Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 4 2018

hi everyone I am here today with a quick

little chit chat hall kind of video and

I apologize if I sound kind of sick me

and the kids have come down with

allergies or some little cold or

something I'm not really sure but it's

the kind that affects your sinuses and

your throat so yeah anyway what I wanted

to talk about today is the ultimate

presser foot set this is a set of 32

different kinds of presser feet and I

was sent this by the lovely people over

at madam sew this is not a sponsored

video they're not paying me to talk

about it they just sent it to me for

free to try out and so I wanted to kind

of talk about it today and share some of

my thoughts on it as well as have a

giveaway because if you've been around

my channel for very long at all

you know anytime a company reaches out

to me and wants to sponsor a video or

send a product or something I do my

absolute best to make sure I can include

a giveaway as well so someone else gets

to have the same goodies that I have and

so let's get right into an boxing this

set so I was really impressed with the

set when it arrived in the mail the

packaging is so cute how it has the

slide off case the cardboard case and

then it has the plastic case inside and

you can open it up and there is the

booklet that has all of the different 32

presser feet and a little short

description on them there's also a disc

that comes with it that you can watch

different instructional videos and

things that will give you some more tips

and info for what each foot can do then

inside the case we have all of the

different presser feet and I am so

impressed by the case how each foot has

a different spot on it that is just so

nice and they're all numbered and those

numbers correspond with the booklet as

well as the back of the little cardboard

leave so it's really easy to refer back

and forth and see exactly which presser

foot is which and you can easily find

the one that you need they are so nice

quality I am very impressed with the

quality most of them are metal which is

really nice the ones that aren't metal

are not metal for a reason

so like the non-slip foot number

thirteen is a kind of plastic and that

is because it's for working with like

pleather and leather and it needs to

beat that plastic so the materials won't

stick to it there's also some clear

plastic ones and they are clear plastic

so that you can see your project and

your what you're working on through the

foot so really nice I've had a chance to

try out a few of them already I tested

the invisible zipper foot and I actually

used that on my Rose dress that I have a

step-by-step tutorial for I will link it

down below in the description box I

don't show using the presser foot in it

but it is the one that I used to sew in

my invisible zipper I also have used the

quarter inch quilting foot I used that

for some of my sampler sew along blocks

so I gave that one a try there and I

tested out a couple of other ones on a

few personal projects so far I am really

loving the presser feet they all feel

really great quality and I cannot wait

to try out more of them the ones that

I'm really excited about I'm looking at

the little pamphlet here once I'm really

excited about are the stitch guide foot

I can't wait to try that one out the

darning foot because if I remember

correctly that is the one that can be

used for free motion quilting so really

excited about that I've never done free

motion quilting but I'm going to attempt

to do some this winter the like fall and

winter time is when I do the majority of

my quilting so I think come the cooler

weather and all of that time of year I

will be busting out that darning foot

and making my first attempts at free

motion quilting so that's really


and I'm also excited to try which one

was it the knit foot I'm going to make

some Halloween costumes for the kids

that use knit fabric and so I'm going to

try out the knit foot and see if it

helps with getting the stretchy fabric

sewn together without any puckers and

without skipped stitches and things like

that because that is definitely some of

the problems that I have with my vintage

sewing machine and working with stretch

fabrics so really excited about these a

few of them won't work with my vintage

sewing machine but it is not because

that there's any problem with the feet

it is because my vintage sewing machine

is a straight stitch only machine it is

made it was made in like the 60s and it

is just a straight stitch machine it

goes forward and backwards you can

change the stitch size you can change

the tension and you can raise and lower

the feed dogs and that is all it does it

does not do zigzags or anything like

that and if I want to do a buttonhole I

have to use a separate buttonhole a

buttonholer and I will do a separate

video all about that so a few of the

feet are for zigzag only so those I

can't use on my regular machine but I do

have another machine that I will be able

to use them on because these sewing

machine feet can be used on any low

shank machine so that is the majority of

sewing machines that are out there is a

low shank snap-on adapter that comes

with the set it looks like this and you

just attach it to your sewing machine

and that is what all of these different

feet snap onto so any machine that you

want to use that is low shank which is

you know almost every machine out there

at least most of the ones I've come

across and will work with these feet so

anyway that is just my thoughts on it

really impressed with the quality I

really love the storage case how easy

and clear is to understand

what foot is for what purpose and all of

that there's definitely plenty of

resources for learning how to use them

and I think if you are someone who is

wanting to try out different techniques

different projects maybe different kinds

of materials like I said the foot for

sewing with knits the foot for sewing

with leathers and leathers and there's

different feet for sewing on cording or

for making a faux serged edge and for

doing bias binding and all sorts of

stuff so there are so many different

techniques that you can play around with

and experiment using these feet so if

you are someone who likes learning

different techniques and using different

materials and projects and things then

this is something you might be

interested in and if you are there are

some links below to the Madame Sew

website as well as to where you can find

these on Amazon as well in case you

prefer to go that route but yeah check

it out if you're interested in it there

like I said they're not paying me to say

this I'm just passing along the

information on this product so I really

think it's cool and if you want to win a

set of press your feet for yourself I

will be giving away one set to one of

you lucky subscribers so what you need

to do is obviously be subscribed to my

channel hit like on this video and then

leave me a comment below letting me know

which of the 32 different presser feet

you are most excited about which one you

want to try out and use for a project I

can't wait to hear what you all want to

try what projects do you want to use

them for and then I will be selecting a

winner from all of the eligible comments

in a week or two and once I get your

information I will send it over to

madame so and they will get the prize

sent out to you so super exciting so I

hope you enjoyed this little chitchat

haul kind of video I do have a lot of

tutorials and other sewing related

content coming

very soon and until next time happy


For more infomation >> Ultimate Presser Foot Set Unboxing and Giveaway | Whitney Sews - Duration: 8:53.


Dj Elmalek Music 2019 | اقوي دي جي حماسي - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> Dj Elmalek Music 2019 | اقوي دي جي حماسي - Duration: 3:17.


MEDITATION For Karma Cleanse: Ep 65 Soul Reflections: BK Shivani (English Subtitles) - Duration: 29:04.

