Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 3 2018





For more infomation >> MUOLANA TARIQ JAMEEL No Bayan || Gustakhana Khake in Holland - Duration: 2:31.


Je reprends ma chaîne YouTube ! / Dies YT - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> Je reprends ma chaîne YouTube ! / Dies YT - Duration: 3:43.


◤Nightcore◢ ↬ Everybody gets high [lyrics] - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> ◤Nightcore◢ ↬ Everybody gets high [lyrics] - Duration: 3:12.


A Vida Mais Qualy - Episódio 6: Gaby Amarantos - Duration: 0:35.

For more infomation >> A Vida Mais Qualy - Episódio 6: Gaby Amarantos - Duration: 0:35.


Düşüngeç x Deno x Dezidez - Düş Yakamdan (Official Audio) - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> Düşüngeç x Deno x Dezidez - Düş Yakamdan (Official Audio) - Duration: 3:22.


Essence Of Murli 04-09-2018 - Duration: 7:24.

Om Shanti !

Today's Murli Date Is 4th September 2018

( Sweet Sweet Shiv Baba, while referring to Yog as a fire imparts valuable knowledge to us saying in this fire our sins gets absolved )

Essence: Sweet children, knowledge is not called a fire.

Yoga is said to be the fire.

It is only by staying in yoga that your sins are burnt away and you become clean and beautiful.

( Knowledge is referred as light. Yog as fire )

Question: Which children's quivers (arrow bag) of the intellect are always filled with the arrows of knowledge?

Answer: The quivers of the intellect of those who study very well every day and also teach others are always full of the arrows of knowledge.

They are the only ones who can serve in the same way as the Mother and Father and change thorns into buds and buds into flowers.

Those who study well and also teach others are the ones who claim a high status.

Song: Who has come to the door of my mind with the sound of ankle bells?

Essence for dharna: 1. Study knowledge and have mercy on yourself. Don't ask the Father for mercy.

Continue to follow the shrimat of the doubly-elevated One (Shri Shri).

( Shri Shri is a title of Supreme Father Supreme Soul only. For Dieties the title given is Shri )

2. Become a spinner of the discus of self-realisation and a conqueror of Maya and a conqueror of the world.

Don't be afraid of or confused about Maya. Practise being bodiless.

Blessing: May you become a charitable soul and become freed from all your sins by having the awareness of the pilgrimage place.

Madhuban is the greatest pilgrimage place.

On the path of devotion, people believe that by going to a pilgrimage place their sins are absolved.

However, you children have the practical experience of this now.

You come to this great pilgrimage place and you become charitable souls.

This awareness of the pilgrimage place takes you beyond all problems.

This awareness works like a lucky charm.

Whenever any situation arises, remember the atmosphere here and you will begin to swing in the swing of happiness of peace.

So, to come to this land is also a huge fortune.

Slogan: In order to become an entertaining yogi, become one with the double authority of knowledge and experience.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada.

The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

We spiritual children convey to spiritual Baapdada, our love our remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste

Om Shanti !

For more infomation >> Essence Of Murli 04-09-2018 - Duration: 7:24.


How To Create Fb Page/Group User Name - How To Set Custom URL/Name in Fb Page & Group (Today) - 2018 - Duration: 4:19.

How To Create Fb Page/Group User Name

How To Set Custom URL/Name in Fb Page & Group (Today

For more infomation >> How To Create Fb Page/Group User Name - How To Set Custom URL/Name in Fb Page & Group (Today) - 2018 - Duration: 4:19.


Giải mã ảo thuật làm vỡ bóng đèn có 102 của NTN - Duration: 4:44.

For more infomation >> Giải mã ảo thuật làm vỡ bóng đèn có 102 của NTN - Duration: 4:44.


Google "Trở Nên Xấu Xa" ở Trung Quốc | Trung Quốc Không Kiểm Duyệt - Duration: 12:01.

On this episode of China Uncensored,

I miss Ask Jeeves.

Welcome back to China Uncensored,

I'm your host Chris Chappell.

Good news, everyone!

Google has finally taken the chains off.

