Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 3 2018

(RECAP) The Tevinter Imperium built Ostagar long

ago. The King's forces have clashed with the

Darkspawn several times, but here is

where the bulk of the horde will show

itself. There are only a few Grey Wardens

within Ferelden at the moment, but all of

us are here. This Blight must be stopped,

here and now. If it spreads to the north

Ferelden will fall. Our numbers in

Ferelden are too few, we must do what we

can, and look to Teyrn Loghain to make up

the difference. We should proceed with

the Joining Ritual without delay.

(RECAP) You must be Alistair. Glad to meet you as

the junior member of the order, I'll be

accompanying you when you prepare for

the Joining.

(RECAP) You four will be heading

into the Korcari Wilds. Find the archive,

and three vials of blood: understood.

(RECAP) You may call me,

Morrigan. Those documents a Grey Warden

property and I suggest you return them.

'twas not I who removed them, 'twas was my

mother, in fact. Your precious seal wore

off long ago, I have protected these. Take

them to your Grey Wardens and tell them

this Blight's threat is greater than they


DUNCAN: So, you returned from the Wilds,

have you been successful?

ELISSA: We have.


I've had the circle mages preparing, with

the blood you've retrieved we can begin

the Joining immediately.

ELISSA: Maybe we should tell you about Morrigan and her mother...

ALISTAIR: There was a woman at the tower and her

mother had two Scrolls. They were both

very... odd.

DUNCAN: Were they Wilder folk?

ALISTAIR: I don't think so.

They might be apostates, mages hiding

from the Chantry.

DUNCAN: I know you were once a Templar, Alistair, but Chantry business

is not ours. We have the scrolls,

let us focus on the Joining.

ELISSA: Now will you tell us what this ritual is about?

DUNCAN: I will not lie, we Grey Wardens pay a

heavy price to become what we are.

Fate may decree that you pay your price

now, rather than later.

ELISSA: You're saying this ritual can kill us?

DUNCAN: As could any

Darkspawn you might face in battle. You

would not have been chosen however, if I

did not think you had a chance to survive.

DAVETH: Let's go then, I'm anxious to see this Joining now.

JORY: I agree let's have it done.

DUNCAN: Then let us begin.

DUNCAN: Alistair, take them to the old temple.

JORY: The more I hear about this Joining, the less I like it.

DAVETH: Are you blubbering again?

JORY: Why all these damn tests, have I not earned my place?

DAVETH: Maybe it's tradition?

Maybe they're just trying to annoy you?

ELISSA: Calm down. There's nothing we can do about it now.

JORY: I only know that my wife is in

Highever with a child on the way, if they

had warned me I- ... it just doesn't seem fair.

DAVETH: Would you have come if they'd warned you?

Maybe that's why they don't. The Wardens

do what they must, right?

JORY: Including sacrificing us?

DAVETH: I'd sacrifice a lot more

if I knew it would end The Blight.

ELISSA: You make a good point.

DAVETH: You saw those Darkspawn, Ser Knight.

Wouldn't you die to protect your pretty wife from them?

JORY: I...

DAVETH: Maybe you'll die, maybe we'll all die. if

nobody stops the Darkspawn, we'll die for sure.

JORY: I've just never faced a foe I could

not engage with my blade.

DUNCAN: At last we come

to the Joining. The Grey Wardens were

founded during the first Blight,

when humanity stood on the verge of

annihilation. So it was that the first

Grey Wardens drank of Darkspawn blood.

And mastered their taint.

JORY: We're... going to drink the blood of those... those creatures?

DUNCAN: As the first Grey Wardens did before us,

as we did before you. This is the source

of our power, and our victory.

ALISTAIR: Those who survive the Joining become immune to the

taint, we can sense it in the Darkspawn

and use it to slay the Archdemon.

ELISSA: Those who survive?

DUNCAN: Not all who drink the blood

will survive, and those who do are

forever changed. This is why the Joining

is a secret. It is the price we pay.

We speak only a few words prior to the

Joining, but these words have been said

since the first. Alistair, if you would.

ALISTIAR: Join us, brothers and sisters. Join us in

the shadows where we stand vigilant. Join

us as we carry the duty that cannot be forsworn.

And should you perish,

know that your sacrifice will not be

forgotten... And that one day we shall join you.