Greetings and welcome to Awakening With Brahma Kumaris.

Welcome sister.

Om Shanti.

Om Shanti and welcome to Soul Reflections.

Thank you.

We wanted to continue from the last episode

A lot of negative thoughts come to us do we don't want them.

I am not creating them intentionally. I may be watching television or reading a book.

Even if I am not doing anything these thoughts come. How to get rid of them?

First of all, why do those thoughts come?

The quotation period last time said

If you hold resentment for somebody

Then you are connected by an emotional link which is stronger than Steel.

When we hold on to something about a person, it means we are connected to face energy.

The moment there is a connection with his energy

Then there is a constant sending and receiving, an exchange of thoughts between us.

The exchange of thoughts keeps going on. You said even when you are sitting idle

You are watching something or reading something else, even if you are idle, thoughts keep coming. Where are they coming from?

From the connection we have created.

If our energy connection that someone is present, thoughts will keep coming.

If we want to finish them, that neither should I create them

Nor should that person create and send those thoughts to me.

Then we need to dissolve that emotional link.

It was a beautiful line last time - forgiveness is the only way to cut that emotional link.

If the link is made of physical substance like Steel, it can be broken using another physical substance.

Whereas energy link should be broken using energy.

One Sanskar can be broken by another Sanskar

One thought can be broken by another thought.

So the energy exchange of resentment

Can be broken by the energy of forgiveness.

If we do not Heal by creating forgiveness

Otherwise that energy exchange will keep continuing.

We need to cut energy with energy substitute and change it.

How to do it? First with understanding.

Transformation cannot happen without understanding.

That is why Gyan is so important. The depth it has

Every point in Gyan increases our understanding.

In the last episode you said about what a sister did to her own brother.

Because of his mistake in a business that was a financial loss.

So his sister got him arrested and imprisoned.

When we just look at it normally we say this is what a sister did to her brother.

So that brother, his other siblings, his family and his extended family

Will say that the sister was wrong.

They will say that even her family which was involved in it were wrong

This side of the family believes that the other side of the family is wrong

What will be the quality of energy exchange?

The sister has held resentment for the brother

And got him arrested.

After this the brother and his entire family

Held onto resentment towards the sister and her family.

When you narrated about it to us what was your energy?

You said a sister got her own brother imprisoned.

So how was your perspective about that sister?

I did not even talk to her after I got to know, I was so hurt.

You are actually a third person in this scene. The Karmic account was between the brother and sister.

Now you have stop talking to her, stop that ending their family functions, disconnected from her completely.

It means you have held onto resentment about her.

First the resentment was in that sister about her brother.

The brother did a mistake.

And that brother was severely punished

So he held resentment for his sister.

His entire family held resentment for her.

At that time you are not even between these two people.

The Karmic account was only between those two souls.

You were not involved.

When you came to know what happened, you created resentment about that sister and her husband.

Very strong resentment.

So there was one emotional link strongly connecting those two souls.

Now many other links are getting added.

There was another sister in that family. I told her to mediate. She spoke bitterly about that brother. So I cut off ties with her also.

Initially my resentment was just with that one sister who punished the brother. But now it is with this other sister also.

Plus their husbands, so resentment towards 4 people totally.

We need to take care of this first, it is very important.

If there is a Karmic account between any two souls

We need to heal it. We need to help them to resolve the issue in their relationship.

But do not create your own Karmic account in addition to the theirs.

The detachment doesn't come in those moments.

Just see where all the word detachment fits in.

The number of things we need to get detached.

You saw that the sister did wrong with the brother.

The moment you say that the sister has done wrong to her own brother

It was very easy for you to say that the sister was wrong

The brother was right. So you took the side of the brother.

The people who were on the side of the sister

You labelled all of them to be wrong

Because they all took the side of the person who was wrong, they were also wrong themselves.

I am not saying that the brother is right or wrong in the business.

I was talking about having him imprisoned.

They could have sat down and discussed about it. The entire family could sit down and see what was to be done.

But why did they have to send him to jail?

So that sister was wrong in sending him to jail, is that so?

I felt she was wrong.

The sister was wrong and her husband with whom the business was being dealt, he was also wrong.

And anybody who is taking their side are all wrong.

You filled all of them were wrong.

The moment you called all of them wrong

And you held onto resentment about them

I felt very pained to know.

Even now you feel angry and hateful about them.

Now let us look at how the links are being created.

It was between two souls and you were the third person here.

You saw their energy exchange and their Karmas

You got entangled into that energy

Because you saw it in a short vision.

You saw it only in the present.

We should not see any scene only in the present.

God tells us - look at it from the top.

How will anything appear when seen from top?

When we look down from a flight how will the entire city appear?

The entire picture will be clear.

Which means we detach from that scene

Enter a higher frequency and then look at that scene.

When we enter that scene as it is and see it from within the scene

It is very easy to say the sister was wrong, brother was right

The sister is bad and even her husband is bad.

And anyone else who is taking their side is also bad.

By doing this you are getting entangled in their Karmic account

And created your Karmic account.

That is right.

Every soul should remember

That we already have several Karmic accounts of our own.

Don't we have many?

There are so many from the past which come in front of us and we need to settle them in the present.

While in this lifetime we are trying to settle all of them.

We are already working hard on settling our own past Karmic accounts.

Can we afford to get entangled in other peoples' Karmas and create more Karmic accounts for ourselves?

No, we can't.

Now are you able to see your Karmic accounts that have got created?

You mentioned you didn't talk to them, you were angry

They will not attend their family functions, and you are angry with his sisters.

Why? Because they did a wrong Karma with the other soul.

So you decided that you will not do right with these people.

There has to be a full stop to this first.

It is very easy to put a full stop to it.

Do not look at the scene from here.

Don't look at only the present.

You mentioned about the three aspects of time.

Looking at the present means short vision, seeing only what is happening right now.

This person is doing wrong with the other person.

Go to a higher frequency, rise above the scene.

Rise higher and use Gyan.

Why is this soul doing wrong with the other soul right now?

Because they have a past Karmic account with each other.

If today is this soul is doing wrong with that soul

Then sometime in the past, that soul would have done wrong with this soul.

