Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 3 2018


I'm glad that you went to the channel TessaArt!

Today we will have a landscape gouache, list of materials

in description.

We begin from the sky.

Let's put a white on the canvas, and then add the turquoise

and blue color.

Let's make a smooth transition from dark to light,

using synthetic flat brush.

For the clouds we will come in handy purple paint.

We mix it with white and blue, and a small brush

the bottom of the clouds.

Now we add more whitewash and draw the tops.

If you have not seen my instagram, it is mandatory

Come on in.

There are many interesting photos and video, the link is in the description.

And also do not forget to press bell, not to miss

notification of new videos on my channel.

Mountains are painted brown color.

And while the brown is not dried add blue.

At once we will outline the shadow.

We do three kneading.

Siena and yellow paint, Siena and white and just siena.

Arming with palette knife and start chaotic adding

these colors on the bright side mountains.

For the shadow side we use blue paint mixed

with whites and just blue.

And just as chaotic we put them.

Then you can add white color on the bright side

and gray to shadow.

A small black brush color can deepen the shadows,

but neatly.

It only remains to add some greens.

You need a flat brush.

Green color is mixed with black and draw trees.

Since we drew them already many times, I will not be long

explain, and who is interested see my previous


The yellow color is mixed with green and light

sites, we use already brush bristles.

That's the kind of landscape we got.

I hope you enjoyed it, put your finger up, sign

on the channel and instagram.

Share your work in group Vkontakte.

Do not miss the new videos, bye Bye!

For more infomation >> Горы гуашью пошагово (eng sub) Gouache mountains step by step - Duration: 18:51.



It was a very disputed match. I think the two halvs have been very different. In the first one we were kind of off.

Especially in betwen the lines. They blocked a lot of balls and they've taken advantage of our individual mistakes.

The second half was better. We dominated and had more chances even though we only scored one goal.

This is the way to go, turning the attitude around after the break

The coach's words have been very helpful and we need to listen to him to keep on improving.

We all know how our fans are, they are always there so we have to thank them for their unconditional support.

I always try to give my best in every match, but sometimes things don't come out the way we want.

I'll always be at the team's disposal to play and to help in every way I can.

Now I have to go with the U21 and then come back stronger.

For more infomation >> POST-MATCH INTERVIEWS LEVANTE UD - VALENCIA CF - Duration: 1:08.


জন্মাষ্টমীতে কৃষ্ণের আরাধনা করলেন শ্রাবন্তীর প্রাক্তন বয়ফ্রেন্ড কৃষ্ণন | srabanti ex boyfriend - Duration: 1:31.

News Bangla 360

For more infomation >> জন্মাষ্টমীতে কৃষ্ণের আরাধনা করলেন শ্রাবন্তীর প্রাক্তন বয়ফ্রেন্ড কৃষ্ণন | srabanti ex boyfriend - Duration: 1:31.


Crushing It by Gary Vee - Book Review - Duration: 8:29.

