Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 3 2018

Do you like a party there?

Yeah it's quite good!

Hope it is seen. - don't think so

I'm in Krasnodar.

That affects so much! It's only 7 min riding to the park

I'm riding and smiling, cos I'm going to ride

It takes 2 hours to get to the park in Moscow

Spend 2 hours in a car for a sash, 2 hours in the park and 2 hours back! 9 00:00:52,170 --> 00:00:60,650 There's a park right in the wood

This is the first skatepark in which I took part in a contest

In pro, and stand on the pedestal. It was 7 years ago,

My frirst contest, first trip somewhere from Saint-P

Such a good memories


Oh.. a huge street section used to be here, and there

Grisha Usenko aka Mustang @grigoriyrol

It's a big luck that we can build here, weэку allowed to

To rebuild it, this year I managed to meet a governor of

Krasnodar region, and tell him about the problem

Other that showed his respect for our work, he nows this spot,

And he allowed us to lead works here, and make it legal.

This park was build here illegally, that's a land of city's park

Park of 30 years of Victory. Our target is to create

A base here for preparing for Olympic action sports.

Who gives you money? They gave you the land, but money?

There's a chance to get some, but there's no way back!

Of course there's no way back!

The backyard is 8 years old, it was built on our money,

And we didn't have enough for super-quality park,

That's why time destroyed it.

Hey guys, do you like the park?

Yes, especially in this condition!

Yes, I agree, What are you doing in here?

We're helping! - seriously that's your helpers?

I came here first and alone, and many guys join me!

Guys like them? Well done!

My favorite video is from here, Kostya left the link, check it

Check it out! I was preparing for the video like for a war

Link in description below

I hope and believe that park will meet it's second life.

Get rid of old, to give life for new!

rezi section, rezi spine, quarter, foam pit, and hard section

It is suffocating I haven't touched the bike yet and I am all wet

I'm waiting for lil pupils, they will appear soon in a rap style

This is a local XSA scool, riding a train style, very cool

Arsenik Lubishkin aka Gucci Park @arseniy_lubishkin

Do you see the guys over there? With pumps? Pins!

(Rap about school's playing)

I have money and you don't

Sasha Mollaev aka Gucci street @alexmollaev

Hello everyone this is Kosta's blog subscribed and like

Some new episodes are coming

Here are they, the young blood

I took off the pegs, and installed the wide tires

I have never ridden without pegs

I am curious how the bike will you spin

Fat tires 2.3 instead of 2.1 will see!

Hello everybody! - they will see your teeth!

Kostya Andreev does all tricks through the video edition,

Pasha please put it in the blog so everyone will know

(Soviet Union message about the first man in space)

Okay who goes first? You are first you won!

Of course! you lose - you go!

It is all clear with you

Let's go fool! You are adopted!

Very easy!

Finally I have a new you camera man! My hands free and I can ride 68 00:09:07,290 --> 00:09:10,920 Pasha I miss you! It's hard to film without you

Let me see

This is the continue of the line

It is hot here, very hot that's the mess, Will lose some weight finally

I think I'll loose a couple of kilos

Come here for a photo! Now I'll be right here

What a Gucci crew

Hear your are. work! Come on Arseniy! What do you do at school?

We don't have it at scool! Finally! Are you serious? - and Kostya cannot do this!

In fact, Grisha is not here only 20 kids destroy the skatepark

What are you doing? -working taking apart the backyard! 79 00:11:50,620 --> 00:12:00,520 Does Grisha actually work here? Yeah but now he has a training

He asked us to wacth the guys, tools and to work here.

Yhe can't lose the training because he train and doll! - Doll?

Aren't you exploited? - No we export everybody! I see you're in charge here!

Gucci managers! You owe us a five!

I really like it. they not only ride, they help to build the skatepark

Build their own future and the future of riders

Do you need any help? - no thanks! - Guys you're very cool

I thought you are Gucci rappers, idlers who don't do anything

This is our team and we must help

Gold words, well done!


We were cleaning, Kostya came, we thought that it's time to ride

And the rain started.

But we will ride today anyway

But we hope that the rain will stop, the park dries fast, it's hot

Will ride and film some cool shots

Damn, it's all wet, camera's wet, if you guys think

What the heck, why kids reassemble the park,

This park is free, it wasn't supported by the government,

Guys built it on their money, from riders to riders

That was their motto, this place proves it

That's why kids take the initiative, help for free

Of course they get free seshes in other parks which are chargeable

But they want to help by themselves.

This kind of kinds needs to exist, you know

Others sit at their consoles, play games and complain

Very lazy, "we don't have any parks"

Recently I got a message,

"What to do if the skatepark is 90 minutes from my home"

Go to... you know

Why 20 kids were working without you?

They know what to do and how to do

I set the goal, they got it, and I led a training

And now I'm ready to go and check what they've done.

Actually you need to trust kids!

Yeah theyэку good! Managed the saw well, even saved generator

- They even take you camera! - Yeah they took it!

They're reliable.

This is an idler who lives in Krasnodar and isn't riding Roma Gilimzyanov aka Local Hiro @roman_gilimzyanov

I ride! I'm local, so I can ride a little.

Whip to footjamwhip then nollywhip!


- It's to go up. - Give me one of this.

- Roll? - Ok, do a roll.

If you started with rolls, take a roll bar

- Zoom a bit - How? - Here, look!

- Where? - Spin it on the lens

Damn it's frightening to try it at once. - Come on

Almost fell but landed! good boy!

It was flip again! - No it's ok, count it.

- Let's do finger whip! - Ok

It's probably hard to see, but he pushed the seat with his arm

I actually could use my leg and you wouldn't see that

- We believe! - Only honest games

- It's not very clear! - Yeah I didn't land it properly, touched rezi

360 2whip to barspin, get ready! - F@ck. - If I can!

I've never done this before in spine.

F@ck, f@uck it! - you can do it!

I didn't expect to land it, only did it over jump boxes before.

