Fairy tales inadvertently teach children that entering a stranger's home can lead to amazing
Belle trespassed into the Beast's bachelor pad, then found herself a hairy new boyfriend.
And Hansel and Gretel learned that houses can be made of magical diabetes.
Given the popularity of such stories, you might expect most kids to become thrill-seeking
cat burglars in adulthood.
Thankfully, the majority of grown-ups find less questionable ways to explore unfamiliar
One of those ways is Airbnb.
But unlike children's stories, Airbnb stays don't include golden eggs or edible rooftops.
Nevertheless, the surprises people find, both renters and hosts, can seem just as grim and
ridiculous as anything you've read in fairy tales.
Invitation of the body snatcher
In 2017, French tourist Carole Escaliere learned firsthand how sketchy Airbnb users can be.
While searching for work in Silicon Valley, she rented a house in nearby Daly City, California.
Her host, Zameer Azam, assured her that she'd share the space with "one other woman."
Obviously Azam needed math and biology tutors, because that second female was actually several
"Carole called the police after some male guests made advances to her in her bedroom
and walked in on her in the shower."
After doing some digging, reporters for KPIX CBS in the Bay Area uncovered the sketchy
truth about the host:
"Who lives in the basement served 10 years in state prison for kidnapping and beating
the mother of his child."
Worse yet, despite Airbnb's claims to the contrary, "the most basic background check"
would have exposed this dark past.
The story has an incredibly happy ending though:
"Airbnb refunded Carole right away."
See that?
If you're almost assaulted by a bunch of strangers, you'll definitely get your money back!
According to Colorado Fox affiliate KDVR, in 2017 Marissa Fox and some friends arranged
to spend a week at a house in Broomfield, Colorado.
Not long into their stay, however, it dawned on them that something was amiss.
Specifically, their personal belongings had gone missing and unfamiliar items had appeared.
"There was like a bunch of needles, and then they had this little tray thing and I don't
know if they were, like, snorting stuff, too."
Turns out, there was a pretty good reason why the rental turned into a house-sized Lost
and Found for illicit substances.
When police arrived, they delivered the news:
"They were surprised that air bnb um let them rent from or let us rent from them because
it was a known crack house in town"
Sadly for the corporation that rented a woman and her friends a literal crackhouse, Airbnb
seems to have lost a customer as a result of the incident:
"Will you be using air bnb ever again?"
"No, absolutely not."
A blown-up opportunity
In 2017, various Windy City news outlets reported that Airbnb host Mike Duckworth rented out
a single-room in his Chicago home.
When the renter, Michael Debrown, asked about where to buy drugs, why his door didn't have
a lock, then left the house, Duckworth got suspicious.
That's when he looked inside the room and discovered his guest had installed some security
cameras...and that's not all:
"And on the bed was like a huge brown tube with like a huge like green wick sticking
out of it.
Then there was a bunch of like soldering tools, like a heat gun"
Duckworth evacuated his home and called the cops.
Police initially identified Debrown's device as "a box of old wires," per The Chicago Tribune.
They later realized those old wires were part of a new 10-inch pipe bomb that contained
nearly half a pound of explosive powder.
Authorities subsequently detained Debrown.
Duckworth, meanwhile, couldn't help himself and declared his Airbnb was, quote, "the Bomb."
The Trojan horde
According to reporting by Cleveland.com and NBC affiliate WKYC, Isaiah Shahid rented a
room in the Ohio home of Airbnb host Sangmyung Lee over New Year's Eve weekend in 2017.
The terms of the rental were crystal clear:
"$40 per room, five people maximum"
At some point Lee gave his renter permission to throw "a small party."
Big mistake:
Turns out that Shahid had advertised a New Year's Eve party on Twitter and charged each
attendee $5.
The resulting crowd was purportedly, quote, "packed so tightly in each of the rooms and
up the stairwell, it did not appear there was space for anyone to extend their arms."
Cops were called to disperse the partygoers, many of whom drunkenly jumped through, and
broke, windows while fleeing.
Trashed revelers completely trashed Lee's house, a truly garbage way to start the year.
"Oh my god this..."
And of course, this story has another trademark happy ending that you've come to expect by
"Now Lee was charged with a noise complaint and he will have to appear in court later
this month."
For more infomation >> The Strangest Things Ever Found In An Airbnb - Duration: 4:58.-------------------------------------------
Leche Flan Using Oven (Filipino Dessert) - Duration: 4:12.
Hey guys! Today we're gonna show you how to make Leche Flan.
Leche Flan is a super smooth and creamy Filipino custard dessert, similar to creme brulee.
To make Leche Flan, you'll first want to make the caramel topping.
Start by pouring in half a cup of white sugar into a saucepan and heat it over medium heat.
Continuously stir the sugar to prevent it from burning.
Eventually the sugar should start to dissolve and turn into a golden brown caramel.
Once all the sugar is fully caramelized, pour it into a Leche Flan mold or a ramekin before it starts to harden.
Repeat this process with his second Leche Flan.
You could also just heat up all your sugar at once and quickly pour it into containers, which in retrospect, we probably could have done.
But, if you plan on making more than two Leche Flans,
we recommend caramelizing the sugar batches, because your caramel might begin to harden before you fill all of your containers.
After you've prepped your Leche Flan mold with the caramel syrup,
it's time to start making the actual custard. In a new mixing bowl, crack and separate five egg yolks.
If you prefer your Leche Flan to be a little firmer, you also have the option of adding a sixth egg yolk.
Next, pour in one and a half cups of evaporated milk and
half a cup of condensed milk.
Then whisk everything together.
At this point, most Leche Flan recipes add in a couple drops of vanilla extract.
But today, we'll be using some lime zest instead.
Take one lime and zest the entire surface into a bowl.
We personally like using the lime zest because it adds a little more dimension to the flavor of the Leche Flan.
You get a super subtle hint of lime that helps to balance out the sweetness of the dessert.
Afterwards, pour out the lime zest onto the center of a cheesecloth.
Then wrap it up while keeping the lime zest clump together. And twist the top end of the cheesecloth
so nothing is able to fall out.
Next soak and swish the lime zest into the Leche Flan mixture.
And then squeeze all the liquid out of the cheesecloth back into the custard mixture.
Repeat this about three more times.
Then, go ahead and thoroughly whisk everything together.
When you're done, you have the option of straining the custard mixture through a strainer to get it ultra smooth.
But we found that even if you don't strain the batter, it still ends up being super smooth and velvety.
So we ended up just pouring the batter straight into the Leche Flan molds.
After you filled your molds, carefully cover each one with a sheet of foil.
And then place them onto a baking pan.
We're gonna be making these leche flan using a water bath,
so you'll want to pour in enough hot water into the pan to reach about half of the height of your containers.
Pre-heat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
Preferably, you'll want to use a deep baking pan for this, but all we had was this cookie baking sheet.
So we just had to make due. It just got a little crazy when we were transferring it to the oven.
Bake your Leche Flan for one hour.
Once they're done, remove them from the pan.
Next, refrigerate your Leche Flan overnight to allow them to fully cool.
When they're cool and ready to serve remove the foil.
And then loosen the edges of the Leche Flan by running a butter knife along the inside perimeter.
Afterwards, place a plate on top of your Leche Flan and quickly flip it over.
Your Leche Flan should easily flip out of the mold. If it doesn't, you might have to run your butter knife through once more.
And then, TADA!
Let's dig in!
This is definitely one of those Filipino desserts that's super easy to overindulge in.
It's talagang tasty! Right Reinard?!
Sunshine – A Visceral Experience of Life, Death and Meaning - Duration: 10:09.
Let me guess, is it the surface of the sun?
Only dream I ever have.
Every time I shut my eyes, it's always the same.
Our sun is dying.
Mankind faces extinction.
Having left the Earth in a solar winter, the crew of the Icarus II is on a mission to reignite the sun.
Although the premise is highly improbable,
it does form an interesting reflection of the dynamic between the sun granting us life,
and we using that life to give meaning to the sun.