Now the vision changed?

Yes the vision has changed.

When will look only at the present it is easy to say this person is wrong and that person is right.

But when we detach and look at it from the perspective of all three aspects of time.

What was the past, what is the present and what will be the future

But when we look from above, we are aware of how Karmic accounts work.

We also know that if somebody is doing wrong to this person today

Then sometime or the other this person also would have wronged them.

When somebody does wrong with us then we remember the Gyan, isn't it?

What do we say then?

We say sometime or the other I might have harmed this soul.

The point of Gyan we remember when it comes to

It applies to other people also.

Even for ourselves we do not remember all the time.

Only sometimes we don't remember, but otherwise we do.

Sometimes the relationship is delicate or the other party is very strong

Or if it is a very close relationship then sometimes I can't exactly apply this point as Gyan.

I just use it as a tool to console myself.

I just say I am helpless. I must have done something wrong in my previous birth, so having to face its consequences now.

Then the Karmic account will not get settled.

Because so much negativity is going on within.

We really need to churn thoroughly about Gyan of Karmic accounts and fit it within us.

That Gyan has to be used every time

So that we don't create wrong thoughts for them in the present.

If we just keep quiet superficially but internally we say - it could be something from the past so I am helpless

It means from within we are sending the same negative energy. Karmic account is not about how we behave externally.

Karmic account is in the thought process.

So with understanding that the person is doing such a thing to me

It is a return from the past

Now what has God taught us?

No matter what energy is coming from the other side towards us, what energy should we send out?

Pure intentions, blessings

Love, respect.

Black balls are coming but we send white balls.

My mind does not want to believe that I was so bad

That in a lifetime I would have done something so wrong with someone

For him to do so much wrong with me today.

Acceptance that I was bad does not come.

Again, it is not that we were so bad.

Pure soul - was pure soul, today also pure soul.

But circumstances, environment, family

We don't know what it was between both of us last time.

What the situations were

What influenced me, that I created a wrong Karma with that soul.

That was a quotation earlier - that good souls also use wrong methods sometimes.

Actually it's not that sometimes good souls use wrong methods.

It is - always good souls use wrong methods.

Because all souls are good.

It is not about sometimes, all souls are beautiful.

Every soul is the same, beautiful and filled with 7 divine qualities.

All are pure souls

Sometime I had done a wrong Karma with that person.

Today that person did a little wrong to me.

But now what should we do? Should we remain entangled?

No we shouldn't get entangled. My difficulty was to

To accept for myself

Even in this lifetime so many times I feel

How did I do such a mistake? It means

Some soul has entered me. I am not like that.

I am not like that.

So even today to accept that I the soul have done such a mistake

The acceptance does not come.

The more we refuse to accept it, we will not be able to change it.

How to accept what happened to the previous lifetime?

You mentioned somebody must have done something, somebody has sent negative energy, that is why I made a mistake.

Then what about changing it, paying attention and working on it?

The realisation itself will not come.

I am just sharing the games which the mind plays.

We need to give answers to the mind then.

I have done that Karma. Now what should I do?

That is right.

What is to be done now?

Whether it was accidental or intentional, the fact is it has happened.

It did not happen, we did it.

So what should we do now?

Next is to decide on the Karma to be done now.

Likewise the past Karmic accounts which come

They can be very big and like you said it is very difficult

To accept that we had done something wrong

The things we discussed are small.

We meet parents whose young children have left the body.

They have understood Gyan that it is a Karmic account

15 year old or 20 year old child has left the body

Just think how painful it can be

For them to think - what have I done so wrong, we are not so bad

We are normal parents leading a normal life

We are just normal people. What could we have done so wrong in the past

That today there is such a deep pain to bear throughout life.

Just thinking will make the person feel depressed.

We need understanding. It is not that we had done a sin

Because of which the child is no more. No.

That soul had a connection with me only for that duration

That soul has another role to play, so he had to go ahead on the journey

We have to take the Gyan also in the right way.

If we think in the right perspective we will move towards healing.

Sometimes we can take the right perspective

But sometimes the mind does not agree and gives a lot of pain.

That is why every day we need to study Gyan.

If we fill ourselves with Gyan every day

The mind doesn't agree means weak soul.

So it is not able to create the right thought.

It creates only painful thoughts.

The remedy is meditation and study of Gyan every day.

When we keep filling ourselves continuously with Gyan

The connection with God will be always strong and we keep getting His powers.

The soul becomes powerful and creates the right understanding.

Gyan means the knowledge we are getting from God

Knowledge about soul, knowledge of Karma

Knowledge of time cycle, and every day when we listen to Murli

Listening for one day is not enough, every day we need to study it.

By listening to Gyan every day our inner power increases

The same point which we would have heard earlier

The last time maybe we could not implement it

For example I am aware of the point - this is my Karmic account.

Sometimes it does not register. That is why I feel some of the points in Murli are repeated

I have felt I had read it earlier also but why had I not registered it then.

That is why it keeps repeating because we did not register earlier.

The Gyan is repeated, and it becomes a diet for us.

Today if I am aware of the point that I have a Karmic account with you

So I should forgive you. I am aware of this point but I don't have the power to forgive.

That point will not work for me.

I was aware of the point that I am a soul

But it took me years to accept it

Even now sometimes I forget it and remember later

It was not easy to remember that I am a soul.

For so many life times we have believed ourselves to be a body.

The same way we are aware of the point that there is a Karmic account.

But there is no power to accept it despite creating the thought.

How to handle it? Every day, every single day consume a healthy dose of Gyan.

Soul power keeps increasing.

After 3 months or 6 months the same point

Which we knew earlier also and now again we know

But now we have the power to implement it.

Why do they say we should listen to Murli every day? Study Gyan every day?

So that we get the power to implement the Gyan.

A weak soul cannot implement the Gyan.

It is important to strengthen our self.

After that we will be able to implement what we know.

Now let us look at the same scene again.

Now you will look at it after being detached

This is the sister and this is the brother.

Two souls.

Now we will not look at them as brother and sister.

Very good.

When we exclude the physical aspects and see them as souls it becomes much easier.

