Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 3 2018

What does E Y E S spell

For more infomation >> What does E Y E S spell? Gacha Studios Reaction - Duration: 5:46.


Ninja Reacts to Players *FLYING* Durning The Summer Skirmish Fortnite Best and Funny Moments - Duration: 12:53.

omg but are jumping oh my goodness wait what

is that

what does have what is happening flying

away in the air he's it the one looking

Shawn wait what's happening

like while they're in the zone they're

getting pushed up in the air we didn't

stick the landing at 22 meter drop you

see them they're going for literally

anything players might rank the

Stereogum out on the people are just

taking SMG and rifle shots while far

this is how this is this low gravity

field that I've seen this a couple times

what is happening sort of pops himself

in there okay - this himself is

you see him put his hands up by what is

this so right now oh when I said it's

gonna change how this whole game is

played you were more right than you

realize really was not expected he is

now floating in this he has himself

boxed in basically to catch himself you

could open up it's a player why no

gravity poach is like having to sit

outside this may be saving players from

kind of a confusing way to engage there

there's no way you practice for

something like that and watch that bad

would my gluten free just is like I'm

allergic to gluten no I just asked

silent killer I breakout dude I get

really bad bumps then I can send you in


oh okay

mom baby send it mom what you do where

did you do what did you try and make a

additional decision he's got to go down

that's what exactly is gonna do don't

want to take too much fall damage get

Tony's in the bottom fighting out chief

against another that's five another new

item coming to for night and you know

what it's simple here's the plan for

safes have been loaded in the supply job

supply drops scattered around the island

each carrying a large jewel you and your

crew must locate a safe pick up the


and get away with the goods while

battling enemies the first four teams to

make their way to a van with a jewel and

a getaway win are you up for the job

simples that are you kidding me right

now are you kidding me you see on the

right side the getaway vans the safe

center on the map all sorts of stuff

going on there's the jewel picking it on

up a completely different way to play

for Backman these changes the new modes

that they've been putting in recently

and adding a flavor change the way that

the always and here is see like you're

talking crap on endlessly here's the

grappler the first look are you why are

you kidding me

shoot around the map completely changing

it you to take out some of these fights

I saw this clip earlier like this I

cannot want to do this

flying to the Oh imagine a double-barrel

alright in Sealab

trust me I can imagine it there's the

getaway van flow it up there llama Jack

you got to get one of those for your

house I just say I do you'd see the team

moving on up they get to the the van

they Ford it and you know what there's a

little boy animal before you limit right

on the way out

wanna ride bottle of it and you know

what we mentioned all the stuff going on

you see if it's kids they're the glider

was in flight tomorrow actually we'll

take a look at the three high-stakes

challenges and rewards you can unlock by

completing them pray for death all right


I've to suggest that I already stand

back oh my oh my dude yeah gassy dude

oh my feet

oh my god clip it live it to look at

right normal no no forget it Smith I do

what well she's not again Russia

motherfuckers flipping it to do if this

motherfucker flipped a coin in front of

me it told me I wasn't moving on I don't

know what I would do is that just a

regular pickle oh that's just a regular

fuckin that's just err how do we know

this shit's real what is that trap there

we break the roof he runs into the trap

or he stays and eats a handful of c4

where you going brother

hey let me come with you real quick

knock knock seven you slide through -

bitch I'm trying to have a nice try

kiddo you saw there the board fat too

why that that's a big hoops lying the

looks like that guy now we thought it

would go as he'll go ahead and build

around himself or them faster pop some

innings here to get back to 150 you hate

to see that yeah maybe maybe I should

drop the guided missile if you're full

content into the pop

Oh God and heaven above

please just tell me not to have a brain

into them hey make them ask the gas yeah

you could get the guys body yeah yeah

yeah you might wanna move oh no let's

just take fucking five images yeah yeah

just keep keep shooting

keep shooting man you totally got this

Brown you're really a player

this kid is this on D you're literally