good morning it is Steph here from steph coming to you from

beautiful Brisbane Australia and I just

finished reading, well I was going to say

reading but I actually listened to it

because it was on an audiobook so I just

finished listening to crushing it by

Gary Vee so guess what video today is all

about a book review

so today is a book review on crushing it

by Gary Vee now if you don't know who Gary

Vee is technically Gary Vaynerchuk he is

a very well known entrepreneur

particularly on social media platforms

so he actually started out with growing

his parents wine company and he grew

that to a ridiculous amount and he did

that in his 20s I believe and then now

he has his own company and he is very

very big on social media so Google Gary

Vee if you don't know who he is and you

will see just his sort of attitude and

mentality and you can tell why he's

quite the popular guy to listen to

particularly when it comes to like just

getting up and getting things done and

motivating as well so he's great for

that so go check him out but I wanted to

talk about his book crushing it so he

originally released I think it was crush

it which was his original book back in I

think 2009 or 2008 and this is kind of

like a follow-up one because his books

are pretty much around how you can crush

it online using social media platforms

and when I first sort of downloaded I

thought it was just gonna be like really

in your face and to the point I'm very

motivational which is how he comes

across in his little snippets like his

daily vlogs and little snippets that you

find like across Facebook and Twitter

and snapchat but it was actually a

little bit different which I kind of had

I guess I judged it from the beginning

which I shouldn't have done because I

actually really really enjoyed it

so he pretty much just goes through each

of the platforms and he talks about how

to successfully build your own personal

brand on that particular platform but

throughout it as well he gets people to

come in and share their stories about

how they were able to build on a

particular platform so you've got people

coming in sharing their stories about

how they were able to successfully build

their own channel on YouTube then you

have people coming in from like linked

in Instagram podcasting

Facebook Twitter anything that you can

think of so he'll actually talk to a

platform and then he will bring someone

in and they sit down and sort of tell

their story about it

the biggest thing that I really took

away from listening to this was that it

is actually pretty simple to build a

brand online these days and the one

thing that I feel that a lot of people

may get confused with and this is you

know talking to myself here as well is

that we think we have to be someone that

we may not necessarily need to be so it

might be that we love movies and we

always go to the movies or we're always

watching Netflix and that person has

this mentality that well they can't grow

business out of that they need to you

know be this other person like talk

about business and talk about marketing

online and you don't have to be someone

that you're not

you could build a brand online

specifically on something that you

really enjoy doing so if it is movies he

uses an example of two ladies two

friends always go to the movies together

and they have this really good little

banter going on about what they thought

about the movie because they both have

different opinions and he sort of made

the suggestion that in this example they

could easily create their own little

podcast and they can do their own little

you know banter backwards and forwards

about the conversation about that

particular movie about a particular

actor and over time they're going to be

known as that type of person and then

eventually people are going to be

reaching out to these people and they'll

be like giving them movies to watch to

be able to discuss to be able to get

that marketing and advertising out for

that particular movie but there's also

all these other things that you could do

so it's really sort of made me stop and

reflect on Who I am and the type of

things that I would do on a daily basis

or on you know regularly throughout the

week that is a hundred percent me like

just Who I am who I don't have to feel

like I need to motivate myself or that I

need to should do it or you know what I

mean so

it's kind of like just looking at

yourself and then going what do I love

doing that no one has to tell me to do

or that I don't have to continually find

motivation or continually try to push

myself to be able to do it and build

something around that and there were so

many examples used throughout the book

which was really really good because it

does get your mind moving and it sort of

gives you a starting point to go gosh if

they can do that why can't I build a

brand around sitting here and watching

Netflix or being the Guru on Brisbane

Australia like things to do in Australia

it could be as simple as that so ask

yourself what it is that you love doing

what platform do you think may benefit

you and I think if this is your style or

this is your journey that you're trying

to go with that you do want to build a

brand online and you just don't know

what to do or where to start then I do

suggest having a listen or reading this

book because I think it will really get

you moving in the right direction

there's a guy on YouTube that he filmed

a school project that he did with his

seven-year-old and all they did was cut

open a football and from there they now

have a very successful brand online

where they actually cut things open to

see what's inside I can't remember the

name of it I think it's what's inside I

think that's the channel name and I was

just like oh my gosh that is so simple

like how do you even come up with this

stuff and I think that's the problem is

that myself and maybe some other people

out there we put this pressure on

ourselves to have to be someone that

when may not necessarily be so again

asking yourself what is it that I enjoy

doing that you could put pretty much do

for a long period of time and enjoy

doing it and just build something around

that and that just comes down to my

original message just being true to you

and I think that this book really really

supports us so I loved the book it did

get me thinking a lot and made me

sort of think maybe I'm putting like too

much thought into this and I just need

to simplify it and just show my journey

on what I'm doing in life and I think

that's the best way to do it as well so

if you want to get your hands on this

book I will leave a link for you in the

description so you can go check it out

and get your hands on a copy it was

really really good I do recommend

getting it particularly if you are into

wanting to build your personal brand and

using an online platform to do that he

also talks about where he thinks

technology is going in the future and

what to jump on to now so you don't miss

the boat

so go grab your hand grab your hands go

and get your hands on a copy of this

book if that is your thing and that is

it I'm wrapping it up here I need to

head out now and grab some stuff from

the shops I'm gonna go get some sushi as

well I'm craving sushi haven't had sushi

in ages anyway take care if you are new

here then please hit that subscribe

button I will leave a link for you on

this side I do upload three times a week

so until my next one I will leave a

couple of videos for you on this side to

go check out take care and I will see

you next time bye

For more infomation >> Crushing It by Gary Vee - Book Review - Duration: 8:29.


