Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 3 2018

(RECAP) The Tevinter Imperium built Ostagar long

ago. The King's forces have clashed with the

Darkspawn several times, but here is

where the bulk of the horde will show

itself. There are only a few Grey Wardens

within Ferelden at the moment, but all of

us are here. This Blight must be stopped,

here and now. If it spreads to the north

Ferelden will fall. Our numbers in

Ferelden are too few, we must do what we

can, and look to Teyrn Loghain to make up

the difference. We should proceed with

the Joining Ritual without delay.

(RECAP) You must be Alistair. Glad to meet you as

the junior member of the order, I'll be

accompanying you when you prepare for

the Joining.

(RECAP) You four will be heading

into the Korcari Wilds. Find the archive,

and three vials of blood: understood.

(RECAP) You may call me,

Morrigan. Those documents a Grey Warden

property and I suggest you return them.

'twas not I who removed them, 'twas was my

mother, in fact. Your precious seal wore

off long ago, I have protected these. Take

them to your Grey Wardens and tell them

this Blight's threat is greater than they


DUNCAN: So, you returned from the Wilds,

have you been successful?

ELISSA: We have.


I've had the circle mages preparing, with

the blood you've retrieved we can begin

the Joining immediately.

ELISSA: Maybe we should tell you about Morrigan and her mother...

ALISTAIR: There was a woman at the tower and her

mother had two Scrolls. They were both

very... odd.

DUNCAN: Were they Wilder folk?

ALISTAIR: I don't think so.

They might be apostates, mages hiding

from the Chantry.

DUNCAN: I know you were once a Templar, Alistair, but Chantry business

is not ours. We have the scrolls,

let us focus on the Joining.

ELISSA: Now will you tell us what this ritual is about?

DUNCAN: I will not lie, we Grey Wardens pay a

heavy price to become what we are.

Fate may decree that you pay your price

now, rather than later.

ELISSA: You're saying this ritual can kill us?

DUNCAN: As could any

Darkspawn you might face in battle. You

would not have been chosen however, if I

did not think you had a chance to survive.

DAVETH: Let's go then, I'm anxious to see this Joining now.

JORY: I agree let's have it done.

DUNCAN: Then let us begin.

DUNCAN: Alistair, take them to the old temple.

JORY: The more I hear about this Joining, the less I like it.

DAVETH: Are you blubbering again?

JORY: Why all these damn tests, have I not earned my place?

DAVETH: Maybe it's tradition?

Maybe they're just trying to annoy you?

ELISSA: Calm down. There's nothing we can do about it now.

JORY: I only know that my wife is in

Highever with a child on the way, if they

had warned me I- ... it just doesn't seem fair.

DAVETH: Would you have come if they'd warned you?

Maybe that's why they don't. The Wardens

do what they must, right?

JORY: Including sacrificing us?

DAVETH: I'd sacrifice a lot more

if I knew it would end The Blight.

ELISSA: You make a good point.

DAVETH: You saw those Darkspawn, Ser Knight.

Wouldn't you die to protect your pretty wife from them?

JORY: I...

DAVETH: Maybe you'll die, maybe we'll all die. if

nobody stops the Darkspawn, we'll die for sure.

JORY: I've just never faced a foe I could

not engage with my blade.

DUNCAN: At last we come

to the Joining. The Grey Wardens were

founded during the first Blight,

when humanity stood on the verge of

annihilation. So it was that the first

Grey Wardens drank of Darkspawn blood.

And mastered their taint.

JORY: We're... going to drink the blood of those... those creatures?

DUNCAN: As the first Grey Wardens did before us,

as we did before you. This is the source

of our power, and our victory.

ALISTAIR: Those who survive the Joining become immune to the

taint, we can sense it in the Darkspawn

and use it to slay the Archdemon.

ELISSA: Those who survive?

DUNCAN: Not all who drink the blood

will survive, and those who do are

forever changed. This is why the Joining

is a secret. It is the price we pay.

We speak only a few words prior to the

Joining, but these words have been said

since the first. Alistair, if you would.

ALISTIAR: Join us, brothers and sisters. Join us in

the shadows where we stand vigilant. Join

us as we carry the duty that cannot be forsworn.

And should you perish,

know that your sacrifice will not be

forgotten... And that one day we shall join you.

DUNCAN: Daveth, step forward.

JORY: Maker's Breath!

DUNCAN: I am sorry, Daveth.

Step forward, Jory.

JORY: But...I have a wife, a child! Had I known!

DUNCAN: There is no turning back.

JORY: No! you ask too much!

The- There is no glory in this!

DUNCAN: I am sorry...

but the Joining is not yet complete.

You are called upon to submit yourself

to the taint, for the greater good.

From this moment forth, you are a Grey Warden.

It is finished, welcome.


ALISTIAR: Two more deaths... In my Joining, only one

of us died but, it was... horrible. I'm glad

at least one of you made it through.

DUNCAN: How do you feel?

ELISSA: I still can't believe you killed Ser Jory!

DUNCAN: Jory was warned that

there was no turning back, as were you

all. When he went for his blade, however

he left me no choice. It brought me no

pleasure to end his life.

The Blight demands sacrifices from us

all. Thankfully you stand here as proof

they are not all made in vain.

ALISTAIR: Did you have dreams? I had terrible dreams after my Joining.

DUNCAN: Such dreams come when you

begin to sense the Darkspawn, as we all

do. That and many other things can be

explained in the months to come.

ALISTIAR: Before I forget, there is one last part

to your Joining. We take some of that

blood and put it in a pendant. Something

to remind us, of those who didn't make it this far.

DUNCAN: Take some time, when you're ready I'd

like you to accompany me to a meeting with the King.

ELISSA: What kind of meeting?

DUNCAN: The King is discussing strategy for the

upcoming battle. I am not sure why he has

requested your presence. The meeting is

to the west, down the stairs. Please

attend as soon as you're able.


Are you one of the Grey Wardens that

went into the Wilds? Did you happen to

see any white flowers?

ELISSA: Yes, in fact I have one of them with me.

KENNEL MASTER: I don't know for

sure that the flower will aid my poor

hounds, but it's worth trying.

I have, uh...let's see. 20 silver to offer as a reward for it.

ELISSA: A reward's not necessary.

KENNEL MASTER: You're very generous! Thank you for your help.

Perhaps we won't lose as many hounds

today as I'd feared.

INJURED SOLDIER: You! You need to convince them. We've got

to run. The Darkspawn are coming!