DUNCAN: Daveth, step forward.

JORY: Maker's Breath!

DUNCAN: I am sorry, Daveth.

Step forward, Jory.

JORY: But...I have a wife, a child! Had I known!

DUNCAN: There is no turning back.

JORY: No! you ask too much!

The- There is no glory in this!

DUNCAN: I am sorry...

but the Joining is not yet complete.

You are called upon to submit yourself

to the taint, for the greater good.

From this moment forth, you are a Grey Warden.

It is finished, welcome.


ALISTIAR: Two more deaths... In my Joining, only one

of us died but, it was... horrible. I'm glad

at least one of you made it through.

DUNCAN: How do you feel?

ELISSA: I still can't believe you killed Ser Jory!

DUNCAN: Jory was warned that

there was no turning back, as were you

all. When he went for his blade, however

he left me no choice. It brought me no

pleasure to end his life.

The Blight demands sacrifices from us

all. Thankfully you stand here as proof

they are not all made in vain.

ALISTAIR: Did you have dreams? I had terrible dreams after my Joining.

DUNCAN: Such dreams come when you

begin to sense the Darkspawn, as we all

do. That and many other things can be

explained in the months to come.

ALISTIAR: Before I forget, there is one last part

to your Joining. We take some of that

blood and put it in a pendant. Something

to remind us, of those who didn't make it this far.

DUNCAN: Take some time, when you're ready I'd

like you to accompany me to a meeting with the King.

ELISSA: What kind of meeting?

DUNCAN: The King is discussing strategy for the

upcoming battle. I am not sure why he has

requested your presence. The meeting is

to the west, down the stairs. Please

attend as soon as you're able.


Are you one of the Grey Wardens that

went into the Wilds? Did you happen to

see any white flowers?

ELISSA: Yes, in fact I have one of them with me.

KENNEL MASTER: I don't know for

sure that the flower will aid my poor

hounds, but it's worth trying.

I have, uh...let's see. 20 silver to offer as a reward for it.

ELISSA: A reward's not necessary.

KENNEL MASTER: You're very generous! Thank you for your help.

Perhaps we won't lose as many hounds

today as I'd feared.

INJURED SOLDIER: You! You need to convince them. We've got

to run. The Darkspawn are coming!

ELISSA: Why do you say that?


We're gonna die!

MEDIC: I apologize, Warden.

He's been like this ever since they found him

in the Wilds.

ELISSA: What's wrong with him?

MEDIC: Aside from his wounds, we're not sure.

His blood is untainted,

he's just... terrified.

INJURED SOLDIER: You... you can feel it,

can't you?

They taint the land, turn it black and

sick. Oh, you can feel it inside. They'll

come out of that forest and spread.

Like caterpillars covering a tree.

They'll swallow us whole!

MEDIC: That's quite enough out of you. You need to calm yourself, my good man.

INJURED SOLDIER: They were everywhere.

I saw them!

KING CAILAN: Loghain, my decision is final.

I will stand by the Grey Wardens in this


LOGHAIN: You risk too much, Cailan. The

Darkspawn horde is too dangerous for you

to be playing hero on the front lines.

CAILAN: If that's the case, perhaps we should wait

for the Orlesian forces to join us, after all.

LOGHAIN: I must repeat my protests to your

fool notion that we need the Orlesians

to defend ourselves.

CAILAN: It is not a fool notion!

Our arguments with the Orlesians

are a thing of the past.

And you will remember who is King.

LOGHAIN: How fortunate Maric did not live to see his

son ready to hand Ferelden over to those

who enslaved us for a century.

CAILAN: Then our current forces will have to suffice, won't they?

Duncan are your men ready for battle?

DUNCAN: They are, Your Majesty.

CAILAN: And this is the

Lady from Highever I met earlier?

I understand congratulations are in order.

ELISSA: Thank you, Your Majesty.

CAILAN: Every Grey Warden

is needed now, you should be honored to

join their ranks.

LOGAIN: your fascination with glory and legends will be your undoing,

Cailan. We must attend to reality!

CAILAN: Fine. Speak your strategy. The Grey Wardens and

I draw the Darkspawn into charging our lines.

And then...?

LOGHAIN: You will alert the tower to

light the beacon, signaling my men to

charge from cover-

CAILAN: To flank the Darkspawn, I

remember. This is the Tower of Ishal

the ruins, yes? Well who shall light this beacon?