- Thank you! - not at all. - Second try! Come on!

It's not even close. - No, it is! - You think so?

I had the same at first, I though not enough speed, no I don't want

and twisted a bar almost when I was almost on the ground

It seemed like I did the barspin on rezi.

I acted really stupid.

It's so hard to call a trick for him. He does everything!

Lets do decade to barspin

Damn I thought that I have a chance!

360 triple barspin?

Was it triple? I've never done it so cool, I did the first one, 149 00:19:94,730 --> 00:19:08,780 The second one like this and the third with my elbow.

Triple whip? Directly? - Where else? - I have no idea

I'm really scared!

It was good. I would say my best 3whip in spine ever, because

It was my second time in whole life.

Have you called anything besides bars and whips? (Liza Posadskih aka Friend from USA @elizabethlizardbmx)

We cannot do anything else! Do 360 Indian

Roma, excuse me!

- Well done! - Your turn!

Don't look at me like that! It's not me!

Ok explain how too do it.

It's easy jump like 360, a bit in arc, to relax in the air.

You just take off your legs, grab the frame not to loose it and fly.

When you feel it, jump back, it's easy!

Like in all howtoes, jump and do! - especially my howtoes,

Let's do it! Wait... Run of the memory!

For more infomation >> ШКОЛЬНИКИ УНИЧТОЖАЮТ СКЕЙТПАРК В КРАСНОДАРЕ! s01e15 - Duration: 20:50.


How to be a Millionaire Handyman / WLOG - Duration: 14:40.

Man I just realized that that I left my trailer unlocked like all weekend

It's Monday, man

I did some work out of my trailer at my house like Friday evening and just realized that yeah that I had left

It unlocked all weekend, but I guess I live in a pretty good pretty safe neighborhood. I mean I've

I've never had anything stolen out of my truck. I've left my trailer unlocked. I think twice now

I I left it unlocked

I think the first time I left it unlocked for like a whole week though, because I went out of town

And I when I came back I realized I hadn't locked my trailer not the best

So I guess I live in a good town. All right this morning. I am heading to Home Depot

Got a little bit of a late start again today

I had a Doc's point for my daughter this morning kind of the run of the mill right now

he's kind of a lot of got a lot of Doc's moments going on but

so it is

11:49 and I am heading to Home Depot

I got to pick up some pick up some material doing some trim work today just around a kitchen island


Is actually a like a sequel to a job I did

Quite a while ago. I posted I'll post the video the link for the video somewhere at the top here


So I did this I did this job a while back and it was one

They she needed some trim around this around their island in the kitchen

I couldn't find the correct trim or I got the wrong trim by the time I found the right trim it was too late in

The day to finish the job. So I'm coming back to do it now and then


They need some drywall repaired behind there behind their shower

Basically, they had a handheld shower thing that had been leaking for like heck along and the drywall is just hecka messed up

So they want me to pull that out. But last time I was there they didn't they had to replace the


Showerhead, so I didn't want to replace the drywall because I wouldn't I didn't want just to get ruined again

So I told them to fix the you know, fix the handheld dryer

I mean the handheld shower head and then I would come back and fix the drywall

They didn't want me to do the handheld showerhead. They thought that was easy enough for them to do

So anyways, they got it done now so I'm gonna go back finish that up for him and get all this button up

So those are the two main projects that I'm working on today

Got everything loaded up in the trailer just had to pick up that trim

So this lady she said that she doesn't really

She doesn't want me to finish the finish the wood or anything. She just wants to put up

Just some just some blank pine up there

I don't know if she's gonna stain it or what afterwards, but that's all she wanted me to do. I guess she got some

She got some new granite countertops a while back and then and for some reason they didn't trim it out

So she just wanted you to put the trim around you guys will see it once I get there. But anyways, let's get to it


Bit go down and do the trim

Alright I'm gonna take a quick break here and eat some lunch while that stuff is drying

I had kind of a thought thought lately like um

You know, what makes how come some people are like billionaires and some people?

struggle every month to pay their bills, you know, and I was thinking about this like

Everybody on earth has 24 hours in a day seven days a week 365 days in a year

Well except on leap year, but whatever that's neither here nor there

And I think it I think it lies with doing more and how do you do more in a day, you know?

And I don't think it relies on like you have to figure out how to get more times

You're never gonna be able to figure out how to get more time

But I think it's about using the time that you've been given more wisely, you know

Look at instead of looking at like ways that you can get more time

Look at ways that

That you're wasting time look at ways that and this is very applicable to me cuz like, you know when I go home

You know like had a long day and you know

Just hang out with my wife my daughter like sit around watch TV. Like there is so much more that we do doing with our

With our time. I'm not I'm not saying to neglect your family at all. Your family is the most important

But I think that there are some there are some times that we are wasting in life

So I don't that's just a thought. I had. I don't know if it resonates with any any one of you guys but

Just trying to figure out how to do more, you know do more in a day get to get more stuff done. So

Anyway, that's my thought. I'm Jake

Drywall is looking good. I think we're gonna give it a little bit more time here. I've seen some people mix the sawdust with

With glue, that's what I did here. I just had a little Mountain Dew can but it turned out. All right, but I

Don't know first time trying it. So I'll show you guys one

I feel like that turned out pretty good if you guys got any advice on that, I would love to hear it

Leave me a comment the comment section below. Let me know

Now, I just got to get ready put another coat on that drywall and then shoot some texture on it and get out of here

Let me show you guys my setup here real quick. So

first I'll

Block things kind of keep things safe my trailer hooked up

And then here

Other drawers plumbing electrical miscellaneous drive off. This is kind of my drywall stuff

I already got it out. And in that back there don't look at that. That's kind of a mess

That's where my skill saw

There you go, like nothing ever happened looks pretty good

Well, I'll done with that job

I definitely underbid that job when I first originally came to estimate this job. It's been kind of crazy because

This cut I think this job is tomato back in April and right now it's like the end of August

I don't know when you guys are gonna watch this video. But yeah the end of August so

Because you know my daughter was born

I took a few weeks off work and then

You know came back and did half the work because she didn't have the handheld showerhead replaced

anyway, so now so when I came back last time I had realized that I

misquoted this drywall job

What was on the estimate was for me? Just the skin skin coated with drywall compound and re

Retexture it to reshoot some texture, but when I got here last time I was looking at it

I'm like, yeah, I can't do that like this looks like it needs to be replaced

So I actually cut that drywall out you guys saw in the video


That wasn't on the quote. I miss quoted it for me

what I feel is that I just kind of

absorb that and take that and mark that as a kind of a learning experience like to actually

You know focus more on my quotes next time and things like that, but I don't know. I'd love to hear what you guys think

Should I have you know redone in s14?