ELISSA: Why do you say that?


We're gonna die!

MEDIC: I apologize, Warden.

He's been like this ever since they found him

in the Wilds.

ELISSA: What's wrong with him?

MEDIC: Aside from his wounds, we're not sure.

His blood is untainted,

he's just... terrified.

INJURED SOLDIER: You... you can feel it,

can't you?

They taint the land, turn it black and

sick. Oh, you can feel it inside. They'll

come out of that forest and spread.

Like caterpillars covering a tree.

They'll swallow us whole!

MEDIC: That's quite enough out of you. You need to calm yourself, my good man.

INJURED SOLDIER: They were everywhere.

I saw them!

KING CAILAN: Loghain, my decision is final.

I will stand by the Grey Wardens in this


LOGHAIN: You risk too much, Cailan. The

Darkspawn horde is too dangerous for you

to be playing hero on the front lines.

CAILAN: If that's the case, perhaps we should wait

for the Orlesian forces to join us, after all.

LOGHAIN: I must repeat my protests to your

fool notion that we need the Orlesians

to defend ourselves.

CAILAN: It is not a fool notion!

Our arguments with the Orlesians

are a thing of the past.

And you will remember who is King.

LOGHAIN: How fortunate Maric did not live to see his

son ready to hand Ferelden over to those

who enslaved us for a century.

CAILAN: Then our current forces will have to suffice, won't they?

Duncan are your men ready for battle?

DUNCAN: They are, Your Majesty.

CAILAN: And this is the

Lady from Highever I met earlier?

I understand congratulations are in order.

ELISSA: Thank you, Your Majesty.

CAILAN: Every Grey Warden

is needed now, you should be honored to

join their ranks.

LOGAIN: your fascination with glory and legends will be your undoing,

Cailan. We must attend to reality!

CAILAN: Fine. Speak your strategy. The Grey Wardens and

I draw the Darkspawn into charging our lines.

And then...?

LOGHAIN: You will alert the tower to

light the beacon, signaling my men to

charge from cover-

CAILAN: To flank the Darkspawn, I

remember. This is the Tower of Ishal

the ruins, yes? Well who shall light this beacon?

LOGHAIN: I have a few men stationed there

it's not a dangerous task, but it is vital.

CAILAN: Then we should send our best. Send

Alistair and the new Grey Warden to make sure it's done.

ELISSA: You mean I won't be fighting in the battle?

DUNCAN: We need the

beacon. Without it Loghain's men won't

know when to charge.

CAILAN: You see? glory for everyone.

LOGHAIN: You rely on these Grey Wardens

too much. Is that truly wise?

CAILAIN: Enough of your conspiracy theories, Loghain.

Grey Wardens battle the Blight no matter

where they're from.

DUNCAN: Your Majesty, you

should consider the possibility of the

Archdemon appearing.T

LOGHAIN: There have been no

signs of any dragons in the Wilds.

CAILAN: Isn't that what your men are here fo,r Duncan?I

DUNCAN: I... Yes, Your Majesty.

MAGE: Your majesty,

the tower and its beacon are unnecessary,

The Circle of-

PRIEST: We will not trust any lives to your spells, mage. Save

them for the Darkspawn.

LOGHAIN: Enough! This plan

will suffice, the Grey Wardens will light

the beacon.

CAILAIN: Thank You Loghain, I cannot

wait for that glorious moment. The Grey

Wardens battle beside the King of

Ferelden to stem the tide of evil.

LOGHAIN: Yes, Cailan. A glorious moment or us all...

DUNCAN: You heard the plan, you and Alistair will

go to the Tower of Ishal, and ensure the

beacon is lit.

ALISTAIR: What? I won't be in the battle...

DUNCAN: This is by the King's personal

request, Alistair. If the beacon is not

lit, Teyrn Logan's men won't know when to


ALISTAIR: So he needs two Grey Wardens

standing up there holding the torch, just

in case right.

ELISSA: I agree with Alistair, we should be in the battle.

DUNCAN: That is not your choice.

If King Cailan wishes Grey Wardens to

ensure the beacon is lit, then Grey

Wardens will be there. We must do

whatever it takes to destroy the

Darkspawn. Exciting or no.

ALISTIAR: I get it, I get it.

Just so you know, if the King ever asks

me to put on a dress and dance the remigold,

I'm drawing the line. Darkspawn or no.

ELISSA: You have some odd ideas about the King.

ALISTIAR: I happen to be quite fetching in a dress.

DUNCAN: (sighs) The tower is on the other side of

the gorge from the King's camp, the way we

came when we arrived. You'll need to cross

the gorge and head through the gate and

up to the tower entrance. From the top,

you'll overlook the entire valley.

ELISSA: Where will you be?

DUNCAN: I will be fighting beside

the king, with the rest of the Grey Wardens,

again at his request. We will

signal you when the time is right.

Alistair will know what to look for.

ELISSA: What if the Archdemon appears?

ALISTAIR: We soil our drawers, that's what.

DUNCAN: If it does, leave it to us.

I want no heroics from either of you.

ELISSA: Can we join the battle afterwards?

DUNCAN: Stay with the Teyrn's men and guard the tower. If you

are needed we will send word.

ELISSA: How much time do we have?

DUNCAN: The battle is about to

begin. Once I leave, move quickly you'll

have less than an hour.

ELISSA: I know what I have to do.

DUNCAN: Then I must join the others,

from here you two are on your own.

Remember, you are both Grey Wardens.

I expect you to be worthy of that title.

ALISTAIR: Duncan...

May the Maker watch over.

DUNCAN: May he watch over us all.

DUNCAN: The plan will work, Your Majesty.

CAILAN: Of course it will!

The Blight ends here!

CAILAN: Archers!

CAILAN: For Ferelden!

ALISTAIR: Let's cross the bridge, and get to the

Tower of Ishal.

SOLDIER: You! You're Grey Wardens, aren't you? The tower...

It's been taken!

ALISTAIR: What are you talking

about man, taken how?

SOLDIER: The Darkspawn came

up to the lower chambers, they're everywhere.

Most of our men are dead!

ALISTAIR: Then we have to get to the beacon and light it ourselves.

ALISTAIR: We need to get to the beacon, the King

needs Loghain to charge!

SOLDIER: What do we do now?

ALISTAIR: Maker's Breath!

What are these Darkspawn doing ahead of

the rest of the Horde? There wasn't

supposed to be any resistance here!