Which means you Rise Above and look at the two souls.

And then the husband of the soul, he also is a soul.

That soul has a connection with this soul, and that is why he got him imprisoned.

When you were in the scene at their level and looking at it

The soul was wrong and that soul was right.

When you look at it from your perspective, you will understand that those three or four souls had a Karmic account between themselves.

When you look from there, what happens to the definition of right and wrong?

It changed.

What will it be now?

Both are right.

Both are beautiful souls but sometime or the other in the past

They did something wrong with each other and have met now

Now you know about the past and you are seeing the present

Where should your focus be now?

About how their future can become fine.

When you were at the same level as them, you are creating negative energy for them

At that time you will not be able to help them resolve their Karmic account.

Because you yourself would get entangled in their Karmic account

And created a negative Karmic account for yourself

And you are sending negative energy to those souls

You keep sending them the energy - You are wrong, you are bad, I will not speak to you

So you will not be able to heal them.

First step is to detach from their Karmic account.

And this we always have to remember - let us not get entangled into the Karmic account of other souls.

That is detachment.

Which means we will heal them, support them and love them

Respect them. And we do it with both the sides.

Because both of them have a Karmic account with each other.

Now we need to do their healing.

You have the Gyan.

When you were explaining to them while being at their level

You said the sister is wrong, she tied rakhi to her brother and has now got him imprisoned

You told her - you should not have done like that.

The energy became negative.

What did they tell you? Do not talk about it in future.

And please do not interfere in our matter.

Why did they tell you not to interfere in their matter?

Because what was the quality of energy we had sent them?

We told him with bad energy that they should not do that.

What will people do about bad energy? They wanted to stay away.

Do not interfere in our matter.

Now to heal them what is the energy you need to send them first?

They are right, right now.

Both of them are right.

There doing something, being victims of their past Karmic account.

As of now we can see them doing something wrong.

If we would have been able to see their past

Then we would be aware of what the brother had done to the sister in the past.

Then you would have said - now the sister is right because, in the past the brother had harmed her.

Why do people try to see past lives?

Only to know this.

But we actually don't need to look at what we did in the past life.

Now I cannot even say - this person has done so much in the past life, so what is happening right now is correct.

I will only say - now forgive and close the chapter.

How to forgive?

You want to advise them to forgive.

But your advice did not work although you tried.

Why did it not work?

Because I was in anger at that time.

Because you had put a label on them that they are wrong.

Where was compassion created?

Where was the understanding in the entire scene?

We will do it all over again. We will again advise and we will again do their healing.

But the energy will be different now.

Now if you will talk to them or send them a message

What can you write now?

I will write - You are such a nice person, I know you so well.

I am sure something has happened in the past. Otherwise whatever you have done now is something which would not have done.

In the past life.

Because of which you have taken this step today.

And then we will give them and understanding

About what is past life and what is Karmic account

And tell - whatever you have done is not wrong, according to your past life you are right.

But if you do not cut the energy today, it will go on and on even into the next life.

Whatever energy is already sent and whatever Karma is done, I think it is enough.

Now do you feel that your energy towards them has changed?

I am already feeling it.

You are able to feel that your energy has changed.

No they will also get this energy from you.

Just five minutes ago I had very different thoughts.

Now as I am just speaking about the messages for them, I am already feeling light.

This lightness is because of understanding.

How many things get changed because of understanding?

Thoughts based on Gyan will change several things.

Earlier there was so much hatred and new Karmic accounts were getting created.

And see where we have reached. With understanding we have created compassion for them.

When you radiate this quality of vibration to them and then give them advice

The device is still the same, it has not changed.

What is the advice? To forgive, Too Close matters of the past.

Think about the future.

Advice is the same but the energy has changed.

It is now with understanding.

The most beautiful thing is when you tell them

I understand, you are not like this, you would never have done that Karma.

I know you so well, you are such a nice person.

Which is true also because you know them for many years now.

I know then since childhood.

There was a past Karmic account which had now come in front of you.

But you are a beautiful soul and have the power to rise above this.

And if you are able to rise a little today

If you rise above your past Karmic accounts

If you create a beautiful present Karma

The present and future of every soul involved will change.

Now what happened is, you did not get entangled in their Karmic account.

Instead you helped both of them to correct their Karmic account.

This is such a big Seva or service.

Will definitely do it, Sister. Thank you so much.

Om Shanti.

Om Shanti.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> MEDITATION For Karma Cleanse: Ep 65 Soul Reflections: BK Shivani (English Subtitles) - Duration: 29:04.


Editing Your Book on a Budget - Self-Publishing - Duration: 17:20.

Hello everyone my name is Mandi Lynn I'm

the author of the fantasy novels Essence

I am Mercy and soon to be published thriller novel

She's Not Here and also the

creator of AuthorTube Academy I am

here at the Wander Writers Retreat

and I have two lovely ladies with me

here today

and we're gonna be talking about editing

on a budget

how to find editors and maybe some other

things that may come up

Hi guys I'm Evie Driver I'm a young adult science fiction fantasy but I kind of am

a hybrid so it's like a futuristic

fantasy author and I am here on YouTube

Twitter and like basically all over the

Internet and I'm gonna say "Follow your

dreams to find me on the Internet."

