Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 3 2018

Ratio Spread Options Strategy Explained. // backspreads option spread David Moadel

welcome to looking at the markets with

David Modell today we're going to

discuss a rather advanced or at least

intermediate strategy for options

it's called ratio spreads and first

let's discuss the other types of spreads

then we'll get to the ratio spreads now

vertical spreads use different strike

prices but the same expiration date and

the same number of bought and sold

options calendar spreads use different

expiration dates but the same strike

price and the same number of bought and

sold options diagonal spreads are a

combination of the vertical and the

calendar spreads they use different

strike prices like a vertical spread and

different expiration dates like a

calendar spread with the same number of

bought and sold options once again so

for all three of these strategies your

buying and selling the same number of

options what if you bought and sold

different numbers of options then it

would be a ratio spread so ratio spreads

use a different number of bought and

sold options a ratio of two to one is

the most common but other ratios such as

three to two are also possible but we're

gonna stick to the most popular ratio

which is two to one for these examples

today alright so for example let's say

you buy one out of the money Apple put

option expiring December 15th and at the

same time you sell to slightly further

out of the money Apple put options also

expiring December 15th

so same expiration date different strike

prices but the main feature here is that

you're selling more than you're buying

and so that's what makes it a ratio

spread you're selling and buying

different amounts of options so that's

an example of a ratio put spread because

it's puts it would be most likely it

would be a credit spread because you'd

be receiving a payment up front since

the two puts that you sold would

probably have more total value than the


put that you bought that's usually the

case so it depends how you set it up but

most likely it would be a credit spread

because you'd probably be selling more

value than you're buying in this example

you'd have a neutral or bullish

directional assumption for Apple stock

and you're hoping that Apple stock

doesn't go down very much because

remember you sold more puts than you

bought and your maximum loss is rather


because if Apple stock keeps going down

below the strike price of the two put

options that you had sold your losses

will get bigger and bigger and the fact

that you bought one put option won't

protect you completely because remember

yeah you did buy one put option but you

sold more you sold two of them here's

another example and this time we'll use

calls instead of puts let's say you buy

one at the money Netflix call option

expiring January 8 and at the same time

you sell to slightly out of the money

Netflix call options also expiring

January 8 so again same expiration date

different slightly different strike

prices but the most interesting part of

this is that it's a ratio spread because

you're buying one and you're selling two

calls so that's an example of a ratio

call spread because it's calls this time

instead of puts it would be a credit

spread probably depends how you set it

up but usually this would be a credit

spread because you'd be receiving a

payment upfront since the two calls that

you've sold would probably have more

total value than the one call that you

bought in this example you'd have a

neutral or bearish directional

assumption for Netflix stock and you're

hoping that Netflix stock doesn't go up

very far because again remember you sold

more calls than you bought and in this

case your maximum loss it's not just

very large it's actually undefined which

is a way of saying that it's potentially

limitless losses because

if Netflix stock keeps going up above

the strike price of the two call options

that you would sold your losses will get

bigger and bigger and the fact that you

bought one call option won't protect you

completely and I drew a little chart

here this would be an example of a call

this is a profit and loss chart for a

call ratio credit spread profit and loss

chart alright so here's your profits are

up here your losses are here your

breakeven is here in the middle and

let's say here's a stock price alright

so when the stock price gets bigger and

you know higher and higher sure you

collected a credit okay and you could do

pretty well here especially if the stock

price doesn't go above the the short

strike as they say the price of the two

calls that you sold when starts when the

stock price starts going above the short

strike price here your profit starts to

get lower and lower and then you get to

break-even and if that stock price just

keeps going up and up and up before

expiration now you're losing more and

more money and it could go down and down

and down I put an arrow head there

because it's it's infinite really you

could just lose more and more and more

money even more money than you have in

your account potentially so please be

careful because these types of ratio

credit spreads and sometimes these are

called front spreads by the way because

these types of ratio credit spreads have

such large maximum losses I personally

don't use them very often and I suggest

being very cautious with this type of

