Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 3 2018

Your Listening to Lil Uzi Vert- Bando (prod. Oogiemane & Loosie Man)

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For more infomation >> Lil Uzi Vert- Bando [Bass Boosted] - Duration: 0:56.


The dangers of swiping while abroad | Amanda Brooke Perrin - Duration: 3:13.

I was in Bali because my brother

got married there

'cause he's one of those garbage people

that do destination weddings.

Yeah, I was there.

I went with my family and I was newly single

and I don't know if you guys know this,

but in Bali there's like tons of Australians

'cause it's like their Mexico

but like without walls and stuff.

Without the walls.

But so I opened up Tinder

and obviously the first person that messages me

is an Australian guy and he's like, ah,

(Australian accent) "Ah, g'day."

Sorry, I just gotta get into character.

"There's a shark in the water!"

Okay, we're there.

"Shark. Water."

He goes – he goes, "Ah, g'day."

"Do you know what a French kiss is?"

And I was like, uhh, yeah.

I'm not a virgin.

And he goes,

"Do you know what an Australian kiss is?"

And I was like,

I don't know but I feel like a joke's about to happen.

Then he writes,

"An Australian kiss is like a French kiss

but down under."

Absolutely not.

No. Incorrect.

If you're titillated, you're wrong. That's not a go.

Not today, sir.

I was like, I'm used to Canadian kisses

which is where you kiss someone like they're your mom

and then apologize for space invasion.

I don't – this is a part that I don't like about being single

is all the beds I gotta test out

because – is this a –

is this a hetero male thing?

Where you have to own a shitty bed in order to become a man?

What is that?

Like you have for sure slept on some shitty beds in your life.

So this is my ex-boyfriend's room.

Picture if you will just like a ditch

that sometimes homeless people piss into.

That's like the overall ambiance of the space.

His bed was the worst thing I've ever slept on.

First of all, a twin. Get outta here.

The pillow situation was outta control.

I have four pillows and that's like pretty luxurious.

He had two.

One was a couch cushion,

and the other pillow was just a pillow with a pillowcase

with just some very casual blood on it.



And I say casual blood 'cause I was like,

hey, where did the blood come from?

And he went, "Ah, yeah, I dunno."

He shrugged.

He shrugged, you guys!

I'm like mostly telling you this

in case I end up on Making a Murderer season 2.

Body number two: It's in his bedroom!

For more infomation >> The dangers of swiping while abroad | Amanda Brooke Perrin - Duration: 3:13.


THE MOST EMBARRASSING THING I'VE EVER DONE!!! w/Yoni&Viki - Duration: 14:47.

For more infomation >> THE MOST EMBARRASSING THING I'VE EVER DONE!!! w/Yoni&Viki - Duration: 14:47.


Let me Guess your Home? - Duration: 0:18.

For more infomation >> Let me Guess your Home? - Duration: 0:18.


What You NEED to Reach Your Goals - Duration: 3:16.

You need to invest in yourself if you want to succeed. Let's get into it

hey everybody and welcome back to another episode of walk with me this is

josh here and today we're talking a little bit about personal investment

whether its financial or time or attention you should always be investing

into yourself if you ever want to reach whatever goal you're working towards

weight loss or a youtube channel or starting a business or whatever it may

be I you know a lot of people want that end goal but not very many people are

willing to invest into themselves and into the time and effort that it's gonna

take to get there so that's something that you're not willing to do there's no

way you're ever gonna get to the end goal that you're working towards there's

this "too cool for school" mentality that I see from so many people you know

self-improvement gets such a bad rap and investing time into yourself or whatever

