Ghayal Sunny Deol Hindi Movie | Hans Zimmer's Music, Soundtrack, Scores [Black Rain Film]
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Ghayal Sunny Deol Hindi Movie | Hans Zimmer's Music, Soundtrack, Scores [Black Rain Film]
For more infomation >> Ghayal Sunny Deol Hindi Movie | Hans Zimmer's Music, Soundtrack, Scores [Black Rain Film] - Duration: 2:49.-------------------------------------------
Saving Vegetable Seeds For Next Season - Duration: 8:28.
We all love growing our own food and you can't buy produce like this in the
shops but at this time of year autumn fall is usually the time that gardeners
across the globe start writing out their seed orders ready for the next growing
season but that's a really expensive way of growing your own food and I'm here to
tell you there's a much cheaper way in today's episode we're going to be
looking at everything to do with seed saving
I'm Tony O'Neill and this is UK Here We Grow on this channel we deal with all
things gardening beekeeping and poultry keeping if it's your first time here
consider hitting the subscribe button and bell icon to be notified every time we
put up new content just like this gardeners can be really lazy it's all
too easy to open that laptop go to your favorite seed company's website and
start clicking those buttons and putting things into the baskets and it's not
until you get to that basket to handle for your credit card details do you
realize that you've just spent hundreds of pounds or dollars it's all too easy
to do that so today I'm gonna show you how to save seed make sure you stay
right to the end because not only am I going to show you how to save seed I'm
gonna show you when to save seed or what seed to save so let's talk about the
seeds in general I find it amazing that something as small as a seed has all
that genetic information in it that can grow into a large plant and provide us
with nutrient packed dense foods for us to be able to eat isn't nature amazing
there are loads of ways to save money by saving your own seed but there are some
seed that you shouldn't save take this sungold tomato for instance this is
what's known as an f-1 variety now f1 means that it's been inbred by two
different parents and they cross pollinate these parents the only issue
is even if you collected the seed from this planted them and grew them on you
wouldn't get this tomato at the end because the seed isn't viable it will
revert back to one of its parents now collecting seed like that can be hit
and miss because the parents may have only been selected for the size the
flavor or even because of the color of a certain fruit
but when you go to grow that you may grow that but then the taste of it may
be absolutely disgusting so f1 is a no stick to heritage or standard seeds that
are not been f1 hybrid we can collect seed from all sorts of things such as
these beans we need to leave them on the plant until they are dry and leathery they
usually turn brown like this but if the weather is cold and damp and the seed is
not dried you can uproot the entire plant and hang it upside down to dry
then collect the seed later simply split the pods and pull out the beans placing
them into a tray to dry pods are very easy to collect as you can see here
tomatoes cucumbers and other wet vegetables are little harder these are
known as wet seed instead with these vegetables you need to scrape them from
the fruit and place them into a glass of water after about a week you will see a
scum and mildew form on the surface of the glass simply scoop this off and
empty the contents into a strainer and wash the seed trying to remove most of
the pulp place this onto a piece of cardboard or paper on a plate that is
labeled with the seed and leave this to dry completely for a week you can then
store this for next year storing potatoes is easy too now a lot of folks
are under the impression that you can't store potatoes or been told that you
can't store potatoes because of disease now there is no reason why a gardener can't
store his own potato seed providing hasn't had any disease such as blight
and things like that this year's a fantastic year another thing is well
unless you're growing for competition or giant vegetables you need to collect
seed round about egg size guys that's a perfect size for your seed potatoes
simply place these into a trade with some paper in the bottom cover over with
a hessian sack and store them in a cool dark frost free place such
shed or garage and they will sit there until spring check them about once every
six weeks and any that are going soft or start to get any mold or anything like
that discard those so it's always a good idea
to grow more than you actually need now if you're growing for competition
there's a bit of a different way to do this you want to keep for me if I'm
growing Giants I want to keep the biggest potatoes I have because that's
where the genetics are okay so once we get that we want to wrap that potato in
some newspaper this will help keep out the moisture stop premature