LOGHAIN: I have a few men stationed there

it's not a dangerous task, but it is vital.

CAILAN: Then we should send our best. Send

Alistair and the new Grey Warden to make sure it's done.

ELISSA: You mean I won't be fighting in the battle?

DUNCAN: We need the

beacon. Without it Loghain's men won't

know when to charge.

CAILAN: You see? glory for everyone.

LOGHAIN: You rely on these Grey Wardens

too much. Is that truly wise?

CAILAIN: Enough of your conspiracy theories, Loghain.

Grey Wardens battle the Blight no matter

where they're from.

DUNCAN: Your Majesty, you

should consider the possibility of the

Archdemon appearing.T

LOGHAIN: There have been no

signs of any dragons in the Wilds.

CAILAN: Isn't that what your men are here fo,r Duncan?I

DUNCAN: I... Yes, Your Majesty.

MAGE: Your majesty,

the tower and its beacon are unnecessary,

The Circle of-

PRIEST: We will not trust any lives to your spells, mage. Save

them for the Darkspawn.

LOGHAIN: Enough! This plan

will suffice, the Grey Wardens will light

the beacon.

CAILAIN: Thank You Loghain, I cannot

wait for that glorious moment. The Grey

Wardens battle beside the King of

Ferelden to stem the tide of evil.

LOGHAIN: Yes, Cailan. A glorious moment or us all...

DUNCAN: You heard the plan, you and Alistair will

go to the Tower of Ishal, and ensure the

beacon is lit.

ALISTAIR: What? I won't be in the battle...

DUNCAN: This is by the King's personal

request, Alistair. If the beacon is not

lit, Teyrn Logan's men won't know when to


ALISTAIR: So he needs two Grey Wardens

standing up there holding the torch, just

in case right.

ELISSA: I agree with Alistair, we should be in the battle.

DUNCAN: That is not your choice.

If King Cailan wishes Grey Wardens to

ensure the beacon is lit, then Grey

Wardens will be there. We must do

whatever it takes to destroy the

Darkspawn. Exciting or no.

ALISTIAR: I get it, I get it.

Just so you know, if the King ever asks

me to put on a dress and dance the remigold,

I'm drawing the line. Darkspawn or no.

ELISSA: You have some odd ideas about the King.

ALISTIAR: I happen to be quite fetching in a dress.

DUNCAN: (sighs) The tower is on the other side of

the gorge from the King's camp, the way we

came when we arrived. You'll need to cross

the gorge and head through the gate and

up to the tower entrance. From the top,

you'll overlook the entire valley.

ELISSA: Where will you be?

DUNCAN: I will be fighting beside

the king, with the rest of the Grey Wardens,

again at his request. We will

signal you when the time is right.

Alistair will know what to look for.

ELISSA: What if the Archdemon appears?

ALISTAIR: We soil our drawers, that's what.

DUNCAN: If it does, leave it to us.

I want no heroics from either of you.

ELISSA: Can we join the battle afterwards?

DUNCAN: Stay with the Teyrn's men and guard the tower. If you

are needed we will send word.

ELISSA: How much time do we have?

DUNCAN: The battle is about to

begin. Once I leave, move quickly you'll

have less than an hour.

ELISSA: I know what I have to do.

DUNCAN: Then I must join the others,

from here you two are on your own.

Remember, you are both Grey Wardens.

I expect you to be worthy of that title.

ALISTAIR: Duncan...

May the Maker watch over.

DUNCAN: May he watch over us all.

DUNCAN: The plan will work, Your Majesty.

CAILAN: Of course it will!

The Blight ends here!

CAILAN: Archers!

CAILAN: For Ferelden!

ALISTAIR: Let's cross the bridge, and get to the

Tower of Ishal.

SOLDIER: You! You're Grey Wardens, aren't you? The tower...

It's been taken!

ALISTAIR: What are you talking

about man, taken how?

SOLDIER: The Darkspawn came

up to the lower chambers, they're everywhere.

Most of our men are dead!

ALISTAIR: Then we have to get to the beacon and light it ourselves.

ALISTAIR: We need to get to the beacon, the King

needs Loghain to charge!

SOLDIER: What do we do now?