option strategy yeah you almost have to

think of it like a naked selling a naked

call or selling a naked put I want you

to think of it that way really because

because the potential losses are so big

all right so that would be a front

spread and I also want to touch upon

back spreads ok there's also something

called a ratio back spray

in which you reverse this strategy by

purchasing more options than you're

buying therefore it's probably going to

be a debit spread instead of a credit

spread I say probably it all depends on

how you set it up there are exceptions

to all these rules so for example if you

sell one out of the money Microsoft call

option expiring February 6 but then you

buy two slightly further out of the


Microsoft call options expiring the same

day February 6 this would be a debit

spread since but probably a debit spread

depends how you set it up but yeah this

would probably be a debit spread since

you're paying money up front your

maximum loss is limited so that's good

and your potential profit is unlimited

and that's good but you'll need a big

upward move in Microsoft stock in a

fairly short period of time to make a

big profit with this strategy

yeah because theta or time decay would

probably be working against you as it

often does with debit spreads and it's

tough it's tough to make a really decent

profit with this strategy although it is


so in conclusion at least with ratio

back spreads it's an interesting way to

create a debit spread but personally I

tend to prefer vertical calendar or

diagonal spreads now I like vertical

spreads a lot just because of their


I'm not against calendar or diagonal

spreads and I'm not against ratio back

spreads either it's a matter of personal

preference and as far as the front

spreads which I discussed earlier you

really have to be careful it's something

that you won't see me using all that

often because of this because that

unlimited or very large maximum loss

potential there all right

so I hope this video was helpful to you

as an introduction to ratio spreads I

know it's sometimes complex but this is

one of the more intermediate to advanced

strategies I have plenty of videos on

more basic strategies for options

trading and I hope you'll check those

out and if you like this video please

give it a thumbs up on YouTube and leave

a comment if you'd like to and please

subscribe to my youtube channel and hit

that Bell on YouTube so you can receive

the latest updates on my financial

educational videos and if you want more

help if you'd like some help putting

together a trading or investing plan you

can email me anytime my email address is

David Modell at thank you so

much for watching and listening I'll

talk to you again soon

For more infomation >> Ratio Spread Options Strategy Explained. // backspreads option spread - Duration: 10:13.



It was a very disputed match. I think the two halvs have been very different. In the first one we were kind of off.

Especially in betwen the lines. They blocked a lot of balls and they've taken advantage of our individual mistakes.

The second half was better. We dominated and had more chances even though we only scored one goal.

This is the way to go, turning the attitude around after the break

The coach's words have been very helpful and we need to listen to him to keep on improving.

We all know how our fans are, they are always there so we have to thank them for their unconditional support.

I always try to give my best in every match, but sometimes things don't come out the way we want.

I'll always be at the team's disposal to play and to help in every way I can.

Now I have to go with the U21 and then come back stronger.

For more infomation >> POST-MATCH INTERVIEWS LEVANTE UD - VALENCIA CF - Duration: 1:08.


Arena World Championship | Anteprima delle Global Finals 2018 (IT) - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Arena World Championship | Anteprima delle Global Finals 2018 (IT) - Duration: 1:04.


10 COMIC FEELING JEWS - Duration: 11:06.

For more infomation >> 10 COMIC FEELING JEWS - Duration: 11:06.


North Korea set to stage military parade on September 9th - Duration: 2:18.

Next Sunday, on September 9th, North Korea will celebrate the 70th anniversary of its


And in the lead-up, satellite pictures show it's getting ready for another military parade.

The regime will be showing off its weapons -- maybe even ICBMs -- as diplomatic efforts

to end its nuclear and missile programs seem to be stalling.

Lee Seung-jae reports.

Parades have long been a way for North Korea to show off its military power to the world.

Come September 9th,... Pyongyang will host a number of major events for the 70th anniversary

of the regime's founding,... including a military parade.

Based on commercial satellite imagery gathered by Planet Labs Inc., analysts say the parade

is likely to be very similar to one staged in February.

But 38 North,... a U.S. think tank devoted to analyzing North Korea,... thinks otherwise.

According to their analysis of satellite photos,... North Korea has been readying for the parade

since July,... and the event is expected to be one of the largest,... given the scale

of preparation.

Images show some 500 trucks used to transport troops parked outside a parade formation.

It also found the shelters for troops are larger than the ones used in the preparation

for the military parade to mark the 70th anniversary of the North Korean Army in February.