you're working towards making sacrifices and other areas of your life

it seems so often as a negative it always really bothers me when that

mentality or that attitude creeps in and gets in the way of someone trying to

improve the quality of their life I just wanted to say don't be afraid to put

yourself out there it work a little bit harder or make yourself a little bit

more vulnerable just to work towards something that you want it's okay to do

that for me personally a lot of that self investment started with my weight

loss journey but now you know years later it has become so much more than

that and and taking that first initial push has led me to so many other places

just because I've learned that it's okay to take that chance and to put in the

extra effort there's always gonna be people around you that aren't gonna

understand it's not gonna make sense to them and that's okay and even if it's

not specifically a time investment or a financial investment that attention

investment is is equally important and often overlooked if you're not willing

to invest the attention in seriousness into whatever goal you're trying to

reach there's no way you're ever going to appreciate that end result there will

always be a balance to this I know I tend to lean on the more extreme side

and maybe I take my goals a little too seriously from time to time

but there's there's a middle ground to be found for everybody and I don't think

everyone's willing to find it or take the time to find it

whether it's time or money or attention or whatever it may be don't hesitate to

give yourself what you need to continue working towards your goals it's going to

be worth it if you're willing to follow through but that is gonna be it for the

video today everybody I hope you guys enjoyed this one I'd love to hear your

thoughts on this topic down below as always let's get a good discussion going

you guys always make my day with such great comments and be sure to subscribe

if you're not already walk with me comes out every Monday I've got all sorts of

other videos that come out every Friday and give the video like you can jelly

this helps me out a ton but until next time I'll talk to y'all later have a

good one

For more infomation >> What You NEED to Reach Your Goals - Duration: 3:16.


[ Karaoke ] Phải Thế Thôi - Lê Bảo Bình - Duration: 4:39.


For more infomation >> [ Karaoke ] Phải Thế Thôi - Lê Bảo Bình - Duration: 4:39.


O significado de liberdade de acordo com Freud - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> O significado de liberdade de acordo com Freud - Duration: 1:00.


Making of: Hans Beimers letzte Folge #Lindenstrasse - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> Making of: Hans Beimers letzte Folge #Lindenstrasse - Duration: 2:35.


Cheap Canooter Valve, S&W up in 2019, Pistol-Mounted Camera - TGC News! - Duration: 11:09.

This week on TGC News, A genuinely affordable 5.56 can, Big Blue is in the black, a new

Vepr and a light, laser and camera combo for your defensive pistol.

Welcome back to another episode of TGC News, gun news you actually care about,

my name is Jon Patton.

If you're watching this on Facebook, do me a huge favor and share this video.

I want to test some things and that will help me immensely.

Now, how about some news?

First up this week is something that you guys are ALWAYS asking for.

An affordable suppressor.

I'm not talking about an 800 dollar can, I'm talking about 260 bucks for this one.

Say hello to the best named suppressor on the market.

The Canooter Valve from Witt Machine.

My only exposure to this brand prior to this thing was their muzzle brakes that look like

the head of a snake so I wasn't sure what to expect here.

Let's break down the specs.

The Canooter Valve is a 3.9 inch 5.56 suppressor that is mounted via direct threading.

They say it only adds 3.2 inches of length to the end of your gun.

Get your minds out of the gutter.

Beyond that, it's an inch and a eighth around and even though it's made from 416 stainless

it tips the scales at 8.4 ounces.

So basically it's a tiny little can.

For reference, the SilencerCo Saker 556k is about 5 and a half inches in length and weighs

just over 14 ounces.

So like I said the canooter is tiny.

On top of that it's full auto rated down to 7 inch barrels, and they also claim that there

is no blowback through the charging handle with this can.

I call a HUGE BS on that blowback claim.

And as you can also see there is a flash hider on the front of the suppressor, which is actually

needed on some rifle configurations with a tiny suppressor.

They published a sound rating of 136 db at the shooters ear which is just shy of the

hearing safe limit and for something this cheap and small is actually pretty cool.

The reality with any suppressor making big claims is that testing is absolutely needed

to verify BUT if they hold up, that is a freakin sweet deal.

I'm curious though, how many of you guys have a desire for something this small?

Does the price outweigh the fact that it's size not ideal for every set up?

Sound off in the comments and let me know your thoughts.

Get it, sound off.

In not-so-struggle bus news,

Smith & Wesson just announced their first quarter 2019 earnings

and let's just say that David Hogg threatening them will do nothing but help their cause.

Yes he really did demand that they donate 5 million dollars to gun violence prevention

AND stop making certain guns that he deemed unacceptable.

After a sort of bumpy 2018, these numbers actually skew positive and I think that could

be a positive sign for the entire industry.

Specifically, big blue states that sales for the quarter were 138.8 million vs 129 million

last year which equates to an increase of about 7.6 percent.

They are attributing this to new product releases such as the 380 EZ among others.

I find it interesting that we saw numbers that were definitely NOT as positive from

the likes of Winchester and Vista outdoor.

Of course, it's only one quarter of the year and who knows what will come of the market

in the next 9 months.

What I do know is that smith and wesson stock holders are happy right now.

We have a couple other new products for you guys this week.

Fime Group, the same company that imports the Rex series of pistols just announced a

new VEPR chambered in 243 winchester.