ALISTAIR: Maker's Breath!

What are these Darkspawn doing ahead of

the rest of the Horde? There wasn't

supposed to be any resistance here!

ELISSA: (sarcastic) You could try telling them they're in the wrong place.

ALISTAIR: Right, because clearly this

is all just a misunderstanding. We'll

laugh about this later! At any rate we

need to hurry. We need to get up to the

top of the tower and light the signal

fire in time. Teyrn Loghain will be

waiting for the signal.

ALISTAIR: Loghain better be ready to charge as

soon as we light the signal. The king is

depending on us.

ALISTAIR: The beacon is over here, we've surely

missed the signal! Let's light it quickly

before it's too late.

LOGHAIN: Sound... The retreat.

SER CAUTHRIEN: But, what about the

King. Should we not-

LOGHAIN: Do as I command!

SER CAUTHRIEN: Pull out! All of you, let's move!

For more infomation >> Dragon Age: Origins - Episode 3 (TV Series) - Duration: 30:05.


S T A M I N A is the Best Chao Stat - Duration: 2:16.

『Stamina is the Best Chao Stat』

Yeah I said it, screw your Swim, Fly, Run, and Power stats

STAMINA is the one that's putting in the MOST work

But you're not gonna take my word for it, will you?

I have to cOnViNcE you huh?

Well listen to this!

Swim, Fly, Run, and Power are all worthless at accomplishing what they're supposed to do at level one

Swim level one: your chao is drowning

Fly level one: your chao is falling

Run level one: your chao is crawling

Power level one: your chao is…climbing actually, but it's reeeeeeally slooooooo-

In order for any of these stats to be useful, they need to be leveled up! A TON.

And if you wanna beat the hardest chao race, these stats need to have around 2000 points each

Let's put that into perspective, shall we?

A chao that has a really high grade for one of its stats

Which is rare by the way

Will see the respective stat reach 2000 points at about level 67

A chao that has a mediocre grade for one of its stats

Which is common by the way

Will see the respective stat reach 2000 points mmm....


That's hours upon hours of grinding for animals and chaos drives to feed your chao

Just so its stats are finally good enough for it to accomplish the task at hand

But y'know what stat DOESN'T require an endless grind for it to fulfill its purpose?

Y'know what stat CONTINUES to be useful from BEGINNING to END at LEVEL ZERO?



The stat that gives your chao fuel to bulldoze through its opponents!

The final race can be completed with ZERO points in stamina if you don't intervene

Your chao won't get tired!

So it's incredibly helpful right from the start

It doesn't even require you to level it up for it to be useful

And it can STILL be leveled up despite that!

Is there anything else about this stat that can make it any bette-

Your chao...

Can level up its stamina...

On it's own...

So yeah, stamina is the best chao stat

For more infomation >> S T A M I N A is the Best Chao Stat - Duration: 2:16.


How To Get Gacha Verse Meme Mode - Duration: 3:05.

How To Get Gacha Verse Meme Mode

For more infomation >> How To Get Gacha Verse Meme Mode - Duration: 3:05.


Defibrillator Cheesesteak Challenge w/ Pepperoni, Sausage, Bacon, & Eggs!! - Duration: 9:58.

That's way bigger! No! Haha I know.

Hey everybody! This is Randy Santel "Atlas" with Atlas & Zeus

Promotions and proud owner of! Very very excited

tonight! I'm finishing up another two-a-day

and I'm going for overall win number

573! I'm in the Gaslamp District of

downtown San Diego, California I'm at

Ciro's Pizzeria I'm taking on their 5.5

pounds Defibrilator Cheesesteak

Challenge! Now this thing looks frickin

massive because it is it has so much

stuff on it! On top here are nine eggs,

and then we've got let's see, we've got

25 ounces of ribeye for their

cheesesteak, and then there is 10 ounces

I think of each of sausage pepperoni, and

another one bacon, and then we've got

some very healthy green peppers, and

mushrooms on here, and then there's like

four different cheeses,

I think there's cheese whiz there is

American swiss, and provolone I think but

yeah and then there are three buns, all

nine inches total but I've got 45

minutes to finish this thing if I fail

it's going to be about 50 dollars, but if

I win I will get the meal free I'll get

a sweet t-shirt and I'll be one of the

few elite people added up on their Wall

of Fame!