Should I charge them more?

This or that but so all in all all in said and done when I actually got there

I got the house at about 4:00 12:30

And then I went about 12 35 or so. And right now it's 4:15. Just leaving the house. So what is that like?

Three a little over three hours and 45 minutes or so I

Got for that job. Just the

trim in the kitchen and the drywall

Got three hundred and five dollars for that

And the materials were I think they were probably like 30 35 dollars

so, you know, I still made good money, but

Not quite what I what I aim for, you know, but I don't anyways, I'd love to hear what you guys think

Thank you all so much for tuning into this video, I really appreciate it and I look forward to seeing your comments

For more infomation >> How to be a Millionaire Handyman / WLOG - Duration: 14:40.


Emeric Ernoult, AgoraPulse at SaaS Nation 2017 - Duration: 30:45.

For more infomation >> Emeric Ernoult, AgoraPulse at SaaS Nation 2017 - Duration: 30:45.


BTS IDOL REACTION BY KPOP IDOL! // *REAKSI* Artis Korea BTS IDOL - Duration: 5:45.

For more infomation >> BTS IDOL REACTION BY KPOP IDOL! // *REAKSI* Artis Korea BTS IDOL - Duration: 5:45.


2015-2017 Mustang GT Procharger High Output Stage II Intercooled Supercharger - Tuner Kit Review - Duration: 5:14.

The stage II ProCharger tuner kit will offer most of the foundation of the popular centrifugal

supercharger system but will require 2015 through 2017 GT owners to supply their own

fueling setup, in addition to their own calibration in order to complete the kit.

Now, the stage II system will also include the P-1SC one head unit which, by the way,

is capable of over 800 crank horsepower, along with the eight-rib belt setup and one of the

biggest air-to-air intercoolers in the category, all for north of six grand.

Install might just be one of the easiest in the category here, but we still are gonna

go three out of three wrenches on the difficulty meter as there is a fair amount of work involved,

but hang out with me for a little bit longer and we'll cover that more later in the video.

So ProCharger makes up one of the big three centrifugal options you'll encounter in the

aftermarket, along with Paxton and, of course, Vortech.

And the idea of a Century style blower is pretty simple.

Its purpose, like any other supercharger, is to force more air into the engine, and

as a result, make more power.

Now, on the surface, a centrifugal supercharger will resemble that of a turbocharger at first

glance, at least on the compressor side here.

However, the big difference between the two is that the Century is going to be belt-driven

whereas turbochargers are, of course, driven by your exhaust.

But the power delivery of a centrifugal like the ProCharger here is going to be pretty

similar to that of a turbo where it builds boost with RPM, unlike a TVS style blower,

for instance, where the power delivery is very linear and pretty much on tap at all


But now that you know a little bit more about how it all works, let's break down the ProCharger

tuner kit a little bit further.

And full disclosure, guys, there are more components that come along with this system.

I just have some of the meat and potatoes out on the table here for the purpose of this


Now, at its core, you're gonna find the very popular P-1SC head unit.

Now, the P-1 is one of the smaller offerings from ProCharger compared to an F1, for instance,

but will still be able to support upwards of 825 horsepower while flowing a max of 1,200


Now, your max impeller speed will be 65,000 RPM, and that will allow the P-1 to achieve

max boost levels of 32 PSI, although most setups won't see anywhere close to that.

Typically, I'd say for the S550 GT owners, you're gonna be looking at the 8 to 10-pound

of boost range right out of the box with this setup.

Now, driving that P-1 blower will be the included dedicated eight-rib belt setup which is, by

the way, a very nice upgrade over the base six-rib kit.

They also toss in an eight-inch crank pulley that does work in conjunction with your factory

harmonic balancer.

So, there's really no need to drill or modify any of your factory parts.

Now, ProCharger actually claims that this does take some of the stress or load off of

that crank snout and pulley, which can be an issue, although rare, on some of the older

or different setups.

On top of that P-1SC, prospective buyers can also look forward to this absolutely massive

air-to-air intercooler, definitely one of the largest in the category when checking

out the stage II kit from ProCharger.

In fact, you're looking at 1,100 cubic inches of core size here, which absolutely dwarfs

the 600 cubic incher of the basic high output kit.

Best part is, ProCharger states you can fit this behemoth behind your factory bumper with

no cutting, no drilling, or trimming of any factory parts, which is very impressive.

Finally, guys, that intercooler does include all of your piping, in addition to all of

the brackets needed to get everything in place.

Again, I do come back to that whole tuner kit thing, guys, and that does mean you will

have to provide your own fueling and calibration for this particular kit.

Now, ProCharger does offer a complete kit on the site here that does include a fuel

pump booster from JMS, in addition to Deatschwerks 1000cc injectors and an engaged loaded with

a calibration from ProCharger for about $1,500 more, which really isn't that bad of a deal,

in my humble opinion.

So, if you want a turnkey system, that might be the better option for you.

ProCharger also claims that this will be one of your easier forced induction setups to

tackle on the S550 Mustang and one that is completely reversible, meaning there's no

crazy cutting or clearancing needed to fit all of these parts.

But because we are still talking about a supercharger job here and not a cold air intake, for instance,

we're still gonna go three out of three wrenches on the difficulty meter here and at least

a full day in the shop or garage to get everything knocked out.