dead no he's just gonna set up and

you're done you did did you no no blues

just added again so I'm just I'm the guy

that's nice yeah pop pop minis right now

I know you want your pom it oh yeah

oh I just know scope so much straight up

in there what just happened

did something please visit

make it

wonderful news he's gonna kill me no

shields no shields no shields bandaging

up right now right there managing up

right there right party right for you

she's only a pinching friend means

friend see make sure your guns are

loaded for their ticket I'm here

rocket Rider yeah you're good yeah you

got it you got it

careful thing about thing down on finish

yeah I mean when he's Duty something

edit out dude you can use a cheaply

shooter and I mean what HP did that it's

30 points already

we got eight oh my god

we just got in one game let's go read

the audit tips to not come in second a

lot yeah man stop trying to win and

learn how to play the game and fight

tell you that when you are in that one

of you one situation at the end of the

game you will win the fight because

you're good enough to win the fight I'm

trying to hide until the end of the game

until you get second place you've gotten

there because you've sat in the building

the entire time you haven't fought a

single person so your skills are

absolute garbage so when you get into

that engage when you sit there with your

head with your tail tucked between your

legs and you have no idea what to do how

to bill how to shoot how to react and

then you die and you're like dang it

game check and play what do I have to do

stop trying to win start trying to

improve on the game

do not judge your skill or your progress

in this game but how many wins you are

getting you can judge your skill and

your progress in this game by how many

individual 1v1 battles you are winning

For more infomation >> Ninja Reacts to Players *FLYING* Durning The Summer Skirmish Fortnite Best and Funny Moments - Duration: 12:53.


Hollyoaks spoilers: 10 - 14 September 2018 - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> Hollyoaks spoilers: 10 - 14 September 2018 - Duration: 1:39.


HIPNOSE DE PALCO o mindset que você PRECISA TER - Duration: 10:55.

For more infomation >> HIPNOSE DE PALCO o mindset que você PRECISA TER - Duration: 10:55.


Coronation Street (Corrie) spoilers: 10 - 14 September 2018 - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> Coronation Street (Corrie) spoilers: 10 - 14 September 2018 - Duration: 1:50.


كونكر اون لاين : سرفر مرجانة_8 * أنضم ألي سرفر بدر البدور_14 - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> كونكر اون لاين : سرفر مرجانة_8 * أنضم ألي سرفر بدر البدور_14 - Duration: 3:04.


សំនៀងបំពេរស្រុកស្រែ ពិរោះៗកប់ម្មង | Best Khmer Old Song Collection, សង់ទីម៉ងចម្រៀងខ្មែរ - Duration: 58:20.

Best Khmer Song Old Collection

Best Khmer Song Old Collection

For more infomation >> សំនៀងបំពេរស្រុកស្រែ ពិរោះៗកប់ម្មង | Best Khmer Old Song Collection, សង់ទីម៉ងចម្រៀងខ្មែរ - Duration: 58:20.


¡Flotando en el Mar Muerto con Sebas, Pautips, PaisaVlogs, Mario Ruiz y Juana Martínez! - Duration: 7:24.

Why is it burning me?

My whole body's burning!

I can't open my eyes, they're too irritable.


We woke up in the morning and had breakfast.

We recharged our energy.

And we were told we'd go to the Dead Sea.


-Hi! -Hello!

-How are you? -How are you?

Where are we now, Mr. Mario Ruiz?

We're at the Dead Sea, we're really happy to be here.

What's up, Mr. PaisaVlogs?

The sand is very heavy, really nice.

What do you have to say, Pautips?

I haven't touched the sand!

-Please, touch it. -Well...

I investigated.

This is the lowest point of the planet Earth.

We're approximately 450 meters below sea level.

I love spas, I love massages.

I love to hydrate my body and I arrived to the Dead Sea.

I had to go to the Dead Sea.

It was a pretty long journey.

You have to skirt the whole Dead Sea.

To get here, guys, you have to ride a lot.

An hour and a half car ride.

-From Jerusalem. -From Jerusalem.

-Ah hour and a half from Jerusalem. -Right.

-If you're in Bogotá, it's farther. -Yes, a little bit.

-A little bit. -Of course.

I never thought about it. Going there was amazing.

I couldn't believe that, without any effort,

my body was floating in the water.

When we arrived, everything was exactly like I had imagined.

<i>We took our time.</i>

<i>Each of us was shooting for his channel.</i>

Each of us was recording for his social media.

It was nice, cool, and fun.

Until we went into the Dead Sea.

The experience at the Dead Sea... I hate the beach.


I already told you I won't go into the sea.

Paisa doesn't want to live his life and to experience things.

-He won't go into the water. -It's the Dead Sea!

I don't like the sea!

-Who travels... -It's the Dead Sea!

Who travels across the globe and doesn't go into the water?