sprouting and things like that and again we can store that in a tray cover it
over with a hessian piece of material and store exactly as we would for any
other potato again checking them every six weeks
onions guys are another fantastic crop to save seed form however it's a little
different for onions because we can't get them to go to seed in their
first year what we have to do with onions is store the onion so now we have
this onion we've cut the roots off the tops are going very brown as you can
see we look after this end you know until next spring and then we'll replant
this onion all this tops can be cut off and providing the onion is okay new
roots will grow and new leaves as if the onion is growing again and that will
then put out an onion scape and that will produce a seed head which we can
collect like any other seed that we've spoken about today this is the reason why
and any set if it isn't heat treated will actually go to seed because it's in
its second year they are a biannual plant guys okay so we're onions we
literally keep them now in a frost free place over winter and then we plant them
again in spring collecting the seed the following year
so we've collected all our seed what do we do with them how do we store
them well we now have all our seed guys and for things like peas and beans glass
jars are fantastic make sure they fully dry place all your beans into the jar
until it's full and make sure you label your jar so you know exactly what they
are you can eat these beans as well but obviously storing these like this means
that they are completely dry and they then they can be stored in a dark place
on a shelf somewhere nice and cool another way if the seeds are smaller
like lettuce envelopes are a fantastic way to store those and again those
envelopes can then be put into a tin a box or a sorter something like that in
order to save those seeds other ways are plastic bags I'd prefer the glass jar
method for most things however you decide to keep your seeds don't forget
that you want to keep them in a dark cool place it's no good putting them in a
kitchen where it's damp it's no good putting them in somewhere less got
direct light you want to be cool and dark and a refrigerator is even a great
idea because that prolongs the life as well guys well guys I really hope that
this video has given you some insight on how to save money by saving your own
seed question of the day how many of you have saved seed this year I'd be really
interested to know what you've saved and how you've saved it if you've got any
extra tips put them in the comments below so that everybody can learn from
your knowledge I'm Tony O'Neill this is UK Here We
Grow and remember folks you Reap What You Sow I'll see you in the next one
bye bye
Pick the worst | Folge 2 gegen Zeka | Ich versuche für Zeka Russisch zu reden😂🤪 - Duration: 4:42.
LazarBeam Sings In My Feelings By Drake "KiKi Do You Love Me" - Duration: 1:36.
Kiki, do you love me?
Are you riding?
Say you'll never ever leave from beside me 'Cause I want ya, and I need ya
And I'm down for you always KB, do you love me?
Are you riding?
Say you'll never ever leave from beside me 'Cause I want ya, and I need ya
And I'm down for you always Look, the new me is really still the real
me I swear you gotta feel me before they try
and kill me They gotta make some choices, they runnin'
out of options 'Cause I've been goin' off and they don't
know when it's stoppin' And when you get to toppin', I see that you've
been learnin' And when I take you shoppin' you spend it
like you earned it And when you popped off on your ex he deserved
it I thought you were the one from the jump,
that confirmed it Trapmoneybenny
I buy you champagne but you love some Henny From the block like you Jenny
I know you special, girl, 'cause I know too many
'Resha, do you love me?
Are you riding?
Say you'll never ever leave from beside me 'Cause I want ya, and I need ya
And I'm down for you always J.T., do you love me?
Are you riding?
Say you'll never ever leave from beside me 'Cause I want ya, and I need ya
And I'm down for you always
👋😃👋[LIBRAS] Roupa Nova | Turma da Mônica - Duration: 1:57.
PREMIÈRE ÉCOUTE ALBUM A COEUR OUVERT - 4Keus (Mon avis) - Duration: 3:32.
Hi it's NGZ
La Super Pijamada Extrema De Barbie! / Barbie´s Super Extreme Sleepover! 😎👊 - Duration: 11:26.
TV: Wow! I can not believe it! Is incredible! Winner of this program !? It's an honor! Thanks to everyone who voted for me! ...
What is wrong with you?
Yes! What´s wrong with you?
I am very happy because my friends will come and we will make a sleepover!
I'm very happy!
They have arrived!
Hi Nikki!
Come, I'll show you where my bedroom is
Hi Summer!
Hi Barbie!
I love your motorcycle!
Thank you!
Hi Midge!
Hi Barbie! How are you!
Fine! Fine!
Look Barbie! I brought many books to study during the sleepover!
Midge, how kind you are, but ...
We are here to have fun, not to study
But this is fun!
Emm, well, yes, you're right ... Come, follow me
This way...
Would not you like to know all the chemical formulas?
Oh, sure, of course ... of course ... over here
Hi Teresa!