Back in May,

Google removed its famous "don't be evil" motto

from its code of conduct.

Google's new motto is:

Don't let anyone find out that you're evil.

Moral relativism is cool.

What is evil, anyway?

Don't be unprofitable.

Don't learn from your mistakes.

No, history never repeats itself.

Or at least that's what I assume from this article from the Intercept.

It turns out, there's a tratorious Google employee

who still hasn't gotten the hang of being evil but hiding it per company policy.

Because that employee revealed Google's top secret project:

making a censored Android app for China that uses their search engine.

The secret project is called Dragonfly,

and it's allegedly been in the works among a select number of employees

since the spring of 2017.

We reached out to Google for comment about their search engine in China.

Their "Google Spokesperson" said they do have mobile apps in China,

but they don't comment on speculation about future plans.

It's like if your wife asks,

"You're not going to eat that entire box of Cheez-Its

in one sitting, are you?"

And you reply,

"There are things I'm going to eat,

but I don't comment on specific future eating plans."

So China has a pretty big internet market:

750 million Internet users.

That's bigger than the entire population of Europe.

And it seems like,

well there's a ton of money Google could be making in China.

And now that Google isn't concerned about not being evil,

they can finally tap into it.

With the help of an "unnamed" Chinese partner company.

As you know, the Chinese Communist Party

likes to keep a tight grip on the Internet.

Otherwise Chinese citizens might learn dangerous things,

like how their government was totally willing to massacre

a bunch of students in Tiananmen Square.

With the new Google search engine app for Android,

Chinese people don't need to know all that.

Because they won't even be able to find links

to troubling informational websites with

you know, facts—

like the BBC or Wikipedia.

Now you might be concerned that Google's

new alleged Chinese search engine would create

some kind of bad precedent.

That, if the biggest search engine in the world

is willing to cave to Chinese censorship demands,

why should any company resist?

It's a fair point, but may I remind you


In fact, maybe Google's new motto is actually:

Don't be unprofitable.

After all, being evil can make you so much money.

Clearly that important point was lost on the Google employee

who leaked the secret plan.

He told The Intercept,

"I'm against large companies and governments collaborating

in the oppression of their people,

and feel like transparency around

what's being done is in the public interest,"

and that "what is done in China will become a template

for many other nations."


Are you saying that this will embolden other authoritarian nations

to further limit free information?

Well, don't worry,

because other authoritarian nations don't have

750 million internet users.


Google is a company with 88,000 employees.

You can't expect them all to have jumped on

the evil is okay bandwagon.

So to minimize the chance of leaks,

only "a handful of top executives and managers,"

knew about project Dragonfly.

Executives like the current CEO.

Last December, he travelled to China

and met with top Communist Party officials,

who had great money-making ideas,

as communist officials always do.

That same month,

Google opened an artificial intelligence

research center in Beijing.

In May, they brought their file management app

to the Chinese market.

And in July, they launched a fun game

for the popular Chinese messaging app WeChat.

Let's just say there are some privacy concerns about WeChat.

Clearly not a concern for Google, though!

In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Google's unnamed

Chinese partner company is Tencent,

the maker of WeChat.

I wonder if this new app will also give user data

directly to the Chinese government,

just like WeChat does!

Now some people have compared Google's move to

the shameful history of IBM in Nazi Germany.

I mean, I'm not making that comparison.

I'm just saying, some people have—

and now you know that.

But giving in to the Chinese regime isn't actually new for Google.

They were in China before.

In 2006, Google set up

a highly censored version of their search engine

for the Chinese market.

And Google got slammed for it.

Here's a clip from a 2006 Congressional hearing about

American tech companies.

US Congressman Chris Smith was not too happy with Google.

"When a user enters a forbidden word,

such as 'democracy' or 'Chinese torture' or 'Falun Gong,'

the search results are blocked,

or you are redirected to a misleading site,

and the user's computer can be frozen

for unspecified periods of time…"

"...It is hard not to draw the conclusion that Google

has seriously compromised its 'Don't Be Evil' policy."

Well guess what, foolish politician actually trying to call out

a big corporation for it shady behavior?