10 COMIC FEELING JEWS - Duration: 11:06.

For more infomation >> 10 COMIC FEELING JEWS - Duration: 11:06.


North Korea set to stage military parade on September 9th - Duration: 2:18.

Next Sunday, on September 9th, North Korea will celebrate the 70th anniversary of its


And in the lead-up, satellite pictures show it's getting ready for another military parade.

The regime will be showing off its weapons -- maybe even ICBMs -- as diplomatic efforts

to end its nuclear and missile programs seem to be stalling.

Lee Seung-jae reports.

Parades have long been a way for North Korea to show off its military power to the world.

Come September 9th,... Pyongyang will host a number of major events for the 70th anniversary

of the regime's founding,... including a military parade.

Based on commercial satellite imagery gathered by Planet Labs Inc., analysts say the parade

is likely to be very similar to one staged in February.

But 38 North,... a U.S. think tank devoted to analyzing North Korea,... thinks otherwise.

According to their analysis of satellite photos,... North Korea has been readying for the parade

since July,... and the event is expected to be one of the largest,... given the scale

of preparation.

Images show some 500 trucks used to transport troops parked outside a parade formation.

It also found the shelters for troops are larger than the ones used in the preparation

for the military parade to mark the 70th anniversary of the North Korean Army in February.

Satellite images dated August 22nd show the Mirim Parade Training Ground full of tanks,

self-propelled artillery, infantry carriers, anti-aircraft missiles, and rocket launchers.

Other possible weapons to be showcased include coastal defense cruise missiles, as well as

at least six solid-fuel, short-range ballistic missiles possibly of a type first seen in


However, analysts say there are no signs of ICBMs yet.

They added that, if ICBMs or other large missiles are present,... they would likely remain hidden

under cover in heavy equipment storage areas until the day of the parade.

The parade is also expected to draw visits by foreign delegations,... and for the first

time in five years,... a massive choreographed performance known as the "Mass Games".

Lee Seung-jae, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> North Korea set to stage military parade on September 9th - Duration: 2:18.


RANE TWELVE | Unboxing & Review - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> RANE TWELVE | Unboxing & Review - Duration: 4:25.


Marcelino's press conference LEVANTE UD vs VCF - Duration: 2:14.

There is no doubt that we have five goals against in three matches

Consequently, this forces us to score 3 goals in order to get the win

It is clear that we must improve the defensive aspects

I do not like my team when it is not holding the ball

I have the feeling that we could have won and we should have won the match

It would have been fair to win

I was upset because we thought we could win.

The problem was that we were anxious to win so this situation led us to create dangerous goal chances

as it happened in the game against RCD Espanyol

I have the satisfaction that we could win but as I said before we are anxious to do it

During the second half we generated many goal chances that we could have won the match

I am very proud of the whole team altought I think we must be less anxious

and keep up with the working pace of last year

We have to improve the defensive aspect of the team

The only thing the team wanted was to win but they did not focused on working together to achieve that

even if we had numerous options to win

For more infomation >> Marcelino's press conference LEVANTE UD vs VCF - Duration: 2:14.


Thử Gắn Kèn Tự Chế Vào Pô Xe | Lâm Park - Duration: 6:13.

For more infomation >> Thử Gắn Kèn Tự Chế Vào Pô Xe | Lâm Park - Duration: 6:13.


Hướng Dẫn LiveStream Game Trên Điện Thoại Trên PC Từ A-Z - Duration: 15:30.

For more infomation >> Hướng Dẫn LiveStream Game Trên Điện Thoại Trên PC Từ A-Z - Duration: 15:30.


BTS Scores Second No. 1 Album on Billboard 200 Chart With Love Yourself: Answer - Duration: 1:51.

K-pop super group BTS is making history yet again.

