Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 3 2018

Hey guys. Welcome back. In this video I am

going to make a Peacock ring holder using

some old newspaper and epoxy clay. If you

like the video, please press the like

button and subscribe to my channel. For

this project, I first got a plastic ball

and applied some white petroleum jelly

on it then I made some modpodge by

mixing equal amount of white glue and


Then I got some old newspaper pieces and

used the modpodge to paste the papers on

the plastic bowl

Then I left it for drying.

once it was all dried, I removed the paper

bowl out of it.

Then I used a metal wire and some

epoxy clay

to make the peacock.

Then I had to make wing cutter. You can

make wing cutter using flat metal

wire. If you don't have flat metal wire,

you can also use plastic bottle to

make the wing cutter

I made some wing cutter using plastic bottlr

and then used the wing cutter to make the

wings for the peacock

Then I made this teardrop shaped clay

pieces and glued them on the wings of

the peacock to get some volume on the

peacock wings

Then it was the time to color the


I used turquoise blue as the base color

for the peacock.

once turquoise acrylic was

completely dried, I used some metallic

colors on the peacock

once all the colors were dried I used

some varnish on the peacock and then I

got my peacock ring holder ready to be

used. If you liked the video please just

the like button and subscribe to my

channel please leave your feedback in

the comment section below. I will be back

with some more interesting projects and

some crafting tips.

Till then bye bye. :)

For more infomation >> Peacock mural using newspaper|peacock craft|Home Decor|Best out of waste|Antique Craft|spanish sub - Duration: 13:52.


🆘 Правила безопасности на КРИПТОрынке. Как защитить инвестиции. Как не потерять криптовалюту - Duration: 5:29.

For more infomation >> 🆘 Правила безопасности на КРИПТОрынке. Как защитить инвестиции. Как не потерять криптовалюту - Duration: 5:29.


Tony Robbins: How to Control Your Thoughts (morning motivation) - Duration: 10:41.

