Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 3 2018


For more infomation >> Travis Scott x Tory Lanez "Strange Moments" Free Type Beat 2018 - Duration: 3:38.


7 GIFTIGE Personen, die schlecht für dich sind - Duration: 14:43.

For more infomation >> 7 GIFTIGE Personen, die schlecht für dich sind - Duration: 14:43.


【フェアー】【雪花】オーバーウォッチ 目指せゴールド 【ランク戦】 - Duration: 1:50:41.

For more infomation >> 【フェアー】【雪花】オーバーウォッチ 目指せゴールド 【ランク戦】 - Duration: 1:50:41.


Włó Wypowiedzi po meczu z Cash Broker Stalą Gorzów (Napisy) - Duration: 7:38.

For more infomation >> Włó Wypowiedzi po meczu z Cash Broker Stalą Gorzów (Napisy) - Duration: 7:38.


Diese Woche bei der LATELY SHOW [3/01] | Die LATELY SHOW mit Florian Strzeletz - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Diese Woche bei der LATELY SHOW [3/01] | Die LATELY SHOW mit Florian Strzeletz - Duration: 0:53.


GRAF FIDI - DER SCHLIMME FINGER (prod. by. BOGA) - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> GRAF FIDI - DER SCHLIMME FINGER (prod. by. BOGA) - Duration: 3:33.


Mercedes-Benz A-Class Sedan 2018: The Design - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz A-Class Sedan 2018: The Design - Duration: 1:10.


How to make a crochet girl jacket - Duration: 28:36.

Hello everyone! I'm Majovel! Welcome to the channel!

this week I teach you to make this nice jacket

A set with last week's dress

As you coan see it is long sleeve but you can do it with short sleeves

It has the same shape as the dress

MEASUREMENTS 58 centimeter or 22.8 inches chest conntour

17 centimeters or 6.6 inches long

14 centimeters are 5.5 inches long sleeve

I hope you like it!

This is how it is with the dress

Look what a beautiful set !

Important! The fans in the front have to be multiples of 2.