The seven-member boyband has topped the Billboard 200 for the *second time in just three months...

with their latest album.

Our Kim Da-mi has more.

Top of the charts again, BTS have captured their second number one on the Billboard 200

with their new album 'Love Yourself: Answer.'

This comes only three months since the K-pop group had their first number one album with

'Love Yourself: Tear.'

The U.S. music chart Billboard 200 ranks albums based on both offline and digital sales, including


According to Nielson Music, the latest album by BTS sold 185,000 equivalent album units

in August, 141,000 of which were traditional album sales.

Billboard says the boyband is the first group to score two Number One albums in a calendar

year since English-Irish boyband One Direction in 2014.

The new album is the conclusion of BTS' Love Yourself series.

The music video for its hit song 'Idol' also broke a YouTube record with 56-point-two-six

million views within 24 hours of its release, smashing the previous record set by Taylor

Swift's 'Look What You Made Me Do.'

Fans and celebrities around the world, including American rapper Nicki Minaj who made a guest

appearance on one of the album's tracks, have been sending the group messages congratulating

them for their achievement.

BTS are currently on their sold-out Love Yourself world tour, performing in 16 cities including

Chicago, Paris and Amsterdam.

Kim Da-mi, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> BTS Scores Second No. 1 Album on Billboard 200 Chart With Love Yourself: Answer - Duration: 1:51.


Wir sind die Lastenradler Frankfurt - Duration: 3:54.

For more infomation >> Wir sind die Lastenradler Frankfurt - Duration: 3:54.


Top 100 osu! players interviews | Vaxei (narrated by u/BaguetteWasTaken) - Duration: 8:55.

How did you find out about osu?

I found out from a random video I came across on Youtube.

I was really fascinated at the game and how it looked, even though I didn't know how to play it.

At the time, I never would have guessed I'd end up playing it for the next few years and

becoming pro at it.

What's the skill set you care the most about in osu?

All of the skill sets are really important but I think aim is the most important one.

There's a lot of components to aim like flow, speed, precision, jumping ability, etc.

You can adjust your aim to make it more flowy or snappy depending on what map you're playing.

Aim really ties into all the other skills in the game.

How did you come up with the name Vaxei and were there any names you had before that?

I came up with the name Vaxei when I was trying to come up with a random name for my osu! account.

I was typing in random names and Vaxei came up.

I thought it sounded cool so I stuck with it.

Who did you look up to when you started playing the game?

Are you still looking up to those people or have the people changed?

I looked up to Cookiezi, rrtyui, and Wubwoofwolf.

They were the three best players at the time.

I still look up to them, and I think it's really cool to compete with Cookiezi and Wubwoofwolf

in the global rankings.

What is it like being one of the youngest well-known/good players out of everyone else?

Honestly it's cool to think about how people look up to me today, just like I did with

other top players when I was a beginner.

It's pretty crazy to think about.

How did you handle being accused of cheats, has it affected you in any way?

Being accused of cheats did make me feel bad for a while.

I could have dealt with it a lot better, but it's all just a learning process I guess.

I was trying to prove myself for a long time that I was legit, but it was probably unnecessary.

I can deal with the haters/hackusaters much better than I could before which I think is

a good skill to have.

Did you show osu! to any of your IRL friends, if so, what did they think of it?

I showed it to a few of them.

Some of them played osu! for a while and got into the top 100k.

Some of my other friends don't really understand how the game works.

What was the hardest thing you had to learn in osu, whether it was when you started playing or later on?

Probably learning HR/HDHR.

It's a whole different style of playing than DT.

I never really started playing it seriously until 2017.

I tried really hard at it and got pretty decent at the mod.

Now I don't really play DT very often, just mostly nomod, hidden and hardrock.

How do you balance playtime with school work and everything else going on in your life?

I just play osu! when I have free time.

It's just like if I played any other game I guess.

For school, I try to prioritize it first before osu! or other games.

I admit it is hard to balance tournaments with my life since they happen on weekends

and I'm usually doing stuff on the weekends.

How did you get into tourneys and what are you experiences so far?

Any memorable experiences that you want to share?