Satellite images dated August 22nd show the Mirim Parade Training Ground full of tanks,

self-propelled artillery, infantry carriers, anti-aircraft missiles, and rocket launchers.

Other possible weapons to be showcased include coastal defense cruise missiles, as well as

at least six solid-fuel, short-range ballistic missiles possibly of a type first seen in


However, analysts say there are no signs of ICBMs yet.

They added that, if ICBMs or other large missiles are present,... they would likely remain hidden

under cover in heavy equipment storage areas until the day of the parade.

The parade is also expected to draw visits by foreign delegations,... and for the first

time in five years,... a massive choreographed performance known as the "Mass Games".

Lee Seung-jae, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> North Korea set to stage military parade on September 9th - Duration: 2:18.


Marcelino's press conference LEVANTE UD vs VCF - Duration: 2:14.

There is no doubt that we have five goals against in three matches

Consequently, this forces us to score 3 goals in order to get the win

It is clear that we must improve the defensive aspects

I do not like my team when it is not holding the ball

I have the feeling that we could have won and we should have won the match

It would have been fair to win

I was upset because we thought we could win.

The problem was that we were anxious to win so this situation led us to create dangerous goal chances

as it happened in the game against RCD Espanyol

I have the satisfaction that we could win but as I said before we are anxious to do it

During the second half we generated many goal chances that we could have won the match

I am very proud of the whole team altought I think we must be less anxious

and keep up with the working pace of last year

We have to improve the defensive aspect of the team

The only thing the team wanted was to win but they did not focused on working together to achieve that

even if we had numerous options to win

For more infomation >> Marcelino's press conference LEVANTE UD vs VCF - Duration: 2:14.


BTS Scores Second No. 1 Album on Billboard 200 Chart With Love Yourself: Answer - Duration: 1:51.

K-pop super group BTS is making history yet again.

The seven-member boyband has topped the Billboard 200 for the *second time in just three months...

with their latest album.

Our Kim Da-mi has more.

Top of the charts again, BTS have captured their second number one on the Billboard 200

with their new album 'Love Yourself: Answer.'

This comes only three months since the K-pop group had their first number one album with

'Love Yourself: Tear.'

The U.S. music chart Billboard 200 ranks albums based on both offline and digital sales, including


According to Nielson Music, the latest album by BTS sold 185,000 equivalent album units

in August, 141,000 of which were traditional album sales.

Billboard says the boyband is the first group to score two Number One albums in a calendar

year since English-Irish boyband One Direction in 2014.

The new album is the conclusion of BTS' Love Yourself series.

The music video for its hit song 'Idol' also broke a YouTube record with 56-point-two-six

million views within 24 hours of its release, smashing the previous record set by Taylor

Swift's 'Look What You Made Me Do.'

Fans and celebrities around the world, including American rapper Nicki Minaj who made a guest

appearance on one of the album's tracks, have been sending the group messages congratulating

them for their achievement.

BTS are currently on their sold-out Love Yourself world tour, performing in 16 cities including

Chicago, Paris and Amsterdam.

Kim Da-mi, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> BTS Scores Second No. 1 Album on Billboard 200 Chart With Love Yourself: Answer - Duration: 1:51.


Arena World Championship | Avance de la final mundial de 2018 - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Arena World Championship | Avance de la final mundial de 2018 - Duration: 1:04.


Wir sind die Lastenradler Frankfurt - Duration: 3:54.

For more infomation >> Wir sind die Lastenradler Frankfurt - Duration: 3:54.


Arena World Championship | финал состязаний 2018 (субтитры) - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Arena World Championship | финал состязаний 2018 (субтитры) - Duration: 1:04.


Présentation de l'Arena World Championship - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Présentation de l'Arena World Championship - Duration: 1:04.


Arena World Championship 2018 | Vorschau: Global Finals (Deutsche Untertitel) - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Arena World Championship 2018 | Vorschau: Global Finals (Deutsche Untertitel) - Duration: 1:04.


Electric Scooty 2018 Review | Neon TY7 - Duration: 10:34.

Neon TY7 Electric Scooty

For more infomation >> Electric Scooty 2018 Review | Neon TY7 - Duration: 10:34.


Green ice cubes or simple dill for winter 👌 - Duration: 1:31.