start with 100 chains

Round of frames

3 chains

1 double crochet

1 chain

Skip 1 chain

1 double crochet

1 chain

Skip 1 chain

1 double crochet

1 chain

Skip 1 chain

1 double crochet

Continue sequence until the end of the round

finish round with 2 double crochet

round 1

3 chains

1 double crochet

we always start and end the same

1 chain

1 single crochet

1 chain

In the next

4 triple crochet

1 chain

In the next

1 single crochet

1 chain

In the next

4 triple crochet

1 chain

In the next

1 single crochet

continue sequence until the end of the round

Finish round with 2 double crochet

Round 3

3 chains

1 double crochet

1 front post double crochet

1 front post double

2 chains

1 front post double crochet

1 front post double crochet

Skip to the next fan

1 front post double crochet

1 front post double crochet

2 chains

1 front post double crochet

1 front post double crochet

continue sequence until the end of the round finish round

Finish round with 2 double crochet

Round 3

same as round 1

3 chains

1 double crochet

1 chain

1 single crochet

1 chain

Skip to the middle of the fan

4 triple crochet

1 chain

1 single crochet

1 chain

Skip to the middle of the fan

4 triple crochet

1 chain

1 single crochet

Continue sequence until the end of the round

Finish round with 2 double crochet

Round 4

Same as round 2

3 chains

1 double crochet

1 front post double crochet

1 front post double crochet

2 chains

1 front post double crochet

1 front post double crochet

continue sequence until the end of the round

Round 5

In this round we are going to make the increases

3 chains

1 double crochet

1 chain

1 single crochet

1 chain

Skip to the middle of the fan

6 triple crochet

1 chain

1 single crochet

1 chain

continue sequence until the end of the round

Round 6

3 chains

1 double crochet

1 front post double crochet

1 front post double crochet

1 front post double crochet

2 chains

1 front post double crochet

1 front post double crochet

1 front post double crochet

As you can see it is the same as round 2. But with 2 more stitches

Continue the sequence until you have 9 rounds

When we want to increase we do it 2 by 2

I have worked 9 rounds. 10 centimeters or 4 inches

We have 24 fans

3 and 3 in front. 6 back. 6 and 6 sleeves

We start with the 3 front fans

Add 4 chains if you want. I added them but you can skip it

When we have the 3 fans . Skip the 6 fans of the sleeve

We continue with the 6 fans of the back

1 front post double crochet

1 front post double crochet

1 front post double crochet

2 chains

1 front post double crochet

1 front post double crochet

1 front post double crochet

When we have the 6 fans

Add 4 chains if you want. I added them but you can skip it

Skip the 6 fans of the sleeves

We finished with the 3 front fans

The next round we start with the 3 front fans

When we reach the 4 chains under the arm

1 chain

1 single crochet

1 chain

6 triple crochet

1 chain

1 single crochet

1 chain

Continue sequence until the end of the round

When we arrived at the 4 chains. We repeat the same.

We work this round an next

In this next round . Let's make another increase

Now we will make 8 triple crochet. Where we made 6

It always increases the same. You can reach up to 10

You can also make 3 chains in the middle instead of 2

We work 6 rounds with 8 triple crochet and 6 rounds with 10 triple crochet

We finished the dress with a round of fans

Do not cut the thread

Let's make an ornament around the jacket

Let's make an ornament around the jacket

3 chains

In the same stitch 2 double crochet

1 single crochet

3 chains

In the same stitch 2 double crochet

1 single crochet

3 chains

In the same stitch 2 double crochet

1 single crochet

This stitch is made around the whole jacket

By the neck too

When we reach the neck...

We will follow the same sequence jumping a frame

Continue sequence until the end of the rounds

The seleeves

They are very easy. You just have to take the 6 fans. And follow the same stitch sequence .

We work one round inside and one outside

3 chains

1 front post double crochet

1 front post double crochet

1 front post double crochet

2 chains

1 front post double crochet

1 front post double crochet

1 front post double crochet

Continue sequence until the end of the round

Finish round with slip stitch

Now we work the round of fans

We work the sleeve in a straight line

As you can see in the image

All rounds ended with slip stitch

You see now I'm working inside

You have to sew the hole that is under the arm

There is no mystery only sew

I hope you liked it

Thanks you very much for seeing me See you in the next tutorial

For more infomation >> How to make a crochet girl jacket - Duration: 28:36.


7 этапов Карты Целей - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> 7 этапов Карты Целей - Duration: 3:15.


ESL One Cologne #GEMEINSAM | Grand Final vs. Natus Vincere (4/4) - Duration: 29:40.

It just is an incredible feeling

we shouted our heads off

BIG, good job making it into the finals

you destroyed top teams like G2 and Faze

your fans, no matter what is going to happen today are standing behind you and you have to know that

Hey boys, you played insane yesterday

and I hope you overrun them 3:0 today

Boys, you will do this today

no one believed in you, thorin didn´t ynk didn´t

but we did and that´s why you will win against NaVi

eventho you are the underdogs

I never doubted BIG and it´s so nuts that they are in the finals now

I love being here and being able to give my support

Congratulations on getting into the finals today,

I will be here cheering you on again today

and you will tear NaVi appart, let´s go BIG

We will go crazy for you guys again later and you guys will win!

We gave everything as you can hear from our voices and BIG, keep it up!

gob b: It was a very nice meet up

because of the success, the cool games and the cool atmosphere

it was a very unique experience for all our parents

and the feeling to play for your parents and the people being there cheering you on

was still incredible and indescribable

There was one problem in the veto against NaVi

being that our map pool wasn´t that strong because of a surprise

as we didn´t play overpass that well this tournament

before the tournament we ranked overpass as one of our better maps

but during that tournament we went 0:2 or 0:3 I believe

and we didn´t have the optimal feel on it so we went directly into the first map

gob b: We will just push up, okay?

nex: Yes

gob b: He is truck

Hit a lot!