So wrapping things up, guys, if you're looking to save a few bucks by providing your own

fueling and calibration, the stage II tuner kit from ProCharger would be an excellent

choice, and you can check your system out right here at

For more infomation >> 2015-2017 Mustang GT Procharger High Output Stage II Intercooled Supercharger - Tuner Kit Review - Duration: 5:14.


(FREE) Young Thug Type Beat "Juno" Free Type Beat / Instrumental - Duration: 3:33.

(FREE) Young Thug Type Beat " Juno " Free Type Beat

For more infomation >> (FREE) Young Thug Type Beat "Juno" Free Type Beat / Instrumental - Duration: 3:33.


Pixel News August 2018 - Duration: 3:52.

Zack started a new business, but will he make it?

Diggy lost ten pounds by digging the mines

Elves and Dwarves became close friends. Is this the end of Emporea?

Penelope had trouble recognizing her husband!

Welcome back everyone, it is time to remind you what was August all about, and what you can expect in September.

Pixel Federation was 11 years old a few days ago, and we've celebrated in every game.

This month was awesome, and we will tell you more about it in a second,

Odysseus has finally found his way home to Ithaca. It took him only ten years.

But let's not make fun of him anymore. He was a tough guy.

Anyway, our ships are now sailing in the green waters of the Mississippi River.

Join Mark Twain and Callie French in their quests and do not forget to enrich your fleet with some of the great steamers.

But you all know this. What you don't know is what's coming next. In September,

we will celebrate the fish! All kinds of fishes!

It will be relaxing, but also it will be a life battle. We will move to Cuba for some time.

I'm so excited!

My ships are in Havana ooh-na na!

Have you been to Cuba captain's?

Pink Puma was all about the diamonds. That's how they get stepped into August.

Do you remember that short documentary about how events in Diggy's are being made?

Well, the time has finally come and that particular superhero event arrived in August too!

Your chance to experience the story of the not-so superheroes and

become a part of superhero universe was indeed something new! And what's coming next?

Well, you can look forward to the popular Red Ring Week.

And then,

Wizards will come to Diggy's Adventure.

Let's do business with Zack in Trainstation!

August kicked off with Summer lovin' event which started back in July.

We hope that you have managed to collect all of the Suntouched wagons by now! In August.

you could have witnessed the live video where Lenka and Natalia

were building a station for your new seasonal scaled contractor Zack! A successful startup dude who started his own company called Levitas,

Maglev Madness was the next event in line and all of you Maglev fans can go crazy and enjoy your special timed

destinations and special game settings.

In September, you can look forward to Diesel Domination event for all of you Diesel lovers. And

a new seasonal scaled contractor will join the contractors Club!

Weather was changing my health in Emporea.

Following amazing events entered the realms of Emporea during August! Terror of the Deep Hell - to heat your summer,

Tracks in Snow - to chill it down and the Return of the Fire Dragon to set you back on fire!

Special magician game world Hecate has been dominated by Alliance Gargamel!

We have asked you to draw a new unit and we have received a lot of fan art from you guys!

Great job, and thank you all for participating!

And this is it. These were the updates in our Pixel games in August. But one thing is for sure,

we're not done with bringing more of them. In case you wanna know more about game development,

we are working on a brand new youtube video series which will cover just that. And every new subscriber will make us happy!

So happy! Very happy!

Hasta luego! Ciao!

For more infomation >> Pixel News August 2018 - Duration: 3:52.


DUYÊN GÌ Rơi Nước Mắt Vì TĂNG BẢO? | Phạm Thị Yến (Tâm Chiếu Hoàn Quán) - Duration: 20:33.

For more infomation >> DUYÊN GÌ Rơi Nước Mắt Vì TĂNG BẢO? | Phạm Thị Yến (Tâm Chiếu Hoàn Quán) - Duration: 20:33.


Economic Update:  Capitalism Invites Deepening Criticism - Duration: 29:46.

Welcome friends to Economic Update a

weekly program devoted to the economic

dimensions of our lives

jobs debts incomes our own our

children's I'm your host Richard wolf

I've been a professor of economics all

my adult life and that's how I come to

bring these economic updates to you each


well we're approaching Labor Day and so

I wanted to say a few words about that

holiday typically our leaders at this

time give us fancy phrases about working

men and women and how we ought to honor

them it's always a little strange the

rest of the world celebrates Labor Day

on May 1st which was a holiday that

actually began here in the United States

but we have to be different and I would

like to be different in a new way I'd

like to really honor the working men and

women of this society and the way I

would like to do it is to see if we can

do something about depriving our society

of a situation in which one human being

can take away from another human being a

job and the income that comes with a job

and to make it clear what I'm trying to

say I'm gonna refer to Abraham Lincoln

and the Emancipation Proclamation our

president said at that time it was

unconscionable unconscionable it was

contrary to American values that one

human being could own another that one

human being could buy and sell another


separating her or him from family from

home from neighborhood

well let me say let's do that again only

this time to deprive any person from the

right to take another person's job and

another person's income that would be a

real freedom and a real honor on Labor

Day a society you know could do that we

could say to every person who's an adult

you have to contribute your brains and

muscles in work to give back to the

community and the community in turn has

to honor and guarantee to each person to

provide a job and the income a decent

income that goes with it just like it

was right to

away with slavery it's right to do away

with an unconscionable power that no

person should have over another

well the updates are gonna go quickly

today there's so many of them it's kind

of hard for me to choose my attention

was caught back in June and I wanted to

bring it up to you again by a decision

of the Democratic National Committee

here's what it decided it had earlier

decided it would not accept

contributions from fossil fuel companies

that pollute the air the water and the

earth they reversed that decision they

are going to accept money from the

fossil fuel companies I'm not gonna make

the usual comment about how the

democracy we have is the best that money

can buy what I want to talk about is the

reason given the Democratic Party said

well there are unions whose workers work

in the fossil fuel industry and it

doesn't want them to lose their jobs

this is the basic confusion you're not

choosing between jobs and pollution

we're a society that could have no

pollution and preserve everybody's job

here's a thought for the Democratic

National Committee commit yourself to

guaranteed full employment make sure

that anyone who loses their job in an

industry we don't want a need like

fossil fuel is given a good job at equal

pay somewhere else other societies

manage that we could to don't give in on

that phony excuse unions have a bad rep

helping their members and not being

interested in the broader society here's

a way to change that commit to getting

rid of fossil fuels and guarantee jobs

that's how the labor movement would

become a leader in our society rather

than what it is my next update has to do

with his situation in Turkey many of you

have been reading about it and asked me

about it

let me tell you what Turkey is not about

it's not about some Minister who's being

held over there on charges and it's not

about the tit-for-tat tariffs that mr.