ELISSA: (sarcastic) You could try telling them they're in the wrong place.

ALISTAIR: Right, because clearly this

is all just a misunderstanding. We'll

laugh about this later! At any rate we

need to hurry. We need to get up to the

top of the tower and light the signal

fire in time. Teyrn Loghain will be

waiting for the signal.

ALISTAIR: Loghain better be ready to charge as

soon as we light the signal. The king is

depending on us.

ALISTAIR: The beacon is over here, we've surely

missed the signal! Let's light it quickly

before it's too late.

LOGHAIN: Sound... The retreat.

SER CAUTHRIEN: But, what about the

King. Should we not-

LOGHAIN: Do as I command!

SER CAUTHRIEN: Pull out! All of you, let's move!

For more infomation >> Dragon Age: Origins - Episode 3 (TV Series) - Duration: 30:05.


S T A M I N A is the Best Chao Stat - Duration: 2:16.

『Stamina is the Best Chao Stat』

Yeah I said it, screw your Swim, Fly, Run, and Power stats

STAMINA is the one that's putting in the MOST work

But you're not gonna take my word for it, will you?

I have to cOnViNcE you huh?

Well listen to this!

Swim, Fly, Run, and Power are all worthless at accomplishing what they're supposed to do at level one

Swim level one: your chao is drowning

Fly level one: your chao is falling

Run level one: your chao is crawling

Power level one: your chao is…climbing actually, but it's reeeeeeally slooooooo-

In order for any of these stats to be useful, they need to be leveled up! A TON.

And if you wanna beat the hardest chao race, these stats need to have around 2000 points each

Let's put that into perspective, shall we?

A chao that has a really high grade for one of its stats

Which is rare by the way

Will see the respective stat reach 2000 points at about level 67

A chao that has a mediocre grade for one of its stats

Which is common by the way

Will see the respective stat reach 2000 points mmm....


That's hours upon hours of grinding for animals and chaos drives to feed your chao

Just so its stats are finally good enough for it to accomplish the task at hand

But y'know what stat DOESN'T require an endless grind for it to fulfill its purpose?

Y'know what stat CONTINUES to be useful from BEGINNING to END at LEVEL ZERO?



The stat that gives your chao fuel to bulldoze through its opponents!

The final race can be completed with ZERO points in stamina if you don't intervene

Your chao won't get tired!

So it's incredibly helpful right from the start

It doesn't even require you to level it up for it to be useful

And it can STILL be leveled up despite that!

Is there anything else about this stat that can make it any bette-

Your chao...

Can level up its stamina...

On it's own...

So yeah, stamina is the best chao stat

For more infomation >> S T A M I N A is the Best Chao Stat - Duration: 2:16.


Sirmione Lake Garda in Italy | The Grotte di Catullo | 5K Drone Video - Duration: 3:09.

Music Palying

Aerial video in 5k of Lake Garda, Sirmione

and the ruins of a Roman Villa

The location is also known as "Grotte di Catullo"

Catullo being a famous poet born in the Verona region and thought to possibly be the owner of the Villa.

Grottoes of Catullus is the name given to the ruins of this Roman villa

at the northernmost end of the peninsula of Sirmione on the southern shore of Lago di Garda.

The video was filmed in 5k using a zenmuse X5S on a DJI Inspire 2.

The video was shot in D-Log & ProRes.

Today, researchers believe the extensive ruins are from a grand home

started near the end of the first century B.C.

after the poet is believed to have died.

It was built for a wealthy family from Verona

, in whose territory Sirmione lay during the Roman period.

The villa is on the end of a tip of land poking into the lake,

with gorgeous views on three sides.

Music Playing

For more infomation >> Sirmione Lake Garda in Italy | The Grotte di Catullo | 5K Drone Video - Duration: 3:09.


Through The Moongate Teaser Trailer - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Through The Moongate Teaser Trailer - Duration: 0:44.


The Dancer - New Survivor - Identity V - Duration: 5:21.

Hey bears I'm the Gaming-Grizzly and welcome back to identity V

Today I want to give you a quick update for the Dancer!

A lot of you guys wanted me to leak informations about this survivor, So I just wanted to give

you everything that I have at the moment.

Sadly I can't provide any ingame footage, but as soon as I get my hands on some gameplay,

I will let you guys know first!

So today we are talking about the relese date, her background story, and her skills

It always takes a long time to gather all the information and find leaks, so I would

love if you could support the channel with a faaaat like!

and of course leave me a comment about your thoughts of the dancer, and share this video

with all of your friends.

If you're new to my channel, and you want to stay up-to-date in identity V make sure

to subscribe to the Gaming-Grizzly

Okay, so What I can tell you about the Dancer is that she will probably arrive to the chinese

version after the Moon River Park map was released.

Since the Moon River Park map will come to the chinese version on the 6th of september,

I would guess that the Dancer will arrive to the chinese version

of the game in the Season 3 essence 3 on September 13.

So we can expect the character in mid-september. at least on the chinese version.

Of course I will keep you updated, and show you the gameplay footage as soon as she arrives

to the game!

I also found a little background story of the dancer.

But its a bit confusing.

It may involve the story of the doctor and Jack.

there is a rumor that the doctor has a doctor-patient arrangement with the dancer.

As a famous dancer, she has been very happy.

She is also making a lot of money just by dancing.

Her Fans are also very happy to send her money, which makes her even more rich.

One day, she heard that the famous dancers nearby were brutally killed by a man named

"Jack" and she was very scared.

She decided to leave for ten days.

In the third night, the dancer saw the white claw on the chest of the dead famous singer.

(probably Jacks claw!)

Then she looked back and saw him, saying: "You are the next."

From then on, the dancer stayed at home until that one day, when she received an envelope

with a special symbol, she secretly left her home to follow the invitation

to the manor.

Before the dancer left her home, all the other dancers were killed one by one by Jack the


So that is actually a pretty sad story, since all of her friends where killed by the ripper,

and now she is going to the manor, just to fight against

him as well!

alright let's get to her skills:

Skills: The dancer is born with a flower ball.

She can place the flower ball in one place and re-apply the skill to return to where

the flower ball is.

(It can be used three times.

Hunters can use "abnormal" to destroy the flower ball)

Passive: Weak: The dancer is naturally weak and the cover speed is reduced by 20%.

(I think by cover speed they mean the pallet drop speed)

Passive: Lightweight: The dancers are very agile because they dance all the year , and

therefore window/board speed increases by 20%.