At this distance of 36 million miles, you are observing the sun at 2 percent of full brightness.
2 percent?
Unlike any other film, Sunshine gives us a visceral experience of our relation to this star.
It introduces us to a power so overwhelmingly fierce, so unimaginably violent,
that we cannot even stare directly at it despite being millions of miles away.
Icarus, I'm gonna reset the filter to 3.1 percent.
It is especially humbling to consider that compared to the intense burning of this central star,
its orbiting planets are but tiny dots.
While here it is Mercury that passes the Icarus II, the scene recalls the 'Pale Blue Dot';
the photo of our own planet taken by the Voyager I at the request of Carl Sagan,
who refers to it in his book of the same name;
It has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character-building experience.
There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits
than this distant image of our tiny world.
And yet, like a moth to a flame, we are drawn to the great light,
we can't help but develop a relation to it.
This becomes clearly evident on board of the Icarus II where the astronauts, each in their own way,
deal with the tininess of mankind and the grandeur of the sun in this great cosmic dark.
These attitudes are expressed in the more rational, scientific acknowledgements of the sun
as the primary source of life and as a necessity for our survival;
We have a payload to deliver to the heart of our nearest star.
We are delivering that payload cause that star is dying and if it dies, we die, everything dies.
So that is our mission, there is nothing, literally nothing more important than completing our mission.
But it also goes deeper than that as ever since our humble beginnings,
our relation to the sun has also been symbolic, spiritual even.
There is a strange longing to connect to it, to become one with the light;
You and the darkness are distinct from each other because darkness is an absence of something,
it's a vacuum.
But total light envelops you.
It becomes you.
It is here, in this deification of the sun, that we also find the origins to many of the world's religions.
Are you an angel?
Has the time come?
We long for a Parent to care for us, to forgive us our errors, to save us from our childish mistakes.
"What a man desires, he also imagines to be true," said Demosthenes.
"The light of faith makes us see what we believe," cheerfully admitted St. Thomas Aquinas.
However, the closer we get to this God-like power, the more dangerous it becomes.
And as our physical limitations show themselves through blisters and burns,
we realize that to become one with it, is to be destroyed.
All our science.
All our hopes, our dreams, are foolish!
In the face of this, we are dust, nothing more.
And to this dust, we will return.
The implications of this fact become evident
when a human error turns the astronaut's journey into a one-way trip;
As it stands now,
we do not have enough oxygen reserves to survive the return journey.
It emphasizes that while the mission's chance of success,
and thus the future of humanity as a whole, remains unknown,
there is one certainty;
they're all going to die.
Of course, as mortal beings, the certainty of death was there all along,
but it was still a rather abstract notion of mortality,
it was not yet close enough to really be accepted as an undeniable reality.
This impending doom however doesn't just relate to the fate of the individual;
it also extends to the ultimate transience and insignificance of our existence as a whole;
At the end of time, a moment will come when just one man remains.
Then the moment will pass.
Man will be gone.
There will be nothing to show that we were ever here, but stardust.
What I find most interesting about Sunshine
is how it not only presents the variety of attitudes towards our inescapable fate,
but also explores the interplay between them;
explores how different outlooks can lead to the same virtues and vices,
to courage as well as cowardice,
to both hope and despair.
We see how a spiritual attitude can lead to religious fanaticism
in which the destructive force of the sun becomes a pathway to heaven;
For seven years I spoke with God.
He told me to take us all to Heaven.
We see how the fear of a non-believer can lead to a sense of self-centered entitlement
that overpowers the voice of reason.
There is no choice. - No, There's no choice for you.
Capa I order you to remove that suit.
Get out of the suit!
We see how both spirituality and atheism can lead to humility,
Hey Capa, we're only stardust.
and inspire selfless acts of incredible bravery;
Do it Capa!
Do it.
We see how, despite the universe's constant attempts to prove our insignificance,
we can still appreciate the sanctity of life,
we can still be caring and merciful to each other.
You make it easy for him.
Find a kindness.
We see how death is not necessarily something to be feared,
how we can be in awe of the cosmos without God or religion, and even find beauty in it.
And then a spark, will pop into existence,
and then, it will split into two, and those will split again, and again, and again.
Detonation beyond all imagining.
A big bang on a small scale.
A new star born out of a dying one.
No, I'm not scared.
I think it will be beautiful.
Like all great sci-fi films, Sunshine uses the spectacular to tell a distinctively human story.
It shows how the infinite is captured in the finite,
how the endless universe is reflected in fleeting constructions of meaning;
competing and cooperating,
longing for affirmation,
longing for significance.
It's a cosmic struggle on the smallest of scales,
all taking place in the hearts of these strange creatures,
existing for the briefest of moments on a pale blue dot.
Consider again that dot.
That's here.
That's home.
That's us.
On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of,
every human being who ever was, lived out their lives.
The aggregate of our joy and suffering,
thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines,
every hunter and forager,
every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization,
every king and peasant,
every young couple in love,
every mother and father, hopeful child,
inventor and explorer,
every saint and sinner in the history of our species
lived there,
on a mote of dust
suspended in a sunbeam.
مسلسل عروسة اسطنبول الحلقة 55 مترجمة للعربية - القسم الاول - Duration: 10:21.
Outboard Maintenance Check: Every 100 Hours | BoatUS - Duration: 3:49.
[WAVES] We know our BoatUS members are hands-on boaters,
and they're doing most of the stuff themselves, but at 100 hours it is a good point to take
your boat and motor to a pro, right Benny?
Yes, Lenny.
First thing I would do would be to lubricate the grease fittings on the engine.
We also need to check the power trim and tilt fluid and for any leaks in the power trim
and tilt system.
The next thing in the 100-hour check is to make sure your connectors are tight and to
spray them down with silicone spray to keep moisture and corrosion at bay.
Next thing we need to do is to check the shift and the throttle cable linkages.
Retorque your bolts and fasteners.
Check engine mounts and steering brackets for extra play or leaks.
Inspect or replace spark plugs as necessary, change your gearcase and powerhead oils.
First thing, Lenny, you do is you pull your dipstick out, wipe it out as you come out.
This is the proper way to do it.
Stick it back in and then take your reading and make sure that your level is correct.
What you want to do is make sure your fuel lines are tight and not leaking.
You don't want to see any dry rot or a crack.
You have them there at your fuel-water separator and all the way back at your tank.
You need to replace your fuel-water separator.
You cannot dump it out and reuse it because then you will contaminate your fuel system.
You can't reuse that piece?
Absolutely not.
Now, Lenny, now's a good time to remind everybody that they need to run a really good fuel stabilizer,
especially with ethanol fuels today.
Next thing you want to check, Lenny, is make sure that your mounting bolts are not loose,
corroded, or damaged in any way.
You also want to check back in here that the head of the bolt is not sucking into the transom
and cracking the gelcoat.
Next thing you want to check, Lenny, is you want to make sure your prop and your skeg
are in good shape.
Now, what happens if you see something like this?!
[Lenny points to large gash in propeller] Chances are you have internal damage in your
lower unit.
Hey, Lenny, bring me that cowling.
Why in the world do you need this?
Well, birds will come up here and build a nest there, Lenny, and it blocks the airflow
to the engine.
So that's actually something you want to check before every trip?
Then make sure your boat is max RPM.
So open up your throttle for a few seconds and make sure that you're hitting that max
If you are not, it could mean that you have a potential engine issue.
Next thing, Lenny, when you get the boat to the water, you want to make sure that your
telltale is putting out water cause it could mean that either your water pump impeller
is going bad or you have an insect that's actually got up in there and made a nest.
If no water is coming out.
If no water is coming out.
And inspect or replace the water pump impeller as necessary.
So, after you've checked and inspected the water pump, you need to grease the dry shaft
at the grease points on the splines and the bushing areas.
Check for fishing line behind the prop before the seal.
Make sure you grease the splines, the prop shaft before you reinstall the prop with a
brand new cotter pin.
Before you put the lower unit up, do not forget to grease your shift shaft.