Ayer Dewan in Turkey and mr. Trump in

United States slap on each other for


whops that they can get some support for

here's what it's about and here's why

it's a problem not only in Turkey but in

Indonesia Colombia and quite a few other

countries a little history will show us

what's going on when world capitalism


beginning with the dot-com crisis in

2000 and really exploding with a

mortgage crisis and everything that

happened from it in 2008 the response of

capitalist governments around the world

was not to help the people at the bottom

but first of all to help the people at

the top the big banks that had brought

us the crisis and the way they did that

was give them vast amounts of money by

dropping interest rates the way banks

borrow from the government very very low

and flooding the economy with new money

well when you make interest rates very

low you create a wonderful opportunity

for capitalists in Istanbul and

elsewhere in Turkey we're gonna use them

as the example cuz they're in the news

those capitalists who have wonderful

projects to make profits have been held

back because they didn't want to use

their own money cuz there are risks they

don't want to take but using other

people's money is attractive and when

the interest rates brought down in New

York London Paris Berlin guess what the

Turkish hustlers excuse me businessmen

and women guess what they did they went

to New York Berlin London and Paris and

borrowed lots of our money and very low

interest rates this was their chance and

they invested them in building

high-rises in Istanbul though there

you'll see them and in investing and all

kinds of risky deals guess what a few

years later now those risks don't work

out there are too many capitalists

borrowing too much money in order to

invest and when they all do it at the

same time they can't all sell the output

apartments that can't be rented

businesses that can't sell so the

suddenly the Turkish business community

can't pay back the loans that's the

problem and as the banks in Western

Europe who lent them the money and the

banks in New York who lent them the


and the rich investors who bought shares

in these companies begin to realize

another capitalist crisis emerging they

get rid of their holdings and that means

they don't want the Turkish lira anymore

so they dump it so its price goes down

but when the value of the lira goes down

the debts of the Turks which are in

dollars and euros become unpayable and

you have the collapse the problem isn't

the minister and the problem isn't a

tariff the problem is the irrational

unstable way capitalism works the

solution to the crisis of 2008 has yet

produced a new crisis in 2018 you don't

want a system that takes you from crisis

to crisis then you've got a problem with

capitalism because that's how it's

always worked and that's how it's

working now then there's another story

that has to be told about capitalism's

problems that keep deepening and

spreading which is why so many people

are critical of that system now not just

us here are an economic update the story

I want to turn to next the collapse of a

bridge in Genoa in Italy it has now cost

as of the latest as of August 20th 43

lives 43 people died in the collapse of

that bridge and many more were injured

and this is a major artery and you might

wondering gee a major artery running

along the South of France into Italy is

this a private enterprise that runs it


turns out the Italian government which

once ran this thing sold it to a private

company Atlantia

is the name of the private company and

pay attention because Atlanta owns lots

of things it owns toll roads in India

Brazil Chile and Poland and indeed here

in the United States it recently took

possession of the Dulles green

outside of Washington DC so will will

have it too they also run airports in

nice and con they also run the tunnel

under Mont Blanc the highest mountain in

Europe and they recently took possession

of the channel tunnel under the English

Channel they're called the tunnel Wow

this ought to concern you why because

when a private company runs a road it

has a profit motive that's its bottom

line they like to tell us that profit is

our bottom line will go to maximize

profit and it turns out that one of the

ways you can maximize profit is not

spend so much on the cost of maintenance

oh sure they'll tell you they would

never save on maintenance but if profit

is your number-one goal then it isn't

your number-one goal to be safe and the

general bridge collapse is a terrible

sign of where that can go and by the way

my problem is not with private ownership

of roads for that matter with you give

it back to the public guess what private

companies will make it impossible for

the public to have enough money the

government to run it properly the

government will get be upset we will be

angry at the government they'll sell it

to the private company to run it which

it will do until a bridge qila we've

been here before this isn't new this is

an old catastrophe back and forth

government private didn't solve anything

you want to do something about this have

bridges airports tunnels run

collectively by the people who use them

and the people who work there make it

safe for a worker who's part of running

this thing to stand up and say I see

cracks I see problems there's not

maintenance then we might have a chance

to avoid these kinds of collapses a

worker coop running the roads much

better idea maybe we ought to try it

two more signs of both capitalism

falling apart and the beginning of big

movements to change it

Fortune magazine a friend of business in

August 16th issue points out the

difference between what happened to the

salaries of the CEOs of the 350 largest

companies in America that's all of our

big big big businesses the CEOs of the

350 biggest companies saw an increase in

their salary between 2016 and 2017

you ready CEOs on average earned 18

point nine million dollars in 2017 which

was a seventeen point six percent

increase over the previous year and what

fortune does is compare that with what

happened to the wages of the workers of

those companies those 350 big companies

how did they they're in going from 2016

to 2017 they also had an increase 0.3%

so let me do that again

the CEOs salary went up by seventeen

point six percent and the workers they

employ went up by 0.3 percent capitalism

does not reward us equally does it and

so you shouldn't be surprised by yet

another economic update that I think

speaks volumes the Gallup poll the most

famous old-established polling company

in America did its most recent poll from

July 30th to August 5th of 2018 and

released it in the middle of the month

of August and it shows the following

that I think is worth thinking about

among self-identified Democrats people

who support the Democratic Party 57%

said they view socialism positively 47%

said they view capitalism positively you

heard that right

favorability to socialism in general

across everybody stable since 2010 at 35

to 39 percent folks that's the same

percentage who claim that they like

Donald Trump and the favorability to

capitalism has dropped since 2010 the

American people are looking at their