Passive: Careful: The dancer has to concentrate on dancing, if she fails a calibration while

decoding, her visual field is blurred and the fear radius

is reduced by 20%.

alright, so seems like she has a similar ability to the perfumers ability! therefore it seems

like the dancer will be a rescuer as well.

maybe even a kiter if we look at her passive skills.

well She will come to the chinese version quite soon, so we can find out what exactly

the dancer will be used for.

I hope you all enjoyed this little update video on the dancer.

If so I would love if you could support the channel with a faaaat like!

and of course leave me a comment about your thoughts of the dancer, and share this video

with all of your friends.

If you're new to my channel, and you want to stay up-to-date in identity V make sure

to subscribe to the Gaming-Grizzly.

I hope you have a great day and see you all in the next video.

bye bye!

For more infomation >> The Dancer - New Survivor - Identity V - Duration: 5:21.


Defibrillator Cheesesteak Challenge w/ Pepperoni, Sausage, Bacon, & Eggs!! - Duration: 9:58.

That's way bigger! No! Haha I know.

Hey everybody! This is Randy Santel "Atlas" with Atlas & Zeus

Promotions and proud owner of! Very very excited

tonight! I'm finishing up another two-a-day

and I'm going for overall win number

573! I'm in the Gaslamp District of

downtown San Diego, California I'm at

Ciro's Pizzeria I'm taking on their 5.5

pounds Defibrilator Cheesesteak

Challenge! Now this thing looks frickin

massive because it is it has so much

stuff on it! On top here are nine eggs,

and then we've got let's see, we've got

25 ounces of ribeye for their

cheesesteak, and then there is 10 ounces

I think of each of sausage pepperoni, and

another one bacon, and then we've got

some very healthy green peppers, and

mushrooms on here, and then there's like

four different cheeses,

I think there's cheese whiz there is

American swiss, and provolone I think but

yeah and then there are three buns, all

nine inches total but I've got 45

minutes to finish this thing if I fail

it's going to be about 50 dollars, but if

I win I will get the meal free I'll get

a sweet t-shirt and I'll be one of the

few elite people added up on their Wall

of Fame!

Let's get this challenge started!

All right now I shouldn't be doing this

the sushi that I did earlier was a

little bit bigger than I thought. I'm

still a little bit full but it's been

quite a few hours since I did that I

think I'll be able to do it but we'll see

what happens!

the record is I don't know but I know

Magic Mitch just finish this thing in

order to let me make a little bit more

space he did it in 39 minutes, so we'll

try to beat that but we just got to beat

the 45 minutes. 1, 2, 3. . . Boom! All right.

Gonna eat the nine eggs first and then eat

all the meat!

We'll do all this bread last, it is very

cheesy. I guess that's why it's called a cheesesteak!

Ten minutes 20 seconds - I was really

worried about how this was all going to

taste with everything in here, but with

all the cheese all the meats combined,

everything is really good, it's going

down really well, going to cut some of the

grease and everything in this so I'm

using lemonade finally but let's

keep eating, lets get it down!

We're 18 minutes and 45 seconds in

still got plenty of time now, we're down

to a little bit of the filling in

these pieces of bread, but we've got

these three 9-inch buns that we're

gonna get down and get the win!

Will you ask for another diet soda, a diet


yeah 27 and a half minutes in we still

About 17 minutes left, just down

to two pieces of bread. I've taken all

the meat and everything off, there's a

little bit of cheese on them, but

just the buns left. We've got a new cold with

ice Diet Cola and we'll get it all


It was about two pounds bigger than Mitch's!

35 minutes in five seconds, I don't know what the record

for this was, but was very happy to just

get the win! Was very nervous after that

sushi challenge earlier knowing that

this would be five an a half pounds and a

ton of meat, but I was able to get it


Thanks to Diet Coke and then yeah just

luckily I had a few extra hours.

Mitch went first and I went after so I

could have some room to get the rest down!

Everything combined on there was awesome!

Not really a favorite ingredient the

entire thing was awesome! For winning I'm

gonna get the $50 meal for free, I will

get a sweet t-shirt to add to my

collection, and I'll be one of the few

people added up with a wall of fame, and

I'll be joining Mr. Magic Mitch so thank

you to Ciro's, thank you all for coming to watch.

I win number 573 thank you guys for


For more infomation >> Defibrillator Cheesesteak Challenge w/ Pepperoni, Sausage, Bacon, & Eggs!! - Duration: 9:58.


Bun B Goes "Sicko Mode" on Travis Scott + Pimp C, Kevin Gates, Slim Thug, Boonk Gang | Rate The Bars - Duration: 5:04.

This is definitely a four out of five.

I heard him spit some iller bars,

but this is classic bars though.

"Get out my cell when I shit, get lost.

I'll punch a (bleep) down when I'm pissed off.

Wanna wrestle, had to put him in a hip-toss.

Lost of rap (bleep) backwards, Kris Kross."

Sounds like a Nicki Minaj bar or something like that.

I mean it's not bad line.

I like that "Wanna wrestle, had to put him in a hip-toss."

That's a pretty ill bar. This ain't bad.

I give this a four out of five.

"Give me brain, I swear that (bleep) is a scholar.

No snakes around me, only snake on my collar.

I'm a thief in the night, pray to Jesus to Christ,

better hope he believe in your life."

The first two bars were good.

I'm not crazy about the second ones.

I'm not really sure who did this.

I'll give this a three out of five.

It's not terrible.

"You (bleep) be mad 'cause I got all the guns.

They do it for clout, I do it for fun.

I do what I want, they do what they can.

Bitch, I'm a man inside of my hands."

Started off good. I'm not really sure,

"I'm a bitch, I'm a man inside of my hands."

I don't know what that really means. This ain't bad.

I give this a three out of five, 'cause it's not terrible.

"They do it for clout, I do it for fun."

I'm not mad at that bar.

"I do what I want, they do what they can."

That's always a good line to throw in.

I just didn't understand the last line.

Maybe it might be my age or something, I don't know.

Might be some new slang.

"Inside of my hands" or something,

I've never heard that phrase before.

"Yeah, this shit way too formal. Y'all know I don't follow suit.

Stacey Dash, most of these girls ain't got a clue.

All of these (bleep) I made off records I produced.

I might take all my exes and put 'em all in a group."

I know this from somewhere. This is a song I actually I (bleep)

with, 'cause I recognize the, "Stacey Dash,

most of these girls ain't got a clue."