Wow, Benny, that is a lot.
But remember folks, this is the 100-hour stage.
This is when there is a lot of stuff to do and it really is a good time to take your
boat to a pro.
Well, we hope you've enjoyed this video, we hope you'll go to the BoatUS YouTube channel
and subscribe, and we hope you'll leave your comments below.
Ghayal Sunny Deol Hindi Movie | Hans Zimmer's Music, Soundtrack, Scores [Black Rain Film] - Duration: 2:49.
Ghayal Sunny Deol Hindi Movie | Hans Zimmer's Music, Soundtrack, Scores [Black Rain Film]
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Ghayal Sunny Deol Hindi Movie | Hans Zimmer's Music, Soundtrack, Scores [Black Rain Film]
Quick Tips #3 | Make a Buyer's Package | The Wholesale Coach - Duration: 2:29.
What's going on guys, it's your man Ed Hayes here
Just want to make another quick video. This is gonna be quick tip video number three guys
Just want to put you all on to some quick short sweet and simple right to the point type tips
So then you can just slide through a whole playlist of quick tips in less than an hour guys
That's what the plan is behind this series
anyway, though guys, so
Quick tip number three, is package your deals
Properly guys, that's quick tip. Number three a package those deals up nicely
Like when you when you pass on your property guys, you need to have enough information
Like so don't just select send your property to somebody with just the ARV and asking price guys
You got to be very very thorough. So real real quick quick number three is
Package of deals properly. Let me explain how to do that guys. So here's how I like to do it
I like to create a buyer's package guys a full-on buyers package that includes
but is not limited to
a cover sheet
I'm just gonna slide through these I'm not gonna let the thoroughly explain every single one of them because this is quick tips
Then you can go check out my other videos to get thorough
explanations on them so
cover sheet
comps of your property
Pictures of the property a link to the video of the property
the tax assessor's
website screenshot a screenshot from the recorder of deeds website
your repair budget bid break down from your contractor and
which is optional is your purchase and sale agreement and
Your seller lead sheet that you went through with the original seller so guys you package all of that together
That's gonna be a very nice
Legitimate looking buyers package guys. Anyway, though that's quick tips. That's quick tip number three
That's how to go ahead and package your video
Package a video package your property
Properly, so go ahead rewind a little bit if you need to check out those tips again guys until next time
Let's Try Robotnik's Revenge as Tails - Duration: 10:04.
In today's video, we are replaying ColinC10's
Robotnik's Revenge.
Because everyone said that the A-rank was rubbish and there is an S-rank!
So today, I present to you...
redhotsonic's revenge!
As Tails.
Yes we're taking another look at Robotnik's Revenge.
This time as Tails.
And this was suggested even though I've played it before but actually
I was in the mood for a boss rush and I wanted to beat my previous time
and see if I can get an S-rank.
I don't know if that's eight minutes or nine minutes but that's what we're aiming for.
And because we've done it before, don't worry,
I am bringing out a brand new video tomorrow and that's gonna be a mini review of
Sonic 1 for the Master System.
So make sure to check that out but for now,
let's press the Start button and go into 'Time Attack' mode.
Okay, so we're starting off with Death Egg Zone,
which actually if I recall correctly, all of the bosses appear in Death Egg Zone.
Then it would save the transitioning of each level and that will, you know,
won't break up the pace at all.
That was way too close to his spike!
I like to play it dangerously!
Right, so that's Emerald Hill Zone's boss done
and I believe the next one is Green Hill?
It looks like that-- aww; just missed him.
It appears that way doesn't it!
Ooh that was jammy!
Whoa, AH!
Woah, no.
Oh wow I mean oh woah, okay let's jump!
So basically what he's done here is that he's left the
Sonic 2's physics in for each boss.
Basically that means in the original Sonic 1, once you jump on the boss,
you don't exactly bounce of him very well.
So, yeah.
With this one you can just keep bouncing on the Emerald Hill bo--
not Emerald Hill, the Green Hill Zone boss.
Okay so now we're doing the Aquatic Ruin.
Ah man he's still got the blimmin' "Tied to the side screen bug thingamajig"
and Tails is actually doing his balancing act
when he's on top of the totem pole completely.
So we can't exactly spin dash into him here.
Which is fine; we'll just do it properly.
Next boss, please!
What's the next one gonna be?
Oh, Marble?
I Think?
Yes, Marble.
Yes, alright, okay.
This is gonna be risky!
What did I do that for?
That was too risky!
I am on fire today!
I can smell that S-rank!
Whoa, okay!
Booster, yep.
Oh no, we know what's coming next don't we?
It's this one... it's this one.
Ow, great start!
It still has that bug though!
The very first hit, he just stays invulnerable for a very long time.
Like a good like second or so?
I fixed that in my games but obviously in this one,
it is still applied but it wasn't really much of a bother.
There we go!
He's defeated!
Onto the-- whoa!
The screen just flashed there; I swear it did.
Ahh, alright this boss shouldn't be too hard if I just can to come down straight away.
Aw, I should have had him by now.
No, come on, oh!
Come on!
He should have been history by now.
Tails, you're not Knuckles!
You can actually jump higher than him!
Woah, I might jump too early there--
Oh no, the Hill Top Zone Boss.
Two, three, four, five, six, seven...
Eig-- Oh!
No way!
That timing; I tell ya!
Fair play to Dr. Eggman there.
Okay so what's this, oh gawd.
I thought there was gonna be a pit there for some reason.
So, what's in this one gonna be?
Ah, Mystic Cave.
Come on- two, three, four...
I should really stop counting; you guys know how to count.
You can count for yourselves, I know.
Oh, what?
The screen had to stop me before it moved, didn't it?
Oh no!
We all know what's coming next!
But with this one, I don't think you have to actually defeat him?
It would be handy if Tails could fly though to be honest.
That was too close!
Way too close!
I'm dicing with death here!
And my luck just ran out!
God, that got my heart pumping!
What the hell was that?
I would go and have a look but we're on a very tight schedule here
with the Oil Ocean Boss next,
so I'll just throw a replay in.
No, I'm not gonna get another hit in that so fair enough, fair enough.
This is what's going to take so much of my time.
I love the little boss counter at the top though.
We've done 11 out of 17 bosses which is--
We're well over halfway!
I'm doing brilliant for time then.
I don't know how far I was with it last time.
I can't remember.
I don't really watch my old videos much!
What's this one?
Oh no, okay.
Simple enough.
I've done this boss a billion times; I know exactly when to hit.
Just hit the front of his nozzle when the front of the balloons go up.
Or bubbles; whatever you want to call them.
And if you hit him from the bottom, you can get two hits on him.
Which sometimes is a bit quicker to be fair.
Come on.
Ah, really?
I was hoping to get that but nope; didn't clinch it.
Oh, come on, screen!
Yeah, there we go.
Whoa, way!
Oh no, I've always been terrible at this boss.
Actually, no, that's not fair to myself is it?
I'm not too bad at this boss.
I have a pattern and it works very well.
It's just not the fastest.
And everyone loves to send a spike ball up Robotnik's ass!
The designers of the boss in particular were geniuses; I love it!
You see, this is the tactic I use.
I never bother with the left
and I just use the middle and the right.
As soon as he drops one on the right just lift it up and then the one in the middle
I actually fling myself!
It's a pretty good tactic; there probably is a quicker way of doing it but
I'm just so used to it, I know it works and we need to get moving.
Ooh the Wing Fortress Boss!
I didn't even think of this one.
Oh no!
No way!
I've got to take my time on this one.
I just got to.
I'm gonna take my time on this one because I've ran out of rings
and you've got infinite lives which is good and all but if I recall correctly,
if you die, the timer doesn't reset; it stays as it is.
Which is obviously bad news.
Please say there's some rings.
I was going to say, no way is it the lava zone boss again.
Please give me some rings; I was going to say!
I know this is going to take a while because he always appears in different places!
Ah, thank God you're on this side!
This boss always takes a long time... always does.
