excited and they did amazing. It was v sexy with three C's
Mm-hmm and he has great hip action and footwork
I just want to see him like not throw her around like a mop and he's going to be
Amazing. So he's also a front-runner in my book. Not the front-runner. We'll get to him later
The next person is DeMarcus Ware everybody loved him
He wasn't my...He was good, but he wasn't my favorite and we'll get to that later on first night that leap though
Very nice
He also had very good footwork. Obviously football. They're very quick nimbly on they feet
He only has a second night review because he got and I'm glad they brought this back in the Encore
That the dance that they liked the most they get to see again
along with the people that need to dance to save themselves and
they did the exact same dance because like I said it was an encore and
The steps were there
But the energy wasn't there because I think the fire was gone behind him because he didn't need to save himself
Like it was a lot more energetic the first night, but the second night. It just wasn't there for me
the next person is Tinashe and I believe she's a pop star I
Honestly, like didn't know who she was and obviously because she goes by first name
I'm like, wow, she's pretentious and she's gonna be a brat. I
Was wrong. She's hilarious and adorable and
Amazing. She had an amazing start but she needs to remember that every kick needs a pointed toe because her first ones the down ones
Were pointed and beautiful thing when you kick up people forget. They need to point them there too - I know it's like a lot
It's straining on the leg, but it needs to be done. Cuz then it just makes everything look clean. Whereas if your foots flexed
It just looks wrong. And the next person is Alexis Ren
Who I believe is like an Instagram famous person who was like on Sports Illustrated and stuff rookie the year, I think
But the first night here's what you all been waiting for
amazing footwork and amazing lines
She in my opinion had the best dance of the night
The technique was there the lines were there the energy were there was there it was
perfect in my opinion and
then she scored lower than
DeMarcus and
Tinashe. For me, she was perfect. There was nothing wrong with it
But she ended up in the bottom six
This time she was lacking that confidence but she even said it's she's always had a problem with confidence
And this one was a very confidence based piece. It was a lot faster
She needed to be more sure of herself to make sure she could keep up
She hit the steps
She needed better control of her limbs because she is kind of like Nikki
Glasser that she is long and lanky and needs to control her limbs, but she did it perfectly the night before
I honestly think that she didn't think she was going to be in the bottom and the last person on here is
Milo Manheim I
Believe he was a Disney star from the movie the Disney movie zombies. I
honestly thought he was gonna
suck and I don't know why but he was amazing
he is my frontrunner right now. I'm not saying like he's who I want to win
Like he showed the most potential to me
What I was calling him the whole entire dance because I was giggling because it was amazing to see him be so good
But I kept calling him the dancing wiggle worm string bean
Because he has amazing footwork, which I think is gonna bring him very far and he's got strong hip action
But it's a little too strong
you know, I mean and
I feel that because it's too strong. It's easier to reel yourself back
And push yourself too far, you know, I mean, so if he's already got the hip action great
All he's got to do is bring it down a little bit and he'll be amazing
They even had like nice arms and everything he is
My front runner but like I said, it's not who I want to win. I just think he's gonna do amazing
So I'm trying to remember my segments
My song of the week just because it's stuck in my head from night choir
Just look up bashana haba'ah
it is a
Jewish Hebrew piece it is a gorgeous piece. I love all of the UM
like chords and stuff that all the singers make just
Find I suggest like finding a choir singing it. I like the slowed down version myself, cuz that's what we're doing
It is known to be very fast, but it is beautiful
And I was trying to look through the news to find someone who's great this week. I could not
find anybody, I also didn't
Look at that hard
I'm gonna try and put it in post that my person that's great this week is
The new person that's in charge of Dancing with the Stars
And I know that someone's new because I remember them saying it's why we got that shortened athlete season
but I
Don't like him for that because that irritates me
But what I did like was the way that they're doing this season
it just seems so new and fresh and it reminds me of it's parent show Strictly Come Dancing, but
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed my review
Let me know if you want to see more even though I'm going to make more anyway
Let me know if you want to see anything else if I can try to maintain
to make second videos
while also putting out this review one, I don't know how that's gonna go because like I said,
I edit my own videos. I record it it comes off
My phone takes how long you been upload it on to my computer to edit it?
But if there's anything you want to see that is it too time-consuming?