This is all right. I give this a four out of five.

"I might take all my exes and put 'em all in a group."

That's pretty funny. I'll (bleep) with that.

"In the hood I'm a grinder, wood on the vinyl, TV, VCR,

I'm laid back with your mama.

Y'all ain't ever seen a grinder that grind the way I grind, huh?

Top of my drop still missing as Osama."

Maybe I'm saying it wrong.

Maybe I haven't heard the context of where it comes from,

but I don't know. This one's kind of shaky.

I give this one actually a two.

I don't like the, 'cause it's like skipping a line,

I don't like when people skip lines

and have to match with alternative bars or whatever.

It's just my personal preference.

The dude is going to be mad at me.

That was Camillionaire.

Cam's gonna kill me.

He's gonna kill me for that.

"You see them fours crawling? You see them screens falling?

The disco ball in my mouth insinuates I'm ballin'.

I'm leaning on the switch, sitting crooked in my slab,

but I could still catch boppers if I drove a cab."

Is this Paul Wall? Yeah, I ... know the pattern.

It's always about something about correlating the teeth

in his mouth to something shiny, so when he said,

"The disco ball in my mouth insinuates

I'm ballin'," that's the homie.

Paul gets a four out of five for that.

"Fingernails burnt, looking like a tweaker.

Ears steady poppin', but not from the speakers.

Green got me hungry, fiendin' for them munchies,

'cause real smokers don't blow no (bleep)

green on empty stomachs."

I don't know. I don't see where munchies rhyme with stomachs.

That's got to be based on where they're from

and I guess how they bend words

or how they pronounce certain things,

'cause munchies and stomach don't really match.

I like the 'Fingernails burnt, looking like a tweaker."

What part of the country says tweaker?

Is this a Bay Area rapper?

West Coast? It's not West Coast?

Who says tweakers?

Most people don't say tweaker everywhere for dope fiend.

That's a specific area.

"'Cause real smokers don't blow no green on empty stomachs."

That last line, these last lines have been bothering me.

Like you got to close out the four with a bang.

This about a three out of five.

"Now look who creeping, look who crawling,

still balling in the mix. It's that six-six long (bleep)

slim (bleep) sticking your chick.

Pulling tricks, looking slick at all times when I'm flipping.

Barre sipping, car dipping,

Grant wood grain gripping. Still tipping on four fours."

Slim Thug, four out of five. This is a classic.

"Don't it feel funny when you go down to eat her,

knowing that you suckin' on another (bleep) peter.

And when ya get a kiss, do ya feel bliss,

knowin' that ya swallowed all that (bleep) and piss?"

This is the legendary Pimp C. This is a classic.

This is one of our first records.

This is definitely a four out of five,

'cause I heard him spit some iller bars,

but this is classic bars though.

This is typical Pimp C, you know what I'm saying?

Talkin' about what he was doing with somebody's woman,

that's typical Chad right there.

It wasn't as outlandish as some of the other stuff

I heard him say.

"Paid like a mother (bleep) clientele is growin'.

Geekin' so bad, I got pregnant fiends (bleep),

suck a (bleep) and lick an ass just to get a bump, (bleep)

Black Caesar (bleep) call me Black Trump."

I regret this rhyme now. I wrote this rhyme in '92

when it was cool to equate yourself with Donald Trump

'cause he was rich,

before we knew who he really was as a person.

I'm going to give myself two out of five for this.

I should've known better back then.

I should've had better foresight.

Matter of fact, I'm going to give myself a one.

'Cause my bars are a hundred times better than this now,

and I got better judgment of character now too.

Yo, what's up?

This is Bun B, the Trill OG reppin' UGK for life,

and I just rated those bars. Step your bars up.

For more infomation >> Bun B Goes "Sicko Mode" on Travis Scott + Pimp C, Kevin Gates, Slim Thug, Boonk Gang | Rate The Bars - Duration: 5:04.


Gringos en Estadio Chivas (Chivas vs Pachuca 2018) - Duration: 11:13.

For more infomation >> Gringos en Estadio Chivas (Chivas vs Pachuca 2018) - Duration: 11:13.


Oslo (Noruega) - A Fortaleza de Akershus - As Viagens do Gerson - Duration: 8:15.

A beautiful Oslo's view.

Um dia perfeito!

For you that are enjoying the trips, Subscribe at my channel!!

Share the video!! Like the video!

Activate the notifications, at the little bell!

And have fun!

Akershus's fortress

It was medieval castle finished in 1300.

under the orders of the king Haakon V of norway,

to protect Oslo from attacks.

In 1940,

the nazi Germany dominated the place for five years,

evacuating the norwegian government,

During this period,

so many jewish people who lived in Norway were deported by the germans to Auschwitz.

What it means, more death!

According to some historians,

the civil resistance against nazism

was the biggest popular movement that Norway has seen.

Of course!!

Anyone who has a little bit of sanity

see that nazism is only a fucking disgrace!

There's a replica of the Fortress at Disney's park at Florida, EUA.

Being in Oslo, it can be a cliche,

But the soundtrack of this moment is A-HA!

I'd love to meet them at the city!

Who knows?

But now I wanna enjoy this view listening these norwegian guys!

What a pity I cannot use A-Ha's songs

as the soundtrack of this trip here.

But now I'm listening Minor Earth, Major Sky,

from namesake A-ha's album!

People here do a lot and I really appreciate it!

They enjoy a lot the public spaces!

They go to the parks, lay down at the grass,

Sometimes you see only one, two person. It depends to the place.

But there's always someone taking sunbath,

sleeping, reading a book,

if there's a fountain, peolpe pu their feets on the water,

children enjoy it a lot.

I really appreciate it!

Welcome to Oslo, Norway!

For more infomation >> Oslo (Noruega) - A Fortaleza de Akershus - As Viagens do Gerson - Duration: 8:15.


Compassman - Through The Weather - Duration: 2:55.

is not for navigation but as a tool for

geo mansi or feng shui

Feng Shui is a technique for aligning cities and houses harmoniously with the

Earth's forces forces detected with the aid of this compass

The Weather look bad The Rose On the compass sad

trying to connect to the internet

Stolen on the Internet with images we cannot forget

Navigating pressing buttons on the handset.

Mind visionary Story not Dramatic

Story Happy g13 ginger ally.

Payed with a big price for the PrincesTo get here from Jail.

Computer On Blue Screen Maintaining The Freqeuncy The Freqeuncy Sounds Madass ill.