Oh you had to be on the other side!
Got him.
I'd like to sit in the middle really because if he does appear on the left hand side,
I can hit him, but chances are I'll die if I do that.
And the right hand side is just a lot safer really.
That's how I like to play it.
And so far the game has actually been good to me, it really has.
Oh it wasn't that time though!
It wasn't that time.
Oh no come on!
Perfect, ha ha!
I should spin dash actually to make this a bit quicker.
Right, okay, so there's only two bosses left so obviously it's going to be this one
and then the Death Egg Zone boss.
Or the Egg Robo I should say.
Yes, perfect.
Come on, let's move on, let's move on.
So, happening under 8 minutes is not going to happen.
Can I get under 9 minutes?
Hopefully that's an S-rank.
I was aiming for eight but to be fair,
I think I've been going pretty fast except for the final zone boss in Sonic 1.
So that's the only thing that let me down really.
But I don't think I could have done it any quicker.
Honestly with my skill I couldn't have done it any quicker,
but I could do this in 9 minutes.
Why the timer's still going?
Stop, timer!
I'm not in control here.
Yeah, an S-Rank it is, baby!
There we go!
I was actually faster with Tails than I was for Sonic!
Ha, how ironic!
Anyway guys, that was Robotnik's Revenge!
If you want to try it out for yourselves, the download link is in the description.
Make sure to leave a like and subscribe.
And as always a massive thank you to my sponsors.
They get early access to videos and other goodies.
And I know I've played this game before but don't worry because a brand new video
is coming out tomorrow and it's going to be a review of
Sonic 1 for the Master System.
Make sure to check that out but until next time, you guys have a wonderful evening.
Bye-bye for now!
Fiat Grande Punto license plate bulb replacement with LED - Duration: 1:21.
Hi, today we are next to Fiat Punto 3rd generation
that's also called Grande Punto.
And I'm going to show you how to replace your license plate bulbs.
Each light has this little clip that you need to press
in order to remove the assembly.
Once you have this done just rotate the holder
and pull it out from the assembly
and you can remove old bulb, replace it with new one.
If you are replacing your license plate bulbs with LEDs
just make sure that you are using CAN-BUS ready LEDs.
Because in this car we will have not only the error code
for the bulbs but
when the unit detects that the bulb is broken, or missing, or is not CAN-BUS ready
it will shut off the power to it.
So you can not use an LED without the CAN-BUS resistor.
That's why I'm using Aglint bulbs over here
which have the resistor and CAN-BUS information on the LED.
OK, thank you for watching, give me thumbs up if this video helped you
and check my other tutorials. See you soon.
Top 8 Game Studio Applicant Mistakes (2018) - Duration: 7:59.
Are you applying to work for a game studio for the first time?
How do you stand out from your peers or the thousands of new grads entering the job market
each year?
How can you nail an interview?
If you think this is a lot to think about, that's just the tip of the iceberg.
It's a competitive world out there, and game development is a competitive industry
to break into.
We've seen too many hopefuls make common mistakes when applying and interviewing at
game studios.
And over the years, it seems like these mistakes keep repeating themselves!
In this video we'll go over the top mistakes that we see candidates make, and share simple
things that you can do to avoid them!
We are Ask GameDev, AKA Childish Game-bino, AKA Mario Partynextdoor, AKA wubba lubba github,
and these are 8 game studio applicant mistakes to avoid!
Welcome back!
If you're new to Ask Gamedev, we make videos to help you learn about the games industry
so that you can elevate your games and Inspire others.
If you're on a gamedev journey, consider subscribing.
We'd love to help you along the way.
And before we move on, if you'd like to chat about this video amongst your fellow
subscribers, join us on Discord!
Check out the description below for an invite link.
Not showing an interest in games.
People join the games industry because of their passion for games.
Games are an art form and this passion shows through in the final product, and so companies
are usually looking for people that love games to join their team.
If an applicant doesn't play games, doesn't hold any opinions on current games, or expresses
that they are interviewing with non-game companies, they may lose favour to a similar-skilled
applicant that lives and breathes all things video games.
Not telling the company WHY they should consider you.
We didn't think this would be on the list because it's so obvious, but after speaking
with recruiters from the games industry, we were shocked!
You'd be surprised at how many applications come in without a cover letter!
If you don't have a lot of experience, your resume probably looks a little thin, right?
Good candidates use a cover letter to show why the details on their resume suggest a
good fit with the hiring company.
Resumes are typically very factual and don't illustrate a story.
A proper cover letter should have three things: 1.
Tell them why you want to work for them.
Why do you like the company?
Why do you like the position?
This is a great place to show what you know about the company.
Demonstrate how you're a great fit for the position.
Job postings always list the skills and qualifications needed for a role.
Include examples of your work and experience that directly correlate to the needs of the
A call to action, asking for an interview.
Ask for that interview!
Tell them when you're available, and provide the best way to contact you.
Not having project or portfolio references ready
Walking into an interview without a quick way to access and showcase your portfolio
is a bad idea!
Whether the position is for programming, art, design, audio, or any other related discipline,
have a portfolio handy.
Does the job require coding experience?
Well then have your projects ready on repository like GitHub.
Make sure they're organized and ready to grab at a moment's notice.
If the company is looking for someone who knows a certain language, then make sure you
have some projects that illustrate your understanding of that language.
If this is for an art position, select your pieces that are most in line with the vision
of the project that you'll be working on.
Looking for new opportunities while in the middle of a dev cycle for another developer.
Leaving a project mid-stream can be very destructive to the project, and no one would want to bring
someone onto their team that has a history of this behaviour.
If you are doing this, make sure the interviewer understands why you aren't planning to see
the project through.
Hopefully it's a good reason.
Blending in too much with the other applicants
If you sound like a robot, or sound generic, it will be hard for people to remember you.
You need to add something that will make you memorable.
You need to add some personality to everything you do.
Personality is what makes us human.
When you're a junior, with not a lot of experience, one of the best things that you
can do, whether it be during an interview or written in cover letter, is tell a story.
Never forget the power of storytelling to facilitate a human connection.
It's not hard to tell a memorable story.
Here's an example: try making a game or application, and document your process, then
tell a story about your development.
Don't make the story too generic.
Here's a bad example: "I wanted to make a platforming game, so I downloaded Unity,
then I purchased and implemented a platforming framework.
The end".
There's no conflict there, nothing exciting.
People are impressed by difficult challenges that people take on.
If you have to get from A to B, and you take the shortest route possible, a straight line,
that's not that impressive.
That's not a cool story to tell.
BUT - If you go from A to B, but take the scenic route, or get lost along the way, or
get sidetracked, or discover something new, you'll have much more to talk about.
A longer journey uncovers insights, builds stories, and better prepares you for real
world situations.
Not researching the company
When it comes to talking about the company, don't forget the A.S.K. rule.
Always Sound Keen!
Aside from being straight up rude, showing disinterest in the studio or the studio's
portfolio is THE quickest way to fail an interview.
Learn everything about the company!
What games do they make?
What awards have they won?
What are they working on next?
If it's a larger company, what's their stock trading at?
What were the highlights of their previous year's annual report?
What's their culture like?
All of this information is readily available, and you should know it all.
Once you know it all, you need to know how to use it!
Don't come in guns blazing, spouting off how great you think the company did in Q3
of last year!
Just have some talking points ready, and pepper them into the conversation where you see the
This is just simply to signal to the interviewer, that yes, you've done your research.
Not following up
Some people just don't follow up.
If a company doesn't get back to you, don't feel rejected - they're probably just swamped!
You're not doing yourself any favours by not following up.
But when to follow up is the question.
Some interviewers will tell you when you can follow up, at the end of the interview.
Sometimes they don't, and that can be very stressful.
At that point its ok to ask them when you should follow up.
Not having any experience
Not having any experience will apply to almost all new grads.
This one is the easiest to solve, because it's also fun to solve - build something.
Make something cool, and learn from it.
The internet is your textbook, cheerleader, teacher, mentor.