My name is Bethany Atazadeh and I'm

the author Evelyn's Number, Pearl's Number

and the Confident Corgi and I like


When it comes to self-publishing

I like to say there's some things you

shouldn't cut corners on and editing is

one of them because as much as you may

want to just kind of quickly type it out

do your self editing and publish it that

is not an option because you just need

to go through a lot of different rounds

and you need the professionals out in

the field so we're gonna talk about how

you can get your book prepped a little

bit before you send it to the editor

because you want your book prepared as

much as you can before you get it there

to the editor that way you get your money's

worth so they're working on the big like

the things that you didn't spot instead

of the things you could've spotted


and now you've wasted your time with

this professional editor you've wasted

time and money. I feel like there is such

a thing as writers blindness I know I've

said this in my videos where like you

even though it's like a glaring error

and it's all clear like a really big

spelling error just or like a plot hole

where you're like you've said before or

somebody is sitting in the next chapter

they're standing but you just you're so

close to your story and the writers

blindness keeps you from seeing it so

having someone else read it another pair

of eyes especially a professional is


it makes a huge difference. Also what I

would say is because I just finished my

first draft of Gravity Rising which is

my WIP and I'm really excited about

because I need drafting I love revising

I'm an editor I worked in a you know

technical writing type stuff I edit

proposals all day I love anyway I what I

would recommend is like a huge way to

save money upon editing is to kind of

not skip steps but mold them together so

clean your manuscript as much as you

possibly can like get someone to read it

what doesn't really matter no we're

going to talk about like CP's and

stuff throughout the video but you know

get anyone you can who it doesn't even

have to be an editor just anyone to read

your manuscript the less that the editor

has to do the cheaper theoretically it

will be so as an editor whenever I edit

sections for my job like the more time I

have to spend on any document like the

more time I have to charge to a specific

code so just as an editor if you

actually clean your manuscript and

there's tons of ways that you can do

that programs and stuff like that and I

can apply to your word count to like I

bring the links if they don't go by time

a lot of editors will go by word count

so if you edit for instance I had a

hundred and twenty thousand words

when I had a first draft I don't want

his number and so I was able to edit

that down myself and with beta's, a good

twenty thousand words were edited out in

that depending on what you pay because

typically pay per word different

percentages but it can make it massive

different yeah yeah so just just sitting

back and taking those words out and so

having an editor need to take it out cuz

I had my editor for I believe it was

Essence they just highlighted this whole

chapter and was like delete yeah you're

like I just paid them how much

yeah so you obviously want to get as

much as prepared as you can so one of my

favorite kind of tricks and things that

maybe people aren't thinking about when

it comes to having someone edit your

book so you've gotten your CP you've got

your beta readers but something people

don't think about is college as a

resource so you can actually I worked on

She's Not Here as an independent study

with a professor so I actually she

worked with me exclusively for the first

30 pages to kind of make it work to make

the start of the story work really well

interesting yeah I got college credit

for it too so that's one example if you

have a professor that you're comfortable

with working with otherwise another

example is a college student an English

student who would maybe want to edit

your manuscript for cheap now obviously

this isn't proofing this isn't

nitty-gritty stuff this is gonna be big

picture stuff if you're having a hard

time getting beta readers this would

kind of be a very trustworthy beta

reader because the thing with beta

readers is that they aren't always they

don't always get good feedback you try

so yes so you can't always they they

mean very well but you can't always know

whether or not all beta readers are

gonna give the best feedback sometimes

they may be like everything is wonderful

which is great but you want something

productive yeah I do that as a beta

reader so I'm normal made read like it's

a great you know trust me I'm the

opposite so in right now I'm beta

reading are Jenna Streety's and

I'm literally editing it because I'm an

editor, so it's like free

editing for her but she's actually doing

a good entire rewrite so awesome but

yeah like sometimes you get beta readers

who like editors and so you can actually

get great editing tips sometimes it's

just like oh this is great

sometimes you get beta readers that just

disappear like you're sending them in

the manuscript and then they never get

back to you always a couple so however

if you have a college student so first

of all it has to be an English student

preferably Creative Writing that's

that's great and if you're paying them

they have to get back to you so and it

doesn't have to be anything pricey it

could just I don't know I've never done

it before by I've heard of other people

have done it so just kind of work with

the student to see you know maybe for 50

bucks they be willing to go through and

fifty dollars as compared to, yeah

yeah that's a meal that's like a month

worth of food play the game right but

yeah so you could work with a college

student who can provide amazing feedback

because they're taking classes on doing

this exactly and to build on that you

can also use um I used Goodreads they

have different forums where you can look

to hire editors and I found that there

were a lot of people on Goodreads who

were trying to start their editing

business so because of that they weren't

charging these like drastic prices you

know they were trying to really lower

their prices just because they wanted to

build their portfolio so you can get a

really really good editor like you'll

have to bet them you'll have to get your

sample edits which we should talk about

um but you can find somebody who's

actually super talented

they just haven't done it a lot yet so they're going to

give you an amazing price just to kind

of add to that because I've been

researching editors just because I did

wasn't sure if my aunt was gonna be able

to edit it or not but going on Facebook

it's kind of the same thing as Goodreads

but a lot of people will actually be

willing to lower their prices if you're

a part of a Facebook group and it's a

part of a community so there's that

communal aspect to it so whenever I see

people say I'm having a really hard

month I need to publish my book in two

months what do I do

I see tons and tons of editors who

literally say I will get you like 10%


I'll give you payment plans so sometimes

you might still have to pay the price

but tons of people are so willing to

work with authors it's ridiculous

and at the same time like the sample

edit just kind of maybe this to be the

transition yeah I actually always look

at their website because if their

website is all over the place like how

on earth am I supposed to like let them

look at my manuscript like I want to

trust them so there's like typos or if

they're like what if they have no

website and it's just like riddled with

just grammatical

issues like if you don't always have to

approach the sample edit as they're you

know the first deep dive so sometimes

you can look at their I meanTwitter's a

bad example because I do tons of typos I

mean you would know don't worry about

Twitter yeah I feel like being human on

to you so I mean I'm just looking out

for their off your website are out there

other platforms it's like they have a

massive like social media platform on

like Facebook or whatever just make sure

you research them just to kind of get

them out of the way or say I'm really

interested let's yeah

away way you can research that because that's

really good is to actually ask them like

what other books that they've edited

right yeah actually go on Amazon you

come pull those books up on Amazon first

of all see that they were credited

because that could say if there's a good

relationship and then you could also

yeah read the first especially the very

first pages if you're gonna find a typo

on that don't work with them yeah that's

pretty self-explanatory and going

back to the discounts real quick because

I totally forgot about this yeah um so

like you were saying earlier it doesn't

hurt to ask for a discount so I actually

when I was publishing Essence I was

obviously on the budget I was 15, 16 when

it actually took..I can't remember anymore

but I found an editor and I asked do you

have a student discount ?