I think my first tourney was OUST.

It was really fun and I felt pretty much no nerves when playing it.

Many of my good memories from tourneys were being able to participate in tourneys with

my osu! friends, and being able to compete against other top players.

How did you improve so fast? What kinds of maps did you play, what did you practice the most etc.

I think the reason why I improved so fast was because I always pushed my limits in the game.

Even though it might've not been good for my consistency at the time,

I spent a lot of my time as a beginner playing really hard maps.

I always spent my time playing maps that were hard for me to pass.

I played a lot of high bpm DT stuff because I found high AR challenging.

I think this was why I was able to develop good mechanical skills quickly,

especially with fast singletapping, high approach rates and speed.

What kind of music do you listen to outside of the game?

Big Black Fox

How do you think hidden affects your reading and the ability to play more dense maps?

Hidden makes everything disappear fast basically.

I forced myself to play it for a few months. Wouldn't recommend.

In terms of map difficulty, I find that hidden makes lower AR much harder.

Especially low AR streams.

It has the opposite effect on AR11, making it easier. Not entirely sure why.

Why didn't you ever participate in OWC?

I was always planning to participate in OWC but was never able to because of personal reasons.

Hopefully I'll be able to this year.

Do you ever feel overshadowed by other players because you've never had the #1 spot on osu?

Not really.

Getting #1 on osu! was always one of my goals,

but I know it's not a true measure of overall skill.

People get upset whenever someone they believe doesn't deserve rank 1 gets it,

but rank 1 wasn't a true measure of overall skill to begin with.

Getting rank 1 is all a matter of farming skill basically,

at least in today's pp meta.

Do you have any other hobbies besides osu?

Block punching.

Have you considered streaming more often?

I've considered streaming frequently for a while, but I never got around to it.

For me I guess it's just one of those things that you plan on doing,

but keep putting off and never get around to it.

Hopefully in the future I'll start streaming often.

Are there any scores that you are going for that you want to achieve in the future?

Not in particular.

Maybe getting scores on all the new stream pp maps to be honest.

Also FC'ing Big Black,

still haven't done that yet.

Do you yourself think that you belong in the top 10 and do you have any aspirations of contesting the #1 spot soon?

Yeah I think so.

Maybe not with my current skill at the moment

but I did set some cool scores this year.

I'd like to compete for the #1 spot

but I don't think I have a chance at it.

My high bpm singletap is really bad now

and I can't alternate high bpm's.

So basically I can't farm dt.

When did you become more interested in tech maps, did anyone in particular influence you or got you to show interest in them?

I was never interested in tech maps up until some months ago.

My main motivating for learning how to play technical maps was playing in pro player lobbies.

Technical maps would always get picked,

and I didn't do very well at them.

That's when I decided to start playing them more so that I could add them to my skillset.

I didn't find technical maps very fun before,

but after learning how to play them better I find them very fun.

What's your opinion on the current meta/ranking system?

I find it kind of cool that hard rock has made it's way into the pp meta.

Hopefully it will motivate more people to learn the mod.

Other than that, I don't really have any issues with it.

The ranking system was never an accurate measure of people's skill.

The recent Sotarks and stream maps only made that more pronounced.

How did you find the most comfortable grip/area for you and do you have any tips for people who have been struggling with finding them for a long period of time?

I changed my grip a LOT over the past one or two years.

My area too.

I experimented a ton with new grips,

grip angles, areas, etc.

A few weeks ago I found one that I think I like and probably will stick with for a while.

For people who have issues with finding a comfortable grip,

I would recommend just to experiment with a lot of grips until you find something that clicks.

Give each grip a day or two to adjust.

Also it's good to experiment with smaller and bigger areas,

hovering and dragging and stuff like that.

You don't really need to stick with the same grip forever,

especially if you feel it could be more comfortable.

If you want to, you can even copy the grips and areas of other top players.

There's no harm in it,

just don't do it with the belief that it will make you better.

For more infomation >> Top 100 osu! players interviews | Vaxei (narrated by u/BaguetteWasTaken) - Duration: 8:55.


In Viaggio per il mondo [PT.1]-Le Cascate - Duration: 6:54.