I really like seeing an expansion of the AK platform and the addition of cartridges like

6.5 grendel and now 243 in a VEPR is pretty freaking cool in my book.

The guns will come with a 20.5 inch barrel, 7 round mags, thumbhole stock and foregrip

made of wood and will weigh in at about 10 pounds.

The MSRP is a bit hefty at 1000 bucks but I suppose that's what you get when the supply

of stuff from overseas slows down.

Beyond that, Viridian, a company best known for their pistol mounted lasers and lights

has announced a new version of their X5L Gen 3 that has a 1080p camera

built right into it.

So you get a 500 lumen light, a 5mW green laser, in a waterproof housing with USB charging

and data transfer, with a 1080p camera that also records audio.

Unfortunately I couldn't find any data on their website that indicated how much memory

will be on board which likely means not a lot but it's still a neat concept and I think

has some real value when it comes to training and defensive scenarios.

But I suppose the real question there would be

is there enough value for the MSRP of 600 bucks.

It's time for more Friendly Fire, the segment where I answer your questions from all over

social media.

This week our questions are coming from Instagram!

If you aren't following us there, the link in the description.

I think the answer might be a two fold thing.

First, not every company out there has the ability to speak in an educated manor

when it comes to politics.

There are some incredible engineers and product designers that run gun companies that would

be the last people that should be speaking publicly about an issue.

And that kind of ties into the issue of them even wanting to do it in the first place.

The backlash from saying one thing incorrectly could seriously damage the brand and with

so many companies being way smaller than they appear on the surface, it could do real bottom

line damage in the long run.

I think Grendel is actually way more relevant than 357 sig right now.

I had no idea how many people were into it until I started talking about 224 valkyrie

and people seemed to come out of the woodwork in support of the grendel.

Surprised me for sure.

But without something new and cool being chambered for 357 sig, it certainly won't be growing

any time soon.

And our question of the week, and winner of a Custom engraved PMAG,

Great question, I can't speak for Matt on this but I will give you my thoughts.

Consider the fact that someone of his size plays things a little safer politically in

order to maintain that huge audience.

If he went off on some rant about pro gun legislation I think it would change the fun

feel of his channel and really take away from what's going on there.

I would also argue that a channel of that size does a significant amount of good by

simply showing the shooting sports as fun, accessible and acceptable to the masses.

At the time of this recording, Demolition Ranch has over 5 and a half million subscribers

and I guarantee a large portion of them are just there to be entertained.

Now, would I like to see Matt take a hard stance on certain issues?

Absolutely, but I also understand why he may not want to do that.

If you want to ask a friendly fire question,

send it to me on any of our social media outlets!

That is it for this week's show.

Guys if you disliked this video, hit that button, if you liked it, hit like, get subscribed

and consider supporting us via the links in the video description below.

We have a new amazon affiliate store as well as a link to purchase cool shirts just like

this one and of course links to find us all over your favorite social media platforms!

And as always, thank you all for watching, we'll see you soon.

For more infomation >> Cheap Canooter Valve, S&W up in 2019, Pistol-Mounted Camera - TGC News! - Duration: 11:09.


5 minutes in the BEST Royal Suite of Crete! - Duration: 4:04.

Hello you guys and welcome to Visit my Greece!!!

Lucky, here we are again! There is more...

Where did we bring you? Hmm...


Tell us, where?

We are in Crete, one of the most beautiful islands of Greece!

Hersonissos is a special place near Heraklion!

And we are in this great amazing hotel called Abaton Island Resort & Spa!

And we are honored to be and have the opportunity to show you... What baby?

The Royal Suite!

We don't actually stay here, ok? It's not our room!

But because of you, we have the opportunity to visit it, because we said

we have some friends, we want to show them the Royal Suite! Can you open it for us?

Nobody has stayed here before. It's brand new, just opened

and you are the first to Visit!

You wanna see? Take a look!

For more infomation >> 5 minutes in the BEST Royal Suite of Crete! - Duration: 4:04.


The Internet. Redefined. Интервью с Майклом Даем, ICO Force Network - Duration: 10:14.

For more infomation >> The Internet. Redefined. Интервью с Майклом Даем, ICO Force Network - Duration: 10:14.


BREXIT : Un "deal" impossible ? - Duration: 6:08.

For more infomation >> BREXIT : Un "deal" impossible ? - Duration: 6:08.


Savitar & Zoom Return LEAKED!? NEW Mystery SPEEDSTER? - The Flash Season 5 NEWS - Duration: 6:42.

