Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 3 2018

How was your first day like Juan Salinas?

how it was?



Yes, it was great

I come to tell you that I already have my new ID

with my name


I wanted to ask you if we can change the school attendance lists

Yes, of course, that's what the law says



I'm Zaida, what's your name?



The music is good, do we dance?

No, I'm very bad dancing

You have skin like a baby

What happens? You're a wo..

It's too late

because tomorrow I have a long day

Well... bye


A girl approached me and we started talking

Yes? and?

Everything was fine...

Until she noticed that I didn't ...

What? ... that she discovered your condition ..

and that? did you stay quiet? what happened?

I didn't know how to explain it to her

I don't know whether to tell her or not

Then I left and that's it


How cool! I've always wanted to ride skateboard but I don't have balance

hahah It's not as hard as it looks

I'll have to prove it

You can teach me


I don't know ... we're friends

and how do you feel about that?

I'm trying to meet other girls

That's fine, it's very good

What happens is that I don't know how to do it

I would tell you that above all you have to be yourself

And above all, if you really love, you don't have to give up...never

Do you understand, son? never give up

You make me cry, You make me cry

Can't you get Emma out of your head?

We get along, we have good vibes ... we have stayed as friends

Come on, let's go to the skate park and show me your talent

how much pressure! hehe

Hello what's up?Hello


is everything alright?

Fine and you?


What happens?

I don't even think she knows what she wants

And I understand her ... I don't know, she's confused

But I dont want to be in that place anymore

Hey, I was talking to a girl

Her name is Sofia

She is cool

The point is that she wants us to meet

and I don't know what to do?

What are you two doing? is everything alright?

Well ... this guy gets shy when a girl talks to him

All right, thanks for telling everything, great

But it's true, you just said it

close your mouth

No...everything is alright

You told me, what do you want me to say?

No problem, you can tell me

I go to the classroom a moment to look for something

This was all that happened this week. In the description you have some full scenes of this summary

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