Google doesn't have the "don't be evil" policy anymore.

Take that!

Problem solved.

So what happened to that censored Chinese version of Google

that Congressman Smith was complaining about in 2006?

Four years later, Google backed out.

In a 2010 official blog post, they said:

Guess what?

The Chinese Communist Party hacked us.

And they targeted the gmail accounts of human rights activists.

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal.

Google stood up to the evil Chinese regime.

They announced that they were uncensoring their search engine,

and if that meant the regime kicked them out of China,

so be it.

And so it was.

Google co-founder Sergey Brin,

who partly grew up in the Soviet Union,

told the Wall Street Journal that he was worried about

China's totalitarianism.

And, at the time,

I praised Google for doing the right thing.

It turned out later,

their pull-out might have been about

more than just doing what was right.

It was also maybe because they were

hardly making any money in China.

But don't worry.

Google is under new leadership now!

And their new motto is:

Don't learn from your mistakes.

Because, the lesson from this should have been:

It's really hard for Google to make money in the China

because the Chinese regime will always

stack the cards against you in favor of Chinese companies

while also hacking you and stealing your intellectual property.

But the lesson the new Google CEO took was:

If at first you don't succeed,

try, try again.

But now with more evil.

The sad part is,

Google is hardly alone in wanting to be in China:

Bing and Yahoo already have censored search engines there,

although they have a fraction of the market share

of Chinese companies like Baidu.

Apple has made a huge investment in China.

And we all know that Mark Zuckerberg

will literally run through the Beijing smog

to get Facebook there.

But at one point, Google was alone

in standing up to the Chinese Communist Party.

Which makes this new search engine thing

so much more disappointing.

And now the question on my mind is,

if Google does get back into the Chinese market,

and is desperate to make money there,

what happens if someday the Chinese Communist Party

decides it doesn't like how Google operates outside China?

Like they do with, I don't know,

international airlines that call Taiwan a country.

To get into the Chinese market,

would Google be more evil outside China, too?

As someone who hosts the world's

most important English-language satirical news show

about China on YouTube,

which is owned by Google,

I'm a little bit concerned.

When you have a moment, try this.

Do a search for China Uncensored.

"China uncensorship pollution"!?

That's a funny autocomplete!

Oddly enough, our newer, much smaller podcast,

China Unscripted, does come up.

We've also had fans of the show tell us

that they've stopped seeing China Uncensored

in recommended videos.

That they get no notification of new episodes,

even when they have the notification bell turned on.

We're constantly having videos get demonetized.

And get this:

Some viewers have told me they were suddenly

unsubscribed from China Uncensored.

That even happened to Shelley,

who you know,

is on the show.

And I'm sure all of these problems will get much better

once Google has serious financial stakes in China.

There's no evidence that Google

is intentionally targeting China Uncensored.

It could just be that Google is inept.

And that is completely possible.

You see, China is no less totalitarian than it was back in 2010,

when Google initially pulled out.

In fact, they are increasingly using online surveillance

to control Chinese people.

But even if Google doesn't care about being evil anymore—

even if all they care about is making money for their shareholders,

or if they're just drooling over the idea of getting a piece of

750 million internet users—

going in to China is a bad idea.

Having a Chinese partner company

may help Google make more money,

but there's definitely a price to pay.

And it might be higher than they think.

Which is why Google should really change their motto to:

Don't be stupid.

What do you think about Google's re-entry into China?

What should their new motto be?

Leave your comments below.

And now, it's time to answer questions from fans

who support the show on the crowd funding website Patreon.

Alfred Schneider aks,

"Chris, I've heard that PRC have built

some delightful vacation resorts

in the South China Sea.

Which one would you like to visit the most, and why?"

Oh Alfred, that is probably the toughest question

I've been asked so far.

There are so many; how can I choose?

Yes, the Chinese Communist Party is developing

a booming tourism industry in the South China Sea.

Particularly in disputed territories.

I mean, my favorite Chinese state-run media the Global Times

makes a vacation there sound so appealing.

Look at that beachfront view.