I it wasn't just me who took it down who

was it another spacer hi We Need to Talk

who are you I'm your daughter Nora from

the future anybody need a refill just me

people call me XS it's a nickname you

gave me when I was a kid and kind of

stuck here now

so anybody know what to do

what is good youtube Warstu here with a

video on the flash season 5 so we're

back with another flash season 5 video

the reason I make and flash video is

there's actually some information

interesting information to talk about

which I don't know if it's true but it's

a very interesting title and very

interesting concept I guess you could

say so it's coming from reddit so take

it with a pinch of salt you know and

stuff comes from reddit and 4chan it's

like could be true you might not be true

it was right about something for games

the throwing some things for infinity

war so it could be true but take it with

a pinch of salt so the flash comes back

on the 9th of October which is well now

in September so we are getting closer so

let's go over this so it reads like this

post is some information from episode 1

to 5 here yes they have some episode 100

stuff as well they are planning this now

seeing the importance of the episode

some of it may already be known but I'm

setting it out or info so here it is

isn't up to date on camera directing ok

we already know that Tom Cavanaugh is

directing episode 100 he did a smashing

job direct in that episode he did a last

season so I'm quite happy with him

directing I couldn't remember the last

episode he directed was into the future

episode I think it was 2024 that episode

when it was a timeline that didn't

actually really happen so Tom Cavanagh

will kill it which is interesting this

will serve as a midseason finale but

episode 7 will be the real mid-season

finale story for episode 100 will be

standalone I mean the guesses would be a

standalone story if they introducing

Batwoman and all that kind of stuff so I

guess that bit could actually be true no

final confirmation on which exact

character or actors are returning but a

reverse flash would take part as CGI

sabotage will appear not the physical

suit interesting so every year we have

conspiracy theories we have leaks we

have everything saying sabotage

zoom reverse flash or returning then

it's like season 3 well zoom didn't turn


season 4 zoom didn't turn up neither did

saboteur so it would be cool if zoom

flashing this avatar coud return and

have a epic fight is it gonna happen I

don't know reverse-flash will always

turn backup so that concept actually

does make sense rough draft of the

episode is one part time travel one part

multiverse one part Speed Force

the only problem with this is really all

that this is I presume episode 100 is

going to be during the crossover if I'm

correct you know I could be the most

expensive episode this show has made

apart from the pilot in season one

depend on the availability actor I know

that zoom suit is in Vancouver but I'm

sure of whether it just stayed after

season 2 or if it has been brought back

for a season expect a new speedster

that's all I was safe for now free free

to ask questions

so the redditor is YVR insider guys we

don't know if this is true I mean it

sounds a bit too good having a massive

space a fight having sat at our zoom

reverse-flash return I mean it does

sound pretty cool in concert but

realistically I don't know but then if

you go down and actually look at the YVR

insider he says I work in YVR around

multiple shows and movies but currently

I'm working mainly on the flash and

arrow if this source is actually legit

why would this person go out there way

to post about it knowing that they get

fired for releasing details like this

and actually call himself YVR insider

now I don't know guys do you think this

is real do you think it's fake it's an

interesting topic every single year that

reverse-flash zoom Savitt are are all

gonna come back for one epic fight yes

we'd love to have Teddy Sears back on

your show it would be amazing the show

hasn't been that great since season two

to be honest zoom was the best villain

that we've ever had on the show I don't

know it's actually really hard to say

that cuz zoom and reverse flash are on

the same level there

so cool when we had the Harrison wells

version played by Tom Cavanaugh so is

this true I don't know guys and let me

know would you love this to happen it

doesn't really say a lot I mean to be

honest guys anyone literally anyone

could have wrote this because there's no

detail there's no context there's no

debt there's no empathy there isn't much

of anything but like you know guys we do

cover absolutely everything on this

channel so let me know guys I will be

doing more flash videos only when

they're relevant and only when I think

it's something that my audience was like

so episode 100 zoom sabotage reverse

flash mega speed falls fight which

sounds epic there's going to be what

else does it say let's have a look one

part time travel one part multiverse one

parts P force and a new speedster

Wow what is it gonna be is it gonna be

Nora Allen's twin brother he's Don Alan