Let's get this challenge started!

All right now I shouldn't be doing this

the sushi that I did earlier was a

little bit bigger than I thought. I'm

still a little bit full but it's been

quite a few hours since I did that I

think I'll be able to do it but we'll see

what happens!

the record is I don't know but I know

Magic Mitch just finish this thing in

order to let me make a little bit more

space he did it in 39 minutes, so we'll

try to beat that but we just got to beat

the 45 minutes. 1, 2, 3. . . Boom! All right.

Gonna eat the nine eggs first and then eat

all the meat!

We'll do all this bread last, it is very

cheesy. I guess that's why it's called a cheesesteak!

Ten minutes 20 seconds - I was really

worried about how this was all going to

taste with everything in here, but with

all the cheese all the meats combined,

everything is really good, it's going

down really well, going to cut some of the

grease and everything in this so I'm

using lemonade finally but let's

keep eating, lets get it down!

We're 18 minutes and 45 seconds in

still got plenty of time now, we're down

to a little bit of the filling in

these pieces of bread, but we've got

these three 9-inch buns that we're

gonna get down and get the win!

Will you ask for another diet soda, a diet


yeah 27 and a half minutes in we still

About 17 minutes left, just down

to two pieces of bread. I've taken all

the meat and everything off, there's a

little bit of cheese on them, but

just the buns left. We've got a new cold with

ice Diet Cola and we'll get it all


It was about two pounds bigger than Mitch's!

35 minutes in five seconds, I don't know what the record

for this was, but was very happy to just

get the win! Was very nervous after that

sushi challenge earlier knowing that

this would be five an a half pounds and a

ton of meat, but I was able to get it


Thanks to Diet Coke and then yeah just

luckily I had a few extra hours.

Mitch went first and I went after so I

could have some room to get the rest down!

Everything combined on there was awesome!

Not really a favorite ingredient the

entire thing was awesome! For winning I'm

gonna get the $50 meal for free, I will

get a sweet t-shirt to add to my

collection, and I'll be one of the few

people added up with a wall of fame, and

I'll be joining Mr. Magic Mitch so thank

you to Ciro's, thank you all for coming to watch.

I win number 573 thank you guys for


For more infomation >> Defibrillator Cheesesteak Challenge w/ Pepperoni, Sausage, Bacon, & Eggs!! - Duration: 9:58.


GOODBYE CAVE | Minecraft PS4 Part 3 - Duration: 16:12.

For more infomation >> GOODBYE CAVE | Minecraft PS4 Part 3 - Duration: 16:12.


Monster Hunter 3U | Wii U | Village #14 (Gameplay) - Qurupeco - Duration: 28:17.

For more infomation >> Monster Hunter 3U | Wii U | Village #14 (Gameplay) - Qurupeco - Duration: 28:17.


196. Малахитовые оладьи: зелёные и полезные - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> 196. Малахитовые оладьи: зелёные и полезные - Duration: 4:02.


Falcons Mic'd Up: LB Foye Oluokun - Duration: 1:34.

I'm micd up.

I said I'm micd up today.

Are you?

Yeah. I think it's on my back.

You good, though. You good, though.

I was like I don't know why... I'm just trying to breathe out here bro.

I don't know how much I'm going to be talking.

They picked the wrong dude today.

I got to tell Duke. I know Duke

always be asking who's micd?

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Oh, Smitty!

Get it. Kill it.

Yeah. Okay. Yeah.

Ball! Ball!

Yeah. Come on, Duke!

Yeah yeah yeah! Yeah Yeah Yeah!

Yeah Kazee! Good defense!

Get off, get off, get off.

Yeah! Hell yeah.

For more infomation >> Falcons Mic'd Up: LB Foye Oluokun - Duration: 1:34.


Janmashtmi Special||जन्मआष्ट्मी की हार्दीक सुभकामनाये|| - Duration: 4:37.

janmashtami ki bahut bahut badhai ho..

aap aapke sabhi sambandhi aur parivar sada safalta aur vijay prapt kare

krishan 16 kala sampann hai,,,,,

sampurn nirvikari hai ... 100% pure soul.. satyug ka 1sr prince

krishan sampurn nirvikari jb hai to chori kaise karega ye sochane ki baat hai. for more information. join us near brahmkumaris center

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