I explained, I'm 16 I'm

Self-publishing my book but I want a

professional editor yeah and they said

no but we can give you 10% off I'm like

okay cool and then when I went back for

I am Mercy they gave me 10% off again

because I was a repeat customer loved

that so but I don't recommend that

company anymore, but it never hurts to ask and

where did you find your editor cuz I

think finding editors is tricky and I

know I found some places but so my editor

I found through the recommendation of a

nonfiction book about self publishing so

I like I contacted the author of that of

that self publishing book and said you

know I have you ever worked with this

what do you think of them and you know

then I tried them on myself they did

great for book one they didn't do so

great for book two one other place that

you could find an editor is to use a

website called Reedsy which is what I used

it's kind of like marketplace I want to

say where you can find different kinds

of professionals such as editors in your

marketing people and your cover

designers and I think a lot of other

things and you can find editors of all

levels development line editing

proofreading and that is a really great

resource to go the last thing we want to

talk about was pricing like what you

should be expecting when it comes to the

price tag over your editor yeah and

honestly there's such a wide range and

Mandi has already said this I'm kind of

stealing your thunder but like you get

what you pay for so with me my first

book I actually paid only about 300

bucks all total and typically it's by

words you're gonna have to take your

word count and then do the math and

everybody's word count is gonna be

different so you can't ever that's why

it's so hard to get an exact quote for

how much is normal because everybody's

so different plus another thing is is

that if your manuscript if you send it

to like a proof but for like the proof

oh yeah a different editor who decides

like this is a mess like I'm gonna need

more time that means more money we're

it's so critical to clean your

manuscript is absolutely much as

possible yeah use pro reading aid

grammerly we can make videos about that

on our own channels but those tools are

just so so important if you want to save

money clean your manuscript as much as

possible so basically there's a lot of

factors that go into it but generally

you could go from just a few hundred

dollars to like thousands

of dollars and so I found that going the

minimum that I did was actually really

good for my first book and I'm happy

with it but now that I

when the books start making money I want

to start being able to invest more and

so I am choosing a more expensive editor

and it's personal choice so don't let

anybody tell you the right way right

like it depends on what you need I feel

like everyone thinks that their way is

the right way and I feel like the

average that I've seen because I I've

put so much effort into researching like

how what editors because I'm trying to

become an editor eventually for fiction

so I put a lot of time in researching

this so a lot of people either

undervalue themselves or overvalue

themselves and tons of people do this

they're guilty of it I'm guilty of it

too but the standard format there if you

would I don't know I feel like a

thousand dollars for most manuscripts so

I I twenty eight thousand two thousand

yeah and that's for like an eighty

thousand word manuscript so and I

would like to say that's a that's a

that's a pretty yeah yeah that is a good

price for a really good quality editor

and that's for that in that at least for

me that means the line edits and the

proofing as a whole and like you may

sit back and say wow that's a lot but if

you're serious about this and you want

to make sure that you publish the book

correctly the first time cuz you don't

want to like go back a move

you just because then like if you have

to republish a book down the line you

have to re go through the editing

process all over again so just do it

right the first time and you know invest

in yourself but if you're on a budget

I'll just throw this if you're I think I

wanna be cheap yeah which I get that and

I think that's really wise to be careful

how you spend your money because as

authors we can spend on anything and

there's so many good things I would say

consider using people in your life that

are either English majors or like you

said college professors college

it's people with some skills and the

willingness to do it for free I think

that we all have some people in our

lives or we can seek them out who would

be willing to do very similar things for

a very low cost and it's not

professional but if you get enough of

those eyes on your story that could also

have a huge difference you never know till you

ask and you know and I think that a lot

of people don't think of editing as you

know like they're part of their author

platform just because it's like so

clinical this is right that's not right

this is what you should do versus not do

but like for me as an editor and then

writing a book being in it like an

author editing is so important because

it's not only it's not the editors

reputation of course if you want to

credit the editor and people look at it

and the book has just horrible editing

it's like their reputations on the line

but the first name people see is yours

so I automatically will return a book if

it's just riddled with with typos and so

this is something it's controversial but

you gotta invest in yourself if you want

to have that clean manuscript ready for

publishing and it just think it's so

important because otherwise you can have

lots of one-star reviews this isn't

great like this is just riddled with

inaccuracies and so it's just it's so

important you know and I'm sure that you

all agree with this but as an editor I

just see so so many things published and

it shocks and horrifies me so to know

that it just doesn't no one cares and

not all of it is self-published yeah

some of its traditional publishers

that are cutting corners a little too much

so that is it for today's video I hope

you all enjoy learning everything about

editing about budgets about what to look

for and how to find them

editor's galore

As always be sure to check out these

ladies their links will be down below

you can check out their books and future

books and yeah let me know in the

comments down below if you found this

video helpful if there's any other tips

we missed if you feel like you know about

great resource for finding editors

because we always love to hear more

about those resources otherwise be sure

to give this video a thumbs up comment

down below and subscribe thank you for


For more infomation >> Editing Your Book on a Budget - Self-Publishing - Duration: 17:20.


New novel 'A Terrible Country' rediscovers Russia and its paradoxes - Duration: 6:42.

JOHN YANG: Now Jeffrey Brown has the latest addition to our "NewsHour" Bookshelf.

JEFFREY BROWN: The year is 2008.

And young Andrei Kaplan, born in the Soviet Union, raised in the U.S., is struggling in

his would-be academically career and has been dumped by his girlfriend.

What to do?

Return to Moscow to care for his aging grandmother and find his way in the new Russia.

The new novel is "A Terrible Country."

Author Keith Gessen was himself born there, raised here.

He's a journalist and editor, translator of the Nobel Prize-winning writer Svetlana Alexievich.

And this is his second novel.

And welcome to you.

KEITH GESSEN, Author, "A Terrible Country": Thank you.

JEFFREY BROWN: So this is, in fact, thinly veiled fiction?

Can we say that?

You went back to Russia yourself around that time?


I did.

The question of how much of the material you use from your life is a -- is an interesting


Some things, you can have your raw material, and then you look at it, and you say, well,

what can I do to make this interesting to someone else who isn't me?

And you take some things up to 10, right?

You take some other things down to two.

And you look at it and see if that works.

And you kind of tinker with it.