Cumming I don't know guys it it really

could be an interesting season this year

on the flash now I know I troll a lot

but I'm really looking forward to the

season the flash I hope it can be good

because I really are missing making

these flash videos I love them but at

the moment there isn't really much

context and the demographic is quite

small in this niche so guys and let me

know in the comment below do you think

the reverse flash is coming back that

sounds realistic but do you think you

and saboteur are going to come back for

one epic fight I heard a lot of things

about this is gonna happen last season I

really hope the CW can do it it's gonna

be a bit of a shapeshifter because they

did say that they didn't really want to

focus much on species during season 4

but now in season 5 they're bringing

everyone back and they're bringing new

speeders so like always guys please like

subscribe and comment and I will catch

you in another video very soon catch ya


For more infomation >> Savitar & Zoom Return LEAKED!? NEW Mystery SPEEDSTER? - The Flash Season 5 NEWS - Duration: 6:42.


Suikastciyiz Bu Gün (Sword with Sauce) - Duration: 10:12.

For more infomation >> Suikastciyiz Bu Gün (Sword with Sauce) - Duration: 10:12.


Greeicy Rendón a la Catherine Zeta Jones en Chicago con 'Cell Block Tango' | MQB - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Greeicy Rendón a la Catherine Zeta Jones en Chicago con 'Cell Block Tango' | MQB - Duration: 1:53.


Five Nights at Freddy's: The Twisted Ones EP1 Trailer [FNaF Web Series] - Duration: 1:48.

Have you heard any of those stories about this place

Even back then I was a kid

There were lots of weird and horrifying stories told about this park

Mainly, that animatronics here can become alive

And that they kidnap naughty children, when their parents are not around…

And you used to believe in those fairy tales?

Truth is, children and even adults, did go missing

Like that famous case when Olivia Green was kidnapped

And most of those missing people were never found

Plus, Fiona's report about "Fazbear's Fright" place

and Jonathan Schmidt's demise…

What do you think... did it really happened?

Nice to meet you Charlie… Are you alone in here?


Now it is just me…

Thank you for watching our video!

And if you like our videos then please

don't forget to click the like and subscribe buttons.

You may also support us on Patreon

if you wish our project to grow bigger!

For more infomation >> Five Nights at Freddy's: The Twisted Ones EP1 Trailer [FNaF Web Series] - Duration: 1:48.


Overwatch Moments #169 - Duration: 11:00.

For more infomation >> Overwatch Moments #169 - Duration: 11:00.


Waffles(Countryhumans/Belg/Fran/Swiss) - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Waffles(Countryhumans/Belg/Fran/Swiss) - Duration: 0:57.


Makeup Brushes Set Below Rs.4999 ($45) | LEARN HOW TO USE Each Makeup Brush & Brushes Review - Duration: 23:30.

Oh today video is the most requested one

Everyone want to use the best makeup.

To use best brushes for the makeup

Should you use the set brushes or

You should buy brushes individually from different brands.

and combine them together.

But the confusion is how a different brush use for different purpose.

I am going to tell you in today's video.

What are the uses of different type of brushes.

You should know when you are going out to buy the brushes.


There are many different companies.

Check out my dessert.

You can drink and eat it too

It's a Thai dessert. Whenever you go to a Thai restaurant.

Water chestnut dessert.

Natural hair brush is usually made from goat or

pony hair.

and it is used for all the powder makeup.

It is difficult to maintain its shape. it is quiet costly.

For powder makeup or loose translucent powder.

any type of powder that you want to apply to your face.

eye-shadow which comes in powder form.

along with this the synthetic brushes

they are usually use for liquid or creme

Be it liquid foundation.

Liquid concealer.

and lipstick.

I have so many here with me right now.

But this is the flat foundation brush.

It was this that become very popular at first.

It's of mac. I am sure everyone remembers it.

To use it. You have to apply foundation here.

Starting from the center of the face.. you go out.

The good thing about this foundation brush is.

You can have one or two layers.

This is use for the thick layers.

You can use it for this.

If you need the thick layer of foundation..

Stippling brush

As you can see.. it is little bit like flat brush

But it fibers are spread out

and it is white..

I have this of morphe.

It is flat and little bit of dense.

I don't use stripling brush much.

Nor flat foundation brush

To apply from this the method is

Put your foundation in your hand.

Then you have to do like this in circular motion.

First time, you will do straight like this.

Now you have to like this and then blend it.

The benefit of these two brushes is when you apply the foundation.

Your foundation will blend very naturally.

I have makeup brushes sets.. 1,2 3.. 4 ..5

I have five brushes sets.

These are different brushes sets.

and not one of them have nice concealer brush.