capitalist system and they're concluding

what others have - it's time to move on

that does it for the first part of our

show but before we meet today's guest I

want to remind you to follow us on

Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and

remember to subscribe to our YouTube

channel and to visit, or visit our

website there you can see

more of what we do and how you can get

involved and if you listen to this show

as a podcast you can download the new

Economic Update App where you can find

recent episodes and archived shows as

always thanks to our Patreon community

your support makes all that we do

possible and we enjoy bringing it to you

on your mobile device please stay tuned

we'll be right back welcome back friends

to the second half of Economic Update at

this time early each month I have with

me dr. Harriet Fraad I'm sure many of

you who have been listening to this

program are familiar with the kinds of

discussions we have Dr. Fraad is a

mental health counselor and

psychotherapist hypnotherapist my

mistake in private practice in New York

City her work explores the intersections

of American personal economic and

political life her most recent articles

have appeared in alternate in the book

knowledge and class and economics

she appears regularly on the radio TV

show economic update and also appears on

such shows as redacted tonight with Lee

Camp her work can be found at her


Harriet Fraad that's all one word welcome to the

program thanks okay I want to start

today with a kind of enormous question

and ask you to use your expertise to

explore it and the question sort of

comes out of American history of the

last 30, 40 years sort of the stunning

reality that real wages the average

amount of money in terms of what it can

buy real wages in terms of what you can


has been stagnant in the United States

for the average American worker for

decades meanwhile because the workers

have become more productive even though

their wages aren't going up what they

produce for their employer

that's what productivity is has been

going up and their explains the growing

wealth gap the growing income gap the

rich are getting richer and the rest of

us are watching so here's the question

that I think lurks in everybody's mind

why in the face of this growing

inequality why in the face that workers

are more productive but not

participating in the benefits of that

greater productivity why is there not

more rebellion why is there not more of

an upsurge of discontent of opposition

and particularly the kind of opposition

where people are able to identify what's

their problem and begin to do something

or at least to talk about it so I want

you to tell us sort of if you can

psychologically what what's going on

what makes people respond to a situation

like this in an active way and what

makes them not do that well there's two

things that I can think of one is the

idea of American exceptionalism we are

the exception in the world

and actually for a hundred and some

years between 1820 and 1970s we were if

you were white and male you could make

it if you really tried as the song goes

because there were jobs aplenty before

they were mechanized robotized and

exported an out sourced and so on so

that people got used to that for a long

time and sat in days despair eating junk

food and watching television for a long

time before they started reacting are

you saying that because they were used

to it even though it stopped see ology

may stayed the same you can make it if

you really try if you haven't made it

there's something wrong with you now we

go on to the part two of what I'm going

to say which is very heavily influenced

by a brilliant Marxist philosopher

called al to ser who pointed out that

they're the most effective way to keep

people down is to make them feel so bad

about themselves if they disobey

authority that they won't rebel they

won't join together they won't do

anything about it and there are three

institutions that really in still the

lines of dominance and subordination

from the inside which is far more

effective than calling out the cops

those are authoritarian families

authoritarian schools and also

importantly authoritarian education and

authoritarian religions if you start

with the family as John Lennon said in

his song working class hero as soon as

you're born they make you feel small by

telling you nothing instead of it all

because a lot of people have children as

a rite of passage and there are

background music and these people are

fighting or hitting them in frustration

and they don't have a sense that this is

a delicate vulnerable

human and they enforce their own

dominance you do it because mommy said

so or daddy said so or you'll get hit

and so children learn you are nothing

you are in a land of omnipotent

dictators and their needs are important

and yours aren't and children grow up in

the Hall of Mirrors of other people's

glances and how they see themselves is

usually how the most influential people

in their lives see them their parents or

in the United States now since we don't

have good public daycare

they're often shoved into the hands of

overworked child care minders who don't

really care about them and they learn

that they're not worth caring about and

then they're not much who are they to

raise their voice nobody's interested in

what they need anyway and so in a way

you're saying that the family and some

of these other institutions and I assume

we're going to talk about literally are

preparing people to be treated in an

abusive way and not and to find it

unacceptable or right absolutely and the

more authoritarian the family the more

likely the child will discipline him or

herself from the inside parents usually

don't say you have to do this because I

made the decision and I'm in charge you

may find me wrong later but this is what

I have to do and you have to obey that's

the nature of the beast no this is right

you are bad and so children take that in

I am bad Who am I to raise my head

against um omnipotent Authority and then

it goes on it's reinforced

if you read the child-rearing texts of

fundamentalists the most popular being

dare to discipline and the strong-willed

child the idea is break the child's will

show them who's boss physical punishment

is encouraged leaving little marks

that's fine and often the punishment

starts in the crib

and to make the child feel you are


I am omnipotent don't you dare raise

your head you are no one and so when

injustice is around just what you feel

depressed the suicide rate has jumped

drug rate is wild

last year it went up 72,000 people died

of overdoses because they can feel

better about themselves by taking drugs

then you have authoritarian schooling

where the teacher is boss you have to

shut up and obey and the worst is the

religious homeschooling movement which

and the religious schooling movement

which Betty devotes most champions where

the religious homeschooling is you never

escape from your parents you don't go

into it and learn that other people are

different you don't have different kinds

of discipline and different kinds of

children you captain you are kept in the

same hotbed of oppression and you don't

learn different differently to use