Hello guys and welcome to my new video

this video is very goog

For more infomation >> In Viaggio per il mondo [PT.1]-Le Cascate - Duration: 6:54.


Mark Antoniio x Sid Frio - SANG FROM HONG KONG (Feat. 김태균 aka TakeOne) | REACTION!!! - Duration: 10:11.

For more infomation >> Mark Antoniio x Sid Frio - SANG FROM HONG KONG (Feat. 김태균 aka TakeOne) | REACTION!!! - Duration: 10:11.


Electric Scooty 2018 Review | Neon TY7 - Duration: 10:34.

Neon TY7 Electric Scooty

For more infomation >> Electric Scooty 2018 Review | Neon TY7 - Duration: 10:34.


Das Wiener Forschungsfest: so können Roboter fühlen! - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Das Wiener Forschungsfest: so können Roboter fühlen! - Duration: 1:13.


Green ice cubes or simple dill for winter 👌 - Duration: 1:31.

Dill for the winter

Ingredients: dill - 1 bunch; water - 200-250 ml; form for ice

Chop the dill

Put it in the ice container

Fill with water


Get the ice cubes from the mold

Keep them in the freezer

Bon Appetit!

For more infomation >> Green ice cubes or simple dill for winter 👌 - Duration: 1:31.


Master's Coliseum-Finals 120(U) vs Infi(H) Part 2【Cast:TH000 feat Colorful】 - Duration: 13:03.

Infi has chosen EI

He has chosen another advantaged map to get back a point

In version 1.29, the happiest thing for HU is they didn't meet UD a lot of times

120 didn't play a lot of tournament recently


the only offline game he played recnetly is the GSC in the summer, and he defeated by Fly

WFZ and Lucifer have slightly difference between 120

WFZ always defeated by NE, and Lucifer is playing unstable

and Lucifer can't win when play against Orc basically

they have apparent weakness, WFZ can't win against NE and Lucifer can't win against Orc


You rarely encountered these two guys in late period of tournament

so there are few example for HU to learn from the game

so you will get wrong impression, HU can play against UD

because HU didn't meet UD

so HU can win in tournament because they didn't meet UD

the HU met in the early period in tournament has lost the game

it just like

before the stone weapon meet modern weapon

they think stone weapon are able to win the fight

they have no idea for modern weapon

when they met, they will say, what the f**k is this? Black Magic?

What happen? This?

in this version, UD is not the weakest race for sure

NE is, of course

if you say UD is the weakest, you are thinking with your impression only

in this version

Lucifer has defeat a lot of NE for long time

and he can win HU, he just lose the game when play against Orc

he lose Orc only in the game

if a tournament doesn't have Orc, it's hard to play with him

he almost won the champion

if he didn't meet Orc

Hey, he didn't pick the item


play with fewer item?


120 hooked the creep and summon a Shadow Priest

Summon a Shadow Priest for counter HU expand

Shadow Priest will be alive

Luckily DK had a mistake, so he will be late

the Priest is coming to Dispel the Water Elemental

Infi can use Footman to stuck the Priest, he should do it

Water Elemental, Dispels on it

can Infi kill the Shadow Priest?

Infi killed the level 5 creep

DK can't C on it (C=Death Coil)

this creep's damage is...

it's hard to kill it in a second, Militias has turn back to the Peasants

great action by 120 for the Shadow Priest

It's may be 3-0 today, situation has crashed for Infi



In fact, this situation is worse that the tournament that I had been defeated with 0-3

you may not believe me


Is this game shorter than the game of FK in that year?

almost the same

really, almost the same

this round, 120 win with the hooked for the Shadow Priest

I am speechless, Infi may so down now

sure, he lost 2 rounds with advantaged map

he will lose this finals for sure

What Infi should do is try to win a game, don't defeated by 0-3

it's so bad, try to win a round

Now, Infi doesn't have confidence to win this finals, just try to win a round

"impression" school, now you see

we have said HU is really hard to play against UD in this version

now you see how hard is it

you may type out GG when your opponent bought a Shadow Priest, even on your advantaged map

Shadow get the last hit of level 5 creep


the situation has crash for Infi even Shadow Priest didn't get the last hit and AM become level 2

the mentality has crash when Shadow Priest get the last hit

the situation has crash even Shadow Priest didn't get it

those 2 Berserker was attacking HU with Bloodlust

AM was in low HP, (Yes)

the situation is impossible to win for Infi

the Militias has turn back to the Peasants

and DK just rarely use the C (C= Death Coil)

the DK hadn't use his power yet, but HU had been defeated

I haven't use my power, and you had been defeated?