Take him into the water once and for all.

Otherwise, he'll get scared.

-I'll do it, Juana. I understood. -Come on.

-It was like... -Or I'll chase you.

It'll be just like when he parachuted, he'll go there and...

-He got mad. -He's a coward.

Jesus Christ.

I had a terrible experience at the sea when I was a child.

I enjoyed it by then.

The first time my mom took me to the sea

was epic, it was beautiful to know the sea.

I was making a sand castle.

There was a hole from where I was taking the sand to do it.

Then, a wave brought a "mojón."

Don't you know what a "mojón" is?

It's a piece of...

That's a real story, I didn't make it up.

How can I describe this experience?

It hurts more than it seems.

Why is it burning me?

-Where is it burning you? -I can't tell you.


You shaved.

-It's because you shaved. -No, I didn't.

-How long has it been? -Well...

It really burnt me.

My whole body was burning me.

Different and specific parts of my body were burning.

I'm sure there was a reason why.

Maybe I had a scratch or something like that.

My whole body's burning.

This is like fairytales.

There's a story and the reality's different.

I was kidding.

You can't put your head in the water, you mustn't let it touch your mouth.

The water mustn't touch your eyes.

Because it's really bad.

I can't open my eyes, they're too irritable.

What about now?

Don't touch your face with your wet hands.

-That's right! Again! -OK.

-It's so cold! -I told you.

When we arrived, one can't swim in the sea.

<i>The sea is so thick that you are always floating.</i>

<i>The water is oily.</i>

That's weird, I don't know why.

The water hasn't oil.

Water and oil don't mix.

I could only imagine the amount of salt the water had

for my body to react like that.

Then, the girls put a weird mud...

The girls and Paisa put a weird mud on their face

and on parts of their body.

Then, they gave us mud bags.

That was funny because we all thought

it was a kind of a jacuzzi on the volcano.

But it wasn't like that, the mud was in packages.

We're putting this thing on our face.

The proof I have that this may work

is that man covered...

You'll probably see him.

Guys, shoot him, please.

I was dying to have a mud bath.

I always saw pictures of people at the Dead Sea

that had mud baths, from tip to toe.

I thought you take the mud from the soil

or something like that.

We're delicate today because we'll use mud,

a processed mud with additional minerals.

We'll have a nicer skin.

I want to use a lot of mud.

It feels like mud, but a special mud.

Here, you'll get dirty, but you have showers nearby.

So, there's no problem.


I saw the girls with mud all over their body

and I thought I could put it on my face.

Maybe it moistens my face.

I'm kind of metrosexual, I enjoy taking care of my face.

Legs, arms, stomach.

Beauty is important, beauty is important.

The good thing is that it doesn't smell like mud.

Because mud smells like...

I love that this stains.

Take it into account before you put it

over the new swimsuit like I did.

But we have money! I'm just kidding.

I thought it stained at the beginning.

I was a little worried about my new amazing swimsuit.

But I put that thing on me, then I had a shower

and then we had to go and continue our journey.


I'm very happy.

-It passed. -Yes.

I think I broke mine.

For more infomation >> ¡Flotando en el Mar Muerto con Sebas, Pautips, PaisaVlogs, Mario Ruiz y Juana Martínez! - Duration: 7:24.


Coto x Fusik - Snow (Shot By @Markniche) - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> Coto x Fusik - Snow (Shot By @Markniche) - Duration: 3:39.


EastEnders spoilers: 10 - 14 September 2018 - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> EastEnders spoilers: 10 - 14 September 2018 - Duration: 1:42.


ALMA - KNAK x COOPER (Audio Oficial) - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> ALMA - KNAK x COOPER (Audio Oficial) - Duration: 2:34.


What Most Fans Don't Even Know About Fortnite - Duration: 3:51.

Fortnite: Battle Royale is the hottest game on the planet, but there's plenty about it

that even its most dedicated fans don't know.

63-day phenomenon

Fortnite was initially pitched as a mash-up between Minecraft and the co-op zombie shooter

Left 4 Dead.

And that's basically what we got when Fortnite: Save the World hit early access on July 25th,

2017, pitting teams of players against hordes of monsters, forcing them to build forts to

survive the carnage.

But it's Fortnite's Battle Royale mode, not Save the World, that became the hit you know

and obsess over.