That isn't too strenuous to UM put out a second video so that it's not just all
Dancing with the Stars review. Let me know in the comments below and I hope to see you in the next one. Bye
THRIFTED CLOTHES I BOUGHT WITHOUT TRYING THEM ON FIRST | charity market try-on haul - Duration: 9:19.
hello everyone it's cece welcome back
to my channel this is a bit of a
different video it's my first stand-up
video obviously well my phone is here so
I'm not doing really well in this video
I will be trying on things that I got at
charity markets and I haven't tried on
so I got them just by looking at them
let's see if I got things that I can
actually wear so first of all I got a
lot of jeans these still
have a little bit of a tag on so
these are Liu Jo jeans limited edition
what sorry what a hundred eighty euros
that's a lot cause they're new and I got
them for I don't even want to say
it but let's just say it was a great
deal oh yes they do fit so they are not
perfectly my size oh well no they are my
size just they don't really look
that flattering on me in the front
because they are really low
on the front but they're pretty nice on
the back the are high waisted
they do fit quite well and
I'll show you I really like it it's
a huge trumpet I love it with
heels then I got these jeans from
gmv it's like Gian Maria
someone it's an Italian designer and
the color of these jeans I love it
it's really thick denim
I like everything about these jeans the
shape they're really high waisted I
really love these jeans but they're not
my size they're huge they are huge but I
love them okay yes these are good ones
oh my god these are good then I got
these jeans amazing quality like stiff
thick denim classic color high waist
perfect highwaist actually perfect length
which is weird
the only thing is that they do not
snatch you know they're a bit
squared so I might have to wear them
with a belt they're not really flattering
they look like dad jeans in the bottom
next thing is this Fendi denim skirt and
it actually fits it doesn't snatch so
it's probably not exactly my size
because I prefer things to be sort of
like this well the material is
not really thick but it's very good
quality and it's a very good color just
classic vintage denim color the
length is pretty nice this is a silk
rainbow skirt from Ralph Lauren and I really
like it because it's just my kind of
it's a wallet wrap around skirt
it's the perfect length as well it's
really cute really flirty I love it
it's summery so I will not be able to
wear it right now I will wear it next
spring summer but I'm really happy that
I have it
okay little sad story I got the weirdest
skirt which is super long and super
grandma and it's huge and why did I do
that I don't know but I did and I
do not even know what to say about this
I could fix it I suppose would it be
nice like this maybe it would do I
remind you of Bella Hadid?
would she wear this I think she
would can I make this sexy
I think I'll take it as a
challenge cause I cannot wear it
like this it's not even my sizes it just
doesn't look pretty
then what's funny is that I got another
white huge cotton skirt that is not my
size and it's not my style
would I like it if it was like this I would
definitely like it more maybe I
can turn it into a mini
maybe if it was like this
so don't judge me but this is a
Italian schoolboy uniform for elementary
and yes I did buy it for me to wear as
a dress and I actually really like it it's
really short it needs something here so that
it doesn't open in the front
something to close it here and I
need to take this label off
and just make little changes so
that it doesn't look like a boys uniform
but I really really like it
sorry Katya I really like it. this might be my
favorite shirt ever
I love looney tunes shirts and sweaters
everything Looney Tunes I love it my
mom when I was little used to buying me
things with Looney Tunes on I really
like it maybe I need to fix here in the
shoulders this is a great look this
is another thing that I got and it's a
top it's not really my style but I
feel like I look like Rihanna I don't know
why I think it does work yeah
not my favorite but it's ok it was
cheap the last thing I have to show you
is this top which is really cute I
really like it I don't know what
material this is but it's not like super
fancy the only thing is that
the buttons in the back they do
not want to close I can cut a little bit
and transform it into a open back thing
guys so I'm here with an open top and
this is it you guys for this video I
really hope you liked it please
subscribe to my channel I post new
videos on Tuesdays and Fridays and if
you click the notification bell you will
get a notification on your phone or on
your computer every time I post a video
so you don't miss any of them follow me
on instagram and at @atcececouture I post a
lot of pictures and stories with my cat
and thank you guys so much again and
I'll see you guys next video bye
THE LION KING FAMILY TREE | Remake part 3 - Duration: 13:39.
Learn Colors with PJ Masks Wrong Heads Catboy, Gekko, Romeo PJ Masks Toys for Kids - Duration: 2:19.
learn colors with pj masks
pj masks wrong heads
pj masks cartoon toys
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