Hello Barbie! Look, I brought a lot of movies to watch!
Woow! How good!
What? You thought I was not going to come? How am I going to miss a Barbie sleepover!
Hello Raquelle! Good thing you came!
Of course! How am I going to miss such an important event?
But Raquelle, why so many suitcases if it's only for one night?
Barbie you do not understand: what if your house is burned and some very handsome firefighters come to rescue us? I need to be well dressed and beautiful always!
Oh, yes, right? Well, follow me and I'll show you where the bedroom is
Barbie! But, I can not carry this! Where is Ken?
What will I take to the girls? Mmm... soda, cookies, potato chips, mmm ...
Ah! The pizza arrived!
Did you order a medium pizza?
Thank you!
You are welcome!
Well, I think I have everything
Hi Skipper!
what´s up!
What a beautiful movie!
Well, I found it very boring!
Girls, I brought you the food!
Well, you took a lot!
Thank you Barbie!
How is the movie?
Awww! The movie is super beautiful and very romantic!
Uff! Well, it seems very boring to me!
Your feet smell very bad!
It is not true! I took a bath!
Remove your feet from here!
I'm bored, I'm going to change the channel
Nooooo! Noo!
The movie is over! How beautiful was the movie!
Finally the agony is over!
What do you think if we play "truth or challenge"?
Yes! Good idea!
Yes! Ok!
Let's start with you Barbie ...
We all want to know the truth ...
Is it true that you are over 50 years old?
I want to know!
Yes, me too!
Mmm... well... I... mmm...
I think I prefer challenge
I know it!
The challenge will be that you will have to remove all electronic devices from your little sister ...
All electronic devices?
Quite so!
Ha ha ha, what fun! ... mmm, I'm already very hungry
I'm going to find something to eat
I'm sorry Skipper, but I have to pass this challenge
Hee hee hee, I have all her electronic devices!
Just a moment! Where do you think you are going?
Ehhh, Skipper! But if you! How? You! I saw you use the elevator!
You're making a challenge and you want to remove all my devices, right?
Eh... no! Of course not!
Give them back to me!
There comes Barbie!
Well, well! I do not see anything in your hands ...
Oh! I could not do it!
Then you will have a punishment
What? A punishment? Mmm, alright, it's OK
You'll have to talk to Ken and you'll tell him you can not see him for half a year
Because you have a business trip. That is your punishment
What! But Ken can not live without me! How cruel! You are so cruel!
Of course not!
Barbie, don´t do it!
Hi Barbie!
Ken ... I have some bad news ...
What happened?
Emm ... I can not see you for 6 months because I'm going to have a business trip ...
I´m so sorry!
Why? But, Why?
Good bye Ken!
Barbie!, Barbie!...
I already did it
Oh no! Poor Ken!
It's your turn Midge
Yes! You!
You can Midge!
Ok, Truth or challenge?
Mmm... truth!
Is it true that you like my brother?
Mmm ... I think I prefer the challenge
The challenge is that you will have to steal a kiss from my brother
But how am I going to do that if I do not know where he is?
Ha ha ha, it's very easy!
My little brother is always spying on Barbie, and most likely is hiding watching her with binoculars
So go and look for him and steal a kiss
Ok, Ok
Where is Barbie? I want to sing to her a serenade!
Where are you? ... Where are you?
Hi Ryan!
Oh!, Hi Midge!
What are you doing?
Nothing nothing!
I'm just checking the flowers to see if they're fine...
Are you looking for Barbie?
Oh, no, no, no, of course not! How am I going to be looking for Barbie ?, of course not ...
We are in a sleepover
Yes, on the third floor
Oh, on the third floor!
Ryan, what's there is a UFO?
UFO? Where, where!
There! There! Look good! It is over there!
Muuuuaa! Hee hee hee!
Hey! Hey!
She stole from me a kiss!
Ha ha ha, steal a kiss from him, ahhhhh!
I think I better go to my house
Ryan! Ryan!
Where is Barbie?
I'm not sure, I think she's in a sleepover
I need to talk to her!
I will not be able to see her for six months!
Oh Ken...
You believed that
They are playing "true or challenge"
They must have made you a joke Ken
A joke?
And Midge stole a kiss from me, can you believe it?
Ha ha ha!
Oh, yes?