"Since 2013, around 10,000 Chinese tourists have been able

to enjoy the natural beauty of the Xisha Islands."

Otherwise known as the Paracel Islands,

territory claimed by China, Vietnam, and Taiwan.

The best part about vacationing in these wonderful resorts

is probably the flybys from Chinese nuclear capable bombers.

Now if that doesn't sound like a vacation,

I don't know what does.

Just like the tourists in this Global Times article,

I too would love to travel to the Xisha-slash-Paracel Islands

on the Coconut-fragrance Princess,

watch a flag-raising ceremony

as the Chinese National Anthem is played over the water,

and talk about never giving up an inch

of China's territorial integrity.

Thanks for your question Alfred.

And before we wrap up,

this is a good time to make a plug for your support.

This show is funded mainly not through Google ads,

but through contributions from viewers like you

You can contribute a dollar or more per episode

through the crowdfunding website Patreon.

You'll get cool rewards,

including a chance to have your questions for me

answered here on the show.

And even if you can't support China Uncensored on Patreon,

you can make a huge difference by just

sharing the show with your friends and family.

Since Google is going to make that as hard as possible.

Thanks for watching this episode of China Uncensored.

Once again I'm your host Chris Chappell.

See you next time.

You know China Uncensored isn't just on YouTube.

We have half-hour episodes

you can watch on cable in New York,

San Francisco, and Los Angeles.

Check your local listings.

You can also download our China Uncensored app

on Apple TV, Roku, or FireTV.

Or just visit

For more infomation >> Google "Trở Nên Xấu Xa" ở Trung Quốc | Trung Quốc Không Kiểm Duyệt - Duration: 12:01.


Avengers Infinity War Cast | Before and After 2018 - Duration: 5:50.

For more infomation >> Avengers Infinity War Cast | Before and After 2018 - Duration: 5:50.



This is a chocolate powder called MIK MIK.

MIK MIK challenge means that

we are going to suck this powder through a straw at the same time and the first person to finish drinking wins.

Do you want to do it with a penalty?

What kind of penalty do you want to choose?

Slapping as always?

we are going to do it with slapping as a penalty.

We have to do it seriously.

I think I'm likely to come out it from my mouth.

Get ready!


Let's get started.

Drool is coming out of my mouth so much.




I finished, too.

Why can you eat it?

Don't you think it's hard?

Eat it all at once.

My nose is running.

Don't you come out chocolate from your nose?😂

Can you get me a tissue?

Don't you think it's crazy?

I can't eat it.

It's terrible.

Who is the first place, after all?

Maybe, I am.

The first place is him.

The second place is me.

The third place...

Did you finish drink it all?

You must be telling a lie.

You should do till the end.

Go for it!

Go go go go go go!!!

I can't do anymore.

You can't?

We're going to slap you because you are the last person in this game.

Go ahead,Yuya.

I think Yuya slapped too softly.

You should close your eyes.

He is opening eyes slightly.

I'll do it.



I'll do it.

How was it?

It hurts.

If we find out another challenge, we will try to do it.

For more infomation >> MIK MIK CHALLENGE WITH MY BROTHERS!!! - Duration: 5:25.


Kids Meet A Woman with Alzheimer's (Crystal) | Kids Meet | HiHo Kids - Duration: 4:10.

- At some point, I won't be able to remember my name.

But right now,

as you can see, I'm doing good.

- You are doing awesome!

- Yes!

(playful music)

I'm Mariam.

- It's nice to meet you, Mariam.

My name's Crystal.

- Nice to meet you, Crystal.

You're beautiful.

- Thank you.

You're beautiful too.

- Well, thank you.


- What are we here to talk about?

- It's called Alzheimer's.

Have you heard of Alzheimer's?

- No.

- Alzheimer's is a disease

and it's in the brain.

It's in the head.

And, oh what's that like...

Thing that goes around eating things?

- Oh, you mean Pac-Man?

- Pac-Man! Yes!

Well, there's a Pac-Man going around eating

my brain.



- May be you could just create a ghost in your brain

and then eat Pac-Man and then go bye-bye

and then the ghost goes away.