gob b: Jarosz(tabseN) I am flashing for you, above

gob b: I got your left Jarosz(tabseN)

gob b: Why don´t you smoke bank?

tiziaN: I did!

tabseN: No, it didn´t land

tiziaN: I don´t know why

tabseN: I will go through the short here

gob b: Like always, stay calm

It was because of our communication and if our communication is on point

then we´ll become stronger and become ultra saiyajins

tiziaN: That was the starter map, now we go on to dust2

gob b: Let´s go guys!

gob b: Kill short Owen(smooya)

gob b: I am flashing above

tabseN: Let´s go! This is the round

tabseN: One is coming right now, wait

tabseN: Expensive round

tiziaN: I´ll drop a m4 Jarosz(tabseN)

tabseN: Drop Fatih(gob b) the m4 and give me ak

Sick round Joe(nex)! x2

gob b: You are the best play in the world! Nice!

gob b: I can flash for you

nex: Guys...

tabseN: You are saying site, I thought you were going through...

tiziaN: No one fucks me if I am prepared for that b rush

gob b: You get him and he will peek upper delayed or sth like that

gob b: I am flashing in front of 5 Jarosz(tabseN)

gob b: Come down!

gob b: LOOOOL, how they are dying

tiziaN: Lol the headshot he gets

gob b: Flash coming now, smiking middle

gob b: You could molotov ebox Joe(nex)

gob b: tizi, when you push popdog, don´t you know where the enemies are?

tiziaN: In the one round you were screaming in I didn´t hear it

gob b: We threw more than half of the rounds

tiziaN: It's not over guys

Absolutely not! It's, again, a Bo3. We need to win two maps

We have to do it together and give 100%!

We have to throw in everything we got

tiziaN: We played this tournament for just this game

Defenitely, nothing is lost yet, they did have a bit more luck than we did

you know what crucial mistakes we made on the map

LEGIJA: You really threw that game

gob b: If we watch the game again we will feel like we didn´t want to win

We made insane mistakes that we are not going to make anymore

kakafu: They like to, when they pressure b, do what we do. They go aggressive with two guys anyway

I think that we can shut that down.

You could for example reaggress that and fuck them

Edward always comes out with that cheap flash

in order to get action, if they don´t get that space they have a lot of problems

gob b: Smoke behind us tizi!

tiziaN: I already smoked ct!

tabseN: I will get the bomb, I am slowly coming

I am running

I got a smoke, two were b Joe(nex)

gob b: You are playing that insane Jarosz(tabseN)

tiziaN: Please drop the bomb at tramp, it was somewhere in second mid last round

gob b: Let him play

gob b: Nice Jarosz(tabseN)

tiziaN: Come on guys let loose!

gob b: I am flashing in front of you

gob b: Flashing in front of you again.

gob b: Insane play Jarosz(tabseN)

and now we come back let´s go!

tabseN: Call a timout please

gob b: You got a kit. Please don´t go corridor Jarosz(tabseN)

gob b: Maybe back left and back right

nex: One on the right

gob b: Guys, you can´t play a setup where you give them ct!

tiziaN: I think b exec

gob b: Hello out there, we sadly just lost the finals

my voice is almost gone

that´s why I can´t talk too loud

We didn´t play as good as we played the whole week today

but the crowd was incredible

I still can´t believe that even after we lost

they were still chanting our names

shouting BIG clan and gave everything

so a huge thank you to everyone that was here today and everyone that was watching

I think it will take me one or two weeks to process everything that happened

We gave everything together

it wasn´t enough this time but we will stay at it and won´t give up

kakafu: I think we really showed what we are capable off, but

I am super disappointed, I think we could have won the finals as well

but it wasn´t supposed to be

Still thank you to the fans, the crowd was insane!

they were shouting the boys names

that really gave us motivation and the strength to win dust 2

and attack once again, but it wasn´t supposed to be

gob b: The last words are for all the fans out there,

thank you so much, we can´t thank you enough

you don´t know how much it means that you are supporting us so throughgoing

and we will keep going, like we always do

and I am looking forward to your support at the next events(FaceIT major ;))

and I hope we see each other again next year at ESL One Cologne

hopefully on the stage and in the finals again

and hopefully with the trophy

For more infomation >> ESL One Cologne #GEMEINSAM | Grand Final vs. Natus Vincere (4/4) - Duration: 29:40.