Yes, DK hadn't use C yet

HU was defeated by the Shadow Priest

Shadow Priest and the Skeletons

I am annoying when I saw people said HU is imba in version 1.29

Bullied by FS, and when we play against UD, damn

feel like eating shit

so the happiest thing to us is UD were always defeated by Orc


I feel happier when I saw UD defeated by Orc

I am not that hard in this tournament

He get the last hit of level 5 creep

Infi much be level 2 if he creep 3-3-3 and the level 5 creep

120 creep a level 3 and a level 5 creep, so he hasn't level 2 yet

if you want become level 2, you need a level 5 creep

two level 3 creeps, and a level 1 creep

you guys go to play Warcraft III

So the Shadow Priest got the last hit for sure, Infi didn't level up

and 120 can't level up too for sure

120 still need

experience from a level 3 and a level 1 creep

he got the experience from Water Elemental, so he need a level 3 creep only

he got the experience because he used Dispel on Water Elemental

Infi is impossible to win even 120 didn't get the level 5 creep

the situation still crash even 120 didn't get it

that move just made GG completely

the AM hadn't HP and MP at the time

he may continued playing if 120 didn't get it

but 120 get it, so

it's a explosion

it's will be (Infi) 10-90 (120) even 120 didn't get it

Militias had turned back, there are two Berserkers with Bloodlust, and AM had no HP, and no Water Elemental anymore

Infi can't finish the creeping at the Gold Mine.

in fact, hooked for the Shadow Priest is a risky action

if you are bad in luck, and the creep may Bash on Priest, then the Priest will die


that is possible to happen

actually, Infi can call the Militias later

he call them earlier, I think he should killed the Shadow Priest first

he is too eager for expanding

he should play with patient, kill the Priest first

he can chase the Priest and creep 3-1-1 only

but I think he didn't know he will GG because of a Shadow Priest

you kill the Shadow Priest first

then you face a DK only when you are creeping

I think it's not a big problem if you call more Militias

The only action you can do is kill the Shadow Priest and creep 3-1-1

and creep the Gold Mine in the night, you have no other choice (Yes)

he start to creep before he kill the Shadow Priest, it's so hurt

Yes, this move make him GG

Shadow Priest is so strong, he can Dispels your Water Elemental

and you have to waste your damage and time to kill it


generally, creep 5-3-3 isn't a easy matter

we don't have hero to tank the damage

Footmen and Militias will be so hurt if you send them to tank the damage

and we have to use AM to hit your opponent units, so we less damage on the creeps

and DK is coming with Skeletons, Oh My God, they just like harvesting

this is the round that Infi have to win

Finals will be lose basically

Damn, I see some people said this again, Can HU don't go expanding?

Can you don't eat?

If you can do it, we can do it too


Acolyte is staying here

seems like he wants to creep bottom right

Infi looks so serious

What are you saying?

oh the Lighting Shield, I feel it will be 0-3

basically 0-3

I remember that the time......

he GG directly

I remember that time I was defeated with 0-3, I said I am out of state

Infi is out of state today

although he won Lyn

120 feel so confused 120 feel at a loss X3

WHAT? (They are speaking English)

I haven't see you yet

Why? (English)


this is not passive play, he is playing Finals

How many minutes? For these three round

shorter than 30 minutes, I may go to sleep now (Yes, It is)

second round is between 3-4 minutes, third round is between 2-3 minutes

6 minutes for second and third round

Is it longer than the time of advertisement?

the first round is shorter than 10 minutes

I think there are just about 15 minutes for these three rounds

Is it longer than the time of advertisement? (So awkward, this Finals)

What should we do?

what a crash for mentality

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