proper English and but it's across the


you know there were very interesting

studies by Hess and Shipman who took

african-american parents of different

income groups and tested them with the

same tests they asked questions like

what do you tell your child on the first

day of school the poor ones versus the

richer ones the poor one said you obey

now that teacher is is your boss and you

better obey now you do what she says and

don't you get in trouble whereas the

richer one tended to say the teachers

there to help you if you need her or him

please ask a question this is about you

they're there to help you and the poor

our parents have given a an

etch-a-sketch a little task where the

kid has to do something they'd say no no

if the parent if they did something that

the parent felt wasn't helping them

create what they wanted whereas the

wealthier parents would say no dear if

you turn it to the

right then it does this instilling good

vocabulary self power and so on its

training for submissive versus stronger

power in the society and this is

training that goes inside and it's very

powerful and I looked at in trying to

answer this question for myself I looked

at the United States and compared it to

a country like France where they have at

least as much ethnic diversity as we do

and children are born into poverty

although they're the government programs

take them out of poverty more frequently

but they're both equally born into

poverty and I thought what's different

why are the French in the streets

defending their rights

the French are famous for the minute

they get a bit of a provocation of

you're threatening welfare or standards

of living or conditions or worries they

go right into the streets to make it

clear yeah

Michel the current Prime Minister tried

to instill cuts and cuts in labor rights

hundreds of thousands poured into the

streets so it was impossible pilots at

Air France were discriminated against

they wouldn't fly taxis so how we're

threatened they parked in the runways

stopped the society why so how how do

you account for the rebellious nough

Skol it of working people in France

compared to the relative passivity here

yes well what I could think of is if you

look at the three things that how to say

are discovered that police people

internally the first is the family while

preschool education is universal in

France by the age of three and child

care is available before that for a

dollar an hour equivalent in euros so

that a hundred percent of French

children are in quality childcare most

often from 7:00 in the morning to 7:00

at night when they return to their

parents fed and in their outfit they


themselves in and with a day they go

through their child care with the same

children year after year until they

finish high school and their basic bonds

are formed with their peers not

necessarily with their parents their

well behaved they look they're much more

well behaved than American children but

they relate to their peers as their

support group and they never had the

period of prosperity which meant that

you could make it if you really try if

you're white and male the only way you

could change a position in society is if

you join with others and their parenting

system by this a very excellent quality

child day care system enhance that also

religion is a joke in France here

everybody has to pretend they believe in

God to run for office and evangelicals

capture a lot of publicity and a lot of

pressure which is why we don't have sex

education in the schools and why they do

and so that religions dominance is not

the same if you look at French films the

priest is usually a laughingstock even

though it's ostensibly a Catholic

country they made a big deal when the

archbishop died in the arms of a

prostitute said he would later he was

trying to save her at the time but the

French newspaper is all made quite the

joke of it so that they don't have the

kind of religious inculcation of

obedience in a hierarchy because we can

see from the Catholic Church that if you

have an unaccountable hierarchy those

the children are in trouble I think what

you're saying if if I can condense it is

that the success here of imposing on the

working people a difficult life

situation for 40 years

the answer is it's been prepared by the

authoritarian structure of family school

and religion and that that's the core of

it that's right and that gets you when

you're young enough not to even know

what's happening to you we've come to

the end of this conversation it is

something that will continue if you're

interested by going to slash

economic update where we'll keep the

conversation going

otherwise I look forward to talking with

you again next week

For more infomation >> Economic Update:  Capitalism Invites Deepening Criticism - Duration: 29:46.


◤Nightcore◢ ↬ Everybody gets high [lyrics] - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> ◤Nightcore◢ ↬ Everybody gets high [lyrics] - Duration: 3:12.


醒腦小遊戲【Helix Jump】chu玩遊戲|有cc字幕 - Duration: 4:47.

For more infomation >> 醒腦小遊戲【Helix Jump】chu玩遊戲|有cc字幕 - Duration: 4:47.


PIZZA CHALLENGE with our boyfriends || A&A w/ J&R - Duration: 15:00.

For more infomation >> PIZZA CHALLENGE with our boyfriends || A&A w/ J&R - Duration: 15:00.


August Wrap Up! | 2018 - Duration: 15:34.

For more infomation >> August Wrap Up! | 2018 - Duration: 15:34.


UEFA Nations League: Italy - Poland - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> UEFA Nations League: Italy - Poland - Duration: 0:31.


Triple Lemon Cake Recipe - Duration: 5:01.

Today I'm sharing this amazing cake with

you. All the different components that

make up this beautiful lemon cake. I'm

going to show you all of it right here.

So stay tuned. I'm gonna let my neice

Payton tell you what flavors are in the cake

It is a orange cake with a lemon curd

and an Italian meringue buttercream .

Three cups flour,

one tablespoon of baking powder,

1/2 teaspoon of salt. 1 cup butter. 2 cups

sugar. 1 cup orange juice, 4 eggs, and 1

teaspoon of vanilla. Mix the butter and

sugar till fluffy. Separate the eggs and

add the yolks to the batter and blend.

Add the baking soda and salt to the

flour mixture. Alternately add that flour

mixture and the orange juice plus the

vanilla to the butter sugar mixture,

Scrape the bowl a few times during the

process. In a clean bowl beat the egg

whites until firm but not dry. Fold the

egg whites into the batter then fill

your three 9-inch prepared pans.

Pop them into a 325 or 350 oven until

the tops spring back or toothpick

inserted into the center comes out clean.

Wrap the layers and freeze or

refrigerate. You'll need one batch of

Italian meringue buttercream. The link is

below and at the end of the video for

you to a detailed tutorial for this

wonderful buttercream. Visit wedding

cakes for you website to download your

FREE copy of my top 5 buttercream recipes.

A batch of my English lemon curd recipe

is next. The link to this luscious lemon

custard is below the video and at the

end of the video. You can use this

custard as a filling for your cakes

tarts and pies, mix it with butter cream

or whipping cream for a filling, or top

your pancakes waffles and toast for a

special treat.