Dill for the winter

Ingredients: dill - 1 bunch; water - 200-250 ml; form for ice

Chop the dill

Put it in the ice container

Fill with water


Get the ice cubes from the mold

Keep them in the freezer

Bon Appetit!

For more infomation >> Green ice cubes or simple dill for winter 👌 - Duration: 1:31.


Otilia Bilionera | HD Music video | New Song 2018 | Latest Lady Singer | Khulna Music TV - Duration: 3:17.

Otilia Bilionera | HD Music video | New Song 2018 | Latest Lady Singer | Khulna Music TV

Otilia Bilionera | HD Music video | New Song 2018 | Latest Lady Singer | Khulna Music TV

For more infomation >> Otilia Bilionera | HD Music video | New Song 2018 | Latest Lady Singer | Khulna Music TV - Duration: 3:17.


白石麻衣ゲスト出演の月9「絶対零度~」視聴率は10・0% & 北大路欣也が出演!?どういう意味。。。? - Duration: 5:23.

For more infomation >> 白石麻衣ゲスト出演の月9「絶対零度~」視聴率は10・0% & 北大路欣也が出演!?どういう意味。。。? - Duration: 5:23.


How do you rehome a 6,000-year-old grave? - Duration: 3:15.

What looks like a pile of bones is in fact much more.

It's a grave dating back to the lake dwellers' era.

The peculiarity is

that the dead bodies are layered very closely on and next to each other.

Nobody knows why.

We haven't come up with an answer to this yet,

because we don't know what people used to think.

They didn't write anything down.

That's why we're still rather in the dark.

Besides throwing up puzzles, the special grave

is also difficult to transport.

The owner, the Swiss National Museum, has restored the grave

and is now preparing it for the journey to the museum in Lenzburg.

Particularly delicate or loose parts are dismantled.

We don't get to restore a grave like this every day.

It's quite a unique find.

This restoration was exciting and was also fun.

The grave has to remain intact,

and none of the bones should move about.

Although visitors wouldn't notice,

the archaeologists don't even want to think about that.

For us, the archaeologists, that would be bad.

We want everything to remain in its original state.

So that it's still the same as when it was buried 6,200 years ago.

We want to preserve it like this for the future.

This is also a special job for the forwarding company.

The local boss has already collected just about everything,

except skeletons that are thousands of years old.

I've transported lots of things that are worth millions.

But this is something quite special for me.

Time to go.

First to Brugg, to the archaeology office of Canton Aargau

where a second similar grave is being collected,

then on to Lenzburg.

Then the moment comes that everyone's been waiting for,

the check to see if everything has remained intact.

Looks good.

Looks good.

Perfect, everything's remained intact here too.

Jonas Nyffeler, were you afraid

that something might get broken?

Yes, there was a risk.

Transporting things always involves jolts and vibration.

But everything looks great. Nothing's happened.

Are you relieved? - Absolutely.

Finally, these graves have to be lowered into

the ground at the right place.

And the cycle is complete.

The graves were found in this field just a few hundred metres

from the museum, in the late 1950s

while water pipes were being laid.

It's a great feeling to be able to exhibit them in the museum.

It's a piece of Lenzburg's history, local identity.

And they're the oldest people from Lenzburg that we know.

And now they're here with us in the museum.

What's more, the Lenzburg graves are unique for Switzerland's central plateau.

They can be seen from the end of September at the Burghalden Museum.

For more infomation >> How do you rehome a 6,000-year-old grave? - Duration: 3:15.


Testing the new high-speed train 'Giruno' - Duration: 4:09.

Boarding with the test team in Wolfsburg.

The two units are over 400 m long,

the seats are still covered, the cables still visible.

Technical Project Manager Thomas Legler is also on board.

We're now carrying out the last tests

for speeds between 200 and 250 km/h.

Of course it's a great feeling,

when it all works out

as you planned at the start of the project.

We travel from Wolfsburg towards Berlin.

The German ICE is also in its element here,

as high speeds are allowed.

Project Manager Thomas Legler previously worked on the ICE.

Now he's helping the Thurgau-based train-builder Stadler

with its first ever high-speed train.

The weather is important for the test runs.

And the wind was good too.

Yes, calm. When there's rain there's usually wind.