Buy it from any of the brands that suits you.

I really like it - the concealer brush.

Because you need to set your concealer.

Like this.

You don't need to rub it off.

Don't rub it

You have to set it nicely by dabbing it.

If you rub it then your concealer will get ruin.

So you have to settle it.


Kat von D brush.

Look how it pointy it is

It give amazing results.

It is very easy to use for setting.

Especially, When your face is slim.

It can easily get through hard to reach corner.

It is called Pro Brush 57

Since I have more area here.

When I dab my concealer

It settle very easily.

When I use the powder to bake it. I use this one

I have another brush and it is also very interesting.

I can apply with it too.

You have to buy really good concealer brush individually.

You can use morphe.

You can try sigma or Mac

But in sets I have not found the good concealer brush as of yet.

What is the game of powder brushes.

Each and every set have the powder brush.

Be it the nice set or the worst possible set of brushes

The thickest brush in the set.

Just how lovely this is.

I have this of Mac.

There are brushes more thicker than this.. very cute.

I love Kiko Powder brush.

Mine got stolen.

Every time I go to do projects in Pakistan

I never return with my full stuff back.

Since childhood, My makeup keep getting stolen.

I am just fed-up. But what can we do about it.

and with this you have to apply powder like this.

Mac sponge comes with its powder.

When you do with is.. and try to settle it like this.

it makes it color and its shades.. into a layer.

Because of this .. you will get a cakey look.

Always use brushes with lose powder and press powder.

You won't get chalky or powdery look with it.

You will have a very naturally look.

You can apply it whenever you want to matte .

To set your base and the foundation.

You have to apply like this here.

This one is little dead.. but I guess its OK.

This one is really great.

Brush is amazing. and how it is matching with my clothes.

I am so excited as these brushes just got deliver to me.

Now you can order this too on Outsytle

You don't have to buy that "broomstick" for 1500.. anymore.

Just promise this now to me.

For contouring you need the angular brush.

But nowadays.. they are some straight brushes too

Like these two brushes I have with me.

One is my morphe the White One.

It's for the straight contour.. making the line.

It not angular

As I was saying before, there is no fix brush

There are many variation.

Different companies have different style of brushes.

Many innovation

Look at this kiko brush.. very firm.

This brush is nameless.

I don't know where I got this from?

But when I do the contouring

I really like it.

But it its too firm I feel lines are appearing.


From above I feel very light hand stroke.

I feel like hard lines are forming

and blending is not good.

It no third as compare to the thickest brush in the set.

This brush you can use is as the foundation.

You can use this as the stippling brush or as a powder brush.

You can reserve this one as your blush on.

With circular motion.

You need to have little firmness here.

But if it is completely dead firm then blush on keep on falling.

they are completely lifeless brushes like these.

I don't like them.

I want my brushes to be bit firm.

I am using creme base eye shades.

If you have eyes-shadow which is flying all over.

and it give so much trouble.

Be it light or dark.

In many things brushes play a role.

But it is really good if you have these 3-4 brushes.

It a thicker brush as you can see.

But I can do many things with this brush.

With this I can contour my nose.

If I want to apply highlighter on the bridge of my nose.

above the eyebrow

If I want the fine highlighting line

or clean the area above the lips

or to define this line.

I can use this brush to apply highlighter on

Many things as you can see but

This is firm.

it should be small.

I have seen some large dome brushes like these.

Like I got this in useless 6 Durhams set.

This is to give color in the socket.

This is really fun for this area here.

When you have to press your makeup

and you have to set it up.

It quality is so good I can't tell you!

It is so easy to apply.

It's size is perfect for my eyes.

Apply the eye shadow. you don't have to rub

Just try to settle it.

and the makeup that you have to blend it on your crease.

For that you need brush like this.

I have use many crease brushes.

This is expensive.

People like "oh it is so expensive".

It is expensive- what can we do about it?

I have not seen this good brush for crease and shadow.

It has really short bristle

It is use underneath the eyes.

for smudging as the name suggest.

When you have to apply makeup beneath your eyes.

You have to lightly touch that area.

You don't have to rub it.

Just touching and settling the makeup.

and finally draw a line

don't rub it.

Click on the bell icon.

So that you can get notification.

Whenever Outstyle post a new video.

In sets you will always find this slanted brush.

This is to apply eyeliner.

It really good brush.

Because this is angular.

With this cat or winged eyeliner

can become very easy,

Like this here

I use Mac's brush which is even though it for eye shade.