You've been taught the basics at school and it's time to take yourself to the next
Now is a better time that ever as so many things are free now!
Free game engines!
Free art applications!
Even free ready-made assets!
Apply what you've learned, join some of the great gamedev communities out there (like
the Ask Gamedev Discord Server), leverage free knowledge and free tools available online,
and build something.
Well that's all 8.
We hope you avoid these mistakes when you apply for a position at a game studio!
If you want to check another video we have on Career Planning, check out our video on
the hardest roles to fill on a game development team
Thanks for watching! we are Ask Gamedev and we make game development videos on how to
elevate your games and inspire others.
What other tips about applying for jobs can you share with the Ask Gamedev community?
Let us know in the comments.
We publish new content every week so consider subscribing - and hit the bell below to be
notified as soon as a new video is available.
Saving Vegetable Seeds For Next Season - Duration: 8:28.
We all love growing our own food and you can't buy produce like this in the
shops but at this time of year autumn fall is usually the time that gardeners
across the globe start writing out their seed orders ready for the next growing
season but that's a really expensive way of growing your own food and I'm here to
tell you there's a much cheaper way in today's episode we're going to be
looking at everything to do with seed saving
I'm Tony O'Neill and this is UK Here We Grow on this channel we deal with all
things gardening beekeeping and poultry keeping if it's your first time here
consider hitting the subscribe button and bell icon to be notified every time we
put up new content just like this gardeners can be really lazy it's all
too easy to open that laptop go to your favorite seed company's website and
start clicking those buttons and putting things into the baskets and it's not
until you get to that basket to handle for your credit card details do you
realize that you've just spent hundreds of pounds or dollars it's all too easy
to do that so today I'm gonna show you how to save seed make sure you stay
right to the end because not only am I going to show you how to save seed I'm
gonna show you when to save seed or what seed to save so let's talk about the
seeds in general I find it amazing that something as small as a seed has all
that genetic information in it that can grow into a large plant and provide us
with nutrient packed dense foods for us to be able to eat isn't nature amazing
there are loads of ways to save money by saving your own seed but there are some
seed that you shouldn't save take this sungold tomato for instance this is
what's known as an f-1 variety now f1 means that it's been inbred by two
different parents and they cross pollinate these parents the only issue
is even if you collected the seed from this planted them and grew them on you
wouldn't get this tomato at the end because the seed isn't viable it will
revert back to one of its parents now collecting seed like that can be hit
and miss because the parents may have only been selected for the size the
flavor or even because of the color of a certain fruit
but when you go to grow that you may grow that but then the taste of it may
be absolutely disgusting so f1 is a no stick to heritage or standard seeds that
are not been f1 hybrid we can collect seed from all sorts of things such as
these beans we need to leave them on the plant until they are dry and leathery they
usually turn brown like this but if the weather is cold and damp and the seed is
not dried you can uproot the entire plant and hang it upside down to dry
then collect the seed later simply split the pods and pull out the beans placing
them into a tray to dry pods are very easy to collect as you can see here
tomatoes cucumbers and other wet vegetables are little harder these are
known as wet seed instead with these vegetables you need to scrape them from
the fruit and place them into a glass of water after about a week you will see a
scum and mildew form on the surface of the glass simply scoop this off and
empty the contents into a strainer and wash the seed trying to remove most of
the pulp place this onto a piece of cardboard or paper on a plate that is
labeled with the seed and leave this to dry completely for a week you can then
store this for next year storing potatoes is easy too now a lot of folks
are under the impression that you can't store potatoes or been told that you
can't store potatoes because of disease now there is no reason why a gardener can't
store his own potato seed providing hasn't had any disease such as blight
and things like that this year's a fantastic year another thing is well
unless you're growing for competition or giant vegetables you need to collect
seed round about egg size guys that's a perfect size for your seed potatoes
simply place these into a trade with some paper in the bottom cover over with
a hessian sack and store them in a cool dark frost free place such
shed or garage and they will sit there until spring check them about once every
six weeks and any that are going soft or start to get any mold or anything like
that discard those so it's always a good idea
to grow more than you actually need now if you're growing for competition
there's a bit of a different way to do this you want to keep for me if I'm
growing Giants I want to keep the biggest potatoes I have because that's
where the genetics are okay so once we get that we want to wrap that potato in
some newspaper this will help keep out the moisture stop premature
sprouting and things like that and again we can store that in a tray cover it
over with a hessian piece of material and store exactly as we would for any
other potato again checking them every six weeks
onions guys are another fantastic crop to save seed form however it's a little
different for onions because we can't get them to go to seed in their
first year what we have to do with onions is store the onion so now we have
this onion we've cut the roots off the tops are going very brown as you can
see we look after this end you know until next spring and then we'll replant
this onion all this tops can be cut off and providing the onion is okay new
roots will grow and new leaves as if the onion is growing again and that will
then put out an onion scape and that will produce a seed head which we can
collect like any other seed that we've spoken about today this is the reason why
and any set if it isn't heat treated will actually go to seed because it's in
its second year they are a biannual plant guys okay so we're onions we
literally keep them now in a frost free place over winter and then we plant them
again in spring collecting the seed the following year
so we've collected all our seed what do we do with them how do we store
them well we now have all our seed guys and for things like peas and beans glass
jars are fantastic make sure they fully dry place all your beans into the jar
until it's full and make sure you label your jar so you know exactly what they
are you can eat these beans as well but obviously storing these like this means
that they are completely dry and they then they can be stored in a dark place
on a shelf somewhere nice and cool another way if the seeds are smaller
like lettuce envelopes are a fantastic way to store those and again those
envelopes can then be put into a tin a box or a sorter something like that in
order to save those seeds other ways are plastic bags I'd prefer the glass jar
method for most things however you decide to keep your seeds don't forget
that you want to keep them in a dark cool place it's no good putting them in a
kitchen where it's damp it's no good putting them in somewhere less got
direct light you want to be cool and dark and a refrigerator is even a great
idea because that prolongs the life as well guys well guys I really hope that
this video has given you some insight on how to save money by saving your own
seed question of the day how many of you have saved seed this year I'd be really
interested to know what you've saved and how you've saved it if you've got any
extra tips put them in the comments below so that everybody can learn from
your knowledge I'm Tony O'Neill this is UK Here We
Grow and remember folks you Reap What You Sow I'll see you in the next one
bye bye
Expédition dans le Morvan [4K] - Duration: 13:13.
A few days ago, I went on an journey with three of my friends.
and Gabin.
Here is our story.
The idea was to spend a whole night in the forest but without bringing a tent with us.
No. It would have been too easy.
For this first experience, we chose the Morvan Nature Park.
Without further details.
We drove a little bit randomly until we found an ideal place to start the adventure.
After parking in a small village...
we reached the forest on foot.
After an hour of walking in a forest increasingly dense and difficult to cross,
we began to wonder if we had stopped at the right place...
It was as if we had arrived in a cul de sac.
We didn't know where to go to get out of here without going back on our steps.
by persevering a few more minutes ...
We were really lucky with the weather.
The sun was not guaranteed when we started, but finally it was a very sunny day.
So Gabin took the opportunity to shoot a bit with his drone.
After climbing the 500 ft that separated us from the hill top,
we came across what seemed like a great place to set up our overnight camp.
There was a pile of dead wood on the ground.
So we figured we could use it to build our refuge.
We took the wood we needed, and we went to get a little more in the forest.
At the same time we took the opportunity to take a look around and make some shots.
Gabin really was the architect of our refuge that day.
He really helped us, the little Breton.
With all this, the time passed rather quickly, and the Sun was less and less high in the sky.
So we started preparations for the campfire.
While Femi weeded a place to welcome the fire,
I went to look for little dead branches with Gabin.
Anthony and Fémi took care of bringing stones to isolate the fire.
Then Gabin got down to building a barbecue.
To grill sausages.
We took advantage of the last moments before sunset
to make some last shots with the drone,
as well as some photos in the warm light of the golden hour.