It's calm, the tracks are dry again -

decent driving conditions.

The train has now accelerated to 250 km/h.

It could even reach a top speed of 275.

Speeds that are not usual in Switzerland.

The maximum is 200 km/h, and there are no plans to increase this in future.

We asked the buyer of the train, SBB.

Why is SBB purchasing a high-speed train

when it can't even travel at high speeds in Switzerland?

The train will also be used in Germany and Italy,

where there are stretches on which trains can travel at 250 km/h.

And we're buying the train with a timescale of 40 years in mind.

It's therefore good to think long-term,

so that we have other options in the future.

Between Wolfsburg and Stendal, somewhere in Sachsen-Anhalt.

Deutsche Bahn has a mobile measuring facility here,

constructed specially for the test runs by the Swiss Giruno.

Right next to the track are measuring instruments and pressure sensors.

Why are these measurements so important?

To verify that the pressure wave caused by the vehicle

and the turbulence left in its trail

don't pose a risk to people.

To prevent any dangerous situations on the platforms

or for track workers working near the tracks.

So that they're not endangered by the pressure and suction waves

from the vehicle.

This is only necessary for high-speed trains like the Giruno.

It approaches at 250 km/h.

The air turbulence can be clearly felt about 3 m next to the track.

The camera has to be held tightly.

In the monitoring vehicle next door, all the figures are recorded.

The Giruno has to repeatedly pass the measuring point.

What's your first impression of the Swiss train?

It's very good. It complies with all the requirements.

A complete success here.

Back in the test train. Much is still provisional and unfinished.

But what's noticeable is the floor with numerous raised surfaces.

This is because the doors are fitted at different heights.

Some at a boarding height of 55 cm, others at 76 cm.

A special solution, devised for the Giruno.

The train is intended for cross-border travel

in Switzerland, Austria, Germany and Italy.

These four countries have different platform heights.

Here we have a door for 76 cm platforms,

and there's also one for platforms with a height of 55 cm.

This means that wheelchair users can board at the same level

at all platform heights in the four countries,

without needing help

from train staff.

All the tests are done for today.

Now the train-builder has to wait for the remaining approvals.

The first Girunos should start running

on the Swiss rail network in March 2019.

For more infomation >> Testing the new high-speed train 'Giruno' - Duration: 4:09.


President Moon Jae-in announces five-member delegation that will visit N. Korea on Wednesday - Duration: 1:56.

In March, when South Korea's national security adviser Chung Eui-yong last went to Pyongyang,

it not only paved the way for the inter-Korean summit, it also kick-started the chain of

events that led to the Kim-Trump summit in June as well.

With recent negotiations between North Korea and the U.S. at a standstill, it's hoped that

Chung's visit will once again act as a catalyst to bring further progress toward the regime's

denuclearization and possible peace on the peninsula.

Cha Sang-mi has more on the delegation that was named on Sunday to travel to Pyongyang.

Seoul's top office on Sunday named the high-level officials who will be dispatched to Pyongyang

to work out the details for the third summit between President Moon Jae-in and North Korean

leader Kim Jong-un.

The five-member group traveling to Pyongyang will be headed by National Security Adviser

Chung Eui-yong as chief envoy.

The others are key officials in charge of inter-Korean affairs: the National Intelligence

Service chief ( ) Suh Hoon, vice minister of unification Chun Hae-Sung;...

NIS deputy chief Kim Sang-gyun, and Yun Kun-young, the presidential secretary for state affairs.

"The delegation will set off for North Korea on the fifth... via the direct route on the

western side of the Peninsula,... and they'll return to the South the same day.

In view of the importance of their visit, the delegates are the same as last time."

These five officials went to Pyongyang in March to arrange the historic Panmunjom summit.

Their main agenda, the spokesman said, is to discuss ways to develop inter-Korean ties

in a way that does not violate UN sanctions,... and to find a comprehensive way to implement

the April 27th Panmunjom Declaration -- namely, to officially end the war and denuclearize

the Korean Peninsula.

As for why the visit will only last a day, the Blue House said that, unlike their first

visit in March, the two Koreas have built trust since then, making a one-day visit possible.

The spokesman didn't say whether the team will be meeting with North Korean leader Kim


Cha Sang-mi, Arirang News.

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