It is so flat so that's why I use this for my eyebrow.

I have been using it for many years.

It is quite thick and dense brush.

But here you don't need to rub it like this.

You have to dab

Just like the fan

You have to have really fast fan like movement.

It does not have any other use except for applying highlighter.

Whatever you like.

The brushes which comes with the sets for lips. I never like them.

I use this for lips

It depends on your lips.. if you have small or large lips

If you have small. then you can use the one with the set

Because I feel my lips are large.

The set which I have brought I am going to show you the close up.

What each set have.

Now I am going to show you the brushes.

Which prices range around Pakistani below Rs 5000

It has 18 brushes.

Most of them are eye brushes.

This one is really cheap.

You can get this sets for 1000

It is use for contouring.

This one is use for blush on.

and for foundation this flat one.

Rest of them are eye shades brushes

and this one is for highlighter.

This set is better than the previous one.

This have really good brushes for the eyes.

They are many brush for the eyes.

Because it is much cheaper.

that's why its quality is according to the price.

Mermaid brushes the more attention is given to the size of the brushes.

They give just one brush for the eye.

Even though the quantity of brushes is less.

Slightly higher price but such a great quality.

and it is very beautiful.

These brushes you are getting them under Rs 5000

This is the powder brush.

I find this really good for concealer. you can apply powder with this too

It a complete set

It has 15 pieces.

If you are getting this for rs 5000 it is not a bad deal.

Just how beautiful it is.. look at the color.

Along with this

With this you can get Kabuki brush

I find its amazing for the foundation

I find these brushes to be multi-purpose

For foundation it has this flat brush.

I have fallen in love with this.

It has the brush for contouring

I don't have my nail done.. although I needed it the most today.

So much of my hand showing.

It has 8 brushes which you can use for different purposes.

This brush for the concealer.

and this one for the blending.

Those very cheap online brushes are just garbabge

I am going to show you... this one I got only for 6 dirham

and now they are going to go in the dustbin.

And all thanks to China.. you can get copies of nearly everything.

and honestly.. you won't find the difference between original and copy.

But I think you can use it

the really cheap brushes they are literary made form "broomstick".

They don't have real goat or pony hair nor any good synthetic hair.

it is made of or "broomstick"

So are you going to apply "broomstick" or good material on your face.

I was checking some Online website where you can order online brushes.

The same brushes I check on Dubai

You think you are getting really cheap brushes.

They are here for 4 -5 DIRHAMS

The lost amount of brushes set here. they are selling it to you for 15oo

They are not worth 1500

Compare the price to Dubai or America.. you might get this for 40 cent.

You might be saying.. I brought really cheap sets.

You buy the garbage.. and daily you are applying broomstick to your face.

Cheap does not mean it is a good quality.

For 15oo I can brought you those amazing brushes.

If you have not already.

For Original product check out Outstyle/shop

and anything is possible.. everything can easily deliver to you at your doorstep.

Makeup is little confusing.. so let the master

Book consultation with me.

We can do the discussion.

I can prescribe you the better product.

Do tell me in the comment below.. how you like this video.

and any good brand that you are using.

and have really good results.

For more infomation >> Makeup Brushes Set Below Rs.4999 ($45) | LEARN HOW TO USE Each Makeup Brush & Brushes Review - Duration: 23:30.


What If Dire Wolves Didn't Go Extinct? - Duration: 6:12.

Hello internet - and welcome back to Life's Biggest Questions.

My name is Jack Finch - and today, I'll be your host - as we ask: What If Dire Wolves

Didn't Go Extinct?

Before we get started - make sure to hit that subscribe button to stay updated with our

latest uploads - and leave a comment in the box down below.

Let us know how much you love Dire Wolves - stuff like that.

Now, you might be thinking - what are you even talking about?

How can Dire Wolves go extinct, when they weren't even real in the first place - they're

from a T.V show.

And - although we love Ghost, Nymeria and Grey Wind (RIP) - frankly, you know nothing

Jon Snow.

Let me assure you - they weren't just a figment of George R.R Martin's imagination.

Dire Wolves were as real as Kanye's new hat - they roamed the planet 125 thousand

years ago, tall - proud, and ferocious - as a House Stark banner.

But what would our lives be like if the Dire Wolf was still around today?

What would our planet even look like?

Well - let's find out.

The Dire Wolf is the most famous prehistoric carnivore of North America - right alongside

it's mortal enemy, the sabre-toothed tiger.