we all want to be able to change the way

we feel that's what I spend my life

showing people how to do and what most

people know is the emotion is created by

motion the way you move determines the

way you feel you have 80 different

muscles in your face

80 for most people this is the largest

area of unemployment in the country they

use their mate the face the same way

they feel the same emotions over and

over and over again so what I'm saying

is I have this deal with myself called

priming every day I say look you've got

to have 10 minutes for yourself you know

10 minutes to yourself you don't have a

life and I'm not gonna hope I feel good

I don't got back six countries in 12

days that was in India two days ago Wow

I woke up here wanting like feeling like

somebody ran me over the truck as I do

this process it's 10 minutes it put some

music on I do this massive change in my

breathing so it radically changes the

way I feel and then I do this three step

process first I do three minutes of

gratitude or I think of three things I'm

really grateful for and I associate I

don't think of it over that I feel it

and the reason is when you're grateful

you can't be worried it can't be fearful

when you're grateful you can't be angry

and anger and fear what screw people up

most in their relationships and their

life and their business so I wire myself

I'm saying to you that most people want

to be happy but their habit is to be

worried or pissed off or frustrated or

stress and so they're they've got a

highway to stress and they got a dirt

road to happiness

so I wire myself I've got a highway to

gratitude which changes all your

emotions and then I do

three-minute process have kind of a

prayer for my family and friends and

then I do a three-minute process of the

top three things I want to accomplish I

see it as done and I feel I'm done in 10

minutes so sometimes let go 20 but my

deal is 10 so there's no excuse not to

do it most people have a belief about

what their real potential is matter what

you tell them and that affects how much

action they take and of course that

affects the result and then ironically

that result reinforces their belief and

the belief that's it so I'll give an

example let's say a person has unlimited

potential we all agree but they take

little action little results why because

they have to start with a problem with

their belief they don't believe it's

really gonna happen for me maybe for

Frank Kearns because it got the cool

hair and stuff or maybe it's for you

because you're so driven but it's not me

maybe Tony Robbins cuz he's a freak up

these big teeth whatever their fuck is


this thing right but what happens is if

you believe that there's very little

potential how much action you're gonna

take little and when you take little

potential with a little action what kind

of results you get lousy little results

when you have the results what does that

do to your belief you go see I told you

this was a waste the time soldier this

wouldn't work and then what happens you

tap even less potential you take even

less actually even the worst results and

your belief gets even weaker and this

sucker feeds on itself until you are in

a downward spiral poisonous it's

poisonous in its self-fulfilling now

what if something could happen that

could come along and fill you with a

sense of absolute certainty not like I

believe but me well you know and you

guys this case mine as well we knew

because we had to because we burned the

boats there was no other option we had

to find the way we had we weren't gonna

live that way we all did it in different

ways and for different reasons but in

essence that was it if you get yourself

in a state of certainty that this is

gonna work I'm gonna find the way and if

this is work I will make the way then

you tap a lot more potential and when

you're serving your potential you take

massive action when you take massive

action you really believe in something

you get great results when you get great

results your brain goes see I told you I

was a stud I told you to single work out

now you even spawned you tap one

potential take greater action be

resolved that's how you went from 300

bucks in a week to 2500 five days to a

hundred thousand and a month to a

million bucks in a day same thing with

you and we get momentum so you rich get

richer the poor get poorer

now some people go out they go well I'm

gonna take a bunch of action alright I'm

gonna open us

they're gonna try it they'll say to you

I even did it but it's like the salesman

who goes and knocks in the door he

knocks on a hundred doors and says

verbally his face says it because he

doesn't believe it's gonna work so his

voice his body the execution is so weak

maybe if he talks a hundred people

somebody's gonna buy on a pity I'm gonna

want his kids to starve right but he's

not gonna get the result so the core

difference in people is how do you

produce certain day when the world isn't

giving it to you you go out and try and

you try in your case you're a hundred

thousand and that nothing's working how

do you keep yourself going the way you

did it the way I did it the way you're

doing it we mean I've done it

consciously is we didn't change our

potential that was there and it wasn't

even taking more action taking more

action with beliefs not gonna works not

gonna change anything we got results in

our head that made us feel certain as if

it had already happened see whatever

you're looking for you're gonna find so

if you want to change your life my

friends you got to change your

physiology and you got to change your

focus by the way how fast can you change

that stuff how fast my friends how fast

how fast come on and a heartbeat once

you reach Ange your conditioning that's

all you got to do ain't get it fast you

do with a question or two try this right

now answer this question in your mind

and be honest what in your life today if

you want it to be could you feel proud

about right now if you wanted to feel

proud if you did select I shouldn't be

proud if you want to feel proud what

could you be proud of in your life today

your children your health your body is

there a problem you faced instead of

running from it you finally stepped up

and handled it could you feel proud of

in your life today if you wanted to feel

proud how many could bigger something

and when you think about this thing

you're proud of what about that makes

you feel proud what do you focus on that

makes you feel proud

how do you breathe when you really start

to feel proud what kind of look on your

faces starts to happen when you let

yourself feel proud yeah

how does that feel hmm think of another

area life think of any of your life that

you're grateful for or you are not

grateful if you wanted to be grateful

what's an area you could feel grateful