But yea.
we should not hang out.
The night was falling, we had to light the fire.
The fire was fired to get good embers...
And Gabin went into action with his wooden barbecue.
The cooking was pretty slow, but it was worth it.
Each one of us got his cheese-sausages sandwich.
A real success.
And actually, falling asleep in the middle of the forest in a makeshift shelter was not as hard as I had imagined.
The crackling of flames is perhaps the most relaxing melody.
The day rises...
Birds are singing...
I did not re-open my eyes overnight.
It is time for us to pack our stuff...
to clean the camp...
to leave the forest...
and go home.
A special kind of transphobes (eng sub) - Duration: 4:41.
Hi, I'm Ethan, and it's supposed to be a short video, because I didn't plan it,
I just woke up thinking that we should talk about this.
As you've probably guessed from the title, today's topic is a special kind of transphobia.
You know, there are people who simply don't understand, but there are also
those who THINK that they understand.
That is, when they were 15, they discovered the word "bigender" or "agender"
and put this label on their forehead.
Some of them just wanted to be "different", others
were genuinely searching for tools of self-identification
- everyone had their reasons.
Only when puberty was over, they
removed the label, because it didn't work for them anymore.
But here's a problem: removing the label
is accompanied by fanfare and the shout "I've understood everything!"
And from that moment, any mention of the whatever-gender
triggers flashbacks and "nah been there done that it's all nonsense."
So, people transpose the experience of their own mistake into
some sort of intergalactic level.
It's really common in our cosplay-community, let me tell you that.
There are damsels who shouted about their being men
at the age of 15, but then they suddenly grew up
and became "exemplary housewives".
And there's nothing wrong about it: one is constantly changing.
It's okay to change.
The problem is that those damsels
love to call it "wisdom" and shout that they were
"just like you but then grew up, UNDERSTOOD EVERYTHING, and
turned into strong independent women."
If you were a fool and got into the wrong box,
where did you get this confidence the size of Jupiter that others
are the same?
It's even worse when they justify those shouts and ignorance
by saying that they want to help,
that they want to "prevent misfortune" - it's a quote.
I keep thinking about the meme
"Stop it. Get some help."
Surprise: all people are different and they all have their own road to understanding
who they truly are.
You see, there's nothing wrong about searching for your true self
and making mistakes along the way.
Life is not static.
People are not static.
If you were sure that you're
let's say, agender, but now you realize that
it doesn't suit you, what... ah I need a board
and red threads to connect things, because I don't understand this thought process,
I don't understand where people get the idea that
everyone had and will have the same experience.
And because of that,
because of people's changing in their teenage years,
hormone therapy can not be started if you're under 18.
This is the reason why I, the person who started the therapy
at 17, tell others to wait until they're 18.
Some people...
I remember that someone wrote me and said that it's hypocrisy.
Do we have an HRT competition or something?
And yes, I can hear your question "And what if you are wrong
about your gender?"
It's a good question, it's reasonable
considering everything I've just said.
My answer is yes, there's a possibility that I'm mistaken.
It's tiny and it decreases with every passing year, but it's possible.
I read about detransition, I thought about what I would do
if I realized that my transitioning was a mistake.
And you know what? If I woke up one day and realized that
it wasn't right for me and I shouldn't have undergone hrt and the surgery,
I would go to a psychiatrist and stuff,
I would figure something out;
but there's one thing that
I would never do.
I would never ever think and say that
transgender people are non-existent, because it's absolutely unacceptable to think
that my experience is superior to other people's experiences
and that they see the world the same way I see it.
I know that there are teenagers watching my channel, and...
You know, I have a great audience, so I'm sure I don't even have
to remind you, but just in case: please,
remember that everyone is unique
and that if your perception changes over time,
it doesn't affect anyone's personal experience in any way.
But what's more important is that no one has the right
to speak and decide for transgender people except for transgender people themselves,
whose trans-identity doesn't magically go away over time.
Please, stop confusing your mistake with some kind of "absolute truth".
You know what transphobic radical feminists say -
"It's sexism, you're a woman, you just want male privilege" -
this whole thing will remain complete nonsense as long
as there is at least one transgender person in the world.
And at least here I am (and also millions of others).
Welcome to the world of diversity.
Thank you for your attention, I feel much better now.
Forgive me a cheetah's speed in my speech, today I'm especially fast for some reason.
[a weird Russian proverb]
I mean, just don't impose your own wisdom on anyone else.
People know what they're doing, and even if they don't, it's their own unique path.
Thank you.
Pick the worst | Folge 2 gegen Zeka | Ich versuche für Zeka Russisch zu reden😂🤪 - Duration: 4:42.
Discoholic's Cocktail of the Week! - Duration: 1:01.
You can't spell Spotify's "Discover Weekly"
without "Disco".
You know what else you can't spell without "Disco"?
Discoholic's Cocktail of the Week!
The weekly 30-track Spotify playlist,
updated every Friday.
This week's mix features:
Deniece Williams,
and whoever this guy is.
Visit smarturl.it/DCOTW
and don't forget to add Discoholic's Cocktail of the Week
to your Spotify library.
3D printing Polypropylene (PP) filament - FormFutura Centaur PP™ REVIEW - Duration: 8:23.
Polypropylene or short PP is the second most commonly used polymer on earth with some really
unique features. There isn't much information on 3D printing this material around so in
todays video we'll take a look at the printing properties of Polypropylene and run a variety
of mechanical test to find out how it performs in comparison to other 3D printing materials.
Due to it's mechanical, chemical and thermal properties it's very commonly used in household
items and most parts that use living hinges, so things where a thin film of plastic directly
serves as a hinge are made out of Polypropylene. Also the material is food safe, can be microwaved
and resistant against most common acids and bases.
There aren't many manufacturers around that produce PP filament for 3D printing and I
haven't worked with any so far. Formfutura was so nice to hook me up with a roll of their
Clear Centaur PP that I put through it's paces. It comes on 500g rolls that sell for
around 34€ including tax which makes it not the cheapest material with almost 70€/kg.
But due to its very low density of 0.9g/cm³ a 500g roll of filament will let you print
around 40% longer than a 500g roll of PLA for example, which makes the price at least
a little more reasonable. The filament itself has quite a rough texture
and is very flexible and can definitely put into the semi-flex category. Due to its soft
nature I had to crank the extrusion factor all the up to 122%. I printed 3D Maker Noobs
test tower with nozzle temperatures from 210°C to 250°C where the only real difference was
that 210°C left a more matt surface finish so I went with the middle of the range, 230°C,
for the rest of the prints. The test tower where, I varied the fan speed between 0 and
100% showed that this material definitely needs to be cooled and showed very nice printing
results starting from 75% fanspeed. One thing regarding printing Polypropylene.
This material doesn't like to stick to anything besides itself, so it won't adhere to most
printing surfaces. Fortunately, normal clear packing tape is made from PP and serves as
a great printing surface for this material. Removing it though can be a mess but I later
noticed that peeling the tape away when the printbed is still warm will result in way
less glue residues on your bed. I printed most of the samples on a 60°C bed which works
great and only for larger prints it might be a good idea to rise the temperature to
80 or even 100°C in order to reduce warping. Let's continue and take a look at the printing
quality. First, the material, even though not totally clear can be printed to be really
translucent with barely any layer lines visible. The overhang test was only okay and angles
printed well up to 55°, anything more didn't look that good. The stringing and detail test
was good and only in the real upper part some hair started to show and some of the details
on the tips was lost. Bridging was okay and the result didn't really look horrible,
but the results are quite far away from PLA for example. The 3D Benchy still came out
quite nice but you can definitely see the quality problems at overhangs and bridges.
I already printed all of the parts at only 40 mm/s and noticed that printing even slower,
so increasing the cooling time can improve the print quality a bit.