Probably through the Wheater is what i HAve Seeing.

Calculating On The Radar GPS Screen

For a second through the window thinking about Jean. Raindrips ChromeGreen

smell fragrance Acid Cynanine

Smell Of Englisch Weather when writing the story in a letter

listening to the radio Mc Qeeun LAtifia pointing a red point on the map

to geneva moving the stars a bit hyperkynesa

happen to be from the stars that they

hide the cursor under a beach a little

bit funky drugs all the weather look bad

the world from the father says classic

the neck shoe they insert an stolen on

base and therefore images they did not


traffic it's impressive buckles on the

handset my visionary story not romantic

story head teacher team ginger and babe

with a big brass for the princess

laughs you get nothing

it's a breast bubbles on the handset my

inflationary story not romantic story


g13 ginger and maybe with a big flash

for the dresses better from care of

these wrong


For more infomation >> Compassman - Through The Weather - Duration: 2:55.


GOODBYE CAVE | Minecraft PS4 Part 3 - Duration: 16:12.

For more infomation >> GOODBYE CAVE | Minecraft PS4 Part 3 - Duration: 16:12.


Monster Hunter 3U | Wii U | Village #14 (Gameplay) - Qurupeco - Duration: 28:17.

For more infomation >> Monster Hunter 3U | Wii U | Village #14 (Gameplay) - Qurupeco - Duration: 28:17.


Why Did California Have Years And We Only Have Days - Duration: 5:12.

so we'll take we'll take that right but

my question is if those nurses if this

bill passes why is it that Massachusetts

has from November 6 to January 1st where

California had years to put this in


how will we expected to hire thousands

of nurses get them trained get them

ready by January 1st so this can happen

a lot of them are already there are

number of nurses as I just told you we

have more per diem nurses and part-time

nurses than any other state there are a

lot of nurses but is it necessary to

make it a like a little over a month

time the group that wrote that was the

decision of the group that wrote it and

it was it was a large coalition that

reviewed every single piece and you know

should we wait we've waited 20 years

yeah yeah there are nurses in the system

there are nurses who haven't found jobs

there are there is the money and I don't

see any reason ok so now this is where

I'm gonna differ define the nurses who

say no just because it's yes of course I

know everyone wants safe patient care

and we want safe patient ratios but I

just feel like that short amount of time

to ask for this big knowing the numbers

of nurses that are going to be necessary

to fill the positions to make these

ratios possible is asking for a lot and

I want the best for nurses I want the

best for my patients but I also know

that the best for my patients also means

the best for the hospital if the

hospital is losing next year because

next year is when they're gonna be

trying to Herrara get as many nurses in

there if the hospital is hiring an

infinite amount of nurses and they have

to like throw our bonuses and sign-on

bonuses and all this stuff this is that

end up being worse for the patients if

the hospital's losing out please

remember that they gave

multimillion-dollar increases to the

CEOs in the past year that they're

making money that they are doing well

and that the nurses are there I'm just

curious how many nurses that you work

with are part-time and full-time I am

part-time but uh uh a lot I mean I know

I feel like it's half and half it's

bright yeah so I can remember when I

knew the information for

newton-wellesley Hospital which was a

few admittedly a few years ago was only

one in ten nurses that had a full-time

job oh wow okay good so you know and

that's just one Hospital in

Massachusetts and I can't speak for

every hospital in Massachusetts but I

can speak for the information that I've

gotten that an awful lot of nurses are

working either casual or meeting per

diem or in part-time positions so

certainly there is flexibility in terms

of being able to staff up yeah and so I

do have to say on that point yes they

are many nurses that I know and I want

to say half an app but like I know it's

just there's no experience I don't know

the exact numbers

I do USA one is half and half but you're

right I don't think I've met a nurse

that's working part-time or that had the

option of working full-time and chose to

work part-time and is not waiting for

full time right so that is true yes that

because I myself would like to work full

time I know a lot of nurses that would

like to work full time

the only nurses I know that have the

option that choose not to are for family

reasons but that's very few and far

between so that I do agree with but I

don't I don't believe I don't know if

just those and the nurses were to switch

over to over to I'm full-time the

majority of those positions would fill

so that's something we'll have to

discuss later on this same topic of

having all of these nurses a lot of

another concern is a lot of these nurses

that get once this bill passes if this

bill passes we are going to hire a ton

of nurses into the hospital which means

we will lose nurses from the VNA care we

will lose infusion nurses we will lose

Rehab nurses we will lose hospice nurses

that are not in acute hospitals is that

true or like

there's a limited amount of nurses no

I'm gonna say again Massachusetts does

not have a nursing shortage we have the

highest per capita number of residents

in this state who are nurses we have the

nurses okay all right

all right so we'll leave that there

we'll leave that there

so comment section below let me know

what are you still concerned about after

hearing their side if there's no you

know if you're done having the argument

you've decided great let me know why

you've decided all right and if you

still have questions like I said down

below I'll contact them every Friday up

until November 6 the nursing news I will

give you guys updates thank you guys so

much again shout out to a man named for

coming out thank you thank you thank you

and they I really really really really

really want to hear from you so please

and thank you catch you guys later don't

forget to Like and subscribe and most

important especially for this comments

down below deuces

For more infomation >> Why Did California Have Years And We Only Have Days - Duration: 5:12.


HOW TO RATIONALIZE THE DENOMINATOR | conjugate example + printable guide - Duration: 7:28.

Hey guys, I'm Brett Berry and welcome back to math hacks

Today on math hacks. I am showing you all the ins and outs for rationalizing the denominator

Rationalizing the denominator is one of those problems that just shows up all over the place

You may be asked to rationalize the denominator as a problem in and of itself

Or you might find yourself needing to rationalize the denominator in the process of simplifying an answer

to a geometry trigonometry or calculus problem

But no matter what course you're coming from today's goal is to get you up to speed

Rationalizing the denominator

Simply means that we want to get any roots that are in the denominator out of the denominator

To do this. We need to multiply by a form of 1 that will help us cancel out this square root 3

So what you need to do is

Multiply by square root 3 over square root 3 to get rid of the square root of 3 in the denominator now

We can do this because the square root of 3 over the square root of 3

simply equals 1 and we know that anything multiplied by 1 remains the same so

Although we're making the fraction look different. We're not altering it in any way

So I'm going to go ahead and multiply the numerators together the denominators together