for what could you feel grateful for if

you really wanted to feel grateful

how many can think of something you can

feel grateful for let me search your

hands and what about that are you

grateful for what do you focus on that

makes you feel grateful how does it feel

when you're really truly feeling filled

with gratitude here's one if you wanted

to be excited about your life right now

and you're willing to be excited you

wrote a book everybody else's trend what

could you feel excited about in your

life if you wanted to feel excited what

could you get excited about if you

really focused on it and you really took

it in you weren't in a negative place

what could you get excited about if you

wanted to be excited in your life what

could you get excited about how many of

you can think of something you feel

excited about right now raise your hand

let me use your hand say I when you're

really excited about it what about that

excites you or when you're really

excited how do you feel how do you speak

what's your life like by the way when

you're excited does it tend to touch

other people yes or no absolutely by the

way do people have a tendency but who

feels different right now they're just

even a couple moments ago ready and say

I why because focus is controlled by

questions if you ask a different

question continuously that once

continuously you will get a different

answer if you ask a lousy question he

get allows the answer in a lousy state

so why does this always happen to me

it doesn't always happen to you but the

brains like a computer I ask it a

question it'll have to come up with an

answer because you deserve it you idiot

someone will say how come I can never

lose weight you can't lose weight but if

you keep saying how come I can't ever

lose weight the rains gotta come answer

goes you're a pig lousy questions create

what lousy answers ask a better question

get a better answer now here's what I

want you to get I want you to get that

you can change your state how fast guys

how fast how fast and if you get the

habit of doing it you have a different

life if you find your passion you're

gonna have this tremendous energy of

sustainable energy but momentum requires

you always do the next thing that keep

the momentum going and no reason you get

yourself in a passionate place and so

that you change your life and the only

thing that changes your life is making a

decision so while you're in this

passionate state that's where you make

decisions you don't make decisions but

you like what do you think all right

let's decide if you make a decision in a

state without momentum if you make a

decision in place where there's no

passion you are not gonna get momentum

it'll kill momentum it's decide commit

and resolve

so with you

in the past you've gotten momentum

you've gotten passionate you've even

made a decision but a decision is the

first step

decision is like a war I got to do this

or that all right I'm gonna make myself

do this but amendment is when you mail

after you've decided and commit to do

this for the long term whether it's hard

or easy doesn't matter you're doing this

it takes it from this moment and it

carries it in the future even when

things are difficult and the third state

is resolved resolved means it's done

it's like it doesn't even if you took

actually it's done inside you so it's

done out there there's no question

whatsoever then once you decide the only

way the commitment and the energy and

the momentum continues is if you take

immediate massive what my friends

massive life write down in your notes

massive action is the cure-all massive

action is the cure-all if you're having

a difficult time with something your

relationship isn't where you want it to

be your finances are not where you want

to be your body's not where you want to

be your business is not where it want to

be you need to take massive action and

if that doesn't work try something else

so that's his work try something else

keep going with massive action and you

will find the way because it will give

you momentum

For more infomation >> Tony Robbins: How to Control Your Thoughts (morning motivation) - Duration: 10:41.


I Don't Understand Blood Types, Therefore Aliens - Duration: 26:01.

[Quick note about the similar-looking terms in this video.]

[Terms with capital H (RHD, RHCE) refer to genes. Terms with small h (RhD, RhCE) refer to proteins.]

[The genes' names should also be italicized, but YouTube CCs don't allow it.]

Hello, gnathostomes!

Before we get to the Stupid™, I would like to give a big thank you to Infixfun,

who has been a very, very awesome person and put closed captions on all my videos!


So. Errm. Hmm... What to debunk? What to debunk?

Hey Google, find me something really stupid.

Okay, here is what I found:

If You Belong To This Blood Group, Chances Are You Could Be Having Alien DNA

Yup! That'll do.

So. The following, which I have to stress is real and presented verbatim,

is from a bottomless pit of listicles and clickbait called Troab.

Or Troaap? Throap?


Throwup? Yea, let's go with that one.

This particular "article" was vomited up by Andrew Alpin,

who appears to be a frequent contributor to the site.

Oh, and if you're wondering how I found this Stupid™,

it was suggested to me by the Google+ trending feature.

And if you use one of Google's other products, and search for "alien blood type",

you'll get a shitload of results.

So. Yeah. Apparently people actually believe this.

Okay, Google, read the Stupid™ for us.

Oh dear fuck.

Zero to dumber than a wet cardboard box in 3.4 seconds.

First of all, that would be a question for human evolution and genetics,

not physiology, it's not the biggest question in any of them,

and I think you meant "unanswered".

Secondly, that not how evolution works.

Humans didn't evolve from rhesus monkeys; or rhesus macaques

to give them their proper name. You share a common ancestor with them.

Now, most people with rhesus negative blood are in fact missing

the rhesus monkey gene; or RHD to give it its proper name.

But so are all the rhesus macaques, because the gene didn't evolve

until after the two lineages split.

It's not named rhesus because of anything to do with evolution;

it's named that because that's the animal the Rh blood group system

was originally discovered in, back in the late 1930s.

Well. Sort of.

It quickly turned out that what was discovered in the macaques

was actually a different blood group system than it's human "equivalent".

But by that time, the name was already in wide use, so it stuck.

But you know what? Let's forget all that and say the system really is

named after the rhesus macaque because humans evolved from it.

How does that make some humans not having it an evolutionary mystery?

No, seriously. How?

How is a species evolving an evolutionary puzzle?