Next, let's take a look at the mechanical properties which is really interesting. As
a start, PP is, in terms of tensile strength not a strong material because with a maximum
strength of 14 MPa this is far below the strength of other filaments. The thing that still is
outstanding is that the material doesn't break; it just yields and necks which makes
it so suitable for living hinges for example. One of the outstanding properties is the layer
adhesion. The specimens that I printed standing were just as strong as the lying ones that
did not fail either. This is something I haven't seen so far with any other 3D printing material.
The material properties weren't altered during the printing process because the tested
filament behaved exactly the same. I have called Polypropylene a semi-flex material
in the beginning which we can also see at the Young's Modulus. With 320 MPa it is
around 7 times softer than PLA for example. The strength of the hook was with 17 kg also
not impressive but due to its flexibility it just yielded away and even did not break.
Most interestingly and again a first was that the hook which was printed standing was able
to bear the same amount of load and flexed exactly the same. The Izod impact test showed
another property of PP very well because its impact resistance is way higher than the one
of most other materials absorbing almost all of the energy of the impact hammer and again
even the standing specimens performed better than most other materials. Even though I can't
put this into numbers it's maybe also an interesting property. I printed this in vase
mode and fidgeted with it for a couple of hours without any cracks forming which shows
a bit the fatigue strength of the material. Last, lets take a look at the temperature
resistance and this is different to most other materials since it doesn't fail at a specific
temperature but only gets softer and softer with rising temperatures and even at temperatures
above 100°C doesn't melt away and deformes permanently but only gets really rubbery.
As advertised I also tried boiling water in a microwave in that vase which worked flawlessly.
So you have seen the fancy straw cup, designed by TBS, in the beginning. This material is
food save but still I can't really recommend to use 3D prints for food contact because
your hotend could contaminate the part and bacterial probably really like to grow in
the small cracks and layer lines of the parts. A small tip on the side. The cup wasn't
watertight in the beginning and I thought about how to fix it. Even though I don't
really have artistic skills I got myself a 3D printing pen from SUNLU that was kindly
provided by Gearbest. With this one I can adjust the hotend temperature, melt a variety
of different materials and therefore fix holes or fuse 3D prints together, which has become
really handy. They aren't expensive and if you want to get one yourself you can buy
it using the affiliate link in the description. Now, what's my conclusion? I think PP is
a really underrated material. It prints fairly well, doesn't smell, doesn't absorb moisture,
has great interlayer adhesion and is very tough. The only thing is that it's quite
soft but if rigidity isn't an issue for your designs or you want to experiment with
living hinges I can definitely recommend to get a roll for your next projects. It might
actually be a good alternative for other flexibles you are currently using. What do you think
would be a good application for this material? You can find links to the material and the
test methods I use down in the description. The detailed test report together with print
profile and all test sample are available for my Patrons. If you enjoyed this video
and learned something then hit the like button and subscribe to the channel for more. If
you have suggestions and comments about my methods, please leave them down below and
let me know what other material you would like to see me investigate in the future.
Until then, thanks for watching, auf wiedersehen and until next time!
LazarBeam Sings In My Feelings By Drake "KiKi Do You Love Me" - Duration: 1:36.
Kiki, do you love me?
Are you riding?
Say you'll never ever leave from beside me 'Cause I want ya, and I need ya
And I'm down for you always KB, do you love me?
Are you riding?
Say you'll never ever leave from beside me 'Cause I want ya, and I need ya
And I'm down for you always Look, the new me is really still the real
me I swear you gotta feel me before they try
and kill me They gotta make some choices, they runnin'
out of options 'Cause I've been goin' off and they don't
know when it's stoppin' And when you get to toppin', I see that you've
been learnin' And when I take you shoppin' you spend it
like you earned it And when you popped off on your ex he deserved
it I thought you were the one from the jump,
that confirmed it Trapmoneybenny
I buy you champagne but you love some Henny From the block like you Jenny
I know you special, girl, 'cause I know too many
'Resha, do you love me?
Are you riding?
Say you'll never ever leave from beside me 'Cause I want ya, and I need ya
And I'm down for you always J.T., do you love me?
Are you riding?
Say you'll never ever leave from beside me 'Cause I want ya, and I need ya
And I'm down for you always
Giving up on Comp | Overwatch - Duration: 12:51.
Have you given up on Competitive Play yet?
If you did, then be assured, you're not the only one.
And in the context of Overwatch, "giving up" and "not giving up" isn't as much
of a clear cut decision as you think.
It's a spectrum.
What I mean by that is that there are various levels of giving up that players have adopted.
It isn't so much that they decide to stop participating in ranked gameplay period, but
that they treat competitive play differently than they would like.
And if the forums are to be believed, then there are actually benefits to deciding to
do that.
But what does that mean?
You know when you're just about to rank up into the next division and you get a bit..
Or even stressed out?
You are a single victory away from trading your Platinum Badge for a Diamond one.
And if that's the first time ever for you, then this match can mean a heck of a lot.
It's a milestone that represents not only your progression, but it marks a new level
of gameplay for many players.
Because no matter how often people like me say that some things never change; Including
the problem of smurfing, boosting and simply not caring-
Ranking up still feels very special to a lot of players.
Now, if you are in a situation where you have given up to the extent that your Rank doesn't
matter to you anymore, you might find yourself winning more games.
If you keep skipping before the Play of The Game ends and decide to just queue up again
without looking at your ELO, it's very possible that you don't even realize how much you
have climbed until you notice that your badge has changed.
And it might even have an impact on your overall enjoyment of the game.
I mean sure, the general consensus is that it makes more sense to care about your own
improvement than your ELO, but we all know how few people actually adopt that kind of
a mindset.
They want everything handed to them and especially in a game as team reliant as Overwatch, it
is very easy to shove the blame away to your teammates.
So once you give up on competitive play and your ELO in particular, you might actually
find yourself enjoying the game more as a result.
And that seems to be a strange phenomenon in our community.
At least judging by the forum posts I have read.
Some of you might remember my video on "Taking Overwatch Too Seriously", in which I have
concluded that the distinction between Competitive Play and Quick Play exists to give players
different kinds of experiences.
Just like in any sport that you decide to turn from a fun past time to a more competitive
past time by joining a club, there is a distinct separation between Casual and Competitive
Environments in which the Competition is to be taken seriously.
Even if it's "just a video game".
So how come that, once players give up, they often tend to enjoy the game more and even
end up ranking higher than they did when they were blood, sweat and tears trying to win
their games?
Well, it's important to figure out what we give up on first.
If we gave up on the game as a whole, naturally, we wouldn't be playing it anymore.
But if we just give up on trying to win, then that can have a number of different effects.
As I have hinted at before, not caring is generally seen as a negative thing.
Because in competitive play, you are supposed to care and you are supposed to take it seriously.
Somebody who doesn't care ends up usually not trying as hard as they could.
And in a competitive environment, that just isn't fair towards your teammates and your
enemies who actually value the competition.
And that could, obviously, be a negative thing.
However, if we give up on our own rank as opposed to giving up on winning, then that
can already look very differently.
Though you might wonder where the difference is.
Because isn't the point of the game to win so you can rank up?
Doesn't that mean that giving up on the one means also giving up on the other?
That's where you would be wrong.
Because in essence, Competitive Play is about the competition.
And sure, the ranked playerbase was diluted by means of acquiring certain rewards, but
in large, Ranked Play is still about competing.
And remember, Overwatch is an inherently team based game.
So if you stop caring about your individual rank but still care about each of the matches
you participate in respectively, your own quality of gameplay might improve.
Because you finally see the game mode for what it was meant to be.
A competitive, team based experience in which you put what matters to the team over what
matters to you and your bragging rights.
And this is the phenomenon that many players are seeming facing right about now.
It is often titled a weird or even outright negative thing in which the game is supposedly
so bad that you stop caring about it, but then through the power of RNG, magically rank
up at the end.
But don't forget that giving up isn't always a negative thing.
Because you caring more about your Rank than the Competition itself could be seen as negative,
relative to the mode you participate in.
So what you end up doing is giving up on something selfish that held you back up until now.
Which is a weird thing, particularly when we always felt like the true satisfaction
came from actually ranking up.