It took six years of development before gamers could play Save the World, and it earned mediocre


But Battle Royale mode was made in just two months and needed help from Epic's Unreal

Tournament development team to get done on time… and it conquered the world.

A flagship that never set sail

Fortnite runs on everything from consoles to smartphones, but that wasn't always the


Epic Games intended Fortnite to showcase the power of Unreal Engine 4, and had announced

the game as a PC-exclusive.

In fact, the Unreal Engine 4 was developed specifically for Fortnite.

The game was simply too big to run on Unreal Engine 3, and early in production Epic realized

that the game would need a whole new engine, so, it built one.

But when Unreal 4 was ready in 2014, Fortnite was still just a functional prototype.

Epic released Unreal 4 and kept working on the game.

Since then, Unreal 4 has been used to power tons of games, like PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

Fortnite haters, represent!

Fortnite's biggest adversary is the PUBG Corporation, the studio behind PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds,

and it's easy to see why.

Not only does Epic admit that Fortnite: Battle Royale is basically a PUBG knock-off, but

Epic also makes the Unreal engine, which powers both games.

In a December 2017 interview, Brendan "PlayerUnknown" Greene shaded Epic, saying,

"If it's just copycats down the line, then the genre doesn't grow and people get bored,

oh, it's the same, copy copy copy."

Still, you can't copyright game design.

PUBG eventually sued Epic for copyright infringement in a South Korean court, not an American one...

not that it mattered.

PUBG Corporation dropped the suit a month later, though no one knows why.

One thing we do know: Epic is free to cannibalize PUBG's audience for the foreseeable future.

The case of the stolen emotes

If you've played Fortnite, you've probably watched players boogie on your corpse.

The game is filled with dance-like emotes that Epic sells to players for cash-money,

and that's translated into some massive profits.

But it's also raised the ire of members of the hip-hop community, who've accused Epic

of profiting from black performers' hard work.

That's because Fortnite emotes are based on existing dances.

Chance the Rapper said, "Black creatives created and popularized these dances but never monetized


2 Milly, whose "Milly Rock" dance appears in Fortnite as the "Swipe It" emote, agrees,

telling Kotaku, "I don't feel it's appropriate that my art (dance) which is a big part of

culture is basically stolen."

Fortnite has fans in the hip-hop world, but plenty of people are calling out the game

for cultural appropriation.

And you thought Epic only copied PUBG's style...

InFortnitety Gauntlet

In May 2018, the biggest superhero movie of all time invaded the most talked-about game

of the year when Avengers: Infinity War's bad guy, Thanos, brought his Infinity Gauntlet

to Fortnite and promptly began wreaking havoc.

Players could find the Infinity Gauntlet, become the Mad Titan himself, and start eradicating

other players, easy peasy.

But how did the crossover happen?

According to everyone involved, it was a snap.


According to Entertainment Weekly, Infinity War directors Joe and Anthony Russo are big

fans of the game, and they played it whenever they needed a break from editing Infinity


It was their idea to put Thanos in the game, so they called Donald Mustard, Epic Games'

worldwide creative director, brainstormed on the phone for about an hour, and then Epic's

developers got to work.

Before you knew it, the big purple goon was in Fortnite, and fans couldn't have been happier.

For more infomation >> What Most Fans Don't Even Know About Fortnite - Duration: 3:51.


「HKT48」宮脇咲良!なぜ "地獄のレッスン"告白「2日間寝ず」しかも「すごく怒られた」!?真相は。。。? - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> 「HKT48」宮脇咲良!なぜ "地獄のレッスン"告白「2日間寝ず」しかも「すごく怒られた」!?真相は。。。? - Duration: 3:42.


State fair attendance approaches another overall record - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> State fair attendance approaches another overall record - Duration: 1:56.


Prepara Thalía coreografía masiva del "Me oyen, me escuchan" - Duration: 1:05.

La cantante quiere romper un récord Guinness.  La euforia del #ThalíaChallenge llegó a niveles inimaginables y la cantante ya preparó una coreografía para trabajar en lo que pretende sea el 'flashmob' más grande del mundo

 Luego de que la canción "Me oyen, me escuchan" alcanzara Spotify y Thalía se convirtiera en la reina de redes sociales, ahora se busca romper un récord Guinness usando el pegajoso ritmo de 'tikitiki'

 "¡A ser masivamente felices! ¡Hagamos de esta coreografía el #flashmob más grande del mundo! ¡Igual y logramos el récord Guinness! ¡Traspasemos fronteras! ¡Quiero verlos desde todas partes del mundo!"escribió la mexicana en Instagram

¿Lo logrará?