Now I need to multiply the square root of 3 times the square root of 3

And we know that the square root of 9 is simply 3

That is the same as seven over eight square root three

except we altered how it looked so that the square root was no longer in the denominator and

Instead is in the numerator and that is rationalizing the denominator

In this problem

We have two square root three over square root five

Now a common mistake here would be to try to multiply by the square root of three

We need to make sure that we are multiplying by the square root we want to get rid of and we

Want to get rid of the square root in the denominator, so I'm gonna multiply the top and bottom by square root of five

Again this is a form of one. So it's a totally legal move. I'm multiplying the numerators and denominators together we get

And we're almost there all we need to do now is go ahead and take the square root of 25 which is five

We can't simplify any further and we have succeeded at getting the radical out of the denominator so that is our final answer

Now this is a bit more of a tricky problem because we have not only a square root in the denominator

We have that square root

being added to a whole number and

This just makes it a little more difficult because no longer. Can we just multiply by square root 2 over square root 2

Let's let's go ahead and see what happens when we do that and that will show us why we can't do this

So multiplying by square root 2 over square root 2 like we did in the last two examples

We see but here we have to distribute

The square root 2 in the bottom and when we do that we get 4 square root 2

plus the square root of 4, which is 2

Now that helped us to get rid of this square root 2

But it introduced a new square root 2 here where we multiplied it with the whole number

So this does not work in this situation

So, how do we get around this issue where we want to

Get rid of a square root, but not introduce a new square root into the denominator

To do that you need to multiply by something called the conjugate

The conjugate is simply the same binomial expression with this sign switched

So for this one, I'll change it into a minus sign if it were a minus sign. I'd switch it to a plus sign

So the conjugate of four plus square root two is four minus square root two

Now the way foil works when we multiply this binomial by its conjugate

We're going to lose those middle terms and we're gonna be left with whole numbers which is exactly what we want in this situation

Because we're trying to get rid of the square roots in the denominator

Here once again, I'm following the rule that I have to multiply by a form of one

So I don't alter the equation and of course anything over itself, even if it's kind of nasty like this

is still

equal to one

So the top I'm just gonna multiply the 1 through and I get 4 minus square root 2 on

The bottom I'm gonna make sure to add parentheses around this

Indicating that I need to foil these two binomials together in order to multiply these expressions out

Okay, let's go ahead and foil now so

4 times 4 is


Square root 2 times positive 4 is positive 4 square root 2


times negative square root 2 is

minus 4 square root 2


Lastly square root 2 times negative square root 2 is negative square root of 4

Now our positive 4 square root 2 and negative 4 square root 2

cancel each other out and

minus square root 4 is simply minus 2

So the denominator becomes 16 minus 2

Which is 14. Let me go ahead and rewrite the answer now

So to recap

Whenever you have a binomial and you're trying to rationalize the denominator

You must multiply by the conjugate of the denominator over itself

so in this problem

We multiplied 4 plus square root 2 by 4 minus square root 2 and when we foil that out

We notice that anything that had square root 2 is remaining in it cancelled out and we were left with only whole numbers

Instead moving our square root part up into the numerator. I hope you found today's lesson useful

If so, I would really appreciate it. If you give me a thumbs up and hit that subscribe button

and if you want to keep practicing

rationalizing the denominator

Look for the free pdf that I have linked in the comment box below

So next time I'm Brett berry and this is Math Hacks

For more infomation >> HOW TO RATIONALIZE THE DENOMINATOR | conjugate example + printable guide - Duration: 7:28.


Diy paper flower wall hanging/How to make a beautiful Wall decoration - Duration: 2:26.

paper flower

wall hanging

how to make


wall decoration


best idea

for room


wall art

paper plan best idea

this video


two color


and white glue

Thanks for


For more infomation >> Diy paper flower wall hanging/How to make a beautiful Wall decoration - Duration: 2:26.


I tell you about Italy, the best moments 4 K | ENG, ESP, ITA sub - Duration: 21:28.

For more infomation >> I tell you about Italy, the best moments 4 K | ENG, ESP, ITA sub - Duration: 21:28.


Top 10 Convicts Who Fainted After Given Their Sentencing - Duration: 10:05.

How's it going YouTube?

I'm Landon Dowlatsingh and welcome back to another most amazing video.

Today we are going to be looking at the top 10 convicts who fainted after given their


It's pretty intense but before we get into that, we just recently made a video about

teenagers freaking out after they were given a life sentence.

If that looks interesting to you click right over here to watch it.

Alright, so are you guys ready to see some convicts faint?

Starting off this list in at number 10 we have a very promising basketball recruit falling

to the ground.

Tony Farmer seemed to have a bright future.

He was ranked one of the top 100 high school basketball players in the US and he was on

his way to becoming a pro athlete.

His dreams came crashing down when a violent incident involving his ex-girlfriend was reported.

It's so weird how he faints but the judge wants to continue with the sentencing.

Wow, the judge is pretty brutal but I mean, his crime was pretty severe.

Tony Farmer was charged with domestic abuse and kidnapping after he was caught on video

harming her.

It was very clear that he committed the crime, so he was at the mercy of the judge who handed

him a 3-year prison sentence.

And so, in a blink of an eye, college and the NBA were out of his future and a prison

cell would become his new home.

But eventually after he was done serving his sentence, he went to college and put his name

in the 2017 NBA draft.

Texas shooter collapses in court and this fires into our number 9 spot.

Ronald Haskell was charged with capital murder after he killed his wife's family members

execution style.

For those of you who don't know, capital murder in the United States is any type of murder

that would make the criminal eligible for the death penalty.

So yeah, I would say it's only natural if you faint after hearing that you could potentially

have a lethal injection or be sent to the electric chair.

But I do have to say this, in my opinion the punishment fits the crime.

After he fainted the first time, the deputies attempted to keep him standing but his body

was lifeless.

So, they put him in a chair and wheeled him out of the court room to get some help.

His defense lawyer is trying to use the insanity plea but as of right now, he is rotting in

a prison cell waiting for his trial to start.

Man faints in court after he is accused of human trafficking and he falls onto this list

in at number 8.

He was charged with child trafficking and aggravated assault but after his hearing,

he was granted bail.

Is this real-life right now?

He was schedule to appear in court one month but he never showed.

What a shocker.

A warrant has been issued for his arrest but at the moment, no one knows where he is and

it is believed that he fled the country.

I would too if I was granted bail and I was going to be on trial for a very serious crime.

I mean isn't it common sense that he would be a flight risk?