But let's not pretend that all these things are positive at the end of the day.
Next to the example we mentioned earlier in which not caring about competition ruins the
game for a lot of other people, there is obviously more to it than just that.
And this is where I would like to bring up some of my personal anecdotes.
Because up until Season 5, I was big into competitive play.
And after taking a break for a couple Seasons in which I just really, really hated the meta,
I kept telling myself that the next Season would be the one where I would rise again
from the ashes.
I haven't ever followed through with that.
And instead, always gave up shortly after trying to get back.
And it's not even like I hated the meta, let alone the game.
I mean, plenty of you guys told me that I was crazy for suggesting that the meta right
now was actually quite pleasant.
Between Doomfist and Widowmaker still running rampant and the GOATs Comp being one of the
highest rated complaints of Season 12, it's not like we are short of reasons to be angry.
However, whenever I did play Competitive, even when I ended up losing, I was actually
having a pretty good time.
Hell, after playing with Nate a few times, I even asked if he wanted to Duo with me more
often to help me in my process of Competitive Rehabilitation, as naturally, a good bit of
my skill would have deteriorated by now.
And guess what- We haven't played together since.
I just lost my urge to grind the game.
I mean, you can tell by the gameplay in the background of my videos, if you so happen
to ever have paid attention.
I haven't been in GrandMaster in freaking ages.
And whenever I was, it has just been below even 4100.
And personally, I don't even acknowledge players as actual GrandMasters unless they
are consistently above 4200.
So, really, I was just a Masters player that got lucky.
4000 is like, my hard cap of skill when I actually sweat my dick off trying to win.
But what happened between back then when I really cared about Competitive Play and now
where I just can't be asked to grind back up to my peak?
Have I also just given up?
Well you see, over time, in combination with Youtube kind of becoming my job, I have ended
up finding liking to different things.
During my competitive absence I ended up playing more Mystery Heroes, which is a great game
mode that just embraces RNG in its entirely, and allows me to play heroes I wouldn't
usually touch in an environment where most of the people in the lobby are very likely
to end up with a character they're not very good at.
And the overall response on my channel to using this footage was that they also prefer
that gameplay.
Even though I'm not very good on a lot of these heroes, just the fact that I presented
variety gameplay over just a cycle of Zenyatta, Lucio, Moira and Mercy in ever the same compositions
made people enjoy the background gameplay more.
And even though the focus of my videos are the discussions, that response lined up with
the data.
Because I have seen a decent increase in average view duration at that time.
Personally I started thinking: Great!
I have way more fun playing all kinds of characters in Mystery Heroes over playing Comp anyway.
Since, as you might remember, I really hated the meta at the time.
Or really, any meta that followed for a good while.
At the end of the day, I lost that illusion that made me feel like people wouldn't care
about what I have to say unless I was providing competitive gameplay.
So everything kinda started pointing towards casual play making more sense than comp.
Nobody gave a rat's ass about which ELO I was in and the general consensus was that
variety gameplay was more fun than showing exclusively support footage.
And since I have been playing this game since launch, I have seen just..
All kinds of bullshit.
GrandMaster isn't the ELO Heaven that a lot of players believe it is.
If anything, you get even more angry at the people who ruin the ladder because you'd
assume that somebody who's up there is actually a competent player.
Knowing that I'd be dealing with the same nonsense disregarding the Rank I am in, and
knowing that I would have to show a significant improvement in my own skill to even get high
enough to consider myself a real GrandMaster, I just ended up feeling it wasn't worth
the effort.
I have comfortably reached my skill ceiling already, and anything above that would require
way more dedication than I was willing to provide.
Especially because I am also making videos at the same time.
Though it is worth noting that I have never played a game that provides lows as low as
in Overwatch, but also the absolutely highest highs when things actually went the right
That means that, between having the absolute time of my life when playing with a good team,
I have also never gotten as angry at a video game as I have here.
And I think all of you competitive players know that kind of frustration.
Because even when you don't care about your Rank anymore and by that eliminate one possible
thing to make you angry, there is still so, so much bullshit in this game just looking
to piss you off.
And by now, I have reached a point where most of my friends don't even play the game anymore.
And those that do always call quits after like half an hour to an hour.
And who could blame them?
As much as I would like to play more, going solo takes a lot of determination that I just
don't find in myself because Overwatch isn't new and exciting anymore.
And anything is made more fun when played with friends.
Even though I had these experiences where I play solo and actually had a blast.
Like a competitive game on Rialto that we managed to lose by like a meter or two, or
a set of Quick Play matches where my team and I decided to play around me as an Attack
Torbjorn at 3 in the morning.
There is this mental barrier that reminds me of all the anger inducing bullshit that
this game houses.
And overcoming that to convince myself to play solo is rough.
And I'm telling you all of that because I am convinced that some of you out there
feel the exact same.
I mean, I keep seeing it on the Forums.
Sure, Reddit is super happy with all the World Cup eSports stuff that is going on, but to
me, it is really boring compared to the Overwatch League.
And OWL was like, this massive motivation boost that kept me playing.
Watching JJonak wreck up more damage than many DPS made me wanna get better at Zenyatta
Watching Hydration on Genji made me wanna pick up the Robo Ninja myself to see if I
could imitate some of their plays with a bit of practise.
And could I?
Hell no, but I still had lots of fun learning new heroes and strats.
So what do I really wanna say with this video..
Whether or not you like a meta is obviously very subjective.
If your favorite heroes aren't currently favored, then chances are that you won't
have as much fun playing the game.
But if you don't feel completely disconnected from the game just yet, then chances are that
the next exciting thing that happens will give you a huge boost in motivation to come
back to play.
Whether that's the upcoming Halloween Event, BlizzCon later this year or the return of
the Overwatch League in Season 2.
Or maybe even just the hope that the meta shifts towards creating a more pleasant gameplay
experience for you in particular.
It's okay to feel like giving up every so often.
It just really depends on what you wanna give up on.
And as long as you don't feel like giving up on the game in its entirety, chances are
that you can get that spark back that made you feel excited in the first place.
It's something I get whenever I manage to get my friends together to play some Custom
Or whenever I play Attack Torbjorn at 3 in the morning in Quick Play.
Next video might even be a short round up of my favorite custom games you can play in
They are extra fun when played with friends, but you can even just play them with randoms
who embrace the RNG Nature of Overwatch.
I don't often use custom mode gameplay because it just looks too..
Weird, and random for a video.
But let me know if you'd be interested in an upload about that.
At the end of the day, you can't manufacture the feeling of excitement as much as you can't
manufacture the feeling of giving up.
If you can't find it in yourself to not care about your Rank, and the RNG BS in Comp
is ruining the game for you, then I can't help you with that.
But there's more to Overwatch than just Competitive Play.
And if you don't overdose yourself on a 6 hour tilt-session, and instead play something
else in between, you might even find yourself having more fun whenever you do play.
Just like me.
I mean, we are in that time of the year where there are a lot of games to choose from.
So until something new happens in Overwatch, why not take a look at something else?
The way I like to play World of Warcraft in the evening to have a chill, fun time, you
might wanna find yourself something else aswell that you can switch to when Overwatch becomes
too tilt inducing.
And if you only find yourself raging at the game, maybe switching entirely might also
be an option for you.
Which, I know is a stupid thing to say given that I cover Overwatch in my videos and it
should be in my best interest to keep you guys interested in this game so you also keep
watching my videos.
But ultimately, I don't feel like pretending that everything's great just to try and
convince some people to keep playing when they really don't want to.
But enough "real talk" for today, at least from me.
What are your thoughts on the matter?
Have you given up on some aspect of Competitive Play?
How has that been treating you?
Or have you given up on Overwatch as a whole?
Feel free to sound off down in the comment section below.
And a quick reminder that Overwatch is still available in this month's Humble Monthly
as an early unlock for just 12 dollars.
So get yourself Overwatch on the cheap via my link in the description below to support
not only me, but also charity in the process.
Thanks for watching guys, and I hope to see you all next time.
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