Then they are making jokes...
Ha, then I'm going to tease them! He he
While Midge returns...
It´s your turn Teresa!
No! It's better that you follow
Truth or challenge?
Is it true that you are totally in love with Barbie's boyfriend?
Tell the truth!
You are right! I'm in love with your boyfriend and one day I'll take it from you, Barbie!
If you say it...
Now let's play something else
Yes, better something else
What was that?
I'm going to check
But what?
Grrrraggg! Grrrragg!
A ghost! A ghost! Help! Help!
What? What's wrong with Barbie?
What is that?
I don´t know!
What is happening?
Barbie, what's wrong with you?
A ghost!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhh!
Barbie, Barbie!
I will defend you Barbie! I will protect you!
Very good ghost! I'm going to protect my friends! Stay away!
Stay away! Stay away!
No! No!
Ggrrrraaagggg! Grrraggggg!
No one messes with my friends! YAAAHHH!
Who are you?
It´s a joke! I´m Ken!
Ohh! Ken!
Ken, are you okay?
Ohhh, yes, yes!
Wow Ken! You made this sleepover extreme! I love it!
你下段感情什么时候开始?超准占卜 - Duration: 5:26.
THE BEST COSPLAY MAKEUP Musically Challenge Tik Tok 2018 #musically - Duration: 11:27.
Embedding YouTube videos into Canvas pages - Duration: 2:29.
Hello, today we are going to talk about how to embed a youtube video into a Canvas page.
So the first thing you need to do is to find a YouTube video that you'd like to use for
your class.
I have this video from the Amoeba Sisters pulled up, on the properties of water.
So the first thing that you have to do is click "Share" and then click "embed",
and an embed code will pop up here.
I always check to make sure this top box, "Show suggested Videos" is unchecked,
otherwise your students will get the notification to watch this video, and then that
video...and they get confused as to how long they have to do that.
So, we're going to copy and, uh, paste the embed code, so we copy it here, and then we
are going to go to our Canvas course.
Here I have a test course set up, and I have this page "water videos", and I am going
to open the page.
And you can already see that I have a video embedded already in here.
Um, so we are just going to click "edit".
Now, in order to embed a, a code for the video, we are going to click "HTML editor" and
then we're just going to paste the embed code here in the HTML editor and click save.
Now you can see we have the 2 videos embedded in the page.
We can also use, uh, some text in the page if we want.
We click "edit" again, and I am just going to type some instructions for the students
and then hit "save".
Now, students will be able to go to this page in Canvas that you have for them, and actually
watch the YouTube videos right from your Canvas account, they don't have to, uh, go to YouTube.
So, I hope that helps.
RK-j'allume ( ft Yaro) original mix ( reprise) - Duration: 3:25.
Getting over it with Bennet Foddy | Welcome back to hell - Duration: 11:00.
BedWars: NO JUMPING ALLOWED!!! challenge ft. gamerboy80 - Duration: 16:56.
I got him I got him yes so they're both responding at you well I'm dead good
work I need to get out of here you're climbing my way to safety
you know what's going on everyone it's camera boy ID here with 30 virus doing
another challenge it's been a while and this time we're not gonna lose you to
bring hopefully oh yeah what one can hope oh yeah this is gonna be the no
jumping challenge should be loads of fun as you can see I'm spamming my face are
my forces don't work so yeah let's get right into a game and easy wins okay I'm
gonna head up here I can't go on top of the bed defense wait I literally can't
even place a block there wait you should be able to shift and place a block on
top of the bed no I mean my gun the second layer up oh you could like run up
the side I fell up my speed bitch first game on okay alright I'll try to finish
it for you you you could run up the side of the island and then jump and just
well you can't jump like just fall down I have a lot as I threw them on the
bridge yeah yeah luckily ladders are cheap so this shouldn't be what's their
bedroom okay just just err I got a very nice
breath no go right away oh he's getting crits on me too
oh there's one grain coming Oh what does this man doing oh no no he's placing
blocks on the bridge and I can't go of them I can't I get Jason go and go and
flatters at the ready no you can't play slider on glass okay okay I think I'm
about to punch him in the back good work oh we have waiting coming from the front
okay okay yeah I miss him I can't get around these blocks all this is just
cringe yeah if they start building up we might be in a bit of trouble here
I don't know that I don't have any blocks do you yeah yeah here take some
box oh okay okay I head back on the island my bed be good
I can't I'm gonna be one of those noobs that puts ladders on their bed defense