You do realize that there are a lot of genetic differences between humans and macaques, right?

That that's why you and them are different species? Guess how they ended up that way.

That's right: fucking evolution.

Jesus Christ on a blue mountain bike.

It's not unanswered! Humans evolved! It's right there in the question!

You're literally asking "Why, if species evolve, don't they stay the same?".

It's not a theory. It's not even a hypothesis.

It's somewhere around a barely thought-out showerthought

of someone who hasn't their morning coffee yet.

Also, only the R in Rh is supposed to be capitalized.

Wait. Wait wait.

By "Alien DNA" you mean "space aliens" aliens, right?

And not "aliens" as in Mexicans?

Again, yes, most Rh negative people have that blood type because they lack the RHD gene.

Don't worry, I will get back to the how and why of that.

For now, I really want to know how the hell you got from that to alien DNA.

Never mind how that's a complete non sequitur,

how the actual chocolate-coated fuck can missing a gene equal having alien DNA?

They're missing the gene because they lack the part of the DNA where it's "supposed" to be.

It's not pining for the fjords. It's not there! It's gone!

Vanished! Deleted! No longer in existence! Lost to time!

It is an ex-gene!

Within the ABO blood group system, yes, those are by far the most common types.

There are others, but they are rare,

and most are basically versions of either A or B with some caveats.

Thing is, there are also other blood group systems. 36 of them to be exact.

The ABO system is just one of them.

The reason you hear about it the most is because it's the one most likely to cause problems

during blood transfusions and organ transplants, making it the most clinically important.

I mean, that's not not true, but it's also not much of an explanation.

So, let me do it for you. Fair warning, this segment is going to be a big info dump.

So hold onto your pants.

All of your cells have proteins on their surface that they use to communicate

and interact with the rest of you, and sometimes things that aren't you.

Some of them also act as antigens. Antigens are parts of molecules,

usually proteins or complex sugars, that can be recognized by the immune system

and cause it to respond.

What antigens someone has, and what they look is determined by their genes.

Because humans aren't clones, people have different antigens.

Your immune system "knows", for a lack of better term, what your antigens look like,

and has cellular safety mechanisms in place so it doesn't attack them.

Autoimmune diseases are what happens when those mechanisms fail.

Blood types have to do with the antigens on the surface of the cells in your blood;

primarily those on the red blood cells.

The protein characteristics Andrew is talking about are the structure of these antigens.

Each of the 36 blood-type systems deals with one or a group of related blood antigens.

The types refer to what antigens and antibodies someone has.

So if someone is type A, that means they have the A version of the ABO antigen,

but lack B, and likely have antibodies against it.

In most cases, someone's type in the ABO system is determined by what versions,

known as alleles, of the appropriately named ABO gene they have.

A bit confusingly, it's not the protein coded for by ABO that's the antigen.

In fact, that protein stays inside the cell.

You see, a lot of surface and extracellular proteins are glycoproteins,

meaning they have branching chains of different sugars "glued" onto them.

The ABO antigen is one such sugar chain.

The ABO protein's job is to help build this chain by putting a single sugar on a certain part of it.

What sugar is put on determines the blood type.

Acetylgalactosamine gives you type A, while galactose results in type B.

Type O means the ABO protein is either missing or broken, so nothing gets put on.

Type AB just means you have both A and B.

For most genes, you have two copies of it, one on each chromosome in a chromosome pair,

so you can have two different alleles.

On to the star of the video: the Rh blood type system.

It involves two genes: RHD and RHCE.

Each codes for one of two very similar surface proteins found only on red blood cells.

And, unlike in the ABO system, they are the antigens.

There are three antigens: C, D, and E. You can probably guess which one carries which.

The Rh system is the largest of the human blood group systems, with over 50 different types.

Most of them are rare, so we will just stick with six common ones:

small c, d, and e, and big C, D, and E.

The two Cs and Es, are different-looking proteins, just like A and B, but the Ds aren't.

Small d is not an actual antigen, because it's not a protein,

but rather the lack of RhD; it's Rh negative.

When we talk about someone being Rh negative or positive,

we're saying whether or not they have RhD.

The reason we don't usually talk about RhCE, is because it's less clinically relevant.

The immune system is much more likely to have a strong reaction

against a protein it's not used to than to a protein that just looks slightly different.