For more infomation >> Prepara Thalía coreografía masiva del "Me oyen, me escuchan" - Duration: 1:05.


TheGameARG.191 - Duration: 2:12.

Ģre͢e͝tįn͜gs͞ my̡ ͘YOUT͡U͟BE͟ ̡SLA̵VE̕S!͞ Ít͟'̕s͟ ͞An͏on̨y͞m̧o͡u̶s B͞e̕n sp͝e̛akinģ.҉..̧




AN̨D T̸HE ̵ǴA̛M̀E ̶I͝S ̢CA͞L̛L̢ED̡..̢.


and͟ h҉ow̢ d҉o yo҉ư ͡finḑ ́i͡t?

Thè K͞ey̶..́. ͞D͜O YO͟U R̵E͠M̶E̛M̧B̧ER P͢A̕RT͠ ͏4̛ M̕AŚTER W̶ÁR̴?̨

T͞ḩere͟ wa͝s a ҉c̸h́e͢s̕t

a̵nd ͏thęre i͟s ̧s͏omet̶hin̢g P̵O͠WE̶R҉F̴U͠L̸ A̢ND ̧A̷FFEC̀T͡I̧O͘N͞!

insidȩ ̧tha͞ţ ͘ches҉t҉

We̢ll it͡ ̴w̕as͝ ͝lockȩd͠.̴

a̛n̴d ̕one ͠ǫf ̀you MO̵R̵O͜NS͠ ́m̛ùs͝t fi̶n̕d i͢t!

if you f҉in̡d i̛t̷

ţhe͟n yo̢u ̧beça҉me͢...̴

The̕ H̵er̢o͟!̷ a͘nd th͜e ̨p͠ro͡ṕh̷ecy̢ ̵is͜ ̡T̕R̨UE!́

I'm su̡r͝e ҉you ̴guy̡s CAN'͏T̸ fín̵d̛ it,͏ ͜b͜e҉ca͝u̡se yoų guys are ͡all͘ ̷ẃeak̛ án̢d ͝a͜ll!̶

but anywa̵ys̨

Thȩ ̷k͢e͢y

is ͘i̛n̸ ̴p̨ea͢ces

O̸N̨E ͏B̸Y ͝ONE̛

in̸ ͟eve͢r̴y͝ ͘f͢ưture̕ vi͢de͟os ̡of́ ̛Rec̵o҉rd ͠G͏uy ḿád̡e

I҉f ͘y͞o̕u f͝ind i̡t͠.̴..

T̂͌E̩͇̥ͧ̽̅͑ͨL͙̭̗̇ͦ̾L̓ͨ͑͆ ̱̪̦̝̩̭̗M̗͎͉͇̭̎͛ͪ͌̅E̲̦̘̭̜̗̐̽!̠̹̲̖̩̮̠̂̈ͪͥ̓͊̅

Cơm̡m̕ent the ti͜m̴e͟r͘ ҉and ̷t̸he p͜art were͜ y͝o̸u͜ f̴in͜d ͢it͠.

I̡f y͞ou ̛f̴índ ́it̢...

t͞h͡en ̴good j̷òb̀.͘..͞.͡.̕..͏.̴

Y҉o͜u҉'l͏l̵ ͘b̧e ̸s̸a̴f̧è un̢t͝il ̕the͠ mon͝t̴ḩs̡ ͟a̸r̸e u͘p

b̀ut if̢ ỳo̕u̶ D͠O̡N͟'T find̀ ́i͡t.͟.͞

T̛ͣͣ̂ͮ͐ͣ̋̓̈́͟҉̠̻̝̥͖̳̱̭̮H̨̡̧͈͎̣̆̀̓ͮ́E̘̮͙̦͙̟̯͖͖ͦ̑͒̔͑N̙͔̄́͡ͅ ̫̻͍ͩ̎́Y̨̡͓̭͈̱̫̗ͮ͗O̾ͦ҉̹̼͍̹̣̲Ǘ̈͏̟͈͕̞̤͖͠ ̘̮̽͒ͤ̾͒͆L̙̬ͬO̡͔͖̦͎̝̖̪̗ͧͯŠ̟̬̗̱̜̮̺Ṫ͟͏̥̺͖͚̮̮!̢̣͙͋̍͐̈́͜!̢̮̼̭̝̬̗̰̽̃̌͆!̴͖̖͚͓̻ͣ̂ͪ͡