not because I want to defend this just because I want to be able to climb the
bed oh yes oh they're scared of me my ladders he's going he's climbing I
can't do anything right here we go I'm going up come on sweep them no I almost
believe them that we're good oh wait let it
oh that bed defense is pretty yeah pretty big there please go away
alright also breaking he'll defend hey what are we doing Danis guys even
presents oh hey oh it's like I am oh oh you got you got a good way I'm actually
so he's over here I can't place ladders I'm glad he's running our base I can't
oh he doesn't have blogs he's in trouble yeah hi aqua don't mind me
oh they're all right now they're trying to run from me
I might be able to steal some no this dude doesn't want to fight yeah there's
some texture packs where the Steve's don't have arms and it's Louie oh wait
you're not course I don't know yellow an awkward cross teaming okay um red might
be incoming I don't have any ladders left so if I don't get to this bed right
now that's it got it so I've saved me yes yes what is it you
shall not pass I'm not even jumping and I flawlessly dude you know maybe jumping
was our problem this entire time all this back yeah cause this a challenge
Pam I just jumped using a fireball oh my god I'm actually really liking the way
this is going right now oh dang if I will jumped into a fireball
jumped on top of their bed defense and there's nothing they can do apparently
know how I want to find more uses for ladders I feel like they're
underappreciated in bed wars now I think they deserve to not be very appreciated
all right I'm approaching the bed I'll get you right there yeah I'm with you I
have five pieces of tea and tea okay I'm gonna build you a ladder then this is
actually working she's gone like you've tried to jump oh
dang no no you know loud oh they have a trap I can't see anything
oh no can't see you down they have a
mighty was useless Oh like it wasn't hard enough already okay
all right I have a diamond pick are you gonna be able to hold them off for
probably not I'm still alive and I'm not bleep I'm on my way hold out yeah just
ladders all over the map yeah the water is going on
it really visualizes like how we get around dang
we basically own the mat all right I'm on my way I love our bridge to green
base just ol ladders going up it looks very clean oh here we go
I am at their Dimond island right now okay there's not much I can really do
other than distract yeah yeah that's fine all I know they got the high ground
oh you're up there too okay I'm up here I don't think I can do anything
no don't I uh well no I didn't know how high I don't think I could build much
higher cuz they get out building I have to place the ladders and oh they don't
know I'm here negate the fall damage of ladders
there's no way I need three more gold they don't know I'm here though reusing
ladders so like blog fetch almost I did okay well if you can keep them
distracted they just completely pass okay yeah yeah I see em I see em they're
both they're both at mid no they're both gonna be incoming though so oh so give
one more and it one more come on you're stupid January to go faster no there
ain't coming oh yeah I had to kill one I had to kill one so go fast please I
believe in you I broke it yes okay at the very least I got him I got him yes
so they're both responding at you I need to get out of here climbing my way to
safety ladders no it's okay I got the bid was a worthy sacrifice I did the
upper and ladders it was game that's yeah I have no idea why I mean it's
useful but for this challenge but and otherwise it's really not yeah the only
reason their use is like if you're trying to break a bed and then there's
ladders then you can like it's stuck on the ladder and then you'll pretty much
have minor fatigue like oh not actually I could see a few situations that are
probably more effort than they're worth but yeah cuz I mean even if you do that
just like one piece of TNT will blow up every single ladder that you place down
oh wow oh no wow okay one just fell by themself and ice yeah GG oh nice carried
oh that's weird I can fly in the lobby but I can't go back up so I can only
shift to go down oh no I can't get ladder swamp all right we're just gonna
flat bridge the whole way there this might not work out for us but hey
people just have the ability to run straight to our base I can get a pick up
and coming he's incoming oh you're anyway I can't
Joe I can't jump to get over the bitch no this guy's trying to progress is so
easy oh no pink please pink please are you
kidding me oh did we lose it no I just saved it
good work okay thanks gonna lose the bed okay perfect that's what they get for
frigging targeting give a big X or no I do
okay you should mine cuz I don't know yeah you did it yes oh no no you're not