That was a lot longer than I wanted it to be. Hopefully you got most of it.

Well, it *led* scientists to ask that question. They came from Africa.

We actually have a pretty solid idea of where Rh negative came from.

More on that in a moment. I want to address a couple of smaller points.

Firstly, the "15% of the population" is only true for Europe and North America.

In the rest of world, Rh negative is much rarer.

Secondly, Andrew thinks the protein missing in Rh negative people is the ABO protein.

It might be hard to tell with me interrupting him,

but if you read the whole paragraph, it very much seems like he does.

The headline of this section also helped a lot.

But, um, yeah. No, they're not the same. And RhD and RhCE aren't glycoproteins,

so I can't even be nice and assume he meant they carry the ABO antigen.

Also, not every Rh negative person have completely lost the D antigen,

it's just the most common allele.

To understand where Rh negative came from, and spoilers, it wasn't aliens,

we first need to understand how RhD came about.

RHD and RHCE are members of a larger family of rhesus genes.

A very old family, dating back to at least the common ancestor of all vertebrates.

As I mentioned, rhesus macaques don't have the RHD gene.

But they do have an equivalent of RHCE.

I also mentioned that the two proteins are very similar.

The genes for them share 92% of their coding parts.

They're also right next to each other.

What all of this suggests is that RHD came about as a result of RHCE being duplicated.

It's also a clue to how it was lost again.

Your cells are able to do something called homologous recombination.

I won't get into to the details of it works.

All you need to know is that it's a way to swap similar looking parts of DNA.

The cells mostly use this ability to repair damaged DNA.

It's also used to mix up genes during meiosis;

the type of cell division used to make egg and sperm cells.

The process of homologous recombination isn't perfect. Sometimes things go wrong.

That's how RHD got deleted.

Because the two genes are so similar, the homologous recombination protein

machinery confused two parts on either side of RHD, and so ended up cutting it out.

That's not just speculation. If you compare the DNA sequences,

you can actually see where it was put back together.

Looking around the internet, this "35 000 years ago" pops up a lot.

Usually accompanied by other words explaining how unnamed scientists

think this is when humans got the blood type from either aliens or Neanderthals.

I didn't bother to track down the source, because fuck that.

It doesn't matter where it came from. What matters is that it's wrong.

Now, to be fair, Andrew doesn't actually say that this is how old Rh negative is.

He just says it was around.

Which yes, it would have been, because it's hundreds of thousands years old.

We know this thanks to genetics.

While Rh negative is rare in people from the African part of the world,

as this failed attempt at journalism correctly goes on to say,

there are still some who have it.

Among them, and the larger percentage who are carriers of it,

the most common reason is the exact same deletion mutation

you find in the rest of the world.

It's not nearly as common as in Europe,

where it's responsible for 99% of Rh negative peeps.

It's more like 60%. But it's there.

Including in people who have no non-African ancestors.

If you haven't already worked it out, that means the mutation

must have happened before humans left for the rest of the world.

That happened some 75 000 years ago.

And since the allele is found throughout Africa, it must also have happened

before anyone migrated out of East Africa 2-300 000 years ago.

That's just a tad longer ago than 35 000 years. It's likely even older than that.

The way the DNA around RHD and RHCE is set up is practically begging for a deletion

via homologous recombination to happen.

In fact, it's not at all unlikely that Rh negative was already a thing

when Homo sapiens arrived on the evolutionary scene.

In other words, it must have happened early in or before the evolution of modern humans.

Thanks for agreeing with me for once.

It's not entirely clear why it's so much more common in Europeans.

I found a few different ideas, but from what I read, the current consensus

is that it's probably because of a combination of the founder effect and genetic drift.

Which is another way if saying that it's mostly due to random chance.

The founder effect means that the people who left Africa and became the ancestors of Europeans

just happened to come from a tribe or group where the RHD deletion was prevalent.

Genetic drift happens because which genes are passed onto the next generation is random.

In a small population, genes with little to no selection pressure on them

can disappear or become much more prevalent due to this randomness.

Err, no. You pulled that directly from someone's rectum.

The only two that come close to being real things are the hair and eye colour.

Rh negativity is much more common in blue eyed redheads.