I feel like bail should only be given to petty crimes and not crimes that involve minors,

murder or anything else like that.

Up next in at our number 7 spot we have Shelby Isaac.

A judge sentenced Shelby Isaac to 30 years in maximum prison for killing a pregnant woman,

her unborn baby and a man over some hair weaves.

I'm not even making this stuff up.

She shot them because she wanted her money back from hair weaves that she purchased from


This is Shelby during her sentencing.

She collapsed hard after she heard her guilty verdict and she had to be taken away from

the courtroom to get some medical attention.

I think the judge should've ordered her to participate in some anger management classes

while she's in prison because clearly she needs to work on that and she definitely has

the time to do it.

Suge Knight collapses after bail hearing and this makes it onto our list in at number 6.

Suge knight is known for a lot of things.

He was a record producer, music executive, former American football player and a convicted


He was even accused of being involved with the murders of Tupac and Biggie.

Whoa, is this guy for real?

Well here is a clip of his bail hearing for a fatal hit and run that he was involved with.

His bail was set at $25,000,000 and when he heard that, his head hit the table.

His lawyer is trying to say he fainted because of blood clots but I think its because of

how much the bail was set at.

His trial is set to start in September of this year but I don't see him getting out

of prison any time soon.

Moving on to number 5 we have Two women who fainted after being sentenced to life in prison.

Whoa, they went down hard.

And no, that hysterical screaming didn't come from the convicts.

They were literally knocked unconscious when the judge sentenced them to life in prison.

These two women pleaded guilty to murdering a three-year-old girl while she was under

their care.

Apparently, the murder was so violent and aggressive so the Judge gave them the strictest

punishment she could in that state.

They obviously knew what they were doing when the committed the crime so it's only fitting

that they spend the rest of their miserable lives behind bars.

The judge said that this is the worst case that she has ever seen in her career.

We have another Confessed murderer who collapses in court in at number 4.

Honestly, what do you expect?

You confessed to a murder and you think you won't get punished for it?

So apparently when he was being indicted, he was possibly facing the death penalty so

he took a guilty plea bargain.

But I guess he wasn't expecting to be sentenced to life without the possibly of parole.

But wait, there're more to the story.

During his sentencing hearing, he wanted to withdraw his guilty plea.

Which is really shocking to the courtroom because this move would put the death penalty

back on the table.

The judge declined his motion to withdraw his plea bargain but maybe he should've also

ordered him to do a psych evaluation because clearly the man isn't stable.

Falling into number 3 we have a woman who passed out after she heard her verdict.

Let's take a look.

Did you guys hear that bang?


Let me play it again.

That bang was the sound of her skull hitting the table after she passed out.

I think that's going to leave a nasty bump on the head.

Diana Lovejoy collapsed after she was convicted of conspiracy to murder her ex-husband as

well as attempted murder.

She hired her gun instructor to shoot her ex but he survived.

I think her first mistake was hiring a gun instructor who can't even finish the job.

After she was wheeled out on a gurney, the jury found her guilty on all counts and charges

which means that she will spend at least 25 years of her life in prison.

In at number 2 a man faints after hearing he could face the death penalty.

Whoa...did you guys see his eyes?

It looks like he was possessed by a demon.

Well maybe he is possessed because he killed an innocent teenager who was his own age.

This convict was one of three suspects who were arrested for the murder of a 17-year-old

during an intense argument.

The prosecution hasn't decided whether or not they will pursue the death penalty but

the definitely can in this case.

Do you guys agree with the death penalty?

Let me know what you think down below in the comment section.

Finally, in at our number 1 spot we have a man who fainted and died in court.

Yeah that's right, he actually died shortly after he received his sentencing.

But it's not what you think, he didn't die because he had a heart attack or anything...I'll

play the clip and I want you guys to tell me what you think happened.

Well that was dramatic wasn't it.

Michael Marin was facing arson charges after he was accused of setting his mansion on fire

in order to get the insurance money.

So, when the jury found him guilty of arson, he quickly slipped something into his mouth.

An autopsy later revealed that he had consumed cyanide and fifteen minutes later, he was

dead on the courtroom floor.

I feel like that was so unnecessary.

I mean he could've faced 7-21 years in prison but he probably would have been out a lot

sooner for good behaviour.

But relatives told the media that Michael said he could never go back to jail.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Convicts Who Fainted After Given Their Sentencing - Duration: 10:05.


196. Малахитовые оладьи: зелёные и полезные - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> 196. Малахитовые оладьи: зелёные и полезные - Duration: 4:02.


TURMERIC MASK BENEFITS | Turmeric Face Mask - Duration: 2:00.

hey guys welcome back to this video it

is specifically for people that have

acne and acne scars I'm going to show

you how to make turmeric face mask for

that specific problem we're also gonna

be talking a little bit about the

benefits of applying turmeric on our

skin so if you want to learn everything

about turmeric with me keep on watching

for this turmeric face mask we're going

to combine half of a teaspoon of

turmeric and then the same amount of

lime juice then add a 1 teaspoon of

plain yogurt and another teaspoon of

oatmeal mix everything for about a

minute and begin to apply now we're

gonna do the same as always apply on

clean skin because this one contains

lemon it is important to apply at night

right there on the floor if you want to

get rid of acne and acne scars turmeric

face mask is one of the best organic

masks to treat these type of problems

turmeric process anti-inflammatory and

antioxidant properties that help us to

reduce acne breakouts and thanks to the

antioxidant component will give us

glowing skin heal acne scars and even

light up dark spots wait for about 10

minutes until it kind of gets a little

bit dry it doesn't have to be a hundred

percent dry it's up to you but 10

minutes will do the work like this face

mask at three times a week and at least

once a week if you really want to see

results on your skin as you can see my

skin looks super glowing it is very soft

I just want to make sure that I have a

zero turmeric on my skin so what you

have to do is to grab a piece of cotton

like this one and your toner whatever

toner you use add as normal I didn't see

anything but I'm gonna show you how the

the cotton looks so this is all I have

for today

if you like this video don't forget to

give me a thumbs up if you wanna become

part of this organic family you only

need to subscribe and I'll see you in a

few days Pura Vida!

For more infomation >> TURMERIC MASK BENEFITS | Turmeric Face Mask - Duration: 2:00.


Coloring #163 [Talk] ║Sony Vegas - Duration: 0:26.

good girls

cable girls

kiralik ask

the lover

love by chance


teen wolf

love by chance

make it right

hotel king


skam fr

good girls

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