JEFFREY BROWN: You took a lot of things up, I think, up to 10 here, as in bringing this

young character to this land he sort of knows, but doesn't really know.

KEITH GESSEN: I was trying to express something that happens to me every time I go to Moscow,

which is that I expect it from reading the news to be this kind of horror chamber, right?

I expect that I'm going to see people being arrested on the streets, that I might myself

get arrested.

And then every time I show up, it's -- it gets nicer and nicer.

There are cafes.

There are people driving nice cars.

They're talking on their cell phones.

It seems perfectly normal.


I mean, you have Andrei in the book going and finding that he can't even afford a cappuccino,

right, because they're $6 or $7 there in brand-new cafes.

KEITH GESSEN: And he can't understand how all these people are walking in and buying

these expensive coffees and sandwiches, and not even uttering a word of protest.

And that's the kind of paradox, right?

It's, on the one hand, it's quite nice, and on the other hand, this other stuff is going

on at the same time.


I mean, all this stuff in the news is real, right?

And that comes through in the book, too.

I mean, there's that -- along with the affluence and the growth, there is this sort of political

atmosphere, right, oppressive political atmosphere.

KEITH GESSEN: When the Russians were surrendering at the end of the Cold War, they were basically

told by us that, if they built a kind of thriving consumer society, they could also have political


What's actually happened is that they built that consumer society, but they lost their

political freedoms.

It didn't go the way anyone thought it would go.

JEFFREY BROWN: You wrote an essay recently titled -- it was titled, "Russia Was My Obscure


Now Everyone Is Paying Attention," because there was that period where nobody was paying

attention to Russia, right?

And then -- and now it's every day in the newspaper.

Are you surprised in some way?

Or how do you respond to it once again becoming the sort of boogeyman of our news, really,

of our political culture?

KEITH GESSEN: I have mixed feelings.

As someone who knows a lot about Russia, it's nice to see it on people's minds.

At the same time, the political atmosphere in the U.S. right now with regard to Russia

is, in my mind, poisonous.

JEFFREY BROWN: In what sense?

KEITH GESSEN: I think we're blaming a lot of things on Russia that have nothing to do

with Russia, right?

I think the Russians interfered in the election.

I think they would like to be a malign influence on our political culture.

But it was the American people who elected Donald Trump.

To put all of that on Russia, as some people would like to do, I think is a mistake.

JEFFREY BROWN: Why is fiction the way to tell what is, after all, a very complicated tale

that you're even trying to tell me right now about how we -- how we see Russia, how it

really is, how -- what we might be missing?

KEITH GESSEN: There were two reasons I wrote the book.

One of them was to kind of describe Russia at a more intimate level than I had ever been

able to do as a journalist, to describe what it smells like and sounds like.

I thought that could be done in a novel more effectively.

And the other reason was a kind of personal reason, which is that I had spent this year

with my grandmother taking care of her and hanging out with her.

And that was a really -- it was a really profound experience.

It was a very emotional experience.

It was an experience where I learned not just a lot about my grandmother, but a lot about

Russia, and not just the Soviet experience that she had had, but the post-Soviet experience

that she had had, and her feeling of being kind of a leftover or irrelevant person who

didn't fit in to the new world of -- that Russia had become.

And that was a kind of personal experience that could really only be expressed, I thought,

in a novel.

JEFFREY BROWN: And I'm wondering if, for you, as with Andrei, it is still a country that

you -- that you know, but don't know, a country that is in some ways yours, but clearly not

yours anymore?

KEITH GESSEN: Certainly.

As I kept writing, one of the things I saw that Andrei was allowing me to do was, because

he didn't really know the country, because there were things that he encountered that

made him mad, or that surprised him, or that depressed him, or that delighted him, that

that was something that I could sort of walk the readers through, through Andrei's eyes.

And, in that sense, he was a very effective narrator for me.

JEFFREY BROWN: All right, the new novel, "A Terrible Country."

Keith Gessen, thank you very much.

KEITH GESSEN: Thank you.

For more infomation >> New novel 'A Terrible Country' rediscovers Russia and its paradoxes - Duration: 6:42.


dipsiz kuyum-yalnız çiçek-music- ft -Aleyna Tilki - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> dipsiz kuyum-yalnız çiçek-music- ft -Aleyna Tilki - Duration: 3:17.


Nhạc chế remix | Kiếp Mưu Sinh | Nghe là thấm - Duration: 34:10.

For more infomation >> Nhạc chế remix | Kiếp Mưu Sinh | Nghe là thấm - Duration: 34:10.


BTN11: 5-year-old's lemonade stand helps neighbors after fire - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> BTN11: 5-year-old's lemonade stand helps neighbors after fire - Duration: 3:29.


Ran out of time | The Walking Dead | Part 17 - Duration: 45:26.

Hello everyone. My name is Crow_Se7en

Welcome back to The Walking Dead. Let's continue this game

Let's clean up this room before we leave

I don't see anything in here. Let's get out of here

We have to jump off

That's very dangerous

And he has one hand

Oh, he did it

Oh shit

Is he dead?

I see the zombies

It's over

He is done

One bullet!

There are so many zombies

Look! So many zombies!

No no! Seriously!

I thought you saw everything

That was the last bullet then they're gone

Where are we now?

Lee is getting pale

Is it safe?

Let's move faster

Watch out

That's a lot of zombies

We will go to the marsh-house

Oh god

For Clem!

Go to the boat

Remember we found a boat then someone stole it

He is getting tired

We're here

I hope Clem is in this place

That's Clem

I bet this conversation will be longer

Ok, what do you want from me? Oh my god, you're talking so much and wasting our time

Well, close enough

Ok, thank you. Good job. Nice shot

Out of bullets

We have no choice


Is that... Clem's parents? I thought - -

Game over!

How did Clem carry Lee? He is heavy

Lee is getting weaker

He is just sitting there and doing his job. Good job

Give her the gun

Oh right. We're out of bullets

It's over...

Use the baseball bat

Use the baseball bat to hit his head

Oh, the gun...

Use the baseball bat to hit his head then get the gun and keys... Ok...


Now, kill Lee

Well, he got handcuffed so he won't move

Oh, it's over

It's over!