Au temps pour moi / Autant pour moi - Duration: 6:20.

For more infomation >> Au temps pour moi / Autant pour moi - Duration: 6:20.



For more infomation >> DÜNYANIN EN BÜYÜK HAMGURGERİNİ YEMEK! (3.5 KİLO) - Duration: 9:08.


Reliable Conservative News Media Sources - Duration: 8:06.

Hi, it's Alex!

Today I want to talk about

reliable conservative news media sources.

Now, if you're liberal, you might be like:

"Oh, anything conservative is unreliable."

I don't believe this.

I'm pretty moderate,

and I think that there's a wide range of

the quality of news sources

both in left-biased and right-biased news media sources.

First, before I give you any specifics,

I want to talk about this website that I really like.

It's called Media Bias / Fact Check,

and, it collects and compiles data on

a whole bunch of different news sources,

and it ranks them, both by the liberal and conservative bias,

and by the quality of the factual reporting.

So, it has this separate left-right scale, and fact quality.

So, for example, you might have one source that is,

like New York Times, I think it rates as leaning left,

like a slight left bias,

but having high-quality factual reporting.

I think Wall Street Journal it says leans right,

but also it rates as high-quality.

Two of the conservative sources

that I hear about the most,

especially talking to liberals,

are Fox News and Breitbart News.

And so Fox News is this TV network

that also publishes written pieces online,

and, both of these sources are

rated quite poorly by this site.

They are in the category of "mixed" for factual reporting.

Now, if you check the rankings on this site,

it's actually pretty bad

to get ranked in the "mixed" category.

So I really don't recommend either of those.

Of the two of them, I think

Breitbart is a little more alarmist and inflammatory.

So, I think it's kind of a shame

that a lot of people out there think of Fox and Breitbart

as the sort of "go-to" conservative sources.

I don't ever go to them

if I want to get anything reliable.

Like, if I actually care about

the stuff being factually accurate,

I'm not gonna look at either of those sources.

So, what do I consult?

Well, it depends.

If you want to get a sort of far-right,

very conservative perspective,

or a sort-of center-right perspective,

a more moderate conservative perspective.

One of the newspapers that I really like

that has a sort of center-right bias

is called Washington Times.

Just to give you an idea of like, kind of

how far conservative and liberal it goes,

it published a piece some time back

that was talking about how

homosexuality is not a choice

and there is overwhelming evidence supporting this,

and so, they're kind of working to break down

some of the worst homophobia that you see,

and like untruthful ideas you see circulating

in some right-wing circles.

But at the same time, they don't,

they don't seem to attack conservative political candidates

anywhere near as harshly

as most of the mainstream media does.

So, if you want like a more center-right source,

that's a good one to go to.

If you want more analysis,

and a similar sort of center-right bias,

there is also this one called the Washington Examiner,

and that's more about politics

and it really goes in more depth about what's going on.

Now, another sort of center-right-ish bias

that you might have is a libertarian bias.

And, if you're looking for a libertarian bias,

there are two things I recommend:

one is Reason Magazine, which is,

it's kind of THE libertarian magazine in the U.S.,

and it has a lot of news on its website,

and it has a very clear bias,

but they're open about the perspective

that they're coming from.

Another libertarian one

that I think is a little bit more reliable than reason magazine

is the CATO Institute.

This is like a research think-tank,

and again, it's coming from a libertarian perspective,

but its stuff tends to be pretty well-researched,

and so it has like, policy standpoints

and sort of deeper analysis

about policy and things like that.

So, these are the sort of center-right sources.

What if you want to go even more conservative,

but you don't really want to be in the looney bin.

Like, you want to be reading something that is

at least sticking to the facts,

and maybe it has a pretty strong bias,

but it's not gonna be publishing stuff

that's overtly factually untrue.