That's not because the RHD has anything to with your colours.

We have a pretty good idea how that actually works.

Rh negative and red hair just happen to be the most common

in the same general population: those of European descent.

You might as well be saying sickle-cell anemia makes you black.

No. Not really.

The only major "mystery" is if the RhD protein actually does anything

and, if so, what that thing is.

Structurally, it looks like an ammonia transporter,

and other proteins in the Rh family do perform that function in the kidneys.

Whether RhD actually works is unclear. The current best guess is that it doesn't.

It's part of a complex with RhCE and another Rh protein, called RhAG.

The complex likely acts as an ammonia transporter, with RhAG doing the actually transporting.

RhD and RhCE are thought to be there for structural reasons.

That hasn't been much of a mystery since the 1940s.

How do you think we figured out to use the "special sterilized solution"?

What he's vaguely referring to is called Rh disease.

It's a subtype a condition called hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn, or HDFN for short.

Normally maternal and fetal blood is separated.

However, they can and do get mixed from time to time, especially during childbirth.

In an Rh-negative woman expecting a Rh-positive child, that can be a problem.

The mother's immune system will correctly identify fetal red blood cells as not being hers,

and start producing anti-RhD antibodies.

Those antibodies are able to cross the placenta,

and will start destroying the fetus's red blood cells.

If the reaction is strong enough, that can lead to anemia, and, in severe cases, kill the fetus.

And since the mother has effectively become vaccinated against RhD,

any future Rh-positive unborn children will be at risk too.

Not only that, but the severity tends to increase with each Rh-positive pregnancy.

Since sick and stillborn babies have consistently placed low on Throwup's

"10 things we want" lists, medical professionals got together

and came up with a preventive treatment.

That's the "special sterilized solution" Andrew mentioned.

Bit weird that he felt it was more important to mention that it's sterile

than to explain what's in it, or mention that's it's an injection.

What is in the special solution is anti-RhD antibodies.

The same antibodies responsible for the problem.

Sounds counterintuitive, but it's actually pretty clever.

The dose is low enough, that it won't harm the fetus, but it's high enough

that if any of its red blood cells end up in its mother's blood, they'll be swiftly eliminated,

hopefully before her immune system has a chance to notice them and respond.

No immune response, no problem.

Oh, shit! Argh. It's supposed to be a mystery!

I'm so sorry, guys, forget what I said. No one has any idea how any of it works!

They just randomly injected things until they found something that worked.

So, shh, it's a secret.


No one knows.

I don't know. Why would someone's immune system start attacking their pancreatic beta cells

and give them type 1 diabetes?

That's super weird and mysterious...

Oh wait, I do know.

It's because the human body, including the human immune system, isn't perfect,

but faulty as a result of being the product of a mindless and aimless process

which improves on previous iterations through incremental changes to them.

You know, evolution.

One of the underlying "arguments" of the whole "article" seems to be

a weird reverse version of the old creationist favourite of irreducible complexity.

That it can't be evolution, because it not perfect.

Wait. Have we actually found someone who fits the creationists' idea

of what an "evolutionist" is?

Is- is this what creationists think we think? Is this how they see us?

No wonder they think we're stupid!

That was almost a whole sentence.

I think it's trying to say that Rh disease is evidence for their Stupid™ because

"Isn't weird how a pregnant woman's immune system would attack the fetus?

Must be her alien DNA not matching the human fetus.".

Not only is that functionally equivalent to going "I don't get it, must be aliens.",

it also raises the question of what Andrew thinks about other blood types.

Since HDFN can be caused by maternal antibodies against other antigens than just RhD,

by Andrew's "logic", they must be alien too.

I don't think that was what he was going for, but that's where he's "argument" leads.

Which raises the further question of what the hell the aliens' deal with blood is.

I seriously doubt this can get weirder, but go on.

Well, colour me whatever colour acting as if this is the first time I'm hearing this,

and I'm surprised by it, for entertainment purposes, is.

It did get weirder. And dumber.

No, all alien abductees are not Rh negative; primarily because alien abductions aren't real.

No, it's highly indicative of the possibility that you didn't do terribly well in science class.

Or in writing class. Seriously, did you write this by dictating it to a dyslexic aarkvard?