sneaking by oh can I use my water bucket strategy okay we're good we're good
there's a risk in using that and one of them in one of our collabs because it's
like people if like 30,000 people see me using the buckets net just rip TNT okay
this myth is actually really nice for this challenge because I don't have to
place ladders yeah that's true um okay so oh I'm a
bamboozle oh boy I just
how is this guy's to none money okay yes I'm go for yellow all right I think I
got it yeah you should be fine I'm gonna just
I'm gonna go get Akwa base if I can't as well only for ladders left so that might
not work it's big the best time for one of those double teams he jumps I saw I'm
kind of listen you know I got the big hey are they that both they're just one
can I avoid him boss oh wow dang impressive I don't know I just snuck
right neither I think some people if you just don't jump they don't know how to
react like I've noticed if you just stop jumping and run by them they don't hit
you I can't even get to him like like how he's freaking jitter bridging like
okay this guy we are not prepared for this oh no no oh this guy knows all he
has to do is place a few blocks and we're in trouble he can place it might
be worth waiting actually okay I'm jumping okay yeah cuz I can't catch up
to him for obvious reasons oh wait I'll tell on
the void himself nice what did he do no gray might be coming Hey well good
coming I just couldn't get to their face I'm here yeah yeah he's he's up there
see some ladders go you know he's placing so many blocks a nice weird oh
come on come on no oh wait he you just had both of us the ladder just saved me
I didn't take enough knock-back isn't a freaking ladder the ladder the ladders
dude so my nick hider mod you can like pick what color our name is so I made
like part of your name white part of your name blue and part of the pink ones
gonna freak out in the comment section I was gonna be like why is his name three
different colors oh I almost just got robbed at night it's nice and tasty okay
I'll head in on after that I'm gonna try it from mid it's probably gonna fail
horribly I've never tried it I've only like you have it you're like a couple
letters for me if you're gonna try it okay well here oh you know what that's
right I can do that over here alright let's see if it works this is such a bad
idea I can't do it I think you do this one too
alright well worst case scenario I can jump to their bed using fireballs quake
ROH alright doing it just distract for like a second
yeah I'll just wait I didn't even over you're here two pieces of wood got him
alright good work alright hang on you fight well
I turn my F of lead that camp it's got a pretty freddy fazbear skin oh you got
him both nice okay I need ya I've gotten quite a bit better since the last time
we played oh we probably because of that um me playing a full 23 hours in one
sitting no that's crazy are you watching is one
video or is that you doing all of your commentaries that was me doing
commentaries but I also have a video for that lined up
oh no they see I'm getting it over can you kill yeah
got him nice nice excuse me they're on fire they can't hit me
got him on nice these games are just almost confirming my theory that there's
like secret matchmaking going on in bed where's the girl has to be we're on all
swear like each 10 stars and there's just there we have no challenge at all
and generally if we're playing I have at least a little bit of a challenge I
don't understand - so be lying when they're making
bridges like this you know you're gonna have an easy time yeah yeah oh no are
they where's the bed I found it was he swinging at you or was he to say okay he
was swinging at me know this I'm actually gonna go the other way
I'll round out a lot of hard corners plot twist and there I passed this like
headed straight towards our bed grundy pillar 2 1 9 miss manette wait what if
you didn't sneak past us wait did he actually I don't know we we do have a
trap so if our Travers and get triggered he's not over base oh oh I'm gonna void
it and just I'm gonna pray okay I did it okay all right I'm knowing that this guy
doesn't have an axe and he's mind if he can't he can't do anything we're three
for three dude this is Morrow Pete than the x-ray
challenge that was it for this video guys leave a like down below if you
enjoyed and we can jump now yes seriously they're like gravity Oh
Pete you don't need to jump yeah well anyway um if you want to see more videos
with the two of us I guess we'll leave them in the I'll leave mine in the card
top right-hand corner I know you do cards I'd I am not smart
enough for that okay smash like bye
Eylül Ayı Akımları-Yeni Farklı Akımlar 2018 - Duration: 1:49.
Teen Patti Gold Poker 100cr Won Trick 2018 - Duration: 4:55.
Teen Patti Gold Poker trick Game 2018 Tricky Boy
TESS's First Planets - Duration: 5:46.