She is alone. Where is the group, Omid and Christa?


It's over...

Do I have to get the DLC? I dunno...

We will move to The Walking Dead 2

Ok, let stop - - Oh wait... Right... That's all, folks

The Walking Dead! That's a great show!

We will miss Lee

Thank you for watching. Please click Subscribe, Like, Share, or whatever that will help me a lot

See you in the next video

For more infomation >> Ran out of time | The Walking Dead | Part 17 - Duration: 45:26.


3 Steps to get your kids excited about voting. - Duration: 2:07.

Three steps to get your kids exciting about voting.

Step 1. Get a good book about voting.

Step 2. Take them to the polls.

Step 3. Create a mock ballot.

Hi everybody, this is the last day to vote!

Make sure to vote for ice cream.

I'm voting cookie!

So, we took a poll...

It was anybody's game.

You guys did great campaigning.

Just tell me already!

We got

ninety-four responses

ninety-four people voted


voted for cookie

Fifty-four voted for Ice Cream.

Ice cream was the Winner!

Thanks for voting!

Thank you guys for voting!

Remember everybody your vote matters!

Time to eat some Ice Cream!



For more infomation >> 3 Steps to get your kids excited about voting. - Duration: 2:07.


Hydro Man - Comic Basics Origins - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> Hydro Man - Comic Basics Origins - Duration: 2:50.


برشلونة - جميع مهارات● اللاعبين مع اغنية تحفيزية مترجمة ● - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> برشلونة - جميع مهارات● اللاعبين مع اغنية تحفيزية مترجمة ● - Duration: 3:42.


4 portes de shmups do arcade para Pc Engine (English subtitles) - Duration: 14:08.

For more infomation >> 4 portes de shmups do arcade para Pc Engine (English subtitles) - Duration: 14:08.


Come utilizzare e cosa è possibile fare ORA con le Instagram API ⊷ #gon_Tutorial - Duration: 12:35.

For more infomation >> Come utilizzare e cosa è possibile fare ORA con le Instagram API ⊷ #gon_Tutorial - Duration: 12:35.


Meet new Dragon Vincenzo Guzzo (Dragons' Den Canada) - Duration: 1:46.


mega boss of movie theatres in Quebec.

Son of Italian immigrants,

Vince exploded the family business

turning one tiny cinema

into the myriad of megaplexes it is today.

10 locations complete with arcades and IMAX,

over 140 screens that will grow to almost 200 by 2020.

But don't just call him the movie man.

This brand builder has drive.

He's got his own construction division.

VINCENZO: That wasn't approved. That's not approved.

NARRATOR: And growing franchises

of both Italian porchetta sandwich restaurants

and wood fire pizzerias.

With his wife Maria,

VINCENZO: Hey Mark, how are ya?

NARRATOR: Vince's philanthropic contributions include medical research

keeping him abreast of advancements in the field.

This busy father of five always makes time for family —

VINCENZO: Okay, bon appétit.

NARRATOR: be it dinner at the prestigious Mont Royal club,

on holiday in the Hamptons,

or relaxing in the comfort of their home just north of Montreal.

But downtime is fleeting.

Hollywood calls.

Vince often jets off to L.A.

as movies maintain the starring role in the Guzzo portfolio.

He can be found wheeling and dealing with studio execs —

VINCENZO: Hey Chris. How are ya doin'?

NARRATOR: building and maintaining the relationships

that put his cinemas centre stage.

He's known as a tough negotiator

and a visionary writing his next big scene.

For more infomation >> Meet new Dragon Vincenzo Guzzo (Dragons' Den Canada) - Duration: 1:46.


VIDEO: Niño mutante sobrevive a juego mecánico sin protección - Duration: 1:05.

Feria en Tijuana. El menor brincó cada uno de los obstáculos.  México.- En redes sociales se viralizó el video donde un menor de edad corre al ritmo de un juego mecánico al que se subió sin ningún tipo de protección

 Cientos de internautas quedaron impactados con la velocidad del niño, que no paró hasta que el juego se detuvo y, por el contrario, brinco cada uno de los obstáculos

   El hecho se produjo en una feria de Tijuana, aunque por el momento se desconoce si el chico retiró el arnés a propósito o simplemente se negó a usarlo


For more infomation >> VIDEO: Niño mutante sobrevive a juego mecánico sin protección - Duration: 1:05.


HOW TO paint a 1920's vintage car in ACRYLICS - Acrylic Painting Tutorial - Duration: 26:41.

For more infomation >> HOW TO paint a 1920's vintage car in ACRYLICS - Acrylic Painting Tutorial - Duration: 26:41.


saree blouse designs online with price | simple maggam work blouse designs | aari work,TNBN Tv Live - Duration: 6:15.


For more infomation >> saree blouse designs online with price | simple maggam work blouse designs | aari work,TNBN Tv Live - Duration: 6:15.


『MMD』 𝙴𝚢𝚎 𝙾𝚏 𝚃𝚛𝚞𝚝𝚑 - Duration: 0:47.

𝒯𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝐵𝓁𝓊𝑒 𝐸𝓎𝑒

𝒫𝑒𝓇𝒸𝑒𝒾𝓋𝑒𝓈 𝒜𝓁𝓁 𝒯𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈 𝒞𝑜𝓃𝒿𝑜𝒾𝓃𝑒𝒹

𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒫𝒶𝓈𝓉,

Tʜᴇ Fᴜᴛᴜʀᴇ

𝗔𝗻𝗱 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗣𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗻𝘁

𝐸𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓎𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝐹𝓁𝑜𝓌𝓈

𝒜𝓃𝒹 𝒜𝓁𝓁 𝐼𝓈 𝒞𝑜𝓃𝑒𝒸𝓉𝑒𝒹

𝐻𝒾𝓈 𝐸𝓎𝑒 𝐼𝓈 𝒩𝑜𝓉 𝑅𝑒𝒶𝓁𝓁𝓎 𝒮𝑒𝑒𝓃...


𝐼𝓉 𝐼𝓈 𝒯𝑜𝓊𝒸𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔...


𝒯𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝐼𝓈 𝒩𝑜𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒯𝑜 𝐹𝑒𝒶𝓇 :)

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