And naturally that must mean these aliens fucked around with some of our ancestors' DNA

in a way that perfectly resembles a mutation that would likely have happened anyways.

After all, that is the next logical step.

So I'm not going to go into why ancient aliens is more retarded than a sea slug on glue.

That would be whole video in itself.

What I am going to say is that all of the evidence I have ever seen

have either been fakes or misinterpretations.

Also, most of the things you listed are completely irrelevant to this

since they happened way after the deletion mutation you think was alien genetic engineering.

Wait. You do think it was genetic engineering, right? Right?

Please tell me you're not so stupid that you think they did it

by doing it like they do on Discovery Channel.

Or, I guess, in this case it would be the History Channel.

No. We don't need spend time and money looking into an idea

that is not only implausible to begin with, but also goes against what we already know.

And we certainly don't need further investigation to figure out

if missing a section of DNA means you have DNA from aliens,

because that sentence still doesn't make any goddamn sense!

Stick to more obvious topics,

like how it turns petting a wild lion is crap idea, and leave the science alone!

For more infomation >> I Don't Understand Blood Types, Therefore Aliens - Duration: 26:01.


High QUALITY Macbook Sleeve GIVEAWAY & Review - Duration: 2:45.

today I'm going to be reviewing a sleek

and a minimal apple macbook sleeve as

well as giving away one of them to a

lucky viewer so more details about that

later in the video so if you do have a

MacBook laptop you need to tune in today

and check out this authentic leather

sleeves by Plex oh they send me one to

review and to use for myself but they're

also going to give away one to you guys

specifically for a 13-inch touched by a

MacBook Pro so right off the bat I can

see and feel the quality of this sleeve

- very lightweight and you have that

subtle but distinct smell of real

leather the design is really sleek and

sharp looking and you can take your

MacBook anywhere you want with this

leave the sleeve it also doubles up as a

handy mats to place your map upon and

the minimal design makes it almost

invisible the leather itself is

high-quality and it's smooth to the

touch and once you finish working you

can easily slide it right back into the

sleeves I love to feel this sleeve and

it's very sleek which matches the

ascetics of the macbook pro as of now

Plex is just about ready to launch a

Kickstarter campaign and if you sign up

now you could be in with a chance to

have 50% off their products when they do

get up and running they have various

different sizes and colors for all kinds

of map books and it's extremely minimal

functional unlikely expensive $150 Apple


flexo can actually close and also they

separate a map book from potential

threats inside of bags glasses sleeves

start at $59 at 11 inches and go up to

$79 with that limited 50% offer when

launching the Kickstarter

they've really focused on making this

leaves minimal and sleek in style which

I feel they've achieved with a design

outcome they are made with authentic

napa leather which smells great and it's

often smooth to the touch so if you have

a 13 inch touch by macbook pro you can

enter to win yourself a sleeve for

heading in the link description below so

don't miss your chance to grab a

high-quality sleeve for your Matt book

today and if you do have a different

size map book or model head over to the

Kickstarter and when they launch think

about grabbing up a tent for 50%

discount I've been very busy this week

with graphic design projects so I only

managed to make two actual tutorials

next week should be different however

but make sure to have a great weekend

and stay safe everybody

until next time design your future today


For more infomation >> High QUALITY Macbook Sleeve GIVEAWAY & Review - Duration: 2:45.


Nostalgie pur: Autokinos werden wieder beliebter - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Nostalgie pur: Autokinos werden wieder beliebter - Duration: 1:09.


Alaskan Malamute Steals Puppies | Kritter Klub - Duration: 2:08.

There's someone kidnapping the puppies...

save me

Dark shadow...?!


That dog keeps stealing the puppies

She takes the puppies to her house

The kidnapper dog Moong-chi

Help me!

The "real" mother dog, Debak

Let's drink milk~

It looks like Debak took away her puppies

Mom, where are you going?

It's my turn!

She probably thinks they are her own puppies

I lost my puppies and my house...

Always kidnapping the puppies..

Come with me

Look at her face

She's acting like a mother

What's the matter with her?

I heard she had a baby once before she came here

When she almost got sold to another place, I brought her here

She cried for a month after moving here

She lost her young cubs

She gave birth a year ago but there's still milk coming out?

because of ardent maternity?