Y̸͎͖̦͎͕̝̖̭̱̋̉̈̔̽̋͡o͇̫͙̙̭̫ͣ́͡ͅų͓̦͔͕̎̈́̑̚'͎̥̝̙̙̬̠̗͆̓̾̈́̈̄͆l̝̹͕̬̺̮̟͔̙̉̋́͡l͒̓ͤͭ͏͉̲̭̖̕ ̶̩͈͓̤̪̏͛ḫ̭̥̝̮̫̗̰͑̄ͧ̅̽ͥ̎͞ã̴̷̞̗̜̠̒͑ͧ̎̏̋̍vͫ̐̑̑͏̴̗͙͍͍͖e̷͍̳̦͎͓͂̇͂ͦͩ̄ͧ́́ ̴̜͖̜̰̣̼̓̆͐ͦ͂̅ͧ̊t̷̫͓̭̐͆͗ͣͨ̋ͫ͑́̚o̷͎͒̅̔͛̎ ̵̢̺̰̺̗̺͙ͭ̆̀̑̿̏t͓̙̤̟̪͈͇̼͑̾̐ͫ̾͑͌̈́ṙ̵̛͕̻͎͓̼͙̩̯͕͑͑ͧ͌́ͪͦŷͣ̆ͩ̋̀̏͝͏̜͔̪ ̧̘̬̫̱͆͢ͅa̖̬͍͆͌̕gͧ̉̎͏̭ạ͈̠̪͎̖̩̽͑́ͮ͒ͧi̫̞̻͖̭͔̰̦̱̋̀͌͜͜n̩̖̖͌̿̓̊ͪͩ ̴̢͔̐̃ͣͣ̋̎̅͡l̞ͨ̂̒͠a͉̗̟͑ͧ̄ͅt̒̋̌̈́ͨ̆ͯ͟͠͏̬̜̱͎̦ͅe̵̗̗̲̬͂ͩ́͞r͇͔̞̹̮̦ͭ̃ͩ͌̇̚͡ ̴̷̼̠̭̣̻͖͚̳ͨͦơ̧̹̺̿ͤ̑ͫ̄r̘̟͍̲̺̘͋͋̌́̎͌ͥ̚͢ ̢̗͓͇̬̰̠̞ͦ͐̄ͥͧ͊̚̚s̢̫̳̫͙̫͑ͮ̃ͤ͠ͅȯ̺̹̜̞͎̈́ͫ̔͂͘o̵͓̲̺̐̅̍ͮ̀͠ń̴̳̹̲͉͇͔́

n̶̷͡o̕w̨͡ ͜͝t̷̕͞hat̷'͜s ̀o͟v̨̛͠e̶r͜.͏̵́.͘͠.

T͢h̢͜͢e ̧t̴҉í̸̧m̶e҉̶r͏̷͠ s͟t͟҉͠ar͞ţ̢́s.̧͘͞.̵


Ǵ̶͜͢͠o̴̷͞͝ò̧̧d̶̛ ̷̛̛̀l͠҉͏u̸̢͢͞c͘͝ḱ҉̶͘ ͡m̢y̧̡͝͝ ͏̶̷̛̛s̛͝͝͠l̢̧͘͝a҉̴v̸e̴͟͏s̷̛͏!̷̀́͜

For more infomation >> TheGameARG.191 - Duration: 2:12.


「HKT48」宮脇咲良!なぜ "地獄のレッスン"告白「2日間寝ず」しかも「すごく怒られた」!?真相は。。。? - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> 「HKT48」宮脇咲良!なぜ "地獄のレッスン"告白「2日間寝ず」しかも「すごく怒られた」!?真相は。。。? - Duration: 3:39.


Youtubers Leak Nud3s!!! #ParentalAdvisoryExplicitContent | NUD3S - Duration: 4:28.

*Youtubers Leak Nud3s!!! #ParentalAdvisoryExplicitContent | NUD3S*

For more infomation >> Youtubers Leak Nud3s!!! #ParentalAdvisoryExplicitContent | NUD3S - Duration: 4:28.


How to PLAY Sega Saturn Games on LOW END PCs! - Duration: 21:41.

Good Day Guys!!!! Austin here :D

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