Last week, NASA released the first full-frame image from its newest
planet-hunting spacecraft and astronomers have already used it to
detect two brand-new extrasolar planets. Welcome back to Launch Pad, I'm Christian
Ready, your friendly neighborhood astronomer. In my previous video I talked
about the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, or TESS. NASA released the
very first full frame image, but flying in under the radar were three new papers
submitted by three teams of astronomers announcing the discovery of TESS' first
two exoplanets. Now it's very important to remember that the papers that have
been submitted are what are called 'pre- prints'. In other words, they have not yet
been vetted by peer review or the editors of the journals they've been
submitted to. So with those caveats out of the way, let's talk about what they
found out. Now TESS uses the transit method to detect planets around other
stars. That means it watches for a repeating drop-off of light caused by a
planet making a regular periodic orbit around the star. Not only that, but the
larger the drop-off in light, the larger the planet must be. So astronomers can
measure things such as a planet's orbital period, its distance from its
host star, and even its radius. The first planet was discovered around the star
pi Mensa. This star is already known to host one planet called pi Mensae b. Pi
Men b is a super Jupiter that takes about 5.7 years on a very
elliptical orbit to go around its star. But this new planet, pi Men c, is a
very different kind of animal. It orbits its host star once every 6.3 days!
Yeah, its year is less than one of our weeks! But in order to have such a
short orbital period, pi Men c has to orbit at a distance of just 0.07
astronomical units. That's about seven percent the distance from the Earth to
the Sun. So yeah, New Year's parties every week or so, not
bad, right? But the second planet that was discovered is even stranger than pi
Mensa c. LHS 3844 B orbits around a red dwarf star. That is it's a star that is
smaller and cooler than our Sun. However, LHS 3844 b's period is
only 11 hours! That's it's year. That puts this particular planet at something like
0.006 astronomical units or 1/6000th
the distance from the Earth to the Sun. Crazy, right? Now both of these planets
are larger than Earth and they're presumed to be rocky planets, although we
really can't tell this for sure just by looking at the light curve data.
Nevertheless, it's widely suspected that these two planets fall into the so-called
'super Earth' category. They're a little bit larger than Earth and
probably not gaseous giants like Neptune or Saturn. To really know more about
these planets, we need to follow-up with larger ground-based telescopes or the
James Webb Space Telescope to study their atmospheres. Assuming, of course
they even have atmospheres to study. pi Men c has an estimated surface
temperature of over 1100 Kelvin. Because LHS 3844 b orbits a red dwarf sta,r it's
merely 800 Kelvin. Still, that's probably going to be plenty hot enough to have
stripped away any atmospheres that these planets may once have had. It's also
likely that these planets are tidally locked to their stars. That means the
daytime sides that these planets are in constant daylight and are being blasted
by the scorching heat of their host stars. Their far sides, on the other
hand, are probably plunged into perpetual darkness. By the way, Perpetual Darkness
was the name of my progressive metal band in college. So the possibilities
that life could exist on either of these two worlds are probably next to zero, but
we won't know for sure until we can do some follow-up studies with the James
Webb Space Telescope or the upcoming super telescopes on the ground. After all,
all we can really learn about these planets right now are just their orbital
distances, their are periods around their stars, and their sizes, well from there we
can calculate things like their effective surface temperatures, but
that's about it. Now because TESS only spends 27 days observing a single sector,
it's going to be sensitive to these really short period planets. At least at
first. However, over time it will become
possible to detect longer period planets because the fields that are near the
ecliptic poles will overlap with one another, allowing more observation time.
If TESS gets an extended mission, it could even observe both of these
hemispheres for a lot longer. Now there's no way I'll be able to report on every
single planet TESS discovers, but TESS has only been at it for about a month
before it bagged its first two planets! There's going to be a lot of really cool,
strange new worlds coming down the pike. Now if you haven't seen my video already
about TESS, you definitely want to check that out so you can learn more about the
TESS mission. And if you'd like to learn more about how astronomers detect
planets around other stars, feel free to check out a video that I've done on that
as well. I'll have links of them here and in the description below. So what do you
think about these first announcements? Let me know in the comments below and
I'll be sure to check it out. And if you'd like to join me on this journey
through this amazing universe of ours, well please make sure to subscribe and
ring that notification bell so that you don't miss out on any new videos. Until
next time, keep watching the skies.
this thing right...?
This planet orbits the star LHS 3844 [BEEP]
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