Moong-chi, take good care of the puppies with Debak

For more infomation >> Alaskan Malamute Steals Puppies | Kritter Klub - Duration: 2:08.


Образ от Жана Грицфельдта ★ Недели моды | Макияж в стиле города - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> Образ от Жана Грицфельдта ★ Недели моды | Макияж в стиле города - Duration: 2:32.


யார் இந்த பட்டிமன்ற ராஜா இவரின் இந்த நிலைக்கு யார் காரணம் | TAMIL NEWS - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> யார் இந்த பட்டிமன்ற ராஜா இவரின் இந்த நிலைக்கு யார் காரணம் | TAMIL NEWS - Duration: 3:30.


Panellet - Ocupat (Live Studio) Avançament del LP Spuntik (Setembre 2018) - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> Panellet - Ocupat (Live Studio) Avançament del LP Spuntik (Setembre 2018) - Duration: 2:43.


Hot, steamy start to week - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> Hot, steamy start to week - Duration: 3:11.



For more infomation >> SALANA SMAGAM AT SODHI WALA PART-2 - Duration: 5:00:58.


Уклон ПОВЕРХ Удара Справа - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> Уклон ПОВЕРХ Удара Справа - Duration: 2:09.


跑跑薑餅人01 沒默契的兩個人~ - Duration: 6:23.

For more infomation >> 跑跑薑餅人01 沒默契的兩個人~ - Duration: 6:23.


#RipItUp: Shirley Manson - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> #RipItUp: Shirley Manson - Duration: 0:58.


Машинки Монстр-Трак Френк Молния Маквин и Грузовик МАК - Мультики про машинки Тачки 3-6 серии - Duration: 31:12.

For more infomation >> Машинки Монстр-Трак Френк Молния Маквин и Грузовик МАК - Мультики про машинки Тачки 3-6 серии - Duration: 31:12.


시간여행 일본 에도시대로🏯 가와고에 / タイムスリップ 小江戸🏯 川越 l 한일부부 日韓夫婦 일본 전통 브이로그 일상 vlog - Duration: 14:12.

For more infomation >> 시간여행 일본 에도시대로🏯 가와고에 / タイムスリップ 小江戸🏯 川越 l 한일부부 日韓夫婦 일본 전통 브이로그 일상 vlog - Duration: 14:12.


4 Common Misconceptions About The Face Veil - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> 4 Common Misconceptions About The Face Veil - Duration: 3:11.


Món Lạ Ngon|Lòng Non(Ruột Non)Luộc Chín Nướng|Grilled pork intestines|MTPL - Duration: 14:00.

For more infomation >> Món Lạ Ngon|Lòng Non(Ruột Non)Luộc Chín Nướng|Grilled pork intestines|MTPL - Duration: 14:00.


Going back to school is a child's play with the AddBike - Duration: 1:59.

My name is Djavid I'm 33 years old, I have 2 kids and I use an AddBike

What's most important to me is to find a good balance between my work life and family life.

It's not always easy to do so.

During week days, every minute of morning or evening count!

There's the nursey for one, the school for the other and of course the office.

I've always favored the bicycle to get around town.

It's not always easy to use the bicycle every day,

specifically when you need to carry your kids.

That's precisely why I chose the AddBike and the Carry'Box Kids.

The kids love Carry'Box kid and we do have a great time on the bicycle.

Not to mention they're always proud to get to school on their AddBike.

I have a true feeling of safety when I carry my kids, which is quite important for me.

On one hand, there's the protective structure which is quite solid and high enough.

On the other hand you have the disk brakes which are powerful and reassuring.

As far as I'm concerned, thanks to the AddBike, I can keep using the bicycle for my commuting,

move through cars on obstacles and therefore win time.

All of this while doing some exercise!

It's a good way to combine convenience with a dynamic lifestyle !

I used to drive a car, which was more troublesome than using a bicycle,

especially because of traffic jams, parking issues and the stress inherent to driving.

With the AddBike, I feel more relaxed during my rides, less stressed at work

and I can even take my time before having to leave for the office.

Thanks to the AddBike, I don't have any more problems with my morning or evening routes.

What I like the most, is to be able to keep this cyclist lifestyle to cope with stressful days

while being able to spend quality time with my boys.

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