For the sugared lemon slices bring two

cups of sugar and one and a half cups of

water to a boil. Add your lemon slices

and simmer for 15 minutes. Place them

onto wax paper or parchment paper. Save

the syrup and then sprinkle your lemon

slices liberally with sugar. Mix half the

curd with about two cups of butter

cream, for filling. Triple luscious lemon.

Now layer on the love.

Wedding Cakes For You website books and

video provide aspiring bakers with the

recipes and steps for building

confidence to create beautiful cakes and

cherished memories,

Thank you so much for being here and

I'll see you next week for another

awesome video :-)

For more infomation >> Triple Lemon Cake Recipe - Duration: 5:01.


How to motivate yourself to work when you don't feel like working - Duration: 3:48.

How to motivate yourself to work when you don't feel like working.

Remember that first day when you joined a new workplace, the motivation and the fresh

feeling you had to work and show your best?

Well, sometimes it does disappear over time to make you feel demotivated.

To make sure, you are not alone in this situation, and it is a very common thing among us all.

Getting that motivation back can help you to work usually again.

Getting started would be the hardest part.

But we came up with a list to make thing simple and straightforward.

Stick around and find out with this episode.

Number one.

Imagine yourself as a success story as a movie.

All dream, no work will not get you anywhere, but you can take some time to dream about

your success in a realistic way.

This will boost your motivation to work harder to achieve that real success.

Number two.

Get some application for reminders.

One of the biggest problems we face is forgetting stuff that we have to do.

So to keep yourself with constant reminders, its time to download a good application to

set some important tasks that should be completed in time.

Number three.

Tell yourself that you are starting new It is important to feel fresh, so treat yourself

like a new project and keep constant reminders and the goals relevant to the dreams you have.

Research studies have shown that 'new mental accounting periods' can create new perspectives

and boost our motivation.

Number four.

Reward yourself a little before you begin.

Dopamine levels are very important to stay self-motivated.

Start your day with some fancy food or a slice of cake, if you are on a diet, watch some

puppy videos or a comedy short clip on YouTube to break that procrastination loop.

Number five.

Some exposure to green.

According to several research studies, it has proven that going for a walk outside across

a park with many trees can cause you to feel fresh and happier.

It is more green color overall that will help your mind to feel happier.

Number six.

Set that ultimate goal.

You are more likely to see your work as important as they are if you think of the importance

it has to other people and the benefits of them.

Write down your ultimate goal of the task at hand, and hang it somewhere you can see.

Number seven.

Collaborate with someone.

Studies have proved that collective pride towards working for success in a project can

boost your motivation.

Ask for input from another person and keep them updated on the work progress you achieve.

Number eight.

Time to smile more.

It is always to stay with a bright face full of positivity.

Smiling can help you to achieve this and reduce stress and anxiety levels.

Overall it will only help you to feel better at work.

Even a fake smile could help.

Number nine.

Do your power pose Sitting with an open or an expansive posture

can increase testosterone in your body.

It can also decrease cortisol and improve your feeling of power and tolerance as you

face your work schedule for the day.

Number ten.

A massage time.

Massages can indeed decrease your levels of the stress hormone known as cortisol.

It will then raise the serotonin levels, which are known to boost your willpower to keep you up

Sot here it is, our simple guide to help you bounce back.

Thank you for watching and see you again with another one soon.

For more infomation >> How to motivate yourself to work when you don't feel like working - Duration: 3:48.


On and off rain continues Monday, more heavy rain tomorrow - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> On and off rain continues Monday, more heavy rain tomorrow - Duration: 2:04.


A Vida Mais Qualy - Episódio 6: Gaby Amarantos - Duration: 0:35.

For more infomation >> A Vida Mais Qualy - Episódio 6: Gaby Amarantos - Duration: 0:35.


Essence Of Murli 04-09-2018 - Duration: 7:24.

Om Shanti !

Today's Murli Date Is 4th September 2018

( Sweet Sweet Shiv Baba, while referring to Yog as a fire imparts valuable knowledge to us saying in this fire our sins gets absolved )

Essence: Sweet children, knowledge is not called a fire.

Yoga is said to be the fire.

It is only by staying in yoga that your sins are burnt away and you become clean and beautiful.

( Knowledge is referred as light. Yog as fire )

Question: Which children's quivers (arrow bag) of the intellect are always filled with the arrows of knowledge?

Answer: The quivers of the intellect of those who study very well every day and also teach others are always full of the arrows of knowledge.

They are the only ones who can serve in the same way as the Mother and Father and change thorns into buds and buds into flowers.

Those who study well and also teach others are the ones who claim a high status.

Song: Who has come to the door of my mind with the sound of ankle bells?

Essence for dharna: 1. Study knowledge and have mercy on yourself. Don't ask the Father for mercy.

Continue to follow the shrimat of the doubly-elevated One (Shri Shri).

( Shri Shri is a title of Supreme Father Supreme Soul only. For Dieties the title given is Shri )

2. Become a spinner of the discus of self-realisation and a conqueror of Maya and a conqueror of the world.

Don't be afraid of or confused about Maya. Practise being bodiless.

Blessing: May you become a charitable soul and become freed from all your sins by having the awareness of the pilgrimage place.

Madhuban is the greatest pilgrimage place.

On the path of devotion, people believe that by going to a pilgrimage place their sins are absolved.

However, you children have the practical experience of this now.

You come to this great pilgrimage place and you become charitable souls.

This awareness of the pilgrimage place takes you beyond all problems.

This awareness works like a lucky charm.

Whenever any situation arises, remember the atmosphere here and you will begin to swing in the swing of happiness of peace.

So, to come to this land is also a huge fortune.

Slogan: In order to become an entertaining yogi, become one with the double authority of knowledge and experience.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada.

The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

We spiritual children convey to spiritual Baapdada, our love our remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste

Om Shanti !

For more infomation >> Essence Of Murli 04-09-2018 - Duration: 7:24.


NASA Astronauts Discuss Extraterrestrial Life | NASA's Unexplained Files - Duration: 1:20.
































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