There are a few things I would point you to.

And it sort of depends on

what perspective you want to read.

One thing that, I'm sort of uncomfortable

with all of these sources from time to time,

but I do check them out.

One thing that I'd point to is National Review.

National Review is very right-wing.

But, I find that it's more reliable

than any of the other things

that are as far right-biased as it is.

So, if you want something that is pretty far right,

but still factually sound,

and offers some viewpoints that I agree with

from time to time,

I recommend checking out National Review.

Incidentally, they are highly critical of the current president,

president Trump.

They have not really been a fan of him from the start,

and, I think that's one thing that makes me trust them

a little bit more than some of these other sources.

A source that is even more conservative than them,

that I don't really read, but it's like,

if you want to go more conservative,

and again you want it to be more factual

than something like Breitbart,

I'd recommend checking out The Federalist.

I don't really read it though,

it's way too conservative for me.

One last one that I want to mention

is called the Weekly Standard,

and this is like a "neoconservative" publication.

I really don't like neoconservatism.

Neoconservatism is, it's basically this ideology

that combines social conservatism

with this idea of having a strong military

and the U.S. being a sort-of dominant superpower.

And it's that ideology that got us into the second Iraq war.

Like, a lot of George W. Bush's advisors

were steeped in that ideology.

So I don't like that ideology.

But if you're gonna read something

that is coming from that standpoint,

and that's a little bit more reasonable,

I think the Weekly Standard is,

it's about as reasonable as you can get

within that perspective.

So that's basically what I have to say.

I'm gonna put links to all of these things

in the description of the video.

Why do I think this is important?

Well, I think it is important

whether you are liberal, conservative, or moderate.

Like if you're moderate like me,

you probably want to consult a lot of different viewpoints.

If you're liberal, I think it's really important

to not misrepresent and misunderstand

conservative viewpoints,

and if all you watch is Fox News

or read Breitbart news online, those are just,

I think they're pretty much garbage sources.

You can't trust the stuff that you find on them.

A lot of it is really inflammatory.

And, I don't care if a lot of people trust those sources.

I don't think they accurately represent

conservative ideology.

I think they misrepresent it.

And I think a lot of the problems

in our society right now

are due to the fact that

the Republican party has gone off the deep end.

I think that if we were to give more of a voice,

more of an influence to these more factual

conservative sources,

whether the center-right ones or the far-right ones,

I think it would fix a lot of the problems in our society,

and specifically, a lot of the problems

you see within conservatism,

within the Republican party.

Yeah, that's basically what I have to say.

I hope you've gained something.

I hope you check out some of these news media,

and find something useful and interesting in them.

Thank you!

For more infomation >> Reliable Conservative News Media Sources - Duration: 8:06.


Hingga Senja - Pergi Ke Timur (AfterOffice903) - Duration: 4:53.

For more infomation >> Hingga Senja - Pergi Ke Timur (AfterOffice903) - Duration: 4:53.


Warframe Rant Roundup! Spreading Nidus LOVE, Nuggets, and Bluetatoes! - Duration: 8:02.

Greetings Legion of the Shadowmoon clan!

There have been... a few requests wondering where the hell are the Rant Roundups?

Where is the cathartic infusion to dull the pain between

Excavation reactant drops and Harrow defection missions?

And don't even get me started on Nidus!

In truth, I was deep undercover infiltrating DE's office IRL!

Figured the last time I got a free lunch out of it and some information on an upcoming game that went nowhere--

But still I had a distinct lack of bacon in my immediate reach so I figured no better time than now ^_^

Unfortunately things went a little *too well* this time

...and I ended up getting swept up in one of their

legendary vacations.

Per calendar year, they might be releasing less content than No Man's Sky

but you'd be *surprised* to learn the many functions and...

*uses* maple syrup is able to provide on one of these benders.

But without further DE-lay...

Legion ladies and Legion-tlemen,

I present to you:

Reddit's finest circa August 2018!

[off screen] Now where's the rum gone?!

That's a lot of damage

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