These powerful canines prowled the continent during the Earth's last ice age.

These ferocious beasts were /also/ pretty big boys - weighing anywhere between 125 and

175 pounds of near enough pure muscle.

Direwolves were some tough puppies - and their bite could chomp down with 129 percent more

force than the modern wolf.

In short - they were the most unstoppable predator in the entirety of North America.

So - if they never would have died out and disappeared - where would they be now?

As we know - wolves are the quintessential pack animal.

A primitive hive-mind intelligence that ensures strength in numbers.

If we've learned anything from Game of Thrones - when the snows fall and the white winds

blow, the lone wolf dies - but the pack survives.

In modern times, we know that a pack of timber wolves can bring down a 500kg moose relatively


And it's been theorized that a pack of Dire Wolves could easily bring down an ancient

bison - that weighs over 1500kg.

That's absolutely huge.

And - well - do you know what else was snacking on ancient bison back in the day?

Yep - us.

Prehistoric humans.

Now - I'm going to go out on a limb here, and wonder that the relationship between House

Stark and their Direwolves wasn't just plucked out of thin air.

The gray wolf eventually became domesticated enough to become man's best friend - dogs.

So, is it so far removed to wonder whether Dire Wolves could have set down the same path,

if they'd never gone extinct?

Would this have had a knock-on effect with our own evolution?

Domestic dogs gave human hunter-gatherers an incredible edge over their environment

- it allowed us to cover wider ground, and bring down much more formidable prey.

We had more food to eat - and so did our canine best friends.

Everyone was a winner.

Now imagine that with a Dire Wolf.

As a pair, we'd have been completely unstoppable.

A big stone axe, and a huge hulking Dire Wolf at our side.

Perhaps they'd have even become an intrinsic part of our society.

Tribes would have gone to war with each other - with huge packs of Dire Wolves beside their


They'd plow into battle - shredding and ravaging anything that crossed their paths.

Pretty rock and roll.

And maybe - such an effective weapon would have carried through all the way to larger

North American civilizations.

The First Nation's could have developed such an unbreakable and ferocious bond with

their Direwolves - that who knows, maybe the European settlers would have taken one look

and thought - "nah - don't think we'll try and take that on."

Who knows - maybe we'd have become so codependent on Dire Wolves that they were a necessity

even in modern society.

Security forces - even the police - would have entire dire canine units bred purely

for fighting crime.

Now I know what you're thinking - that's just dogs.

And yes, essentially, they'd have filled the exact same role as dogs do now - just

much, much bigger - and incredibly terrifying.

Crime rates would likely plummet - who wants to rob a convenience store when you're more

than likely going to be chased down by a ravaging Dire Wolf.

Yeah - I didn't think so.

Put that Snickers bar back.

The world that we know it would be a much safer place - all thanks to our huge, cuddly

- snarling best friends.

And then we've got to talk about the military.

From the early 1900s - and even as recently as 1987 - elephants were used as machine-gun

mounts in armed conflict.

The US Navy still uses dolphins to hunt for mines - and in 1942 - the Polish army had

a bear that fought alongside them as a corporal.

I think we know where this is going.

In a reality where Dire Wolves have had a symbiotic relationship with humanity for thousands

of years - we'd definitely see battalions of Direwolves in the United States military.

World War 2 would have seen hordes of Direwolves storming the beaches of Normandy in landing

craft and special divisions of Dire Wolf paratroopers would have been dropped deep within enemy


The advancement wouldn't stop there - either - with modern technology we'd see Direwolves

strapped with automatic weapons - remotely operated and similar to drone warfare.

As we mentioned earlier - Direwolves were pretty much made of pure muscle - their bone

structure was incredibly strong, and could withstand intense pressure.

You guessed it - we'd see armoured direwolves - strapped in bullet proof kevlar - and mounted

with machine guns.

In Jurassic World, we see Chris Pratt's character - Owen Grady - training another

prehistoric pack animal - the Velociraptor.

After great lengths, we could coordinate our fluffy friends into following a single human

leader - who would orchestrate them into action.

They'd have some badass sounding name, like - Chief Direwolf Officer - or, Dire Commander.

They'd probably be made into movies starring Dwayne Johnson, too.

Well - we can always imagine, can't we.

Sadly, that's all we've got time for, we hope you've enjoyed today's question

as much as we have - make sure to hit that subscribe button, and leave us a comment in

the box down below.

We'll be seeing you soon - but until next time, take it easy.

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