- Sure. Absolutely. Why not?


With Alzheimer's disease,

the brain starts to shrink

and so memories go away.

And I forget things.

- My dad is kinda like that.

When my mama asks him to do something,

he doesn't do it,

every single time,

and he always says

I forgot.

I forgot.

I forgot.


I forgot.

I forgot.

I forgot.

I forgot.

I forgot.

I forgot.

And over and over every single time.


- Well, I can relate


cause I forget all the time.

- What things do you forget?

- People's names,

like you told me your name but I forgot it.

- It's Crystal.

- I know, but I will forget it.


- If you couldn't remember our names,

could you remember your name?

- Oh, yeah...

I think I will remember my name, I think.

- Does the technology help you remember things?

- Absolutely.

I feel blessed that I live with technology

because technology helps me a lot.

You know?

I can contact people who are on the other side

of the country.

You know?

- Yeah.

- I've got lots of friends all over.

Do you have friends?

- Yeah.

My bestest friend is Kristin.

- Kristin?

- She's my little sister.

- Oh, really.

- Surprise.

- Oh that's so great!

- Kristin, she always wants food.

After lunch.

Mom, can I have some more food?

After dinner.

Mom, can I have more food?

After breakfast.

Mom, can I have more food?


And my mom's like

Wow Kristin, you really like to eat.


- One of the side effects of Alzheimer's for me

is that I don't get hungry anymore.

Have you heard...

You know what ALzheimer's is?

- Yeah...

You said that earlier.

- Ah yeah...

See, I'm gonna repeat myself because I forget what I said.

- It's okay.


It's okay.


Does it get worse?

- Yes.

I can gonna keep declining,

so that I'm gonna keep forgetting more and more and more.

At some point, I won't be able to remember my name.

And I don't know how much longer I'm going to be around.

But, I'm just really very positive.

Look on the bright side.

- There's always a bright side.

- That's right!

- Even if you don't see a bright side,

there is always one bright side,

you're still alive.

- Yes!

Give me a high five!

(high five sound)

Yeah girl!


- It's very nice to meet you, Mariam.

- Can I get a hug?

Thank you, sweetie pie.

Thank you!

(clapping sound)

Wait a minute, I'm stuck.

I'm stuck here.

There we are, okay.

For more infomation >> Kids Meet A Woman with Alzheimer's (Crystal) | Kids Meet | HiHo Kids - Duration: 4:10.


Làm Thau Đá Bào Kem Sữa Khổng Lồ - Duration: 16:52.

For more infomation >> Làm Thau Đá Bào Kem Sữa Khổng Lồ - Duration: 16:52.


Dance Moms: No Cursing Allowed (Season 4 Flashback) | Lifetime - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> Dance Moms: No Cursing Allowed (Season 4 Flashback) | Lifetime - Duration: 4:19.


Toy Blasters for Kids Box of Toy Weapons Nerf Rival - Duration: 11:06.

Toy Blasters for Kids Box of Toy Weapons Nerf Rival

For more infomation >> Toy Blasters for Kids Box of Toy Weapons Nerf Rival - Duration: 11:06.



For more infomation >> 5 ЗНАКОВ ЗОДИАКА С САМЫМ СИЛЬНЫМ ХАРАКТЕРОМ - Duration: 3:56.


Should BTS be exempted from military service? Son Heung-min's exemption from duty sparks.. - Duration: 2:39.

While all able-bodied men in Korea are required by law to serve in the military for around

2 years, select individuals are granted exemption from that duty for oustanding achievements

in their respective fields.

It was seen as the norm in the past, but today, the debate rages on.

According to our Oh Soo-young, there are talks of changing such a system or simply getting

rid of what could be seen as special treatments.

South Korean authorities are discussing how to revise military exemption conditions for

professional athletes and cultural artists,... amid concerns that the best years of their

careers are interrupted by mandatory service.

This comes after English Premier League star Son Heung-min and 19 of his South Korea teammates

secured exemption from military duty,... by winning Gold at the 2018 Asian Games, beating

Japan by two goals to one in the final.

All able-bodied South Korean males aged between 18 and 35 are required to serve about 21 months

in the military,... but athletes who win an Olympic medal or Asian Games gold medal are

exempt from conscription.

They are, instead, required to complete four weeks of basic training,... 34 months in their

area of specialty,... and 544 hours of community service.

The medal-based system, however, has been criticized as a one-shot approach.

Those in the sporting industry have called for a fairer mileage system that would require

professional athletes to stack up points by participating in major international matches.

At a press conference on Sunday,.. following the closing ceremony of the Asian Games,...

Korean sporting authorities said they would review the situation.

"We will take another look at all the problems surrounding the issue and consider awarding

exemptions when the players reach a certain level of mileage points."

This would help them further develop their professional sporting careers and give them

a better chance of playing for foreign teams.

Those in cultural industry are also demanding changes.

Under the current system, musicians and cultural performers who win first place in domestic

competitions or second place in international contests can be excused from service.

As such competitions tend to be limited to classical music, an opposition lawmaker on

Monday raised the need to consider exempting mainstream artists such as BTS, for their

contribution to promoting Korea.

However, there's likely to resistance against any easing of laws on duty requirements.

The government's Military Affairs Director Ki Chan-soo said Monday that, with the country's

declining population,... it is all the more necessary to maintain troop numbers.

Saying officials will conduct a full review of the conscription system,... he floated

the idea of scrapping exemption conditions altogether.

Oh Soo-young, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Should BTS be exempted from military service? Son Heung-min's exemption from duty sparks.. - Duration: 2:39.


South Korean delegation not invited to North Korea's 70th Foundation Day - Duration: 0:31.

Staying with North Korea's Foundation Day celebrations.

Pyongyang has not extended an invitation to a South Korean delegation.

Several foreign delegations from countries friendly to the communist state have been

invited to the number of major celebratory events on September 9th.

But according to Seoul's Unification Ministry South Korea is not among them.

The ministry's spokesperson added the opening of the Inter-Korean joint liaison office is

expected to be scheduled after the nation's special delegation visits North Korea on Wednesday.

For more infomation >> South Korean delegation not invited to North Korea's 70th Foundation Day - Duration: 0:31.


Washington's new special envoy for North Korea to visit Asian allies soon: Reports - Duration: 2:15.

For the first time Stephen Biegun will be on a diplomacy tour as Washington's new special

envoy for North Korea.

Some are expressing concerns, highlighting the former Ford executive's lack of experience

in this particular field.

Lee Ji-won delves deeper to find out if he has what it takes to prove doubters wrong.

South Korean news outlets are reporting that Stephen Biegun will soon embark on a trip

to Northeast Asia, which will include stops in Seoul and Tokyo.

This will be his first time in the region as the new U.S. special envoy for North Korea

since he assumed the role last month.

His South Korean counterpart is the special representative for Korean Peninsula Peace

and Security Affairs in the foreign affairs ministry, Lee Do-hoon.

South Korea's foreign affairs ministry told Arirang News on Monday that the meeting between

the two diplomats is currently being scheduled and that further details will be shared once


Biegun previously served as an Executive Secretary of the National Security Council, a foreign

policy advisor to members of Congress and was an executive at Ford Motor Company.

While critics of the administration claim he's unsuitable for the position, considering

how he was focused for much of his career on Europe,... some beg to differ.

CNBC cited Brett Bruen, a former director of global engagement at the White House as

saying Biegun may have the "precise quality that's needed during the fraught negotiations"

-- the ability to talk with President Donald Trump.

Bruen says no one in the State Department has the ability to convey the complexity of

the denuclearization negotiations to the president in a way that he understands and will go along


The former New Mexico governor and UN ambassador, Bill Richardson said Biegun's skills at Ford

will come in handy,... but he should also learn the North Koreans' negotiating style

-- which Richardson called wily.

He also suggested the two words Biegun should remember during his talks with the North are

"timelines" and "verification".

With the denuclearization process between Pyongyang and Washington seemingly at a standstill,...

it remains to be seen whether Biegun's trip to Asia can move the needle forward.

Lee Ji-won, Arirang News.

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